/* do not edit automatically generated by mc from DynamicStrings.  */
/* DynamicStrings.def provides a dynamic string type and procedures.

Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>.

This file is part of GNU Modula-2.

GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
any later version.

GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */

#if !defined (_DynamicStrings_H)
#   define _DynamicStrings_H

#include "config.h"
#include "system.h"
#   ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#   endif
#include <stdbool.h>
#   if !defined (PROC_D)
#      define PROC_D
       typedef void (*PROC_t) (void);
       typedef struct { PROC_t proc; } PROC;
#   endif

#   include "GSYSTEM.h"

#   if defined (_DynamicStrings_C)
#      define EXTERN
#   else
#      define EXTERN extern
#   endif

#if !defined (DynamicStrings_String_D)
#  define DynamicStrings_String_D
   typedef void *DynamicStrings_String;

   InitString - creates and returns a String type object.
                Initial contents are, a.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_InitString (const char *a_, unsigned int _a_high);

   KillString - frees String, s, and its contents.
                NIL is returned.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_KillString (DynamicStrings_String s);

   Fin - finishes with a string, it calls KillString with, s.
         The purpose of the procedure is to provide a short cut
         to calling KillString and then testing the return result.

EXTERN void DynamicStrings_Fin (DynamicStrings_String s);

   InitStringCharStar - initializes and returns a String to contain
                        the C string.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_InitStringCharStar (void * a);

   InitStringChar - initializes and returns a String to contain the
                    single character, ch.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_InitStringChar (char ch);

   Mark - marks String, s, ready for garbage collection.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_Mark (DynamicStrings_String s);

   Length - returns the length of the String, s.

EXTERN unsigned int DynamicStrings_Length (DynamicStrings_String s);

   ConCat - returns String, a, after the contents of, b,
            have been appended.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_ConCat (DynamicStrings_String a, DynamicStrings_String b);

   ConCatChar - returns String, a, after character, ch,
                has been appended.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_ConCatChar (DynamicStrings_String a, char ch);

   Assign - assigns the contents of, b, into, a.
            String, a, is returned.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_Assign (DynamicStrings_String a, DynamicStrings_String b);

   ReplaceChar - returns string s after it has changed all
                 occurances of from to to.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_ReplaceChar (DynamicStrings_String s, char from, char to);

   Dup - duplicate a String, s, returning the copy of s.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_Dup (DynamicStrings_String s);

   Add - returns a new String which contains the contents of a and b.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_Add (DynamicStrings_String a, DynamicStrings_String b);

   Equal - returns TRUE if String, a, and, b, are equal.

EXTERN bool DynamicStrings_Equal (DynamicStrings_String a, DynamicStrings_String b);

   EqualCharStar - returns TRUE if contents of String, s, is
                   the same as the string, a.

EXTERN bool DynamicStrings_EqualCharStar (DynamicStrings_String s, void * a);

   EqualArray - returns TRUE if contents of String, s, is the
                same as the string, a.

EXTERN bool DynamicStrings_EqualArray (DynamicStrings_String s, const char *a_, unsigned int _a_high);

   Mult - returns a new string which is n concatenations of String, s.
          If n<=0 then an empty string is returned.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_Mult (DynamicStrings_String s, unsigned int n);

   Slice - returns a new string which contains the elements

           strings start at element 0
           Slice(s, 0, 2)  will return elements 0, 1 but not 2
           Slice(s, 1, 3)  will return elements 1, 2 but not 3
           Slice(s, 2, 0)  will return elements 2..max
           Slice(s, 3, -1) will return elements 3..max-1
           Slice(s, 4, -2) will return elements 4..max-2

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_Slice (DynamicStrings_String s, int low, int high);

   Index - returns the indice of the first occurance of, ch, in
           String, s. -1 is returned if, ch, does not exist.
           The search starts at position, o.

EXTERN int DynamicStrings_Index (DynamicStrings_String s, char ch, unsigned int o);

   RIndex - returns the indice of the last occurance of, ch,
            in String, s.  The search starts at position, o.
            -1 is returned if ch is not found.  The search
            is performed left to right.

