(* TimerHandler.mod provides a simple timer handler for the Executive. Copyright (C) 2002-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>. This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE TimerHandler[MAX(PROTECTION)] ; FROM COROUTINES IMPORT PROTECTION ; FROM SysStorage IMPORT ALLOCATE ; FROM NumberIO IMPORT CardToStr ; FROM Debug IMPORT Halt, DebugString ; FROM KeyBoardLEDs IMPORT SwitchScroll ; FROM RTint IMPORT ReArmTimeVector, GetTimeVector, InitTimeVector ; FROM Executive IMPORT DESCRIPTOR, Suspend, Resume, GetCurrentProcess, WaitForIO, InitProcess, RotateRunQueue, ProcessName, Ps ; CONST MaxQuantum = 4 ; (* Maximum ticks a process may consume *) (* before being rescheduled. *) BaseTicks = 1000000 ; (* Max resolution of clock ticks per sec *) TimerStackSize = 100000H ; (* Reasonable sized stack for a process *) Debugging = FALSE ; (* Do you want lots of debugging info? *) EnableLED = FALSE ; (* Should the scroll LED be pulsed? *) TYPE EVENT = POINTER TO RECORD EventQ : Queue ; WhichQ : QueueType ; Process : DESCRIPTOR ; NoOfTicks : CARDINAL ; WasCancelled: BOOLEAN ; END ; (* the queue types are either: active queue which has a list of outstanding events dead queue which is essentially the free list solo which is no queue and the event is in limbo *) QueueType = (active, dead, solo) ; Queue = RECORD Right, Left : EVENT ; END ; VAR TotalTicks : CARDINAL ; (* System up time tick count *) CurrentQuanta : CARDINAL ; (* Currentprocess time quanta allowance *) ActiveQueue, (* Queue of outstanding timer requests *) DeadQueue : EVENT ; (* Free list of events. *) (* GetTicks - returns the number of ticks since boottime. *) PROCEDURE GetTicks () : CARDINAL ; VAR ToOldState : PROTECTION ; CopyOfTicks: CARDINAL ; BEGIN (* ToOldState := TurnInterrupts(MAX(PROTECTION)) ; (* disable interrupts *) *) CopyOfTicks := TotalTicks ; (* ToOldState := TurnInterrupts(ToOldState) ; (* restore interrupts *) *) RETURN( CopyOfTicks ) END GetTicks ; (* Sleep - suspends the current process for a time, t. The time is measured in ticks. *) PROCEDURE Sleep (t: CARDINAL) ; VAR ToOldState: PROTECTION ; e : EVENT ; BEGIN (* ToOldState := TurnInterrupts(MAX(PROTECTION)) ; (* disable interrupts *) *) e := ArmEvent (t) ; IF WaitOn (e) THEN END ; (* ToOldState := TurnInterrupts(ToOldState) (* restore interrupts *) *) END Sleep ; (* More lower system calls to the timer procedures follow, they are necessary to allow handling multiple events. *) (* ArmEvent - initializes an event, e, to occur at time, t. The time, t, is measured in ticks. The event is NOT placed onto the event queue. *) PROCEDURE ArmEvent (t: CARDINAL) : EVENT ; VAR e : EVENT ; ToOldState: PROTECTION ; Ticks : CARDINAL ; BEGIN (* ToOldState := TurnInterrupts(MAX(PROTECTION)) ; (* disable interrupts *) *) e := CreateSolo() ; (* your code needs to go here *) WITH e^ DO (* remove for student *) InitQueue(EventQ) ; (* not on a queue yet *) (* remove for student *) WhichQ := solo ; (* and set the queue state accordingly *) (* remove for student *) Process := NIL ; (* no process waiting event yet *) (* remove for student *) NoOfTicks := t ; (* absolute number of ticks *) (* remove for student *) WasCancelled := FALSE ; (* has not been cancelled *) (* remove for student *) END ; (* remove for student *) (* ToOldState := TurnInterrupts(ToOldState) ; (* restore