module test; import core.vararg; import core.stdc.stdlib; import core.stdc.stdio; /*******************************************/ struct S { int opSliceAssign(int v, size_t i, size_t j) { assert(v == 5); assert(i == 9); assert(j == 10); return 3; } int opSliceAssign(int v) { assert(v == 6); return 11; } } void test1() { S s; assert((s[9 .. 10] = 5) == 3); assert((s[] = 6) == 11); } /*******************************************/ static int i2 = 1; void test2() { synchronized { int i2 = 2; } assert(i2 == 1); } /*******************************************/ void test3() { size_t border = 8; for(ulong i = 0; i < border; i++) { ulong test = 1; test <<= i; double r = test; ulong result = cast(ulong)r; if (result != test) { assert(0); } } } /*******************************************/ void test5() { int[] qwert = new int[6]; int[] yuiop; yuiop = qwert[2..5] = 3; assert(yuiop.length == 3); assert(yuiop[0] == 3); assert(yuiop[1] == 3); assert(yuiop[2] == 3); } /*******************************************/ struct Foo6 { static int x; static int[] farray() { printf("farray\n"); assert(x == 0); x++; return new int[6]; } static int flwr() { printf("flwr\n"); assert(x == 1); x++; return 2; } static int fupr() { printf("fupr\n"); assert(x == 2); x++; return 1; } } void test6() { int[] yuiop; yuiop = Foo6.farray()[Foo6.flwr() .. $ - Foo6.fupr()] = 3; assert(Foo6.x == 3); assert(yuiop.length == 3); assert(yuiop[0] == 3); assert(yuiop[1] == 3); assert(yuiop[2] == 3); } /*******************************************/ void test7() { real a = 3.40483; // this is treated as 3.40483L real b; b = 3.40483; assert(a==b); assert(a==3.40483); assert(a==3.40483L); assert(a==3.40483F); } /*******************************************/ void test8() { real [5][5] m = 1; m[1][1..3] = 2; for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) for (size_t j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (i == 1 && (j >= 1 && j < 3)) assert(m[i][j] == 2); else assert(m[i][j] == 1); } } /*******************************************/ class ClassOf(Type) { Type val; template refx() { alias val refx; } } struct StructOf { int val; template refx() { alias val refx; } } void test9() { ClassOf!(int) c = new ClassOf!(int)(); StructOf s; int x = 10; c.refx!() = x; x = c.refx!(); assert(x == 10); x = 11; s.refx!() = x; x = s.refx!(); assert(x == 11); } /*******************************************/ void test10() { static if( int.mangleof.length > 1 && int.mangleof[1] == 'x' ) printf("'x' as second char\n"); } /*******************************************/ class Foo11 : Bar11 { } class Foo11T(V) { public void foo() {} } class Bar11 { public this(){ f = new Foo11T!(int); } Foo11T!(int) f; } void test11() { Foo11 fooIt = new Foo11(); if (fooIt !is null) printf("fooIt should be valid\n");; printf("it worked\n"); } /*******************************************/ struct A12 { int a; union { int c; B12 b; } } struct B12 { int b1; int b2; } void test12() { A12 a; printf("%zd\n", A12.sizeof); assert(A12.sizeof == 12); } /*******************************************/ template declare13(X) { X declare13; } typeof(declare13!(int[0]).ptr[0]) x13; typeof(declare13!(typeof(""))[0..$]) y13; void test13() { } /*******************************************/ interface Father {} class Mother { Father test() { printf("Called Mother.test!\n"); return new Child(42); } } class Child : Mother, Father { int data; this(int d) { data = d; } override Child test() { printf("Called Child.test!