/* do not edit automatically generated by mc from RTExceptions.  */
/* RTExceptions.mod runtime exception handler routines.

Copyright (C) 2008-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>.

This file is part of GNU Modula-2.

GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
any later version.

GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */

#include "config.h"
#include "system.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#   if !defined (PROC_D)
#      define PROC_D
       typedef void (*PROC_t) (void);
       typedef struct { PROC_t proc; } PROC;
#   endif

#   if !defined (FALSE)
#      define FALSE (1==0)
#   endif

#   include "GStorage.h"
#   include "Gmcrts.h"
#ifndef __cplusplus
extern void throw (unsigned int);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#   undef NULL
#   define NULL 0
#define _RTExceptions_C

#include "GRTExceptions.h"
#   include "GASCII.h"
#   include "GStrLib.h"
#   include "GStorage.h"
#   include "GSYSTEM.h"
#   include "Glibc.h"
#   include "GM2RTS.h"
#   include "GSysExceptions.h"
#   include "GM2EXCEPTION.h"

typedef struct RTExceptions_ProcedureHandler_p RTExceptions_ProcedureHandler;

#   define MaxBuffer 4096
typedef struct RTExceptions__T1_r RTExceptions__T1;

typedef char *RTExceptions_PtrToChar;

typedef struct RTExceptions__T2_a RTExceptions__T2;

typedef struct RTExceptions__T3_r RTExceptions__T3;

typedef RTExceptions__T3 *RTExceptions_Handler;

typedef RTExceptions__T1 *RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque;

struct RTExceptions__T2_a { char array[MaxBuffer+1]; };
struct RTExceptions__T1_r {
                            RTExceptions__T2 buffer;
                            unsigned int number;
                            RTExceptions_Handler handlers;
                            RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque right;

struct RTExceptions__T3_r {
                            RTExceptions_ProcedureHandler p;
                            unsigned int n;
                            RTExceptions_Handler right;
                            RTExceptions_Handler left;
                            RTExceptions_Handler stack;

static bool inException;
static RTExceptions_Handler freeHandler;
static RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque freeEHB;
static RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque currentEHB;
static void * currentSource;

   Raise - invoke the exception handler associated with, number,
           in the active EHBlock.  It keeps a record of the number
           and message in the EHBlock for later use.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_Raise (unsigned int number, void * file, unsigned int line, unsigned int column, void * function, void * message) __attribute__ ((noreturn));

   SetExceptionBlock - sets, source, as the active EHB.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_SetExceptionBlock (RTExceptions_EHBlock source);

   GetExceptionBlock - returns the active EHB.

extern "C" RTExceptions_EHBlock RTExceptions_GetExceptionBlock (void);

   GetTextBuffer - returns the address of the EHB buffer.

extern "C" void * RTExceptions_GetTextBuffer (RTExceptions_EHBlock e);

   GetTextBufferSize - return the size of the EHB text buffer.

extern "C" unsigned int RTExceptions_GetTextBufferSize (RTExceptions_EHBlock e);

   GetNumber - return the exception number associated with,

extern "C" unsigned int RTExceptions_GetNumber (RTExceptions_EHBlock source);

   InitExceptionBlock - creates and returns a new exception block.

extern "C" RTExceptions_EHBlock RTExceptions_InitExceptionBlock (void);

   KillExceptionBlock - destroys the EHB, e, and all its handlers.

extern "C" RTExceptions_EHBlock RTExceptions_KillExceptionBlock (RTExceptions_EHBlock e);

   PushHandler - install a handler in EHB, e.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_PushHandler (RTExceptions_EHBlock e, unsigned int number, RTExceptions_ProcedureHandler p);

   PopHandler - removes the handler associated with, number, from
                EHB, e.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_PopHandler (RTExceptions_EHBlock e, unsigned int number);

   DefaultErrorCatch - displays the current error message in
                       the current exception block and then
                       calls HALT.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_DefaultErrorCatch (void);