EXTERN int DynamicStrings_RIndex (DynamicStrings_String s, char ch, unsigned int o);

   ReverseIndex - returns the indice of the last occurance of ch
                  in String s.  The search starts at position o
                  and searches from right to left.  The start position
                  may be indexed negatively from the right (-1 is the
                  last index).
                  The return value if ch is found will always be positive.
                  -1 is returned if ch is not found.

EXTERN int DynamicStrings_ReverseIndex (DynamicStrings_String s, char ch, int o);

   RemoveComment - assuming that, comment, is a comment delimiter
                   which indicates anything to its right is a comment
                   then strip off the comment and also any white space
                   on the remaining right hand side.
                   It leaves any white space on the left hand side

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_RemoveComment (DynamicStrings_String s, char comment);

   RemoveWhitePrefix - removes any leading white space from String, s.
                       A new string is returned.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_RemoveWhitePrefix (DynamicStrings_String s);

   RemoveWhitePostfix - removes any leading white space from String, s.
                        A new string is returned.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_RemoveWhitePostfix (DynamicStrings_String s);

   ToUpper - returns string, s, after it has had its lower case
             characters replaced by upper case characters.
             The string, s, is not duplicated.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_ToUpper (DynamicStrings_String s);

   ToLower - returns string, s, after it has had its upper case
             characters replaced by lower case characters.
             The string, s, is not duplicated.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_ToLower (DynamicStrings_String s);

   CopyOut - copies string, s, to a.

EXTERN void DynamicStrings_CopyOut (char *a, unsigned int _a_high, DynamicStrings_String s);

   char - returns the character, ch, at position, i, in String, s.
          As Slice the index can be negative so:

          char(s, 0) will return the first character
          char(s, 1) will return the second character
          char(s, -1) will return the last character
          char(s, -2) will return the penultimate character

          a nul character is returned if the index is out of range.

EXTERN char DynamicStrings_char (DynamicStrings_String s, int i);

   string - returns the C style char * of String, s.

EXTERN void * DynamicStrings_string (DynamicStrings_String s);

   InitStringDB - the debug version of InitString.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_InitStringDB (const char *a_, unsigned int _a_high, const char *file_, unsigned int _file_high, unsigned int line);

   InitStringCharStarDB - the debug version of InitStringCharStar.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_InitStringCharStarDB (void * a, const char *file_, unsigned int _file_high, unsigned int line);

   InitStringCharDB - the debug version of InitStringChar.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_InitStringCharDB (char ch, const char *file_, unsigned int _file_high, unsigned int line);

   MultDB - the debug version of MultDB.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_MultDB (DynamicStrings_String s, unsigned int n, const char *file_, unsigned int _file_high, unsigned int line);

   DupDB - the debug version of Dup.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_DupDB (DynamicStrings_String s, const char *file_, unsigned int _file_high, unsigned int line);

   SliceDB - debug version of Slice.

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_SliceDB (DynamicStrings_String s, int low, int high, const char *file_, unsigned int _file_high, unsigned int line);

   PushAllocation - pushes the current allocation/deallocation lists.

EXTERN void DynamicStrings_PushAllocation (void);

   PopAllocation - test to see that all strings are deallocated since
                   the last push.  Then it pops to the previous
                   allocation/deallocation lists.

                   If halt is true then the application terminates
                   with an exit code of 1.

EXTERN void DynamicStrings_PopAllocation (bool halt);

   PopAllocationExemption - test to see that all strings are
                            deallocated, except string e since
                            the last push.
                            Post-condition: it pops to the previous
                            allocation/deallocation lists.

                            If halt is true then the application
                            terminates with an exit code of 1.

                            The string, e, is returned unmodified,

EXTERN DynamicStrings_String DynamicStrings_PopAllocationExemption (bool halt, DynamicStrings_String e);
#   ifdef __cplusplus
#   endif

#   undef EXTERN