(* gm2lcc.mod generates the link command from a list of modules. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) MODULE gm2lcc ; (* Author : Gaius Mulley Title : gm2lcc Date : Fri Jul 24 11:45:08 BST 1992 Description: generates the link command from a list of modules. *) FROM libc IMPORT system, exit ; FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADR ; FROM NameKey IMPORT Name, MakeKey, WriteKey, GetKey ; FROM M2Search IMPORT FindSourceFile, PrependSearchPath ; FROM M2FileName IMPORT CalculateFileName ; FROM SArgs IMPORT GetArg ; FROM StrLib IMPORT StrEqual, StrLen, StrCopy, StrConCat, StrRemoveWhitePrefix, IsSubString ; FROM FIO IMPORT File, StdIn, StdErr, StdOut, Close, IsNoError, EOF, WriteString, WriteLine ; FROM SFIO IMPORT OpenToRead, WriteS, ReadS ; FROM ASCII IMPORT nul ; FROM M2FileName IMPORT ExtractExtension ; FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String, InitString, KillString, ConCat, ConCatChar, Length, Slice, Equal, EqualArray, RemoveWhitePrefix, RemoveWhitePostfix, RemoveComment, string, Mark, InitStringChar, Dup, Mult, Assign, char ; FROM FormatStrings IMPORT Sprintf0, Sprintf1, Sprintf2 ; FROM M2Printf IMPORT fprintf0, fprintf1, fprintf2, fprintf3, fprintf4 ; FROM ObjectFiles IMPORT FileObjects, InitFileObject, KillFileObject, RegisterModuleObject, IsRegistered ; FROM Indexing IMPORT Index, InitIndex, GetIndice, HighIndice, LowIndice, IncludeIndiceIntoIndex, ForeachIndiceInIndexDo ; CONST Comment = '#' ; (* Comment leader. *) MaxSpaces = 20 ; (* Maximum spaces after a module *) (* name. *) Debugging = FALSE ; VAR DebugFound : BOOLEAN ; CheckFound : BOOLEAN ; VerboseFound : BOOLEAN ; ProfileFound : BOOLEAN ; LibrariesFound: BOOLEAN ; TargetFound : BOOLEAN ; ExecCommand : BOOLEAN ; (* should we execute the final cmd *) UseAr : BOOLEAN ; (* use 'ar' and create archive *) UseRanlib : BOOLEAN ; (* use 'ranlib' to index archive *) IgnoreMain : BOOLEAN ; (* ignore main module when linking *) UseLibtool : BOOLEAN ; (* use libtool and suffixes? *) Shared : BOOLEAN ; (* is a shared library required? *) BOption, (* the full -B option and directory. *) FOptions, CompilerDir, (* contains the directory after -B. *) RanlibProgram, ArProgram, Archives, Path, StartupFile, Libraries, MainModule, MainObject, Command, Target : String ; CmdLine, objects : FileObjects ; CmdLineObjects: Index ; fi, fo : File ; (* the input and output files *) (* FlushCommand - flush the command to the output file, or execute the command. *) PROCEDURE FlushCommand () : INTEGER ; BEGIN IF ExecCommand THEN IF VerboseFound THEN Command := WriteS (StdOut, Command) ; fprintf0 (StdOut, '\n') END ; RETURN system (string (Command)) ELSE Command := WriteS (fo, Command) END ; RETURN 0 END FlushCommand ; (* GenerateLinkCommand - generate the appropriate linkage command with the correct options. *) PROCEDURE GenerateLinkCommand ; BEGIN IF UseAr THEN Command := ConCat (ArProgram, InitString (' rc ')) ; IF TargetFound THEN Command := ConCat (Command, Target) ; Command := ConCatChar (Command, ' ') ELSE WriteString (StdErr, 'need target with ar') ; WriteLine (StdErr) ; Close (StdErr) ; exit (1) END ELSIF UseLibtool THEN Command := InitString ('libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc ') ; IF BOption # NIL THEN Command := ConCat (Command, Dup (BOption)) ; Command := ConCatChar (Command, ' ') END ; IF DebugFound THEN Command := ConCat (Command, Mark (InitString ('-g '))) END ; IF ProfileFound