/* { dg-do compile } */ /* { dg-options "-O3 -fdump-ipa-inline-details -fno-early-inlining -fno-ipa-cp" } */ struct A {virtual int foo () {return 1;}}; struct B:A {virtual int foo () {return 2;}}; void dostuff(struct A *); static void test (struct A *a) { dostuff (a); if (a->foo ()!= 2) __builtin_abort (); } int main() { struct B a; dostuff (&a); test (&a); } /* Inlining of dostuff into main should combine polymorphic context specifying Outer type:struct B offset 0 with Outer type (dynamic):struct A (or a derived type) offset 0 and enable devirtualization. Because the type is in static storage, we know it won't change type in dostuff and from callstack we can tell that is is not in construction/destruction. */ /* { dg-final { scan-ipa-dump "Second type is base of first" "inline" } } */ /* { dg-final { scan-ipa-dump-times "Discovered a virtual call to a known target" 1 "inline" } } */