(* M2System.mod defines the SYSTEM builtin types. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>. This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE M2System ; (* Title : M2System Author : Gaius Mulley System : UNIX (gm2) Date : Mon Jul 10 20:24:31 2000 Description: gcc version of M2System. It defines the builtin types within the SYSTEM.def module. Remember that these modules (SYSTEM.def, SYSTEM.mod) really exist, but not all type definitions are expressed in this file. We also need to tell the compiler the size of the data types. *) FROM SymbolTable IMPORT NulSym, StartScope, EndScope, MakeConstLit, MakeConstVar, MakePointer, MakeType, MakeProcedure, MakeSet, MakeSubrange, PutFunction, PutType, PutPointer, PutSet, PutVar, PutSubrange, PutExportQualified, PutProcedureNoReturn, GetSym, GetSymName, GetCurrentModule, SetCurrentModule, IsLegal, ProcedureKind, PopValue, PopSize ; FROM Assertion IMPORT Assert ; FROM M2LexBuf IMPORT BuiltinTokenNo ; FROM M2Options IMPORT Iso, Pim2, Pedantic, DumpSystemExports ; FROM NameKey IMPORT Name, MakeKey, NulName ; FROM M2Batch IMPORT MakeDefinitionSource ; FROM M2Base IMPORT Cardinal, ZType ; FROM M2Size IMPORT Size, MakeSize ; FROM M2ALU IMPORT PushCard, PushIntegerTree, PushRealTree, DivTrunc ; FROM M2Error IMPORT InternalError ; FROM Lists IMPORT List, InitList, IsItemInList, PutItemIntoList, GetItemFromList, NoOfItemsInList ; FROM SymbolKey IMPORT SymbolTree, InitTree, GetSymKey, PutSymKey ; FROM StrLib IMPORT StrEqual ; FROM M2Printf IMPORT printf1 ; FROM SymbolConversion IMPORT Mod2Gcc ; FROM M2Base IMPORT Real, Cardinal, Integer, Complex, LongReal, LongCard, LongInt, LongComplex, ShortReal, ShortCard, ShortInt, ShortComplex ; FROM gcctypes IMPORT tree ; FROM m2linemap IMPORT BuiltinsLocation ; FROM m2decl IMPORT GetBitsPerBitset, GetBitsPerUnit ; FROM m2type IMPORT GetMaxFrom, GetMinFrom, GetWordType, GetPointerType, GetByteType, GetISOLocType, GetM2Integer8, GetM2Integer16, GetM2Integer32, GetM2Integer64, GetM2Cardinal8, GetM2Cardinal16, GetM2Cardinal32, GetM2Cardinal64, GetM2Word16, GetM2Word32, GetM2Word64, GetM2Bitset8, GetM2Bitset16, GetM2Bitset32, GetM2Real32, GetM2Real64, GetM2Real96, GetM2Real128, GetM2Complex32, GetM2Complex64, GetM2Complex96, GetM2Complex128, GetBitsetType, GetISOByteType, GetISOWordType, GetCSizeTType, GetCSSizeTType, GetCOffTType, InitSystemTypes ; FROM m2expr IMPORT BuildSize, GetSizeOf, AreConstantsEqual ; TYPE IsP = PROCEDURE (CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR MinValues, MaxValues : SymbolTree ; SystemTypes: List ; (* Init - *) PROCEDURE Init ; BEGIN InitList(SystemTypes) ; InitTree(MinValues) ; InitTree(MaxValues) END Init ; (* CreateMinMaxFor - creates the min and max values for type given gccType. *) PROCEDURE CreateMinMaxFor (type: CARDINAL; min, max: ARRAY OF CHAR; gccType: tree; realtype: BOOLEAN) ; VAR maxval, minval: CARDINAL ; BEGIN maxval := MakeConstVar (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey(max)) ; IF realtype THEN PushRealTree (GetMaxFrom (BuiltinsLocation (), gccType)) ELSE PushIntegerTree (GetMaxFrom (BuiltinsLocation (), gccType)) END ; PopValue (maxval) ; PutVar (maxval, type) ; PutSymKey (MaxValues, GetSymName (type), maxval) ; minval := MakeConstVar (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey(min)) ; IF realtype THEN PushRealTree (GetMinFrom (BuiltinsLocation (), gccType)) ELSE PushIntegerTree (GetMinFrom (BuiltinsLocation (), gccType)) END ; PopValue (minval) ; PutVar (minval, type) ; PutSymKey (MinValues, GetSymName (type), minval) END CreateMinMaxFor ; (* MapType - create a mapping of the M2 frontend type to gcctype. *) PROCEDURE MapType (type: CARDINAL; name, min, max: ARRAY OF CHAR; needsExporting: BOOLEAN; gcctype: tree; realtype: BOOLEAN) ; VAR n: Name ; BEGIN PushIntegerTree (BuildSize (BuiltinsLocation (), gcctype, FALSE)) ; PopSize (type) ; IF IsItemInList (SystemTypes, type) THEN InternalError ('not expecting system type to already be declared') END ; PutItemIntoList (SystemTypes, type) ; (* Create min, max constants if type is ordinal or a floating point type. *) IF (NOT StrEqual (min, '')) AND (NOT StrEqual (max, '')) THEN CreateMinMaxFor (type, min, max, gcctype, realtype) END ; IF needsExporting AND DumpSystemExports THEN n := GetSymName (type) ; printf1('SYSTEM module creates type: %a\n', n) END END MapType ; (* CreateType - create and return a frontend type which matches the GCC tree type. *) PROCEDURE CreateType (name, min, max: ARRAY OF CHAR; needsExporting: BOOLEAN; gccType: tree; realtype: BOOLEAN) : CARDINAL ; VAR type: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF gccType=NIL THEN (* GCC backend does not support this type. *) RETURN NulSym ELSE (* Create base type. *) type := MakeType (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey (name)) ; PutType (type, NulSym) ; (* a Base Type *) MapType (type, name, min, max, needsExporting, gccType, realtype) ; RETURN type END END CreateType ; (* AttemptToCreateType - attempts to create a frontend type which matches the GCC tree type. *) PROCEDURE AttemptToCreateType (name, min, max: ARRAY OF CHAR; needsExporting: BOOLEAN; gccType: tree; realtype: BOOLEAN) ; BEGIN Assert (IsLegal (CreateType (name, min, max, needsExporting, gccType, realtype))) END AttemptToCreateType ; (* CreateSetType - creates and returns a, SET OF [0..highBit], type. It maps this type onto the GCC type. *) PROCEDURE CreateSetType (name, highBit: ARRAY OF CHAR; needsExporting: BOOLEAN; gccType: tree) : CARDINAL ; VAR low, high, subrange, type : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF gccType=NIL THEN (* GCC backend does not support this type *) RETURN NulSym ELSE (* create base type *) type := MakeSet (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey (name)) ; low := MakeConstLit (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal) ; high := MakeConstLit (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey (highBit), Cardinal) ; subrange := MakeSubrange (BuiltinTokenNo, NulName) ; PutSubrange (subrange, low, high, Cardinal) ; PutSet (type, subrange, FALSE) ; MapType (type, name, '', '', needsExporting, gccType, FALSE) ; RETURN type END END CreateSetType ; (* AttemptToCreateSetType - creates and returns a, SET OF [0..highBit], type. It maps this type onto the GCC type. *) PROCEDURE AttemptToCreateSetType (name, highBit: ARRAY OF CHAR; needsExporting: BOOLEAN; gccType: tree) ; BEGIN Assert (IsLegal (CreateSetType (name, highBit, needsExporting, gccType))) END AttemptToCreateSetType ; (* MakeFixedSizedTypes - creates the SYSTEM fixed sized types providing the gcc backend supports them. *) PROCEDURE MakeFixedSizedTypes ; BEGIN AttemptToCreateType ('INTEGER8', 'MinInteger8', 'MaxInteger8', TRUE, GetM2Integer8 (), FALSE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('INTEGER16', 'MinInteger16', 'MaxInteger16', TRUE, GetM2Integer16 (), FALSE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('INTEGER32', 'MinInteger32', 'MaxInteger32', TRUE, GetM2Integer32 (), FALSE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('INTEGER64', 'MinInteger64', 'MaxInteger64', TRUE, GetM2Integer64 (), FALSE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('CARDINAL8', 'MinCardinal8', 'MaxCardinal8', TRUE, GetM2Cardinal8 (), FALSE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('CARDINAL16', 'MinCardinal16', 'MaxCardinal16', TRUE, GetM2Cardinal16 (), FALSE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('CARDINAL32', 'MinCardinal32', 'MaxCardinal32', TRUE, GetM2Cardinal32 (), FALSE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('CARDINAL64', 'MinCardinal64', 'MaxCardinal64', TRUE, GetM2Cardinal64 (), FALSE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('WORD16', '', '', TRUE, GetM2Word16 (), FALSE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('WORD32', '', '', TRUE, GetM2Word32 (), FALSE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('WORD64', '', '', TRUE, GetM2Word64 (), FALSE) ; AttemptToCreateSetType ('BITSET8' , '7' , TRUE, GetM2Bitset8 ()) ; AttemptToCreateSetType ('BITSET16', '15', TRUE, GetM2Bitset16 ()) ; AttemptToCreateSetType ('BITSET32', '31', TRUE, GetM2Bitset32 ()) ; AttemptToCreateType ('REAL32', 'MinReal32', 'MaxReal32', TRUE, GetM2Real32 (), TRUE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('REAL64', 'MinReal64', 'MaxReal64', TRUE, GetM2Real64 (), TRUE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('REAL96', 'MinReal96', 'MaxReal96', TRUE, GetM2Real96 (), TRUE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('REAL128', 'MinReal128', 'MaxReal128', TRUE, GetM2Real128 (), TRUE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('COMPLEX32', '', '', TRUE, GetM2Complex32 (), TRUE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('COMPLEX64', '', '', TRUE, GetM2Complex64 (), TRUE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('COMPLEX96', '', '', TRUE, GetM2Complex96 (), TRUE) ; AttemptToCreateType ('COMPLEX128', '', '', TRUE, GetM2Complex128 (), TRUE) END MakeFixedSizedTypes ; (* InitPIMTypes - *) PROCEDURE InitPIMTypes ; BEGIN Loc := CreateType ('LOC', '', '', TRUE, GetISOLocType(), FALSE) ; InitSystemTypes(BuiltinsLocation(), Loc) ; Word := CreateType ('WORD', '', '', TRUE, GetWordType(), FALSE) ; Byte := CreateType ('BYTE', '', '', TRUE, GetByteType(), FALSE) ; (* ADDRESS = POINTER TO BYTE *) Address := MakePointer (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('ADDRESS')) ; PutPointer (Address, Byte) ; (* Base Type *) MapType (Address, 'ADDRESS', '', '', TRUE, GetPointerType(), FALSE) END InitPIMTypes ; (* InitISOTypes - *) PROCEDURE InitISOTypes ; BEGIN Loc := CreateType ('LOC', 'MinLoc', 'MaxLoc', TRUE, GetISOLocType (), FALSE) ; InitSystemTypes (BuiltinsLocation (), Loc) ; Address := MakePointer (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey ('ADDRESS')) ; PutPointer (Address, Loc) ; (* Base Type *) MapType (Address, 'ADDRESS', '', '', TRUE, GetPointerType(), FALSE) ; Byte := CreateType ('BYTE', '', '', TRUE, GetISOByteType(), FALSE) ; Word := CreateType ('WORD', '', '', TRUE, GetISOWordType(), FALSE) ; END InitISOTypes ; (* MakeExtraSystemTypes - create any extra system types required for portability. *) PROCEDURE MakeExtraSystemTypes ; BEGIN CSizeT := CreateType ('CSIZE_T' , '', '', TRUE, GetCSizeTType (), FALSE) ; CSSizeT := CreateType ('CSSIZE_T', '', '', TRUE, GetCSSizeTType (), FALSE) ; COffT := CreateType ('COFF_T', '', '', TRUE, GetCOffTType (), FALSE) END MakeExtraSystemTypes ; (* InitSystem - creates the system dependant types and procedures. Note that they are not exported here, but they are exported in the textual module: SYSTEM.def. We build our system types from those given in the gcc backend. Essentially we perform double book keeping. *) PROCEDURE InitSystem ; VAR Previous: CARDINAL ; BEGIN Init ; (* create SYSTEM module *) System := MakeDefinitionSource(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('SYSTEM')) ; StartScope(System) ; Previous := GetCurrentModule() ; SetCurrentModule(System) ; IF Iso THEN InitISOTypes ; MakeSize ; PutExportQualified(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('SIZE')) ELSE InitPIMTypes ; (* SIZE is declared in SYSTEM.def in PIM-2 but not PIM-[34] *) IF Pedantic THEN IF Pim2 THEN MakeSize ; PutExportQualified(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('SIZE')) END ELSE MakeSize ; PutExportQualified(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('SIZE')) END END ; (* The predefined