/* The following should NOT generate "may not respond to" warnings, since a forward-declared
   @class (instance) should be treated like a 'Class') ('id').  */

/* { dg-do compile } */

#include "../objc-obj-c++-shared/TestsuiteObject.h"

@class NotKnown;

void foo(NotKnown *n) {
  [NotKnown new];         /* { dg-warning "'.interface' of class .NotKnown. not found" } */
  [n nonexistent_method]; /* { dg-warning "'.interface' of class .NotKnown. not found" } */
                          /* { dg-warning "no .\\-nonexistent_method. method found" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } */

/* { dg-warning "messages without a matching method signature will be assumed to return .id. and accept .\.\.\.. as arguments" "" { target *-*-* } 0 } */