/* Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Oracle. This file is part of GNU Binutils. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // java.util.HashMap #ifndef _DBE_HASHMAP_H #define _DBE_HASHMAP_H #include "vec.h" #include "util.h" #include "StringBuilder.h" #include "Histable.h" #include "MemObject.h" template inline int get_hash_code (Key_t a); template inline bool is_equals (Key_t a, Key_t b); template inline Key_t copy_key (Key_t a); template inline void delete_key (Key_t a); // Specialization for char* template<> inline int get_hash_code (char *a) { return (int) (crc64 (a, strlen (a)) & 0x7fffffff); } template<> inline bool is_equals (char *a, char *b) { return dbe_strcmp (a, b) == 0; } template<> inline char * copy_key (char *a) { return dbe_strdup (a); } template<> inline void delete_key (char *a) { return free (a); } template<> inline int get_hash_code (uint64_t a) { return (int) (a & 0x7fffffff); } template<> inline bool is_equals (uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return a == b; } template<> inline uint64_t copy_key (uint64_t a) { return a; } template<> inline void delete_key (uint64_t a) { a = a; } template<> inline int get_hash_code (Histable* a) { return (int) (a->id & 0x7fffffff); } template<> inline bool is_equals (Histable* a, Histable* b) { return a == b; } template<> inline Histable* copy_key (Histable* a) { return a; } template<> inline void delete_key (Histable* a) { a->id = a->id; } template<> inline int get_hash_code (MemObj* a) { return (int) (a->id & 0x7fffffff); } template<> inline bool is_equals (MemObj* a, MemObj* b) { return a == b; } template<> inline MemObj* copy_key (MemObj* a) { return a; } template<> inline void delete_key (MemObj* a) { a->id = a->id; } template class HashMap { public: HashMap (int initialCapacity = 0); ~HashMap () { clear (); delete vals; delete[] hashTable; } Value_t put (Key_t key, Value_t val); Value_t get (Key_t key); Value_t get (Key_t key, Value_t val); // Create a new map if key is not here void clear (); Value_t remove (Key_t); Vector *values (Key_t key); // Return a list of values for 'key' bool containsKey (Key_t key) { Value_t p = get (key); return p != NULL; }; Vector * values () { return vals; } void reset () { clear (); } int get_phaseIdx () { return phaseIdx; } void set_phaseIdx (int phase) { if (phase == 0) clear (); phaseIdx = phase; } char *dump (); private: enum { HASH_SIZE = 511, MAX_HASH_SIZE = 1048575 }; typedef struct Hash { Key_t key; Value_t val; struct Hash *next; } Hash_t; void resize (); int hashCode (Key_t key) { return get_hash_code (key) % hash_sz; } bool equals (Key_t a, Key_t b) { return is_equals (a, b); } Key_t copy (Key_t key) { return copy_key (key); } Hash_t **hashTable; Vector *vals; int phaseIdx; int hash_sz; int nelem; }; template HashMap ::HashMap (int initialCapacity) { if (initialCapacity > 0) vals = new Vector(initialCapacity); else vals = new Vector(); phaseIdx = 0; nelem = 0; hash_sz = HASH_SIZE; hashTable = new Hash_t*[hash_sz]; for (int i = 0; i < hash_sz; i++) hashTable[i] = NULL; } template void HashMap::clear () { vals->reset (); phaseIdx = 0; nelem = 0; for (int i = 0; i < hash_sz; i++) { Hash_t *next; for (Hash_t *p = hashTable[i]; p; p = next) { next = p->next; delete_key (p->key); delete p; } hashTable[i] = NULL; } } template void HashMap::resize () { int old_hash_sz = hash_sz; hash_sz = old_hash_sz * 2 + 1; Hash_t **old_hash_table = hashTable; hashTable = new Hash_t*[hash_sz]; for (int i = 0; i < hash_sz; i++) hashTable[i] = NULL; nelem = 0; for (int i = 0; i < old_hash_sz; i++) { if (old_hash_table[i] != NULL) { Hash_t *old_p; Hash_t *p = old_hash_table[i]; while (p != NULL) { put (p->key, p->val); old_p = p; p = p->next; delete old_p; } } } delete[] old_hash_table; } template Value_t HashMap::get (Key_t key) { int hash_code = hashCode (key); for (Hash_t *p = hashTable[hash_code]; p; p = p->next) if (equals (key, p->key)) return p->val; return NULL; } template Vector * HashMap::values (Key_t key) { Vector *list = new Vector(); int hash_code = hashCode (key); for (Hash_t *p = hashTable[hash_code]; p; p = p->next) { if (equals (key, p->key)) list->append (p->val); } return list; } template Value_t HashMap::get (const Key_t key, Value_t val) { int hash_code = hashCode (key); Hash_t *p, *first = NULL; for (p = hashTable[hash_code]; p; p = p->next) { if (equals (key, p->key)) { if (first == NULL) first = p; if (val == p->val) return first->val; // Always return the first value } } vals->append (val); p = new Hash_t (); p->val = val; p->key = copy (key); if (first) { p->next = first->next; first->next = p; return first->val; // Always return the first value } else { p->next = hashTable[hash_code]; hashTable[hash_code] = p; return val; } } template Value_t HashMap::remove (Key_t key) { int hash_code = hashCode (key); Value_t val = NULL; for (Hash_t *prev = NULL, *p = hashTable[hash_code]; p != NULL;) { if (equals (key, p->key)) { if (prev == NULL) hashTable[hash_code] = p->next; else prev->next = p->next; if (val == NULL) val = p->val; delete_key (p->key); delete p; } else { prev = p; p = p->next; } } return val; } template Value_t HashMap::put (Key_t key, Value_t val) { int hash_code = hashCode (key); vals->append (val); for (Hash_t *p = hashTable[hash_code]; p != NULL; p = p->next) { if (equals (key, p->key)) { Value_t v = p->val; p->val = val; return v; } } Hash_t *p = new Hash_t (); p->val = val; p->key = copy (key); p->next = hashTable[hash_code]; hashTable[hash_code] = p; nelem++; if (nelem == hash_sz) resize (); return val; } template char * HashMap::dump () { StringBuilder sb; char buf[128]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "HashMap: size=%d ##########\n", vals->size ()); sb.append (buf); for (int i = 0; i < hash_sz; i++) { if (hashTable[i] == NULL) continue; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%3d:", i); sb.append (buf); char *s = NTXT (" "); for (Hash_t *p = hashTable[i]; p; p = p->next) { sb.append (s); s = NTXT (" "); sb.append (p->key); snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), " --> 0x%p '%s'\n", p->val, p->val->get_name ()); sb.append (buf); } } return sb.toString (); } #endif // _DBE_HASHMAP_H