/* PERMUTE_ARGS: RUN_OUTPUT: --- OK --- */ extern(C) int printf(const char*, ...); interface IWriter { IWriter put (I1 x); } interface I1 { void write (IWriter writer); } interface I2 : I1 {} interface I3 : I2 {} class Newline : I3 { static int OKset; void write (IWriter writer) { printf ("OK\n"); OKset += 1; } } class Writer : IWriter { IWriter put (I1 x) { x.write (this); return this; } } class FlushWriter : Writer { override IWriter put (I1 x) { // have superclass handle the I1 super.put (x); // flush output when we see a newline if (cast(Newline) x) { } return this; } } void test (IWriter w) { //w.put (new Newline); I3 NL = new Newline; w.put (NL); } int main() { test (new FlushWriter); assert(Newline.OKset == 1); return 0; }