(* BitBlockOps.mod provides a Logitech compatible module. Copyright (C) 2007-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>. This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE BitBlockOps ; FROM SYSTEM IMPORT BITSPERBYTE, SHIFT, BYTE, BITSET8, TSIZE ; FROM Builtins IMPORT memmove, memset ; TYPE ptrToByte = POINTER TO BITSET8 ; ptrToBitset = POINTER TO BITSET ; (* BlockAnd - performs a bitwise AND on blocks [dest..dest+size-1] := [dest..dest+size-1] AND [src..src+size-1] *) PROCEDURE BlockAnd (dest, src: ADDRESS; size: CARDINAL) ; VAR bitsetDest, bitsetSrc: ptrToBitset ; byteDest, byteSrc : ptrToByte ; BEGIN bitsetDest := dest ; bitsetSrc := src ; WHILE size > TSIZE (BITSET) DO bitsetDest^ := bitsetDest^ * bitsetSrc^ ; INC (bitsetDest, TSIZE (BITSET)) ; INC (bitsetSrc, TSIZE (BITSET)) ; DEC (size, TSIZE (BITSET)) END ; byteDest := VAL (ptrToByte, bitsetDest) ; byteSrc := VAL (ptrToByte, bitsetSrc) ; WHILE size > 0 DO byteDest^ := byteDest^ * byteSrc^ ; INC(byteDest) ; INC(byteSrc) ; DEC(size) END END BlockAnd ; (* BlockOr - performs a bitwise OR on blocks [dest..dest+size-1] := [dest..dest+size-1] OR [src..src+size-1] *) PROCEDURE BlockOr (dest, src: ADDRESS; size: CARDINAL) ; VAR bitsetDest, bitsetSrc: ptrToBitset ; byteDest, byteSrc : ptrToByte ; BEGIN bitsetDest := dest ; bitsetSrc := src ; WHILE size > TSIZE (BITSET) DO bitsetDest^ := bitsetDest^ + bitsetSrc^ ; INC (bitsetDest, TSIZE (BITSET)) ; INC (bitsetSrc, TSIZE (BITSET)) ; DEC (size, TSIZE (BITSET)) END ; byteDest := VAL (ptrToByte, bitsetDest) ; byteSrc := VAL (ptrToByte, bitsetSrc) ; WHILE size > 0 DO byteDest^ := byteDest^ + byteSrc^ ; INC (byteDest) ; INC (byteSrc) ; DEC (size) END END BlockOr ; (* BlockXor - performs a bitwise XOR on blocks [dest..dest+size-1] := [dest..dest+size-1] XOR [src..src+size-1] *) PROCEDURE BlockXor (dest, src: ADDRESS; size: CARDINAL) ; VAR bitsetDest, bitsetSrc: ptrToBitset ; byteDest, byteSrc : ptrToByte ; BEGIN bitsetDest := dest ; bitsetSrc := src ; WHILE size>TSIZE(BITSET) DO bitsetDest^ := bitsetDest^ - bitsetSrc^ ; INC(bitsetDest, TSIZE(BITSET)) ; INC(bitsetSrc, TSIZE(BITSET)) ; DEC(size, TSIZE(BITSET)) END ; byteDest := VAL(ptrToByte, bitsetDest) ; byteSrc := VAL(ptrToByte, bitsetSrc) ; WHILE size>0 DO byteDest^ := byteDest^ - byteSrc^ ; INC(byteDest) ; INC(byteSrc) ; DEC(size) END END BlockXor ; (* BlockNot - performs a bitsize NOT on the block as defined by: [dest..dest+size-1] *) PROCEDURE BlockNot (dest: ADDRESS; size: CARDINAL) ; VAR bitsetDest: ptrToBitset ; byteDest : ptrToByte ; BEGIN bitsetDest := dest ; WHILE size>TSIZE(BITSET) DO bitsetDest^ := -bitsetDest^ ; INC(bitsetDest, TSIZE(BITSET)) ; DEC(size, TSIZE(BITSET)) END ; byteDest := VAL(ptrToByte, bitsetDest) ; WHILE size>0 DO byteDest^ := - byteDest^ ; INC (byteDest) ; DEC (size) END END BlockNot ; (* BlockShr - performs a block shift right of, count, bits. Where the block is defined as: [dest..dest+size-1]. The block is considered to be an ARRAY OF BYTEs which is shifted, bit at a time over each byte in turn. The left most byte is considered the byte located at the lowest address. If you require an endianness SHIFT use the SYSTEM.SHIFT procedure and declare the block as a POINTER TO set