   BaseExceptionsThrow - configures the Modula-2 exceptions to call
                         THROW which in turn can be caught by an
                         exception block.  If this is not called then
                         a Modula-2 exception will simply call an
                         error message routine and then HALT.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_BaseExceptionsThrow (void);

   IsInExceptionState - returns TRUE if the program is currently
                        in the exception state.

extern "C" bool RTExceptions_IsInExceptionState (void);

   SetExceptionState - returns the current exception state and
                       then sets the current exception state to,

extern "C" bool RTExceptions_SetExceptionState (bool to);

   SwitchExceptionState - assigns, from, with the current exception
                          state and then assigns the current exception
                          to, to.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_SwitchExceptionState (bool *from, bool to);

   GetBaseExceptionBlock - returns the initial language exception block

extern "C" RTExceptions_EHBlock RTExceptions_GetBaseExceptionBlock (void);

   SetExceptionSource - sets the current exception source to, source.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_SetExceptionSource (void * source);

   GetExceptionSource - returns the current exception source.

extern "C" void * RTExceptions_GetExceptionSource (void);

   ErrorString - writes a string to stderr.

static void ErrorString (const char *a_, unsigned int _a_high);

   findHandler -

static RTExceptions_Handler findHandler (RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque e, unsigned int number);

   InvokeHandler - invokes the associated handler for the current
                   exception in the active EHB.

static void InvokeHandler (void) __attribute__ ((noreturn));

   DoThrow - throw the exception number in the exception block.

static void DoThrow (void);

   addChar - adds, ch, to the current exception handler text buffer
             at index, i.  The index in then incremented.

static void addChar (char ch, unsigned int *i);

   stripPath - returns the filename from the path.

static void * stripPath (void * s);

   addFile - adds the filename determined by, s, however it strips
             any preceeding path.

static void addFile (void * s, unsigned int *i);

   addStr - adds a C string from address, s, into the current
            handler text buffer.

static void addStr (void * s, unsigned int *i);

   addNum - adds a number, n, to the current handler
            text buffer.

static void addNum (unsigned int n, unsigned int *i);

   New - returns a new EHBlock.

static RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque New (void);

   NewHandler - returns a new handler.

static RTExceptions_Handler NewHandler (void);

   KillHandler - returns, NIL, and places, h, onto the free list.

static RTExceptions_Handler KillHandler (RTExceptions_Handler h);

   KillHandlers - kills all handlers in the list.

static RTExceptions_Handler KillHandlers (RTExceptions_Handler h);

   InitHandler -

static RTExceptions_Handler InitHandler (RTExceptions_Handler h, RTExceptions_Handler l, RTExceptions_Handler r, RTExceptions_Handler s, unsigned int number, RTExceptions_ProcedureHandler proc);

   SubHandler -

static void SubHandler (RTExceptions_Handler h);

   AddHandler - add, e, to the end of the list of handlers.

static void AddHandler (RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque e, RTExceptions_Handler h);

   indexf - raise an index out of bounds exception.

static void indexf (void * a);

   range - raise an assignment out of range exception.

static void range (void * a);

   casef - raise a case selector out of range exception.

static void casef (void * a);

   invalidloc - raise an invalid location exception.

static void invalidloc (void * a);

   function - raise a ... function ... exception.  --fixme-- what does this exception catch?

static void function (void * a);

   wholevalue - raise an illegal whole value exception.

static void wholevalue (void * a);

   wholediv - raise a division by zero exception.

static void wholediv (void * a);

   realvalue - raise an illegal real value exception.

static void realvalue (void * a);

   realdiv - raise a division by zero in a real number exception.

static void realdiv (void * a);

   complexvalue - raise an illegal complex value exception.

static void complexvalue (void * a);

   complexdiv - raise a division by zero in a complex number exception.

static void complexdiv (void * a);

   protection - raise a protection exception.

static void protection (void * a);

   systemf - raise a system exception.

