(* M2SSA.mod discover very obvious single assignment temporaries. Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE M2SSA ; FROM M2Debug IMPORT Assert ; FROM NameKey IMPORT Name, WriteKey, MakeKey, GetKey ; FROM StrIO IMPORT WriteString, WriteLn ; FROM NumberIO IMPORT WriteCard ; FROM M2Error IMPORT InternalError ; FROM M2Batch IMPORT GetModuleNo ; FROM M2Quiet IMPORT qprintf1 ; FROM M2Scope IMPORT ScopeBlock, InitScopeBlock, KillScopeBlock ; FROM M2StackWord IMPORT StackOfWord, InitStackWord, KillStackWord, PushWord, PopWord, PeepWord ; FROM M2Options IMPORT CompilerDebugging ; FROM Lists IMPORT InitList, KillList, List, IncludeItemIntoList, IsItemInList ; FROM M2Printf IMPORT printf0, printf1, printf2 ; FROM SymbolTable IMPORT GetSymName, GetProcedureQuads, GetModuleQuads, GetModule, GetNthProcedure, GetSubrange, GetModuleScope, PutProcedureReachable, IsProcedureReachable, PutProcedureStartQuad, PutProcedureEndQuad, PutProcedureScopeQuad, PutNeedSavePriority, IsProcedure, GetPriority, GetDeclaredMod, GetFirstUsed, GetType, GetNth, GetWriteQuads, GetReadQuads, GetMode, IsExportQualified, IsExportUnQualified, IsExported, ForeachProcedureDo, ForeachInnerModuleDo, IsModuleWithinProcedure, IsTemporary, PutVariableSSA, NulSym ; FROM M2Quads IMPORT QuadOperator, GetQuad, GetFirstQuad, GetNextQuad, PutQuad, SubQuad, Opposite, IsReferenced, GetRealQuad ; VAR stack : StackOfWord ; visited: List ; (* writtenOnce - return TRUE if variable is written to once. *) PROCEDURE writtenOnce (variable: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR writeStart, writeEnd: CARDINAL ; readStart, readEnd : CARDINAL ; BEGIN GetWriteQuads (variable, GetMode (variable), writeStart, writeEnd) ; GetReadQuads (variable, GetMode (variable), readStart, readEnd) ; RETURN (writeStart = writeEnd) AND ((readStart > writeStart) OR (readStart = 0)) END writtenOnce ; (* DetermineSSA - performs a trivial check to see if the temporary is written to once. *) PROCEDURE DetermineSSA (variable: CARDINAL) ; VAR name: Name ; BEGIN IF EnableSSA AND IsTemporary (variable) THEN name := GetSymName (variable) ; IF writtenOnce (variable) THEN PutVariableSSA (variable, TRUE) ; IF CompilerDebugging THEN printf1 (" temporary: %a SSA found\n", name) END ELSE IF CompilerDebugging THEN printf1 (" temporary: %a not SSA\n", name) END END END END DetermineSSA ; (* DiscoverSSATemporaries - *) PROCEDURE DiscoverSSATemporaries (scope: CARDINAL) ; VAR n, variable: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF CompilerDebugging THEN printf1 ("examining scope %d\n", scope) END ; n := 1 ; variable := GetNth (scope, n) ; WHILE variable # NulSym DO DetermineSSA (variable) ; INC (n) ; variable := GetNth (scope, n) END END DiscoverSSATemporaries ; (* DiscoverSSA - perform a very simple check to determine whether a temporary is a single use write. *) PROCEDURE DiscoverSSA (scope: CARDINAL) ; VAR sb: ScopeBlock ; BEGIN IF NOT IsItemInList (visited, scope) THEN IncludeItemIntoList (visited, scope) ; sb := InitScopeBlock (scope) ; PushWord (stack, scope) ; IF CompilerDebugging THEN printf1 ("DiscoverSSA %d\n", scope) END ; IF CompilerDebugging THEN printf0 ("ForeachInnerModuleDo\n") END ; ForeachInnerModuleDo(scope, DiscoverSSA) ; IF CompilerDebugging THEN printf0 ("ForeachProcedureDo\n") END ; ForeachProcedureDo(scope, DiscoverSSA) ; DiscoverSSATemporaries (scope) ; Assert (PopWord (stack) = scope) ; KillScopeBlock (sb) END END DiscoverSSA ; BEGIN stack := InitStackWord () ; InitList (visited) END M2SSA.