/* Missing <cstddef>. */ void *ptr = NULL; // { dg-error "'NULL' was not declared" } // { dg-message "'NULL' is defined in header '<cstddef>'; this is probably fixable by adding '#include <cstddef>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } ptrdiff_t pd; // { dg-error "'ptrdiff_t' does not name a type" } // { dg-message "'ptrdiff_t' is defined in header '<cstddef>'; this is probably fixable by adding '#include <cstddef>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } size_t sz; // { dg-error "'size_t' does not name a type" } // { dg-message "'size_t' is defined in header '<cstddef>'; this is probably fixable by adding '#include <cstddef>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } /* Missing <cstdio>. */ void test_cstdio (void) { FILE *f; // { dg-error "'FILE' was not declared in this scope" } // { dg-message "'FILE' is defined in header '<cstdio>'; this is probably fixable by adding '#include <cstdio>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } // { dg-error "'f' was not declared in this scope" "" { target *-*-* } .-2 } // { dg-bogus "suggested alternative: 'if'" "PR c++/80567" { target *-*-* } .-3 } char buf[BUFSIZ]; // { dg-error "'BUFSIZ' was not declared" } // { dg-message "'BUFSIZ' is defined in header '<cstdio>'; this is probably fixable by adding '#include <cstdio>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } char buf2[FILENAME_MAX]; // { dg-error "'FILENAME_MAX' was not declared" } // { dg-message "'FILENAME_MAX' is defined in header '<cstdio>'; this is probably fixable by adding '#include <cstdio>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } stderr; // { dg-error "'stderr' was not declared" } // { dg-message "'stderr' is defined in header '<cstdio>'; this is probably fixable by adding '#include <cstdio>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } stdin; // { dg-error "'stdin' was not declared" } // { dg-message "'stdin' is defined in header '<cstdio>'; this is probably fixable by adding '#include <cstdio>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } stdout; // { dg-error "'stdout' was not declared" } // { dg-message "'stdout' is defined in header '<cstdio>'; this is probably fixable by adding '#include <cstdio>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } EOF; // { dg-error "'EOF' was not declared" } // { dg-message "'EOF' is defined in header '<cstdio>'; this is probably fixable by adding '#include <cstdio>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } fopen ("test.txt"); // { dg-error "'fopen' was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdio>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } printf ("test\n"); // { dg-error "'printf' was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdio>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } char tmp[16]; sprintf (tmp, "test\n"); // { dg-error "'sprintf' was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdio>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } snprintf (tmp, 16, "test\n"); // { dg-error "'snprintf' was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdio>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } getchar (); // { dg-error "'getchar' was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdio>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } } /* Missing <cerrno>. */ int test_cerrno (void) { return errno; // { dg-error "'errno' was not declared" } // { dg-message "'errno' is defined in header '<cerrno>'; this is probably fixable by adding '#include <cerrno>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } } /* Missing <cstdarg>. */ void test_cstdarg (void) { va_list ap; // { dg-error "'va_list'" } // { dg-message "'va_list' is defined in header '<cstdarg>'; this is probably fixable by adding '#include <cstdarg>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } } /* Missing <climits>. */ int test_INT_MAX (void) { return INT_MAX; // { dg-line INT_MAX_line } // { dg-error "'INT_MAX' was not declared" "" { target *-*-* } INT_MAX_line } // { dg-bogus "__INT_MAX__" "" { target *-*-* } INT_MAX_line } // { dg-message "'INT_MAX' is defined in header '<climits>'; this is probably fixable by adding '#include <climits>'" "" { target *-*-* } INT_MAX_line } } /* Missing <cfloat>. */ float test_FLT_MAX = FLT_MAX; // { dg-line FLT_MAX_line } // { dg-error "'FLT_MAX' was not declared" "" { target *-*-* } FLT_MAX_line } // { dg-message "'FLT_MAX' is defined in header '<cfloat>'; this is probably fixable by adding '#include <cfloat>'" "" { target *-*-* } FLT_MAX_line } /* Missing <cstring>. */ void test_cstring (char *dest, char *src) { memchr(dest, 'a', 4); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } memcmp(dest, src, 4); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } memcpy(dest, src, 4); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } memmove(dest, src, 4); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } memset(dest, 'a', 4); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } strcat(dest, "test"); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } strchr("test", 'e'); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } strcmp(dest, "test"); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } strcpy(dest, "test"); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } strerror(0); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } strlen("test"); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } strncat(dest, "test", 3); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } strncmp(dest, "test", 3); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } strncpy(dest, "test", 3); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } strrchr("test", 'e'); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } strspn(dest, "test"); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } strstr(dest, "test"); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstring>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } } /* Missing <cassert>. */ void test_cassert (int a, int b) { assert (a == b); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cassert>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } } /* Missing <cstdlib>. */ void test_cstdlib (void *q) { void *ptr = malloc (64); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdlib>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } free (ptr); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdlib>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } q = realloc (q, 1024); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdlib>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } q = calloc (8, 8); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdlib>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } void callback (); atexit (callback); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdlib>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } int i; i = EXIT_SUCCESS; // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdlib>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } i = EXIT_FAILURE; // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdlib>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } exit (i); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdlib>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } abort (); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdlib>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } getenv ("foo"); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <cstdlib>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } } /* Missing <ctime>. */ void test_ctime (void *q, long s, double d) { clock_t c; // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <ctime>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } time_t t; // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <ctime>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } tm t2; // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <ctime>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } d = difftime (0, 0); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <ctime>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } s = mktime (q); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <ctime>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } s = time (0); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <ctime>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } q = asctime (0); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <ctime>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } q = ctime (0); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <ctime>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } q = gmtime (0); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <ctime>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } q = localtime (0); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <ctime>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } char c[2]; strftime (c, 2, "", 0); // { dg-error "was not declared" } // { dg-message "'#include <ctime>'" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } } /* Verify that we don't offer suggestions to stdlib globals names when there's an explicit namespace. */ namespace some_ns {} int not_within_namespace (void) { return some_ns::stdout; // { dg-error "'stdout' is not a member of 'some_ns'" } // { dg-bogus "is defined in header" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } } /* Similarly for when there's an explicit class scope. */ class some_class {}; int not_within_class (void) { return some_class::stdout; // { dg-error "'stdout' is not a member of 'some_class'" } // { dg-bogus "is defined in header" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } }