/* Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Oracle. This file is part of GNU Binutils. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vec.h" #include "util.h" #include "ipcio.h" #include "DbeThread.h" #include "Experiment.h" #define ipc_trace if (ipc_flags) ipc_default_log #define ipc_request_trace if (ipc_flags) ipc_request_log #define ipc_response_trace if (ipc_flags) ipc_response_log using namespace std; // IPC implementation static const int L_PROGRESS = 0; static const int L_INTEGER = 1; static const int L_BOOLEAN = 2; static const int L_LONG = 3; static const int L_STRING = 4; static const int L_DOUBLE = 5; static const int L_ARRAY = 6; static const int L_OBJECT = 7; static const int L_CHAR = 8; int currentRequestID; int currentChannelID; IPCresponse *IPCresponseGlobal; BufferPool *responseBufferPool; IPCrequest::IPCrequest (int sz, int reqID, int chID) { size = sz; requestID = reqID; channelID = chID; status = INITIALIZED; idx = 0; buf = (char *) malloc (size); cancelImmediate = false; } IPCrequest::~IPCrequest () { free (buf); } void IPCrequest::read (void) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int c = getc (stdin); ipc_request_trace (TRACE_LVL_4, " IPCrequest:getc(stdin): %02x\n", c); buf[i] = c; } } IPCrequestStatus IPCrequest::getStatus (void) { return status; } void IPCrequest::setStatus (IPCrequestStatus newStatus) { status = newStatus; } static int readByte (IPCrequest* req) { int c; int val = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (req == NULL) { c = getc (stdin); ipc_request_trace (TRACE_LVL_4, " readByte:getc(stdin): %02x\n", c); } else c = req->rgetc (); switch (c) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': val = val * 16 + c - '0'; break; case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': val = val * 16 + c - 'a' + 10; break; case EOF: val = EOF; break; default: fprintf (stderr, "readByte: Unknown byte: %d\n", c); break; } } return val; } static int readIVal (IPCrequest *req) { int val = readByte (req); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) val = val * 256 + readByte (req); ipc_trace (" readIVal: %d\n", val); return val; } static String readSVal (IPCrequest *req) { int len = readIVal (req); if (len == -1) { ipc_trace (" readSVal: \n"); return NULL; } char *str = (char *) malloc (len + 1); char *s = str; *s = (char) 0; while (len--) *s++ = req->rgetc (); *s = (char) 0; ipc_trace (" readSVal: '%s'\n", str); return str; } static long long readLVal (IPCrequest *req) { long long val = readByte (req); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) val = val * 256 + readByte (req); ipc_trace (" readLVal: %lld\n", val); return val; } static bool readBVal (IPCrequest *req) { int val = readByte (req); ipc_trace (" readBVal: %s\n", val == 0 ? "true" : "false"); return val != 0; } static char readCVal (IPCrequest *req) { int val = readByte (req); ipc_trace (" readCVal: %d\n", val); return (char) val; } static double readDVal (IPCrequest *req) { String s = readSVal (req); double d = atof (s); free (s); return d; } static Object readAVal (IPCrequest *req) { bool twoD = false; int type = readByte (req); if (type == L_ARRAY) { twoD = true; type = readByte (req); } ipc_trace ("readAVal: twoD=%s type=%d\n", twoD ? "true" : "false", type); int len = readIVal (req); if (len == -1) return NULL; switch (type) { case L_INTEGER: if (twoD) { Vector*> *array = new Vector*>(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) array->store (i, (Vector*)readAVal (req)); return array; } else { Vector *array = new Vector(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) array->store (i, readIVal (req)); return array; } //break; case L_LONG: if (twoD) { Vector*> *array = new Vector*>(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) array->store (i, (Vector*)readAVal (req)); return array; } else { Vector *array = new Vector(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) array->store (i, readLVal (req)); return array; } //break; case L_DOUBLE: if (twoD) { Vector*> *array = new Vector*>(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) array->store (i, (Vector*)readAVal (req)); return array; } else { Vector *array = new Vector(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) array->store (i, readDVal (req)); return array; } //break; case L_BOOLEAN: if (twoD) { Vector < Vector*> *array = new Vector < Vector*>(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) array->store (i, (Vector*)readAVal (req)); return array; } else { Vector *array = new Vector(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) array->store (i, readBVal (req)); return array; } //break; case L_CHAR: if (twoD) { Vector*> *array = new Vector*>(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) array->store (i, (Vector*)readAVal (req)); return array; } else { Vector *array = new Vector(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) array->store (i, readCVal (req)); return array; } //break; case L_STRING: if (twoD) { Vector*> *array = new Vector*>(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) array->store (i, (Vector*)readAVal (req)); return array; } else { Vector *array = new Vector(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) array->store (i, readSVal (req)); return array; } //break; case L_OBJECT: if (twoD) { Vector*> *array = new Vector*>(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) array->store (i, (Vector*)readAVal (req)); return array; } else { Vector *array = new Vector(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) array->store (i, readAVal (req)); return array; } //break; default: fprintf (stderr, "readAVal: Unknown code: %d\n", type); break; } return NULL; } static int iVal; static bool bVal; static long long lVal; static String sVal; static double dVal; static Object aVal; static void readResult (int type, IPCrequest *req) { int tVal = readByte (req); switch (tVal) { case L_INTEGER: iVal = readIVal (req); break; case L_LONG: lVal = readLVal (req); break; case L_BOOLEAN: bVal = readBVal (req); break; case L_DOUBLE: dVal = readDVal (req); break; case L_STRING: sVal = readSVal (req); break; case L_ARRAY: aVal = readAVal (req); break; case EOF: fprintf (stderr, "EOF read in readResult\n"); sVal = NULL; return; default: fprintf (stderr, "Unknown code: %d\n", tVal); abort (); } if (type != tVal) { fprintf (stderr, "Internal error: readResult: parameter mismatch: type=%d should be %d\n", tVal, type); abort (); } } int readInt (IPCrequest *req) { readResult (L_INTEGER, req); return iVal; } String readString (IPCrequest *req) { readResult (L_STRING, req); return sVal; } long long readLong (IPCrequest *req) { readResult (L_LONG, req); return lVal; } double readDouble (IPCrequest *req) { readResult (L_DOUBLE, req); return dVal; } bool readBoolean (IPCrequest *req) { readResult (L_BOOLEAN, req); return bVal; } DbeObj readObject (IPCrequest *req) { readResult (L_LONG, req); return (DbeObj) lVal; } Object readArray (IPCrequest *req) { readResult (L_ARRAY, req); return aVal; } // Write IPCresponse::IPCresponse (int sz) { requestID = -1; channelID = -1; responseType = -1; responseStatus = RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS; sb = new StringBuilder (sz); next = NULL; } IPCresponse::~IPCresponse () { delete sb; } void IPCresponse::reset () { requestID = -1; channelID = -1; responseType = -1; responseStatus = RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS; sb->setLength (0); } void IPCresponse::sendByte (int b) { ipc_trace ("sendByte: %02x %d\n", b, b); sb->appendf ("%02x", b); } void IPCresponse::sendIVal (int i) { ipc_trace ("sendIVal: %08x %d\n", i, i); sb->appendf ("%08x", i); } void IPCresponse::sendLVal (long long l) { ipc_trace ("sendLVal: %016llx %lld\n", l, l); sb->appendf ("%016llx", l); } void IPCresponse::sendSVal (const char *s) { if (s == NULL) { sendIVal (-1); return; } sendIVal ((int) strlen (s)); ipc_trace ("sendSVal: %s\n", s); sb->appendf ("%s", s); } void IPCresponse::sendBVal (bool b) { sendByte (b ? 