// REQUIRED_ARGS: /* TEST_OUTPUT: --- null --- */ import core.stdc.stdio; /*******************************************/ int bar(int a) { int foo(int b) { return b + 1; } return foo(a); } void test1() { assert(bar(3) == 4); } /*******************************************/ int bar2(int a) { static int c = 4; int foo(int b) { return b + c + 1; } return foo(a); } void test2() { assert(bar2(3) == 8); } /*******************************************/ int bar3(int a) { static int foo(int b) { return b + 1; } return foo(a); } void test3() { assert(bar3(3) == 4); } /*******************************************/ int bar4(int a) { static int c = 4; static int foo(int b) { return b + c + 1; } return foo(a); } void test4() { assert(bar4(3) == 8); } /*******************************************/ int bar5(int a) { int c = 4; int foo(int b) { return b + c + 1; } return c + foo(a); } void test5() { assert(bar5(3) == 12); } /*******************************************/ int bar6(int a) { int c = 4; int foob(int b) { return b + c + 1; } int fooa(int b) { return foob(c + b) * 7; } return fooa(a); } void test6() { assert(bar6(3) == 84); } /*******************************************/ int bar7(int a) { static int c = 4; static int foob(int b) { return b + c + 1; } int function(int) fp = &foob; return fp(a); } void test7() { assert(bar7(3) == 8); } /*******************************************/ int bar8(int a) { int c = 4; int foob(int b) { return b + c + 1; } int delegate(int) fp = &foob; return fp(a); } void test8() { assert(bar8(3) == 8); } /*******************************************/ struct Abc9 { int a; int b; int c = 7; int bar(int x) { Abc9 *foo() { return &this; } Abc9 *p = foo(); assert(p == &this); return p.c + x; } } void test9() { Abc9 x; assert(x.bar(3) == 10); } /*******************************************/ class Abc10 { int a; int b; int c = 7; int bar(int x) { Abc10 foo() { return this; } Abc10 p = foo(); assert(p == this); return p.c + x; } } void test10() { Abc10 x = new Abc10(); assert(x.bar(3) == 10); } /*******************************************/ class Collection { int[3] array; void opApply(void delegate(int) fp) { for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) fp(array[i]); } } int func11(Collection c) { int max = int.min; void comp_max(int i) { if (i > max) max = i; } c.opApply(&comp_max); return max; } void test11() { Collection c = new Collection(); c.array[0] = 7; c.array[1] = 26; c.array[2] = 25; int m = func11(c); assert(m == 26); } /*******************************************/ void SimpleNestedFunction () { int nest () { return 432; } assert (nest () == 432); int delegate () func = &nest; assert (func () == 432); } void AccessParentScope () { int value = 9; int nest () { assert (value == 9); return 9; } assert (nest () == 9); } void CrossNestedScope () { int x = 45; void foo () { assert (x == 45); } void bar () { int z = 16; foo (); } bar (); } void BadMultipleNested () { int x; void foo () { void bar () { //erroneous x = 4; // Should fail. } } } /* This one kind of depends upon memory layout. GlobalScopeSpoof should be called with no "this" pointer; this is trying to ensure that everything is working properly. Of course, in the DMD calling convention it'll fail if the caller passes too much/little data. */ void GlobalScopeSpoof (int x, int y) { assert (x == y && y == 487); } void GlobalScope () { void bar () { GlobalScopeSpoof (487, 487); } bar (); } class TestClass { int x = 6400; void foo () { void bar () { assert (x == 6400); } bar (); } } void test12() { SimpleNestedFunction (); AccessParentScope (); CrossNestedScope (); GlobalScope (); (new TestClass).foo (); } /*******************************************/ void test13() { struct Abc { int x = 3; int y = 4; } Abc a; assert(a.x == 3 && a.y == 4); } /*******************************************/ void test14() { struct Abc { int x = 3; int y = 4; int foo() { return y; } } Abc a; assert(a.foo() == 4); } /*******************************************/ void test15() { static int z = 5; struct Abc { int x = 3; int y = 4; int foo() { return y + z; } } Abc a; assert(a.foo() == 9); } /*******************************************/ void test16() { static int z = 5; static class Abc { int x = 3; int y = 4; int foo() { return y + z; } } Abc a = new Abc(); assert(a.foo() == 9); } /*******************************************/ void test17() { int function(int x) fp; fp = function int(int y) { return y + 3; }; assert(fp(7) == 10); } /*******************************************/ void test18() { static int a = 3; int function(int x) fp; fp = function int(int y) { return y + a; }; assert(fp(7) == 10); } /*******************************************/ void test19() { int a = 3; int delegate(int x) fp; fp = delegate int(int y) { return y + a; }; assert(fp(7) == 