(* P1SymBuild.mod pass 1 symbol creation. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>. This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE P1SymBuild ; FROM ASCII IMPORT nul ; FROM NameKey IMPORT Name, WriteKey, MakeKey, KeyToCharStar, NulName ; FROM M2Debug IMPORT Assert, WriteDebug ; FROM M2LexBuf IMPORT GetFileName, GetTokenNo, UnknownTokenNo ; FROM M2MetaError IMPORT MetaErrorString2, MetaError0, MetaError1, MetaError2, MetaErrorT0, MetaErrorT1, MetaErrorT2 ; FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String, Slice, InitString, KillString, EqualCharStar, RIndex, Mark, ConCat ; FROM M2Printf IMPORT printf0, printf1, printf2 ; FROM M2Options IMPORT Iso, GetEnableForward ; FROM M2Reserved IMPORT ImportTok, ExportTok, QualifiedTok, UnQualifiedTok, NulTok, VarTok, ArrayTok, BuiltinTok, InlineTok ; FROM FifoQueue IMPORT PutEnumerationIntoFifoQueue ; FROM P0SymBuild IMPORT EnterBlock, LeaveBlock ; FROM SymbolTable IMPORT NulSym, ModeOfAddr, AppendModuleOnImportStatement, AppendModuleImportStatement, MakeImportStatement, MakeImport, StartScope, EndScope, PseudoScope, GetScope, GetCurrentScope, IsDeclaredIn, SetCurrentModule, SetFileModule, MakeInnerModule, MakeEnumeration, MakeSubrange, MakeVar, MakeType, PutType, MakeHiddenType, PutMode, PutFieldEnumeration, PutSubrange, PutVar, IsDefImp, IsModule, IsInnerModule, IsType, GetCurrentModule, AddSymToModuleScope, AddNameToImportList, GetSym, RequestSym, IsUnknown, RenameSym, GetFromOuterModule, GetExported, IsExported, GetLocalSym, PutImported, PutIncludedByDefinition, PutExported, PutExportQualified, PutExportUnQualified, TryMoveUndeclaredSymToInnerModule, PutDefinitionForC, IsDefinitionForC, PutDoesNeedExportList, PutDoesNotNeedExportList, DoesNotNeedExportList, MakeProcedure, IsProcedure, IsConstString, MakePointer, PutPointer, MakeRecord, PutFieldRecord, MakeArray, MakeSubscript, PutSubscript, PutArray, GetType, IsArray, IsProcType, MakeProcType, PutProcTypeVarParam, PutProcTypeParam, PutProcedureBuiltin, PutProcedureInline, GetSymName, ResolveImports, PutDeclared, ProcedureKind, PutProcedureDeclaredTok, GetProcedureDeclaredTok, PutProcedureDefined, GetProcedureDefined, MakeError, MakeErrorS, DisplayTrees ; FROM M2Batch IMPORT MakeDefinitionSource, MakeImplementationSource, MakeProgramSource, LookupModule, LookupOuterModule ; FROM M2Quads IMPORT PushT, PopT, PushTF, PopTF, OperandT, PopN, OperandTok, PopTtok, PushTtok, PushTFtok, PopTFtok ; FROM M2Comp IMPORT CompilingDefinitionModule, CompilingImplementationModule, CompilingProgramModule ; CONST Debugging = FALSE ; VAR importStatementCount: CARDINAL ; (* CheckFileName - checks to see that the module name matches the file name. *) (* PROCEDURE CheckFileName (tok: CARDINAL; name: Name; ModuleType: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; VAR ext, basename: INTEGER ; s, FileName: String ; BEGIN FileName := GetFileName() ; basename := RIndex(FileName, '/', 0) ; IF basename=-1 THEN basename := 0 END ; ext := RIndex(FileName, '.', 0) ; IF ext=-1 THEN ext := 0 END ; FileName := Slice(FileName, basename, ext) ; IF EqualCharStar(FileName, KeyToCharStar(name)) THEN FileName := KillString(FileName) ELSE s := ConCat (InitString (ModuleType), Mark (InitString (" module name {%1Ea} is inconsistant with the filename {%F{%2a}}"))) ; MetaErrorString2 (s, MakeError (tok, name), MakeErrorS (tok, FileName)) END END CheckFileName ; *) (* StartBuildDefinitionModule - Creates a definition module and starts a new scope. he Stack is expected: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | NameStart | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | NulName/"C"| | NameStart | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE P1StartBuildDefinitionModule ; VAR name : Name ; language, ModuleSym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN importStatementCount := 0 ; PopT(name) ; (* CheckFileName(name, 'definition') ; *) ModuleSym := MakeDefinitionSource(GetTokenNo(), name) ; PutDoesNotNeedExportList(ModuleSym) ; SetCurrentModule(ModuleSym) ; SetFileModule(ModuleSym) ; StartScope(ModuleSym) ; Assert(IsDefImp(ModuleSym)) ; Assert(CompilingDefinitionModule()) ; PopT(language) ; IF (language#NulSym) AND IsConstString(language) THEN IF GetSymName(language)=MakeKey('C') THEN PutDefinitionForC(ModuleSym) ELSIF GetSymName(language)=NulName THEN MetaError0 ('{%E}currently a non modula-2 definition module can only be declared as DEFINITION FOR {%k"C"}') ELSE MetaError1 ('unknown definition module language {%1Ea}, currently a non modula-2 definition module can only be declared as DEFINITION FOR {%k"C"}', language) END END ; PushT(name) ; EnterBlock(name) END P1StartBuildDefinitionModule ; (* EndBuildDefinitionModule - Destroys the definition module scope and checks for correct name. The Stack is expected: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ +-----------+ | NameEnd | | | |------------| |-----------| | NameStart | | | <- Ptr |------------| |-----------| *) PROCEDURE P1EndBuildDefinitionModule ; VAR start : CARDINAL ; NameStart, NameEnd : Name ; BEGIN Assert(CompilingDefinitionModule()) ; EndScope ; PopTtok(NameStart, start) ; PopT(NameEnd) ; IF Debugging THEN printf0('pass 1: ') ; DisplayTrees(GetCurrentModule()) END ; IF NameStart#NameEnd THEN MetaError1 ('inconsistant definition module name {%1Wa}', MakeError (start, NameStart)) END ; LeaveBlock END P1EndBuildDefinitionModule ; (* StartBuildImplementationModule - Creates an implementation module and starts a new scope. The Stack is expected: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +-----------+ | NameStart | | NameStart | |------------| |-----------| *) PROCEDURE P1StartBuildImplementationModule ; VAR tok : CARDINAL ; name : Name ; ModuleSym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN importStatementCount := 0 ; PopTtok (name, tok) ; (* CheckFileName(name, 'implementation') ; *) ModuleSym := MakeImplementationSource (tok, name) ; SetCurrentModule (ModuleSym) ; SetFileModule (ModuleSym) ; StartScope (ModuleSym) ; IF NOT IsDefImp (ModuleSym) THEN MetaError1 ('cannot find corresponding definition module for {%1Ea}', ModuleSym) END ; Assert (CompilingImplementationModule()) ; PushTtok (name, tok) ; EnterBlock (name) END P1StartBuildImplementationModule ; (* EndBuildImplementationModule - Destroys the implementation module scope and checks for correct name. The Stack is expected: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ +-----------+ | NameEnd | | | |------------| |-----------| | NameStart | | | <- Ptr |------------| |-----------| *) PROCEDURE P1EndBuildImplementationModule ; VAR start, end: CARDINAL ; NameStart, NameEnd : Name ; BEGIN ResolveImports ; Assert(CompilingImplementationModule()) ; EndScope ; PopTtok(NameStart, start) ; PopTtok(NameEnd, end) ; IF NameStart#NameEnd THEN MetaErrorT1 (end, 'inconsistant implementation module name {%1Wa}', MakeError (start, NameStart)) END ; LeaveBlock END P1EndBuildImplementationModule ; (* StartBuildProgramModule - Creates a program module and starts a new scope. The Stack is expected: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +-----------+ | NameStart | | NameStart | |------------| |-----------| *) PROCEDURE P1StartBuildProgramModule ; VAR tok : CARDINAL ; name : Name ; ModuleSym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN importStatementCount := 0 ; PopTtok(name, tok) ; (* CheckFileName(name, 'main') ; *) ModuleSym := MakeProgramSource(tok, name) ; SetCurrentModule(ModuleSym) ; SetFileModule(ModuleSym) ; StartScope(ModuleSym) ; IF (NOT CompilingProgramModule()) OR IsDefImp(ModuleSym) THEN MetaErrorT1 (tok, 'module {%1Ea} has a corresponding DEFINITION MODULE but no IMPLEMENTATION keyword in the main module', ModuleSym) END ; PushTtok(name, tok) ; EnterBlock(name) END P1StartBuildProgramModule ; (* EndBuildProgramModule - Destroys the program module scope and checks for correct name. The Stack is expected: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ +-----------+ | NameEnd | | | |------------| |-----------| | NameStart | | | <- Ptr |------------| |-----------| *) PROCEDURE P1EndBuildProgramModule ; VAR start, end : CARDINAL ; NameStart, NameEnd : Name ; BEGIN ResolveImports ; Assert(CompilingProgramModule()) ; EndScope ; PopTtok(NameStart, start) ; PopTtok(NameEnd, end) ; IF Debugging THEN printf0('pass 1: ') ; DisplayTrees(GetCurrentModule()) END ; IF NameStart#NameEnd THEN MetaErrorT1 (end, 'inconsistant program module name {%1Wa}', MakeError (start, NameStart)) END ; LeaveBlock END P1EndBuildProgramModule ; (* StartBuildInnerModule - Creates an Inner module and starts a new scope. The Stack is expected: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +-----------+ | NameStart | | NameStart | |------------| |-----------| *) PROCEDURE StartBuildInnerModule ; VAR tok : CARDINAL ; name : Name ; ModuleSym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok(name, tok) ; ModuleSym := GetSym(name) ; Assert(ModuleSym#NulSym) ; StartScope(ModuleSym) ; Assert(NOT IsDefImp(ModuleSym)) ; PushTtok(name, tok) ; EnterBlock(name) END StartBuildInnerModule ; (* EndBuildInnerModule - Destroys the Inner module scope and checks for correct name. The Stack is expected: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ +-----------+ | NameEnd | | | |------------| |-----------| | NameStart | | | <- Ptr |------------| |-----------| *) PROCEDURE EndBuildInnerModule ; VAR start, end: CARDINAL ; NameStart, NameEnd : Name ; BEGIN EndScope ; PopTtok(NameStart, start) ; PopTtok(NameEnd, end) ; IF NameStart#NameEnd THEN MetaErrorT1 (end, 'inconsistant inner module name {%1Wa}', MakeError (start, NameStart)) END ; LeaveBlock END EndBuildInnerModule ; (* BuildImportOuterModule - Builds imported identifiers into an outer module from a definition module. The Stack is expected: Entry OR Entry Ptr -> Ptr -> +------------+ +-----------+ | # | | # | |------------| |-----------| | Id1 | | Id1 | |------------| |-----------| . . . . . . . . . . . . |------------| |-----------| | Id# | | Id# | |------------| |-----------| | ImportTok | | Ident | |------------| |-----------| IMPORT Id1, .. Id# ; FROM Ident IMPORT Id1 .. Id# ; Exit All above stack discarded *) PROCEDURE BuildImportOuterModule (definition: BOOLEAN) ; VAR Sym, ModSym, i, n : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(n) ; (* n = # of the Ident List *) IF OperandT(n+1)=ImportTok THEN (* Ident list contains Module Names *) i := 1 ; WHILE i<=n DO ModSym := LookupModule(OperandTok(n+1-i), OperandT(n+1-i)) ; PutImported(ModSym) ; IF definition THEN PutIncludedByDefinition(ModSym) END ; INC(i) END ELSE (* Ident List contains list of objects *) ModSym := LookupModule(OperandTok(n+1), OperandT(n+1)) ; i := 1 ; WHILE i<=n DO (* WriteString('Importing ') ; WriteKey(Operand(j)) ; WriteString(' from ') ; WriteKey(GetSymName(ModSym)) ; WriteLn ; *) Sym := GetExported (OperandTok (n+1-i), ModSym, OperandT (n+1-i)) ; PutImported (Sym) ; INC (i) END END ; PopN (n+1) (* clear stack *) END