static void systemf (void * a);

   coroutine - raise a coroutine exception.

static void coroutine (void * a);

   exception - raise a exception exception.

static void exception (void * a);

   Init - initialises this module.

static void Init (void);

   TidyUp - deallocate memory used by this module.

static void TidyUp (void);

   ErrorString - writes a string to stderr.

static void ErrorString (const char *a_, unsigned int _a_high)
  int n;
  char a[_a_high+1];

  /* make a local copy of each unbounded array.  */
  memcpy (a, a_, _a_high+1);

  n = static_cast<int> (libc_write (2, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>(a)), static_cast<size_t> (StrLib_StrLen ((const char *) a, _a_high))));

   findHandler -

static RTExceptions_Handler findHandler (RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque e, unsigned int number)
  RTExceptions_Handler h;

  h = e->handlers->right;
  while ((h != e->handlers) && (number != h->n))
      h = h->right;
  if (h == e->handlers)
      return NULL;
      return h;
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   InvokeHandler - invokes the associated handler for the current
                   exception in the active EHB.

static void InvokeHandler (void)
  RTExceptions_Handler h;

  h = findHandler (currentEHB, currentEHB->number);
  if (h == NULL)
      throw (RTExceptions_GetNumber (RTExceptions_GetExceptionBlock ()));
      (*h->p.proc) ();
      M2RTS_HALT (-1);
      __builtin_unreachable ();

   DoThrow - throw the exception number in the exception block.

static void DoThrow (void)
  throw (RTExceptions_GetNumber (RTExceptions_GetExceptionBlock ()));

   addChar - adds, ch, to the current exception handler text buffer
             at index, i.  The index in then incremented.

static void addChar (char ch, unsigned int *i)
  if (((*i) <= MaxBuffer) && (currentEHB != NULL))
      currentEHB->buffer.array[(*i)] = ch;
      (*i) += 1;

   stripPath - returns the filename from the path.

static void * stripPath (void * s)
  RTExceptions_PtrToChar f;
  RTExceptions_PtrToChar p;

  p = static_cast<RTExceptions_PtrToChar> (s);
  f = static_cast<RTExceptions_PtrToChar> (s);
  while ((*p) != ASCII_nul)
      if ((*p) == '/')
          p += 1;
          f = p;
          p += 1;
  return static_cast<void *> (f);
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   addFile - adds the filename determined by, s, however it strips
             any preceeding path.

static void addFile (void * s, unsigned int *i)
  RTExceptions_PtrToChar p;

  p = static_cast<RTExceptions_PtrToChar> (stripPath (s));
  while ((p != NULL) && ((*p) != ASCII_nul))
      addChar ((*p), i);
      p += 1;

   addStr - adds a C string from address, s, into the current
            handler text buffer.

static void addStr (void * s, unsigned int *i)
  RTExceptions_PtrToChar p;

  p = static_cast<RTExceptions_PtrToChar> (s);
  while ((p != NULL) && ((*p) != ASCII_nul))
      addChar ((*p), i);
      p += 1;

   addNum - adds a number, n, to the current handler
            text buffer.

static void addNum (unsigned int n, unsigned int *i)
  if (n < 10)
      addChar ( ((char) ((n % 10)+ ((unsigned int) ('0')))), i);
      addNum (n / 10, i);
      addNum (n % 10, i);

   New - returns a new EHBlock.

static RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque New (void)
  RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque e;

  if (freeEHB == NULL)
      Storage_ALLOCATE ((void **) &e, sizeof (RTExceptions__T1));
      e = freeEHB;
      freeEHB = freeEHB->right;
  return e;
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   NewHandler - returns a new handler.

static RTExceptions_Handler NewHandler (void)
  RTExceptions_Handler h;

  if (freeHandler == NULL)
      Storage_ALLOCATE ((void **) &h, sizeof (RTExceptions__T3));
      h = freeHandler;
      freeHandler = freeHandler->right;
  return h;
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   KillHandler - returns, NIL, and places, h, onto the free list.

