// PR c++/99899 // { dg-do compile { target c++20 } } template <class T> concept C1 = sizeof(T) > sizeof(int[1]); template <class> void f() { int x[] = {1,2}; int y[] = {3}; C1 auto [a,b] = x; // { dg-error "structured binding declaration cannot have constrained 'auto' type 'auto \\\[requires ::C1<<placeholder>, >\\\]'" } C1 auto [c] = y; // { dg-error "structured binding declaration cannot have constrained 'auto' type 'auto \\\[requires ::C1<<placeholder>, >\\\]'" } // { dg-error "constraints" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } } template <class T> void g() { T x[] = {1,2}; T y[] = {3}; C1 auto [a,b] = x; // { dg-error "structured binding declaration cannot have constrained 'auto' type 'auto \\\[requires ::C1<<placeholder>, >\\\]'" } C1 auto [c] = y; // { dg-error "structured binding declaration cannot have constrained 'auto' type 'auto \\\[requires ::C1<<placeholder>, >\\\]'" } // { dg-error "constraints" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } } template void g<int>(); template <class... Ts> concept C2 = sizeof...(Ts) > 1; struct S { int a, b; } s; template <class T> void h() { const C2<T> auto& [a, b] = s; // { dg-error "structured binding declaration cannot have constrained 'auto' type 'const auto \\\[requires ::C2<<placeholder>, >\\\]'" } } template void h<int>();