(* M2Students.mod checks for new programmer errors. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>. This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE M2Students ; FROM SymbolTable IMPORT FinalSymbol, IsVar, IsProcedure, IsModule, GetMainModule, IsType, NulSym, IsRecord, GetSymName, GetNth, GetNthProcedure, GetDeclaredMod, NoOfParam ; FROM NameKey IMPORT GetKey, WriteKey, MakeKey, IsSameExcludingCase, NulName, makekey, KeyToCharStar ; FROM M2MetaError IMPORT MetaErrorString0, MetaError2 ; FROM Lists IMPORT List, InitList, IsItemInList, IncludeItemIntoList ; FROM M2Reserved IMPORT IsReserved, toktype ; FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String, InitString, KillString, ToUpper, InitStringCharStar, string, Mark, ToUpper, Dup ; FROM FormatStrings IMPORT Sprintf0, Sprintf1, Sprintf2 ; FROM M2LexBuf IMPORT GetTokenNo ; FROM ASCII IMPORT nul ; FROM M2Options IMPORT StyleChecking ; VAR ErrantNames, ErrantSymbols: List ; (* IsNotADuplicate - returns TRUE if either s1 or s2 have not been reported before. *) PROCEDURE IsNotADuplicate (s1, s2: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF (NOT IsItemInList(ErrantSymbols, s1)) AND (NOT IsItemInList(ErrantSymbols, s2)) THEN IncludeItemIntoList(ErrantSymbols, s1) ; IncludeItemIntoList(ErrantSymbols, s2) ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END IsNotADuplicate ; (* IsNotADuplicateName - returns TRUE if name has not been reported before. *) PROCEDURE IsNotADuplicateName (name: Name) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF NOT IsItemInList(ErrantNames, name) THEN IncludeItemIntoList(ErrantNames, name) ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END IsNotADuplicateName ; (* CheckVariableAgainstKeyword - checks for a identifier that looks the same as a keyword except for its case. *) PROCEDURE CheckVariableAgainstKeyword (name: Name) ; BEGIN IF StyleChecking THEN PerformVariableKeywordCheck (name) END END CheckVariableAgainstKeyword ; (* PerformVariableKeywordCheck - performs the check and constructs the metaerror notes if appropriate. *) PROCEDURE PerformVariableKeywordCheck (name: Name) ; VAR upper : Name ; token : toktype ; orig, upperS: String ; BEGIN orig := InitStringCharStar (KeyToCharStar (name)) ; upperS := ToUpper (Dup (orig)) ; upper := makekey (string (upperS)) ; IF IsReserved (upper, token) THEN IF IsNotADuplicateName (name) THEN MetaErrorString0 (Sprintf2 (Mark (InitString ('either the identifier has the same name as a keyword or alternatively a keyword has the wrong case ({%%K%s} and {!%%O:{%%K%s}})')), upperS, orig)) ; MetaErrorString0 (Sprintf1 (Mark (InitString ('the symbol name {!%%O:{%%K%s}} is legal as an identifier, however as such it might cause confusion and is considered bad programming practice')), orig)) END END ; upperS := KillString (upperS) ; orig := KillString (orig) END PerformVariableKeywordCheck ; (* CheckAsciiName - checks to see whether ascii names, s1, and, s2, are similar. *) PROCEDURE CheckAsciiName (previous, s1, newblock, s2: CARDINAL) ; VAR a1, a2: Name ; BEGIN a1 := GetSymName (s1) ; a2 := GetSymName (s2) ; IF (a1 = a2) AND (a1 # NulName) THEN IF IsNotADuplicate (s1, s2) THEN MetaError2 ('identical symbol name in two different scopes, scope {%1Oad} has symbol {%2Mad}', previous, s1) ; MetaError2 ('identical symbol name in two different scopes, scope {%1Oad} has symbol {%2Mad}', newblock, s2) END ELSIF IsSameExcludingCase (a1, a2) THEN IF IsNotADuplicate (s1, s2) THEN MetaError2 ('very similar symbol names (different case) in two different scopes, scope {%1ORad} has symbol {%2Mad}', previous, s1) ; MetaError2 ('very similar symbol names (different case) in two different scopes, scope {%1OCad} has symbol {%2Mad}', newblock, s2) END END END CheckAsciiName ; (* CheckProcedure - checks the procedure, p, for symbols which look like, s. *) PROCEDURE CheckProcedure (m, p: CARDINAL) ; VAR i, n1, j, n2: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF p#NulSym THEN i := 1 ; (* I would have used NoOfParam(p)+1 but Stuart wants parameters checked as well - maybe he is right. *) REPEAT n1 := GetNth(p, i) ; IF n1#NulSym THEN IF IsVar(n1) OR IsType(n1) OR IsProcedure(n1) OR IsRecord(n1) THEN j := 1 ; REPEAT n2 := GetNth(m, j) ; IF n2#NulSym THEN IF IsVar(n2) OR IsType(n2) OR IsProcedure(n2) OR IsRecord(n2) THEN CheckAsciiName(m, n2, p, n1) END END ; INC(j) UNTIL n2=NulSym END END ; INC(i) UNTIL n1=NulSym END END CheckProcedure ; (* CheckModule - checks the module, m, for symbols which look like, s. *) PROCEDURE CheckModule (m, s: CARDINAL) ; VAR i, n: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF m#NulSym THEN i := 1 ; REPEAT n := GetNth(m, i) ; IF n#NulSym THEN IF (n#NulSym) AND (n#s) THEN IF IsVar(n) OR IsType(n) OR IsProcedure(n) OR IsRecord(n) THEN CheckAsciiName(m, s, m, n) END END END ; INC(i) UNTIL n=NulSym END END CheckModule ; (* StudentVariableCheck - checks to see that variables are quite different from keywords and issues an message if they are not. It ignores case so to catch 1st and 2nd semester programming errors. *) PROCEDURE StudentVariableCheck ; VAR i, n, m: CARDINAL ; BEGIN m := GetMainModule() ; (* first check global scope *) i := 1 ; REPEAT n := GetNth(m, i) ; IF n#NulSym THEN IF IsVar(n) OR IsType(n) OR IsProcedure(n) OR IsRecord(n) THEN CheckModule(m, n) END END ; INC(i) UNTIL n=NulSym ; (* now check local scope *) i := 1 ; REPEAT n := GetNthProcedure(m, i) ; IF n#NulSym THEN IF IsProcedure(n) THEN CheckProcedure(m, n) END END ; INC(i) UNTIL n=NulSym END StudentVariableCheck ; BEGIN InitList(ErrantSymbols) ; InitList(ErrantNames) END M2Students.