BuildImportOuterModule ; (* BuildExportOuterModule - Builds exported identifiers from an outer module to the outside world of library modules. The Stack is expected: Entry OR Entry Ptr -> Ptr -> +------------+ +--------------+ | # | | # | |------------| |--------------| | Id1 | | Id1 | |------------| |--------------| . . . . . . . . . . . . |------------| |--------------| | Id# | | Id# | |------------| |--------------| | ExportTok | | QualifiedTok | |------------| |--------------| EXPORT Id1, .. Id# ; EXPORT QUALIFIED Id1 .. Id# ; Error Condition Exit All above stack discarded *) PROCEDURE BuildExportOuterModule ; VAR i, n: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (n) ; (* n = # of the Ident List *) IF (OperandT(n+1)=QualifiedTok) AND CompilingDefinitionModule() THEN PutDoesNeedExportList(GetCurrentModule()) ; (* Ident List contains list of export qualified objects *) i := 1 ; WHILE i<=n DO PutExportQualified (OperandTok (i), OperandT (i)) ; INC (i) END ELSIF (OperandT(n+1)=UnQualifiedTok) AND CompilingDefinitionModule() THEN PutDoesNeedExportList(GetCurrentModule()) ; (* Ident List contains list of export unqualified objects *) i := 1 ; WHILE i<=n DO PutExportUnQualified (OperandTok (i), OperandT(i)) ; INC (i) END ELSIF CompilingDefinitionModule() THEN MetaError0 ('the {%EkEXPORT} must be either {%kQUALIFIED} or {%kUNQUALIFIED} in a definition module') ELSE MetaError0 ('{%E}only allowed inter module exports in a definition module') END ; PopN (n+1) (* clear stack *) END BuildExportOuterModule ; (* CheckExplicitExported - checks to see whether we are compiling a definition module and whether the ident is implicitly export qualified or unqualified. The Stack is expected: Entry Exit Ptr -> Ptr -> +------------+ +-----------+ | Identname | | Identname | |------------| |-----------| *) PROCEDURE CheckExplicitExported ; BEGIN IF CompilingDefinitionModule() AND DoesNotNeedExportList(GetCurrentModule()) THEN (* printf1('exporting identifier %a\n', OperandT(1)) ; *) PutExportQualified (OperandTok (1), OperandT(1)) END END CheckExplicitExported ; (* BuildImportInnerModule - Builds imported identifiers into an inner module from the last level of module. The Stack is expected: Entry OR Entry Ptr -> Ptr -> +------------+ +-----------+ | # | | # | |------------| |-----------| | Id1 | | Id1 | |------------| |-----------| . . . . . . . . . . . . |------------| |-----------| | Id# | | Id# | |------------| |-----------| | ImportTok | | Ident | |------------| |-----------| IMPORT Id1, .. Id# ; FROM Ident IMPORT Id1 .. Id# ; Exit All above stack discarded *) PROCEDURE BuildImportInnerModule ; VAR Sym, ModSym, i, n : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (n) ; (* n = # of the Ident List *) IF OperandT (n+1) = ImportTok THEN (* Ident List contains list of objects *) i := 1 ; WHILE i<=n DO AddNameToImportList (OperandT (i)) ; INC (i) END ELSE (* Ident List contains list of objects *) ModSym := LookupOuterModule (OperandTok(n+1), OperandT(n+1)) ; i := 1 ; WHILE i<=n DO Sym := GetExported (OperandTok (n+1-i), ModSym, OperandT (n+1-i)) ; PutImported (Sym) ; INC (i) END END ; PopN (n+1) (* clear stack *) END BuildImportInnerModule ; (* BuildExportInnerModule - Builds exported identifiers from an inner module to the next layer module. The Stack is expected: Entry OR Entry Ptr -> Ptr -> +------------+ +--------------+ | # | | # | |------------| |--------------| | Id1 | | Id1 | |------------| |--------------| . . . . . . . . . . . . |------------| |--------------| | Id# | | Id# | |------------| |--------------| | ExportTok | | QualifiedTok | |------------| |--------------| EXPORT Id1, .. Id# ; EXPORT QUALIFIED