/* do not edit automatically generated by mc from mcLexBuf. */ /* mcLexBuf.def provides a buffer for the all the tokens created by m2.lex. Copyright (C) 2015-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . */ #if !defined (_mcLexBuf_H) # define _mcLexBuf_H #include "config.h" #include "system.h" # ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { # endif #include # if !defined (PROC_D) # define PROC_D typedef void (*PROC_t) (void); typedef struct { PROC_t proc; } PROC; # endif # include "GSYSTEM.h" # include "GmcReserved.h" # include "GDynamicStrings.h" # include "GmcComment.h" # if defined (_mcLexBuf_C) # define EXTERN # else # define EXTERN extern # endif EXTERN mcReserved_toktype mcLexBuf_currenttoken; EXTERN void * mcLexBuf_currentstring; EXTERN unsigned int mcLexBuf_currentcolumn; EXTERN int mcLexBuf_currentinteger; EXTERN mcComment_commentDesc mcLexBuf_lastcomment; EXTERN mcComment_commentDesc mcLexBuf_currentcomment; /* getProcedureComment - returns the procedure comment if it exists, or NIL otherwise. */ EXTERN mcComment_commentDesc mcLexBuf_getProcedureComment (void); /* getBodyComment - returns the body comment if it exists, or NIL otherwise. */ EXTERN mcComment_commentDesc mcLexBuf_getBodyComment (void); /* getAfterComment - returns the after comment if it exists, or NIL otherwise. */ EXTERN mcComment_commentDesc mcLexBuf_getAfterComment (void); /* openSource - Attempts to open the source file, s. The success of the operation is returned. */ EXTERN bool mcLexBuf_openSource (DynamicStrings_String s); /* closeSource - closes the current open file. */ EXTERN void mcLexBuf_closeSource (void); /* reInitialize - re-initialize the all the data structures. */ EXTERN void mcLexBuf_reInitialize (void); /* resetForNewPass - reset the buffer pointers to the beginning ready for a new pass */ EXTERN void mcLexBuf_resetForNewPass (void); /* getToken - gets the next token into currenttoken. */ EXTERN void mcLexBuf_getToken (void); /* insertToken - inserts a symbol, token, infront of the current token ready for the next pass. */ EXTERN void mcLexBuf_insertToken (mcReserved_toktype token); /* insertTokenAndRewind - inserts a symbol, token, infront of the current token and then moves the token stream back onto the inserted token. */ EXTERN void mcLexBuf_insertTokenAndRewind (mcReserved_toktype token); /* getPreviousTokenLineNo - returns the line number of the previous token. */ EXTERN unsigned int mcLexBuf_getPreviousTokenLineNo (void); /* getLineNo - returns the current line number where the symbol occurs in the source file. */ EXTERN unsigned int mcLexBuf_getLineNo (void); /* getTokenNo - returns the current token number. */ EXTERN unsigned int mcLexBuf_getTokenNo (void); /* tokenToLineNo - returns the line number of the current file for the TokenNo. The depth refers to the include depth. A depth of 0 is the current file, depth of 1 is the file which included the current file. Zero is returned if the depth exceeds the file nesting level. */ EXTERN unsigned int mcLexBuf_tokenToLineNo (unsigned int tokenNo, unsigned int depth); /* getColumnNo - returns the current column where the symbol occurs in the source file. */ EXTERN unsigned int mcLexBuf_getColumnNo (void); /* tokenToColumnNo - returns the column number of the current file for the TokenNo. The depth refers to the include depth. A depth of 0 is the current file, depth of 1 is the file which included the current file. Zero is returned if the depth exceeds the file nesting level. */ EXTERN unsigned int mcLexBuf_tokenToColumnNo (unsigned int tokenNo, unsigned int depth); /* findFileNameFromToken - returns the complete FileName for the appropriate source file yields the token number, TokenNo. The, Depth, indicates the include level: 0..n Level 0 is the current. NIL is returned if n+1 is requested. */ EXTERN DynamicStrings_String mcLexBuf_findFileNameFromToken (unsigned int tokenNo, unsigned int depth); /* getFileName - returns a String defining the current file. */ EXTERN DynamicStrings_String mcLexBuf_getFileName (void); /* addTok - adds a token to the buffer. */ EXTERN void mcLexBuf_addTok (mcReserved_toktype t); /* addTokCharStar - adds a token to the buffer and an additional string, s. A copy of string, s, is made. */ EXTERN void mcLexBuf_addTokCharStar (mcReserved_toktype t, void * s); /* addTokInteger - adds a token and an integer to the buffer. */ EXTERN void mcLexBuf_addTokInteger (mcReserved_toktype t, int i); /* addTokComment - adds a token to the buffer and a comment descriptor, com. */ EXTERN void mcLexBuf_addTokComment (mcReserved_toktype t, mcComment_commentDesc com); /* setFile - sets the current filename to, filename. */ EXTERN void mcLexBuf_setFile (void * filename); /* pushFile - indicates that, filename, has just been included. */ EXTERN void mcLexBuf_pushFile (void * filename); /* popFile - indicates that we are returning to, filename, having finished an include. */ EXTERN void mcLexBuf_popFile (void * filename); # ifdef __cplusplus } # endif # undef EXTERN #endif