10); } /*******************************************/ class Collection20 { int[3] array; void opApply(void delegate(int) fp) { for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) fp(array[i]); } } int func20(Collection20 c) { int max = int.min; c.opApply(delegate(int i) { if (i > max) max = i; }); return max; } void test20() { Collection20 c = new Collection20(); c.array[0] = 7; c.array[1] = 26; c.array[2] = 25; int m = func20(c); assert(m == 26); } /*******************************************/ int bar21(int a) { int c = 3; int foo(int b) { b += c; // 4 is added to b c++; // bar.c is now 5 return b + c; // 12 is returned } c = 4; int i = foo(a); // i is set to 12 return i + c; // returns 17 } void test21() { int i = bar21(3); // i is assigned 17 assert(i == 17); } /*******************************************/ void foo22(void delegate() baz) { baz(); } void bar22(int i) { int j = 14; printf("%d,%d\n",i,j); void fred() { printf("%d,%d\n",i,j); assert(i == 12 && j == 14); } fred(); foo22(&fred); } void test22() { bar22(12); } /*******************************************/ void frelled(void delegate() baz) { baz(); } class Foo23 { void bar(int i) { int j = 14; printf("%d,%d\n",i,j); void fred() { printf("%d,%d\n",i,j); assert(i == 12); assert(j == 14); } frelled(&fred); } } void test23() { Foo23 f = new Foo23(); f.bar(12); } /*******************************************/ void delegate () function (int x) store24; void delegate () zoom24(int x) { return delegate void () { }; } void test24() { store24 = &zoom24; store24 (1) (); } /*******************************************/ void test25() { delegate() { printf("stop the insanity!\n"); }(); delegate() { printf("stop the insanity! 2\n"); }(); } /*******************************************/ alias bool delegate(int) callback26; bool foo26(callback26 a) { return a(12); } class Bar26 { int func(int v) { printf("func(v=%d)\n", v); foo26(delegate bool(int a) { printf("%d %d\n",a,v); return true; assert(a == 12); assert(v == 15); assert(0); } ); return v; } } void test26() { Bar26 b = new Bar26(); b.func(15); } /*******************************************/ class A27 { uint myFunc() { uint myInt = 13; uint mySubFunc() { return myInt; } return mySubFunc(); } } void test27() { A27 myInstance = new A27; int i = myInstance.myFunc(); printf("%d\n", i); assert(i == 13); } /*******************************************/ void Foo28(void delegate() call) { call(); } class Bar28 { int func() { int count = 0; Foo28(delegate void() { ++count; } ); return count; } } void test28() { Bar28 b = new Bar28(); int i = b.func(); assert(i == 1); } /*******************************************/ class Foo29 { void Func(void delegate() call) { for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) call(); } } class Bar29 { int Func() { int count = 0; Foo29 ic = new Foo29(); ic.Func(delegate void() { ++count; } ); return count; } } void test29() { Bar29 b = new Bar29(); int i = b.Func(); assert(i == 10); } /*******************************************/ struct Foo30 { int[] arr; } void Func30(Foo30 bar) { void InnerFunc(int x, int y) { int a = bar.arr[y]; // Ok if(bar.arr[y]) // Access violation { } } InnerFunc(5,5); } void test30() { Foo30 abc; abc.arr.length = 10; Func30(abc); } /*******************************************/ void call31(int d, void delegate(int d) f) { assert(d == 100 || d == 200); printf("d = %d\n", d); f(d); } void test31() { call31(100, delegate void(int d1) { printf("d1 = %d\n", d1); assert(d1 == 100); call31(200, delegate void(int d2) { printf("d1 = %d\n", d1); printf("d2 = %d\n", d2); assert(d1 == 100); assert(d2 == 200); }); }); } /*******************************************/ void call32(int d, void delegate(int d) f) { assert(d == 100 || d == 200); printf("d = %d\n", d); f(d); } void test32() { call32(100, delegate void(int d1) { int a = 3; int b = 4; printf("d1 = %d, a = %d, b = %d\n", d1, a, b); assert(a == 3); assert(b == 4); assert(d1 == 100); call32(200, delegate void(int d2) { printf("d1 = %d, a = %d\n", d1, a); printf("d2 = %d, b = %d\n", d2, b); assert(a == 3); assert(b == 4); assert(d1 == 100); assert(d2 == 200); }); }); } /*******************************************/ void test33() { extern (C) int Foo1(int a, int b, int c) { assert(a == 1); assert(b == 2); assert(c == 3); return 1; } extern (D) int Foo2(int a, int b, int c) { assert(a == 1); assert(b == 2); assert(c == 3); return 2; } extern (Windows) int Foo3(int a, int b, int c) { assert(a == 1); assert(b == 2); assert(c == 3); return 3; } assert(Foo1(1, 2, 3) == 1); assert(Foo2(1, 2, 3) == 2); assert(Foo3(1, 2, 3) == 3); printf("test33 success\n"); } /*******************************************/ class Foo34 { int x; class Bar { int y; int delegate() getDelegate() { assert(y == 8); auto i = sayHello(); assert(i == 23); return &sayHello; } } Bar bar; int