Id1 .. Id# ; Exit All above stack discarded *) PROCEDURE BuildExportInnerModule ; VAR tok : CARDINAL ; PrevMod, Sym, i, n : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (n) ; (* n = # of the Ident List *) IF OperandT (n+1) = ExportTok THEN (* Ident List contains list of objects *) i := 1 ; PrevMod := GetScope (GetCurrentScope ()) ; WHILE i<=n DO tok := OperandTok (i) ; IF (PrevMod#NulSym) AND (IsModule(PrevMod) OR IsDefImp(PrevMod)) THEN Sym := GetLocalSym (PrevMod, OperandT(i)) ; IF Sym=NulSym THEN Sym := TryMoveUndeclaredSymToInnerModule (PrevMod, GetCurrentScope (), OperandT (i)) ; IF Sym=NulSym THEN Sym := RequestSym (tok, OperandT(i)) ; PutExported (Sym) END ELSE (* use Sym which has already been created in outer scope *) AddSymToModuleScope (GetCurrentScope (), Sym) END ELSE Sym := RequestSym (tok, OperandT(i)) ; PutExported (Sym) END ; INC (i) END ELSE MetaError0 ('{%EkQUALIFIED} not allowed in an inner module') END ; PopN(n+1) (* clear stack *) END BuildExportInnerModule ; (* StartBuildEnumeration - Builds an Enumeration type Type. Stack Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | # | |------------| | en 1 | |------------| | en 2 | |------------| . . . . . . <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | en # | | Type | |------------| |------------| | Name | | Name | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE StartBuildEnumeration ; VAR name : Name ; n, i, Type : CARDINAL ; tokno: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(n) ; (* No := # *) name := OperandT(n+1) ; tokno := OperandTok(n+1) ; Type := MakeEnumeration(tokno, name) ; i := 1 ; WHILE i<=n DO PutFieldEnumeration(OperandTok(n-i+1), Type, OperandT(n-i+1)) ; INC(i) END ; PutEnumerationIntoFifoQueue(Type) ; (* store enumeration away for pass 2 *) PopN(n+1) ; PushTtok(name, tokno) ; PushTtok(Type, tokno) END StartBuildEnumeration ; (* EndBuildEnumeration - completes the construction of the enumeration type. Stack Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Type | <- Ptr |------------| +---------------+ | Name | | Type | Name | |------------| |---------------| Empty *) PROCEDURE EndBuildEnumeration ; VAR tokno : CARDINAL ; Sym, Type : CARDINAL ; n1, n2, name : Name ; BEGIN (* Two cases - the type name the same as Name, or the name is nul. - do nothing. - when type with a name that is different to Name. In which case we create a new type. *) PopTtok(Type, tokno) ; PopT(name) ; IF Debugging THEN n1 := GetSymName(GetCurrentModule()) ; printf2('inside module %a declaring type name %a\n', n1, name) ; IF (NOT IsUnknown(Type)) THEN n1 := GetSymName(GetScope(Type)) ; n2 := GetSymName(Type) ; printf2('type was created inside scope %a as name %a\n', n1, n2) END END ; IF (name=NulName) OR (GetSymName(Type)=name) THEN (* Typically the declaration that causes this case is: VAR a: (blue, green, red) ; ^ | +---- type has no name. in which case the constructed from StartBuildEnumeration is complete *) PushTFtok(Type, name, tokno) ELSE (* in this case we are seeing: TYPE name = (blue, green, red) so we construct the type name and define it to have the previously created enumeration type *) Sym := MakeType(tokno, name) ; PutType(Sym, Type) ; PushTFtok(Sym, name, tokno) END END EndBuildEnumeration ; (* BuildHiddenType - Builds a Hidden Type. Stack Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Name | <- Ptr |------------| Empty *) PROCEDURE BuildHiddenType ; VAR name : Name ; tokno: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok (name, tokno) ; (* WriteString('Hidden type encountered: ') ; *) (* WriteKey(Name) ; WriteLn ; *) Assert (MakeHiddenType (tokno, name) # NulSym) END BuildHiddenType ; (* StartBuildProcedure - Builds a Procedure. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | Name | | ProcSym | |------------| |------------| | inlinetok | | | | or | | | | builtintok | | | | or name or | | Name | | NulTok | | | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE StartBuildProcedure ; VAR tokno : CARDINAL ; builtin, name : Name ; ProcSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok (name, tokno) ; PopT (builtin) ; (* was this procedure defined as a builtin? *) PushTtok (name, tokno) ; (* Name saved for the EndBuildProcedure name check *) ProcSym := RequestSym (tokno, name) ; IF IsUnknown (ProcSym) THEN (* A procedure may be created in a definition or implementation module, remember that an implementation module maybe compiled before the corresponding definition module. The procedure can also be created during a forward declaration. We record the forward declaration as the token of creation and adjust this later when we see the proper procedure declaration. Likwwise when the forward keyword is seen we assign the procedure forward token location. *) ProcSym := MakeProcedure (tokno, name) ELSIF IsProcedure (ProcSym) THEN (* Declared in the other module or it could have been declared by a forward decl, we overwrite the declaration to tokno. The forward location is assigned in EndBuildForward. *) PutDeclared (tokno, ProcSym) ELSE MetaError1 ('expecting a procedure name and symbol {%1Ea} has been declared as a {%1d}', ProcSym) ; PushT (ProcSym) ; RETURN END ; IF builtin#NulTok THEN IF builtin=BuiltinTok THEN PutProcedureBuiltin (ProcSym, name) ELSIF builtin=InlineTok THEN PutProcedureInline (ProcSym) ELSE PutProcedureBuiltin (ProcSym, builtin) END END ; PushTtok (ProcSym, tokno) ; StartScope (ProcSym) ; IF CompilingDefinitionModule () THEN IF GetProcedureDefined (ProcSym, DefProcedure) THEN MetaErrorT1 (GetProcedureDeclaredTok (ProcSym, DefProcedure), 'first declaration of procedure {%1Ea} in the definition module', ProcSym) ; MetaErrorT1 (tokno, 'duplicate declaration of procedure {%1Ea} in the definition module', ProcSym) ELSE PutProcedureDeclaredTok (ProcSym, DefProcedure, tokno) ; PutProcedureDefined (ProcSym, DefProcedure) END ELSE EnterBlock (name) END END StartBuildProcedure ; (* EndBuildProcedure - Ends building a Procedure. It checks the start procedure name matches the end procedure name. The Stack: (Procedure Not Defined in definition module) Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | NameEnd | |------------| | ProcSym | |------------| | NameStart | |------------| Empty *) PROCEDURE EndBuildProcedure ; VAR tok, start, end: CARDINAL ; ProcSym : CARDINAL ; NameEnd, NameStart : Name ; BEGIN PopTtok(NameEnd, end) ; PopTtok(ProcSym, tok) ; PopTtok(NameStart, start) ; IF NameEnd # NameStart THEN IF end # UnknownTokenNo THEN MetaErrorT1 (end, 'procedure name at end does not match name at beginning {%1EDa}', ProcSym) ELSIF start # UnknownTokenNo THEN MetaErrorT2 (start, 'procedure name at end {%1EDa} does not match name at beginning {%2a}', MakeError (end, NameEnd), ProcSym) ELSE MetaError1 ('procedure name at end does not match name at beginning {%1EDa}', ProcSym) END END ; EndScope ; IF GetProcedureDefined (ProcSym, ProperProcedure) THEN MetaErrorT1 (GetProcedureDeclaredTok (ProcSym, ProperProcedure), 'first proper declaration of procedure {%1Ea}', ProcSym) ; MetaErrorT1 (tok, 'procedure {%1Ea} has already been declared', ProcSym) ELSE PutProcedureDeclaredTok (ProcSym, ProperProcedure, tok) ; PutProcedureDefined (ProcSym, ProperProcedure) END ; Assert (NOT CompilingDefinitionModule()) ; LeaveBlock END EndBuildProcedure ; (* EndBuildForward - Ends building a forward