static RTExceptions_Handler KillHandler (RTExceptions_Handler h)
  h->right = freeHandler;
  freeHandler = h;
  return NULL;
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   KillHandlers - kills all handlers in the list.

static RTExceptions_Handler KillHandlers (RTExceptions_Handler h)
  h->left->right = freeHandler;
  freeHandler = h;
  return NULL;
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   InitHandler -

static RTExceptions_Handler InitHandler (RTExceptions_Handler h, RTExceptions_Handler l, RTExceptions_Handler r, RTExceptions_Handler s, unsigned int number, RTExceptions_ProcedureHandler proc)
  h->p = proc;
  h->n = number;
  h->right = r;
  h->left = l;
  h->stack = s;
  return h;
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   SubHandler -

static void SubHandler (RTExceptions_Handler h)
  h->right->left = h->left;
  h->left->right = h->right;

   AddHandler - add, e, to the end of the list of handlers.

static void AddHandler (RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque e, RTExceptions_Handler h)
  h->right = e->handlers;
  h->left = e->handlers->left;
  e->handlers->left->right = h;
  e->handlers->left = h;

   indexf - raise an index out of bounds exception.

static void indexf (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_indexException)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 614, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("indexf")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("array index out of bounds")));

   range - raise an assignment out of range exception.

static void range (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_rangeException)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 626, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("range")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("assignment out of range")));

   casef - raise a case selector out of range exception.

static void casef (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_caseSelectException)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 638, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("casef")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("case selector out of range")));

   invalidloc - raise an invalid location exception.

static void invalidloc (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_invalidLocation)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 650, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("invalidloc")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("invalid address referenced")));

   function - raise a ... function ... exception.  --fixme-- what does this exception catch?

static void function (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_functionException)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 662, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("function")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("... function ... ")));  /* --fixme-- what has happened ?  */

   wholevalue - raise an illegal whole value exception.

static void wholevalue (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_wholeValueException)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 674, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("wholevalue")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("illegal whole value exception")));

   wholediv - raise a division by zero exception.

static void wholediv (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_wholeDivException)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 686, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("wholediv")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("illegal whole value exception")));

   realvalue - raise an illegal real value exception.

static void realvalue (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_realValueException)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 698, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("realvalue")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("illegal real value exception")));

   realdiv - raise a division by zero in a real number exception.

static void realdiv (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_realDivException)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 710, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("realdiv")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("real number division by zero exception")));

   complexvalue - raise an illegal complex value exception.

static void complexvalue (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_complexValueException)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 722, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("complexvalue")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("illegal complex value exception")));

   complexdiv - raise a division by zero in a complex number exception.

static void complexdiv (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_complexDivException)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 734, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("complexdiv")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("complex number division by zero exception")));

   protection - raise a protection exception.

static void protection (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_protException)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 746, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("protection")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("protection exception")));

   systemf - raise a system exception.

static void systemf (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_sysException)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 758, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("systemf")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("system exception")));

   coroutine - raise a coroutine exception.

static void coroutine (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_coException)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 770, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("coroutine")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("coroutine exception")));

   exception - raise a exception exception.

static void exception (void * a)
  RTExceptions_Raise ( ((unsigned int) (M2EXCEPTION_exException)), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod")), 782, 9, const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("exception")), const_cast<void*> (static_cast<const void*>("exception exception")));

   Init - initialises this module.

static void Init (void)
  inException = false;
  freeHandler = NULL;
  freeEHB = static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (NULL);
  currentEHB = static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (RTExceptions_InitExceptionBlock ());
  currentSource = NULL;
  RTExceptions_BaseExceptionsThrow ();
  SysExceptions_InitExceptionHandlers ((SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) indexf}, (SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) range}, (SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) casef}, (SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) invalidloc}, (SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) function}, (SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) wholevalue}, (SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) wholediv}, (SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) realvalue}, (SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) realdiv}, (SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) complexvalue}, (SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) complexdiv}, (SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) protection}, (SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) systemf}, (SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) coroutine}, (SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION) {(SysExceptions_PROCEXCEPTION_t) exception});

