! { dg-do run } ! Test fixes for PR109451 ! Contributed by Harald Anlauf ! program p implicit none character(4) :: c(2) = ["abcd","efgh"] call dcs3 (c) call dcs0 (c) contains subroutine dcs3 (a) character(len=*), intent(in) :: a(:) character(:), allocatable :: b(:) b = a(:) call test (b, a, 1) associate (q => b(:)) ! no ICE but print repeated first element call test (q, a, 2) print *, q ! Checked with dg-output q = q(:)(2:3) end associate call test (b, ["bc ","fg "], 4) b = a(:) associate (q => b(:)(:)) ! ICE call test (q, a, 3) associate (r => q(:)(1:3)) call test (r, a(:)(1:3), 5) end associate end associate associate (q => b(:)(2:3)) call test (q, a(:)(2:3), 6) end associate end subroutine dcs3 ! The associate vars in dsc0 had string length not set subroutine dcs0 (a) character(len=*), intent(in) :: a(:) associate (q => a) call test (q, a, 7) end associate associate (q => a(:)) call test (q, a, 8) end associate associate (q => a(:)(:)) call test (q, a, 9) end associate end subroutine dcs0 subroutine test (x, y, i) character(len=*), intent(in) :: x(:), y(:) integer, intent(in) :: i if (any (x .ne. y)) stop i end subroutine test end program p ! { dg-output " abcdefgh" }