(* M2Quads.mod generates quadruples. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>. This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE M2Quads ; FROM Storage IMPORT ALLOCATE, DEALLOCATE ; FROM M2Debug IMPORT Assert, WriteDebug ; FROM NameKey IMPORT Name, NulName, MakeKey, GetKey, makekey, KeyToCharStar, WriteKey ; FROM FormatStrings IMPORT Sprintf0, Sprintf1, Sprintf2, Sprintf3 ; FROM M2DebugStack IMPORT DebugStack ; FROM StrLib IMPORT StrLen ; FROM M2Scaffold IMPORT DeclareScaffold, mainFunction, initFunction, finiFunction, linkFunction, PopulateCtorArray, ForeachModuleCallInit, ForeachModuleCallFinish ; FROM M2MetaError IMPORT MetaError0, MetaError1, MetaError2, MetaError3, MetaErrors1, MetaErrors2, MetaErrors3, MetaErrorT0, MetaErrorT1, MetaErrorT2, MetaErrorsT1, MetaErrorsT2, MetaErrorT3, MetaErrorStringT0, MetaErrorStringT1, MetaErrorStringT2, MetaErrorString1, MetaErrorString2, MetaErrorN1, MetaErrorN2, MetaErrorNT0, MetaErrorNT1, MetaErrorNT2, MetaErrorDecl ; FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String, string, InitString, KillString, ConCat, InitStringCharStar, Dup, Mark, PushAllocation, PopAllocationExemption, InitStringDB, InitStringCharStarDB, InitStringCharDB, MultDB, DupDB, SliceDB ; FROM SymbolTable IMPORT ModeOfAddr, GetMode, PutMode, GetSymName, IsUnknown, MakeTemporary, ProcedureKind, MakeTemporaryFromExpression, MakeTemporaryFromExpressions, MakeConstLit, MakeConstString, MakeConstant, MakeConstVar, MakeConstStringM2nul, MakeConstStringCnul, Make2Tuple, IsTuple, RequestSym, MakePointer, PutPointer, SkipType, GetDType, GetSType, GetLType, GetScope, GetCurrentScope, GetSubrange, SkipTypeAndSubrange, GetModule, GetMainModule, GetModuleScope, GetCurrentModuleScope, GetCurrentModule, GetFileModule, GetLocalSym, GetStringLength, GetString, GetArraySubscript, GetDimension, GetParam, GetNth, GetNthParamAny, GetFirstUsed, GetDeclaredMod, GetQuads, GetReadQuads, GetWriteQuads, GetWriteLimitQuads, GetReadLimitQuads, GetVarScope, GetModuleQuads, GetProcedureQuads, GetModuleCtors, MakeProcedure, PutConstStringKnown, PutModuleStartQuad, PutModuleEndQuad, PutModuleFinallyStartQuad, PutModuleFinallyEndQuad, PutProcedureStartQuad, PutProcedureEndQuad, PutProcedureScopeQuad, PutVar, PutConstSet, GetVarPointerCheck, PutVarPointerCheck, PutVarWritten, PutReadQuad, RemoveReadQuad, PutWriteQuad, RemoveWriteQuad, PutPriority, GetPriority, PutProcedureBegin, PutProcedureEnd, PutVarConst, IsVarConst, PutConstLitInternal, PutVarHeap, IsVarParamAny, IsProcedure, IsPointer, IsParameter, IsUnboundedParamAny, IsEnumeration, IsDefinitionForC, IsVarAParam, IsVarient, IsLegal, UsesVarArgs, UsesOptArgAny, GetOptArgInit, IsReturnOptionalAny, NoOfElements, NoOfParamAny, StartScope, EndScope, IsGnuAsm, IsGnuAsmVolatile, MakeRegInterface, PutRegInterface, HasExceptionBlock, PutExceptionBlock, HasExceptionFinally, PutExceptionFinally, GetParent, GetRecord, IsRecordField, IsFieldVarient, IsRecord, IsFieldEnumeration, IsVar, IsProcType, IsType, IsSubrange, IsExported, IsConst, IsConstString, IsModule, IsDefImp, IsArray, IsUnbounded, IsProcedureNested, IsParameterUnbounded, IsPartialUnbounded, IsProcedureBuiltin, IsSet, IsConstSet, IsConstructor, PutConst, PutConstructor, PutConstructorFrom, PutDeclared, MakeComponentRecord, MakeComponentRef, IsSubscript, IsComponent, IsConstStringKnown, IsTemporary, IsHiddenType, IsAModula2Type, PutLeftValueFrontBackType, PushSize, PushValue, PopValue, GetVariableAtAddress, IsVariableAtAddress, MakeError, UnknownReported, IsProcedureBuiltinAvailable, IsError, IsInnerModule, IsImportStatement, IsImport, GetImportModule, GetImportDeclared, GetImportStatementList, GetModuleDefImportStatementList, GetModuleModImportStatementList, IsCtor, IsPublic, IsExtern, IsMonoName, GetUnboundedRecordType, GetUnboundedAddressOffset, GetUnboundedHighOffset, PutVarArrayRef, PutProcedureDefined, PutProcedureParametersDefined, GetVarDeclFullTok, ForeachFieldEnumerationDo, ForeachLocalSymDo, GetExported, PutImported, GetSym, GetLibName, GetTypeMode, IsVarConditional, PutVarConditional, IsUnused, NulSym ; FROM M2Batch IMPORT MakeDefinitionSource ; FROM M2GCCDeclare IMPORT PutToBeSolvedByQuads ; FROM FifoQueue IMPORT GetConstFromFifoQueue, PutConstructorIntoFifoQueue, GetConstructorFromFifoQueue ; FROM M2Comp IMPORT CompilingImplementationModule, CompilingProgramModule ; FROM M2LexBuf IMPORT currenttoken, UnknownTokenNo, BuiltinTokenNo, GetToken, MakeVirtualTok, MakeVirtual2Tok, GetFileName, TokenToLineNo, GetTokenName, GetTokenNo, GetLineNo, GetPreviousTokenLineNo, PrintTokenNo ; FROM M2Error IMPORT Error, InternalError, WriteFormat0, WriteFormat1, WriteFormat2, WriteFormat3, NewError, NewWarning, ErrorFormat0, ErrorFormat1, ErrorFormat2, ErrorFormat3, FlushErrors, ChainError, ErrorString, ErrorStringAt, ErrorStringAt2, ErrorStringsAt2, WarnStringAt, WarnStringAt2, WarnStringsAt2 ; FROM M2Printf IMPORT fprintf0, fprintf1, fprintf2, fprintf3, fprintf4, printf0, printf1, printf2, printf3, printf4 ; FROM M2Reserved IMPORT PlusTok, MinusTok, TimesTok, DivTok, ModTok, DivideTok, RemTok, OrTok, AndTok, AmbersandTok, EqualTok, LessEqualTok, GreaterEqualTok, LessTok, GreaterTok, HashTok, LessGreaterTok, InTok, UpArrowTok, RParaTok, LParaTok, CommaTok, NulTok, ByTok, SemiColonTok, toktype ; FROM M2Base IMPORT True, False, Boolean, Cardinal, Integer, Char, Real, LongReal, ShortReal, Nil, ZType, RType, CType, Re, Im, Cmplx, NegateType, ComplexToScalar, GetCmplxReturnType, IsAssignmentCompatible, IsExpressionCompatible, AssignmentRequiresWarning, CannotCheckTypeInPass3, ScalarToComplex, MixTypes, CheckAssignmentCompatible, CheckExpressionCompatible, High, LengthS, New, Dispose, Inc, Dec, Incl, Excl, Cap, Abs, Odd, IsOrd, Chr, Convert, Val, IsFloat, IsTrunc, IsInt, Min, Max, IsPseudoBaseProcedure, IsPseudoBaseFunction, IsMathType, IsOrdinalType, IsRealType, IsBaseType, GetBaseTypeMinMax, ActivationPointer ; FROM M2System IMPORT IsPseudoSystemFunction, IsPseudoSystemProcedure, IsSystemType, GetSystemTypeMinMax, IsPseudoSystemFunctionConstExpression, IsGenericSystemType, Adr, TSize, TBitSize, AddAdr, SubAdr, DifAdr, Cast, Shift, Rotate, MakeAdr, Address, Byte, Word, Loc, Throw ; FROM M2Size IMPORT Size ; FROM M2Bitset IMPORT Bitset ; FROM M2ALU IMPORT PushInt, Gre, Less, PushNulSet, AddBitRange, AddBit, IsGenericNulSet, IsValueAndTreeKnown, AddField, AddElements, ChangeToConstructor ; FROM Lists IMPORT List, InitList, GetItemFromList, NoOfItemsInList, PutItemIntoList, IsItemInList, KillList, IncludeItemIntoList ; FROM M2Options IMPORT NilChecking, WholeDivChecking, WholeValueChecking, IndexChecking, RangeChecking, CaseElseChecking, ReturnChecking, UnusedVariableChecking, UnusedParameterChecking, Iso, Pim, Pim2, Pim3, Pim4, PositiveModFloorDiv, Pedantic, CompilerDebugging, GenerateDebugging, GenerateLineDebug, Exceptions, Profiling, Coding, Optimizing, UninitVariableChecking, ScaffoldDynamic, ScaffoldStatic, cflag, ScaffoldMain, SharedFlag, WholeProgram, GetDumpDir, GetM2DumpFilter, GetRuntimeModuleOverride, GetDebugTraceQuad, GetDumpQuad ; FROM M2LangDump IMPORT CreateDumpQuad, CloseDumpQuad, GetDumpFile ; FROM M2Pass IMPORT IsPassCodeGeneration, IsNoPass ; FROM M2StackAddress IMPORT StackOfAddress, InitStackAddress, KillStackAddress, PushAddress, PopAddress, PeepAddress, IsEmptyAddress, NoOfItemsInStackAddress ; FROM M2StackWord IMPORT StackOfWord, InitStackWord, KillStackWord, PushWord, PopWord, PeepWord, RemoveTop, IsEmptyWord, NoOfItemsInStackWord ; FROM Indexing IMPORT Index, InitIndex, GetIndice, PutIndice, InBounds, HighIndice, IncludeIndiceIntoIndex, InitIndexTuned ; FROM M2Range IMPORT InitAssignmentRangeCheck, InitReturnRangeCheck, InitSubrangeRangeCheck, InitStaticArraySubscriptRangeCheck, InitDynamicArraySubscriptRangeCheck, InitIncRangeCheck, InitDecRangeCheck, InitInclCheck, InitExclCheck, InitRotateCheck, InitShiftCheck, InitTypesAssignmentCheck, InitTypesExpressionCheck, InitTypesParameterCheck, InitForLoopBeginRangeCheck, InitForLoopToRangeCheck, InitForLoopEndRangeCheck, InitPointerRangeCheck, InitNoReturnRangeCheck, InitNoElseRangeCheck, InitCaseBounds, InitWholeZeroDivisionCheck, InitWholeZeroRemainderCheck, InitParameterRangeCheck, PutRangeForIncrement, WriteRangeCheck ; FROM M2CaseList IMPORT PushCase, PopCase, AddRange, BeginCaseList, EndCaseList, ElseCase ; FROM PCSymBuild IMPORT SkipConst ; FROM m2builtins IMPORT GetBuiltinTypeInfoType ; FROM M2LangDump IMPORT IsDumpRequired ; IMPORT M2Error, FIO, SFIO, DynamicStrings, StdIO ; CONST DebugStackOn = TRUE ; DebugVarients = FALSE ; BreakAtQuad = 758 ; DebugTokPos = FALSE ; TYPE ConstructorFrame = POINTER TO RECORD type : CARDINAL ; index: CARDINAL ; END ; BoolFrame = POINTER TO RECORD TrueExit : CARDINAL ; FalseExit : CARDINAL ; Unbounded : CARDINAL ; BooleanOp : BOOLEAN ; Dimension : CARDINAL ; ReadWrite : CARDINAL ; name : CARDINAL ; RangeDep : CARDINAL ; Annotation: String ; tokenno : CARDINAL ; END ; QuadFrame = POINTER TO RECORD Operator : QuadOperator ; Operand1 : CARDINAL ; Operand2 : CARDINAL ; Operand3 : CARDINAL ; Trash : CARDINAL ; Next : CARDINAL ; (* Next quadruple. *) LineNo : CARDINAL ; (* Line No of source text. *) TokenNo : CARDINAL ; (* Token No of source text. *) NoOfTimesReferenced: CARDINAL ; (* No of times quad is referenced. *) ConstExpr, (* Must backend resolve this at *) (* compile time? *) CheckType, CheckOverflow : BOOLEAN ; (* should backend check overflow *) op1pos, op2pos, op3pos : CARDINAL ; (* Token position of operands. *) END ; WithFrame = POINTER TO RECORD RecordSym : CARDINAL ; RecordType : CARDINAL ; RecordRef : CARDINAL ; rw : CARDINAL ; (* The record variable. *) RecordTokPos: CARDINAL ; (* Token of the record. *) END ; ForLoopInfo = POINTER TO RECORD IncrementQuad, StartOfForLoop, (* We keep a list of all for *) EndOfForLoop, (* loops so we can check index. *) ForLoopIndex, IndexTok : CARDINAL ; (* Used to ensure iterators are not *) (* user modified. *) END ; LineNote = POINTER TO RECORD Line: CARDINAL ; File: Name ; Next: LineNote ; END ; VAR ConstructorStack, LineStack, BoolStack, WithStack : StackOfAddress ; TryStack, CatchStack, ExceptStack, ConstExprStack, ConstParamStack, AutoStack, RepeatStack, WhileStack, ForStack, ExitStack, ReturnStack : StackOfWord ; (* Return quadruple of the procedure. *) PriorityStack : StackOfWord ; (* Temporary variable holding old *) (* priority. *) SuppressWith : BOOLEAN ; QuadArray : Index ; NextQuad : CARDINAL ; (* Next quadruple number to be created. *) FreeList : CARDINAL ; (* FreeList of quadruples. *) CurrentProc : CARDINAL ; (* Current procedure being compiled, used *) (* to determine which procedure a RETURN. *) (* ReturnValueOp must have as its 3rd op. *) InitQuad : CARDINAL ; (* Initial Quad BackPatch that starts the *) (* suit of Modules. *) LastQuadNo : CARDINAL ; (* Last Quadruple accessed by GetQuad. *) ArithPlusTok, (* Internal + token for arithmetic only. *) LogicalOrTok, (* Internal _LOR token. *) LogicalAndTok, (* Internal _LAND token. *) LogicalXorTok, (* Internal _LXOR token. *) LogicalDifferenceTok : Name ; (* Internal _LDIFF token. *) InConstExpression, InConstParameters, IsAutoOn, (* Should parser automatically push *) (* idents? *) MustNotCheckBounds : BOOLEAN ; ForInfo : Index ; (* Start and end of all FOR loops. *) GrowInitialization : CARDINAL ; (* Upper limit of where the initialized *) (* quadruples. *) BuildingHigh, BuildingSize, QuadrupleGeneration : BOOLEAN ; (* Should we be generating quadruples? *) FreeLineList : LineNote ; (* Free list of line notes. *) VarientFields : List ; (* The list of all varient fields created. *) VarientFieldNo : CARDINAL ; (* Used to retrieve the VarientFields *) (* in order. *) NoOfQuads : CARDINAL ; (* Number of used quadruples. *) Head : CARDINAL ; (* Head of the list of quadruples. *) (* Rules for file and initialization quadruples: StartModFileOp - indicates that this file (module) has produced the following code StartDefFileOp - indicates that this definition module has produced this code. EndFileOp - indicates that a module has finished InitStartOp - the start of the initialization code of a module InitEndOp - the end of the above FinallyStartOp - the start of the finalization code of a module FinallyEndOp - the end of the above *) (* #define InitString(X) InitStringDB(X, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define InitStringCharStar(X) InitStringCharStarDB(X, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define InitStringChar(X) InitStringCharDB(X, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define Mult(X,Y) MultDB(X, Y, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define Dup(X) DupDB(X, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define Slice(X,Y,Z) SliceDB(X, Y, Z, __FILE__, __LINE__) *) (* doDSdbEnter - *) (* PROCEDURE doDSdbEnter ; BEGIN PushAllocation END doDSdbEnter ; *) (* doDSdbExit - *) (* PROCEDURE doDSdbExit (s: String) ; BEGIN s := PopAllocationExemption(TRUE, s) END doDSdbExit ; *) (* DSdbEnter - *) PROCEDURE DSdbEnter ; BEGIN END DSdbEnter ; (* DSdbExit - *) PROCEDURE DSdbExit ; BEGIN END DSdbExit ; (* #define DBsbEnter doDBsbEnter #define DBsbExit doDBsbExit *) (* SetOptionProfiling - builds a profile quadruple if the profiling option was given to the compiler. *) PROCEDURE SetOptionProfiling (b: BOOLEAN) ; BEGIN IF b#Profiling THEN IF b THEN BuildProfileOn ELSE BuildProfileOff END ; Profiling := b END END SetOptionProfiling ; (* SetOptionCoding - builds a code quadruple if the profiling option was given to the compiler. *) PROCEDURE SetOptionCoding (b: BOOLEAN) ; BEGIN IF b#Coding THEN IF b THEN BuildCodeOn ELSE BuildCodeOff END ; Coding := b END END SetOptionCoding ; (* SetOptionOptimizing - builds a quadruple to say that the optimization option has been found in a comment. *) PROCEDURE SetOptionOptimizing (b: BOOLEAN) ; BEGIN IF b THEN BuildOptimizeOn ELSE BuildOptimizeOff END END SetOptionOptimizing ; (* GetQF - returns the QuadFrame associated with, q. *) PROCEDURE GetQF (q: CARDINAL) : QuadFrame ; BEGIN RETURN QuadFrame (GetIndice (QuadArray, q)) END GetQF ; (* Opposite - returns the opposite comparison operator. *) PROCEDURE Opposite (Operator: QuadOperator) : QuadOperator ; VAR Op: QuadOperator ; BEGIN CASE Operator OF IfNotEquOp : Op := IfEquOp | IfEquOp : Op := IfNotEquOp | IfLessEquOp: Op := IfGreOp | IfGreOp : Op := IfLessEquOp | IfGreEquOp : Op := IfLessOp | IfLessOp : Op := IfGreEquOp | IfInOp : Op := IfNotInOp | IfNotInOp : Op := IfInOp ELSE InternalError ('unexpected operator') END ; RETURN Op END Opposite ; (* IsReferenced - returns true if QuadNo is referenced by another quadruple. *) PROCEDURE IsReferenced (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF(QuadNo) ; WITH f^ DO RETURN( (Operator=ProcedureScopeOp) OR (Operator=NewLocalVarOp) OR (NoOfTimesReferenced>0) ) END END IsReferenced ; (* IsBackReference - returns TRUE if quadruple, q, is referenced from a quad further on. *) PROCEDURE IsBackReference (q: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR i : CARDINAL ; op : QuadOperator ; op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ; BEGIN i := q ; WHILE i#0 DO GetQuad (i, op, op1, op2, op3) ; CASE op OF NewLocalVarOp, KillLocalVarOp, FinallyStartOp, FinallyEndOp, InitEndOp, InitStartOp, EndFileOp, StartDefFileOp, StartModFileOp: RETURN( FALSE ) | (* run into end of procedure or module *) GotoOp, IfEquOp, IfLessEquOp, IfGreEquOp, IfGreOp, IfLessOp, IfNotEquOp, IfInOp, IfNotInOp : IF op3=q THEN RETURN( TRUE ) END ELSE END ; i := GetNextQuad (i) END ; InternalError ('fix this for the sake of efficiency..') END IsBackReference ; (* IsUnConditional - returns true if QuadNo is an unconditional jump. *) PROCEDURE IsUnConditional (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF(QuadNo) ; WITH f^ DO CASE Operator OF ThrowOp, RetryOp, CallOp, ReturnOp, GotoOp : RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END END IsUnConditional ; (* IsConditional - returns true if QuadNo is a conditional jump. *) PROCEDURE IsConditional (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF(QuadNo) ; WITH f^ DO CASE Operator OF IfInOp, IfNotInOp, IfEquOp, IfNotEquOp, IfLessOp, IfLessEquOp, IfGreOp, IfGreEquOp : RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END ; END END IsConditional ; (* IsBackReferenceConditional - returns TRUE if quadruple, q, is referenced from a conditional quad further on. *) PROCEDURE IsBackReferenceConditional (q: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR i : CARDINAL ; op : QuadOperator ; op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ; BEGIN i := q ; WHILE i#0 DO GetQuad (i, op, op1, op2, op3) ; CASE op OF NewLocalVarOp, KillLocalVarOp, FinallyStartOp, FinallyEndOp, InitEndOp, InitStartOp, EndFileOp, StartDefFileOp, StartModFileOp: RETURN( FALSE ) | (* run into end of procedure or module *) TryOp, RetryOp, GotoOp, IfEquOp, IfLessEquOp, IfGreEquOp, IfGreOp, IfLessOp, IfNotEquOp, IfInOp, IfNotInOp : IF (op3=q) AND IsConditional(q) THEN RETURN( TRUE ) END ELSE RETURN FALSE END ; i := GetNextQuad (i) END ; InternalError ('fix this for the sake of efficiency..') END IsBackReferenceConditional ; (* IsQuadA - returns true if QuadNo is a op. *) PROCEDURE IsQuadA (QuadNo: CARDINAL; op: QuadOperator) : BOOLEAN ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF(QuadNo) ; WITH f^ DO RETURN( Operator=op ) END END IsQuadA ; (* IsGoto - returns true if QuadNo is a goto operation. *) PROCEDURE IsGoto (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsQuadA (QuadNo, GotoOp) ) END IsGoto ; (* IsCall - returns true if QuadNo is a call operation. *) PROCEDURE IsCall (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, CallOp) ) END IsCall ; (* IsReturn - returns true if QuadNo is a return operation. *) PROCEDURE IsReturn (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, ReturnOp) ) END IsReturn ; (* IsNewLocalVar - returns true if QuadNo is a NewLocalVar operation. *) PROCEDURE IsNewLocalVar (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, NewLocalVarOp) ) END IsNewLocalVar ; (* IsKillLocalVar - returns true if QuadNo is a KillLocalVar operation. *) PROCEDURE IsKillLocalVar (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, KillLocalVarOp) ) END IsKillLocalVar ; (* IsProcedureScope - returns true if QuadNo is a ProcedureScope operation. *) PROCEDURE IsProcedureScope (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, ProcedureScopeOp) ) END IsProcedureScope ; (* IsCatchBegin - returns true if QuadNo is a catch begin quad. *) PROCEDURE IsCatchBegin (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, CatchBeginOp) ) END IsCatchBegin ; (* IsCatchEnd - returns true if QuadNo is a catch end quad. *) PROCEDURE IsCatchEnd (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, CatchEndOp) ) END IsCatchEnd ; (* IsInitStart - returns true if QuadNo is a init start quad. *) PROCEDURE IsInitStart (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, InitStartOp) ) END IsInitStart ; (* IsInitEnd - returns true if QuadNo is a init end quad. *) PROCEDURE IsInitEnd (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, InitEndOp) ) END IsInitEnd ; (* IsFinallyStart - returns true if QuadNo is a finally start quad. *) PROCEDURE IsFinallyStart (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, FinallyStartOp) ) END IsFinallyStart ; (* IsFinallyEnd - returns true if QuadNo is a finally end quad. *) PROCEDURE IsFinallyEnd (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsQuadA(QuadNo, FinallyEndOp) ) END IsFinallyEnd ; (* IsBecomes - return TRUE if QuadNo is a BecomesOp. *) PROCEDURE IsBecomes (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN IsQuadA (QuadNo, BecomesOp) END IsBecomes ; (* IsDummy - return TRUE if QuadNo is a DummyOp. *) PROCEDURE IsDummy (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN IsQuadA (QuadNo, DummyOp) END IsDummy ; (* IsQuadConstExpr - returns TRUE if QuadNo is part of a constant expression. *) PROCEDURE IsQuadConstExpr (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF (QuadNo) ; RETURN f^.ConstExpr END IsQuadConstExpr ; (* SetQuadConstExpr - sets the constexpr field to value. *) PROCEDURE SetQuadConstExpr (QuadNo: CARDINAL; value: BOOLEAN) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF (QuadNo) ; f^.ConstExpr := value END SetQuadConstExpr ; (* GetQuadDest - returns the jump destination associated with quad. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadDest (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN RETURN GetQuadOp3 (QuadNo) END GetQuadDest ; (* GetQuadOp1 - returns the 1st operand associated with quad. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadOp1 (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF (QuadNo) ; RETURN f^.Operand1 END GetQuadOp1 ; (* GetQuadOp2 - returns the 2nd operand associated with quad. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadOp2 (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF (QuadNo) ; RETURN f^.Operand2 END GetQuadOp2 ; (* GetQuadOp3 - returns the 3rd operand associated with quad. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadOp3 (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF (QuadNo) ; RETURN f^.Operand3 END GetQuadOp3 ; (* IsInitialisingConst - returns TRUE if the quadruple is setting a const (op1) with a value. *) PROCEDURE IsInitialisingConst (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR op : QuadOperator ; op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ; BEGIN GetQuad (QuadNo, op, op1, op2, op3) ; RETURN OpUsesOp1 (op) AND IsConst (op1) END IsInitialisingConst ; (* IsConstQuad - return TRUE if the quadruple is marked as a constexpr. *) PROCEDURE IsConstQuad (quad: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF (quad) ; RETURN f^.ConstExpr END IsConstQuad ; (* OpUsesOp1 - return TRUE if op allows op1. *) PROCEDURE OpUsesOp1 (op: QuadOperator) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN CASE op OF StringConvertCnulOp, StringConvertM2nulOp, StringLengthOp, InclOp, ExclOp, UnboundedOp, FunctValueOp, NegateOp, BecomesOp, HighOp, SizeOp, AddrOp, RecordFieldOp, ArrayOp, LogicalShiftOp, LogicalRotateOp, LogicalOrOp, LogicalAndOp, LogicalXorOp, CoerceOp, ConvertOp, CastOp, AddOp, SubOp, MultOp, ModFloorOp, DivCeilOp, ModCeilOp, DivFloorOp, ModTruncOp, DivTruncOp, DivM2Op, ModM2Op, XIndrOp, IndrXOp, SaveExceptionOp, RestoreExceptionOp: RETURN TRUE ELSE RETURN FALSE END END OpUsesOp1 ; (* IsConditionalBooleanQuad - return TRUE if operand 1 is a boolean result. *) PROCEDURE IsConditionalBooleanQuad (quad: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF (quad) ; RETURN OpUsesOp1 (f^.Operator) AND (IsVar (f^.Operand1) OR IsConst (f^.Operand1)) AND IsVarConditional (f^.Operand1) END IsConditionalBooleanQuad ; (* IsOptimizeOn - returns true if the Optimize flag was true at QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE IsOptimizeOn (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR f : QuadFrame ; n, q : CARDINAL ; On: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN On := Optimizing ; q := Head ; WHILE (q#0) AND (q#QuadNo) DO f := GetQF(q) ; WITH f^ DO IF Operator=OptimizeOnOp THEN On := TRUE ELSIF Operator=OptimizeOffOp THEN On := FALSE END ; n := Next END ; q := n END ; RETURN( On ) END IsOptimizeOn ; (* IsProfileOn - returns true if the Profile flag was true at QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE IsProfileOn (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR f : QuadFrame ; n, q : CARDINAL ; On: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN On := Profiling ; q := Head ; WHILE (q#0) AND (q#QuadNo) DO f := GetQF(q) ; WITH f^ DO IF Operator=ProfileOnOp THEN On := TRUE ELSIF Operator=ProfileOffOp THEN On := FALSE END ; n := Next END ; q := n END ; RETURN( On ) END IsProfileOn ; (* IsCodeOn - returns true if the Code flag was true at QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE IsCodeOn (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR f : QuadFrame ; n, q : CARDINAL ; On: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN On := Coding ; q := Head ; WHILE (q#0) AND (q#QuadNo) DO f := GetQF(q) ; WITH f^ DO IF Operator=CodeOnOp THEN On := TRUE ELSIF Operator=CodeOffOp THEN On := FALSE END ; n := Next END ; q := n END ; RETURN( On ) END IsCodeOn ; (* IsDefOrModFile - returns TRUE if QuadNo is a start of Module or Def file directive. *) PROCEDURE IsDefOrModFile (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF(QuadNo) ; WITH f^ DO RETURN( (Operator=StartDefFileOp) OR (Operator=StartModFileOp) ) END END IsDefOrModFile ; (* IsPseudoQuad - returns true if QuadNo is a compiler directive. ie code, profile and optimize. StartFile, EndFile, *) PROCEDURE IsPseudoQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF(QuadNo) ; WITH f^ DO RETURN( (Operator=CodeOnOp) OR (Operator=CodeOffOp) OR (Operator=ProfileOnOp) OR (Operator=ProfileOffOp) OR (Operator=OptimizeOnOp) OR (Operator=OptimizeOffOp) OR (Operator=EndFileOp) OR (Operator=StartDefFileOp) OR (Operator=StartModFileOp) ) END END IsPseudoQuad ; (* GetLastFileQuad - returns the Quadruple number of the last StartDefFile or StartModFile quadruple. *) PROCEDURE GetLastFileQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR f : QuadFrame ; q, i, FileQuad: CARDINAL ; BEGIN q := Head ; FileQuad := 0 ; REPEAT f := GetQF(q) ; WITH f^ DO IF (Operator=StartModFileOp) OR (Operator=StartDefFileOp) THEN FileQuad := q END ; i := Next END ; q := i UNTIL (i=QuadNo) OR (i=0) ; Assert(i#0) ; Assert(FileQuad#0) ; RETURN( FileQuad ) END GetLastFileQuad ; (* GetLastQuadNo - returns the last quadruple number referenced by a GetQuad. *) PROCEDURE GetLastQuadNo () : CARDINAL ; BEGIN RETURN( LastQuadNo ) END GetLastQuadNo ; (* QuadToLineNo - Converts a QuadNo into the approprate line number of the source file, the line number is returned. This may be used to yield an idea where abouts in the source file the code generetion is processing. *) PROCEDURE QuadToLineNo (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN IF ((LastQuadNo=0) AND (NOT IsNoPass()) AND (NOT IsPassCodeGeneration())) OR (NOT InBounds(QuadArray, QuadNo)) THEN RETURN( 0 ) ELSE f := GetQF(QuadNo) ; RETURN( f^.LineNo ) END END QuadToLineNo ; (* QuadToTokenNo - Converts a QuadNo into the approprate token number of the source file, the line number is returned. This may be used to yield an idea where abouts in the source file the code generetion is processing. *) PROCEDURE QuadToTokenNo (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN IF ((LastQuadNo=0) AND (NOT IsNoPass()) AND (NOT IsPassCodeGeneration())) OR (NOT InBounds(QuadArray, QuadNo)) THEN RETURN( 0 ) ELSE f := GetQF(QuadNo) ; RETURN( f^.TokenNo ) END END QuadToTokenNo ; (* GetQuad - returns the Quadruple QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE GetQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL; VAR Op: QuadOperator; VAR Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF(QuadNo) ; LastQuadNo := QuadNo ; WITH f^ DO Op := Operator ; Oper1 := Operand1 ; Oper2 := Operand2 ; Oper3 := Operand3 END END GetQuad ; (* GetQuadtok - returns the Quadruple QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadtok (QuadNo: CARDINAL; VAR Op: QuadOperator; VAR Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL; VAR Op1Pos, Op2Pos, Op3Pos: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF (QuadNo) ; LastQuadNo := QuadNo ; WITH f^ DO Op := Operator ; Oper1 := Operand1 ; Oper2 := Operand2 ; Oper3 := Operand3 ; Op1Pos := op1pos ; Op2Pos := op2pos ; Op3Pos := op3pos END END GetQuadtok ; (* GetQuadOtok - returns the Quadruple QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadOtok (QuadNo: CARDINAL; VAR tok: CARDINAL; VAR Op: QuadOperator; VAR Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL; VAR overflowChecking, constExpr: BOOLEAN ; VAR Op1Pos, Op2Pos, Op3Pos: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF (QuadNo) ; LastQuadNo := QuadNo ; WITH f^ DO Op := Operator ; Oper1 := Operand1 ; Oper2 := Operand2 ; Oper3 := Operand3 ; Op1Pos := op1pos ; Op2Pos := op2pos ; Op3Pos := op3pos ; tok := TokenNo ; overflowChecking := CheckOverflow ; constExpr := ConstExpr END END GetQuadOtok ; (* PutQuadOtok - alters a quadruple QuadNo with Op, Oper1, Oper2, Oper3, and sets a boolean to determinine whether overflow should be checked. *) PROCEDURE PutQuadOtok (QuadNo: CARDINAL; tok: CARDINAL; Op: QuadOperator; Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL; overflowChecking, constExpr: BOOLEAN ; Op1Pos, Op2Pos, Op3Pos: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN IF QuadrupleGeneration THEN EraseQuad (QuadNo) ; AddQuadInformation (QuadNo, Op, Oper1, Oper2, Oper3) ; f := GetQF (QuadNo) ; WITH f^ DO Operator := Op ; Operand1 := Oper1 ; Operand2 := Oper2 ; Operand3 := Oper3 ; CheckOverflow := overflowChecking ; op1pos := Op1Pos ; op2pos := Op2Pos ; op3pos := Op3Pos ; TokenNo := tok ; ConstExpr := constExpr END END END PutQuadOtok ; (* AddQuadInformation - adds variable analysis and jump analysis to the new quadruple. *) PROCEDURE AddQuadInformation (QuadNo: CARDINAL; Op: QuadOperator; Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN CASE Op OF IfInOp, IfNotInOp, IfEquOp, IfNotEquOp, IfLessOp, IfLessEquOp, IfGreOp, IfGreEquOp : ManipulateReference(QuadNo, Oper3) ; CheckAddVariableRead(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckAddVariableRead(Oper2, FALSE, QuadNo) | LastForIteratorOp: CheckAddVariableWrite (Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckAddTuple2Read (Oper2, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckAddVariableRead (Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) | TryOp, RetryOp, GotoOp : ManipulateReference(QuadNo, Oper3) | (* variable references *) InclOp, ExclOp : CheckConst(Oper1) ; CheckAddVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper1, TRUE, QuadNo) | UnboundedOp, FunctValueOp, NegateOp, BecomesOp, HighOp, SizeOp : CheckConst(Oper1) ; CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckAddVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) | AddrOp : CheckConst(Oper1) ; CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ; (* CheckAddVariableReadLeftValue(Oper3, QuadNo) *) (* the next line is a kludge and assumes we _will_ write to the variable as we have taken its address *) CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, TRUE, QuadNo) | ReturnValueOp : CheckAddVariableRead(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) | ReturnOp, NewLocalVarOp, KillLocalVarOp : | CallOp : CheckAddVariableRead(Oper3, TRUE, QuadNo) | ParamOp : CheckAddVariableRead(Oper2, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckAddVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) ; IF (Oper1>0) AND (Oper1<=NoOfParamAny(Oper2)) AND IsVarParamAny (Oper2, Oper1) THEN (* _may_ also write to a var parameter, although we dont know *) CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper3, TRUE, QuadNo) END | RecordFieldOp, ArrayOp, LogicalShiftOp, LogicalRotateOp, LogicalOrOp, LogicalAndOp, LogicalXorOp, CoerceOp, ConvertOp, CastOp, AddOp, SubOp, MultOp, DivM2Op, ModM2Op, ModFloorOp, DivCeilOp, ModCeilOp, DivFloorOp, ModTruncOp, DivTruncOp : CheckConst(Oper1) ; CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckAddVariableRead(Oper2, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckAddVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) | XIndrOp : CheckConst(Oper1) ; CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper1, TRUE, QuadNo) ; CheckAddVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) | IndrXOp : CheckConst(Oper1) ; CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckAddVariableRead(Oper3, TRUE, QuadNo) | (* RangeCheckOp : CheckRangeAddVariableRead(Oper3, QuadNo) | *) SaveExceptionOp : CheckConst(Oper1) ; CheckAddVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) | RestoreExceptionOp: CheckAddVariableRead(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ELSE END END AddQuadInformation ; PROCEDURE stop ; BEGIN END stop ; (* CheckBreak - check whether QuadNo = BreakAtQuad and if so call stop. *) PROCEDURE CheckBreak (QuadNo: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF QuadNo = BreakAtQuad THEN stop END END CheckBreak ; (* PutQuadO - alters a quadruple QuadNo with Op, Oper1, Oper2, Oper3, and sets a boolean to determinine whether overflow should be checked. *) PROCEDURE PutQuadO (QuadNo: CARDINAL; Op: QuadOperator; Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL; overflow: BOOLEAN) ; BEGIN PutQuadOType (QuadNo, Op, Oper1, Oper2, Oper3, overflow, TRUE) END PutQuadO ; (* PutQuadOType - *) PROCEDURE PutQuadOType (QuadNo: CARDINAL; Op: QuadOperator; Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL; overflow, checktype: BOOLEAN) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN IF QuadrupleGeneration THEN EraseQuad (QuadNo) ; AddQuadInformation (QuadNo, Op, Oper1, Oper2, Oper3) ; f := GetQF (QuadNo) ; WITH f^ DO Operator := Op ; Operand1 := Oper1 ; Operand2 := Oper2 ; Operand3 := Oper3 ; CheckOverflow := overflow ; CheckType := checktype ; ConstExpr := FALSE ; (* IsInConstExpression () *) END END END PutQuadOType ; (* PutQuad - overwrites a quadruple QuadNo with Op, Oper1, Oper2, Oper3 *) PROCEDURE PutQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL; Op: QuadOperator; Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN PutQuadO (QuadNo, Op, Oper1, Oper2, Oper3, TRUE) END PutQuad ; (* GetQuadOTypetok - returns the fields associated with quadruple QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadOTypetok (QuadNo: CARDINAL; VAR tok: CARDINAL; VAR Op: QuadOperator; VAR Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL; VAR overflowChecking, typeChecking, constExpr: BOOLEAN ; VAR Op1Pos, Op2Pos, Op3Pos: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF (QuadNo) ; LastQuadNo := QuadNo ; WITH f^ DO Op := Operator ; Oper1 := Operand1 ; Oper2 := Operand2 ; Oper3 := Operand3 ; Op1Pos := op1pos ; Op2Pos := op2pos ; Op3Pos := op3pos ; tok := TokenNo ; overflowChecking := CheckOverflow ; typeChecking := CheckType ; constExpr := ConstExpr END END GetQuadOTypetok ; (* UndoReadWriteInfo - *) PROCEDURE UndoReadWriteInfo (QuadNo: CARDINAL; Op: QuadOperator; Oper1, Oper2, Oper3: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN CASE Op OF (* jumps, calls and branches *) IfInOp, IfNotInOp, IfEquOp, IfNotEquOp, IfLessOp, IfLessEquOp, IfGreOp, IfGreEquOp : RemoveReference(QuadNo) ; CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper2, FALSE, QuadNo) | TryOp, RetryOp, GotoOp : RemoveReference(QuadNo) | (* variable references *) InclOp, ExclOp : CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, TRUE, QuadNo) | UnboundedOp, FunctValueOp, NegateOp, BecomesOp, HighOp, SizeOp : CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) | AddrOp : CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ; (* CheckRemoveVariableReadLeftValue(Oper3, QuadNo) ; *) (* the next line is a kludge and assumes we _will_ write to the variable as we have taken its address *) CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, TRUE, QuadNo) | ReturnValueOp : CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) | ReturnOp, CallOp, NewLocalVarOp, KillLocalVarOp : | ParamOp : CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper2, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) ; IF (Oper1>0) AND (Oper1<=NoOfParamAny(Oper2)) AND IsVarParamAny (Oper2, Oper1) THEN (* _may_ also write to a var parameter, although we dont know *) CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper3, TRUE, QuadNo) END | RecordFieldOp, ArrayOp, LogicalShiftOp, LogicalRotateOp, LogicalOrOp, LogicalAndOp, LogicalXorOp, CoerceOp, ConvertOp, CastOp, AddOp, SubOp, MultOp, DivM2Op, ModM2Op, ModFloorOp, DivCeilOp, ModCeilOp, DivFloorOp, ModTruncOp, DivTruncOp : CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper2, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) | XIndrOp : CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, TRUE, QuadNo) ; CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper3, FALSE, QuadNo) | IndrXOp : CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ; CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper3, TRUE, QuadNo) | (* RangeCheckOp : CheckRangeRemoveVariableRead(Oper3, QuadNo) | *) SaveExceptionOp : CheckRemoveVariableWrite(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) | RestoreExceptionOp: CheckRemoveVariableRead(Oper1, FALSE, QuadNo) ELSE END END UndoReadWriteInfo ; (* EraseQuad - erases a quadruple QuadNo, the quadruple is still in the list but wiped clean. *) PROCEDURE EraseQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN CheckBreak (QuadNo) ; f := GetQF(QuadNo) ; WITH f^ DO UndoReadWriteInfo(QuadNo, Operator, Operand1, Operand2, Operand3) ; Operator := DummyOp ; (* finally blank it out *) Operand1 := 0 ; Operand2 := 0 ; Operand3 := 0 ; Trash := 0 ; op1pos := UnknownTokenNo ; op2pos := UnknownTokenNo ; op3pos := UnknownTokenNo ; ConstExpr := FALSE END END EraseQuad ; (* CheckAddVariableReadLeftValue - *) (* PROCEDURE CheckAddVariableReadLeftValue (sym: CARDINAL; q: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsVar(sym) THEN PutReadQuad(sym, LeftValue, q) END END CheckAddVariableReadLeftValue ; *) (* CheckRemoveVariableReadLeftValue - *) (* PROCEDURE CheckRemoveVariableReadLeftValue (sym: CARDINAL; q: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsVar(sym) THEN RemoveReadQuad(sym, LeftValue, q) END END CheckRemoveVariableReadLeftValue ; *) (* CheckAddTuple2Read - checks to see whether symbol tuple contains variables or parameters and if so it then adds them to the quadruple variable list. *) PROCEDURE CheckAddTuple2Read (tuple: CARDINAL; canDereference: BOOLEAN; Quad: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsTuple (tuple) THEN CheckAddVariableRead (GetNth (tuple, 1), canDereference, Quad) ; CheckAddVariableRead (GetNth (tuple, 2), canDereference, Quad) END END CheckAddTuple2Read ; (* CheckAddVariableRead - checks to see whether symbol, Sym, is a variable or a parameter and if so it then adds this quadruple to the variable list. *) PROCEDURE CheckAddVariableRead (Sym: CARDINAL; canDereference: BOOLEAN; Quad: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsVar(Sym) THEN PutReadQuad(Sym, GetMode(Sym), Quad) ; IF (GetMode(Sym)=LeftValue) AND canDereference THEN PutReadQuad(Sym, RightValue, Quad) END END END CheckAddVariableRead ; (* CheckRemoveVariableRead - checks to see whether, Sym, is a variable or a parameter and if so then it removes the quadruple from the variable list. *) PROCEDURE CheckRemoveVariableRead (Sym: CARDINAL; canDereference: BOOLEAN; Quad: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsVar(Sym) THEN RemoveReadQuad(Sym, GetMode(Sym), Quad) ; IF (GetMode(Sym)=LeftValue) AND canDereference THEN RemoveReadQuad(Sym, RightValue, Quad) END END END CheckRemoveVariableRead ; (* CheckAddVariableWrite - checks to see whether symbol, Sym, is a variable and if so it then adds this quadruple to the variable list. *) PROCEDURE CheckAddVariableWrite (Sym: CARDINAL; canDereference: BOOLEAN; Quad: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsVar(Sym) THEN IF (GetMode(Sym)=LeftValue) AND canDereference THEN PutReadQuad(Sym, LeftValue, Quad) ; PutWriteQuad(Sym, RightValue, Quad) ELSE PutWriteQuad(Sym, GetMode(Sym), Quad) END END END CheckAddVariableWrite ; (* CheckRemoveVariableWrite - checks to see whether, Sym, is a variable and if so then it removes the quadruple from the variable list. *) PROCEDURE CheckRemoveVariableWrite (Sym: CARDINAL; canDereference: BOOLEAN; Quad: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsVar(Sym) THEN IF (GetMode(Sym)=LeftValue) AND canDereference THEN RemoveReadQuad(Sym, LeftValue, Quad) ; RemoveWriteQuad(Sym, RightValue, Quad) ELSE RemoveWriteQuad(Sym, GetMode(Sym), Quad) END END END CheckRemoveVariableWrite ; (* CheckConst - *) PROCEDURE CheckConst (sym: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsConst(sym) THEN PutToBeSolvedByQuads(sym) END END CheckConst ; (* GetFirstQuad - returns the first quadruple. *) PROCEDURE GetFirstQuad () : CARDINAL ; BEGIN RETURN( Head ) END GetFirstQuad ; (* GetNextQuad - returns the Quadruple number following QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE GetNextQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF(QuadNo) ; RETURN( f^.Next ) END GetNextQuad ; (* SubQuad - subtracts a quadruple QuadNo from a list Head. *) PROCEDURE SubQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) ; VAR i : CARDINAL ; f, g: QuadFrame ; BEGIN CheckBreak (QuadNo) ; f := GetQF(QuadNo) ; WITH f^ DO AlterReference(Head, QuadNo, f^.Next) ; UndoReadWriteInfo(QuadNo, Operator, Operand1, Operand2, Operand3) END ; IF Head=QuadNo THEN Head := f^.Next ELSE i := Head ; g := GetQF(i) ; WHILE g^.Next#QuadNo DO i := g^.Next ; g := GetQF(i) END ; g^.Next := f^.Next END ; f^.Operator := DummyOp ; DEC(NoOfQuads) END SubQuad ; (* GetRealQuad - returns the Quadruple number of the real quadruple at QuadNo or beyond. *) PROCEDURE GetRealQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN WHILE QuadNo#0 DO IF InBounds(QuadArray, QuadNo) THEN f := GetQF(QuadNo) ; WITH f^ DO IF (NOT IsPseudoQuad(QuadNo)) AND (Operator#DummyOp) AND (Operator#LineNumberOp) AND (Operator#StatementNoteOp) THEN RETURN( QuadNo ) END END ; INC(QuadNo) ELSE RETURN( 0 ) END END ; RETURN( 0 ) END GetRealQuad ; (* AlterReference - alters all references from OldQuad, to NewQuad in a quadruple list Head. *) PROCEDURE AlterReference (Head, OldQuad, NewQuad: CARDINAL) ; VAR f, g: QuadFrame ; i : CARDINAL ; BEGIN f := GetQF(OldQuad) ; WHILE (f^.NoOfTimesReferenced>0) AND (Head#0) DO g := GetQF(Head) ; WITH g^ DO CASE Operator OF IfInOp, IfNotInOp, IfEquOp, IfNotEquOp, IfLessOp, IfLessEquOp, IfGreOp, IfGreEquOp, TryOp, RetryOp, GotoOp : IF Operand3=OldQuad THEN ManipulateReference(Head, NewQuad) END ELSE END ; i := Next END ; Head := i END END AlterReference ; (* GrowQuads - grows the list of quadruples to the quadruple, to. *) PROCEDURE GrowQuads (to: CARDINAL) ; VAR i: CARDINAL ; f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN IF (to#0) AND (to>GrowInitialization) THEN i := GrowInitialization+1 ; WHILE i<=to DO IF InBounds(QuadArray, i) THEN Assert(GetIndice(QuadArray, i)#NIL) ELSE NEW(f) ; IF f=NIL THEN InternalError ('out of memory error when trying to allocate a quadruple') END ; PutIndice(QuadArray, i, f) ; f^.NoOfTimesReferenced := 0 END ; INC(i) END ; GrowInitialization := to END END GrowQuads ; (* ManipulateReference - manipulates the quadruple, q, so that it now points to quad, to. *) PROCEDURE ManipulateReference (q: CARDINAL; to: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN Assert((GrowInitialization>=q) OR (to=0)) ; GrowQuads(to) ; RemoveReference(q) ; f := GetQF(q) ; f^.Operand3 := to ; IF to#0 THEN f := GetQF(to) ; INC(f^.NoOfTimesReferenced) END END ManipulateReference ; (* RemoveReference - remove the reference by quadruple q to wherever it was pointing. *) PROCEDURE RemoveReference (q: CARDINAL) ; VAR f, g: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF(q) ; IF (f^.Operand3#0) AND (f^.Operand3<NextQuad) THEN CheckBreak (f^.Operand3) ; g := GetQF(f^.Operand3) ; Assert(g^.NoOfTimesReferenced#0) ; DEC(g^.NoOfTimesReferenced) END END RemoveReference ; (* CountQuads - returns the number of quadruples. *) PROCEDURE CountQuads () : CARDINAL ; BEGIN RETURN( NoOfQuads ) END CountQuads ; (* NewQuad - sets QuadNo to a new quadruple. *) PROCEDURE NewQuad (VAR QuadNo: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN QuadNo := FreeList ; IF InBounds (QuadArray, QuadNo) AND (GetIndice (QuadArray, QuadNo) # NIL) THEN f := GetIndice (QuadArray, QuadNo) ELSE NEW (f) ; IF f=NIL THEN InternalError ('out of memory error trying to allocate a quadruple') ELSE INC (NoOfQuads) ; PutIndice (QuadArray, QuadNo, f) ; f^.NoOfTimesReferenced := 0 END END ; WITH f^ DO Operator := DummyOp ; Operand3 := 0 ; Next := 0 END ; INC (FreeList) ; IF GrowInitialization < FreeList THEN GrowInitialization := FreeList END END NewQuad ; (* CheckVariableAt - checks to see whether, sym, was declared at a particular address. *) PROCEDURE CheckVariableAt (sym: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsVar (sym) AND IsVariableAtAddress (sym) THEN IF GetMode (sym) = LeftValue THEN GenQuad (InitAddressOp, sym, NulSym, GetVariableAtAddress (sym)) ELSE