/* Test for GCC diagnostic formats. */ /* Origin: Kaveh Ghazi */ /* { dg-do compile } */ /* { dg-options "-Wformat -Wno-format-diag" } */ #include "format.h" #define ATTRIBUTE_DIAG(F) __attribute__ ((__format__ (F, 1, 2))) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__)); /* Magic identifiers must be set before the attribute is used. */ typedef long long __gcc_host_wide_int__; typedef struct location_s { const char *file; int line; } location_t; union tree_node; typedef union tree_node *tree; extern int diag (const char *, ...) ATTRIBUTE_DIAG(__gcc_diag__); extern int tdiag (const char *, ...) ATTRIBUTE_DIAG(__gcc_tdiag__); extern int cdiag (const char *, ...) ATTRIBUTE_DIAG(__gcc_cdiag__); extern int cxxdiag (const char *, ...) ATTRIBUTE_DIAG(__gcc_cxxdiag__); extern int dump (const char *, ...) ATTRIBUTE_DIAG(__gcc_dump_printf__); void foo (int i, int i1, int i2, unsigned int u, double d, char *s, void *p, int *n, short int *hn, long int l, unsigned long int ul, long int *ln, long double ld, wint_t lc, wchar_t *ls, llong ll, ullong ull, unsigned int *un, const int *cn, signed char *ss, unsigned char *us, const signed char *css, unsigned int u1, unsigned int u2, location_t *loc, tree t1, union tree_node *t2, tree *t3, tree t4[], int *v, unsigned v_len, size_t sz, ptrdiff_t pd, ssize_t ssz, unsigned_ptrdiff_t upd) { /* Acceptable C90 specifiers, flags and modifiers. */ diag ("%%"); tdiag ("%%"); cdiag ("%%"); cxxdiag ("%%"); dump ("%%"); diag ("%d%i%o%u%x%c%s%p%%", i, i, u, u, u, i, s, p); tdiag ("%d%i%o%u%x%c%s%p%%", i, i, u, u, u, i, s, p); cdiag ("%d%i%o%u%x%c%s%p%%", i, i, u, u, u, i, s, p); cxxdiag ("%d%i%o%u%x%c%s%p%%", i, i, u, u, u, i, s, p); dump ("%d%i%o%u%x%c%s%p%%", i, i, u, u, u, i, s, p); diag ("%qd%qi%qo%qu%qx%qc%qs%qp%<%%%'%>", i, i, u, u, u, i, s, p); tdiag ("%qd%qi%qo%qu%qx%qc%qs%qp%<%%%'%>", i, i, u, u, u, i, s, p); cdiag ("%qd%qi%qo%qu%qx%qc%qs%qp%<%%%'%>", i, i, u, u, u, i, s, p); cxxdiag ("%qd%qi%qo%qu%qx%qc%qs%qp%<%%%'%>", i, i, u, u, u, i, s, p); dump ("%qd%qi%qo%qu%qx%qc%qs%qp%<%%%'%>", i, i, u, u, u, i, s, p); diag ("%ld%li%lo%lu%lx", l, l, ul, ul, ul); tdiag ("%ld%li%lo%lu%lx", l, l, ul, ul, ul); cdiag ("%ld%li%lo%lu%lx", l, l, ul, ul, ul); cxxdiag ("%ld%li%lo%lu%lx", l, l, ul, ul, ul); dump ("%ld%li%lo%lu%lx", l, l, ul, ul, ul); diag ("%lld%lli%llo%llu%llx", ll, ll, ull, ull, ull); tdiag ("%lld%lli%llo%llu%llx", ll, ll, ull, ull, ull); cdiag ("%lld%lli%llo%llu%llx", ll, ll, ull, ull, ull); cxxdiag ("%lld%lli%llo%llu%llx", ll, ll, ull, ull, ull); dump ("%lld%lli%llo%llu%llx", ll, ll, ull, ull, ull); diag ("%wd%wi%wo%wu%wx", ll, ll, ull, ull, ull); tdiag ("%wd%wi%wo%wu%wx", ll, ll, ull, ull, ull); cdiag ("%wd%wi%wo%wu%wx", ll, ll, ull, ull, ull); cxxdiag ("%wd%wi%wo%wu%wx", ll, ll, ull, ull, ull); dump ("%wd%wi%wo%wu%wx", ll, ll, ull, ull, ull); diag ("%zd%zi%zo%zu%zx", ssz, ssz, sz, sz, sz); tdiag ("%zd%zi%zo%zu%zx", ssz, ssz, sz, sz, sz); cdiag ("%zd%zi%zo%zu%zx", ssz, ssz, sz, sz, sz); cxxdiag ("%zd%zi%zo%zu%zx", ssz, ssz, sz, sz, sz); dump ("%zd%zi%zo%zu%zx", ssz, ssz, sz, sz, sz); diag ("%td%ti%to%tu%tx", pd, pd, upd, upd, upd); tdiag ("%td%ti%to%tu%tx", pd, pd, upd, upd, upd); cdiag ("%td%ti%to%tu%tx", pd, pd, upd, upd, upd); cxxdiag ("%td%ti%to%tu%tx", pd, pd, upd, upd, upd); dump ("%td%ti%to%tu%tx", pd, pd, upd, upd, upd); diag ("%.*s", i, s); tdiag ("%.*s", i, s); cdiag ("%.*s", i, s); cxxdiag ("%.*s", i, s); dump ("%.*s", i, s); /* Extensions provided in the diagnostic framework. */ diag ("%m"); tdiag ("%m"); cdiag ("%m"); cxxdiag ("%m"); dump ("%m"); /* Quote directives to avoid "warning: conversion used unquoted." */ tdiag ("%<%D%F%T%V%>", t1, t1, t1, t1); tdiag ("%<%+D%+F%+T%+V%>", t1, t1, t1, t1); tdiag ("%q+D%q+F%q+T%q+V", t1, t1, t1, t1); tdiag ("%<%D%D%D%D%>", t1, t2, *t3, t4[5]); cdiag ("%<%D%F%T%V%>", t1, t1, t1, t1); cdiag ("%<%+D%+F%+T%+V%>", t1, t1, t1, t1); cdiag ("%q+D%q+F%q+T%q+V", t1, t1, t1, t1); cdiag ("%<%D%D%D%D%>", t1, t2, *t3, t4[5]); cdiag ("%<%E%>", t1); cxxdiag ("%<%A%D%E%F%T%V%>", t1, t1, t1, t1, t1, t1); cxxdiag ("%<%D%D%D%D%>", t1, t2, *t3, t4[5]); cxxdiag ("%<%#A%#D%#E%#F%#T%#V%>", t1, t1, t1, t1, t1, t1); cxxdiag ("%<%+A%+D%+E%+F%+T%+V%>", t1, t1, t1, t1, t1, t1); cxxdiag ("%<%+#A%+#D%+#E%+#F%+#T%+#V%>", t1, t1, t1, t1, t1, t1); cxxdiag ("%C%L%O%P%Q", i, i, i, i, i); tdiag ("%v", i); /* { dg-warning "format" } */ cdiag ("%v%qv%#v", i, i, i); cxxdiag ("%v", i); /* { dg-warning "format" } */ tdiag ("%Z", v, v_len); cdiag ("%Z", v, v_len); cxxdiag ("%Z", v, v_len); dump ("%Z", v, v_len); /* Bad stuff with extensions. */ diag ("%m", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "extra arg" } */ tdiag ("%m", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "extra arg" } */ cdiag ("%m", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "extra arg" } */ cxxdiag ("%m", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "extra arg" } */ dump ("%m", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "extra arg" } */ diag ("%#m"); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus modifier" } */ tdiag ("%#m"); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus modifier" } */ cdiag ("%#m"); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus modifier" } */ cxxdiag ("%#m"); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus modifier" } */ dump ("%#m"); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus modifier" } */ diag ("%+m"); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus modifier" } */ tdiag ("%+m"); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus modifier" } */ cdiag ("%+m"); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus modifier" } */ cxxdiag ("%+m"); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus modifier" } */ dump ("%+m"); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus modifier" } */ diag ("%D", t1); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus tree" } */ tdiag ("%A", t1); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus tree" } */ tdiag ("%E", t1); tdiag ("%#D", t1); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus modifier" } */ cdiag ("%A", t1); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus tree" } */ cdiag ("%#D", t1); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus modifier" } */ cdiag ("%<%+D%>", t1); cxxdiag ("%C"); /* { dg-warning "format" "missing arg" } */ cxxdiag ("%C", l); /* { dg-warning "format" "wrong arg" } */ cxxdiag ("%C", i, i); /* { dg-warning "format" "extra arg" } */ cxxdiag ("%#C", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus modifier" } */ cxxdiag ("%+C", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bogus modifier" } */ tdiag ("%D"); /* { dg-warning "format" "missing arg" } */ cdiag ("%D"); /* { dg-warning "format" "missing arg" } */ cxxdiag ("%D"); /* { dg-warning "format" "missing arg" } */ tdiag ("%D", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "wrong arg" } */ cdiag ("%D", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "wrong arg" } */ cxxdiag ("%D", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "wrong arg" } */ tdiag ("%D", t1, t1); /* { dg-warning "format" "extra arg" } */ cdiag ("%D", t1, t1); /* { dg-warning "format" "extra arg" } */ cxxdiag ("%D", t1, t1); /* { dg-warning "format" "extra arg" } */ tdiag ("%V", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "wrong arg" } */ cdiag ("%V", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "wrong arg" } */ cxxdiag ("%V", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "wrong arg" } */ tdiag ("%v", t1); /* { dg-warning "format" "wrong arg" } */ cdiag ("%v", t1); /* { dg-warning "format" "wrong arg" } */ cxxdiag ("%v", t1); /* { dg-warning "format" "wrong arg" } */ tdiag ("%Z"); /* { dg-warning "format" "missing arg" } */ tdiag ("%Z", t1); /* { dg-warning "format" "wrong arg" } */ /* Standard specifiers not accepted in the diagnostic framework. */ diag ("%X\n", u); /* { dg-warning "format" "HEX" } */ diag ("%f\n", d); /* { dg-warning "format" "float" } */ diag ("%e\n", d); /* { dg-warning "format" "float" } */ diag ("%E\n", d); /* { dg-warning "format" "float" } */ diag ("%g\n", d); /* { dg-warning "format" "float" } */ diag ("%G\n", d); /* { dg-warning "format" "float" } */ diag ("%n\n", n); /* { dg-warning "format" "counter" } */ diag ("%hd\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "conversion" } */ /* Various tests of bad argument types. */ diag ("%-d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ tdiag ("%-d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cdiag ("%-d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cxxdiag ("%-d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ diag ("% d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ tdiag ("% d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cdiag ("% d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cxxdiag ("% d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ diag ("%#o", u); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ tdiag ("%#o", u); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cdiag ("%#o", u); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cxxdiag ("%#o", u); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ diag ("%0d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ tdiag ("%0d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cdiag ("%0d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cxxdiag ("%0d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ diag ("%08d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ tdiag ("%08d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cdiag ("%08d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cxxdiag ("%08d", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ diag ("%+d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ tdiag ("%+d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cdiag ("%+d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cxxdiag ("%+d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ diag ("%3d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ tdiag ("%3d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cdiag ("%3d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cxxdiag ("%3d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ diag ("%-3d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ tdiag ("%-3d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cdiag ("%-3d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cxxdiag ("%-3d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ diag ("%.7d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ tdiag ("%.7d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cdiag ("%.7d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cxxdiag ("%.7d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ diag ("%+9.4d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ tdiag ("%+9.4d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cdiag ("%+9.4d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cxxdiag ("%+9.4d\n", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ diag ("%.3ld\n", l); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ tdiag ("%.3ld\n", l); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cdiag ("%.3ld\n", l); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ cxxdiag ("%.3ld\n", l); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad flag" } */ diag ("%d %lu\n", i, ul); diag ("%d", l); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad argument types" } */ diag ("%wd", l); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad argument types" } */ diag ("%d", ll); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad argument types" } */ diag ("%*s", i, s); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad * argument types" } */ diag ("%*.*s", i, i, s); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad * argument types" } */ diag ("%*d\n", i1, i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad * argument types" } */ diag ("%.*d\n", i2, i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad * argument types" } */ diag ("%*.*ld\n", i1, i2, l); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad * argument types" } */ diag ("%ld", i); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad argument types" } */ diag ("%s", n); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad argument types" } */ /* Wrong number of arguments. */ diag ("%d%d", i); /* { dg-warning "matching" "wrong number of args" } */ diag ("%d", i, i); /* { dg-warning "arguments" "wrong number of args" } */ /* Miscellaneous bogus constructions. */ diag (""); /* { dg-warning "zero-length" "warning for empty format" } */ diag ("\0"); /* { dg-warning "embedded" "warning for embedded NUL" } */ diag ("%d\0", i); /* { dg-warning "embedded" "warning for embedded NUL" } */ diag ("%d\0%d", i, i); /* { dg-warning "embedded|too many" "warning for embedded NUL" } */ diag (NULL); /* { dg-warning "null" "null format string warning" } */ diag ("%"); /* { dg-warning "trailing" "trailing % warning" } */ diag ((const char *)L"foo"); /* { dg-warning "wide" "wide string" } */ diag ("%s", (char *)0); /* { dg-warning "null" "%s with NULL" } */ /* Make sure we still get warnings for regular printf. */ printf ("%d\n", ll); /* { dg-warning "format" "bad argument types" } */ }