! { dg-do compile } ! { dg-options "-fdump-tree-original" } ! ! Tests the fix for PR98498, which was subject to an interpretation request ! as to whether or not the interface operator overrode the intrinsic use. ! (See PR for correspondence) ! ! Contributed by Paul Thomas ! MODULE mytypes IMPLICIT none TYPE pvar character(len=20) :: name integer :: level end TYPE pvar interface operator (==) module procedure star_eq end interface interface operator (.not.) module procedure star_not end interface contains function star_eq(a, b) implicit none class(*), intent(in) :: a, b logical :: star_eq select type (a) type is (pvar) select type (b) type is (pvar) if((a%level .eq. b%level) .and. (a%name .eq. b%name)) then star_eq = .true. else star_eq = .false. end if type is (integer) star_eq = (a%level == b) end select class default star_eq = .false. end select end function star_eq function star_not (a) implicit none class(*), intent(in) :: a type(pvar) :: star_not select type (a) type is (pvar) star_not = a star_not%level = -star_not%level type is (real) star_not = pvar ("real", -int(a)) class default star_not = pvar ("noname", 0) end select end function end MODULE mytypes program test_eq use mytypes implicit none type(pvar) x, y integer :: i = 4 real :: r = 2.0 character(len = 4, kind =4) :: c = "abcd" ! Check that intrinsic use of .not. and == is not overridden. if (.not.(i == 2*int (r))) stop 1 if (r == 1.0) stop 2 ! Test defined operator == x = pvar('test 1', 100) y = pvar('test 1', 100) if (.not.(x == y)) stop 3 y = pvar('test 2', 100) if (x == y) stop 4 if (x == r) stop 5 ! class default gives .false. if (100 == x) stop 6 ! ditto if (.not.(x == 100)) stop 7 ! integer selector gives a%level == b if (i == "c") stop 8 ! type mismatch => calls star_eq if (c == "abcd") stop 9 ! kind mismatch => calls star_eq ! Test defined operator .not. y = .not.x if (y%level .ne. -x%level) stop 11 y = .not.i if (y%level .ne. 0 .and. trim(y%name) .ne. "noname") stop 12 y = .not.r if (y%level .ne. -2 .and. trim(y%name) .ne. "real") stop 13 end program test_eq ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "star_eq" 14 "original" } } ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "star_not" 11 "original" } }