(* SymbolConversion.mod mapping between m2 symbols and gcc symbols. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE SymbolConversion ; FROM NameKey IMPORT Name ; FROM Indexing IMPORT Index, InitIndex, PutIndice, GetIndice, InBounds, DebugIndex, InitIndexTuned, HighIndice ; FROM SymbolTable IMPORT IsConst, PopValue, IsValueSolved, GetSymName, GetType, SkipType, NulSym ; FROM M2Error IMPORT InternalError ; FROM M2ALU IMPORT PushTypeOfTree ; FROM m2block IMPORT GetErrorNode, RememberConstant ; FROM gcctypes IMPORT tree ; FROM M2Printf IMPORT printf1 ; FROM Storage IMPORT ALLOCATE ; FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADDRESS ; CONST USEPOISON = TRUE ; GGCPOISON = 0A5A5A5A5H ; (* poisoned memory contains this code *) TYPE PtrToCardinal = POINTER TO CARDINAL ; VAR mod2gcc : Index ; PoisonedSymbol: ADDRESS ; (* Mod2Gcc - given a modula-2 symbol, sym, return the gcc equivalent. *) PROCEDURE Mod2Gcc (sym: CARDINAL) : tree ; VAR n : Name ; t : PtrToCardinal ; tr: tree ; BEGIN IF USEPOISON THEN IF InBounds(mod2gcc, sym) THEN t := PtrToCardinal(GetIndice(mod2gcc, sym)) ; IF (t#NIL) AND (t^=GGCPOISON) THEN InternalError ('gcc symbol has been poisoned') END END END ; IF InBounds(mod2gcc, sym) THEN tr := tree(GetIndice(mod2gcc, sym)) ; IF tr=PoisonedSymbol THEN n := GetSymName(sym) ; (* not poisoned by the garbage collector, but by the gm2 front end *) printf1('the gm2 front end poisoned this symbol (%a)\n', n) ; InternalError ('attempting to use a gcc symbol which is no longer in scope') END ; RETURN( tr ) ELSE RETURN( NIL ) END END Mod2Gcc ; (* Gcc2Mod - given a gcc tree return the modula-2 symbol. *) PROCEDURE Gcc2Mod (tree: tree) : CARDINAL ; VAR high, i: CARDINAL ; BEGIN i := 1 ; high := HighIndice (mod2gcc) ; WHILE i <= high DO IF GetIndice (mod2gcc, i) = tree THEN RETURN i END ; INC (i) END ; RETURN NulSym END Gcc2Mod ; (* AddModGcc - adds the tuple [ sym, gcc ] into the database. *) PROCEDURE AddModGcc (sym: CARDINAL; gcc: tree) ; VAR old: tree ; t : PtrToCardinal ; BEGIN IF gcc=GetErrorNode() THEN InternalError ('error node generated during symbol conversion') END ; IF USEPOISON THEN t := PtrToCardinal(gcc) ; IF (gcc#tree(NIL)) AND (t^=GGCPOISON) THEN InternalError ('gcc symbol has been poisoned') END END ; old := Mod2Gcc(sym) ; IF old=tree(NIL) THEN (* absent - add it *) PutIndice(mod2gcc, sym, gcc) ; IF GetIndice(mod2gcc, sym)#gcc THEN InternalError ('failed to add gcc <-> mod2 symbol') END ; gcc := RememberConstant(gcc) ELSIF old=gcc THEN (* do nothing, as it is already stored *) ELSIF old=GetErrorNode() THEN InternalError ('replacing a temporary symbol (currently unexpected)') ELSE InternalError ('should not be replacing a symbol') END ; IF IsConst(sym) AND (NOT IsValueSolved(sym)) THEN PushTypeOfTree(sym, gcc) ; PopValue(sym) END END AddModGcc ; (* RemoveMod2Gcc - removes the gcc symbol from the lookup table. *) PROCEDURE RemoveMod2Gcc (sym: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN PutIndice(mod2gcc, sym, NIL) END RemoveMod2Gcc ; (* GccKnowsAbout - returns TRUE if gcc knows about the symbol, sym. *) PROCEDURE GccKnowsAbout (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( InBounds(mod2gcc, sym) AND (GetIndice(mod2gcc, sym)#NIL) ) END GccKnowsAbout ; (* AddTemporaryKnown - adds a temporary gcc symbol against the modula-2 sym. *) PROCEDURE AddTemporaryKnown (sym: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN (* we add the error node against symbol, sym. We expect it to be retacted later. *) PutIndice (mod2gcc, sym, GetErrorNode ()) END AddTemporaryKnown ; (* RemoveTemporaryKnown - removes the temporary symbol. *) PROCEDURE RemoveTemporaryKnown (sym: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF Mod2Gcc(sym)=GetErrorNode() THEN PutIndice(mod2gcc, sym, NIL) ELSE InternalError ('attempting to remove a symbol which is not present in the tree') END END RemoveTemporaryKnown ; (* Mod2GccWithoutGCCPoison - given a modula-2 symbol, sym, return the gcc equivalent, it does not check to see whether the gcc symbol has been poisoned. *) PROCEDURE Mod2GccWithoutGCCPoison (sym: CARDINAL) : tree ; VAR n : Name ; tr: tree ; BEGIN IF InBounds(mod2gcc, sym) THEN tr := tree(GetIndice(mod2gcc, sym)) ; IF tr=PoisonedSymbol THEN n := GetSymName(sym) ; (* not poisoned by the garbage collector, but by the gm2 front end. *) printf1 ('the gm2 front end poisoned this symbol (%a)\n', n) ; InternalError ('attempting to use a gcc symbol which is no longer in scope') END ; RETURN tr ELSE RETURN NIL END END Mod2GccWithoutGCCPoison ; (* Poison - poisons a symbol. *) PROCEDURE Poison (sym: WORD) ; VAR a: ADDRESS ; BEGIN IF NOT IsConst(sym) THEN a := Mod2GccWithoutGCCPoison(sym) ; IF a#NIL THEN PutIndice(mod2gcc, sym, PoisonedSymbol) END END END Poison ; (* Init - create both binary trees. *) PROCEDURE Init ; BEGIN mod2gcc := InitIndexTuned (1, 1024*1024 DIV 16, 16) ; ALLOCATE (PoisonedSymbol, 1) END Init ; BEGIN Init END SymbolConversion.