THEN Command := ConCat(Command, Mark(InitString ('-p '))) END ; Command := ConCat (Command, FOptions) ; IF Shared THEN Command := ConCat (Command, Mark (InitString ('-shared '))) END ; IF TargetFound THEN Command := ConCat (Command, Mark (InitString ('-o '))) ; Command := ConCat (Command, Target) ; Command := ConCatChar (Command, ' ') END ; IF ProfileFound THEN Command := ConCat (Command, Mark (InitString ('-lgmon '))) END END END GenerateLinkCommand ; (* GenerateRanlibCommand - generate the appropriate ranlib command. *) PROCEDURE GenerateRanlibCommand ; BEGIN Command := ConCat (RanlibProgram, Mark (InitStringChar (' '))) ; IF TargetFound THEN Command := ConCat (Command, Target) ; Command := ConCatChar (Command, ' ') ELSE WriteString (StdErr, 'need target with ranlib') ; WriteLine (StdErr) ; Close (StdErr) ; exit (1) END END GenerateRanlibCommand ; (* RemoveLinkOnly - removes the prefix, if present. This will occur for a definition for "C" module where there is no module constructor/destructor (_init and _finish pairs). Otherwise, s, is returned. *) PROCEDURE RemoveLinkOnly (s: String) : String ; VAR t: String ; BEGIN t := InitString ('') ; IF Equal (Mark (Slice (s, 0, Length (t)-1)), t) THEN RETURN RemoveWhitePrefix (Slice (Mark (s), Length (t), 0)) ELSE RETURN s END END RemoveLinkOnly ; (* ConCatStartupFile - check to see if the startup object file has not been added to the command line and if so add it. *) PROCEDURE ConCatStartupFile ; BEGIN IF RegisterModuleObject (objects, StartupFile) THEN IF UseLibtool THEN Command := ConCat (Command, Mark (Sprintf1 (Mark (InitString ('%s.lo')), StartupFile))) ELSE Command := ConCat (Command, Mark (Sprintf1 (Mark (InitString ('%s.o')), StartupFile))) END END END ConCatStartupFile ; (* GenObjectSuffix - *) PROCEDURE GenObjectSuffix () : String ; BEGIN IF UseLibtool THEN RETURN InitString ('lo') ELSE RETURN InitString ('o') END END GenObjectSuffix ; (* GenArchiveSuffix - *) PROCEDURE GenArchiveSuffix () : String ; BEGIN IF UseLibtool THEN RETURN InitString ('la') ELSE RETURN InitString ('a') END END GenArchiveSuffix ; (* LookupObjectFile - attempts to lookup the location of file name.extension from using the -fobject-path path. NIL is retured if the object file is not found. extension will be marked and deleted. *) PROCEDURE LookupObjectFile (name, extension: String) : String ; VAR location, filename: String ; BEGIN filename := CalculateFileName (name, Mark (extension)) ; IF FindSourceFile (filename, location) THEN RETURN location ELSE RETURN NIL END END LookupObjectFile ; (* ConCatModuleObject - this object will be associated with a module, therefore we remember it and make sure that it is not duplicated on the command line by the user. *) PROCEDURE ConCatModuleObject (module: String) ; VAR location: String ; BEGIN location := LookupObjectFile (module, GenObjectSuffix ()) ; IF location = NIL THEN location := LookupObjectFile (module, GenArchiveSuffix ()) ; IF location # NIL THEN Archives := ConCatChar (ConCat (Archives, location), ' ') END ELSE IF RegisterModuleObject (objects, location) THEN Command := ConCat (ConCatChar (Command, ' '), location) END END END ConCatModuleObject ; (* FindModulesInFileList - *) PROCEDURE FindModulesInFileList ; VAR text: String ; BEGIN REPEAT text := RemoveComment (RemoveWhitePrefix( ReadS (fi)), Comment) ; IF (NOT EqualArray (text, '')) AND (NOT (IgnoreMain AND Equal (text, MainModule))) THEN text := RemoveLinkOnly (text) ; ConCatModuleObject (text) END UNTIL EOF (fi) ; IF (NOT EqualArray (MainObject, "")) AND RegisterModuleObject (objects, MainObject) THEN Command := ConCat (ConCatChar (Command, ' '), MainObject) END END FindModulesInFileList ; (* CollectObjects - *) PROCEDURE CollectObjects (Command: String) : String ; VAR i, h: CARDINAL ; name: String ; BEGIN i := 1 ; h := HighIndice (CmdLineObjects) ; WHILE i <= h DO name := GetIndice (CmdLineObjects, i) ; IF NOT IsRegistered (objects, name) THEN Command := ConCat (ConCatChar (Command, ' '), Dup (name)) END ; INC (i) END ; IF Debugging THEN fprintf1 (StdErr, "objects on command line: %s\n", Command) END ; RETURN Command END CollectObjects ; (* CollectArchives - *) PROCEDURE CollectArchives (Command: String) : String ; BEGIN IF LibrariesFound THEN Command := ConCat (ConCatChar (Command, ' '), Libraries) END ; RETURN Command END CollectArchives ; (* AddProgramModule - add the program module to the Command string, providing that the user did not specify it on the command line. *) PROCEDURE AddProgramModule (Command: String) : String ; BEGIN IF Debugging THEN fprintf1 (StdErr, "mainobject: %s\n", MainObject) END ; IF (NOT EqualArray (MainObject, "")) AND RegisterModuleObject (objects, MainObject) THEN IF Debugging THEN fprintf1 (StdErr, "first time: %s\n", MainObject) END ; Command := ConCat (ConCatChar (Command, ' '), MainObject) ELSE IF Debugging THEN fprintf0 (StdErr, "(ignored)\n") END END ; RETURN Command END AddProgramModule ; (* GenCC - writes out the linkage command for the C compiler. *) PROCEDURE GenCC ; VAR Error: INTEGER ; BEGIN GenerateLinkCommand ; ConCatStartupFile ; FindModulesInFileList ; Command := AddProgramModule (Command) ; Command := ConCat (Command, Archives) ; Command := CollectObjects (Command) ; Command := CollectArchives (Command) ; Error := FlushCommand () ; IF Error=0 THEN IF UseRanlib THEN GenerateRanlibCommand ; Error := FlushCommand () ; IF Error#0 THEN fprintf1 (StdErr, 'ranlib failed with exit code %d\n', Error) ; Close (StdErr) ; exit (Error) END END ELSE fprintf1 (StdErr, 'ar failed with exit code %d\n', Error) ; Close (StdErr) ; exit (Error) END END GenCC ; (* WriteModuleName - displays a module name, ModuleName, with formatted spaces after the string. *) (* PROCEDURE WriteModuleName (ModuleName: String) ; BEGIN ModuleName := WriteS (fo, ModuleName) ; IF KillString (WriteS (fo, Mark (Mult (Mark (InitString (' ')), MaxSpaces-Length(ModuleName))))) = NIL THEN END END WriteModuleName ; *) (* CheckCC - checks to see whether all the object files can be found for each module. *) PROCEDURE CheckCC ; VAR s, t, u: String ; Error : INTEGER ; BEGIN Error := 0 ; REPEAT s := RemoveComment (RemoveWhitePrefix (ReadS (fi)), Comment) ; IF NOT EqualArray (s, '') THEN s := RemoveLinkOnly (s) ; t := Dup (s) ; t := CalculateFileName (s, Mark (GenObjectSuffix ())) ; IF FindSourceFile (t, u) THEN IF KillString (WriteS (fo, Mark (Sprintf2 (Mark (InitString ('%-20s : %s\n')), t, u)))) = NIL THEN END ; u := KillString (u) ELSE t := KillString (t) ; (* try finding .a archive *) t := CalculateFileName (s, Mark (GenArchiveSuffix ())) ; IF FindSourceFile (t, u) THEN IF KillString (WriteS (fo, Mark (Sprintf2 (Mark (InitString ('%-20s : %s\n')), t, u)))) = NIL THEN END ; u := KillString (u) ELSE IF KillString (WriteS (fo, Mark (Sprintf1 (InitString ('%-20s : distinct object or archive not found\n'), t)))) = NIL THEN END ; Error := 1 END END END UNTIL EOF (fi) ; Close (fo) ; exit (Error) END CheckCC ; (* ProcessTarget - copies the specified target file into Target and sets the boolean TargetFound. *) PROCEDURE ProcessTarget (i: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF NOT GetArg (Target, i) THEN fprintf0 (StdErr, 'cannot get target argument after -o\n') ; Close (StdErr) ; exit (1) END ; TargetFound := TRUE END ProcessTarget ; (* StripModuleExtension - returns a String without an extension from, s. It only considers '.obj', '.o' and '.lo' as extensions. *) PROCEDURE StripModuleExtension (s: String) : String ; VAR t: String ; BEGIN t := ExtractExtension (s, Mark (InitString ('.lo'))) ; IF s=t THEN t := ExtractExtension (s, Mark (InitString ('.obj'))) ; IF s=t THEN RETURN ExtractExtension (s, Mark(InitString('.o'))) END END ; RETURN t END StripModuleExtension ; (* ProcessStartupFile - copies the specified startup file name into StartupFile. *) PROCEDURE ProcessStartupFile (i: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF GetArg (StartupFile, i) THEN StartupFile := StripModuleExtension (StartupFile) ELSE fprintf0 (StdErr, 'cannot get startup argument after --startup\n') ; Close (StdErr) ; exit (1) END END ProcessStartupFile ; (* IsALibrary - returns TRUE if, a, is a library. If TRUE we add it to the Libraries string. *) PROCEDURE IsALibrary (s: String) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF EqualArray (Mark (Slice (s, 0, 2)), '-l') THEN LibrariesFound := TRUE ; Libraries := ConCat (ConCatChar (Libraries, ' '), s) ; RETURN TRUE ELSE RETURN FALSE END END IsALibrary ; (* IsALibraryPath - *) PROCEDURE IsALibraryPath (s: String) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF EqualArray (Mark (Slice (s, 0, 2)), '-L') THEN IF UseLibtool THEN LibrariesFound := TRUE ; Libraries := ConCat (ConCatChar (Libraries, ' '), s) END ; RETURN TRUE ELSE RETURN FALSE END END IsALibraryPath ; (* AddCommandLineObject - adds, s, to a list of objects specified on the command line. *) PROCEDURE AddCommandLineObject (s: String) ; BEGIN s := Dup (s) ; IncludeIndiceIntoIndex (CmdLineObjects, s) ; IF RegisterModuleObject (CmdLine, s) THEN IF Debugging THEN fprintf1 (StdErr, "object registered first time: %s\n", s) END ELSE IF Debugging THEN fprintf1 (StdErr, " object ignored: %s\n", s) END END END AddCommandLineObject ; (* IsAnObject - returns TRUE if, a, is a library. *) PROCEDURE IsAnObject (s: String) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF ((Length (s) > 2) AND EqualArray (Mark (Slice (s, -2, 0)), '.o')) OR ((Length (s) > 4) AND EqualArray (Mark (Slice (s, -4, 0)), '.obj')) THEN RETURN TRUE ELSE RETURN FALSE END END IsAnObject ; (* AdditionalFOptions - add an -f option to the compiler. *) PROCEDURE AdditionalFOptions (s: String) ; BEGIN FOptions := ConCat (FOptions, Mark (s)) ; FOptions := ConCatChar (FOptions, ' ') END AdditionalFOptions ; (* DisplayHelp - *) PROCEDURE DisplayHelp ; BEGIN fprintf0 (StdErr, 'Usage: gm2lcc [-c][-g][-h][--help][--main mainmodule]\n'); fprintf0 (StdErr, ' [--mainobject objectname][-Bdirectory][-p][--exec][-fshared]\n'); fprintf0 (StdErr, ' [--ignoremain][--ar][-fobject-path=path][-ftarget-ar=arname]\n'); fprintf0 (StdErr, ' [-ftarget-ranlib=ranlibname][-o outputname][--startup filename]\n') ; fprintf0 (StdErr, ' [-foption][-llibname][-Lpath] filename\n'); exit (0) END DisplayHelp ; (* ScanArguments - scans arguments for flags: -fobject-path= -g and -B *) PROCEDURE ScanArguments ; VAR filename, s : String ; i : CARDINAL ; FoundFile: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN FoundFile := FALSE ; filename := NIL ; i := 1 ; WHILE GetArg (s, i) DO IF EqualArray (s, '-h') OR EqualArray (s, '--help') THEN DisplayHelp ELSIF EqualArray (s, '-g') THEN DebugFound := TRUE ELSIF EqualArray (s, '-c') THEN CheckFound := TRUE ELSIF EqualArray (s, '--main') THEN INC (i) ; IF NOT GetArg (MainModule, i) THEN fprintf0 (StdErr, 'expecting modulename after the --main option\n') ; Close (StdErr) ; exit (1) END ELSIF EqualArray (s, '--mainobject') THEN INC (i) ; IF GetArg (MainObject, i) THEN (* do nothing. *) ELSE fprintf0 (StdErr, 'expecting an object file after the --mainobject option\n') ; Close (StdErr) ; exit (1) END ELSIF EqualArray (Mark (Slice (s, 0, 2)), '-B') THEN CompilerDir := KillString (CompilerDir) ; IF Length (s) = 2 THEN INC(i) ; IF NOT GetArg (CompilerDir, i) THEN fprintf0 (StdErr, 'expecting path after -B option\n') ; Close (StdErr) ; exit (1) END ELSE CompilerDir := Slice (s, 2, 0) END ; BOption := Dup (s) ELSIF EqualArray (s, '-p') THEN ProfileFound := TRUE ELSIF EqualArray (s, '-v') THEN VerboseFound := TRUE ELSIF EqualArray (s, '--exec') THEN ExecCommand := TRUE ELSIF EqualArray (s, '-fshared') THEN Shared := TRUE ELSIF EqualArray (s, '--ignoremain') THEN IgnoreMain := TRUE ELSIF EqualArray (s, '--ar') THEN UseAr := TRUE ; UseRanlib := TRUE ; UseLibtool := FALSE ELSIF EqualArray (Mark (Slice (s, 0, 14)), '-fobject-path=') THEN PrependSearchPath (Slice (s, 14, 0)) ELSIF EqualArray (Mark (Slice (s, 0, 12)), '-ftarget-ar=') THEN ArProgram := KillString (ArProgram) ; ArProgram := Slice (s, 12, 0) ELSIF EqualArray (Mark (Slice (s, 0, 16)), '-ftarget-ranlib=') THEN RanlibProgram := KillString (RanlibProgram) ; RanlibProgram := Slice (s, 16, 0) ELSIF EqualArray (s, '-o') THEN INC (i) ; (* Target found *) ProcessTarget (i) ELSIF EqualArray (s, '--startup') THEN INC (i) ; (* Target found. *) ProcessStartupFile (i) ELSIF EqualArray (Mark (Slice (s, 0, 2)), '-f') THEN AdditionalFOptions (s) ELSIF IsALibrary (s) OR IsALibraryPath (s) THEN ELSIF IsAnObject (s) THEN AddCommandLineObject (s) ELSE IF FoundFile THEN fprintf2 (StdErr, 'already specified input filename (%s), unknown option (%s)\n', filename, s) ; Close (StdErr) ; exit (1) ELSE (* must be input filename. *) Close (StdIn) ; fi := OpenToRead (s) ; IF NOT IsNoError (fi) THEN fprintf1 (StdErr, 'failed to open %s\n', s) ; Close (StdErr) ; exit (1) END ; FoundFile := TRUE ; filename := Dup (s) END END ; INC (i) END END ScanArguments ; (* Init - initializes the global variables. *) PROCEDURE Init ; BEGIN DebugFound := FALSE ; CheckFound := FALSE ; TargetFound := FALSE ; ProfileFound := FALSE ; IgnoreMain := FALSE ; UseAr := FALSE ; UseLibtool := FALSE ; UseRanlib := FALSE ; VerboseFound := FALSE ; Shared := FALSE ; ArProgram := InitString ('ar') ; RanlibProgram := InitString ('ranlib') ; MainModule := InitString ('') ; StartupFile := InitString ('mod_init') ; fi := StdIn ; fo := StdOut ; ExecCommand := FALSE ; CompilerDir := InitString ('') ; FOptions := InitString ('') ; Archives := NIL ; Path := NIL ; LibrariesFound:= FALSE ; Libraries := InitString ('') ; Command := NIL ; Target := NIL ; BOption := NIL ; objects := InitFileObject () ; CmdLine := InitFileObject () ; CmdLineObjects:= InitIndex (1) ; MainObject := InitString ('') ; ScanArguments ; IF CheckFound THEN CheckCC ELSE GenCC END ; Close (fo) END Init ; BEGIN Init END gm2lcc.