/* Test that we can't set the initializer on a global twice. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "libgccjit.h" #include "harness.h" void create_code (gcc_jit_context *ctxt, void *user_data) { gcc_jit_type *int_type = gcc_jit_context_get_type (ctxt, GCC_JIT_TYPE_INT); gcc_jit_lvalue *bar = gcc_jit_context_new_global ( ctxt, NULL, GCC_JIT_GLOBAL_EXPORTED, int_type, "global_lvalueinit_int_0"); gcc_jit_global_set_initializer_rvalue ( bar, gcc_jit_context_new_rvalue_from_int (ctxt, int_type, 1)); gcc_jit_global_set_initializer_rvalue ( bar, gcc_jit_context_new_rvalue_from_int (ctxt, int_type, 1)); } void verify_code (gcc_jit_context *ctxt, gcc_jit_result *result) { /* Ensure that the bad API usage prevents the API giving a bogus result back. */ CHECK_VALUE (result, NULL); /* Verify that the correct error message was emitted. */ CHECK_STRING_VALUE (gcc_jit_context_get_first_error (ctxt), "gcc_jit_global_set_initializer_rvalue: global variable " "already initialized: global_lvalueinit_int_0"); CHECK_STRING_VALUE (gcc_jit_context_get_last_error (ctxt), "gcc_jit_global_set_initializer_rvalue: global variable " "already initialized: global_lvalueinit_int_0"); }