! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-fno-automatic" }
! PR fortran/55733
! Check that -fno-automatic makes the local variable SAVEd

! Scalar allocatable
subroutine foo(i)
  integer :: i
  integer, allocatable :: j
  if (i == 1) j = 42
  if (.not. allocated (j)) STOP 1
  if (j /= 42) STOP 2

! Deferred-length string scalar
subroutine bar()
  logical, save :: first = .true.
  character(len=:), allocatable :: str
  if (first) then
    first = .false.
    if (allocated (str)) STOP 3
    str = "ABCDEF"
  end if
  if (.not. allocated (str)) STOP 4
  if (len (str) /= 6) STOP 5
  if (str(1:6) /= "ABCDEF") STOP 6
end subroutine bar

! Deferred-length string array
subroutine bar_array()
  logical, save :: first = .true.
  character(len=:), allocatable :: str
  if (first) then
    first = .false.
    if (allocated (str)) STOP 7
    str = "ABCDEF"
  end if
  if (.not. allocated (str)) STOP 8
  if (len (str) /= 6) STOP 9
  if (str(1:6) /= "ABCDEF") STOP 10
end subroutine bar_array

call foo(1)
call foo(2)
call bar()
call bar_array()
call bar()
call bar_array()