/* PR c/102989 */ /* { dg-do compile { target { bitint && { float32 && int32 } } } } */ /* { dg-options "-std=c23 -Wconversion -Wfloat-conversion" } */ /* { dg-add-options float32 } */ void foo (_Float32 x) { _BitInt(57) a = 1.5F32; /* { dg-warning "conversion from '_Float32' to '_BitInt\\\(57\\\)' changes value from '1.5e\\\+0f32' to '1'" } */ _BitInt(27) b = 76117358uwb; /* { dg-warning "signed conversion from 'unsigned _BitInt\\\(27\\\)' to '_BitInt\\\(27\\\)' changes value from '76117358' to '-58100370'" } */ unsigned _BitInt(27) c = -15wb; /* { dg-warning "unsigned conversion from '_BitInt\\\(5\\\)' to 'unsigned _BitInt\\\(27\\\)' changes value from '-15' to '134217713'" } */ _BitInt(27) d = -390288573wb; /* { dg-warning "overflow in conversion from '_BitInt\\\(30\\\)' to '_BitInt\\\(27\\\)' changes value from '-390288573' to '12364611'" } */ unsigned _BitInt(27) e = 309641337uwb; /* { dg-warning "conversion from 'unsigned _BitInt\\\(29\\\)' to 'unsigned _BitInt\\\(27\\\)' changes value from '309641337' to '41205881'" } */ _BitInt(27) f = 76117358U; /* { dg-warning "signed conversion from 'unsigned int' to '_BitInt\\\(27\\\)' changes value from '76117358' to '-58100370'" } */ unsigned _BitInt(27) g = -15; /* { dg-warning "unsigned conversion from 'int' to 'unsigned _BitInt\\\(27\\\)' changes value from '-15' to '134217713'" } */ _BitInt(27) h = -390288573; /* { dg-warning "overflow in conversion from 'int' to '_BitInt\\\(27\\\)' changes value from '-390288573' to '12364611'" } */ unsigned _BitInt(27) i = 309641337U; /* { dg-warning "conversion from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned _BitInt\\\(27\\\)' changes value from '309641337' to '41205881'" } */ int j = 2936216298uwb; /* { dg-warning "signed conversion from 'unsigned _BitInt\\\(32\\\)' to 'int' changes value from '2936216298' to '-1358750998'" } */ unsigned int k = -15wb; /* { dg-warning "unsigned conversion from '_BitInt\\\(5\\\)' to 'unsigned int' changes value from '-15' to '4294967281'" } */ int l = -8087431137529383656wb; /* { dg-warning "overflow in conversion from '_BitInt\\\(64\\\)' to 'int' changes value from '-8087431137529383656' to '-1105152744'" } */ unsigned int m = 1664073919553255778uwb; /* { dg-warning "conversion from 'unsigned _BitInt\\\(61\\\)' to 'unsigned int' changes value from '1664073919553255778' to '3338058082'" } */ #if __BITINT_MAXWIDTH__ >= 575 _Float32 n = 51441631083309184313435496923626431699697406185384986811300218556561965470218425783308778801748592322915101142266821623326688106425864884688172114173397118407357447763009120wb; /* { dg-warning "conversion from '_BitInt\\\(575\\\)' to '_Float32' changes value from '0x353eab28b46b03ea99b84f9736cd8dbe5e986915a0383c3cb381c0da41e31b3621c75fd53262bfcb1b0e6251dbf00f3988784e29b08b65640c263e4d0959832a20e2ff5245be1e60' to '\\\+Inff32'" "" { target bitint575 } } */ #endif _BitInt(57) o = x; /* { dg-warning "conversion from '_Float32' to '_BitInt\\\(57\\\)' may change value" } */ unsigned _BitInt(15) p = 32767uwb; unsigned _BitInt(15) q = (_BitInt(42)) p; _BitInt(17) r = 0; _BitInt(17) s = ((_BitInt(42)) r) & 32767wb; #if __BITINT_MAXWIDTH__ >= 575 _BitInt(575) t = 0; _Float32 u = t; /* { dg-warning "conversion from '_BitInt\\\(575\\\)' to '_Float32' may change value" "" { target bitint575 } } */ #endif _BitInt(42) v = 0; unsigned _BitInt(17) w = v; /* { dg-warning "conversion from '_BitInt\\\(42\\\)' to 'unsigned _BitInt\\\(17\\\)' may change value" } */ _BitInt(17) y = v; /* { dg-warning "conversion from '_BitInt\\\(42\\\)' to '_BitInt\\\(17\\\)' may change value" } */ }