\n"); return new Child(69); } } void test14() { Child aChild = new Child(105); Mother childsMum = aChild; Child childsChild = aChild.test(); Child mumsChild = cast(Child) childsMum.test(); printf("Success2\n"); } /*******************************************/ class A15 { int a = 3; class B { void bar() { assert(a == 3); } } void fork() { assert(a == 3); B b = new B(); // This is okay; void knife() { assert(a == 3); B b = new B(); // No 'this' for nested class B; } } } void test15() { A15 a = new A15(); a.fork(); } /*******************************************/ void test17() { version(D_InlineAsm_X86_64) enum AsmX86 = true; else version(D_InlineAsm_X86) enum AsmX86 = true; else enum AsmX86 = false; version (OSX) { } else { const f = 1.2f; float g = void; static if (AsmX86) { asm { fld f; // doesn't work with PIC fstp g; } } else { g = f; } assert(g == 1.2f); } } /*******************************************/ class Foo18 : Bar18 {} class FooT18(V){} class Bar18 : FooT18!(int) {} void test18() { } /*******************************************/ struct STRUCTA19 { union { int a; long b; } STRUCTB19 c; } struct STRUCTB19 { int a; } void test19() { } /*******************************************/ class Foo20 { void bar (void * src) { void baz (void function (void *, size_t) xyz) { size_t foo (void [] dst) { size_t len = dst.length; dst [0 .. len] = src [0 .. len]; xyz (dst.ptr, len); return len; } } } } void test20() { } /*******************************************/ class Baz21 { int opApply (int delegate(ref int) dg) { int i; return dg(i); } } class Foo21 { Baz21 baz; int foo (int delegate() dg) { foreach (b; baz) if (bar ()) if (dg ()) break; return 0; } bool bar () { return true; } } void test21() { } /*******************************************/ struct Bar22 { union { struct { union { Foo22 A; } } } } struct Foo22 { double d = 3; } void test22() { printf("Bar22.sizeof = %zd, double.sizeof = %zd\n", Bar22.sizeof, double.sizeof); assert(Bar22.sizeof == double.sizeof); Bar22 b; assert(b.A.d == 3); } /*******************************************/ struct Ag { static void func(){} static void foo() { void function() fnp; Ag a; fnp = &func; fnp = &Ag.func; with(a) fnp = &Ag.func; with(a) fnp = &func; } } class Ah { static void func(){} static void foo() { void function() fnp; Ah a; fnp = &func; fnp = &Ah.func; with(a) fnp = &Ah.func; with(a) fnp = &func; } } void test23() { } /*******************************************/ void test24() { uint[10] arr1; ulong idx = 3; uint[] arr3 = arr1[ cast(int)(idx) .. (cast(int) idx) + 3 ]; // OK uint[] arr4 = arr1[ cast(int) idx .. cast(int) idx + 3 ]; // OK uint[] arr5 = arr1[ cast(int)(idx) .. cast(int)(idx) + 3 ]; // C style cast illegal, use cast(idx)+3 uint[] arr6 = arr1[ cast(int)(idx) .. cast(int)(idx + 3) ]; // OK } /*******************************************/ void test25() { char[6] cstr = "123456"c; auto str1 = cast(wchar[3])(cstr); assert(cast(char[])str1 == "123456"c); auto str2 = cast(wchar[3])("789abc"c); assert(cast(char[])str2 == "789abc"c); auto str3 = cast(wchar[3])("defghi"); version (LittleEndian) assert(cast(char[])str3 == "d\000e\000f\000"c); version (BigEndian) assert(cast(char[])str3 == "\000d\000e\000f"c); } /*******************************************/ void test26() { assert(foo26(5) == 25); } int foo26(int i) { if (auto j = i * i) return j; else return 10; } /*******************************************/ class A27 { int am; class B { this() { assert(am == 3); } } void fork() { B b = new B(); // This is okay void knife() { B b = new B(); // No 'this' for nested class B assert(am == 3); } } } void test27() { A27 a = new A27(); = 3; a.fork(); } /*******************************************/ uint intRes() { return 4; } void test28() { auto s = "abc123"[intRes() % $]; assert(s == '2'); static const char[] foo = "abc123"; assert(foo[intRes() % $] == '2'); static string bar = "abc123"; assert(bar[intRes() % $] == '2'); const char[] abc = "abc123"; assert(abc[intRes() % $] == '2'); string def = "abc123"; assert(def[intRes() % $] == '2'); } /*******************************************/ class UA { A29 f() { return null; } } class UB : UA { override B29 f() { return null; } } class A29 { } class B29 : A29 { } void test29() { } /*******************************************/ class Foo30 : Bar30 {} class FooT30(V) {} class Bar30 : FooT30!(int) {} void test30() { } /*******************************************/ int y31; struct X31 { static void opCall() { y31 = 3; } } void test31() { X31 x; typeof(x)(); assert(y31 == 3); } /*******************************************/ struct o_O { int a; } union O_O { int a; } class O_o { int a; } struct Foo34 { int ok; o_O foo; O_O bar; O_o baz; } void test34() { int o1 = Foo34.ok.offsetof; assert(o1 == 0); int o2 =; assert(o2 == 4); int o3 =; assert(o3 == 8); int o4 = Foo34.baz.offsetof; assert((o4 % (void*).sizeof) == 0); assert(o4 > o3); } /*******************************************/ class Foo37 { float[4] array = 1.0; int count = 10; } void test37() { Foo37 f = new Foo37(); assert(f.array[0] == 1.0); assert(f.array[1] == 1.0); assert(f.array[2] == 1.0); assert(f.array[3] == 1.0); assert(f.count == 10); } /*******************************************/ void test38() in { static void checkParameters() { return; } checkParameters(); } do { } /*******************************************/ void delegate() foo39() { return &(new class { int a; this() { a = 3; } void dg() { printf("delegate!\n"); assert(a == 3); } }).dg; } void test39() { void delegate() dg = foo39(); dg(); } /*******************************************/ void test40() { assert( typeid(int) == typeid(int) ); assert( (typeid(int) != typeid(int)) == false ); int x; bool b1 = (typeid(typeof(x)) != typeid(int)); TypeInfo t1 = typeid(typeof(x)); TypeInfo t2 = typeid(int); bool b2 = (t1 != t2); assert(b1 == b2); } /*******************************************/ int foo41(string s) { short shift = cast(short)(s.length * 3); int answer; for (size_t i = 0; i < s.length; i++){ answer = s[i] << shift; } return answer; } void test41() { if(foo41("\u0001") != 8){ assert(0); } } /*******************************************/ struct S42 { int i; static S42 foo(int x){ S42 s; s.i = x; return s; } } void test42() { S42[] s; s = s ~; s = s ~; if(s.length != 2){ assert(0); } if(s[0].i != 6){ assert(0); } if(s[1].i != 1){ assert(0); } } /*******************************************/ struct S43 { int i,j; static S43 foo(int x){ S43 s; s.i = x; return s; } } void test43() { S43[] s; s = s ~; s = s ~; if(s.length != 2){ assert(0); } if(s[0].i != 6){ assert(0); } if(s[1].i != 1){ assert(0); } } /*******************************************/ struct S44 { int i,j,k; static S44 foo(int x){ S44 s; s.i = x; return s; } } void test44() { S44[] s; s = s ~; s = s ~; if(s.length != 2){ assert(0); } if(s[0].i != 6){ assert(0); } if(s[1].i != 1){ assert(0); } } /*******************************************/ void test45() { char[] buffer = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".dup; foreach(ref char c; buffer) { if('a' <= c && c <= 'z') { c -= cast(char)'a' - 'A'; // segfault here } } for(int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { if('a' <= buffer[i] && buffer[i] <= 'z') { buffer[i] -= cast(char)'a' - 'A'; // segfault here } } assert(buffer == "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"); } /*******************************************/ struct st46 { template t1() { template t2(int n2) { } } } alias st46.t1!