! { dg-do run } ! { dg-additional-options "-fno-inline -fno-ipa-modref -fdump-tree-optimized -fdump-tree-original" } ! ! PR fortran/41453 ! Check that the INTENT(OUT) attribute causes one clobber to be emitted in ! the caller before each call to FOO in the *.original dump, and the ! initialization constants to be optimized away in the *.optimized dump, ! in the case of SAVE variables. module x implicit none contains subroutine foo(a) integer, intent(out) :: a a = 42 end subroutine foo end module x program main use x implicit none integer :: c = 0 ! implicit SAVE attribute c = 123456789 call foo(c) if (c /= 42) stop 1 ! explicit SAVE attribute call check_save_explicit contains subroutine check_save_explicit integer, save :: d d = 987654321 call foo(d) if (d /= 42) stop 2 end subroutine check_save_explicit end program main ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "CLOBBER" 2 "original" } } ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "c = {CLOBBER};" "original" } } ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "d = {CLOBBER};" "original" } } ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-not "123456789" "optimized" { target __OPTIMIZE__ } } } ! { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-not "987654321" "optimized" { target __OPTIMIZE__ } } }