import json # Parameters. ALL_ERRORS = False REPLACEMENTS = {} def _print_path(path): '''Format a JSON path for output.''' return '/'.join(path) def _report_error(msg): '''Report an error.''' full_msg = 'ERROR: ' + msg if ALL_ERRORS: print(full_msg) else: raise RuntimeError(full_msg) def _error_type_mismatch(path, actual, expect): '''Report that there is a type mismatch.''' _report_error('type mismatch at %s: actual: "%s" expect: "%s"' % (_print_path(path), actual, expect)) def _error_unknown_type(path, typ): '''Report that there is an unknown type in the JSON object.''' _report_error('unknown type at %s: "%s"' % (_print_path(path), typ)) def _error_length_mismatch(path, actual, expect): '''Report a length mismatch in an object or array.''' _report_error('length mismatch at %s: actual: "%s" expect: "%s"' % (_print_path(path), actual, expect)) def _error_unexpect_value(path, actual, expect): '''Report a value mismatch.''' _report_error('value mismatch at %s: actual: "%s" expect: "%s"' % (_print_path(path), actual, expect)) def _error_extra_key(path, key): '''Report on a key that is unexpected.''' _report_error('extra key at %s: "%s"' % (_print_path(path), key)) def _error_missing_key(path, key): '''Report on a key that is missing.''' _report_error('extra key at %s: %s' % (_print_path(path), key)) def _compare_object(path, actual, expect): '''Compare a JSON object.''' is_ok = True if not len(actual) == len(expect): _error_length_mismatch(path, len(actual), len(expect)) is_ok = False for key in actual: if key not in expect: _error_extra_key(path, key) is_ok = False else: sub_error = compare_json(path + [key], actual[key], expect[key]) if sub_error: is_ok = False for key in expect: if key not in actual: _error_missing_key(path, key) is_ok = False return is_ok def _compare_array(path, actual, expect): '''Compare a JSON array.''' is_ok = True if not len(actual) == len(expect): _error_length_mismatch(path, len(actual), len(expect)) is_ok = False for (idx, (a, e)) in enumerate(zip(actual, expect)): sub_error = compare_json(path + [str(idx)], a, e) if sub_error: is_ok = False return is_ok def _make_replacements(value): for (old, new) in REPLACEMENTS.values(): value = value.replace(old, new) return value def _compare_string(path, actual, expect): '''Compare a JSON string supporting replacements in the expected output.''' expect = _make_replacements(expect) if not actual == expect: _error_unexpect_value(path, actual, expect) return False else: print('%s is ok: %s' % (_print_path(path), actual)) return True def _compare_number(path, actual, expect): '''Compare a JSON integer.''' if not actual == expect: _error_unexpect_value(path, actual, expect) return False else: print('%s is ok: %s' % (_print_path(path), actual)) return True def _inspect_ordering(arr): req_ordering = True if not arr: return arr, req_ordering if arr[0] == '__P1689_unordered__': arr.pop(0) req_ordering = False return arr, req_ordering def compare_json(path, actual, expect): actual_type = type(actual) expect_type = type(expect) is_ok = True if not actual_type == expect_type: _error_type_mismatch(path, actual_type, expect_type) is_ok = False elif actual_type == dict: is_ok = _compare_object(path, actual, expect) elif actual_type == list: expect, req_ordering = _inspect_ordering(expect) if not req_ordering: actual = set(actual) expect = set(expect) is_ok = _compare_array(path, actual, expect) elif actual_type == str: is_ok = _compare_string(path, actual, expect) elif actual_type == float: is_ok = _compare_number(path, actual, expect) elif actual_type == int: is_ok = _compare_number(path, actual, expect) elif actual_type == bool: is_ok = _compare_number(path, actual, expect) elif actual_type == type(None): pass else: _error_unknown_type(path, actual_type) is_ok = False return is_ok def validate_p1689(actual, expect): '''Validate a P1689 file against an expected output file. Returns `False` if it fails, `True` if they are the same. ''' with open(actual, 'r') as fin: actual_content = with open(expect, 'r') as fin: expect_content = actual_json = json.loads(actual_content) expect_json = json.loads(expect_content) return compare_json([], actual_json, expect_json) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys actual = None expect = None # Parse arguments. args = sys.argv[1:] while args: # Take an argument. arg = args.pop(0) # Parse out replacement expressions. if arg == '-r' or arg == '--replace': replacement = args.pop(0) (key, value) = replacement.split('=', maxsplit=1) REPLACEMENTS[key] = value # Flag to change how errors are reported. elif arg == '-A' or arg == '--all': ALL_ERRORS = True # Required arguments. elif arg == '-a' or arg == '--actual': actual = args.pop(0) elif arg == '-e' or arg == '--expect': expect = args.pop(0) # Validate that we have the required arguments. if actual is None: raise RuntimeError('missing "actual" file') if expect is None: raise RuntimeError('missing "expect" file') # Do the actual work. is_ok = validate_p1689(actual, expect) # Fail if errors are found. if not is_ok: sys.exit(1)