(* M2Reserved.def determines is a token is a reserved word. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) DEFINITION MODULE M2Reserved ; (* Author : Gaius Mulley Title : M2Reserved Date : 15/5/87 Description: implements a procedure to determine if a symbol is a Modula-2 reserved word and provides conversion between toktype and the equivalent stringed, Name. *) FROM NameKey IMPORT Name ; EXPORT QUALIFIED IsReserved, tokToTok, NulTok, PlusTok, MinusTok, TimesTok, DivideTok, BecomesTok, AmbersandTok, PeriodTok, CommaTok, SemiColonTok, LParaTok, LSBraTok, LCBraTok, UpArrowTok, SingleQuoteTok, EqualTok, HashTok, LessTok, GreaterTok, LessGreaterTok, LessEqualTok, GreaterEqualTok, PeriodPeriodTok, ColonTok, RParaTok, RSBraTok, RCBraTok, BarTok, DoubleQuotesTok, AndTok, ArrayTok, BeginTok, ByTok, CaseTok, ConstTok, DefinitionTok, DivTok, DoTok, ElseTok, ElsifTok, EndTok, ExceptTok, ExitTok, ExportTok, FinallyTok, ForTok, ForwardTok, FromTok, IfTok, ImplementationTok, ImportTok, InTok, LoopTok, ModTok, ModuleTok, NotTok, OfTok, OrTok, PackedSetTok, PointerTok, ProcedureTok, QualifiedTok, UnQualifiedTok, RecordTok, RetryTok, RemTok, RepeatTok, ReturnTok, SetTok, ThenTok, ToTok, TypeTok, UntilTok, VarTok, WhileTok, WithTok, (* additional tokens which extend PIM Modula-2 slightly *) EofTok, AsmTok, VolatileTok, DateTok, LineTok, FileTok, AttributeTok, BuiltinTok, InlineTok, toktype ; TYPE toktype = (eoftok, plustok, minustok, timestok, dividetok, becomestok, ambersandtok, periodtok, commatok, semicolontok, lparatok, rparatok, lsbratok, rsbratok, lcbratok, rcbratok, uparrowtok, singlequotetok, equaltok, hashtok, lesstok, greatertok, lessgreatertok, lessequaltok, greaterequaltok, ldirectivetok, rdirectivetok, periodperiodtok, colontok, doublequotestok, bartok, andtok, arraytok, begintok, bytok, casetok, consttok, definitiontok, divtok, dotok, elsetok, elsiftok, endtok, excepttok, exittok, exporttok, finallytok, fortok, forwardtok, fromtok, iftok, implementationtok, importtok, intok, looptok, modtok, moduletok, nottok, oftok, ortok, packedsettok, pointertok, proceduretok, qualifiedtok, unqualifiedtok, recordtok, remtok, repeattok, retrytok, returntok, settok, thentok, totok, typetok, untiltok, vartok, whiletok, withtok, asmtok, volatiletok, periodperiodperiodtok, datetok, linetok, filetok, attributetok, builtintok, inlinetok, integertok, identtok, realtok, stringtok, virtualrangetok) ; VAR NulTok, PlusTok, MinusTok, TimesTok, DivideTok, BecomesTok, AmbersandTok, PeriodTok, CommaTok, SemiColonTok, LParaTok, LSBraTok, LCBraTok, UpArrowTok, SingleQuoteTok, EqualTok, HashTok, LessTok, GreaterTok, LessGreaterTok, LessEqualTok, GreaterEqualTok, LDirectiveTok, RDirectiveTok, PeriodPeriodTok, ColonTok, RParaTok, RSBraTok, RCBraTok, BarTok, DoubleQuotesTok, AndTok, ArrayTok, BeginTok, ByTok, CaseTok, ConstTok, DefinitionTok, DivTok, DoTok, ElseTok, ElsifTok, EndTok, ExceptTok, ExitTok, ExportTok, FinallyTok, ForTok, ForwardTok, FromTok, IfTok, ImplementationTok, ImportTok, InTok, LoopTok, ModTok, ModuleTok, NotTok, OfTok, OrTok, PackedSetTok, PointerTok, ProcedureTok, QualifiedTok, UnQualifiedTok, RecordTok, RemTok, RepeatTok, RetryTok, ReturnTok, SetTok, ThenTok, ToTok, TypeTok, UntilTok, VarTok, WhileTok, WithTok, EofTok, AsmTok, VolatileTok, DateTok, LineTok, FileTok, AttributeTok, BuiltinTok, InlineTok: Name ; (* IsReserved - returns TRUE if the symbol, Name, is a reserved word. If TRUE it also sets tok to the appropriate enumerated value. *) PROCEDURE IsReserved (n: Name; VAR tok: toktype) : BOOLEAN ; (* tokToTok - returns a Tok given the enumerated variable, t. *) PROCEDURE tokToTok (t: toktype) : Name ; END M2Reserved.