/* RUN_OUTPUT: --- 7 83 4 4 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 Success --- */ import core.stdc.stdio; // Test function inlining debug = NRVO; /************************************/ int foo(int i) { return i; } int bar() { return foo(3) + 4; } void test1() { printf("%d\n", bar()); assert(bar() == 7); } /************************************/ struct Foo2 { int a,b,c,e,f,g; } int foo2(Foo2 f) { f.b += 73; return f.b; } int bar2() { Foo2 gg; gg.b = 6; return foo2(gg) + 4; } void test2() { printf("%d\n", bar2()); assert(bar2() == 83); } /************************************/ struct Foo3 { int bar() { return y + 3; } int y = 4; } void test3() { Foo3 f; assert(f.bar() == 7); } /************************************/ void func(void function () v) { } void test4() { static void f1() { } func(&f1); //func(f1); } /************************************/ void foo5(ubyte[16] array) { bar5(array.ptr); } void bar5(ubyte *array) { } void abc5(ubyte[16] array) { foo5(array); } void test5() { } /************************************/ struct Struct { real foo() { return 0; } void bar(out Struct Q) { if (foo() < 0) Q = this; } } void test6() { } /************************************/ struct S7(T) { immutable(T)[] s; } T foo7(T)(T t) { enum S7!(T)[] i = [{"hello"},{"world"}]; auto x = i[0].s; return t; } void test7() { auto x = foo7('c'); } /************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10833 string fun10833(T...)() { foreach (v ; T) return v; assert(0); } void test10833() { auto a = fun10833!("bar")(); } /************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4825 int a8() { int r; return r; } int b8() { return a8(); } void test8() { void d() { auto e = b8(); } static const int f = b8(); } /************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4841 auto fun4841a() { int i = 42; struct Result { this(int u) {} auto bar() { // refer context of fun4841a return i; } } return Result(); } void test4841a() { auto t = fun4841a(); auto x = t.bar(); assert(x == 42); } auto fun4841b() { int i = 40; auto foo() // hasNestedFrameRefs() == false { // struct Result { this(int u) {} auto bar() { // refer context of fun4841b return i + 2; } } return Result(); } return foo(); } void test4841b() { auto t = fun4841b(); assert(cast(void*)t.tupleof[$-1] !is null); // Result to fun4841b auto x = t.bar(); assert(x == 42); } auto fun4841c() { int i = 40; auto foo() // hasNestedFrameRefs() == true { int g = 2; struct Result { this(int u) {} auto bar() { // refer context of fun4841c and foo return i + g; } } return Result(); } return foo(); } void test4841c() { auto t = fun4841c(); assert( cast(void*)t.tupleof[$-1] !is null); // Result to foo assert(*cast(void**)t.tupleof[$-1] !is null); // foo to fun4841c auto x = t.bar(); assert(x == 42); } void test4841() { test4841a(); test4841b(); test4841c(); } /************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7261 struct AbstractTask { ubyte taskStatus; } struct Task { AbstractTask base; alias base this; void opAssign(Task rhs) { } ~this() { if (taskStatus != 3) { } } } /************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9356 void test9356() { static inout(char)[] bar (inout(char)[] a) { return a; } string result; result ~= bar("abc"); assert(result == "abc"); } /************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12079 void test12079() { string[string][string] foo; foo.get("bar", null).get("baz", null); } /************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12243 char f12243() { return 'a'; } void test12243() { string s; s ~= f12243(); } /************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11201 struct Foo11201 { int a; float b; Foo11201 func()() const { return this; } } auto f11201()(Foo11201 a) { return a; } void test11201() { auto a = Foo11201(0, 1); assert(f11201(a.func!()()) == a); } /************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11223 struct Tuple11223(T...) { T values; void opAssign(Tuple11223 rhs) { if (0) values = rhs.values; else assert(1); } } void test11223() { Tuple11223!string tmp; tmp = Tuple11223!string(); } /************************************/ void foo3918() { import core.stdc.stdlib : alloca; void[] mem = alloca(1024)[0..1024]; } void test3918() { foreach(i; 0 .. 