/* { dg-do compile } */ /* { dg-options "-Wno-old-style-definition -O2 -Wall" } */ /* On Alpha EV4, dead code elimination and cfg simplification conspired to leave the register containing 'C' marked live, though all references to the variable had been removed. */ struct operand_data { struct operand_data *next; int index; const char *predicate; const char *constraint; int mode; unsigned char n_alternatives; char address_p; char strict_low; char eliminable; char seen; }; struct data { struct data *next; const char *name; const char *template; int code_number; int index_number; int lineno; int n_operands; int n_dups; int n_alternatives; int operand_number; int output_format; struct operand_data operand[40]; }; extern void message_with_line (int, const char *, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3))); extern int have_error; extern char *strchr (__const char *__s, int __c) __attribute__ ((__pure__)); void validate_insn_alternatives (d) struct data *d; { int n = 0, start; for (start = 0; start < d->n_operands; start++) if (d->operand[start].n_alternatives > 0) { int len, i; const char *p; char c; /* { dg-bogus "used uninitialized" "uninitialized variable warning" } */ int which_alternative = 0; int alternative_count_unsure = 0; for (p = d->operand[start].constraint; (c = *p); p += len) { len = 1; if (len < 1 || (len > 1 && strchr (",#*+=&%!0123456789", c))) { message_with_line (d->lineno, "invalid length %d for char '%c' in alternative %d of operand %d", len, c, which_alternative, start); len = 1; have_error = 1; } if (c == ',') { which_alternative++; continue; } for (i = 1; i < len; i++) if (p[i] == '\0') { message_with_line (d->lineno, "NUL in alternative %d of operand %d", which_alternative, start); alternative_count_unsure = 1; break; } else if (strchr (",#*", p[i])) { message_with_line (d->lineno, "'%c' in alternative %d of operand %d", p[i], which_alternative, start); alternative_count_unsure = 1; } } if (alternative_count_unsure) have_error = 1; else if (n == 0) n = d->operand[start].n_alternatives; else if (n != d->operand[start].n_alternatives) { message_with_line (d->lineno, "wrong number of alternatives in operand %d", start); have_error = 1; } } d->n_alternatives = n; }