interrupts *) *) RETURN( e ) END ArmEvent ; (* WaitOn - places event, e, onto the event queue and then the calling process suspends. It is resumed up by either the event expiring or the event, e, being cancelled. TRUE is returned if the event was cancelled FALSE is returned if the event expires. The event, e, is always assigned to NIL when the function finishes. *) PROCEDURE WaitOn (VAR e: EVENT) : BOOLEAN ; VAR ToOldState: PROTECTION ; Cancelled : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN (* ToOldState := TurnInterrupts(MAX(PROTECTION)) ; (* disable interrupts *) *) IF e=NIL THEN Halt ('event should never be NIL', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) ELSE WITH e^ DO (* we will just check to see whether someone has cancelled this *) (* event before it ever got to the queue... *) IF NOT WasCancelled THEN (* right so it wasn't cancelled. Lets place it on the queue and *) (* go to sleep. *) Process := GetCurrentProcess() ; (* so we know who is waiting *) OnActiveQueue(e) ; (* add to the queue and then *) IF Debugging THEN DisplayActive ; (* debugging *) END ; Suspend (* wait for Resume (we sleep) *) END ; (* At this point we have either been cancelled or not. We must *) (* check the event again as we might have been sleeping (Suspend) *) Cancelled := WasCancelled END END ; OnDeadQueue(e) ; (* now it is safe to throw this event away *) e := NIL ; (* ToOldState := TurnInterrupts(ToOldState) ; (* restore interrupts *) *) RETURN Cancelled END WaitOn ; (* Cancel - cancels the event, e, on the event queue and makes the appropriate process runnable again. TRUE is returned if the event was cancelled and FALSE is returned is the event was not found or no process was waiting on this event. *) PROCEDURE Cancel (e: EVENT) : BOOLEAN ; VAR ToOldState: PROTECTION ; Cancelled : BOOLEAN ; Private : DESCRIPTOR ; BEGIN (* ToOldState := TurnInterrupts(MAX(PROTECTION)) ; (* disable interrupts *) *) IF IsOnActiveQueue(e) THEN WITH e^ DO Cancelled := NOT WasCancelled ; IF WasCancelled THEN Halt ('inconsistancy event has been cancelled and it is on queue', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) END ; OnSoloQueue(e) ; WasCancelled := TRUE ; IF Process#NIL (* double check that it has not *) (* already been cancelled *) THEN Private := Process ; (* we use our own Private variable *) Process := NIL ; (* as we need to set Process to NIL *) Process := Resume(Private) (* before we Resume. Otherwise *) (* there is the possibility that it *) (* might be reused before we := NIL *) (* (because when we touch Resume *) (* another process could run and..) *) END END ELSE Cancelled := FALSE END ; (* ToOldState := TurnInterrupts(ToOldState) ; (* restore interrupts *) *) RETURN( Cancelled ) END Cancel ; (* ReArmEvent - removes an event, e, from the event queue. A new time is given to this event and it is then re-inserted onto the event queue in the correct place. TRUE is returned if this occurred FALSE is returned if the event was not found. *) PROCEDURE ReArmEvent (e: EVENT; t: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR ToOldState: PROTECTION ; ReArmed : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN (* ToOldState := TurnInterrupts(MAX(PROTECTION)) ; (* disable interrupts *) *) WITH e^ DO IF WasCancelled THEN ReArmed := FALSE ELSIF IsOnActiveQueue(e) OR