sayHello() { printf("Hello\n"); assert(x == 47); return 23; } this() { x = 47; bar = new Bar(); bar.y = 8; } } void test34() { Foo34 foo = new Foo34(); int delegate() saydg = foo.bar.getDelegate(); printf("This should print Hello:\n"); auto i = saydg(); assert(i == 23); } /*******************************************/ class Foo35 { int x = 42; void bar() { int y = 43; new class Object { this() { //writefln("x = %s", x); //writefln("y = %s", y); assert(x == 42); assert(y == 43); //static assert(is(typeof(this.outer) == void*)); // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14442 static assert(is(typeof(this.outer) == Foo35)); // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15839 } }; } } void test35() { Foo35 f = new Foo35(); f.bar(); } /*******************************************/ class Foo36 { int x = 42; this() { int y = 43; new class Object { this() { //writefln("x = %s", x); //writefln("y = %s", y); assert(x == 42); assert(y == 43); } }; } } void test36() { Foo36 f = new Foo36(); } /*******************************************/ class Foo37 { int x = 42; void bar() { int y = 43; void abc() { new class Object { this() { //writefln("x = %s", x); //writefln("y = %s", y); assert(x == 42); assert(y == 43); } }; } abc(); } } void test37() { Foo37 f = new Foo37(); f.bar(); } /*******************************************/ void test38() { int status = 3; int delegate() foo() { class C { int dg() { return ++status; } } C c = new C(); return &c.dg; } int delegate() bar = foo(); if(status != 3) { assert(0); } if(bar() != 4) { assert(0); } if(status != 4) { assert(0); } } /*******************************************/ void test39() { int status; int delegate() foo() { return &(new class { int dg() { return ++status; } } ).dg; } int delegate() bar = foo(); if(status != 0) { assert(0); } if(bar() != 1) { assert(0); } if(status != 1) { assert(0); } } /*******************************************/ interface I40 { void get( string s ); } class C40 { int a = 4; void init() { I40 i = new class() I40 { void get( string s ) { func(); } }; i.get("hello"); } void func( ){ assert(a == 4); } } void test40() { C40 c = new C40(); c.init(); } /*******************************************/ class C41 { int a = 3; void init() { class N { void get() { func(); } } N n = new N(); n.get(); } void func() { assert(a == 3); } } void test41() { C41 c = new C41(); c.init(); } /*******************************************/ class C42 { int a = 3; void init() { class N { void init() { class M { void get() { func(); } } M m = new M(); m.get(); } } N n = new N(); n.init(); } void func() { assert(a == 3); } } void test42() { C42 c = new C42(); c.init(); } /*******************************************/ int foo43(alias X)() { return X; } void test43() { int x = 3; void bar() { int y = 4; assert(foo43!(x)() == 3); assert(foo43!(y)() == 4); } bar(); assert(foo43!(x)() == 3); } /*******************************************/ class Comb { } Comb Foo44(Comb delegate()[] c...) { Comb ec = c[0](); printf("1ec = %p\n", ec); ec.toString(); printf("2ec = %p\n", ec); return ec; } Comb c44; static this() { c44 = new Comb; } void test44() { c44 = Foo44(Foo44(c44)); } /*******************************************/ class Bar45 { void test() { a = 4; Inner i = new Inner; i.foo(); } class Inner { void foo() { assert(a == 4); Inner i = new Inner; i.bar(); } void bar() { assert(a == 4); } } int a; } void test45() { Bar45 b = new Bar45; assert(b.a == 0); b.test(); } /*******************************************/ class Adapter { int a = 2; int func() { return 73; } } class Foo46 { int b = 7; class AnonAdapter : Adapter { int aa = 8; this() { assert(b == 7); assert(aa == 8); } } void func() { Adapter a = cast( Adapter )( new AnonAdapter() ); assert(a.func() == 73); assert(a.a == 2); } } void test46() { Foo46 f = new Foo46(); f.func(); } /*******************************************/ void test47() { void delegate() test = { struct Foo {int x=3;} Foo f; assert(f.x == 3); }; test(); } /*******************************************/ struct Outer48 { class Inner { this(int i) { b = i; } int b; } int a = 6; void f() { int nested() { auto x = new Inner(a); return x.b + 1; } int i = nested(); assert(i == 7); } } void test48() { Outer48 s; s.f(); } /*******************************************/ void test49() { int j = 10; void mainlocal(int x) { printf("mainlocal: j = %d, x = %d\n", j, x); assert(j == 10); assert(x == 1); } void fun2() { int k = 20; void fun2local(int x) { printf("fun2local: k = %d, x = %d\n", k, x); assert(j == 10); assert(k == 20); assert(x == 2); } void fun1() { mainlocal(1); fun2local(2); } fun1(); } fun2(); } /*******************************************/ void funa50(alias pred1, alias pred2)() { pred1(1); pred2(2); } void funb50(alias pred1)() { int k = 20; void funb50local(int x) { printf("funb50local: k = %d, x = %d\n", k, x); assert(k == 20); assert(x == 2); } funa50!