   TidyUp - deallocate memory used by this module.

static void TidyUp (void)
  RTExceptions_Handler f;
  RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque e;

  if (currentEHB != NULL)
      currentEHB = static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (RTExceptions_KillExceptionBlock (static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock> (currentEHB)));
  while (freeHandler != NULL)
      f = freeHandler;
      freeHandler = freeHandler->right;
      Storage_DEALLOCATE ((void **) &f, sizeof (RTExceptions__T3));
  while (freeEHB != NULL)
      e = freeEHB;
      freeEHB = freeEHB->right;
      Storage_DEALLOCATE ((void **) &e, sizeof (RTExceptions__T1));

   Raise - invoke the exception handler associated with, number,
           in the active EHBlock.  It keeps a record of the number
           and message in the EHBlock for later use.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_Raise (unsigned int number, void * file, unsigned int line, unsigned int column, void * function, void * message)
  unsigned int i;

  currentEHB->number = number;
  i = 0;
  addFile (file, &i);
  addChar (':', &i);
  addNum (line, &i);
  addChar (':', &i);
  addNum (column, &i);
  addChar (':', &i);
  addChar (' ', &i);
  addChar ('I', &i);
  addChar ('n', &i);
  addChar (' ', &i);
  addStr (function, &i);
  addChar (ASCII_nl, &i);
  addFile (file, &i);
  addChar (':', &i);
  addNum (line, &i);
  addChar (':', &i);
  addNum (column, &i);
  addChar (':', &i);
  addStr (message, &i);
  addChar (ASCII_nl, &i);
  addChar (ASCII_nul, &i);
  InvokeHandler ();

   SetExceptionBlock - sets, source, as the active EHB.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_SetExceptionBlock (RTExceptions_EHBlock source)
  currentEHB = static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (source);

   GetExceptionBlock - returns the active EHB.

extern "C" RTExceptions_EHBlock RTExceptions_GetExceptionBlock (void)
  return static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock> (currentEHB);
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   GetTextBuffer - returns the address of the EHB buffer.

extern "C" void * RTExceptions_GetTextBuffer (RTExceptions_EHBlock e)
  return &static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (e)->buffer;
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   GetTextBufferSize - return the size of the EHB text buffer.

extern "C" unsigned int RTExceptions_GetTextBufferSize (RTExceptions_EHBlock e)
  return sizeof (static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (e)->buffer);
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   GetNumber - return the exception number associated with,

extern "C" unsigned int RTExceptions_GetNumber (RTExceptions_EHBlock source)
  return static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (source)->number;
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   InitExceptionBlock - creates and returns a new exception block.

extern "C" RTExceptions_EHBlock RTExceptions_InitExceptionBlock (void)
  RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque e;

  e = New ();
  e->number = UINT_MAX;
  e->handlers = NewHandler ();  /* add the dummy onto the head  */
  e->handlers->right = e->handlers;  /* add the dummy onto the head  */
  e->handlers->left = e->handlers;
  e->right = e;
  return static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock> (e);
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   KillExceptionBlock - destroys the EHB, e, and all its handlers.

extern "C" RTExceptions_EHBlock RTExceptions_KillExceptionBlock (RTExceptions_EHBlock e)
  static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (e)->handlers = KillHandlers (static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (e)->handlers);
  static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (e)->right = freeEHB;
  freeEHB = static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (e);
  return static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock> (NULL);
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   PushHandler - install a handler in EHB, e.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_PushHandler (RTExceptions_EHBlock e, unsigned int number, RTExceptions_ProcedureHandler p)
  RTExceptions_Handler h;
  RTExceptions_Handler i;

  h = findHandler (static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (e), number);
  if (h == NULL)
      i = InitHandler (NewHandler (), NULL, NULL, NULL, number, p);
      /* remove, h,  */
      SubHandler (h);
      /* stack it onto a new handler  */
      i = InitHandler (NewHandler (), NULL, NULL, h, number, p);
  /* add new handler  */
  AddHandler (static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (e), i);

   PopHandler - removes the handler associated with, number, from
                EHB, e.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_PopHandler (RTExceptions_EHBlock e, unsigned int number)
  RTExceptions_Handler h;

  h = findHandler (static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (e), number);
  if (h != NULL)
      /* remove, h,  */
      SubHandler (h);
      if (h->stack != NULL)
          AddHandler (static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (e), h->stack);
      h = KillHandler (h);

   DefaultErrorCatch - displays the current error message in
                       the current exception block and then
                       calls HALT.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_DefaultErrorCatch (void)
  RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque e;
  int n;

  e = static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock__opaque> (RTExceptions_GetExceptionBlock ());
  n = static_cast<int> (libc_write (2, RTExceptions_GetTextBuffer (static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock> (e)), libc_strlen (RTExceptions_GetTextBuffer (static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock> (e)))));
  M2RTS_HALT (-1);
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   BaseExceptionsThrow - configures the Modula-2 exceptions to call
                         THROW which in turn can be caught by an
                         exception block.  If this is not called then
                         a Modula-2 exception will simply call an
                         error message routine and then HALT.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_BaseExceptionsThrow (void)
  M2EXCEPTION_M2Exceptions i;

  for (i=M2EXCEPTION_indexException; i<=M2EXCEPTION_exException; i= static_cast<M2EXCEPTION_M2Exceptions>(static_cast<int>(i+1)))
      RTExceptions_PushHandler (RTExceptions_GetExceptionBlock (), (unsigned int ) (i), (RTExceptions_ProcedureHandler) {(RTExceptions_ProcedureHandler_t) DoThrow});

   IsInExceptionState - returns TRUE if the program is currently
                        in the exception state.

extern "C" bool RTExceptions_IsInExceptionState (void)
  return inException;
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   SetExceptionState - returns the current exception state and
                       then sets the current exception state to,

extern "C" bool RTExceptions_SetExceptionState (bool to)
  bool old;

  old = inException;
  inException = to;
  return old;
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   SwitchExceptionState - assigns, from, with the current exception
                          state and then assigns the current exception
                          to, to.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_SwitchExceptionState (bool *from, bool to)
  (*from) = inException;
  inException = to;

   GetBaseExceptionBlock - returns the initial language exception block

extern "C" RTExceptions_EHBlock RTExceptions_GetBaseExceptionBlock (void)
  if (currentEHB == NULL)
      M2RTS_Halt ((const char *) "currentEHB has not been initialized yet", 39, (const char *) "../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.mod", 38, (const char *) "GetBaseExceptionBlock", 21, 600);
      return static_cast<RTExceptions_EHBlock> (currentEHB);
  ReturnException ("../../gcc/m2/gm2-libs/RTExceptions.def", 25, 1);
  __builtin_unreachable ();

   SetExceptionSource - sets the current exception source to, source.

extern "C" void RTExceptions_SetExceptionSource (void * source)
  currentSource = source;

   GetExceptionSource - returns the current exception source.

extern "C" void * RTExceptions_GetExceptionSource (void)
  return currentSource;
  /* static analysis guarentees a RETURN statement will be used before here.  */
  __builtin_unreachable ();

extern "C" void _M2_RTExceptions_init (__attribute__((unused)) int argc, __attribute__((unused)) char *argv[], __attribute__((unused)) char *envp[])
  Init ();

extern "C" void _M2_RTExceptions_fini (__attribute__((unused)) int argc, __attribute__((unused)) char *argv[], __attribute__((unused)) char *envp[])
  TidyUp ();