(* Output.mod redirect output. Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE Output ; IMPORT FIO, SFIO ; FROM StrLib IMPORT StrEqual ; FROM NameKey IMPORT KeyToCharStar, Name ; FROM NumberIO IMPORT CardToStr ; FROM ASCII IMPORT nl ; FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT KillString, InitStringCharStar, ConCatChar, ConCat, InitString, Mark ; VAR stdout: BOOLEAN ; outputFile: FIO.File ; buffer : String ; (* Open - attempt to open filename as the output file. TRUE is returned if success, FALSE otherwise. *) PROCEDURE Open (filename: ARRAY OF CHAR) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF StrEqual (filename, "") OR StrEqual (filename, "-") THEN outputFile := FIO.StdOut ; stdout := TRUE ; RETURN TRUE ELSE outputFile := FIO.OpenToWrite (filename) ; stdout := FALSE ; RETURN FIO.IsNoError (outputFile) END END Open ; (* Close - close the output file. *) PROCEDURE Close ; BEGIN FIO.Close (outputFile) END Close ; (* Write - write a single character to the output file. *) PROCEDURE Write (ch: CHAR) ; BEGIN IF buffer = NIL THEN FIO.WriteChar (outputFile, ch) ELSE buffer := ConCatChar (buffer, ch) END END Write ; (* WriteString - write an unformatted string to the output. *) PROCEDURE WriteString (s: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; BEGIN IF buffer = NIL THEN FIO.WriteString (outputFile, s) ELSE buffer := ConCat (buffer, Mark (InitString (s))) END END WriteString ; (* KillWriteS - write a string to the output and free the string afterwards. *) PROCEDURE KillWriteS (s: String) ; BEGIN IF KillString (SFIO.WriteS (outputFile, s)) = NIL THEN END END KillWriteS ; (* WriteS - write a string to the output. The string is not freed. *) PROCEDURE WriteS (s: String) ; BEGIN IF SFIO.WriteS (outputFile, s) = s THEN END END WriteS ; (* WriteKey - write a key to the output. *) PROCEDURE WriteKey (key: Name) ; BEGIN IF buffer = NIL THEN KillWriteS (InitStringCharStar (KeyToCharStar (key))) ELSE buffer := ConCat (buffer, Mark (InitStringCharStar (KeyToCharStar (key)))) END END WriteKey ; (* WriteLn - write a newline to the output. *) PROCEDURE WriteLn ; BEGIN IF buffer = NIL THEN FIO.WriteLine (outputFile) ELSE Write (nl) END END WriteLn ; (* WriteCard - write a cardinal using fieldlength characters. *) PROCEDURE WriteCard (card, fieldlength: CARDINAL) ; VAR s: ARRAY [0..20] OF CHAR ; BEGIN CardToStr (card, fieldlength, s) ; WriteString (s) END WriteCard ; (* StartBuffer - create a buffer into which any output is redirected. *) PROCEDURE StartBuffer ; BEGIN IF buffer # NIL THEN buffer := KillString (buffer) END ; buffer := InitString ('') END StartBuffer ; (* EndBuffer - end the redirection and return the contents of the buffer. *) PROCEDURE EndBuffer () : String ; VAR s: String ; BEGIN s := buffer ; buffer := NIL ; RETURN s END EndBuffer ; BEGIN stdout := TRUE ; buffer := NIL ; outputFile := FIO.StdOut ; END Output.