().t2 a46; void test46() { } /*******************************************/ struct A47 { static int y; void opSliceAssign(int x) { printf("x = %d\n", x); y = x; } A47 d() { return this; } } void test47() { A47 a; a[] = 3; printf("y = %d\n", a.y); a.d()[] = 5; printf("y = %d\n", a.y); assert(a.y == 5); a.d[] = 6; printf("y = %d\n", a.y); assert(a.y == 6); } /*******************************************/ static uint[] sarray48 = void; void test48() { static uint[] array = void; assert(sarray48 == null); assert(array == null); } /*******************************************/ int x = 2, y = 1; void foo50(int z) { static int t; t++; assert(t == z); } void test50() { printf("test50()\n"); int res = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { res = res + x - y; foo50(res); } } /*******************************************/ void test52() { printf("test52()\n"); char[] s; s = ['a', 'b', 'c']; assert(s == "abc"); int[] x; x = [17, 18u, 29, 33]; assert(x.length == 4); assert(x[0] == 17); assert(x[1] == 18); assert(x[2] == 29); assert(x[3] == 33); assert(x == [17, 18, 29, 33]); } /*******************************************/ void test54() { printf("test54()\n"); uint[500][] data; data.length = 1; assert(data.length == 1); foreach (ref foo; data) { assert(foo.length == 500); foreach (ref u; foo) { //printf("u = %u\n", u); assert(u == 0); u = 23; } } foreach (ref foo; data) { assert(foo.length == 500); foreach (u; foo) { assert(u == 23); auto v = u; v = 23; } } } /*******************************************/ class Base56 { private string myfoo; private string mybar; // Get/set properties that will be overridden. void foo(string s) { myfoo = s; } string foo() { return myfoo; } // Get/set properties that will not be overridden. void bar(string s) { mybar = s; } string bar() { return mybar; } } class Derived56: Base56 { alias foo; // Bring in Base56's foo getter. override void foo(string s) { = s; } // Override foo setter. } void test56() { Derived56 d = new Derived56; with (d) { foo = "hi"; = "hi"; bar = "hi"; assert(foo == "hi"); assert( == "hi"); assert(bar == "hi"); } } /*******************************************/ bool[void[]] reg57; void addToReg57(const(void)[] a, int b, bool v) { if (!v) printf("X\n"); auto key = a~(cast(void*)&b)[0..4]; reg57[cast(immutable(void)[])key] = v; printf("OK\n"); } void test57() { addToReg57("test", 1024, true); } /*******************************************/ int bar58( string msg ){ return 1; } int foo58( lazy string dg ){ return bar58( dg() ); } void test58() { printf("test58()\n"); try{ } finally{ foo58(""); } } /*******************************************/ struct S59 { string toString() { return "foo"; } } void test59() { S59 s; string p; p = "s = " ~ s.toString(); assert(p == "s = foo"); } /*******************************************/ void test60() { int[2][] a; a = [ [-1,2], [3,4] ]; assert(a[0][0] == -1); assert(a[0][1] == 2); assert(a[1][0] == 3); assert(a[1][1] == 4); int[][] b; b = [ [-1,2], [3,4] ]; assert(b[0][0] == -1); assert(b[0][1] == 2); assert(b[1][0] == 3); assert(b[1][1] == 4); } /*******************************************/ void test61() { int[][] f = [[1,2],[3,4]]; assert(f.length == 2); assert(f[0].length == 2); assert(f[1].length == 2); assert(f[0][0] == 1); assert(f[0][1] == 2); assert(f[1][0] == 3); assert(f[1][1] == 4); } /*******************************************/ struct List62 { void get() {} } struct Array62 { interface Model { List62 list(); } List62 list() { return model ? model.list() : List62.init; } void item() { list.get(); } private