10_000_000) { foo3918(); } } /************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11314 struct Tuple11314(T...) { T values; void opAssign(typeof(this) rhs) { if (0) values[] = rhs.values[]; else assert(1); } } struct S11314 {} void test11314() { Tuple11314!S11314 t; t = Tuple11314!S11314(S11314.init); } /************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11224 S11224* ptr11224; struct S11224 { this(int) { ptr11224 = &this; /*printf("ctor &this = %p\n", &this);*/ } this(this) { /*printf("cpctor &this = %p\n", &this);*/ } int num; } S11224 foo11224() { S11224 s = S11224(1); //printf("foo &this = %p\n", &s); assert(ptr11224 is &s); return s; } void test11224() { auto s = foo11224(); //printf("main &this = %p\n", &s); assert(ptr11224 is &s); } /************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11322 bool b11322; uint n11322; ref uint fun11322() { if (b11322) return n11322; else return n11322; } void test11322() { fun11322()++; assert(n11322 == 1); fun11322() *= 5; assert(n11322 == 5); } /************************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11394 debug(NRVO) static void* p11394a, p11394b, p11394c; static int[5] make11394(in int x) pure { typeof(return) a; a[0] = x; a[1] = x + 1; a[2] = x + 2; a[3] = x + 3; a[4] = x + 4; debug(NRVO) p11394a = cast(void*)a.ptr; return a; } struct Bar11394 { immutable int[5] arr; this(int x) { this.arr = make11394(x); // NRVO should work debug(NRVO) p11394b = cast(void*)this.arr.ptr; } } void test11394() { auto b = Bar11394(5); debug(NRVO) p11394c = cast(void*)b.arr.ptr; //debug(NRVO) printf("p1 = %p\np2 = %p\np3 = %p\n", p11394a, p11394b, p11394c); debug(NRVO) assert(p11394a == p11394b); debug(NRVO) assert(p11394b == p11394c); } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12080 class TZ12080 {} struct ST12080 { ST12080 opBinary()() const pure nothrow { auto retval = ST12080(); return retval; // NRVO } long _stdTime; immutable TZ12080 _timezone; } class Foo12080 { ST12080 bar; bool quux; public ST12080 sysTime() out {} do { if (quux) return ST12080(); return bar.opBinary(); // returned value is set to __result // --> Inliner wrongly created the second DeclarationExp for __result. } } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13503 void f13503a(string[] s...) { assert(s[0] == "Cheese"); } auto f13503b(string arg) { string result = arg; return result; } string f13503c(string arg) { string result = arg; return result; } void test13503() { f13503a(f13503b("Cheese")); f13503a(f13503c("Cheese")); } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14267 // EXTRA_SOURCES: imports/a14267.d import imports.a14267; void test14267() { foreach (m; __traits(allMembers, SysTime14267)) { static if (is(typeof(__traits(getMember, SysTime14267, m)))) { foreach (func; __traits(getOverloads, SysTime14267, m)) { auto prot = __traits(getProtection, func); static if (__traits(isStaticFunction, func)) { static assert(func.stringof == "min()"); auto result = func; } } } } } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13244 struct MapResult13244(alias fun) { int[] input; @property front() { return fun(input[0]); } } int[] array13244(R)(R r) { int[] a; a ~= r.front; return a; } void test13244() { auto arr = [[cast(ubyte)1]]; foreach (ref x; arr) { auto m = MapResult13244!(c => x[c])([0]); array13244(m); } } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14306 struct MapResult(alias fun) { void front() { // while (1) { break; } fun(1); } } void bar(R)(R r) { foreach (i; 0..100) { r.front(); } } struct S { int x; int bump() { while (1) { break; } ++x; return x; } } void fun(ref S s) { MapResult!(y => s.bump())().bar; // MapResult!((int x) => s.bump())().bar; if (s.x != 100) assert(0); } void test14306() { S t; fun(t); } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14754 auto aafunc14754(string k) { enum aa = [ "K": "V" ]; auto p = k in aa; return null; } struct MapResult14754(alias fun, R) { R _input; @property auto ref front() { return fun(_input[0]); } } auto array14754(R)(R r) { alias E = typeof(r.front); E[] result; result ~= r.front; return result; } auto mapfun14754(R)(R words, string k) { return array14754(MapResult14754!(s => aafunc14754(k), R)(words)); } void test14754() { auto r = mapfun14754([""], ""); } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14606 struct S14606 { this(long stdTime) { _stdTime = stdTime; } long _stdTime; } S14606 getS14606() { S14606 sysTime = S14606(0); return sysTime; } struct T14606 { this(string) { uint[3] arr; s = getS14606(); } S14606 s; } void test14606() { auto t = T14606(null); } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14753 pragma(inline) void test14753(string) { } /**********************************/ struct S14975 { int bar; pragma(inline, true) this(int bar) { this.bar = bar; } } void test14975() { S14975 baz = 1; if (baz.bar != 1) assert(0); } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15210 struct BigInt15210 {} struct Tuple15210(Types...) { Types field; void opAssign(R)(R rhs) { field = rhs.field; } } void test15210() { alias X = Tuple15210!BigInt15210; X[BigInt15210] cache; auto x = X(); cache[BigInt15210()] = x; } /**********************************/ int foo7625(int v) { return bar7625(2 * v); } int bar7625(int a) { ++a; if (a > 0) return 1; return baz(a); } int baz(int a) { if (a > 0) throw new Exception("a > 0"); return a - 1; } void test7625() { int x = foo7625(1); if (x != 