IsOnSoloQueue(e) THEN ReArmed := TRUE ; OnSoloQueue(e) ; (* remove from queue *) NoOfTicks := t ; (* give it a new time *) OnActiveQueue(e) (* back on queue *) ELSE Halt ('ReArm should not be asked to ReArm a dead event', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) END END ; (* ToOldState := TurnInterrupts(ToOldState) ; (* restore interrupts *) *) RETURN( ReArmed ) END ReArmEvent ; (* StartClock - ticks is milli seconds. *) PROCEDURE StartClock (vec: CARDINAL; ticks: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN ReArmTimeVector (vec, ticks MOD BaseTicks, ticks DIV BaseTicks) END StartClock ; (* LoadClock - returns the number of milli seconds. *) PROCEDURE LoadClock (vec: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR micro, secs: CARDINAL ; BEGIN GetTimeVector (vec, micro, secs) ; RETURN secs * BaseTicks + micro END LoadClock ; (* Timer - is a process which serves the clock interrupt. Its function is fourfold: (i) to maintain the timer event queue (ii) to give some fairness to processes via round robin scheduling (iii) to keep a count of the total ticks so far (time of day) (iv) provide a heartbeat sign of life via the scroll lock LED *) PROCEDURE Timer ; VAR CurrentCount: CARDINAL ; ToOldState : PROTECTION ; ScrollLED : BOOLEAN ; TimerIntNo : CARDINAL ; r : INTEGER ; BEGIN (* ToOldState := TurnInterrupts(MAX(PROTECTION)) ; *) ScrollLED := FALSE ; TimerIntNo := InitTimeVector ((BaseTicks DIV TicksPerSecond) MOD BaseTicks, (BaseTicks DIV TicksPerSecond) DIV BaseTicks, MAX (PROTECTION)) ; LOOP WaitForIO (TimerIntNo) ; (* Get current clock count *) CurrentCount := (* LoadClock(TimerIntNo) ; *) 0 ; (* Now compenstate for lost ticks *) StartClock (TimerIntNo, CurrentCount + (BaseTicks DIV TicksPerSecond)) ; INC (TotalTicks) ; (* (iii) *) IF EnableLED THEN (* now pulse scroll LED *) IF (TotalTicks MOD TicksPerSecond) = 0 THEN ScrollLED := NOT ScrollLED ; (* r := printf("<scroll %d>", TotalTicks); *) SwitchScroll(ScrollLED) (* (iv) *) END END ; IF (TotalTicks MOD MaxQuantum) = 0 THEN RotateRunQueue (* (ii) *) END ; CheckActiveQueue (* (i) *) END END Timer ; (* CheckActiveQueue - purpose is: (i) to remove all events which have expired (ii) resume all processes waiting on these events (iii) decrement the first event with a non zero NoOfTicks *) PROCEDURE CheckActiveQueue ; VAR e : EVENT ; Private: DESCRIPTOR ; BEGIN IF Debugging THEN DebugString('inside CheckActiveQueue\n') ; DisplayActive END ; WHILE (ActiveQueue#NIL) AND (ActiveQueue^.NoOfTicks=0) DO (* (i) *) e := ActiveQueue ; OnSoloQueue(e) ; (* note we do not put it onto the dead queue. The process waiting for the event will place, e, onto the dead queue *) WITH e^ DO IF (NOT WasCancelled) AND (Process#NIL) THEN Private := Process ; (* we use our own Private variable *) Process := NIL ; (* as we might context switch in *) Process := Resume(Private) ; (* resume. (ii) *) IF Debugging THEN Ps END END END END ; IF ActiveQueue#NIL THEN DEC(ActiveQueue^.NoOfTicks) (* (iii) *) END ; IF Debugging THEN DebugString('after CheckActiveQueue\n') ; DisplayActive END ; END CheckActiveQueue ; (* CreateSolo - create a new event. It does this by either getting an event from the dead queue or (if the dead queue is empty) an event is created by using NEW. *) PROCEDURE CreateSolo () : EVENT ; VAR e: EVENT ; BEGIN IF