procedure declaration. The Stack: (This procedure is not defined in definition module) Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | ProcSym | |------------| | NameStart | |------------| Empty *) PROCEDURE EndBuildForward (forwardPos: CARDINAL) ; VAR ProcSym: CARDINAL ; tok : CARDINAL ; BEGIN ProcSym := OperandT (1) ; tok := OperandTok (1) ; IF NOT GetEnableForward () THEN MetaErrorT0 (forwardPos, 'forward declaration has not been enabled, use -fiso or -fenable-forward to enable forward procedure declarations') END ; IF GetProcedureDefined (ProcSym, ForwardProcedure) THEN MetaErrorT1 (GetProcedureDeclaredTok (ProcSym, ForwardProcedure), 'first forward declaration of {%1Ea}', ProcSym) ; MetaErrorT1 (tok, 'forward declaration of procedure {%1Ea} has already occurred', ProcSym) ELSE PutProcedureDeclaredTok (ProcSym, ForwardProcedure, tok) ; PutProcedureDefined (ProcSym, ForwardProcedure) END ; PopN (2) ; EndScope ; Assert (NOT CompilingDefinitionModule ()) ; LeaveBlock END EndBuildForward ; (* BuildProcedureHeading - Builds a procedure heading for the definition module procedures. Operation only performed if compiling a definition module. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | ProcSym | |------------| | NameStart | |------------| Empty *) PROCEDURE BuildProcedureHeading ; VAR ProcSym : CARDINAL ; NameStart: Name ; BEGIN IF CompilingDefinitionModule() THEN PopT(ProcSym) ; PopT(NameStart) ; EndScope END END BuildProcedureHeading ; (* BuildNulName - Pushes a NulName onto the top of the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit <- Ptr Empty +------------+ | NulName | |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildNulName ; BEGIN PushT(NulName) END BuildNulName ; (* BuildTypeEnd - Pops the type Type and Name. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +-------------+ | Type | Name | Empty |-------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildTypeEnd ; VAR Type: CARDINAL ; name: Name ; BEGIN PopTF (Type, name) END BuildTypeEnd ; (* BuildImportStatement - create a new import statement in the current module. It ignores local modules. The quadruple stack is not used. *) PROCEDURE BuildImportStatement (tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR scope: CARDINAL ; BEGIN scope := GetCurrentScope () ; IF IsDefImp (scope) OR (IsModule (scope) AND (NOT IsInnerModule (scope))) THEN IF CompilingDefinitionModule () AND (NOT IsDefImp (scope)) THEN MetaError1 ('module scope should be a definition module rather than {%1EDa}', scope) ELSE INC (importStatementCount) ; AppendModuleImportStatement (scope, MakeImportStatement (tok, importStatementCount)) END END END BuildImportStatement ; (* AddImportToImportStatement - the top of stack is expected to be a module name. This is looked up from the module universe and wrapped in an import symbol and placed into the current import statement. The quadruple stack is unchanged. Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +---------------------+ +---------------------+ | ImportedModuleName | | ImportedModuleName | |---------------------| |---------------------| *) PROCEDURE AddImportToImportStatement (qualified: BOOLEAN) ; VAR scope: CARDINAL ; BEGIN scope := GetCurrentScope () ; IF IsDefImp (scope) OR (IsModule (scope) AND (NOT IsInnerModule (scope))) THEN IF CompilingDefinitionModule () AND (NOT IsDefImp (scope)) THEN MetaError1 ('module scope should be a definition module rather than {%1EDa}', scope) ; ELSE AppendModuleOnImportStatement (scope, MakeImport (OperandTok (1), LookupModule (OperandTok (1), OperandT (1)), importStatementCount, qualified)) END END END AddImportToImportStatement ; END P1SymBuild.