(pred1, funb50local)(); } void test50() { int j = 10; void mainlocal(int x) { printf("mainlocal: j = %d, x = %d\n", j, x); assert(j == 10); assert(x == 1); } funb50!(mainlocal)(); } /*******************************************/ void funa51(alias pred1, alias pred2)() { pred1(2); pred2(1); } void funb51(alias pred1)() { int k = 20; void funb51local(int x) { printf("funb51local: k = %d, x = %d\n", k, x); assert(k == 20); assert(x == 2); } funa51!(funb51local, pred1)(); } void test51() { int j = 10; void mainlocal(int x) { printf("mainlocal: j = %d, x = %d\n", j, x); assert(j == 10); assert(x == 1); } funb51!(mainlocal)(); } /*******************************************/ C52 c52; class C52 { int index = 7; void test1(){ printf( "this = %p, index = %d\n", this, index ); assert(index == 7); assert(this == c52); } void test() { class N { void callI() { printf("test1\n"); test1(); printf("test2\n"); if (index is -1) { // Access to the outer-super-field triggers the bug printf("test3\n"); } } } auto i = new N(); i.callI(); } } void test52() { auto c = new C52; printf("c = %p\n", c); c52 = c; c.test(); } /*******************************************/ void foo53(int i) { struct SS { int x,y; int bar() { return x + i + 1; } } SS s; s.x = 3; assert(s.bar() == 11); } void test53() { foo53(7); } /*******************************************/ void test54() { int x = 40; int fun(int i) { return x + i; } struct A { int bar(int i) { return fun(i); } } A makeA() { // A a; return a; return A(); } A makeA2() { A a; return a; //return A(); } A a = makeA(); assert(a.bar(2) == 42); A b = makeA2(); assert(b.bar(3) == 43); auto c = new A; assert(c.bar(4) == 44); } /*******************************************/ void test55() { int localvar = 7; int inner(int delegate(ref int) dg) { int k = localvar; return 0; } int a = localvar * localvar; // This modifies the EAX register foreach (entry; &inner) { } } /*******************************************/ enum dg56 = delegate { return 5; }; void test56() { auto inner() { return dg56(); } assert(inner() == 5); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4401 void test4401() { auto foo() { return 3; } auto bar() nothrow pure { return 3; } auto baz() @property pure @safe { return 3; } auto zoo()() @property pure @safe nothrow { return 3; } } /*******************************************/ alias void delegate() dg_t; void Y(dg_t delegate (dg_t) y) { struct F { void delegate(F) f; } version (all) { // generates error (dg_t delegate(F) a){return a(F((F b){return y(a(b))();})); } ((F b){return (){return b.f(b);};}); } else { auto abc(dg_t delegate(F) a) { return a(F((F b){return y(a(b))();})); } abc((F b){return (){return b.f(b);};}); } } void test7428(){ dg_t foo(dg_t self) { void bar() { self(); } return &bar; } Y(&foo); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4612 struct S4612a(alias x) { void* func() { void* p = &x; return p; } } struct S4612b(alias x) { int i; void* func() { void* p = &x; return p; } } void test4612() { int a; auto sa = S4612a!a(); assert(sa.func() == &a); auto sb = S4612b!(a)(); assert(sb.func() == &a); } /*******************************************/ struct S4841(alias pred) { void unused_func(); } void abc4841() { int w; S4841!(w) m; } void test4841() { abc4841(); } /*******************************************/ void index7199() { void find() { bool hay() { return true; } } find(); } void test7199() { index7199(); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7965 void test7965() { int x; static int* px; px = &x; printf("&x = %p in main()\n", &x); struct S1 { char y; void boom() { printf("&x = %p in S1.boom()\n", &x); assert(&x == px); //x = 42; // makes the struct nested } } S1 s1; s1.boom(); struct S2 { this(int n) { printf("&x = %p in S2.this()\n", &x); assert(&x == px); } char y; } S2 s2 = S2(10); } struct S7965 { string str; uint unused1, unused2 = 0; } auto f7965(alias fun)() { struct Result { S7965 s; this(S7965 _s) { s = _s; } // required for the problem void g() { assert(fun(s.str) == "xa"); } } return Result(S7965("a")); } void test7965a() { string s = "x"; f7965!(a => s ~= a)().g(); assert(s == "xa"); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8188 mixin template Print8188(b...) { int doprint() { return b[0] * b[1]; } } class A8188 { int x, y; mixin Print8188!