type. *) PROCEDURE BlockShr (dest: ADDRESS; size, count: CARDINAL) ; VAR p : ptrToByte ; carry, hi, lo : BITSET8 ; byteOffset, bitOffset : CARDINAL ; BEGIN byteOffset := count DIV BITSPERBYTE ; IF byteOffset >= size THEN (* shifted all data out, nothing left *) p := dest ; dest := memset (p, 0, size) ELSE bitOffset := count MOD BITSPERBYTE ; IF byteOffset > 0 THEN (* move whole bytes using memmove *) p := dest ; dest := memmove (dest, dest+VAL(ADDRESS, byteOffset), size-byteOffset) ; (* zero leading bytes *) dest := memset (p, 0, byteOffset) END ; IF bitOffset > 0 THEN (* some real shifting is necessary *) p := dest + VAL (ADDRESS, byteOffset) ; hi := BITSET8 {} ; WHILE size>byteOffset DO lo := SHIFT (p^, -bitOffset) ; carry := SHIFT (p^, BITSPERBYTE - bitOffset) ; p^ := lo + hi ; INC (p) ; hi := carry ; DEC (size) END END END END BlockShr ; (* BlockShl - performs a block shift left of, count, bits. Where the block is defined as: [dest..dest+size-1]. The block is considered to be an ARRAY OF BYTEs which is shifted, bit at a time over each byte in turn. The left most byte is considered the byte located at the lowest address. If you require an endianness SHIFT use the SYSTEM.SHIFT procedure and declare the block as a POINTER TO set type. *) PROCEDURE BlockShl (dest: ADDRESS; size, count: CARDINAL) ; VAR p : ptrToByte ; carry, hi, lo : BITSET8 ; byteOffset, bitOffset : CARDINAL ; BEGIN byteOffset := count DIV BITSPERBYTE ; IF byteOffset>=size THEN (* shifted all data out, nothing left *) p := dest ; dest := memset(p, 0, size) ELSE bitOffset := count MOD BITSPERBYTE ; IF byteOffset>0 THEN (* move whole bytes using memmove *) p := dest ; dest := memmove (dest, dest + VAL (ADDRESS, byteOffset), size - byteOffset) ; (* zero leading bytes *) dest := memset (p, 0, byteOffset) END ; IF bitOffset>0 THEN (* some real shifting is necessary *) p := dest + VAL (ADDRESS, byteOffset) ; hi := BITSET8 {} ; WHILE size > byteOffset DO lo := SHIFT (p^, -bitOffset) ; carry := SHIFT (p^, (BITSPERBYTE - bitOffset)) ; p^ := lo + hi ; INC (p) ; hi := carry ; DEC (size) END END END END BlockShl ; (* BlockRor - performs a block rotate right of, count, bits. Where the block is defined as: [dest..dest+size-1]. The block is considered to be an ARRAY OF BYTEs which is shifted, bit at a time over each byte in turn. The left most byte is considered the byte located at the lowest address. If you require an endianness ROTATE use the SYSTEM.ROTATE procedure and declare the block as a POINTER TO set type. *) PROCEDURE BlockRor (dest: ADDRESS; size, count: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN (* not yet implemented *) HALT END BlockRor ; (* BlockRol - performs a block rotate left of, count, bits. Where the block is defined as: [dest..dest+size-1]. The block is considered to be an ARRAY OF BYTEs which is shifted, bit at a time over each byte in turn. The left most byte is considered the byte located at the lowest address. If you require an endianness ROTATE use the SYSTEM.ROTATE procedure and declare the block as a POINTER TO set type. *) PROCEDURE BlockRol (dest: ADDRESS; size, count: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN (* not yet implemented *) HALT END BlockRol ; END BitBlockOps.