! { dg-do run } PROGRAM MAIN IMPLICIT NONE ! Initialize before the checkpoint, in case this produces any output. !$ACC PARALLEL !$ACC END PARALLEL PRINT *, "CheCKpOInT" !$ACC PARALLEL ERROR STOP 35 !$ACC END PARALLEL PRINT *, "WrONg WAy" END PROGRAM MAIN ! { dg-output "CheCKpOInT(\n|\r\n|\r)+" } ! See 'error_stop-2-nvptx.f' regarding the nvptx offloading XFAIL. ! { dg-output "ERROR STOP 35(\n|\r\n|\r)+" { xfail openacc_nvidia_accel_selected } } ! ! In gfortran's main program, libfortran's set_options is called - which sets ! compiler_options.backtrace = 1 by default. For an offload libgfortran, this ! is never called and, hence, "Error termination." is never printed. Thus: ! { dg-output "Error termination.*" { target { ! { openacc_nvidia_accel_selected || openacc_radeon_accel_selected } } } } ! PR85463. The 'exit' implementation used with nvptx ! offloading is a little bit different. ! { dg-output "libgomp: cuStreamSynchronize error.*" { target openacc_nvidia_accel_selected } } ! { dg-shouldfail "" }