DeadQueue=NIL THEN NEW(e) ELSE e := DeadQueue ; SubFrom(DeadQueue, e) END ; e^.WhichQ := solo ; RETURN( e ) END CreateSolo ; (* RemoveFromDead - removes event, e, from the dead queue. *) PROCEDURE RemoveFromDead (e: EVENT) ; BEGIN SubFrom(DeadQueue, e) END RemoveFromDead ; (* OnDeadQueue - places an event onto the dead queue. *) PROCEDURE OnDeadQueue (e: EVENT) ; BEGIN IF e#NIL THEN OnSoloQueue(e) ; (* put on solo queue first *) AddTo(DeadQueue, e) ; (* now safe to put on dead queue *) e^.WhichQ := dead END END OnDeadQueue ; (* OnSoloQueue - places an event onto the solo queue. *) PROCEDURE OnSoloQueue (e: EVENT) ; BEGIN IF e#NIL THEN IF IsOnActiveQueue(e) THEN RemoveFromActive(e) ELSIF IsOnDeadQueue(e) THEN RemoveFromDead(e) END ; e^.WhichQ := solo END END OnSoloQueue ; (* OnActiveQueue - places an event onto the active queue. *) PROCEDURE OnActiveQueue (e: EVENT) ; BEGIN IF e#NIL THEN IF IsOnDeadQueue(e) THEN Halt ('illegal state change', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) ELSIF IsOnSoloQueue(e) THEN RelativeAddToActive(e) ; e^.WhichQ := active END END END OnActiveQueue ; (* IsOnSoloQueue - returns TRUE if event, e, is on the solo queue. *) PROCEDURE IsOnSoloQueue (e: EVENT) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (e#NIL) AND (e^.WhichQ=solo) ) END IsOnSoloQueue ; (* IsOnDeadQueue - returns TRUE if event, e, is on the dead queue. *) PROCEDURE IsOnDeadQueue (e: EVENT) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (e#NIL) AND (e^.WhichQ=dead) ) END IsOnDeadQueue ; (* IsOnActiveQueue - returns TRUE if event, e, is on the active queue. *) PROCEDURE IsOnActiveQueue (e: EVENT) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (e#NIL) AND (e^.WhichQ=active) ) END IsOnActiveQueue ; (* RemoveFromActive - removes an event, e, from the active queue. *) PROCEDURE RemoveFromActive (e: EVENT) ; BEGIN IF ActiveQueue=e THEN SubFrom(ActiveQueue, e) ; (* providing that the ActiveQueue is non empty we need to modify first event ticks as we have removed the first event, e. *) IF ActiveQueue#NIL THEN INC(ActiveQueue^.NoOfTicks, e^.NoOfTicks) END ELSE (* providing that event, e, is not the last event on the list then update the next event by the time of, e. *) IF e^.EventQ.Right#ActiveQueue THEN INC(e^.EventQ.Right^.NoOfTicks, e^.NoOfTicks) END ; SubFrom(ActiveQueue, e) END END RemoveFromActive ; (* InsertBefore - insert an event, new, on a circular event queue BEFORE event, pos. *) PROCEDURE InsertBefore (VAR Head: EVENT; pos, new: EVENT) ; BEGIN IF Head=NIL THEN (* empty queue *) Head := new ; new^.EventQ.Right := new ; new^.EventQ.Left := new ELSIF Head=pos THEN (* insert before the first element on the queue *) new^.EventQ.Right := pos ; new^.EventQ.Left := pos^.EventQ.Left ; pos^.EventQ.Left^.EventQ.Right := new ; pos^.EventQ.Left := new ; Head := new ELSE (* insert before any other element *) new^.EventQ.Right := pos ; new^.EventQ.Left := pos^.EventQ.Left ; pos^.EventQ.Left^.EventQ.Right := new ; pos^.EventQ.Left := new END END InsertBefore ; (* InsertAfter - place an event, new, AFTER the event pos on any circular event queue. *) PROCEDURE InsertAfter (pos, new: EVENT) ; BEGIN new^.EventQ.Right := pos^.EventQ.Right ; new^.EventQ.Left := pos ; pos^.EventQ.Right^.EventQ.Left := new ; pos^.EventQ.Right := new END InsertAfter ; (* RelativeAddToActive - the active