(* m2decl.def definition module for m2decl.cc. Copyright (C) 2011-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>. This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *) DEFINITION MODULE m2decl ; FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADDRESS ; FROM gcctypes IMPORT location_t, tree ; FROM CDataTypes IMPORT ConstCharStar ; (* BuildModuleCtor creates the per module constructor used as part of the dynamic linking scaffold. *) PROCEDURE BuildModuleCtor (moduleCtor: tree) ; (* DeclareModuleCtor configures the function to be used as a ctor. *) PROCEDURE DeclareModuleCtor (decl: tree) : tree ; (* *) PROCEDURE DeclareM2linkForcedModuleInitOrder (location: location_t; RuntimeOverride: ADDRESS) : tree ; PROCEDURE DeclareM2linkStaticInitialization (location: location_t; ScaffoldStatic: INTEGER) : tree ; PROCEDURE BuildPtrToTypeString (location: location_t; string: ADDRESS; type: tree) : tree ; (* GetBitsPerBitset - returns the number of bits in a BITSET. *) PROCEDURE GetBitsPerBitset () : INTEGER ; (* GetBitsPerInt - returns the number of bits in a INTEGER. *) PROCEDURE GetBitsPerInt () : INTEGER ; (* GetBitsPerUnit - returns the number of bits in a UNIT. *) PROCEDURE GetBitsPerUnit () : INTEGER ; (* GetBitsPerWord - returns the number of bits in a WORD. *) PROCEDURE GetBitsPerWord () : INTEGER ; (* BuildIntegerConstant - return a tree containing the integer value. *) PROCEDURE BuildIntegerConstant (value: INTEGER) : tree ; (* BuildStringConstantType - builds a string constant with a type. *) PROCEDURE BuildStringConstantType (length: INTEGER; string: ConstCharStar; type: tree) : tree ; (* DeclareKnownVariable - declares a variable in scope, funcscope. Note that the global variable, current_function_decl, is altered if isglobal is TRUE. *) PROCEDURE DeclareKnownVariable (location: location_t; name: ConstCharStar; type: tree; exported, imported, istemporary, isglobal: BOOLEAN; scope, initial: tree) : tree ; (* DeclareKnownConstant - given a constant, value, of, type, create a constant in the GCC symbol table. Note that the name of the constant is not used as _all_ constants are declared in the global scope. The front end deals with scoping rules - here we declare all constants with no names in the global scope. This allows M2SubExp and constant folding routines the liberty of operating with quadruples which all assume constants can always be referenced. *) PROCEDURE DeclareKnownConstant (location: location_t; type: tree; value: tree) : tree ; (* BuildParameterDeclaration - creates and returns one parameter from, name, and, type. It appends this parameter to the internal param_type_list. If name is nul then we assume we are creating a function type declaration and we ignore names. *) PROCEDURE BuildParameterDeclaration (location: location_t; name: ConstCharStar; type: tree; isreference: BOOLEAN) : tree ; (* BuildStartFunctionDeclaration - initializes global variables ready for building a function. *) PROCEDURE BuildStartFunctionDeclaration (uses_varargs: BOOLEAN) ; (* BuildEndFunctionDeclaration - build a function which will return a value of returntype. The arguments have been created by BuildParameterDeclaration. *) PROCEDURE BuildEndFunctionDeclaration (location_begin, location_end: location_t; name: ConstCharStar; returntype: tree; isexternal, isnested, ispublic, isnoreturn: BOOLEAN) : tree ; (* RememberVariables - *) PROCEDURE RememberVariables (l: tree) ; (* BuildConstLiteralNumber - returns a GCC TREE built from the string, str. It assumes that, str, represents a legal number in Modula-2. It always returns a positive value. *) PROCEDURE BuildConstLiteralNumber (location: location_t; str: ConstCharStar; base: CARDINAL; issueError: BOOLEAN) : tree ; (* BuildStringConstant - creates a string constant given a, string, and, length. *) PROCEDURE BuildStringConstant (string: ConstCharStar; length: INTEGER) : tree ; (* BuildCStringConstant - creates a string constant given a, string, and, length. *) PROCEDURE BuildCStringConstant (string: ConstCharStar; length: INTEGER) : tree ; PROCEDURE GetDeclContext (t: tree) : tree ; END m2decl.