1 : 0); } void IPCresponse::sendCVal (char c) { sendByte (c); } void IPCresponse::sendDVal (double d) { char str[32]; snprintf (str, sizeof (str), "%.12f", d); sendSVal (str); } void IPCresponse::sendAVal (void *ptr) { if (ptr == NULL) { sendByte (L_INTEGER); sendIVal (-1); return; } VecType type = ((Vector*)ptr)->type (); switch (type) { case VEC_INTEGER: { sendByte (L_INTEGER); Vector *array = (Vector*)ptr; sendIVal (array->size ()); for (int i = 0; i < array->size (); i++) sendIVal (array->fetch (i)); break; } case VEC_BOOL: { sendByte (L_BOOLEAN); Vector *array = (Vector*)ptr; sendIVal (array->size ()); for (int i = 0; i < array->size (); i++) sendBVal (array->fetch (i)); break; } case VEC_CHAR: { sendByte (L_CHAR); Vector *array = (Vector*)ptr; sendIVal (array->size ()); for (int i = 0; i < array->size (); i++) sendCVal (array->fetch (i)); break; } case VEC_LLONG: { sendByte (L_LONG); Vector *array = (Vector*)ptr; sendIVal (array->size ()); for (int i = 0; i < array->size (); i++) sendLVal (array->fetch (i)); break; } case VEC_DOUBLE: { sendByte (L_DOUBLE); Vector *array = (Vector*)ptr; sendIVal (array->size ()); for (int i = 0; i < array->size (); i++) sendDVal (array->fetch (i)); break; } case VEC_STRING: { sendByte (L_STRING); Vector *array = (Vector*)ptr; sendIVal (array->size ()); for (int i = 0; i < array->size (); i++) sendSVal (array->fetch (i)); break; } case VEC_STRINGARR: { sendByte (L_ARRAY); sendByte (L_STRING); Vector *array = (Vector*)ptr; sendIVal (array->size ()); for (int i = 0; i < array->size (); i++) sendAVal (array->fetch (i)); break; } case VEC_INTARR: { sendByte (L_ARRAY); sendByte (L_INTEGER); Vector *array = (Vector*)ptr; sendIVal (array->size ()); for (int i = 0; i < array->size (); i++) sendAVal (array->fetch (i)); break; } case VEC_LLONGARR: { sendByte (L_ARRAY); sendByte (L_LONG); Vector *array = (Vector*)ptr; sendIVal (array->size ()); for (int i = 0; i < array->size (); i++) sendAVal (array->fetch (i)); break; } case VEC_VOIDARR: { sendByte (L_OBJECT); Vector *array = (Vector*)ptr; sendIVal (array->size ()); for (int i = 0; i < array->size (); i++) sendAVal (array->fetch (i)); break; } default: fprintf (stderr, "sendAVal: Unknown type: %d\n", type); abort (); } } bool cancelNeeded (int chID) { if (chID == cancellableChannelID && chID == cancelRequestedChannelID) return true; else return false; } static void writeResponseWithHeader (int requestID, int channelID, int responseType, int responseStatus, IPCresponse* os) { if (cancelNeeded (channelID)) { responseStatus = RESPONSE_STATUS_CANCELLED; ipc_trace ("CANCELLING %d %d\n", requestID, channelID); // This is for gracefully cancelling regular ops like openExperiment - getFiles should never reach here } os->setRequestID (requestID); os->setChannelID (channelID); os->setResponseType (responseType); os->setResponseStatus (responseStatus); os->print (); os->reset (); responseBufferPool->recycle (os); } void writeAck (int requestID, int channelID) { #if DEBUG char *s = getenv (NTXT ("SP_NO_IPC_ACK")); #else /* ^DEBUG */ char *s = NULL; #endif /* ^DEBUG */ if (s) { int i = requestID; int j = channelID; ipc_request_trace (TRACE_LVL_4, "ACK skipped: requestID=%d channelID=%d\n", i, j); } else { IPCresponse *OUTS = responseBufferPool->getNewResponse (BUFFER_SIZE_SMALL); writeResponseWithHeader (requestID, channelID, RESPONSE_TYPE_ACK, RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, OUTS); } } void writeHandshake (int requestID, int channelID) { IPCresponse *OUTS = responseBufferPool->getNewResponse (BUFFER_SIZE_SMALL); writeResponseWithHeader (requestID, channelID, RESPONSE_TYPE_HANDSHAKE, RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, OUTS); } void writeResponseGeneric (int responseStatus, int requestID, int channelID) { IPCresponse *OUTS = responseBufferPool->getNewResponse (BUFFER_SIZE_SMALL); writeResponseWithHeader (requestID, channelID, RESPONSE_TYPE_COMPLETE, responseStatus, OUTS); } BufferPool::BufferPool () { pthread_mutex_init (&p_mutex, NULL); smallBuf = NULL; largeBuf = NULL; } BufferPool::~BufferPool () { for (IPCresponse *p = smallBuf; p;) { IPCresponse *tmp = p; p = tmp->next; delete tmp; } for (IPCresponse *p = largeBuf; p;) { IPCresponse *tmp = p; p = tmp->next; delete tmp; } } IPCresponse* BufferPool::getNewResponse (int size) { pthread_mutex_lock (&p_mutex); if (ipc_single_threaded_mode && size < BUFFER_SIZE_LARGE) size = BUFFER_SIZE_LARGE; IPCresponse *newResponse = NULL; if (size >= BUFFER_SIZE_LARGE) { if (largeBuf) { newResponse = largeBuf; largeBuf = largeBuf->next; } } else if (smallBuf) { newResponse = smallBuf; smallBuf = smallBuf->next; } if (newResponse) newResponse->reset (); else { newResponse = new IPCresponse (size); ipc_trace ("GETNEWBUFFER %d\n", size); } pthread_mutex_unlock (&p_mutex); return newResponse; } void BufferPool::recycle (IPCresponse *respB) { pthread_mutex_lock (&p_mutex); if (respB->getCurBufSize () >= BUFFER_SIZE_LARGE) { respB->next = largeBuf; largeBuf = respB; } else { respB->next = smallBuf; smallBuf = respB; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&p_mutex); } void writeArray (void *ptr, IPCrequest* req) { if (req->getStatus () == CANCELLED_IMMEDIATE) return; IPCresponse *OUTS = responseBufferPool->getNewResponse (BUFFER_SIZE_LARGE); OUTS->sendByte (L_ARRAY); OUTS->sendAVal (ptr); writeResponseWithHeader (req->getRequestID (), req->getChannelID (), RESPONSE_TYPE_COMPLETE, RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, OUTS); } void writeString (const char *s, IPCrequest* req) { if (req->getStatus () == CANCELLED_IMMEDIATE) return; IPCresponse *OUTS = responseBufferPool->getNewResponse (BUFFER_SIZE_LARGE); OUTS->sendByte (L_STRING); OUTS->sendSVal (s); writeResponseWithHeader (req->getRequestID (), req->getChannelID (), RESPONSE_TYPE_COMPLETE, RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, OUTS); } void writeObject (DbeObj obj, IPCrequest* req) { writeLong ((long long) obj, req); } void writeBoolean (bool b, IPCrequest* req) { if (req->getStatus () == CANCELLED_IMMEDIATE) return; IPCresponse *OUTS = responseBufferPool->getNewResponse (BUFFER_SIZE_MEDIUM); OUTS->sendByte (L_BOOLEAN); OUTS->sendBVal (b); writeResponseWithHeader (req->getRequestID (), req->getChannelID (), RESPONSE_TYPE_COMPLETE, RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, OUTS); } void writeInt (int i, IPCrequest* req) { if (req->getStatus () == CANCELLED_IMMEDIATE) return; IPCresponse *OUTS = responseBufferPool->getNewResponse (BUFFER_SIZE_MEDIUM); OUTS->sendByte (L_INTEGER); OUTS->sendIVal (i); writeResponseWithHeader (req->getRequestID (), req->getChannelID (), RESPONSE_TYPE_COMPLETE, RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, OUTS); } void writeChar (char c, IPCrequest* req) { if (req->getStatus () == CANCELLED_IMMEDIATE) return; IPCresponse *OUTS = responseBufferPool->getNewResponse (BUFFER_SIZE_MEDIUM); OUTS->sendByte (L_CHAR); OUTS->sendCVal (c); writeResponseWithHeader (req->getRequestID (), req->getChannelID (), RESPONSE_TYPE_COMPLETE, RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, OUTS); } void writeLong (long long l, IPCrequest* req) { if (req->getStatus () == CANCELLED_IMMEDIATE) return; IPCresponse *OUTS = responseBufferPool->getNewResponse (BUFFER_SIZE_MEDIUM); OUTS->sendByte (L_LONG); OUTS->sendLVal (l); writeResponseWithHeader (req->getRequestID (), req->getChannelID (), RESPONSE_TYPE_COMPLETE, RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, OUTS); } void writeDouble (double d, IPCrequest* req) { if (req->getStatus () == CANCELLED_IMMEDIATE) return; IPCresponse *OUTS = responseBufferPool->getNewResponse (BUFFER_SIZE_MEDIUM); OUTS->sendByte (L_DOUBLE); OUTS->sendDVal (d); writeResponseWithHeader (req->getRequestID (), req->getChannelID (), RESPONSE_TYPE_COMPLETE, RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, OUTS); } int