! Ensure that write on the offload device works. ! { dg-do run } ! { dg-output "The answer is 42(\n|\r\n|\r)+" } ! See 'print-1-nvptx.f90' regarding the nvptx offloading XFAIL. ! { dg-xfail-run-if TODO { openacc_nvidia_accel_selected } } ! { dg-additional-options "-fopt-info-note-omp" } ! { dg-additional-options "-foffload=-fopt-info-note-omp" } ! { dg-additional-options "--param=openacc-privatization=noisy" } ! { dg-additional-options "-foffload=--param=openacc-privatization=noisy" } ! Prune a few: uninteresting, and potentially varying depending on GCC configuration (data types): ! { dg-prune-output {note: variable 'D\.[0-9]+' declared in block isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: not addressable} } */ ! It's only with Tcl 8.5 (released in 2007) that "the variable 'varName' ! passed to 'incr' may be unset, and in that case, it will be set to [...]", ! so to maintain compatibility with earlier Tcl releases, we manually ! initialize counter variables: ! { dg-line l_dummy[variable c_compute 0] } ! { dg-message dummy {} { target iN-VAl-Id } l_dummy } to avoid ! "WARNING: dg-line var l_dummy defined, but not used". program main implicit none integer :: var = 42 !$acc parallel ! { dg-line l_compute[incr c_compute] } ! { dg-note {variable 'dt_parm\.[0-9]+' declared in block isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: artificial} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute$c_compute } write (0, '("The answer is ", I2)') var !$acc end parallel end program main