// { dg-do compile { target c++17 } } // { dg-options "-fconcepts" } // { dg-prune-output "concept definition syntax is" } struct S { concept S(); // { dg-error "3:a constructor cannot be .concept." } concept int s = 1; // { dg-error "3:non-static data member .s. declared .concept." } concept void foo(); // { dg-error "3:a concept cannot be a member function" } concept ~S(); // { dg-error "3:a destructor cannot be .concept." } }; typedef concept int my_int; // { dg-error "9:.concept. cannot appear in a typedef declaration" } void bar(concept int); // { dg-error "10:a parameter cannot be declared .concept." } concept int i = 0; // { dg-error "1:a non-template variable cannot be .concept." }