// NOTE: this is a dup of runnable/tls.d strictly to test the same code compiled // separately rather than together like the original is. // COMPILE_SEPARATELY: // EXTRA_SOURCES: imports/tlsa.d // PERMUTE_ARGS: import core.stdc.stdio; import imports.tlsa; int x = 3; void bar() { int* px = &x; assert(x == 3); x++; printf("x = %d\n", x); px = &x; printf("px = %p\n", px); assert(*px == 4); (*px)++; assert(x == 5); } void test1() { bar(); printf("%d\n", x); printf("%d\n", foo!()()); } /************************************/ long fooa; long foob; int bara = 0x12345678; int barb = 0x9ABCDEFF; void test2() { fooa++; foob--; bara++; barb++; printf("%lld %lld %x %x\n", fooa, foob, bara, barb); assert(fooa == 1); assert(foob == -1); assert(bara == 0x12345679); assert(barb == 0x9ABCDF00); } /************************************/ int abc3(T)(T t) { static T qqq; static T rrr; static T sss = 8; static T ttt = 9; printf("qqq = %d, rrr = %d, sss = %d, ttt = %d\n", qqq, rrr, sss, ttt); assert(sss == 8); assert(ttt == 9); rrr += 7; return t + ++qqq + rrr; } void test3() { auto i = abc3(3); printf("i = x%x\n", i); assert(i == 11); i = abc3(4); printf("i = x%x\n", i); assert(i == 20); } /************************************/ void test4() { auto i = bar4(); printf("i = x%x\n", i); assert(i == 0x23); i = abc4(4); printf("i = x%x\n", i); assert(i == 0x31); } /************************************/ int main() { test1(); test2(); test3(); test4(); printf("Success\n"); return 0; }