/* Test for scanf formats. Formats using C99 features, including cases where C99 specifies some aspect of the format to be ignored or where the behavior is undefined. */ /* Origin: Joseph Myers */ /* { dg-do compile } */ /* { dg-options "-std=iso9899:1999 -pedantic -Wformat" } */ #include "format.h" void foo (int *ip, unsigned int *uip, short int *hp, unsigned short int *uhp, signed char *hhp, unsigned char *uhhp, long int *lp, unsigned long int *ulp, float *fp, double *dp, long double *ldp, char *s, void **pp, int *n, long long *llp, unsigned long long *ullp, wchar_t *ls, short int *hn, signed char *hhn, long int *ln, long long int *lln, intmax_t *jp, uintmax_t *ujp, intmax_t *jn, size_t *zp, signed_size_t *szp, signed_size_t *zn, ptrdiff_t *tp, unsigned_ptrdiff_t *utp, ptrdiff_t *tn) { /* See ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) subclause (pages 281-288). We do not repeat here most of the checks for correct C90 formats or completely broken formats. */ /* Valid, invalid and silly assignment-suppression and width constructions. */ scanf ("%*d%*i%*o%*u%*x%*X%*a%*A%*e%*E%*f%*F%*g%*G%*s%*[abc]%*c%*p"); scanf ("%*2d%*8s%*3c"); scanf ("%*n", n); /* { dg-warning "suppress" "suppression of %n" } */ scanf ("%*hd"); /* { dg-warning "together" "suppression with length" } */ scanf ("%2d%3i%4o%5u%6x%7X%8a%9A%10e%11E%12f%13F%14g%15G%16s%3[abc]%4c%5p", ip, ip, uip, uip, uip, uip, fp, fp, fp, fp, fp, fp, fp, fp, s, s, s, pp); scanf ("%0d", ip); /* { dg-warning "width" "warning for zero width" } */ scanf ("%3n", n); /* { dg-warning "width" "width with %n" } */ /* Valid and invalid %h, %hh, %l, %ll, %j, %z, %t, %L constructions. */ scanf ("%hd%hi%ho%hu%hx%hX%hn", hp, hp, uhp, uhp, uhp, uhp, hn); scanf ("%ha", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %h" } */ scanf ("%hA", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %h" } */ scanf ("%he", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %h" } */ scanf ("%hE", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %h" } */ scanf ("%hf", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %h" } */ scanf ("%hF", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %h" } */ scanf ("%hg", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %h" } */ scanf ("%hG", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %h" } */ scanf ("%hs", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %h" } */ scanf ("%h[ac]", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %h" } */ scanf ("%hc", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %h" } */ scanf ("%hp", pp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %h" } */ scanf ("%hhd%hhi%hho%hhu%hhx%hhX%hhn", hhp, hhp, uhhp, uhhp, uhhp, uhhp, hhn); scanf ("%hha", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %hh" } */ scanf ("%hhA", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %hh" } */ scanf ("%hhe", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %hh" } */ scanf ("%hhE", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %hh" } */ scanf ("%hhf", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %hh" } */ scanf ("%hhF", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %hh" } */ scanf ("%hhg", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %hh" } */ scanf ("%hhG", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %hh" } */ scanf ("%hhs", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %hh" } */ scanf ("%hh[ac]", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %hh" } */ scanf ("%hhc", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %hh" } */ scanf ("%hhp", pp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %hh" } */ scanf ("%ld%li%lo%lu%lx%lX%ln", lp, lp, ulp, ulp, ulp, ulp, ln); scanf ("%la%lA%le%lE%lf%lF%lg%lG", dp, dp, dp, dp, dp, dp, dp, dp); scanf ("%lp", pp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %l" } */ scanf ("%ls", ls); scanf ("%l[ac]", ls); scanf ("%lc", ls); scanf ("%lld%lli%llo%llu%llx%llX%lln", llp, llp, ullp, ullp, ullp, ullp, lln); scanf ("%lla", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %ll" } */ scanf ("%llA", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %ll" } */ scanf ("%lle", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %ll" } */ scanf ("%llE", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %ll" } */ scanf ("%llf", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %ll" } */ scanf ("%llF", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %ll" } */ scanf ("%llg", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %ll" } */ scanf ("%llG", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %ll" } */ scanf ("%lls", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %ll" } */ scanf ("%ll[ac]", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %ll" } */ scanf ("%llc", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %ll" } */ scanf ("%llp", pp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %ll" } */ scanf ("%jd%ji%jo%ju%jx%jX%jn", jp, jp, ujp, ujp, ujp, ujp, jn); /* { dg-bogus "length" "bogus %j warning" } */ scanf ("%ja", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %j" } */ scanf ("%jA", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %j" } */ scanf ("%je", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %j" } */ scanf ("%jE", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %j" } */ scanf ("%jf", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %j" } */ scanf ("%jF", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %j" } */ scanf ("%jg", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %j" } */ scanf ("%jG", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %j" } */ scanf ("%js", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %j" } */ scanf ("%j[ac]", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %j" } */ scanf ("%jc", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %j" } */ scanf ("%jp", pp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %j" } */ scanf ("%zd%zi%zo%zu%zx%zX%zn", szp, szp, zp, zp, zp, zp, zn); scanf ("%za", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %z" } */ scanf ("%zA", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %z" } */ scanf ("%ze", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %z" } */ scanf ("%zE", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %z" } */ scanf ("%zf", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %z" } */ scanf ("%zF", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %z" } */ scanf ("%zg", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %z" } */ scanf ("%zG", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %z" } */ scanf ("%zs", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %z" } */ scanf ("%z[ac]", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %z" } */ scanf ("%zc", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %z" } */ scanf ("%zp", pp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %z" } */ scanf ("%td%ti%to%tu%tx%tX%tn", tp, tp, utp, utp, utp, utp, tn); scanf ("%ta", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %t" } */ scanf ("%tA", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %t" } */ scanf ("%te", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %t" } */ scanf ("%tE", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %t" } */ scanf ("%tf", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %t" } */ scanf ("%tF", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %t" } */ scanf ("%tg", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %t" } */ scanf ("%tG", fp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %t" } */ scanf ("%ts", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %t" } */ scanf ("%t[ac]", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %t" } */ scanf ("%tc", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %t" } */ scanf ("%tp", pp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %t" } */ scanf ("%La%LA%Le%LE%Lf%LF%Lg%LG", ldp, ldp, ldp, ldp, ldp, ldp, ldp, ldp); scanf ("%Ld", llp); /* { dg-warning "does not support" "bad use of %L" } */ scanf ("%Li", llp); /* { dg-warning "does not support" "bad use of %L" } */ scanf ("%Lo", ullp); /* { dg-warning "does not support" "bad use of %L" } */ scanf ("%Lu", ullp); /* { dg-warning "does not support" "bad use of %L" } */ scanf ("%Lx", ullp); /* { dg-warning "does not support" "bad use of %L" } */ scanf ("%LX", ullp); /* { dg-warning "does not support" "bad use of %L" } */ scanf ("%Ls", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %L" } */ scanf ("%L[ac]", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %L" } */ scanf ("%Lc", s); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %L" } */ scanf ("%Lp", pp); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %L" } */ scanf ("%Ln", n); /* { dg-warning "length" "bad use of %L" } */ /* Valid uses of each bare conversion. */ scanf ("%d%i%o%u%x%X%a%A%e%E%f%F%g%G%s%[abc]%c%p%n%%", ip, ip, uip, uip, uip, uip, fp, fp, fp, fp, fp, fp, fp, fp, s, s, s, pp, n); /* Assert that %as is not treated as an extension in C99 mode. */ scanf ("%as", fp); scanf ("%a[", fp); /* Tests for bad argument types: pointer target sign with %hh. */ scanf ("%hhd", uhhp); /* { dg-warning "format" "%hhd sign" } */ scanf ("%hhu", hhp); /* { dg-warning "format" "%hhu sign" } */ }