(x, y); } void test8188() { auto a = new A8188; a.x = 2; a.y = 5; assert(a.doprint() == 10); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5082 struct S5082 { float x; } struct Map5082a(alias fun) { typeof({ return fun(int.init); }()) cache; } struct Map5082b(alias fun) { typeof({ return fun(int.init); }()) cache; S5082 front(int i) { return fun(i); } } void test5082() { auto temp = S5082(1); auto func = (int v){ return temp; }; auto map1 = Map5082a!func(); auto map2 = Map5082b!func(); assert(map2.front(1) == temp); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8194 void test8194() { int foo; static void bar() { typeof(foo) baz; static assert(is(typeof(baz) == int)); } } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8339 template map8339a(fun...) { auto map8339a(Range)(Range r) { struct Result { this(double[] input) {} } return Result(r); } } template map8339b(fun...) { auto map8339b(Range)(Range r) { struct Result { this(double[] input) { fun[0](input.length); } } return Result(r); } } template map8339c(fun...) { auto map8339c(Range)(Range r) { static struct Result { this(double[] input) {} } return Result(r); } } template map8339d(fun...) { auto map8339d(Range)(Range r) { static struct Result { this(double[] input) { fun[0](input.length); } } return Result(r); } } void copy8339(T)(T x) { T xSaved; } void test8339a() { double[] x; int n; // Result has context pointer, so cannot copy static assert (!is(typeof({ copy8339(map8339a!(a=>a)(x)); }))); static assert (!is(typeof({ copy8339(map8339a!(a=>n)(x)); }))); // same as static assert (!is(typeof({ copy8339(map8339b!(a=>a)(x)); }))); static assert (!is(typeof({ copy8339(map8339b!(a=>n)(x)); }))); // fun is never instantiated copy8339(map8339c!(a=>a)(x)); copy8339(map8339c!(a=>n)(x)); // static nested struct doesn't have contest pointer copy8339(map8339d!(a=>a)(x)); //copy8339(map8339d!(a=>n)(x)); // too strict case } template filter8339(alias pred) { auto filter8339(R)(R r) { struct Result { R range; this(R r) { range = r; } auto front() { return pred(0); } } return Result(r); } } void test8339b() { static makefilter() { int n; return filter8339!(a=>n)([]); } auto r1 = makefilter(); filter8339!(a=>a)(r1); } void test8339c() { class C(X) { X x; } class C1 { C!C1 x; } alias C!C1 C2; struct Pair { C1 t; C2 u; void func(){} } Pair pair; } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8704 void check8704(T, int num)() { static if (num == 1) T t0; static if (num == 2) T t1 = T(); static if (num == 3) T t2 = T(1); } void test8704() { struct S { int n; void foo(){} } static assert(!is(typeof(check8704!(S, 1)()))); static assert(!is(typeof(check8704!(S, 2)()))); static assert(!is(typeof(check8704!(S, 3)()))); static assert(!__traits(compiles, check8704!(S, 1)())); static assert(!__traits(compiles, check8704!(S, 2)())); static assert(!__traits(compiles, check8704!(S, 3)())); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8923 void test8923a() { int val; struct S // is nested struct { void foo() { val = 1; } // access to val through the hidden frame pointer } S s1a; s1a.foo(); S s1b = S(); s1b.foo(); S[1] s2a; s2a[0].foo(); S[1] s2b = S(); s2b[0].foo(); static struct U { S s; } U u1a; u1a.s.foo(); U u1b = U(); u1b.s.foo(); U u1c = U(s1a); u1c.s.foo(); U[1] u2a; u2a[0].s.foo(); U[1] u2b = U(); u2b[0].s.foo(); U[1] u2c = U(s1a); u2c[0].s.foo(); static struct V { S[1] s; } V v1a; v1a.s[0].foo(); V v1b = V(); v1b.s[0].foo(); V v1c = V(s1a); v1c.s[0].foo(); V[1] v2a; v2a[0].s[0].foo(); V[1] v2b = V(); v2b[0].s[0].foo(); V[1] v2c = V(s1a); v2c[0].s[0].foo(); static struct W { S s; this(S s){ this.s = s; } } W w1a; w1a.s.foo(); W w1b = W(); w1b.s.foo(); W w1c = W(s1a); w1c.s.foo(); W[1] w2a; w2a[0].s.foo(); W[1] w2b = W(); w2b[0].s.foo(); W[1] w2c = W(s1a); w2c[0].s.foo(); static struct X { S[1] s; this(S s){ this.s[] = s; } } X x1a; x1a.s[0].foo(); X x1b = X(); x1b.s[0].foo(); X x1c = X(s1a); x1c.s[0].foo(); X[1] x2a; x2a[0].s[0].foo(); X[1] x2b = X(); x2b[0].s[0].foo(); X[1] x2c = X(s1a); x2c[0].s[0].foo(); // Both declarations, Y and Z should raise errors, // because their ctors don't initialize their field 's'. static assert(!__traits(compiles, { static struct Y { S s; this(S){} } })); /+ Y y1a; //y1a.s.foo(); Y y1b = Y(); y1b.s.foo(); Y y1c = Y(s1a);//y1c.s.foo(); Y[1] y2a; //y2a[0].s.foo(); Y[1] y2b = Y(); y2b[0].s.foo(); Y[1] y2c = Y(s1a);//y2c[0].s.foo(); +/ static assert(!__traits(compiles, { static struct Z { S[1] s; this(S){} } })); /+ Z z1a; //z1a.s[0].foo(); Z z1b = Z(); z1b.s[0].foo(); Z z1c = Z(s1a);//z1c.s[0].foo(); Z[1] z2a; //z1a.s[0].foo(); Z[1] z2b = Z(); z1b.s[0].foo(); Z[1] z2c = Z(s1a);//z1c.s[0].foo(); // +/ } struct Tuple8923(int v, T...) { T field; static if (v == 1) this(T args) { } // should be an error static if (v == 2) this(T args) { field = args; } static if (v == 3) this(U...)(U args) { } // should be an error static if (v == 4) this(U...)(U args) { field = args; } //alias field this; } void test8923b() { int val; struct S { void foo() { val = 1; } } static assert(!__traits(compiles, Tuple8923!(1, S)(S()) )); static assert(!__traits(compiles, Tuple8923!(3, S)(S()) )); auto tup2 = Tuple8923!(2, S)(S()); tup2.field[0].foo(); // correctly initialized auto tup4 = Tuple8923!