(* mcError.def provides an interface between the string handling modules. Copyright (C) 2015-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) DEFINITION MODULE mcError ; FROM SYSTEM IMPORT BYTE ; FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String ; TYPE error ; (* internalError - displays an internal error message together with the compiler source file and line number. This function is not buffered and is used when the compiler is about to give up. *) PROCEDURE internalError (a: ARRAY OF CHAR; file: ARRAY OF CHAR; line: CARDINAL) ; (* *************************************************************************** The following routines are used for normal syntax and semantic error reporting *************************************************************************** *) (* writeFormat0 - displays the source module and line together with the encapsulated format string. Used for simple error messages tied to the current token. *) PROCEDURE writeFormat0 (a: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; (* writeFormat1 - displays the source module and line together with the encapsulated format string. Used for simple error messages tied to the current token. *) PROCEDURE writeFormat1 (a: ARRAY OF CHAR; w: ARRAY OF BYTE) ; (* writeFormat2 - displays the module and line together with the encapsulated format strings. Used for simple error messages tied to the current token. *) PROCEDURE writeFormat2 (a: ARRAY OF CHAR; w1, w2: ARRAY OF BYTE) ; (* writeFormat3 - displays the module and line together with the encapsulated format strings. Used for simple error messages tied to the current token. *) PROCEDURE writeFormat3 (a: ARRAY OF CHAR; w1, w2, w3: ARRAY OF BYTE) ; (* newError - creates and returns a new error handle. *) PROCEDURE newError (atTokenNo: CARDINAL) : error ; (* newWarning - creates and returns a new error handle suitable for a warning. A warning will not stop compilation. *) PROCEDURE newWarning (atTokenNo: CARDINAL) : error ; (* chainError - creates and returns a new error handle, this new error is associated with, e, and is chained onto the end of, e. *) PROCEDURE chainError (atTokenNo: CARDINAL; e: error) : error ; (* errorFormat routines provide a printf capability for the error handle. *) PROCEDURE errorFormat0 (e: error; a: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; PROCEDURE errorFormat1 (e: error; a: ARRAY OF CHAR; w: ARRAY OF BYTE) ; PROCEDURE errorFormat2 (e: error; a: ARRAY OF CHAR; w1, w2: ARRAY OF BYTE) ; PROCEDURE errorFormat3 (e: error; a: ARRAY OF CHAR; w1, w2, w3: ARRAY OF BYTE) ; PROCEDURE errorString (e: error; str: String) ; (* *************************************************************************** The following routines are useful for positioning and warnings and errors at tokens. The strings are emitted later, so the caller must not destroy the strings. *************************************************************************** *) PROCEDURE errorStringAt (s: String; tok: CARDINAL) ; PROCEDURE errorStringAt2 (s: String; tok1, tok2: CARDINAL) ; PROCEDURE errorStringsAt2 (s1, s2: String; tok1, tok2: CARDINAL) ; PROCEDURE warnStringAt (s: String; tok: CARDINAL) ; PROCEDURE warnStringAt2 (s: String; tok1, tok2: CARDINAL) ; PROCEDURE warnStringsAt2 (s1, s2: String; tok1, tok2: CARDINAL) ; (* warnFormat0 - displays the source module and line together with the encapsulated format string. Used for simple warning messages tied to the current token. *) PROCEDURE warnFormat0 (a: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; (* warnFormat1 - displays the source module and line together with the encapsulated format string. Used for simple warning messages tied to the current token. *) PROCEDURE warnFormat1 (a: ARRAY OF CHAR; w: ARRAY OF BYTE) ; (* flushErrors - switches the output channel to the error channel and then writes out all errors. If an error is present the compilation is terminated. All warnings are ignored. *) PROCEDURE flushErrors ; (* flushWarnings - switches the output channel to the error channel and then writes out all warnings. If an error is present the compilation is terminated, if warnings only were emitted then compilation will continue. *) PROCEDURE flushWarnings ; (* errorAbort0 - aborts compiling, it flushes all warnings and errors before aborting. *) PROCEDURE errorAbort0 (a: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; END mcError.