pseudo functions. *) Adr := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('ADR')) ; (* Function *) PutFunction (BuiltinTokenNo, Adr, DefProcedure, Address) ; (* Return Type *) (* Address *) TSize := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('TSIZE')) ; (* Function *) PutFunction (BuiltinTokenNo, TSize, DefProcedure, ZType) ; (* Return Type *) (* ZType *) TBitSize := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('TBITSIZE')) ; (* GNU extension *) (* Function *) PutFunction (BuiltinTokenNo, TBitSize, DefProcedure, ZType) ; (* Return Type *) (* ZType *) (* The ISO specific predefined pseudo functions. *) AddAdr := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('ADDADR')) ; (* Function *) PutFunction (BuiltinTokenNo, AddAdr, DefProcedure, Address) ; (* Return Type *) SubAdr := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('SUBADR')) ; (* Function *) PutFunction (BuiltinTokenNo, SubAdr, DefProcedure, Address) ; (* Return Type *) DifAdr := MakeProcedure (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey ('DIFADR')) ; (* Function *) PutFunction (BuiltinTokenNo, DifAdr, DefProcedure, Address) ; (* Return Type *) MakeAdr := MakeProcedure (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey ('MAKEADR')) ; (* Function *) PutFunction (BuiltinTokenNo, MakeAdr, DefProcedure, Address) ; (* Return Type *) (* The return value for ROTATE, SHIFT and CAST is the same as the first parameter and is faked in M2Quads. *) Rotate := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('ROTATE')) ; (* Function *) Shift := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('SHIFT')) ; (* Function *) Cast := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('CAST')) ; (* Function *) Throw := MakeProcedure(BuiltinTokenNo, MakeKey('THROW')) ; (* Procedure *) PutProcedureNoReturn (Throw, DefProcedure, TRUE) ; CreateMinMaxFor(Word, 'MinWord', 'MaxWord', GetWordType(), FALSE) ; CreateMinMaxFor(Address, 'MinAddress', 'MaxAddress', GetPointerType(), FALSE) ; CreateMinMaxFor(Byte, 'MinByte', 'MaxByte', GetByteType(), FALSE) ; MakeFixedSizedTypes ; MakeExtraSystemTypes ; EndScope ; SetCurrentModule(Previous) END InitSystem ; (* GetSystemTypeMinMax - returns the minimum and maximum values for a given system type. *) PROCEDURE GetSystemTypeMinMax (type: CARDINAL; VAR min, max: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsItemInList(SystemTypes, type) THEN min := GetSymKey(MinValues, GetSymName(type)) ; max := GetSymKey(MaxValues, GetSymName(type)) ELSE InternalError ('system does not know about this type') END END GetSystemTypeMinMax ; (* IsISOPseudoSystemFunction - *) PROCEDURE IsISOPseudoSystemFunction (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN Iso AND ((sym=AddAdr) OR (sym=SubAdr) OR (sym=DifAdr) OR (sym=MakeAdr) OR (sym=Rotate) OR (sym=Shift) OR (sym=Cast)) END IsISOPseudoSystemFunction ; (* IsPIMPseudoSystemFunction - returns TRUE if sym is specifically a PIM system function. *) PROCEDURE IsPIMPseudoSystemFunction (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN (NOT Iso) AND ((sym=Size) OR (sym=Shift) OR (sym=Rotate)) END IsPIMPseudoSystemFunction ; (* IsPseudoSystemFunction - returns true if sym is a SYSTEM pseudo function. *) PROCEDURE IsPseudoSystemFunction (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (sym=Adr) OR (sym=TSize) OR (sym=TBitSize) OR IsPIMPseudoSystemFunction(sym) OR IsISOPseudoSystemFunction(sym) ) END IsPseudoSystemFunction ; (* IsPseudoSystemFunctionConstExpression - returns TRUE if this procedure is legal in a constant expression. *) PROCEDURE IsPseudoSystemFunctionConstExpression (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (sym=Size) OR (sym=TSize) OR (sym=Rotate) OR (sym=Shift) OR (Iso AND ((sym=Cast) OR (sym=MakeAdr))) ) END IsPseudoSystemFunctionConstExpression ; (* IsPseudoSystemProcedure - returns true if sym is a SYSTEM pseudo procedure. *) PROCEDURE IsPseudoSystemProcedure (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( sym=Throw ) END IsPseudoSystemProcedure ; (* IsSystemType - returns TRUE if sym is a SYSTEM (inbuilt) type. It does not search your SYSTEM implementation module. *) PROCEDURE IsSystemType (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsItemInList(SystemTypes, sym) ) END IsSystemType ; (* GetSafeSystem - *) PROCEDURE GetSafeSystem (name: Name) : CARDINAL ; VAR sym, i, n: CARDINAL ; BEGIN n := NoOfItemsInList(SystemTypes) ; i := 1 ; WHILE i<=n DO sym := GetItemFromList(SystemTypes, i) ; IF GetSymName(sym)=name THEN RETURN( sym ) END ; INC(i) END ; RETURN( NulSym ) END GetSafeSystem ; (* IntegerN - returns the symbol associated with INTEGER[N]. NulSym is returned if the type does not exist. *) PROCEDURE IntegerN (bitlength: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN CASE bitlength OF 8 : RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('INTEGER8')) ) | 16: RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('INTEGER16')) ) | 32: RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('INTEGER32')) ) | 64: RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('INTEGER64')) ) ELSE InternalError ('system does not know about this type') END END IntegerN ; (* CardinalN - returns the symbol associated with CARDINAL[N]. NulSym is returned if the type does not exist. *) PROCEDURE CardinalN (bitlength: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN CASE bitlength OF 8 : RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('CARDINAL8')) ) | 16: RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('CARDINAL16')) ) | 32: RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('CARDINAL32')) ) | 64: RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('CARDINAL64')) ) ELSE InternalError ('system does not know about this type') END END CardinalN ; (* WordN - returns the symbol associated with WORD[N]. NulSym is returned if the type does not exist. *) PROCEDURE WordN (bitlength: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN CASE bitlength OF 16: RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('WORD16')) ) | 32: RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('WORD32')) ) | 64: RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('WORD64')) ) ELSE InternalError ('system does not know about this type') END END WordN ; (* SetN - returns the symbol associated with SET[N]. NulSym is returned if the type does not exist. *) PROCEDURE SetN (bitlength: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN CASE bitlength OF 8 : RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('BITSET8')) ) | 16: RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('BITSET16')) ) | 32: RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('BITSET32')) ) ELSE InternalError ('system does not know about this type') END END SetN ; (* RealN - returns the symbol associated with REAL[N]. NulSym is returned if the type does not exist. *) PROCEDURE RealN (bitlength: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN CASE bitlength OF 32 : RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('REAL32')) ) | 64 : RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('REAL64')) ) | 96 : RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('REAL96')) ) | 128: RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('REAL128')) ) ELSE InternalError ('system does not know about this type') END END RealN ; (* ComplexN - returns the symbol associated with COMPLEX[N]. NulSym is returned if the type does not exist. *) PROCEDURE ComplexN (bitlength: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN CASE bitlength OF 32 : RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('COMPLEX32')) ) | 