(4, S)(S()); tup4.field[0].foo(); // correctly initialized } void test8923c() { int val; struct S // is nested struct { void foo() { val = 1; } // access to val through the hidden frame pointer } S s1a; s1a.foo(); S s1b = S(); s1b.foo(); S[1] s2a; s2a[0].foo(); S[1] s2b = S(); s2b[0].foo(); // U,V,W,X are nested struct, but should work same as non-nested. // 1: bare struct object. 2: static array of structs. // a: default construction. // b: construction by literal syntax which has no argument. // c: construction by literal syntax which has one or more arguments. struct U { S s; void foo() { val = 2; } } U u1a; u1a.foo(); u1a.s.foo(); U u1b = U(); u1b.foo(); u1b.s.foo(); U u1c = U(s1a); u1c.foo(); u1c.s.foo(); U[1] u2a; u2a[0].foo(); u2a[0].s.foo(); U[1] u2b = U(); u2b[0].foo(); u2b[0].s.foo(); U[1] u2c = U(s1a); u2c[0].foo(); u2c[0].s.foo(); struct V { S[1] s; void foo() { val = 2; } } V v1a; v1a.foo(); v1a.s[0].foo(); V v1b = V(); v1b.foo(); v1b.s[0].foo(); V v1c = V(s1a); v1c.foo(); v1c.s[0].foo(); V[1] v2a; v2a[0].foo(); v2a[0].s[0].foo(); V[1] v2b = V(); v2b[0].foo(); v2b[0].s[0].foo(); V[1] v2c = V(s1a); v2c[0].foo(); v2c[0].s[0].foo(); struct W { S s; this(S s) { this.s = s; } void foo() { val = 2; } } W w1a; w1a.foo(); w1a.s.foo(); W w1b = W(); w1b.foo(); w1b.s.foo(); W w1c = W(s1a); w1c.foo(); w1c.s.foo(); W[1] w2a; w2a[0].foo(); w2a[0].s.foo(); W[1] w2b = W(); w2b[0].foo(); w2b[0].s.foo(); W[1] w2c = W(s1a); w2c[0].foo(); w2c[0].s.foo(); struct X { S[1] s; this(S s) { this.s[] = s; } void foo() { val = 2; } } X x1a; x1a.foo(); x1a.s[0].foo(); X x1b = X(); x1b.foo(); x1b.s[0].foo(); X x1c = X(s1a); x1c.foo(); x1c.s[0].foo(); X[1] x2a; x2a[0].foo(); x2a[0].s[0].foo(); X[1] x2b = X(); x2b[0].foo(); x2b[0].s[0].foo(); X[1] x2c = X(s1a); x2c[0].foo(); x2c[0].s[0].foo(); // Both declarations, Y and Z should raise errors, // because their ctors don't initialize their field 's'. static assert(!__traits(compiles, { struct Y1 { S s; this(S){} void foo() { val = 2; } } })); static assert(!__traits(compiles, { struct Y2 { S s; this(T)(S){} void foo() { val = 2; } } auto y2 = Y2!S(S()); // instantiate ctor })); static assert(!__traits(compiles, { struct Z1 { S[1] s; this(S){} void foo() { val = 2; } } })); static assert(!__traits(compiles, { struct Z2 { S[1] s; this(T)(S){} void foo() { val = 2; } } auto z2 = Z2!S(S()); // instantiate ctor })); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9003 void test9003() { int i; struct NS { int n1; // Comment to pass all asserts int n2; // Uncomment to fail assert on line 19 int f() { return i; } } static struct SS1 { NS ns; } SS1 ss1; assert(ss1.ns != NS.init); static struct SS2 { NS ns1, ns2; } SS2 ss2; assert(ss2.ns1 != NS.init); // line 19 assert(ss2.ns2 != NS.init); static struct SS3 { int i; NS ns; } SS3 ss3; assert(ss3.ns != NS.init); static struct SS4 { int i; NS ns1, ns2; } SS4 ss4; assert(ss4.ns1 != NS.init); // fails assert(ss4.ns2 != NS.init); // fails } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9006 void test9006() { int i; struct NS { int n; int[3] a; // Uncomment to fail assert on line 20 and pass on line 23 int f() { return i; } } NS ns; assert(ns != NS.init); ns = NS.init; assert(ns == NS.init); static struct SS { NS ns; } assert(SS.init.ns == NS.init); // fails assert(SS.init.ns != NS()); // fails SS s; assert(s.ns != NS.init); // line 20 assert(s != SS.init); // fails s = SS.init; assert(s.ns == NS.init); // line 23, fails assert(s == SS.init); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9035 void test9035() { static struct S {} void f(T)(auto ref T t) { static assert(!__traits(isRef, t)); } f(S.init); // ok, rvalue f(S()); // ok, rvalue int i; struct Nested { int j = 0; void f() { ++i; } } f(Nested()); // ok, rvalue f(Nested.init); // fails, lvalue assert(Nested.init.j == 0); //(ref n) { n.j = 5; }(Nested.init); assert(Nested.init.j == 0); // fails, j is 5 } void test9035a() { int x; struct S { // no field void foo() { x = 1; } } S s1; S s2 = S(); assert(s1 != S.init); // OK assert(s2 != S.init); // OK assert(S() != S.init); // NG -> OK } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9036 void test9036() { static int i; static struct S { this(this) { ++i; } } S s = S.init; assert(i == 0); // postblit not called s = S.init; assert(i == 0); // postblit not called int k; static int j = 0; struct N { this(this) { ++j; assert(this.tupleof[$-1] != null); // fails } void f() { ++k; } } N n = N.init; assert(j == 0); // fails, j = 1, postblit called n = N.init; assert(j == 0); // fails, j = 2, postblit called } /*******************************************/ /+ auto fun8863(T)(T* ret) { *ret = T(); } void test8863() { int x = 1; struct A { auto f() { assert(x == 1); } } A a; a.f(); fun8863!A(&a); a.f(); } +/ /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8774 void popFront8774() { int[20] abc; // smash stack } struct MapResult8774(alias fun) { void delegate() front() { return fun(1); } } void test8774() { int sliceSize = 100; void delegate() foo( int i ) { void delegate() closedPartialSum() { int ii = i ; void bar() { printf("%d\n", sliceSize); assert(sliceSize == 100); } return &bar; } return closedPartialSum(); } auto threads = MapResult8774!foo(); auto dg = threads.front(); popFront8774(); printf("calling dg()\n"); dg(); } /*******************************************/ int Bug8832(alias X)() { return X(); } int delegate() foo8832() { int stack; int heap = 3; int nested_func() { ++heap; return heap; } return delegate int() { return Bug8832!(nested_func); }; } void test8832() { auto z = foo8832(); auto p = foo8832(); assert(z() == 4); p(); assert(z() == 5); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9315 auto test9315() { struct S { int i; void bar() {} } pragma(msg, S.init.tupleof[$-1]); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9244 void test9244() { union U { int i; @safe int x() { return i; } } } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10495 struct X10495 { @disable this(); } struct Y10495(alias f) { void g() {} } class C10495 { X10495 s = X10495.init; void h() { Y10495!(a => a) st; } } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11385 auto map11385(alias fun, R)(R range) { return MapResult11385!(fun, R)(range); } struct MapResult11385(alias fun, R) { R range; auto front() { return fun(range[0]); } } void test11385() { //import std.algorithm; static auto fun1(T)(T a) { return a * 2; } auto fun2(T)(T a) { return a * 2; } [1].map11385!(a=>fun1(a)); // OK [1].map11385!(a=>fun2(a)); // NG:XXX is a nested function and cannot be accessed from XXX } /*******************************************/ void xmap(alias g)(int t) { g(t); } enum foo11297 = function (int x) { //int bar(int y) { return x; } xmap!bar(7); xmap!(y => x)(7); }; enum goo11297 = delegate (int x) { //int bar(int y) { return x; } xmap!bar(7); xmap!(y => x)(7); }; void xreduce(alias f)() { f(4); } void test11297() { xreduce!foo11297(); xreduce!goo11297(); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11886 struct Lambda11886(alias fun) { auto opCall(A...)(A args) { return fun(args); } } void test11886() { int n = 10; Lambda11886!(x => x + n) f; assert(f(1) == 11); // Line 9 struct NS { auto foo(T)(T t) { return t * n; } } static assert(NS.tupleof.length == 1); static assert(NS.sizeof == (void*).sizeof); NS ns; assert(ns.foo(2) == 20); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12234 void test12234() { class B { int a; this(int aa) { a = aa; } } auto foo = { return new B(1); }; static assert(is(typeof(foo) == delegate)); auto b = foo(); assert(b.a == 1); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12981 template Mix12981(T) { class A { alias typeof(this.outer) x; } } class B12981 { mixin Mix12981!(int); static assert(is(A.x == B12981)); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13861 struct Foo13861(alias f) { struct Bar { Bar func() { return Bar(); // OK <- Segfault } } } void test13861() { Foo13861!(n => n) a; } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14398 void test14398() { int outer; struct Inner { this(this) { outer += 42; } } struct Outer { Inner inner; this(int dummy) { inner = Inner(); // hidden fields correctly set assert(this.tupleof[$-1] !is null); assert(inner.tupleof[$-1] !is null); } } Outer[1] arr1 = [Outer(0)]; assert(outer == 0); // no postblit called on arr1 construction auto arr2 = arr1; assert(outer == 42); // inner is copied successfully } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14846 void foo14846(Dg)(scope Dg code) { static assert(is(Dg == delegate)); code(); } void test14846() { int x; struct S { this(int n) { x = n; } ~this() { x = 99; } } foo14846({ S s; }); foo14846({ S s = S(); }); foo14846({ S s = S(1); }); foo14846({ S[3] s; }); foo14846({ S* p = new S(); }); foo14846({ S* p = new S(1); }); foo14846({ S[] a = [S()]; }); foo14846({ S[] a = [S(1)]; }); } /*******************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15422 class App15422(T) { this() {} auto test1(T val) in {} do // necessary to reproduce the crash { struct Foo { this(int k) {} T a; } Foo foo; foo.a = val; // Frame of test2 function, allocated on heap. assert(foo.tupleof[$-1] !is null); //printf("&foo = %p\n", &foo); // stack //printf("&this = %p\n", &this); // stack? //printf("foo.vthis = %p\n", foo.tupleof[$-1]); // stack...!? //assert(cast(void*)&this !is *cast(void**)&foo.tupleof[$-1], "bad"); // BUG: currently foo.vthis set to the address of 'this' variable on the stack. // It's should be stomped to null, because Foo.vthis is never be used. int[Foo] map; map[foo] = 