/* do not edit automatically generated by mc from SymbolKey. */ /* SymbolKey.mod binary tree operations for storing symbols. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>. This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdbool.h> # if !defined (PROC_D) # define PROC_D typedef void (*PROC_t) (void); typedef struct { PROC_t proc; } PROC; # endif # if !defined (FALSE) # define FALSE (1==0) # endif #include <stddef.h> # include "GStorage.h" #if defined(__cplusplus) # undef NULL # define NULL 0 #endif #define _SymbolKey_C #include "GSymbolKey.h" # include "GStorage.h" # include "GStrIO.h" # include "GNumberIO.h" # include "GNameKey.h" # include "GAssertion.h" # include "GDebug.h" # define SymbolKey_NulKey 0 typedef struct SymbolKey_IsSymbol_p SymbolKey_IsSymbol; typedef struct SymbolKey_PerformOperation_p SymbolKey_PerformOperation; typedef struct SymbolKey_Node_r SymbolKey_Node; typedef SymbolKey_Node *SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque; struct SymbolKey_Node_r { NameKey_Name KeyName; unsigned int KeySym; SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque Left; SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque Right; }; extern "C" void SymbolKey_InitTree (SymbolKey_SymbolTree *t); extern "C" void SymbolKey_KillTree (SymbolKey_SymbolTree *t); /* ContainsSymKey - return TRUE if tree, t, contains an entry for, NameKey. */ extern "C" unsigned int SymbolKey_GetSymKey (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, NameKey_Name NameKey); /* ContainsSymKey - return TRUE if tree, t, contains an entry for, NameKey. */ extern "C" void SymbolKey_PutSymKey (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, NameKey_Name NameKey, unsigned int SymKey); /* DelSymKey - deletes an entry in the binary tree. NB in order for this to work we must ensure that the InitTree sets both Left and Right to NIL. */ extern "C" void SymbolKey_DelSymKey (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, NameKey_Name NameKey); /* IsEmptyTree - returns true if SymbolTree, t, is empty. */ extern "C" bool SymbolKey_IsEmptyTree (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t); /* DoesTreeContainAny - returns true if SymbolTree, t, contains any symbols which in turn return true when procedure, P, is called with a symbol as its parameter. The SymbolTree root is empty apart from the field, Left, hence we need two procedures. */ extern "C" bool SymbolKey_DoesTreeContainAny (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, SymbolKey_IsSymbol P); /* ForeachNodeDo - for each node in SymbolTree, t, a procedure, P, is called with the node symbol as its parameter. The tree root node only contains a legal Left pointer, therefore we need two procedures to examine this tree. */ extern "C" void SymbolKey_ForeachNodeDo (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, SymbolKey_PerformOperation P); /* ContainsSymKey - return TRUE if tree, t, contains an entry for, NameKey. */ extern "C" bool SymbolKey_ContainsSymKey (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, NameKey_Name NameKey); /* NoOfNodes - returns the number of nodes in the tree t. */ extern "C" unsigned int SymbolKey_NoOfNodes (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, SymbolKey_IsSymbol condition); /* ForeachNodeConditionDo - traverse the tree t and for any node which satisfied condition call P. */ extern "C" void SymbolKey_ForeachNodeConditionDo (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, SymbolKey_IsSymbol condition, SymbolKey_PerformOperation P); /* FindNodeParentInTree - find a node, child, in a binary tree, t, with name equal to n. if an entry is found, parent is set to the node above child. */ static void FindNodeParentInTree (SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque t, NameKey_Name n, SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque *child, SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque *parent); /* SearchForAny - performs the search required for DoesTreeContainAny. The root node always contains a nul data value, therefore we must skip over it. */ static bool SearchForAny (SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque t, SymbolKey_IsSymbol P); /* SearchAndDo - searches all the nodes in SymbolTree, t, and calls procedure, P, with a node as its parameter. It traverse the tree in order. */ static void SearchAndDo (SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque t, SymbolKey_PerformOperation P); /* CountNodes - wrapper for NoOfNodes. */ static unsigned int CountNodes (SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque t, SymbolKey_IsSymbol condition, unsigned int count); /* SearchConditional - wrapper for ForeachNodeConditionDo. */ static void SearchConditional (SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque t, SymbolKey_IsSymbol condition, SymbolKey_PerformOperation P); /* FindNodeParentInTree - find a node, child, in a binary tree, t, with name equal to n. if an entry is found, parent is set to the node above child. */ static void FindNodeParentInTree (SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque t, NameKey_Name n, SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque *child, SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque *parent) { /* remember to skip the sentinal value and assign parent and child */ (*parent) = t; if (t == NULL) { Debug_Halt ((const char *) "parameter t should never be NIL", 31, (const char *) "../../gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/SymbolKey.mod", 39, (const char *) "FindNodeParentInTree", 20, 241); } Assertion_Assert (t->Right == NULL); (*child) = t->Left; if ((*child) != NULL) { do { if (n < (*child)->KeyName) { (*parent) = (*child); (*child) = (*child)->Left; } else if (n > (*child)->KeyName) { /* avoid dangling else. */ (*parent) = (*child); (*child) = (*child)->Right; } } while (! (((*child) == NULL) || (n == (*child)->KeyName))); } } /* SearchForAny - performs the search required for DoesTreeContainAny. The root node always contains a nul data value, therefore we must skip over it. */ static bool SearchForAny (SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque t, SymbolKey_IsSymbol P) { if (t == NULL) { return false; } else { return (((*P.proc) (t->KeySym)) || (SearchForAny (t->Left, P))) || (SearchForAny (t->Right, P)); } /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here. */ __builtin_unreachable (); } /* SearchAndDo - searches all the nodes in SymbolTree, t, and calls procedure, P, with a node as its parameter. It traverse the tree in order. */ static void SearchAndDo (SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque t, SymbolKey_PerformOperation P) { if (t != NULL) { SearchAndDo (t->Right, P); (*P.proc) (t->KeySym); SearchAndDo (t->Left, P); } } /* CountNodes - wrapper for NoOfNodes. */ static unsigned int CountNodes (SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque t, SymbolKey_IsSymbol condition, unsigned int count) { if (t != NULL) { if ((*condition.proc) (t->KeySym)) { count += 1; } count = CountNodes (t->Left, condition, count); count = CountNodes (t->Right, condition, count); } return count; /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here. */ __builtin_unreachable (); } /* SearchConditional - wrapper for ForeachNodeConditionDo. */ static void SearchConditional (SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque t, SymbolKey_IsSymbol condition, SymbolKey_PerformOperation P) { if (t != NULL) { SearchConditional (t->Right, condition, P); if ((t->KeySym != 0) && ((*condition.proc) (t->KeySym))) { (*P.proc) (t->KeySym); } SearchConditional (t->Left, condition, P); } } extern "C" void SymbolKey_InitTree (SymbolKey_SymbolTree *t) { Storage_ALLOCATE ((void **) &(*t), sizeof (SymbolKey_Node)); /* The value entity */ static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> ((*t))->Left = static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> (NULL); static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> ((*t))->Right = static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> (NULL); } extern "C" void SymbolKey_KillTree (SymbolKey_SymbolTree *t) { /* we used to get problems compiling KillTree below - so it was split into the two procedures below. PROCEDURE KillTree (VAR t: SymbolTree) ; BEGIN IF t#NIL THEN Kill(t) ; Would like to place Kill in here but the compiler gives a type incompatible error... so i've split the procedure into two. - Problem i think with VAR t at the top? t := NIL END END KillTree ; PROCEDURE Kill (t: SymbolTree) ; BEGIN IF t#NIL THEN Kill(t^.Left) ; Kill(t^.Right) ; DISPOSE(t) END END Kill ; */ if ((*t) != NULL) { SymbolKey_KillTree (reinterpret_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree *> (&static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> ((*t))->Left)); SymbolKey_KillTree (reinterpret_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree *> (&static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> ((*t))->Right)); Storage_DEALLOCATE ((void **) &(*t), sizeof (SymbolKey_Node)); (*t) = static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree> (NULL); } } /* ContainsSymKey - return TRUE if tree, t, contains an entry for, NameKey. */ extern "C" unsigned int SymbolKey_GetSymKey (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, NameKey_Name NameKey) { SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque father; SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque child; FindNodeParentInTree (static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> (t), NameKey, &child, &father); if (child == NULL) { return static_cast<unsigned int> (SymbolKey_NulKey); } else { return child->KeySym; } /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here. */ __builtin_unreachable (); } /* ContainsSymKey - return TRUE if tree, t, contains an entry for, NameKey. */ extern "C" void SymbolKey_PutSymKey (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, NameKey_Name NameKey, unsigned int SymKey) { SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque father; SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque child; FindNodeParentInTree (static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> (t), NameKey, &child, &father); if (child == NULL) { /* no child found, now is NameKey less than father or greater? */ if (father == t) { /* empty tree, add it to the left branch of t */ Storage_ALLOCATE ((void **) &child, sizeof (SymbolKey_Node)); father->Left = child; } else { if (NameKey < father->KeyName) { Storage_ALLOCATE ((void **) &child, sizeof (SymbolKey_Node)); father->Left = child; } else if (NameKey > father->KeyName) { /* avoid