event queue is an ordered queue of relative time events. The event, e, is inserted at the appropriate position in the queue. The event, e, enters this routine with an absolute NoOfTicks field which is then used to work out the relative position of the event. After the position is found then the absolute NoOfTicks field is altered to a relative value and inserted on the queue. *) PROCEDURE RelativeAddToActive (e: EVENT) ; VAR t : EVENT ; sum: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF ActiveQueue = NIL THEN (* simple as the queue is empty (relative=absolute) *) InsertBefore (ActiveQueue, ActiveQueue, e) ELSE (* at the end of the while loop sum will contain the total of all events up to but not including, t. If the value of sum is < e^.NoOfTicks then e must be placed at the end >= e^.NoOfTicks then e needs to be placed in the middle *) sum := ActiveQueue^.NoOfTicks ; t := ActiveQueue^.EventQ.Right ; (* second event *) WHILE (sum < e^.NoOfTicks) AND (t # ActiveQueue) DO INC (sum, t^.NoOfTicks) ; t := t^.EventQ.Right END ; IF sum < e^.NoOfTicks THEN (* e will occur after all the current ActiveQueue has expired therefore we must add it to the end of the ActiveQueue. *) DEC (e^.NoOfTicks, sum) ; InsertAfter (ActiveQueue^.EventQ.Left, e) ELSE (* as sum >= e^.NoOfTicks we know that e is scheduled to occur in the middle of the queue but before t^.Left *) DEC (e^.NoOfTicks, sum-t^.EventQ.Left^.NoOfTicks) ; InsertBefore (ActiveQueue, t^.EventQ.Left, e) END ; (* the first event after e must have its relative NoOfTicks altered *) IF e^.EventQ.Right # ActiveQueue THEN DEC (e^.EventQ.Right^.NoOfTicks, e^.NoOfTicks) END END END RelativeAddToActive ; (* AddTo - adds an event to a specified queue. *) PROCEDURE AddTo (VAR Head: EVENT; e: EVENT) ; BEGIN IF Head=NIL THEN Head := e ; e^.EventQ.Left := e ; e^.EventQ.Right := e ELSE e^.EventQ.Right := Head ; e^.EventQ.Left := Head^.EventQ.Left ; Head^.EventQ.Left^.EventQ.Right := e ; Head^.EventQ.Left := e END END AddTo ; (* SubFrom - removes an event from a queue. *) PROCEDURE SubFrom (VAR Head: EVENT; e: EVENT) ; BEGIN IF (e^.EventQ.Left = Head) AND (e = Head) THEN Head := NIL ELSE IF Head = e THEN Head := Head^.EventQ.Right END ; e^.EventQ.Left^.EventQ.Right := e^.EventQ.Right ; e^.EventQ.Right^.EventQ.Left := e^.EventQ.Left END END SubFrom ; (* DisplayActive - display the active queue. *) PROCEDURE DisplayActive ; VAR e: EVENT ; BEGIN e := ActiveQueue ; IF e#NIL THEN REPEAT DisplayEvent(e) ; e := e^.EventQ.Right UNTIL e=ActiveQueue END END DisplayActive ; (* DisplayEvent - display a single event, e. *) PROCEDURE DisplayEvent (e: EVENT) ; VAR a: ARRAY [0..20] OF CHAR ; BEGIN WITH e^ DO CardToStr(NoOfTicks, 6, a) ; DebugString(a) ; DebugString(' process (') ; IF Process=NIL THEN DebugString('is NIL') ; ELSE ProcessName(Process) END ; DebugString(')') ; IF WasCancelled THEN DebugString(' has been cancelled') END END ; DebugString('\n') END DisplayEvent ; (* InitQueue - *) PROCEDURE InitQueue (VAR q: Queue) ; BEGIN q.Right := NIL ; q.Left := NIL END InitQueue ; (* Init - starts the timer process and initializes some queues. *) PROCEDURE Init ; VAR d: DESCRIPTOR ; BEGIN TotalTicks := 0 ; CurrentQuanta := 0 ; ActiveQueue := NIL ; DeadQueue := NIL ; d := Resume(InitProcess(Timer, TimerStackSize, 'Timer')) END Init ; BEGIN Init END TimerHandler.