1; // OK <- crash return foo; } auto test2(T val) //in {} do { int closVar; struct Foo { this(int k) { closVar = k; } // Make val a closure variable. T a; } Foo foo; foo.a = val; // Frame of test2 function, allocated on heap. assert(foo.tupleof[$-1] !is null); return foo; } } void test15422a() { alias App = App15422!int; App app1 = new App; { auto x = app1.test1(1); auto y = app1.test1(1); static assert(is(typeof(x) == typeof(y))); // int (bitwise comparison) assert(x.a == y.a); assert(*cast(void**)&x.tupleof[$-1] is *cast(void**)&y.tupleof[$-1]); // bitwise equality (needOpEquals() and needToHash() returns false) assert(x == y); // BUG //assert(*cast(void**)&x.tupleof[$-1] is null); //assert(*cast(void**)&y.tupleof[$-1] is null); auto getZ() { auto z = app1.test1(1); return z; } auto z = getZ(); assert(x.a == z.a); //assert(x.tupleof[$-1] is z.tupleof[$-1]); // should pass //assert(x == z); // should pass x = y; // OK, x.tupleof[$-1] = y.tupleof[$-1] is a blit copy. } App app2 = new App; { auto x = app1.test2(1); auto y = app2.test2(1); static assert(is(typeof(x) == typeof(y))); // int (bitwise comparison) assert(x.a == y.a); // closure envirionments assert(*cast(void**)&x.tupleof[$-1] !is *cast(void**)&y.tupleof[$-1]); // Changed to bitwise equality (needOpEquals() and needToHash() returns false) assert(x != y); // OK <- crash x = y; // OK, x.tupleof[$-1] = y.tupleof[$-1] is a blit copy. } } void test15422b() { alias App = App15422!string; App app1 = new App; { auto x = app1.test1("a".idup); auto y = app1.test1("a".idup); static assert(is(typeof(x) == typeof(y))); // string (element-wise comparison) assert(x.a == y.a); assert(*cast(void**)&x.tupleof[$-1] is *cast(void**)&y.tupleof[$-1]); // memberwise equality (needToHash() returns true) assert(x == y); // Lowered to: x.a == y.a && x.tupleof[$-1] is y.tupleof[$-1] // BUG //assert(*cast(void**)&x.tupleof[$-1] is null); //assert(*cast(void**)&y.tupleof[$-1] is null); auto getZ() { auto z = app1.test1("a".idup); return z; } auto z = getZ(); assert(x.a == z.a); //assert(x.tupleof[$-1] is z.tupleof[$-1]); // should pass //assert(x == z); // should pass x = y; // OK, x.tupleof[$-1] = y.tupleof[$-1] is a blit copy. } App app2 = new App; { auto x = app1.test2("a".idup); auto y = app2.test2("a".idup); static assert(is(typeof(x) == typeof(y))); // string (element-wise comparison) assert(x.a == y.a); // closure envirionments assert(*cast(void**)&x.tupleof[$-1] !is *cast(void**)&y.tupleof[$-1]); // Changed to memberwise equality (needToHash() returns true) // Lowered to: x.a == y.a && x.tupleof[$-1] is y.tupleof[$-1] assert(x != y); // OK <- crash x = y; // OK, x.tupleof[$-1] = y.tupleof[$-1] is a blit copy. } } /***************************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15757 template map15757(fun...) { auto map15757(R)(R r) { return MapResult15757!(fun, R)(r); } } struct MapResult15757(alias fun, R) { R _input; this(R input) { _input = input; } } void wrap15757(R)(R r) { struct M(R) { this(R r) { payload = r; } R payload; } M!R m = M!R(r); } void test15757() @safe { [1,2,3].map15757!(x => x*x).wrap15757; } /***************************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19384 struct Vec { uint item; ref uint august() return { return item; // commenting next line removes bug foreach(ref val; range()) return val; assert(false); } uint* august2() return { return &item; foreach(ref val; range()) return &val; assert(false); } } struct range { int opApply(scope int delegate(ref uint) dg) { return 0; } } void test19384() { Vec preds = Vec(0xDEAD); void* ptr2 = &preds.august(); void* ptr3 = preds.august2(); assert(&preds == ptr2); assert(&preds == ptr3); } /***************************************************/ int main() { test1(); test2(); test3(); test4(); test5(); test6(); test7(); test8(); test9(); test10(); test11(); test12(); test13(); test14(); test15(); test16(); test17(); test18(); test19(); test20(); test21(); test22(); test23(); test24(); test25(); test26(); test27(); test28(); test29(); test30(); test31(); test32(); test33(); test34(); test35(); test36(); test37(); test38(); test39(); test40(); test41(); test42(); test43(); test44(); test45(); test46(); test47(); test48(); test49(); test50(); test51(); test52(); test53(); test54(); test55(); test56(); test4401(); test7428(); test4612(); test4841(); test7199(); test7965(); test7965a(); test8188(); test5082(); test8194(); test8339a(); test8339b(); test8339c(); test8923a(); test8923b(); test8923c(); test9003(); test9006(); test9035(); test9035a(); test9036(); // test8863(); test8774(); test8832(); test9315(); test9244(); test11385(); test11297(); test11886(); test12234(); test13861(); test14398(); test14846(); test15422a(); test15422b(); test15757(); test19384(); printf("Success\n"); return 0; }