dangling else. */ Storage_ALLOCATE ((void **) &child, sizeof (SymbolKey_Node)); father->Right = child; } } child->Right = static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> (NULL); child->Left = static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> (NULL); child->KeySym = SymKey; child->KeyName = NameKey; } else { Debug_Halt ((const char *) "symbol already stored", 21, (const char *) "../../gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/SymbolKey.mod", 39, (const char *) "PutSymKey", 9, 156); } } /* DelSymKey - deletes an entry in the binary tree. NB in order for this to work we must ensure that the InitTree sets both Left and Right to NIL. */ extern "C" void SymbolKey_DelSymKey (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, NameKey_Name NameKey) { SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque i; SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque child; SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque father; FindNodeParentInTree (static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> (t), NameKey, &child, &father); /* find father and child of the node */ if ((child != NULL) && (child->KeyName == NameKey)) { /* Have found the node to be deleted */ if (father->Right == child) { /* most branch of child^.Left. */ if (child->Left != NULL) { /* Scan for Right most node of child^.Left */ i = child->Left; while (i->Right != NULL) { i = i->Right; } i->Right = child->Right; father->Right = child->Left; } else { /* (as in a single linked list) to child^.Right */ father->Right = child->Right; } Storage_DEALLOCATE ((void **) &child, sizeof (SymbolKey_Node)); } else { /* branch of child^.Right */ if (child->Right != NULL) { /* Scan for Left most node of child^.Right */ i = child->Right; while (i->Left != NULL) { i = i->Left; } i->Left = child->Left; father->Left = child->Right; } else { /* (as in a single linked list) to child^.Left. */ father->Left = child->Left; } Storage_DEALLOCATE ((void **) &child, sizeof (SymbolKey_Node)); } } else { Debug_Halt ((const char *) "trying to delete a symbol that is not in the tree - the compiler never expects this to occur", 92, (const char *) "../../gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/SymbolKey.mod", 39, (const char *) "DelSymKey", 9, 223); } } /* IsEmptyTree - returns true if SymbolTree, t, is empty. */ extern "C" bool SymbolKey_IsEmptyTree (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t) { return static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> (t)->Left == NULL; /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here. */ __builtin_unreachable (); } /* DoesTreeContainAny - returns true if SymbolTree, t, contains any symbols which in turn return true when procedure, P, is called with a symbol as its parameter. The SymbolTree root is empty apart from the field, Left, hence we need two procedures. */ extern "C" bool SymbolKey_DoesTreeContainAny (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, SymbolKey_IsSymbol P) { return SearchForAny (static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> (t)->Left, P); /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here. */ __builtin_unreachable (); } /* ForeachNodeDo - for each node in SymbolTree, t, a procedure, P, is called with the node symbol as its parameter. The tree root node only contains a legal Left pointer, therefore we need two procedures to examine this tree. */ extern "C" void SymbolKey_ForeachNodeDo (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, SymbolKey_PerformOperation P) { SearchAndDo (static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> (t)->Left, P); } /* ContainsSymKey - return TRUE if tree, t, contains an entry for, NameKey. */ extern "C" bool SymbolKey_ContainsSymKey (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, NameKey_Name NameKey) { SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque father; SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque child; FindNodeParentInTree (static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> (t), NameKey, &child, &father); return child != NULL; /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here. */ __builtin_unreachable (); } /* NoOfNodes - returns the number of nodes in the tree t. */ extern "C" unsigned int SymbolKey_NoOfNodes (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, SymbolKey_IsSymbol condition) { return CountNodes (static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> (t)->Left, condition, 0); /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here. */ __builtin_unreachable (); } /* ForeachNodeConditionDo - traverse the tree t and for any node which satisfied condition call P. */ extern "C" void SymbolKey_ForeachNodeConditionDo (SymbolKey_SymbolTree t, SymbolKey_IsSymbol condition, SymbolKey_PerformOperation P) { if (t != NULL) { Assertion_Assert (static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> (t)->Right == NULL); SearchConditional (static_cast<SymbolKey_SymbolTree__opaque> (t)->Left, condition, P); } } extern "C" void _M2_SymbolKey_init (__attribute__((unused)) int argc, __attribute__((unused)) char *argv[], __attribute__((unused)) char *envp[]) { } extern "C" void _M2_SymbolKey_fini (__attribute__((unused)) int argc, __attribute__((unused)) char *argv[], __attribute__((unused)) char *envp[]) { }