setProgress (int percentage, const char *proc_str) { if (cancelNeeded (currentChannelID)) { // ExperimentLoadCancelException *e1 = new ExperimentLoadCancelException(); // throw (e1); return 1; } if (NULL == proc_str) return 1; int size = strlen (proc_str) + 100; // 100 bytes for additional data int bs = BUFFER_SIZE_MEDIUM; if (size > BUFFER_SIZE_MEDIUM) { if (size > BUFFER_SIZE_LARGE) return 1; // This should never happen bs = BUFFER_SIZE_LARGE; } IPCresponse *OUTS = responseBufferPool->getNewResponse (bs); OUTS->sendByte (L_PROGRESS); OUTS->sendIVal (percentage); OUTS->sendSVal (proc_str); writeResponseWithHeader (currentRequestID, currentChannelID, RESPONSE_TYPE_PROGRESS, RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, OUTS); return 0; } static pthread_mutex_t responce_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; void IPCresponse::print (void) { char buf[23]; int sz = responseType == RESPONSE_TYPE_HANDSHAKE ? IPC_VERSION_NUMBER : sb->length (); snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%02x%08x%02x%02x%08x", HEADER_MARKER, requestID, responseType, responseStatus, sz); pthread_mutex_lock (&responce_lock); ipc_response_trace (TRACE_LVL_1, "IPCresponse: ID=%08x type=%02x status=%02x sz:%6d\n", requestID, responseType, responseStatus, sz); write (1, buf, 22); sb->write (1); pthread_mutex_unlock (&responce_lock); } void setCancelRequestedCh (int chID) { cancelRequestedChannelID = chID; } void readRequestHeader () { int marker = readByte (NULL); if (marker != HEADER_MARKER) { fprintf (stderr, "Internal error: received request (%d) without header marker\n", marker); error_flag = 1; return; } else ipc_request_trace (TRACE_LVL_1, "RequestHeaderBegin------------------------\n"); int requestID = readIVal (NULL); int requestType = readByte (NULL); int channelID = readIVal (NULL); int nBytes = readIVal (NULL); if (requestType == REQUEST_TYPE_HANDSHAKE) { // write the ack directly to the wire, not through the response queue writeAck (requestID, channelID); writeHandshake (requestID, channelID); ipc_request_trace (TRACE_LVL_1, "RQ: HANDSHAKE --- %x ----- %x ---- %x --- %x -RequestHeaderEnd\n", requestID, requestType, channelID, nBytes); } else if (requestType == REQUEST_TYPE_CANCEL) { writeAck (requestID, channelID); ipc_request_trace (TRACE_LVL_1, "RQ: CANCEL --- RQ: %x ----- %x --- CH: %x --- %x -RequestHeaderEnd\n", requestID, requestType, channelID, nBytes); if (channelID == cancellableChannelID) { // we have worked on at least one request belonging to this channel writeResponseGeneric (RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS, requestID, channelID); setCancelRequestedCh (channelID); ipc_trace ("CANCELLABLE %x %x\n", channelID, currentChannelID); if (channelID == currentChannelID) // request for this channel is currently in progress ipc_request_trace (TRACE_LVL_1, "IN PROGRESS REQUEST NEEDS CANCELLATION"); // ssp_post_cond(waitingToFinish); } else { // FIXME: // it is possible that a request for this channel is on the requestQ // or has been submitted to the work group queue but is waiting for a thread to pick it up writeResponseGeneric (RESPONSE_STATUS_FAILURE, requestID, channelID); setCancelRequestedCh (channelID); ipc_request_trace (TRACE_LVL_1, "RETURNING FAILURE TO CANCEL REQUEST channel %d\n", channelID); } } else { writeAck (requestID, channelID); ipc_request_trace (TRACE_LVL_1, "RQ: --- %x ----- %x ---- %x --- %x -RequestHeaderEnd\n", requestID, requestType, channelID, nBytes); IPCrequest *nreq = new IPCrequest (nBytes, requestID, channelID); nreq->read (); ipc_request_trace (TRACE_LVL_1, "RQ: --- %x Read from stream \n", requestID); if (cancelNeeded (channelID)) { ipc_request_trace (TRACE_LVL_1, "CANCELLABLE REQ RECVD %x %x\n", channelID, requestID); writeResponseGeneric (RESPONSE_STATUS_CANCELLED, requestID, channelID); delete nreq; return; } DbeQueue *q = new DbeQueue (ipc_doWork, nreq); ipcThreadPool->put_queue (q); } }