Model model; } void test62() { } /*******************************************/ void foo63(...) { } void test63() { int[] arr; arr = [1] ~ 2; // runtime crash, the length == 1 printf("%zd\n", arr.length); assert (arr.length == 2); assert(arr[0] == 1); assert(arr[1] == 2); arr = 2 ~ [1]; assert(arr.length == 2); assert(arr[0] == 2); assert(arr[1] == 1); arr = [2, 3] ~ [1]; assert(arr.length == 3); assert(arr[0] == 2); assert(arr[1] == 3); assert(arr[2] == 1); foo63([1] ~ 2, 2 ~ [1], [1,2] ~ [3,4,5]); } /*******************************************/ void test64() { printf("test64()\n"); int[] x = [1,2,3,4]; int j = 4; foreach_reverse(v; x) { assert(j == v); j--; } assert(j == 0); j = 4; foreach_reverse(i, v; x) { assert(i + 1 == j); assert(j == v); j--; } assert(j == 0); printf("-test64()\n"); } /*******************************************/ void test65() { // Bugzilla Issue 407. int i = *cast(int*)cast(char[4])['0', '0', '0', '0']; // compiler seg-fault printf("i = %x\n", i); } /*******************************************/ void test66() { int[] ia; ia ~= 3; byte[] data = new byte[ia[0]]; byte[] data2 = new byte[ cast(int)(ia[0])]; } /*******************************************/ class C68 { static int value; } void test68() { auto v1 = test.C68.value; auto v2 = C68.classinfo; auto v3 = test.C68.classinfo; assert(v2 == v3); } /*******************************************/ void test69() { class Bug { char[12] str = ""; uint t = 1; } class NoBug { uint t = 2; char[12] str = ""; } class NoBug2 { char[12] str; uint t = 3; } auto b = new Bug; auto n = new NoBug; auto n2 = new NoBug2; printf("bug %d\n", b.t); assert(b.t == 1); printf("nobug %d\n", n.t); assert(n.t == 2); printf("nobug2 %d\n", n2.t); assert(n2.t == 3); } /*******************************************/ void test70() { void foo(char[0] p) { } static const char[0] altsep; foo(altsep); } /*******************************************/ class C71 { static int cnt; this() scope { printf("C()\n"); cnt++; } ~this() scope { printf("~C()\n"); cnt--; } } class D71 { static int cnt; this() scope { printf("D()\n"); cnt++; } ~this() scope { printf("~D()\n"); cnt--; } } class E71 { static int cnt; this() scope { printf("E()\n"); cnt++; } ~this() scope { printf("~E()\n"); cnt--; } } void test71() { { int i = 0; printf("start\n"); scope D71 d = new D71(); assert(D71.cnt == 1); for (scope E71 e = new E71(); i < 5; i++) { assert(D71.cnt == 1); assert(E71.cnt == 1); scope c = new C71(); assert(C71.cnt == 1); } assert(C71.cnt == 0); assert(E71.cnt == 0); assert(D71.cnt == 1); printf("finish\n"); } assert(D71.cnt == 0); } /*******************************************/ size_t getLength(int[] arr) { return arr.length; } void test13237() { int[] arr = [0]; immutable size_t len = getLength(arr); arr.length--; assert(len == 1); // ok if (len) { auto l = len; } assert(len == 1); // len cannot be changed, but produces Assertion failure with "-O -inline" } /*******************************************/ void main() { test1(); test2(); test3(); test5(); test6(); test7(); test8(); test9(); test10(); test11(); test12(); test13(); test14(); test15(); test17(); test18(); test19(); test20(); test21(); test22(); test23(); test24(); test25(); test26(); test27(); test28(); test29(); test30(); test31(); test34(); test37(); test38(); test39(); test40(); test41(); test42(); test43(); test44(); test45(); test46(); test47(); test48(); test50(); test52(); test54(); test56(); test57(); test58(); test59(); test60(); test61(); test62(); test63(); test64(); test65(); test66(); test68(); test69(); test70(); test71(); test13237(); printf("Success\n"); }