! { dg-do compile } ! { dg-options "-Wall -std=f2003" } ! Tests the patch for PR27996 and PR27998, in which warnings ! or errors were not emitted when the length of character ! constants was changed silently. ! ! Contributed by Tobias Burnus <tobias.burnus@physik.fu-berlin.de> ! program test implicit none character(10) :: a(3) character(10) :: b(3)= & (/ 'Takata ', 'Tanaka', 'Hayashi' /) ! { dg-error "Different CHARACTER" } character(4) :: c = "abcde" ! { dg-warning "being truncated" } a = (/ 'Takata', 'Tanaka ', 'Hayashi' /) ! { dg-error "Different CHARACTER" } a = (/ 'Takata ', 'Tanaka ', 'Hayashi' /) b = "abc" ! { dg-error "no IMPLICIT" } c = "abcdefg" ! { dg-warning "will be truncated" } end program test