1) assert(0); } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9785 partial fix void test9785() { int j = 3; void loop(scope const void function(int x) dg) { pragma(inline, true); dg(++j); } loop((x) { pragma(inline, true); printf("%d\n", x); assert(x == 4); }); } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9785 partial fix void test9785_2() { int j = 3; void loop(scope const void function(int x) dg) { pragma(inline, true); dg(++j); } static void func(int x) { pragma(inline, true); printf("%d\n", x); assert(x == 4); } loop(&func); } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9785 partial fix void test9785_3() @nogc { int j = 3; void loop(scope const void delegate(int x) @nogc dg) @nogc { pragma(inline, true); dg(++j); } loop((x) @nogc { pragma(inline, true); //printf("%d\n", x + j * 2); assert(x == 4); assert(j == 4); }); j = 3; void func(int x) @nogc { pragma(inline, true); //printf("%d\n", x + j * 2); assert(x == 4); assert(j == 4); } loop(&func); } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15207 struct Vec15207 { float x, y, z; this(float x_, float y_, float z_) { x = x_; y = y_; z = z_; } Vec15207 clone() { // When the variable 'res' is replaced with a STCref temporary, // this line was accidentally changed to reference initialization. Vec15207 res = this; return res; } } class C15207 { Vec15207 a; this() { a = Vec15207(1, 2, 3).clone(); assert(a.x == 1); assert(a.y == 2); assert(a.z == 3); printf("%f %f %f\n", a.x, a.y, a.z); } } void test15207() { auto c = new C15207(); } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15253 struct MessageType15253 { MessageType15253[] messageTypes; const void toString1(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink) { messageTypes[0].toString1(sink); } } struct ProtoPackage15253 { MessageType15253[] messageTypes; const void toString1(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink) { messageTypes[0].toString1(sink); } } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15296 static int x15296; struct S15296 { // Can be expanded only as statements. pragma(inline, true) void bar(size_t , size_t ) { for (size_t w = 0; w < 2; w++) { ++x15296; } } pragma(inline, true) void foo(size_t a, size_t b) { bar(a, b); } } pragma(inline, true) static void voidCall15296() { for (size_t w = 0; w < 3; w++) { ++x15296; } } void test15296() { bool cond = true; S15296 s; // CallExp at the top of ExpStatement x15296 = 0; s.foo(0, 0); assert(x15296 == 2); // CondExp at the top of ExpStatement x15296 = 0; (cond ? s.foo(0, 0) : voidCall15296()); assert(x15296 == 2); (cond ? voidCall15296() : s.foo(0, 0)); assert(x15296 == 2 + 3); // CommaExp at the top of ExpStatement x15296 = 0; (s.foo(0, 0), voidCall15296()); assert(x15296 == 3 + 2); } // ---- struct File15296 { struct Impl {} Impl* _p; pragma(inline, true) ~this() { _p = null; } struct LockingTextWriter { pragma(inline, true) this(ref File15296 f) { assert(f._p, "Attempting to write to closed File"); } } pragma(inline, true) auto lockingTextWriter() { return LockingTextWriter(this); } pragma(inline, true) void write() { auto w = lockingTextWriter(); } //pragma(inline, true) static uint formattedWrite(Writer)(Writer w) { return 0; } pragma(inline, true) void writef() { formattedWrite(lockingTextWriter()); } } __gshared File15296 stdout15296 = {new File15296.Impl()}; pragma(inline, true) @property File15296 trustedStdout15296() { return stdout15296; } // ---- // reduced case from runnable/test34.d test34() void test15296b() { // trustedStdout() returns a temporary File object. Its dtor call // should be deferred till the end of expanded writef body statements. trustedStdout15296().writef(); } // ---- // reduced case from runnable/xtest46.d test136() struct Perm15296c { this(byte[] input) { foreach (elem; input) { // if vthis.isDataseg() is true in expandInline, // its edtor should not be called. stdout15296.write(); } } } void test15296c() { auto perm2 = Perm15296c([0, 1, 2]); } /**********************************/ // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17676 __gshared bool bgEnable = 1; void test17676() nothrow { fullcollect(); } size_t fullcollect() nothrow { if(bgEnable) return fullcollectTrigger(); return fullcollectNow(); } size_t fullcollectNow() nothrow { if (bgEnable) assert(0); pragma(inline, false); return 1; } size_t fullcollectTrigger() nothrow { pragma(inline, false); return 0; } /**********************************/ int main() { test1(); test2(); test3(); test3918(); test4(); test5(); test9356(); test6(); test7(); test8(); test4841(); test11201(); test11223(); test11314(); test11224(); test11322(); test11394(); test13503(); test13244(); test14306(); test14754(); test14606(); test14975(); test15210(); test7625(); test9785(); test9785_2(); test9785_3(); test15207(); test15296(); test15296b(); test15296c(); test17676(); printf("Success\n"); return 0; }