! { dg-do run } ! ! Tests the fixes for PR82943. ! ! This test focuses on calling the type bound procedures in a program. ! ! Contributed by Alexander Westbrooks ! module testmod public :: foo type, public :: tough_lvl_0(a, b) integer, kind :: a = 1 integer, len :: b contains procedure :: foo end type type, public, EXTENDS(tough_lvl_0) :: tough_lvl_1 (c) integer, len :: c contains procedure :: bar end type type, public, EXTENDS(tough_lvl_1) :: tough_lvl_2 (d) integer, len :: d contains procedure :: foobar end type contains subroutine foo(this) class(tough_lvl_0(1,*)), intent(inout) :: this end subroutine subroutine bar(this) class(tough_lvl_1(1,*,*)), intent(inout) :: this end subroutine subroutine foobar(this) class(tough_lvl_2(1,*,*,*)), intent(inout) :: this end subroutine end module PROGRAM testprogram USE testmod TYPE(tough_lvl_0(1,5)) :: test_pdt_0 TYPE(tough_lvl_1(1,5,6)) :: test_pdt_1 TYPE(tough_lvl_2(1,5,6,7)) :: test_pdt_2 CALL test_pdt_0%foo() CALL test_pdt_1%foo() CALL test_pdt_1%bar() CALL test_pdt_2%foo() CALL test_pdt_2%bar() CALL test_pdt_2%foobar() END PROGRAM testprogram