// C++ 26 P2552R3 - On the ignorability of standard attributes // { dg-do compile { target c++11 } } int arr[2]; struct S { int a, b; }; S arr2[2]; void foo (int n) { [[deprecated]] int x1; [[deprecated ("foobar")]] int x2; [[deprecated (0)]] int x3; // { dg-error "deprecated message is not a string" } // { dg-error "expected string-literal before numeric constant" "" { target c++26 } .-1 } [[deprecated ("foo", "bar", "baz")]] int x4; // { dg-error "wrong number of arguments specified for 'deprecated' attribute" } [[deprecated (0, 1, 2)]] int x5; // { dg-error "wrong number of arguments specified for 'deprecated' attribute" } // { dg-error "expected string-literal before numeric constant" "" { target c++26 } .-1 } auto a = [] [[deprecated]] () {}; auto b = [] constexpr [[deprecated]] {}; // { dg-error "'deprecated' on a type other than class or enumeration definition" } // { dg-error "parameter declaration before lambda declaration specifiers only optional with" "" { target c++20_down } .-1 } // { dg-error "'constexpr' lambda only available with" "" { target c++14_down } .-2 } auto c = [] noexcept [[deprecated]] {}; // { dg-error "'deprecated' on a type other than class or enumeration definition" } // { dg-error "parameter declaration before lambda exception specification only optional with" "" { target c++20_down } .-1 } auto d = [] () [[deprecated]] {}; // { dg-error "'deprecated' on a type other than class or enumeration definition" } auto e = new int [n] [[deprecated]]; // { dg-warning "attributes ignored on outermost array type in new expression" } auto e2 = new int [n] [[deprecated]] [42]; // { dg-warning "attributes ignored on outermost array type in new expression" } auto f = new int [n][42] [[deprecated]]; // { dg-error "'deprecated' on a type other than class or enumeration definition" } [[deprecated]]; // { dg-warning "attributes at the beginning of statement are ignored" } [[deprecated]] {} // { dg-warning "attributes at the beginning of statement are ignored" } [[deprecated]] if (true) {} // { dg-warning "attributes at the beginning of statement are ignored" } [[deprecated]] while (false) {} // { dg-warning "attributes at the beginning of statement are ignored" } [[deprecated]] goto lab; // { dg-warning "attributes at the beginning of statement are ignored" } [[deprecated]] lab:; // { dg-error "'deprecated' attribute ignored" } [[deprecated]] try {} catch (int) {} // { dg-warning "attributes at the beginning of statement are ignored" } if ([[deprecated]] int x = 0) {} switch (n) { [[deprecated]] case 1: // { dg-error "'deprecated' attribute ignored" } [[deprecated]] break; // { dg-warning "attributes at the beginning of statement are ignored" } [[deprecated]] default: // { dg-error "'deprecated' attribute ignored" } break; } for ([[deprecated]] auto a : arr) {} for ([[deprecated]] auto [a, b] : arr2) {} // { dg-error "structured bindings only available with" "" { target c++14_down } } [[deprecated]] asm (""); // { dg-warning "attributes ignored on 'asm' declaration" } try {} catch ([[deprecated]] int x) {} try {} catch ([[deprecated]] int) {} try {} catch (int [[deprecated]] x) {} // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } try {} catch (int [[deprecated]]) {} // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } try {} catch (int x [[deprecated]]) {} } [[deprecated]] int bar (); using foobar [[deprecated]] = int; [[deprecated]] int a; [[deprecated]] auto [b, c] = arr; // { dg-error "structured bindings only available with" "" { target c++14_down } } [[deprecated]]; // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } inline [[deprecated]] void baz () {} // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } // { dg-error "standard attributes in middle of decl-specifiers" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } constexpr [[deprecated]] int qux () { return 0; } // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } // { dg-error "standard attributes in middle of decl-specifiers" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } int [[deprecated]] d; // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } int const [[deprecated]] e = 1; // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } struct A {} [[deprecated]]; // { dg-warning "attribute ignored in declaration of 'struct A'" } struct A [[deprecated]]; // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } struct A [[deprecated]] a1; // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } A [[deprecated]] a2; // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } enum B { B0 } [[deprecated]]; // { dg-warning "attribute ignored in declaration of 'enum B'" } enum B [[deprecated]]; // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } enum B [[deprecated]] b1; // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } B [[deprecated]] b2; // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } struct [[deprecated]] C {}; int f [[deprecated]]; int g[2] [[deprecated]]; // { dg-error "'deprecated' on a type other than class or enumeration definition" } int g2 [[deprecated]] [2]; int corge () [[deprecated]]; // { dg-error "'deprecated' on a type other than class or enumeration definition" } int *[[deprecated]] h; // { dg-error "'deprecated' on a type other than class or enumeration definition" } int & [[deprecated]] i = f; // { dg-error "'deprecated' on a type other than class or enumeration definition" } // { dg-warning "'f' is deprecated" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } int && [[deprecated]] j = 0; // { dg-error "'deprecated' on a type other than class or enumeration definition" } int S::* [[deprecated]] k; // { dg-error "'deprecated' on a type other than class or enumeration definition" } auto l = sizeof (int [2] [[deprecated]]); // { dg-error "'deprecated' on a type other than class or enumeration definition" } int freddy ([[deprecated]] int a, [[deprecated]] int, [[deprecated]] int c = 0, [[deprecated]] int = 0); void corge ([[deprecated]] int a, [[deprecated]] int, [[deprecated]] int c = 0, [[deprecated]] int = 0) { } [[deprecated]] void garply () { } int grault (int [[deprecated]] a, // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } int [[deprecated]], // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } int [[deprecated]] c = 0, // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } int [[deprecated]] = 0); // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } void waldo (int [[deprecated]] a, // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } int [[deprecated]], // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } int [[deprecated]] c = 0, // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } int [[deprecated]] = 0) // { dg-warning "attribute ignored" } { } int plugh (int a [[deprecated]], int b [[deprecated]] = 0); void thud (int a [[deprecated]], int b [[deprecated]] = 0) { } enum [[deprecated]] D { D0 }; enum class [[deprecated]] E { E0 }; enum F {}; enum [[deprecated]] F; // { dg-warning "type attributes ignored after type is already defined" } enum G { G0 [[deprecated]], G1 [[deprecated]] = 2 }; namespace [[deprecated]] H { using H0 = int; } namespace [[deprecated]] {} // { dg-warning "ignoring 'deprecated' attribute on anonymous namespace" } [[deprecated]] using namespace H; // { dg-warning "'deprecated' attribute directive ignored" } // { dg-warning "'H' is deprecated" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 } struct [[deprecated]] I { [[deprecated]]; // { dg-error "declaration does not declare anything" } [[deprecated]] int i; [[deprecated]] int foo (); [[deprecated]] int bar () { return 1; } [[deprecated]] int : 0; // { dg-error "'deprecated' on unnamed bit-field" } [[deprecated]] int i2 : 5; [[deprecated]] static int i3; static int i4; }; [[deprecated]] int I::i4 = 0; struct J : [[deprecated]] C {}; // { dg-warning "attributes on base specifiers are ignored" } #if __cpp_concepts >= 201907L template concept K [[deprecated]] = requires { true; }; #endif typedef int L [[deprecated]]; template struct M {}; template <> struct [[deprecated]] M { int m; }; typedef int N[2] [[deprecated]]; // { dg-error "'deprecated' on a type other than class or enumeration definition" } typedef int O [[deprecated]] [2];