64 : RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('COMPLEX64')) ) | 96 : RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('COMPLEX96')) ) | 128: RETURN( GetSafeSystem(MakeKey('COMPLEX128')) ) ELSE InternalError ('system does not know about this type') END END ComplexN ; (* IsIntegerN - returns the TRUE if, sym, is one of the SYSTEM INTEGER types (not the base INTEGER type). *) PROCEDURE IsIntegerN (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (sym#NulSym) AND ((sym=IntegerN(8)) OR (sym=IntegerN(16)) OR (sym=IntegerN(32)) OR (sym=IntegerN(64))) ) END IsIntegerN ; (* IsCardinalN - returns the TRUE if, sym, is one of the SYSTEM CARDINAL types (not the base CARDINAL type). *) PROCEDURE IsCardinalN (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (sym#NulSym) AND ((sym=CardinalN(8)) OR (sym=CardinalN(16)) OR (sym=CardinalN(32)) OR (sym=CardinalN(64))) ) END IsCardinalN ; (* IsWordN - returns the TRUE if, sym, is one of the SYSTEM WORD[n] types (not the default SYSTEM WORD type). *) PROCEDURE IsWordN (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (sym#NulSym) AND ((sym=WordN(16)) OR (sym=WordN(32)) OR (sym=WordN(64))) ) END IsWordN ; (* IsSetN - returns the TRUE if, sym, is one of the SYSTEM SET[n] types (not the default SYSTEM BITSET type). *) PROCEDURE IsSetN (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (sym#NulSym) AND ((sym=SetN(8)) OR (sym=SetN(16)) OR (sym=SetN(32))) ) END IsSetN ; (* IsRealN - returns the TRUE if, sym, is one of the SYSTEM REAL[n] types (not the default base REAL type). *) PROCEDURE IsRealN (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (sym#NulSym) AND ((sym=RealN(32)) OR (sym=RealN(64)) OR (sym=RealN(96)) OR (sym=RealN(128))) ) END IsRealN ; (* IsComplexN - returns the TRUE if, sym, is one of the SYSTEM COMPLEX[n] types (not the default base COMPLEX, LONGCOMPLEX or SHORTCOMPLEX types). *) PROCEDURE IsComplexN (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (sym#NulSym) AND ((sym=ComplexN(32)) OR (sym=ComplexN(64)) OR (sym=ComplexN(96)) OR (sym=ComplexN(128))) ) END IsComplexN ; (* IsGenericSystemType - returns TRUE if, sym, is of type BYTE, WORD or any other length. *) PROCEDURE IsGenericSystemType (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (sym#NulSym) AND (IsWordN(sym) OR (sym=Word) OR (sym=Byte) OR (sym=Loc)) ) END IsGenericSystemType ; (* IsSameSize - return TRUE if SIZE(a)=SIZE(b) *) PROCEDURE IsSameSize (a, b: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( AreConstantsEqual(BuildSize(BuiltinsLocation(), Mod2Gcc(a), FALSE), BuildSize(BuiltinsLocation(), Mod2Gcc(b), FALSE)) ) END IsSameSize ; (* IsSameType - returns TRUE if, t, is the same type as a or b and a or b are a type, p. *) PROCEDURE IsSameType (t: CARDINAL; p: IsP; a, b: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF t=a THEN RETURN( p(b) AND IsSameSize(a, b) ) ELSIF t=b THEN RETURN( p(a) AND IsSameSize(a, b) ) ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END IsSameType ; (* IsSameSizePervasiveType - returns TRUE if a or b are CARDINAL, INTEGER, REAL, LONGREAL, SHORTREAL and the other type is the same size and of the same type. *) PROCEDURE IsSameSizePervasiveType (a, b: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsSameType(Integer, IsIntegerN, a, b) OR IsSameType(Cardinal, IsCardinalN, a, b) OR IsSameType(Word, IsWordN, a, b) OR IsSameType(Real, IsRealN, a, b) OR IsSameType(Complex, IsComplexN, a, b) OR IsSameType(LongInt, IsIntegerN, a, b) OR IsSameType(LongCard, IsCardinalN, a, b) OR IsSameType(LongComplex, IsComplexN, a, b) OR IsSameType(LongReal, IsRealN, a, b) OR IsSameType(ShortInt, IsIntegerN, a, b) OR IsSameType(ShortCard, IsCardinalN, a, b) OR IsSameType(ShortComplex, IsComplexN, a, b) OR IsSameType(ShortReal, IsRealN, a, b) ) END IsSameSizePervasiveType ; END M2System.