// PERMUTE_ARGS: // REQUIRED_ARGS: -d -preview=dip1000 extern(C) int printf(const char*, ...); class Eh : Exception { this() { super("Eh thrown"); } } /********************************************/ class Foo { static int x; this() { assert(x == 0); x++; printf("Foo.this()\n"); throw new Eh(); assert(0); } ~this() { printf("Foo.~this()\n"); } } void test1() { try { scope Foo f = new Foo(); assert(0); } catch (Eh) { assert(Foo.x == 1); Foo.x++; } finally { assert(Foo.x == 2); Foo.x++; } assert(Foo.x == 3); } /********************************************/ void test2() { int x; { scope (exit) { printf("test1\n"); assert(x == 3); x = 4; } scope (exit) { printf("test2\n"); assert(x == 2); x = 3; } scope (exit) { printf("test3\n"); assert(x == 1); x = 2; } printf("test4\n"); assert(x == 0); x = 1; } assert(x == 4); } /********************************************/ void test3() { int x; { scope (success) { printf("test1\n"); assert(x == 3); x = 4; } scope (success) { printf("test2\n"); assert(x == 2); x = 3; } scope (success) { printf("test3\n"); assert(x == 1); x = 2; } printf("test4\n"); assert(x == 0); x = 1; } assert(x == 4); } /********************************************/ void test4() { int x; try { scope (exit) { printf("test1\n"); assert(x == 3); x = 4; } scope (exit) { printf("test2\n"); assert(x == 2); x = 3; } x = 2; throw new Eh; scope (exit) { printf("test3\n"); assert(x == 1); x = 2; } printf("test4\n"); assert(x == 0); x = 1; } catch (Eh e) { } assert(x == 4); } /********************************************/ void test5() { int x; try { scope (success) { printf("test1\n"); assert(x == 3); x = 4; } scope (success) { printf("test2\n"); assert(x == 2); x = 3; } x = 2; throw new Eh; scope (success) { printf("test3\n"); assert(x == 1); x = 2; } printf("test4\n"); assert(x == 0); x = 1; } catch (Eh e) { } assert(x == 2); } /********************************************/ void test6() { int x; scope (failure) { assert(0); } try { scope (failure) { printf("test1\n"); assert(x == 3); x = 4; } scope (failure) { printf("test2\n"); assert(x == 2); x = 3; } x = 2; throw new Eh; scope (failure) { printf("test3\n"); assert(x == 1); x = 2; } printf("test4\n"); assert(x == 0); x = 1; } catch (Eh e) { } assert(x == 4); } /********************************************/ void test7() { int i; int x; void foo() { scope (success) { assert(x == 1); x = 2; } i = 2; if (i == 2) return; } i = 1; x = 1; foo(); assert(x == 2); } /********************************************/ void test8() { int i; { version (all) { scope (exit) i += 2; } assert(i == 0); i += 1; printf("betty\n"); } assert(i == 3); } /********************************************/ char[] r9; int scp( int n ) { if( n==0 ) return 0; scope(exit) { printf("%d",n); r9 ~= cast(char)(n + '0'); } return scp(n-1); } void test9() { scp(5); assert(r9 == "12345"); } /********************************************/ alias real T; T readMessageBegin() { return 3.0; } T bar10() { return 8.0; } T foo10() { // Send RPC request, etc. readMessageBegin(); scope (exit) readMessageEnd(); T result = bar10(); // Read message off the wire. return result; } void test10() { if (foo10() != 8.0) assert(0); } T readMessageEnd() { static T d; d = 4.0; d = (((((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d))))+(((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))))/((((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d))))+(((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))))+((((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d))))+(((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))))/((((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d))))+(((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d))))))*(((((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d))))+(((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))))/((((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d))))+(((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))))+((((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d))))+(((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))))/((((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d))))+(((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))*((d-(2*d))+(d-(2*d)))))); return 4.0; } /********************************************/ void test7435() { scope(failure) debug printf("error\n"); printf("do something\n"); } /********************************************/ void test7049() @safe { int count = 0; @safe void foo() { scope (failure) { count++; } scope (failure) { count++; } throw new Exception("failed"); } try { foo(); } catch(Exception e) { } assert(count == 2); } /********************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16747 void test16747() @safe { scope o = new Object(); } /********************************************/ void bar11(int*, int*) { } void test11() { static int* p; static int i; bar11(p, &i); } /********************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17432 int test17432(scope int delegate() dg) { return dg(); } // stripped down version of std.traits.Parameters template Parameters(alias func) { static if (is(typeof(func) P == function)) alias Parameters = P; else static assert(0, "unsupported"); } alias op = Parameters!(test17432)[0]; enum typeString = op.stringof; static assert(typeString == "int delegate()"); // no scope added? mixin(typeString ~ " dg;"); alias ty = typeof(dg); static assert(op.stringof == ty.stringof); static assert(op.mangleof == ty.mangleof); void test17432_2()(scope void delegate () dg) { dg(); } static assert(typeof(&test17432_2!()).stringof == "void function(scope void delegate() dg) @system"); /********************************************/ byte typify13(T)(byte val) { return val; } alias INT8_C13 = typify13!byte; /********************************************/ template test14(T) { alias test14 = int; } test14!(char[] function(return char[])) x14; /********************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17935 struct ByChunk(IO) { @safe: ~this() scope {} ubyte[] buf; IO io; } struct IO { ~this() @safe @nogc scope {} } @safe @nogc void test17395() { ubyte[256] buf; auto chunks = ByChunk!IO(buf[], IO()); chunks.__xdtor(); // auto-generated inclusive (fields and struct) dtor } /********************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20569 void test20569() @safe { static struct S { int value; int* pointer; } /* explicit `scope`: */ scope S s1; scope int* p1 = &s1.value; /* inferred `scope`: */ int x; S s2 = S(0, &x); int* p2 = &s2.value; } /********************************************/ void main() { test1(); test2(); test3(); test4(); test5(); test6(); test7(); test8(); test9(); test10(); test7435(); test7049(); test16747(); test11(); test17395(); test20569(); printf("Success\n"); }