InternalError ('expecting lvalue for this variable which is declared at an explicit address') END END END CheckVariableAt ; (* CheckVariablesAt - checks to see whether we need to initialize any pointers which point to variable declared at addresses. *) PROCEDURE CheckVariablesAt (scope: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN ForeachLocalSymDo (scope, CheckVariableAt) END CheckVariablesAt ; (* GetTurnInterrupts - returns the TurnInterrupts procedure function. *) PROCEDURE GetTurnInterrupts (tok: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF Iso THEN RETURN GetQualidentImport (tok, MakeKey ('TurnInterrupts'), MakeKey ('COROUTINES')) ELSE RETURN GetQualidentImport (tok, MakeKey ('TurnInterrupts'), MakeKey ('SYSTEM')) END END GetTurnInterrupts ; (* GetProtection - returns the PROTECTION data type. *) PROCEDURE GetProtection (tok: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF Iso THEN RETURN GetQualidentImport (tok, MakeKey ('PROTECTION'), MakeKey ('COROUTINES')) ELSE RETURN GetQualidentImport (tok, MakeKey ('PROTECTION'), MakeKey ('SYSTEM')) END END GetProtection ; (* CheckNeedPriorityBegin - checks to see whether we need to save the old module priority and change to another module priority. The current module initialization or procedure being built is defined by, scope. The module whose priority will be used is defined by, module. *) PROCEDURE CheckNeedPriorityBegin (tok: CARDINAL; scope, module: CARDINAL) ; VAR ProcSym, old: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF GetPriority (module) # NulSym THEN (* module has been given a priority *) ProcSym := GetTurnInterrupts (tok) ; IF ProcSym # NulSym THEN old := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ; PutVar (old, GetProtection (tok)) ; GenQuadO (tok, SavePriorityOp, old, scope, ProcSym, FALSE) ; PushWord (PriorityStack, old) END END END CheckNeedPriorityBegin ; (* CheckNeedPriorityEnd - checks to see whether we need to restore the old module priority. The current module initialization or procedure being built is defined by, scope. *) PROCEDURE CheckNeedPriorityEnd (tok: CARDINAL; scope, module: CARDINAL) ; VAR ProcSym, old: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF GetPriority (module) # NulSym THEN (* module has been given a priority *) ProcSym := GetTurnInterrupts (tok) ; IF ProcSym # NulSym THEN old := PopWord (PriorityStack) ; GenQuad (RestorePriorityOp, old, scope, ProcSym) END END END CheckNeedPriorityEnd ; (* StartBuildDefFile - generates a StartFileDefOp quadruple indicating the file that has produced the subsequent quadruples. The code generator uses the StartDefFileOp quadruples to relate any error to the appropriate file. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | ModuleName | | ModuleName | |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q StartDefFileOp _ _ ModuleSym *) PROCEDURE StartBuildDefFile (tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR ModuleName: Name ; BEGIN PopT (ModuleName) ; PushT (ModuleName) ; GenQuadO (tok, StartDefFileOp, tok, NulSym, GetModule (ModuleName), FALSE) END StartBuildDefFile ; (* StartBuildModFile - generates a StartModFileOp quadruple indicating the file that has produced the subsequent quadruples. The code generator uses the StartModFileOp quadruples to relate any error to the appropriate file. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | ModuleName | | ModuleName | |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q StartModFileOp lineno filename ModuleSym *) PROCEDURE StartBuildModFile (tok: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN GenQuadO (tok, StartModFileOp, tok, WORD (makekey (string (GetFileName ()))), GetFileModule (), FALSE) END StartBuildModFile ; (* EndBuildFile - generates an EndFileOp quadruple indicating the file that has produced the previous quadruples has ended. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | ModuleName | | ModuleName | |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q EndFileOp _ _ ModuleSym *) PROCEDURE EndBuildFile (tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR ModuleName: Name ; BEGIN ModuleName := OperandT (1) ; GenQuadO (tok, EndFileOp, NulSym, NulSym, GetModule (ModuleName), FALSE) END EndBuildFile ; (* StartBuildInit - Sets the start of initialization code of the current module to the next quadruple. *) PROCEDURE StartBuildInit (tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR name : Name ; ModuleSym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(name) ; ModuleSym := GetCurrentModule() ; Assert(IsModule(ModuleSym) OR IsDefImp(ModuleSym)) ; Assert(GetSymName(ModuleSym)=name) ; PutModuleStartQuad(ModuleSym, NextQuad) ; GenQuad(InitStartOp, tok, GetFileModule(), ModuleSym) ; PushWord(ReturnStack, 0) ; PushT(name) ; CheckVariablesAt(ModuleSym) ; CheckNeedPriorityBegin(tok, ModuleSym, ModuleSym) ; PushWord(TryStack, NextQuad) ; PushWord(CatchStack, 0) ; IF HasExceptionBlock(ModuleSym) THEN GenQuad(TryOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0) END END StartBuildInit ; (* EndBuildInit - Sets the end initialization code of a module. *) PROCEDURE EndBuildInit (tok: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF HasExceptionBlock(GetCurrentModule()) THEN BuildRTExceptLeave (tok, TRUE) ; GenQuadO (tok, CatchEndOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym, FALSE) END ; BackPatch (PopWord (ReturnStack), NextQuad) ; CheckNeedPriorityEnd (tok, GetCurrentModule(), GetCurrentModule()) ; PutModuleEndQuad (GetCurrentModule(), NextQuad) ; CheckVariablesInBlock (GetCurrentModule()) ; GenQuadO (tok, InitEndOp, tok, GetFileModule(), GetCurrentModule(), FALSE) END EndBuildInit ; (* StartBuildFinally - Sets the start of finalization code of the current module to the next quadruple. *) PROCEDURE StartBuildFinally (tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR name : Name ; ModuleSym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(name) ; ModuleSym := GetCurrentModule() ; Assert(IsModule(ModuleSym) OR IsDefImp(ModuleSym)) ; Assert(GetSymName(ModuleSym)=name) ; PutModuleFinallyStartQuad(ModuleSym, NextQuad) ; GenQuadO (tok, FinallyStartOp, tok, GetFileModule(), ModuleSym, FALSE) ; PushWord (ReturnStack, 0) ; PushT (name) ; (* CheckVariablesAt(ModuleSym) ; *) CheckNeedPriorityBegin (tok, ModuleSym, ModuleSym) ; PushWord (TryStack, NextQuad) ; PushWord (CatchStack, 0) ; IF HasExceptionFinally (ModuleSym) THEN GenQuadO (tok, TryOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0, FALSE) END END StartBuildFinally ; (* EndBuildFinally - Sets the end finalization code of a module. *) PROCEDURE EndBuildFinally (tok: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF HasExceptionFinally(GetCurrentModule()) THEN BuildRTExceptLeave (tok, TRUE) ; GenQuadO (tok, CatchEndOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym, FALSE) END ; BackPatch (PopWord (ReturnStack), NextQuad) ; CheckNeedPriorityEnd (tok, GetCurrentModule (), GetCurrentModule ()) ; PutModuleFinallyEndQuad(GetCurrentModule (), NextQuad) ; CheckVariablesInBlock (GetCurrentModule ()) ; GenQuadO (tok, FinallyEndOp, tok, GetFileModule (), GetCurrentModule(), FALSE) END EndBuildFinally ; (* BuildRTExceptEnter - informs RTExceptions that we are about to enter the except state. *) PROCEDURE BuildRTExceptEnter (tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR old, ProcSym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF Exceptions THEN (* now inform the Modula-2 runtime we are in the exception state *) ProcSym := GetQualidentImport (tok, MakeKey('SetExceptionState'), MakeKey('RTExceptions')) ; IF ProcSym=NulSym THEN MetaErrorT0 (tok, '{%W}no procedure SetExceptionState found in RTExceptions which is needed to implement exception handling') ELSE old := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ; PutVar (old, Boolean) ; GenQuadO (tok, SaveExceptionOp, old, NulSym, ProcSym, FALSE) ; PushWord (ExceptStack, old) END ELSE MetaErrorT0 (tok, '{%E}cannot use {%kEXCEPT} blocks with the -fno-exceptions flag') END END BuildRTExceptEnter ; (* BuildRTExceptLeave - informs RTExceptions that we are about to leave the except state. If, destroy, is TRUE then pop the ExceptStack. *) PROCEDURE BuildRTExceptLeave (tok: CARDINAL; destroy: BOOLEAN) ; VAR old, ProcSym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF Exceptions THEN (* now inform the Modula-2 runtime we are in the exception state *) ProcSym := GetQualidentImport (tok, MakeKey('SetExceptionState'), MakeKey('RTExceptions')) ; IF ProcSym#NulSym THEN IF destroy THEN old := PopWord (ExceptStack) ELSE old := PeepWord (ExceptStack, 1) END ; GenQuadO (tok, RestoreExceptionOp, old, NulSym, ProcSym, FALSE) END ELSE (* no need for an error message here as it will be generated in the Enter procedure above *) END END BuildRTExceptLeave ; (* BuildExceptInitial - adds an CatchBeginOp, CatchEndOp quadruple in the current block. *) PROCEDURE BuildExceptInitial (tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR previous: CARDINAL ; BEGIN (* we have finished the 'try' block, so now goto the return section which will tidy up (any) priorities before returning. *) GenQuadO (tok, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, PopWord(ReturnStack), FALSE) ; PushWord (ReturnStack, NextQuad-1) ; (* this is the 'catch' block. *) BackPatch (PeepWord (TryStack, 1), NextQuad) ; GenQuadO (tok, CatchBeginOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym, FALSE) ; previous := PopWord (CatchStack) ; IF previous # 0 THEN MetaErrorT0 (tok, '{%E}only allowed one EXCEPT statement in a procedure or module') END ; PushWord (CatchStack, NextQuad-1) ; BuildRTExceptEnter (tok) END BuildExceptInitial ; (* BuildExceptFinally - adds an ExceptOp quadruple in a modules finally block. *) PROCEDURE BuildExceptFinally (tok: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN BuildExceptInitial (tok) END BuildExceptFinally ; (* BuildExceptProcedure - adds an ExceptOp quadruple in a procedure block. *) PROCEDURE BuildExceptProcedure (tok: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN BuildExceptInitial (tok) END BuildExceptProcedure ; (* BuildRetry - adds an RetryOp quadruple. *) PROCEDURE BuildRetry (tok: CARDINAL); BEGIN IF PeepWord (CatchStack, 1) = 0 THEN MetaErrorT0 (tok, '{%E}the {%kRETRY} statement must occur after an {%kEXCEPT} statement in the same module or procedure block') ELSE BuildRTExceptLeave (tok, FALSE) ; GenQuadO (tok, RetryOp, NulSym, NulSym, PeepWord (TryStack, 1), FALSE) END END BuildRetry ; (* SafeRequestSym - only used during scaffold to get argc, argv, envp. It attempts to get symbol name from the current scope(s) and if it fails then it falls back onto default constants. *) PROCEDURE SafeRequestSym (tok: CARDINAL; name: Name) : CARDINAL ; VAR sym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN sym := GetSym (name) ; IF sym = NulSym THEN IF name = MakeKey ('argc') THEN RETURN MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('0'), ZType) ELSIF (name = MakeKey ('argv')) OR (name = MakeKey ('envp')) THEN RETURN Nil ELSE InternalError ('not expecting this parameter name') ; RETURN Nil END END ; RETURN sym END SafeRequestSym ; (* callRequestDependant - create a call: RequestDependant (GetSymName (modulesym), GetLibName (modulesym), GetSymName (depModuleSym), GetLibName (depModuleSym)); *) PROCEDURE callRequestDependant (tokno: CARDINAL; moduleSym, depModuleSym: CARDINAL; requestDep: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN Assert (requestDep # NulSym) ; PushTtok (requestDep, tokno) ; PushTFtok (Adr, Address, tokno) ; PushTtok (MakeConstString (tokno, GetSymName (moduleSym)), tokno) ; PushT (1) ; BuildAdrFunction ; PushTFtok (Adr, Address, tokno) ; PushTtok (MakeConstString (tokno, GetLibName (moduleSym)), tokno) ; PushT (1) ; BuildAdrFunction ; IF depModuleSym = NulSym THEN PushTF (Nil, Address) ; PushTF (Nil, Address) ELSE PushTFtok (Adr, Address, tokno) ; PushTtok (MakeConstString (tokno, GetSymName (depModuleSym)), tokno) ; PushT (1) ; BuildAdrFunction ; PushTFtok (Adr, Address, tokno) ; PushTtok (MakeConstString (tokno, GetLibName (depModuleSym)), tokno) ; PushT (1) ; BuildAdrFunction END ; PushT (4) ; BuildProcedureCall (tokno) END callRequestDependant ; (* ForeachImportInDepDo - *) PROCEDURE ForeachImportInDepDo (importStatements: List; moduleSym, requestDep: CARDINAL) ; VAR i, j, m, n : CARDINAL ; imported, stmt : CARDINAL ; l : List ; BEGIN IF importStatements # NIL THEN i := 1 ; n := NoOfItemsInList (importStatements) ; WHILE i <= n DO stmt := GetItemFromList (importStatements, i) ; Assert (IsImportStatement (stmt)) ; l := GetImportStatementList (stmt) ; j := 1 ; m := NoOfItemsInList (l) ; WHILE j <= m DO imported := GetItemFromList (l, j) ; Assert (IsImport (imported)) ; callRequestDependant (GetImportDeclared (imported), moduleSym, GetImportModule (imported), requestDep) ; INC (j) ; END ; INC (i) END END END ForeachImportInDepDo ; (* ForeachImportedModuleDo - *) PROCEDURE ForeachImportedModuleDo (moduleSym, requestDep: CARDINAL) ; VAR importStatements: List ; BEGIN importStatements := GetModuleModImportStatementList (moduleSym) ; ForeachImportInDepDo (importStatements, moduleSym, requestDep) ; importStatements := GetModuleDefImportStatementList (moduleSym) ; ForeachImportInDepDo (importStatements, moduleSym, requestDep) END ForeachImportedModuleDo ; (* BuildM2DepFunction - creates the dependency graph procedure using IR: static void dependencies (void) { M2RTS_RequestDependant (module_name, libname, "b", "b libname"); M2RTS_RequestDependant (module_name, libname, NULL, NULL); } *) PROCEDURE BuildM2DepFunction (tokno: CARDINAL; moduleSym: CARDINAL) ; VAR requestDep, ctor, init, fini, dep: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF ScaffoldDynamic THEN (* Scaffold required and dynamic dependency graph should be produced. *) GetModuleCtors (moduleSym, ctor, init, fini, dep) ; PushT (dep) ; BuildProcedureStart ; BuildProcedureBegin ; StartScope (dep) ; requestDep := GetQualidentImport (tokno, MakeKey ("RequestDependant"), MakeKey ("M2RTS")) ; IF requestDep # NulSym THEN ForeachImportedModuleDo (moduleSym, requestDep) ; callRequestDependant (tokno, moduleSym, NulSym, requestDep) END ; EndScope ; BuildProcedureEnd ; PopN (1) END END BuildM2DepFunction ; (* BuildM2LinkFunction - creates the _M2_link procedure which will cause the linker to pull in all the module ctors. *) PROCEDURE BuildM2LinkFunction (tokno: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF ScaffoldDynamic THEN IF linkFunction # NulSym THEN (* void _M2_link (void) { for each module in uselist do PROC foo_%d = _M2_module_ctor done }. *) PushT (linkFunction) ; BuildProcedureStart ; BuildProcedureBegin ; StartScope (linkFunction) ; PopulateCtorArray (tokno) ; EndScope ; BuildProcedureEnd ; PopN (1) END END END BuildM2LinkFunction ; (* BuildTry - build the try statement for main. *) PROCEDURE BuildTry (tokno: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF Exceptions THEN PushWord (TryStack, NextQuad) ; PushWord (CatchStack, 0) ; GenQuadO (tokno, TryOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0, FALSE) END END BuildTry ; (* BuildExcept - build the except block for main. *) PROCEDURE BuildExcept (tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR catchProcedure: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF Exceptions THEN BuildExceptInitial (tokno) ; catchProcedure := GetQualidentImport (tokno, MakeKey ('DefaultErrorCatch'), MakeKey ('RTExceptions')) ; IF catchProcedure # NulSym THEN PushTtok (catchProcedure, tokno) ; PushT (0) ; BuildProcedureCall (tokno) END ; BuildRTExceptLeave (tokno, TRUE) ; GenQuadO (tokno, CatchEndOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym, FALSE) END END BuildExcept ; (* BuildM2MainFunction - creates the main function with appropriate calls to the scaffold. *) PROCEDURE BuildM2MainFunction (tokno: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF (ScaffoldDynamic OR ScaffoldStatic) AND (NOT SharedFlag) THEN (* Scaffold required and main should be produced. *) (* int main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { try { _M2_init (argc, argv, envp); _M2_fini (argc, argv, envp); return 0; } catch (...) { RTExceptions_DefaultErrorCatch (); return 0; } } *) PushT (mainFunction) ; BuildProcedureStart ; BuildProcedureBegin ; StartScope (mainFunction) ; BuildTry (tokno) ; (* _M2_init (argc, argv, envp); *) PushTtok (initFunction, tokno) ; PushTtok (RequestSym (tokno, MakeKey ("argc")), tokno) ; PushTtok (RequestSym (tokno, MakeKey ("argv")), tokno) ; PushTtok (RequestSym (tokno, MakeKey ("envp")), tokno) ; PushT (3) ; BuildProcedureCall (tokno) ; (* _M2_fini (argc, argv, envp); *) PushTtok (finiFunction, tokno) ; PushTtok (RequestSym (tokno, MakeKey ("argc")), tokno) ; PushTtok (RequestSym (tokno, MakeKey ("argv")), tokno) ; PushTtok (RequestSym (tokno, MakeKey ("envp")), tokno) ; PushT (3) ; BuildProcedureCall (tokno) ; PushZero (tokno, Integer) ; BuildReturn (tokno) ; BuildExcept (tokno) ; PushZero (tokno, Integer) ; BuildReturn (tokno) ; EndScope ; BuildProcedureEnd ; PopN (1) END END BuildM2MainFunction ; (* DeferMakeConstStringCnul - return a C const string which will be nul terminated. *) PROCEDURE DeferMakeConstStringCnul (tok: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR const: CARDINAL ; BEGIN const := MakeConstStringCnul (tok, NulName, FALSE) ; GenQuadO (tok, StringConvertCnulOp, const, 0, sym, FALSE) ; RETURN const END DeferMakeConstStringCnul ; (* DeferMakeConstStringM2nul - return a const string which will be nul terminated. *) PROCEDURE DeferMakeConstStringM2nul (tok: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR const: CARDINAL ; BEGIN const := MakeConstStringM2nul (tok, NulName, FALSE) ; GenQuadO (tok, StringConvertM2nulOp, const, 0, sym, FALSE) ; RETURN const END DeferMakeConstStringM2nul ; (* BuildStringAdrParam - push the address of a nul terminated string onto the quad stack. *) PROCEDURE BuildStringAdrParam (tok: CARDINAL; name: Name); VAR str, m2strnul: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PushTFtok (Adr, Address, tok) ; str := MakeConstString (tok, name) ; PutConstStringKnown (tok, str, name, FALSE, TRUE) ; m2strnul := DeferMakeConstStringM2nul (tok, str) ; PushTtok (m2strnul, tok) ; PushT (1) ; BuildAdrFunction END BuildStringAdrParam ; (* BuildM2InitFunction - *) PROCEDURE BuildM2InitFunction (tok: CARDINAL; moduleSym: CARDINAL) ; VAR constructModules: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF ScaffoldDynamic OR ScaffoldStatic THEN (* Scaffold required and main should be produced. *) (* int _M2_init (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { M2RTS_ConstructModules (module_name, libname, overrideliborder, argc, argv, envp); } *) PushT (initFunction) ; BuildProcedureStart ; BuildProcedureBegin ; StartScope (initFunction) ; IF ScaffoldDynamic THEN IF linkFunction # NulSym THEN (* _M2_link (); *) PushTtok (linkFunction, tok) ; PushT (0) ; BuildProcedureCall (tok) END ; (* Lookup ConstructModules and call it. *) constructModules := GetQualidentImport (tok, MakeKey ("ConstructModules"), MakeKey ("M2RTS")) ; IF constructModules # NulSym THEN (* ConstructModules (module_name, argc, argv, envp); *) PushTtok (constructModules, tok) ; BuildStringAdrParam (tok, GetSymName (moduleSym)) ; BuildStringAdrParam (tok, GetLibName (moduleSym)) ; BuildStringAdrParam (tok, makekey (GetRuntimeModuleOverride ())) ; PushTtok (SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argc")), tok) ; PushTtok (SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argv")), tok) ; PushTtok (SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("envp")), tok) ; PushT (6) ; BuildProcedureCall (tok) ; END ELSIF ScaffoldStatic THEN ForeachModuleCallInit (tok, SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argc")), SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argv")), SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("envp"))) END ; EndScope ; BuildProcedureEnd ; PopN (1) END END BuildM2InitFunction ; (* BuildM2FiniFunction - *) PROCEDURE BuildM2FiniFunction (tok: CARDINAL; moduleSym: CARDINAL) ; VAR deconstructModules: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF ScaffoldDynamic OR ScaffoldStatic THEN (* Scaffold required and main should be produced. *) PushT (finiFunction) ; BuildProcedureStart ; BuildProcedureBegin ; StartScope (finiFunction) ; IF ScaffoldDynamic THEN (* static void _M2_finish (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { M2RTS_DeconstructModules (module_name, argc, argv, envp); } *) deconstructModules := GetQualidentImport (tok, MakeKey ("DeconstructModules"), MakeKey ("M2RTS")) ; IF deconstructModules # NulSym THEN (* DeconstructModules (module_name, argc, argv, envp); *) PushTtok (deconstructModules, tok) ; PushTFtok (Adr, Address, tok) ; PushTtok (MakeConstString (tok, GetSymName (moduleSym)), tok) ; PushT(1) ; BuildAdrFunction ; PushTFtok (Adr, Address, tok) ; PushTtok (MakeConstString (tok, GetLibName (moduleSym)), tok) ; PushT(1) ; BuildAdrFunction ; PushTtok (SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argc")), tok) ; PushTtok (SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argv")), tok) ; PushTtok (SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("envp")), tok) ; PushT (5) ; BuildProcedureCall (tok) END ELSIF ScaffoldStatic THEN ForeachModuleCallFinish (tok, SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argc")), SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("argv")), SafeRequestSym (tok, MakeKey ("envp"))) END ; EndScope ; BuildProcedureEnd ; PopN (1) END END BuildM2FiniFunction ; (* BuildM2CtorFunction - create a constructor function associated with moduleSym. void ctorFunction () { M2RTS_RegisterModule (GetSymName (moduleSym), GetLibName (moduleSym), init, fini, dependencies); } *) PROCEDURE BuildM2CtorFunction (tok: CARDINAL; moduleSym: CARDINAL) ; VAR RegisterModule : CARDINAL ; ctor, init, fini, dep: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF ScaffoldDynamic THEN GetModuleCtors (moduleSym, ctor, init, fini, dep) ; IF ctor # NulSym THEN Assert (IsProcedure (ctor)) ; PushT (ctor) ; BuildProcedureStart ; BuildProcedureBegin ; StartScope (ctor) ; RegisterModule := GetQualidentImport (tok, MakeKey ("RegisterModule"), MakeKey ("M2RTS")) ; IF RegisterModule # NulSym THEN (* RegisterModule (module_name, init, fini, dependencies); *) PushTtok (RegisterModule, tok) ; PushTFtok (Adr, Address, tok) ; PushTtok (MakeConstString (tok, GetSymName (moduleSym)), tok) ; PushT (1) ; BuildAdrFunction ; PushTFtok (Adr, Address, tok) ; PushTtok (MakeConstString (tok, GetLibName (moduleSym)), tok) ; PushT (1) ; BuildAdrFunction ; PushTtok (init, tok) ; PushTtok (fini, tok) ; PushTtok (dep, tok) ; PushT (5) ; BuildProcedureCall (tok) END ; EndScope ; BuildProcedureEnd ; PopN (1) END END END BuildM2CtorFunction ; (* BuildScaffold - generate the main, init, finish functions if no -c and this is the application module. *) PROCEDURE BuildScaffold (tok: CARDINAL; moduleSym: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF GetMainModule () = moduleSym THEN DeclareScaffold (tok) ; IF (ScaffoldMain OR (NOT cflag)) THEN (* There are module init/fini functions and application init/fini functions. Here we create the application pair. *) BuildM2LinkFunction (tok) ; BuildM2MainFunction (tok) ; BuildM2InitFunction (tok, moduleSym) ; (* Application init. *) BuildM2FiniFunction (tok, moduleSym) ; (* Application fini. *) END ; BuildM2DepFunction (tok, moduleSym) ; (* Per module dependency. *) (* Each module needs a ctor to register the module init/finish/dep with M2RTS. *) BuildM2CtorFunction (tok, moduleSym) ELSIF WholeProgram THEN DeclareScaffold (tok) ; BuildM2DepFunction (tok, moduleSym) ; (* Per module dependency. *) (* Each module needs a ctor to register the module init/finish/dep with M2RTS. *) BuildM2CtorFunction (tok, moduleSym) END END BuildScaffold ; (* BuildModuleStart - starts current module scope. *) PROCEDURE BuildModuleStart (tok: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN GenQuadO (tok, ModuleScopeOp, tok, WORD (makekey (string (GetFileName ()))), GetCurrentModule (), FALSE) END BuildModuleStart ; (* StartBuildInnerInit - Sets the start of initialization code of the inner module to the next quadruple. *) PROCEDURE StartBuildInnerInit (tok: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN PutModuleStartQuad (GetCurrentModule(), NextQuad) ; GenQuadO (tok, InitStartOp, tok, NulSym, GetCurrentModule(), FALSE) ; PushWord (ReturnStack, 0) ; CheckNeedPriorityBegin (tok, GetCurrentModule(), GetCurrentModule()) ; PushWord (TryStack, NextQuad) ; PushWord (CatchStack, 0) ; IF HasExceptionFinally (GetCurrentModule()) THEN GenQuadO (tok, TryOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0, FALSE) END END StartBuildInnerInit ; (* EndBuildInnerInit - Sets the end initialization code of a module. *) PROCEDURE EndBuildInnerInit (tok: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF HasExceptionBlock (GetCurrentModule()) THEN BuildRTExceptLeave (tok, TRUE) ; GenQuadO (tok, CatchEndOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym, FALSE) END ; PutModuleEndQuad (GetCurrentModule(), NextQuad) ; CheckVariablesInBlock (GetCurrentModule ()) ; BackPatch (PopWord (ReturnStack), NextQuad) ; CheckNeedPriorityEnd (tok, GetCurrentModule (), GetCurrentModule ()) ; GenQuadO (tok, InitEndOp, tok, NulSym, GetCurrentModule (), FALSE) END EndBuildInnerInit ; (* BuildModulePriority - assigns the current module with a priority from the top of stack. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> Empty +------------+ | Priority | |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildModulePriority ; VAR Priority: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (Priority) ; PutPriority (GetCurrentModule (), Priority) END BuildModulePriority ; (* ForLoopAnalysis - checks all the FOR loops for index variable manipulation and dangerous usage outside the loop. *) PROCEDURE ForLoopAnalysis ; VAR i, n : CARDINAL ; forDesc: ForLoopInfo ; BEGIN IF Pedantic THEN n := HighIndice (ForInfo) ; i := 1 ; WHILE i <= n DO forDesc := GetIndice (ForInfo, i) ; CheckForIndex (forDesc) ; INC (i) END END END ForLoopAnalysis ; (* AddForInfo - adds the description of the FOR loop into the record list. This is used if -pedantic is turned on to check index variable usage. *) PROCEDURE AddForInfo (Start, End, IncQuad: CARDINAL; Sym: CARDINAL; idtok: CARDINAL) ; VAR forDesc: ForLoopInfo ; BEGIN IF Pedantic THEN NEW (forDesc) ; WITH forDesc^ DO IncrementQuad := IncQuad ; StartOfForLoop := Start ; EndOfForLoop := End ; ForLoopIndex := Sym ; IndexTok := idtok END ; IncludeIndiceIntoIndex (ForInfo, forDesc) END END AddForInfo ; (* CheckForIndex - checks the quadruples: Start..End to see whether a for loop index is manipulated by the programmer. It generates a warning if this is the case. It also checks to see whether the IndexSym is read immediately outside the loop in which case a warning is issued. *) PROCEDURE CheckForIndex (forDesc: ForLoopInfo) ; VAR ReadStart, ReadEnd, WriteStart, WriteEnd: CARDINAL ; BEGIN GetWriteLimitQuads (forDesc^.ForLoopIndex, RightValue, forDesc^.StartOfForLoop, forDesc^.EndOfForLoop, WriteStart, WriteEnd) ; IF (WriteStart < forDesc^.IncrementQuad) AND (WriteStart > forDesc^.StartOfForLoop) THEN MetaErrorT1 (forDesc^.IndexTok, '{%kFOR} loop index variable {%1Wad} is being manipulated inside the loop', forDesc^.ForLoopIndex) ; MetaErrorT1 (QuadToTokenNo (WriteStart), '{%kFOR} loop index variable {%1Wad} is being manipulated, this is considered bad practice and may cause unknown program behaviour', forDesc^.ForLoopIndex) END ; GetWriteLimitQuads (forDesc^.ForLoopIndex, RightValue, forDesc^.EndOfForLoop, 0, WriteStart, WriteEnd) ; GetReadLimitQuads (forDesc^.ForLoopIndex, RightValue, forDesc^.EndOfForLoop, 0, ReadStart, ReadEnd) ; IF (ReadStart#0) AND ((ReadStart < WriteStart) OR (WriteStart = 0)) THEN MetaErrorT1 (forDesc^.IndexTok, '{%kFOR} loop index variable {%1Wad} is being read outside the FOR loop (without being reset)', forDesc^.ForLoopIndex) ; MetaErrorT1 (QuadToTokenNo (ReadStart), '{%kFOR} loop index variable {%1Wad} is being read outside the FOR loop (without being reset), this is considered extremely bad practice and may cause unknown program behaviour', forDesc^.ForLoopIndex) END END CheckForIndex ; (* GetCurrentFunctionName - returns the name for the current __FUNCTION__ *) (* PROCEDURE GetCurrentFunctionName () : Name ; VAR s: String ; n: Name ; BEGIN IF CurrentProc=NulSym THEN s := InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(GetCurrentModule()))) ; s := Sprintf1(Mark(InitString('module %s initialization')), s) ; n := makekey(string(s)) ; s := KillString(s) ; RETURN( n ) ELSE RETURN( GetSymName(CurrentProc) ) END END GetCurrentFunctionName ; *) (* BuildRange - generates a RangeCheckOp quad with, r, as its operand. *) PROCEDURE BuildRange (r: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN GenQuad (RangeCheckOp, WORD (GetLineNo ()), NulSym, r) END BuildRange ; (* BuildError - generates a ErrorOp quad, indicating that if this quadruple is reachable, then a runtime error would occur. *) PROCEDURE BuildError (r: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN GenQuad (ErrorOp, WORD (GetLineNo ()), NulSym, r) END BuildError ; (* CheckPointerThroughNil - builds a range quadruple, providing, sym, is a candidate for checking against NIL. This range quadruple is only expanded into code during the code generation phase thus allowing limited compile time checking. *) PROCEDURE CheckPointerThroughNil (tokpos: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsVar (sym) AND GetVarPointerCheck (sym) THEN (* PutVarPointerCheck(sym, FALSE) ; (* so we do not detect this again *) *) BuildRange (InitPointerRangeCheck (tokpos, sym, GetMode (sym) = LeftValue)) END END CheckPointerThroughNil ; (* CollectLow - returns the low of the subrange value. *) PROCEDURE CollectLow (sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR low, high: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsSubrange (sym) THEN GetSubrange (sym, high, low) ; RETURN low ELSE InternalError ('expecting Subrange symbol') END END CollectLow ; (* CollectHigh - returns the high of the subrange value, sym. *) PROCEDURE CollectHigh (sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR low, high: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsSubrange (sym) THEN GetSubrange (sym, high, low) ; RETURN high ELSE InternalError ('expecting Subrange symbol') END END CollectHigh ; (* BackPatchSubrangesAndOptParam - runs through all the quadruples and finds SubrangeLow or SubrangeHigh quadruples and replaces it by an assignment to the Low or High component of the subrange type. Input: SubrangeLow op1 op3 (* op3 is a subrange *) Output: Becomes op1 low Input: SubrangeHigh op1 op3 (* op3 is a subrange *) Output: Becomes op1 high Input: OptParam op1 op2 op3 Output: Param op1 op2 GetOptArgInit(op3) *) PROCEDURE BackPatchSubrangesAndOptParam ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; q: CARDINAL ; BEGIN q := GetFirstQuad () ; IF q # 0 THEN REPEAT f := GetQF (q) ; WITH f^ DO CASE Operator OF SubrangeLowOp : Operand3 := CollectLow (Operand3) ; Operator := BecomesOp ; ConstExpr := FALSE | SubrangeHighOp: Operand3 := CollectHigh (Operand3) ; Operator := BecomesOp ; ConstExpr := FALSE | OptParamOp : Operand3 := GetOptArgInit (Operand3) ; Operator := ParamOp ELSE END ; q := Next END UNTIL q = 0 END END BackPatchSubrangesAndOptParam ; (* CheckCompatibleWithBecomes - checks to see that symbol, sym, is compatible with the := operator. *) PROCEDURE CheckCompatibleWithBecomes (des, expr, destok, exprtok: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsType (des) THEN MetaErrorT1 (destok, 'an assignment cannot assign a value to a type {%1a}', des) ELSIF IsProcedure (des) THEN MetaErrorT1 (destok, 'an assignment cannot assign a value to a procedure {%1a}', des) ELSIF IsFieldEnumeration (des) THEN MetaErrorT1 (destok, 'an assignment cannot assign a value to an enumeration field {%1a}', des) END ; IF IsPseudoBaseProcedure (expr) OR IsPseudoBaseFunction (expr) THEN MetaErrorT1 (exprtok, 'an assignment cannot assign a {%1d} {%1a}', expr) END END CheckCompatibleWithBecomes ; (* BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds - calls BuildAssignment but makes sure we do not check bounds. *) PROCEDURE BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (tok: CARDINAL; checkTypes, checkOverflow: BOOLEAN) ; VAR old: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN old := MustNotCheckBounds ; MustNotCheckBounds := TRUE ; doBuildAssignment (tok, checkTypes, checkOverflow) ; MustNotCheckBounds := old END BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds ; (* MarkArrayWritten - marks, Array, as being written. *) PROCEDURE MarkArrayWritten (Array: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF (Array#NulSym) AND IsVarAParam(Array) THEN PutVarWritten (Array, TRUE) END END MarkArrayWritten ; (* MarkAsReadWrite - marks the variable or parameter as being read/write. *) PROCEDURE MarkAsReadWrite (sym: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF (sym#NulSym) AND IsVar(sym) THEN PutReadQuad (sym, RightValue, NextQuad) ; PutWriteQuad (sym, RightValue, NextQuad) END END MarkAsReadWrite ; (* MarkAsRead - marks the variable or parameter as being read. *) PROCEDURE MarkAsRead (sym: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF (sym#NulSym) AND IsVar(sym) THEN PutReadQuad (sym, RightValue, NextQuad) END END MarkAsRead ; (* MarkAsWrite - marks the variable or parameter as being written. *) PROCEDURE MarkAsWrite (sym: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF (sym # NulSym) AND IsVar (sym) THEN PutWriteQuad (sym, RightValue, NextQuad) END END MarkAsWrite ; (* doVal - return an expression which is VAL(type, expr). If expr is a constant then return expr. *) PROCEDURE doVal (type, expr: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF (NOT IsConst (expr)) AND (SkipType (type) # GetDType (expr)) THEN PushTF (Convert, NulSym) ; PushT (SkipType(type)) ; PushT (expr) ; PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *) BuildConvertFunction (Convert, FALSE) ; PopT (expr) END ; RETURN( expr ) END doVal ; (* MoveWithMode - *) PROCEDURE MoveWithMode (tokno: CARDINAL; Des, Exp, Array: CARDINAL; destok, exptok: CARDINAL; checkOverflow: BOOLEAN) ; VAR t: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsConstString(Exp) AND IsConst(Des) THEN GenQuadOtok (tokno, BecomesOp, Des, NulSym, Exp, TRUE, destok, UnknownTokenNo, exptok) ; ELSE IF GetMode(Des)=RightValue THEN IF GetMode(Exp)=LeftValue THEN CheckPointerThroughNil (tokno, Exp) ; (* Des = *Exp *) doIndrX (tokno, Des, Exp) ELSE GenQuadOtok (tokno, BecomesOp, Des, NulSym, Exp, TRUE, destok, UnknownTokenNo, exptok) END ELSIF GetMode(Des)=LeftValue THEN MarkArrayWritten (Array) ; IF GetMode(Exp) = LeftValue THEN t := MakeTemporary (tokno, RightValue) ; PutVar(t, GetSType(Exp)) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (tokno, Exp) ; doIndrX (tokno, t, Exp) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (tokno, Des) ; (* *Des = Exp *) GenQuadO (tokno, XIndrOp, Des, GetSType (Des), doVal (GetSType (Des), t), checkOverflow) ELSE CheckPointerThroughNil (tokno, Des) ; (* *Des = Exp *) GenQuadO (tokno, XIndrOp, Des, GetSType (Des), doVal (GetSType (Des), Exp), checkOverflow) END ELSE (* This might be inside a const expression. *) GenQuadOTypetok (tokno, BecomesOp, Des, NulSym, Exp, TRUE, TRUE, destok, UnknownTokenNo, exptok) END END END MoveWithMode ; (* BuildBuiltinConst - makes reference to a builtin constant within gm2. Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ +------------+ | Ident | | Sym | |------------| |------------| Quadruple produced: q Sym BuiltinConstOp Ident *) PROCEDURE BuildBuiltinConst ; VAR idtok: CARDINAL ; Id : CARDINAL ; Sym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok (Id, idtok) ; Sym := MakeTemporary (idtok, ImmediateValue) ; PutVar (Sym, Integer) ; (* CASE GetBuiltinConstType(KeyToCharStar(Name(Id))) OF 0: ErrorFormat1(NewError(GetTokenNo()), '%a unrecognised builtin constant', Id) | 1: PutVar(Sym, Integer) | 2: PutVar(Sym, Real) ELSE InternalError ('unrecognised value') END ; *) GenQuadO (idtok, BuiltinConstOp, Sym, NulSym, Id, FALSE) ; PushTtok (Sym, idtok) END BuildBuiltinConst ; (* BuildBuiltinTypeInfo - make reference to a builtin typeinfo function within gm2. Entry Exit Ptr -> +-------------+ | Type | |-------------| +------------+ | Ident | | Sym | |-------------| |------------| Quadruple produced: q Sym BuiltinTypeInfoOp Type Ident *) PROCEDURE BuildBuiltinTypeInfo ; VAR idtok: CARDINAL ; Ident, Type, Sym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok (Ident, idtok) ; PopT (Type) ; Sym := MakeTemporary (BuiltinTokenNo, ImmediateValue) ; CASE GetBuiltinTypeInfoType (KeyToCharStar (Name (Ident))) OF 0: ErrorFormat1 (NewError(idtok), '%a unrecognised builtin constant', Ident) | 1: PutVar (Sym, Boolean) | 2: PutVar (Sym, ZType) | 3: PutVar (Sym, RType) ELSE InternalError ('unrecognised value') END ; GenQuadO (idtok, BuiltinTypeInfoOp, Sym, Type, Ident, FALSE) ; PushTtok (Sym, idtok) END BuildBuiltinTypeInfo ; (* CheckBecomesMeta - checks to make sure that we are not assigning a variable to a constant. Also check we are not assigning to an unbounded array. *) PROCEDURE CheckBecomesMeta (Des, Exp: CARDINAL; combinedtok, destok, exprtok: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsConst (Des) AND IsVar (Exp) THEN MetaErrorsT2 (combinedtok, 'in assignment, cannot assign a variable {%2a} to a constant {%1a}', 'designator {%1Da} is declared as a {%kCONST}', Des, Exp) END ; IF (GetDType(Des) # NulSym) AND IsVar (Des) AND IsUnbounded (GetDType (Des)) THEN MetaErrorT1 (destok, 'in assignment, cannot assign to an unbounded array {%1ad}', Des) END ; IF (GetDType(Exp) # NulSym) AND IsVar (Exp) AND IsUnbounded (GetDType (Exp)) THEN MetaErrorT1 (exprtok, 'in assignment, cannot assign from an unbounded array {%1ad}', Exp) END END CheckBecomesMeta ; (* BuildAssignment - Builds an assignment from the values given on the quad stack. Either an assignment to an arithmetic expression or an assignment to a boolean expression. This procedure should not be called in CONST declarations. The Stack is expected to contain: Either Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Expression | |------------| | Designator | |------------| +------------+ | | | | <- Ptr |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q BecomesOp Designator _ Expression OR Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | True |False| |------------| | Designator | |------------| +------------+ | | | | <- Ptr |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q BecomesOp Designator _ TRUE q+1 GotoOp q+3 q+2 BecomesOp Designator _ FALSE *) PROCEDURE BuildAssignment (becomesTokNo: CARDINAL) ; VAR des, exp : CARDINAL ; destok, exptok, combinedtok: CARDINAL ; BEGIN des := OperandT (2) ; IF IsReadOnly (des) THEN destok := OperandTok (2) ; exptok := OperandTok (1) ; exp := OperandT (1) ; IF DebugTokPos THEN MetaErrorT1 (destok, 'destok {%1Ead}', des) ; MetaErrorT1 (exptok, 'exptok {%1Ead}', exp) END ; combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (becomesTokNo, destok, exptok) ; IF DebugTokPos THEN MetaErrorT1 (combinedtok, 'combined {%1Ead}', des) END ; IF IsBoolean (1) THEN MetaErrorT1 (combinedtok, 'cannot assign expression to a constant designator {%1Ead}', des) ELSE exp := OperandT (1) ; MetaErrorT2 (combinedtok, 'cannot assign a constant designator {%1Ead} with an expression {%2Ead}', des, exp) END ; PopN (2) (* Remove both parameters. *) ELSIF IsError (des) THEN PopN (2) (* Remove both parameters. *) ELSE doBuildAssignment (becomesTokNo, TRUE, TRUE) END END BuildAssignment ; (* BuildAssignConstant - used to create constant in the CONST declaration. The stack is expected to contain: Either Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Expression | |------------| | Designator | |------------| +------------+ | | | | <- Ptr |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q BecomesOp Designator _ Expression OR Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | True |False| |------------| | Designator | |------------| +------------+ | | | | <- Ptr |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q BecomesOp Designator _ TRUE q+1 GotoOp q+3 q+2 BecomesOp Designator _ FALSE *) PROCEDURE BuildAssignConstant (equalsTokNo: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN doBuildAssignment (equalsTokNo, TRUE, TRUE) END BuildAssignConstant ; (* doBuildAssignment - subsiduary procedure of BuildAssignment. It builds the assignment and optionally checks the types are compatible. *) PROCEDURE doBuildAssignment (becomesTokNo: CARDINAL; checkTypes, checkOverflow: BOOLEAN) ; VAR r, w, t, f, Array, Des, Exp : CARDINAL ; combinedtok, destok, exptok: CARDINAL ; BEGIN DisplayStack ; IF IsBoolean (1) THEN PopBool (t, f) ; PopTtok (Des, destok) ; PutVarConditional (Des, TRUE) ; (* Des will contain the result of a boolean relop. *) (* Conditional Boolean Assignment. *) BackPatch (t, NextQuad) ; IF GetMode (Des) = LeftValue THEN CheckPointerThroughNil (destok, Des) ; GenQuadO (destok, XIndrOp, Des, Boolean, True, checkOverflow) ; GenQuadO (destok, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, NextQuad+2, FALSE) ; ELSE (* This might be inside a const expression. *) GenQuadO (becomesTokNo, BecomesOp, Des, NulSym, True, checkOverflow) ; GenQuadO (destok, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, NextQuad+2, FALSE) END ; BackPatch (f, NextQuad) ; IF GetMode (Des) = LeftValue THEN CheckPointerThroughNil (destok, Des) ; GenQuadO (destok, XIndrOp, Des, Boolean, False, checkOverflow) ELSE GenQuadO (becomesTokNo, BecomesOp, Des, NulSym, False, checkOverflow) END ELSE PopTrwtok (Exp, r, exptok) ; MarkAsRead (r) ; IF Exp = NulSym THEN MetaError0 ('{%E}unknown expression found during assignment') ; FlushErrors END ; Array := OperandA (1) ; PopTrwtok (Des, w, destok) ; MarkAsWrite (w) ; CheckCompatibleWithBecomes (Des, Exp, destok, exptok) ; IF DebugTokPos THEN MetaErrorT1 (becomesTokNo, 'becomestok {%1Oad}', Des) ; MetaErrorT1 (destok, 'destok {%1Oad}', Des) ; MetaErrorT1 (exptok, 'exptok {%1Oad}', Exp) END ; combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (becomesTokNo, destok, exptok) ; IF DebugTokPos THEN MetaErrorT1 (combinedtok, 'combined {%1Oad}', Des) END ; IF (GetSType (Des) # NulSym) AND (NOT IsSet (GetDType (Des))) THEN (* Tell code generator to test runtime values of assignment so ensure we catch overflow and underflow. *) BuildRange (InitAssignmentRangeCheck (combinedtok, Des, Exp, destok, exptok)) END ; IF checkTypes THEN CheckBecomesMeta (Des, Exp, combinedtok, destok, exptok) END ; (* Simple assignment. *) MoveWithMode (combinedtok, Des, Exp, Array, destok, exptok, checkOverflow) ; IF checkTypes THEN CheckAssignCompatible (Des, Exp, combinedtok, destok, exptok) END END ; DisplayStack END doBuildAssignment ; (* CheckAssignCompatible - checks to see that an assignment is compatible. It performs limited checking - thorough checking is done in pass 3. But we do what we can here given knowledge so far. *) PROCEDURE CheckAssignCompatible (Des, Exp: CARDINAL; combinedtok, destok, exprtok: CARDINAL) ; VAR DesT, ExpT, DesL: CARDINAL ; BEGIN DesT := GetSType(Des) ; ExpT := GetSType(Exp) ; DesL := GetLType(Des) ; IF IsProcedure(Exp) AND ((DesT#NulSym) AND (NOT IsProcType(DesT))) AND ((DesL#NulSym) AND (NOT IsProcType(DesL))) THEN MetaErrorT1 (destok, 'incorrectly assigning a procedure to a designator {%1Ead} (designator is not a procedure type, {%1ast})', Des) ELSIF IsProcedure (Exp) AND IsProcedureNested (Exp) THEN MetaErrorT1 (exprtok, 'cannot call nested procedure {%1Ead} indirectly as the outer scope will not be known', Exp) ELSIF IsConstString(Exp) THEN ELSIF (DesT#NulSym) AND (IsUnbounded(DesT)) THEN ELSIF (ExpT#NulSym) AND (IsUnbounded(ExpT)) THEN ELSIF (DesL#NulSym) AND IsArray(DesL) THEN ELSIF IsConstructor(Exp) THEN IF ExpT=NulSym THEN (* ignore type checking *) ELSIF (DesT=NulSym) AND IsConst(Des) AND (IsConstructor(Des) OR IsConstSet(Des)) THEN PutConst(Des, ExpT) ELSIF NOT IsAssignmentCompatible(DesT, ExpT) THEN MetaErrorT1 (combinedtok, 'constructor expression is not compatible during assignment to {%1Ead}', Des) END ELSIF (DesT#NulSym) AND IsSet(DesT) AND IsConst(Exp) THEN (* We ignore checking of these types in pass 3 - but we do check them thoroughly post pass 3 *) ELSIF IsConst(Exp) AND (ExpT#Address) AND (NOT IsConst(Des)) AND (DesL#NulSym) AND ((DesL=Cardinal) OR (NOT IsSubrange(DesL))) AND (NOT IsEnumeration(DesL)) THEN IF (IsBaseType(DesL) OR IsSystemType(DesL)) THEN CheckAssignmentCompatible (combinedtok, ExpT, DesT) ELSE MetaErrorT2 (combinedtok, 'assignment of a constant {%1Ead} can only be made to a variable whose type is equivalent to a Modula-2 base type {%2tsa}', Exp, Des) END ELSE IF (DesT#NulSym) AND IsProcType(DesT) AND IsProcedure(Exp) THEN DesT := GetSType(DesT) ; (* we can at least check RETURN values of procedure variables *) (* remember that thorough assignment checking is done post pass 3 *) CheckAssignmentCompatible (combinedtok, ExpT, DesT) END END END CheckAssignCompatible ; (* CheckBooleanId - Checks to see if the top operand is a boolean. If the operand is not a boolean then it is tested with true and a boolean is generated. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | Sym | | t | f | |------------| |------------| Quadruples q If= Sym True _ q+1 GotoOp _ _ _ *) PROCEDURE CheckBooleanId ; VAR tok: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF NOT IsBoolean (1) THEN tok := OperandTok (1) ; IF IsVar (OperandT (1)) THEN IF GetSType (OperandT (1)) # Boolean THEN MetaError1 ('{%1Ua:is not a boolean expression}' + '{!%1Ua:boolean expression expected}', OperandT (1)) END END ; PushT (EqualTok) ; PushT (True) ; BuildRelOp (tok) END END CheckBooleanId ; (* BuildAlignment - builds an assignment to an alignment constant. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +---------------+ | Expression | |---------------| | bytealignment | |---------------| empty *) PROCEDURE BuildAlignment (tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR name : Name ; expr, align: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (expr) ; PopT (name) ; IF name # MakeKey ('bytealignment') THEN MetaError1 ('expecting bytealignment identifier, rather than {%1Ea}', MakeError (tokno, name)) END ; GetConstFromFifoQueue (align) ; PushT (align) ; PushT (expr) ; BuildAssignConstant (tokno) END BuildAlignment ; (* BuildBitLength - builds an assignment to a bit length constant. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Expression | |------------| empty *) PROCEDURE BuildBitLength (tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR expr, length: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (expr) ; GetConstFromFifoQueue (length) ; PushT (length) ; PushT (expr) ; BuildAssignConstant (tokno) END BuildBitLength ; (* BuildDefaultFieldAlignment - builds an assignment to an alignment constant. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Expression | |------------| empty *) PROCEDURE BuildDefaultFieldAlignment ; VAR expr, align: CARDINAL ; name : Name ; BEGIN PopT (expr) ; PopT (name) ; IF name # MakeKey ('bytealignment') THEN MetaError0 ('{%E}only allowed to use the attribute {%kbytealignment} in the default record field alignment pragma') END ; GetConstFromFifoQueue (align) ; PushT (align) ; PushT (expr) ; BuildAssignConstant (GetTokenNo ()) END BuildDefaultFieldAlignment ; (* BuildPragmaField - builds an assignment to an alignment constant. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Expression | |------------| empty *) PROCEDURE BuildPragmaField ; VAR expr, const: CARDINAL ; name : Name ; BEGIN PopT (expr) ; PopT (name) ; IF (name # MakeKey ('unused')) AND (name # MakeKey ('bytealignment')) THEN MetaError0 ('only allowed to use the attribute {%Ekbytealignment} in the default record field alignment pragma') END ; IF expr # NulSym THEN GetConstFromFifoQueue (const) ; PushT (const) ; PushT (expr) ; BuildAssignConstant (GetTokenNo ()) END END BuildPragmaField ; (* BuildRepeat - Builds the repeat statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Empty <- Ptr +------------+ | RepeatQuad | |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildRepeat ; BEGIN PushT(NextQuad) END BuildRepeat ; (* BuildUntil - Builds the until part of the repeat statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | t | f | |------------| | RepeatQuad | Empty |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildUntil ; VAR t, f, Repeat: CARDINAL ; BEGIN CheckBooleanId ; PopBool(t, f) ; PopT(Repeat) ; BackPatch(f, Repeat) ; (* If False then keep on repeating *) BackPatch(t, NextQuad) ; (* If True then exit repeat *) END BuildUntil ; (* BuildWhile - Builds the While part of the While statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== <- Ptr |------------| Empty | WhileQuad | |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildWhile ; BEGIN PushT(NextQuad) END BuildWhile ; (* BuildDoWhile - Builds the Do part of the while statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ +------------+ | t | f | | 0 | f | |------------| |------------| | WhileQuad | | WhileQuad | |------------| |------------| Quadruples BackPatch t exit to the NextQuad *) PROCEDURE BuildDoWhile ; VAR t, f: CARDINAL ; BEGIN CheckBooleanId ; PopBool(t, f) ; BackPatch(t, NextQuad) ; PushBool(0, f) END BuildDoWhile ; (* BuildEndWhile - Builds the end part of the while statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | t | f | |------------| | WhileQuad | Empty |------------| Quadruples q GotoOp WhileQuad False exit is backpatched with q+1 *) PROCEDURE BuildEndWhile (reltokpos: INTEGER) ; VAR tok : CARDINAL ; While, t, f : CARDINAL ; BEGIN tok := GetTokenNo () ; tok := VAL (INTEGER, tok) + reltokpos ; PopBool (t, f) ; Assert (t=0) ; PopT (While) ; GenQuadO (tok, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, While, FALSE) ; BackPatch (f, NextQuad) END BuildEndWhile ; (* BuildLoop - Builds the Loop part of the Loop statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== <- Ptr Empty +------------+ | LoopQuad | |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildLoop ; BEGIN PushT(NextQuad) ; PushExit(0) (* Seperate Exit Stack for loop end *) END BuildLoop ; (* BuildExit - Builds the Exit part of the Loop statement. *) PROCEDURE BuildExit ; BEGIN IF IsEmptyWord(ExitStack) THEN MetaError0 ('{%EkEXIT} is only allowed in a {%kLOOP} statement') ELSE GenQuad(GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0) ; PushExit(Merge(PopExit(), NextQuad-1)) END END BuildExit ; (* BuildEndLoop - Builds the End part of the Loop statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | LoopQuad | Empty |------------| Quadruples Goto _ _ LoopQuad *) PROCEDURE BuildEndLoop ; VAR Loop: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(Loop) ; GenQuad(GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, Loop) ; BackPatch(PopExit(), NextQuad) END BuildEndLoop ; (* BuildThenIf - Builds the Then part of the If statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | t | f | | 0 | f | |------------| |------------| Quadruples The true exit is BackPatched to point to the NextQuad. *) PROCEDURE BuildThenIf ; VAR t, f: CARDINAL ; BEGIN CheckBooleanId ; PopBool(t, f) ; BackPatch(t, NextQuad) ; PushBool(0, f) END BuildThenIf ; (* BuildElse - Builds the Else part of the If statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ +------------+ | t | f | | t+q | 0 | |------------| |------------| Quadruples q GotoOp _ _ 0 q+1 <- BackPatched from f *) PROCEDURE BuildElse ; VAR t, f: CARDINAL ; BEGIN GenQuad(GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0) ; PopBool(t, f) ; BackPatch(f, NextQuad) ; PushBool(Merge(t, NextQuad-1), 0) (* NextQuad-1 = Goto Quad *) END BuildElse ; (* BuildEndIf - Builds the End part of the If statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | t | f | Empty |------------| Quadruples Both t and f are backpatched to point to the NextQuad *) PROCEDURE BuildEndIf ; VAR t, f: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopBool(t, f) ; BackPatch(t, NextQuad) ; BackPatch(f, NextQuad) END BuildEndIf ; (* BuildElsif1 - Builds the Elsif part of the If statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ +------------+ | t | f | | t+q | 0 | |------------| |------------| Quadruples q GotoOp _ _ 0 q+1 <- BackPatched from f *) PROCEDURE BuildElsif1 ; VAR t, f: CARDINAL ; BEGIN GenQuad(GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0) ; PopBool(t, f) ; BackPatch(f, NextQuad) ; PushBool(Merge(t, NextQuad-1), 0) (* NextQuad-1 = Goto Quad *) END BuildElsif1 ; (* BuildElsif2 - Builds the Elsif until part of the If statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +--------------+ | 0 | f1 | <- Ptr |--------------| +---------------+ | t2 | f2 | | t2 | f1+f2 | |--------------| |---------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildElsif2 ; VAR t1, f1, t2, f2: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopBool(t1, f1) ; Assert(t1=0) ; PopBool(t2, f2) ; PushBool(t2, Merge(f1, f2)) END BuildElsif2 ; (* PushOne - pushes the value one to the stack. The Stack is changed: Entry Exit ===== ==== <- Ptr +------------+ Ptr -> | 1 | type | |------------| *) PROCEDURE PushOne (tok: CARDINAL; type: CARDINAL; message: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; VAR const: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF type = NulSym THEN const := MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey('1'), NulSym) ; PutConstLitInternal (const, TRUE) ; PushTFtok (const, NulSym, tok) ELSIF IsEnumeration (type) THEN IF NoOfElements (type) = 0 THEN MetaErrorString1 (ConCat (InitString ('enumeration type only has one element {%1Dad} and therefore '), Mark (InitString (message))), type) ; PushZero (tok, type) ELSE PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, tok) ; PushT (type) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('1'), ZType), ZType, tok) ; PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *) BuildConvertFunction (Convert, TRUE) END ELSE const := MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('1'), type) ; PutConstLitInternal (const, TRUE) ; PushTFtok (const, type, tok) END END PushOne ; (* PushZero - pushes the value zero to the stack. The Stack is changed: Entry Exit ===== ==== <- Ptr +------------+ Ptr -> | 0 | type | |------------| *) PROCEDURE PushZero (tok: CARDINAL; type: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF type = NulSym THEN PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('0'), NulSym), NulSym, tok) ELSIF IsEnumeration (type) THEN PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, tok) ; PushTtok (type, tok) ; PushTtok (MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('0'), ZType), tok) ; PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *) BuildConvertFunction (Convert, TRUE) ELSE PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('0'), type), type, tok) END END PushZero ; (* BuildPseudoBy - Builds the Non existant part of the By clause of the For statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== <- Ptr +------------+ Ptr -> | BySym | t | +------------+ |------------| | e | t | | e | t | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildPseudoBy ; VAR expr, type, dotok: CARDINAL ; BEGIN (* As there is no BY token this position is the DO at the end of the last expression. *) PopTFtok (expr, type, dotok) ; PushTFtok (expr, type, dotok) ; IF type = NulSym THEN (* type := ZType *) ELSIF IsEnumeration (SkipType (type)) OR (SkipType (type) = Char) THEN (* Use type. *) ELSIF IsOrdinalType (SkipType (type)) THEN type := ZType END ; PushOne (dotok, type, 'the implied {%kFOR} loop increment will cause an overflow {%1ad}') END BuildPseudoBy ; (* ForLoopLastIterator - calculate the last iterator value but avoid setting LastIterator twice if it is a constant (in the quads). In the ForLoopLastIteratorVariable case only one path will be chosen but at the time of quadruple generation we do not know the value of BySym. *) PROCEDURE ForLoopLastIterator (LastIterator, e1, e2, BySym: CARDINAL ; e1tok, e2tok, bytok: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF NOT IsConst (BySym) THEN MetaErrorT1 (bytok, '{%E}the {%kFOR} loop {%kBY} expression must be constant, the expression {%1a} is variable', BySym) ; MetaErrorDecl (BySym, TRUE) ELSE GenQuadOTypetok (bytok, LastForIteratorOp, LastIterator, Make2Tuple (e1, e2), BySym, FALSE, FALSE, bytok, MakeVirtual2Tok (e1tok, e2tok), bytok) END END ForLoopLastIterator ; (* BuildForToByDo - Builds the For To By Do part of the For statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== <- Ptr +----------------+ Ptr -> | RangeId | +----------------+ |----------------| | BySym | ByType | | ForQuad | |----------------| |----------------| | e2 | | LastValue | |----------------| |----------------| | e1 | | BySym | ByType | |----------------| |----------------| | Ident | | IdentSym | |----------------| |----------------| x := e1 ; Note that LASTVALUE is calculated during M2GenGCC after all the types have been resolved. LASTVALUE := ((e2-e1) DIV BySym) * BySym + e1 IF BySym<0 THEN IF e1<e2 THEN goto exit END ELSE IF e1>e2 THEN goto exit END END ; LOOP body IF x=LASTVALUE THEN goto exit END ; INC(x, BySym) END Quadruples: q BecomesOp IdentSym _ e1 q+ LastForIteratorOp LastValue := ((e1-e2) DIV by) * by + e1 q+1 if >= by 0 q+..2 q+2 GotoOp q+3 q+3 If >= e1 e2 q+5 q+4 GotoOp exit q+5 .. q+..1 Goto q+..5 q+..2 If >= e2 e1 q+..4 q+..3 GotoOp exit q+..4 .. The For Loop is regarded: For ident := e1 To e2 By by Do End *) PROCEDURE BuildForToByDo ; VAR l1, l2 : LineNote ; e1, e2, Id : Name ; e1tok, e2tok, idtok, bytok : CARDINAL ; LastIterator, exit1, IdSym, BySym, ByType, ForLoop, RangeId, t, f : CARDINAL ; etype, t1 : CARDINAL ; BEGIN l2 := PopLineNo() ; l1 := PopLineNo() ; UseLineNote(l1) ; PushFor (0) ; PopTFtok (BySym, ByType, bytok) ; PopTtok (e2, e2tok) ; PopTtok (e1, e1tok) ; PopTtok (Id, idtok) ; IdSym := RequestSym (idtok, Id) ; RangeId := InitForLoopBeginRangeCheck (IdSym, idtok, e1, e1tok, e2, e2tok, BySym, bytok) ; BuildRange (RangeId) ; PushTtok (IdSym, idtok) ; PushTtok (e1, e1tok) ; BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (idtok, TRUE, TRUE) ; UseLineNote (l2) ; LastIterator := MakeTemporary (e2tok, AreConstant (IsConst (e1) AND IsConst (e2) AND IsConst (BySym))) ; PutVar (LastIterator, GetSType (IdSym)) ; etype := MixTypes (GetSType (e1), GetSType (e2), e2tok) ; e1 := doConvert (etype, e1) ; e2 := doConvert (etype, e2) ; ForLoopLastIterator (LastIterator, e1, e2, BySym, e1tok, e2tok, bytok) ; (* q+1 if >= by 0 q+..2 *) (* q+2 GotoOp q+3 *) PushTFtok (BySym, ByType, bytok) ; (* BuildRelOp 1st parameter. *) PushT (GreaterEqualTok) ; (* 2nd parameter. *) (* 3rd parameter. *) PushZero (bytok, ByType) ; BuildRelOp (e2tok) ; (* Choose final expression position. *) PopBool (t, f) ; BackPatch (f, NextQuad) ; (* q+3 If >= e1 e2 q+5 *) (* q+4 GotoOp Exit *) PushTFtok (e1, GetSType (e1), e1tok) ; (* BuildRelOp 1st parameter *) PushT (GreaterEqualTok) ; (* 2nd parameter *) PushTFtok (e2, GetSType (e2), e2tok) ; (* 3rd parameter *) BuildRelOp (e2tok) ; (* Choose final expression position. *) PopBool (t1, exit1) ; BackPatch (t1, NextQuad) ; PushFor (Merge (PopFor (), exit1)) ; (* Merge exit1. *) GenQuad (GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0) ; ForLoop := NextQuad-1 ; (* ELSE. *) BackPatch (t, NextQuad) ; PushTFtok (e2, GetSType(e2), e2tok) ; (* BuildRelOp 1st parameter *) PushT (GreaterEqualTok) ; (* 2nd parameter *) PushTFtok (e1, GetSType(e1), e1tok) ; (* 3rd parameter *) BuildRelOp (e2tok) ; PopBool (t1, exit1) ; BackPatch (t1, NextQuad) ; PushFor (Merge (PopFor (), exit1)) ; (* Merge exit1. *) BackPatch(ForLoop, NextQuad) ; (* Fixes the start of the for loop. *) ForLoop := NextQuad ; (* And set up the stack. *) PushTFtok (IdSym, GetSym (IdSym), idtok) ; PushTFtok (BySym, ByType, bytok) ; PushTFtok (LastIterator, GetSType (LastIterator), e2tok) ; PushT (ForLoop) ; PushT (RangeId) END BuildForToByDo ; (* BuildEndFor - Builds the End part of the For statement from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +----------------+ | RangeId | |----------------| | ForQuad | |----------------| | LastValue | |----------------| | BySym | ByType | |----------------| | IdSym | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildEndFor (endpostok: CARDINAL) ; VAR t, f, tsym, RangeId, IncQuad, ForQuad: CARDINAL ; LastSym, ByType, BySym, bytok, IdSym, idtok : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (RangeId) ; PopT (ForQuad) ; PopT (LastSym) ; PopTFtok (BySym, ByType, bytok) ; PopTtok (IdSym, idtok) ; (* IF IdSym=LastSym THEN exit END *) PushTF(IdSym, GetSType (IdSym)) ; PushT (EqualTok) ; PushTF (LastSym, GetSType (LastSym)) ; BuildRelOp (endpostok) ; PopBool (t, f) ; BackPatch (t, NextQuad) ; GenQuad (GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0) ; PushFor (Merge (PopFor (), NextQuad-1)) ; BackPatch (f, NextQuad) ; IF GetMode (IdSym) = LeftValue THEN (* index variable is a LeftValue, therefore we must dereference it *) tsym := MakeTemporary (idtok, RightValue) ; PutVar (tsym, GetSType (IdSym)) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (idtok, IdSym) ; doIndrX (endpostok, tsym, IdSym) ; BuildRange (InitForLoopEndRangeCheck (tsym, BySym)) ; (* --fixme-- pass endpostok. *) IncQuad := NextQuad ; (* we have explicitly checked using the above and also this addition can legitimately overflow if a cardinal type is counting down. The above test will generate a more precise error message, so we suppress overflow detection here. *) GenQuadOTypetok (bytok, AddOp, tsym, tsym, BySym, FALSE, FALSE, idtok, idtok, bytok) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (idtok, IdSym) ; GenQuadOtok (idtok, XIndrOp, IdSym, GetSType (IdSym), tsym, FALSE, idtok, idtok, idtok) ELSE BuildRange (InitForLoopEndRangeCheck (IdSym, BySym)) ; IncQuad := NextQuad ; (* we have explicitly checked using the above and also this addition can legitimately overflow if a cardinal type is counting down. The above test will generate a more precise error message, so we suppress overflow detection here. This quadruple suppresses the generic binary op type check (performed in M2GenGCC.mod) as there will be a more informative/exhaustive check performed by the InitForLoopBeginRangeCheck setup in BuildForToByDo and performed by M2Range.mod. *) GenQuadOTypetok (idtok, AddOp, IdSym, IdSym, BySym, FALSE, FALSE, idtok, idtok, bytok) END ; GenQuadO (endpostok, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, ForQuad, FALSE) ; BackPatch (PopFor (), NextQuad) ; AddForInfo (ForQuad, NextQuad-1, IncQuad, IdSym, idtok) ; PutRangeForIncrement (RangeId, IncQuad) END BuildEndFor ; (* BuildCaseStart - starts the case statement. It initializes a backpatch list on the compile time stack, the list is used to contain all case break points. The list is later backpatched and contains all positions of the case statement which jump to the end of the case statement. The stack also contains room for a boolean expression, this is needed to allow , operator in the CaseField alternatives. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== <- Ptr +------------+ | 0 | 0 | |------------| | 0 | 0 | +-------------+ |------------| | Expr | | | Expr | | |-------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseStart ; BEGIN BuildRange (InitCaseBounds (PushCase (NulSym, NulSym, OperandT (1)))) ; PushBool (0, 0) ; (* BackPatch list initialized *) PushBool (0, 0) (* Room for a boolean expression *) END BuildCaseStart ; (* BuildCaseStartStatementSequence - starts the statement sequence inside a case clause. BackPatches the true exit to the NextQuad. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +-----------+ +------------+ | t | f | | 0 | f | |-----------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseStartStatementSequence ; VAR t, f: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopBool (t, f) ; BackPatch (t, NextQuad) ; PushBool (0, f) END BuildCaseStartStatementSequence ; (* BuildCaseEndStatementSequence - ends the statement sequence inside a case clause. BackPatches the false exit f1 to the NextQuad. Asserts that t1 and f2 is 0 Pushes t2+q and 0 Quadruples: q GotoOp _ _ 0 The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +-----------+ +------------+ | t1 | f1 | | 0 | 0 | |-----------| |------------| | t2 | f2 | | t2+q | 0 | |-----------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseEndStatementSequence ; VAR t1, f1, t2, f2: CARDINAL ; BEGIN GenQuad (GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0) ; PopBool (t1, f1) ; PopBool (t2, f2) ; (* t2 contains the break list for the case *) BackPatch (f1, NextQuad) ; (* f1 no longer needed *) Assert (t1=0) ; Assert (f2=0) ; PushBool (Merge (t2, NextQuad-1), 0) ; (* NextQuad-1 = Goto Quad *) PushBool (0, 0) (* Room for boolean expression *) END BuildCaseEndStatementSequence ; (* BuildCaseRange - builds the range testing quaruples for a case clause. IF (e1>=ce1) AND (e1<=ce2) THEN ELS.. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +-----------+ | ce2 | <- Ptr |-----------| +-----------+ | ce1 | | t | f | |-----------| |-----------| | t1 | f1 | | t1 | f1 | |-----------| |-----------| | t2 | f2 | | t2 | f2 | |-----------| |-----------| | e1 | | e1 | |-----------| |-----------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseRange ; VAR ce1, ce2, combinedtok, ce1tok, ce2tok, e1tok, e1, t2, f2, t1, f1 : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok (ce2, ce2tok) ; PopTtok (ce1, ce1tok) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (ce2tok, ce2tok, ce1tok) ; AddRange (ce1, ce2, combinedtok) ; PopBool (t1, f1) ; PopBool (t2, f2) ; PopTtok (e1, e1tok) ; PushTtok (e1, e1tok) ; (* leave e1 on bottom of stack when exit procedure *) PushBool (t2, f2) ; PushBool (t1, f1) ; (* also leave t1 and f1 on the bottom of the stack *) PushTtok (e1, e1tok) ; PushT (GreaterEqualTok) ; PushTtok (ce1, ce1tok) ; BuildRelOp (combinedtok) ; PushT (AndTok) ; RecordOp ; PushTtok (e1, e1tok) ; PushT (LessEqualTok) ; PushTtok (ce2, ce2tok) ; BuildRelOp (combinedtok) ; BuildBinaryOp END BuildCaseRange ; (* BuildCaseEquality - builds the range testing quadruples for a case clause. IF e1=ce1 THEN ELS.. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +-----------+ +-----------+ | ce1 | | t | f | |-----------| |-----------| | t1 | f1 | | t1 | f1 | |-----------| |-----------| | t2 | f2 | | t2 | f2 | |-----------| |-----------| | e1 | | e1 | |-----------| |-----------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseEquality ; VAR ce1tok, e1tok, ce1, e1, t2, f2, t1, f1 : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok (ce1, ce1tok) ; AddRange (ce1, NulSym, ce1tok) ; PopBool (t1, f1) ; PopBool (t2, f2) ; PopTtok (e1, e1tok) ; PushTtok (e1, e1tok) ; (* leave e1 on bottom of stack when exit procedure *) PushBool (t2, f2) ; (* also leave t2 and f2 on the bottom of the stack *) PushBool (t1, f1) ; PushTtok (e1, e1tok) ; PushT (EqualTok) ; PushTtok (ce1, ce1tok) ; BuildRelOp (ce1tok) END BuildCaseEquality ; (* BuildCaseList - merges two case tests into one The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +-----------+ | t2 | f2 | |-----------| +-------------+ | t1 | f1 | | t1+t2| f1+f2| |-----------| |-------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseList ; VAR t2, f2, t1, f1: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopBool (t2, f2) ; PopBool (t1, f1) ; PushBool (Merge (t1, t2), Merge (f1, f2)) END BuildCaseList ; (* BuildCaseOr - builds the , in the case clause. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +-----------+ +------------+ | t | f | | t | 0 | |-----------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseOr ; VAR t, f: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopBool (t, f) ; BackPatch (f, NextQuad) ; PushBool (t, 0) END BuildCaseOr ; (* BuildCaseElse - builds the else of case clause. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +-----------+ +------------+ | t | f | | t | 0 | |-----------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseElse ; VAR t, f: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopBool (t, f) ; BackPatch (f, NextQuad) ; PushBool (t, 0) END BuildCaseElse ; (* BuildCaseEnd - builds the end of case clause. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +-----------+ | t1 | f1 | |-----------| | t2 | f2 | |-----------| | e1 | |-----------| Empty *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseEnd ; VAR e1, t, f: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopBool (t, f) ; BackPatch (f, NextQuad) ; BackPatch (t, NextQuad) ; PopBool (t, f) ; BackPatch (f, NextQuad) ; BackPatch (t, NextQuad) ; PopT (e1) ; PopCase END BuildCaseEnd ; (* BuildCaseCheck - builds the case checking code to ensure that the program does not need an else clause at runtime. The stack is unaltered. *) PROCEDURE BuildCaseCheck ; BEGIN BuildError (InitNoElseRangeCheck ()) END BuildCaseCheck ; (* BuildNulParam - Builds a nul parameter on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit <- Ptr Empty +------------+ | 0 | |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildNulParam ; BEGIN PushT (0) END BuildNulParam ; (* BuildSizeCheckStart - switches off all quadruple generation if the function SIZE or HIGH is being "called". This should be done as SIZE only requires the actual type of the expression, not its value. Consider the problem of SIZE(UninitializedPointer^) which is quite legal and it must also be safe! ISO Modula-2 also allows HIGH(a[0]) for a two dimensional array and there is no need to compute a[0], we just need to follow the type and count dimensions. However if SIZE(a) or HIGH(a) occurs and, a, is an unbounded array then we turn on quadruple generation. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +----------------------+ +----------------------+ | ProcSym | Type | tok | | ProcSym | Type | tok | |----------------------| |----------------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildSizeCheckStart ; VAR ProcSym, Type, tok: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTFtok (ProcSym, Type, tok) ; IF (ProcSym=Size) OR (ProcSym=TSize) OR (ProcSym=TBitSize) THEN QuadrupleGeneration := FALSE ; BuildingSize := TRUE ELSIF ProcSym=High THEN QuadrupleGeneration := FALSE ; BuildingHigh := TRUE END ; PushTFtok (ProcSym, Type, tok) END BuildSizeCheckStart ; (* BuildSizeCheckEnd - checks to see whether the function "called" was in fact SIZE. If so then we restore quadruple generation. *) PROCEDURE BuildSizeCheckEnd (ProcSym: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF (ProcSym=Size) OR (ProcSym=TSize) OR (ProcSym=TBitSize) THEN QuadrupleGeneration := TRUE ; BuildingSize := FALSE ELSIF ProcSym=High THEN QuadrupleGeneration := TRUE ; BuildingHigh := FALSE END ; END BuildSizeCheckEnd ; (* BuildProcedureCall - builds a procedure call. Although this procedure does not directly destroy the procedure parameters, it calls routine which will manipulate the stack and so the entry and exit states of the stack are shown. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildProcedureCall (tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR NoOfParam, ProcSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(NoOfParam) ; ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam+1) ; PushT (NoOfParam) ; (* Compile time stack restored to entry state *) IF IsPseudoBaseProcedure (ProcSym) OR IsPseudoSystemProcedure (ProcSym) THEN DisplayStack ; ManipulatePseudoCallParameters ; DisplayStack ; BuildPseudoProcedureCall (tokno) ; DisplayStack ELSIF IsUnknown (ProcSym) THEN MetaError1 ('{%1Ua} is not recognised as a procedure, check declaration or import', ProcSym) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 2) ELSE DisplayStack ; BuildRealProcedureCall (tokno) ; DisplayStack ; END END BuildProcedureCall ; (* BuildRealProcedureCall - builds a real procedure call. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildRealProcedureCall (tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR NoOfParam: CARDINAL ; ProcSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; PushT (NoOfParam) ; ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam+2) ; ProcSym := SkipConst (ProcSym) ; (* tokno := OperandTtok (NoOfParam+2) ; *) (* --checkme-- *) IF IsVar (ProcSym) THEN (* Procedure Variable ? *) ProcSym := SkipType (OperandF (NoOfParam+2)) END ; IF IsDefImp (GetScope (ProcSym)) AND IsDefinitionForC (GetScope (ProcSym)) THEN BuildRealFuncProcCall (tokno, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE) ELSE BuildRealFuncProcCall (tokno, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) END END BuildRealProcedureCall ; (* BuildRealFuncProcCall - builds a real procedure or function call. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildRealFuncProcCall (tokno: CARDINAL; IsFunc, IsForC, ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR AllocateProc, DeallocateProc, ForcedFunc, ParamConstant : BOOLEAN ; trash, resulttok, paramtok, proctok, NoOfParameters, i, pi, ParamType, Param1, (* Used to remember first param for allocate/deallocate. *) ReturnVar, ProcSym, Proc : CARDINAL ; BEGIN Param1 := NulSym ; ParamType := NulSym ; CheckProcedureParameters (IsForC) ; PopT (NoOfParameters) ; PushT (NoOfParameters) ; (* Restore stack to original state. *) ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParameters+2) ; proctok := tokno ; (* OperandTtok (NoOfParameters+2) ; *) IF proctok = UnknownTokenNo THEN proctok := GetTokenNo () END ; paramtok := proctok ; ProcSym := SkipConst (ProcSym) ; ForcedFunc := FALSE ; AllocateProc := FALSE ; DeallocateProc := FALSE ; IF IsVar (ProcSym) THEN (* Procedure Variable ? *) Proc := SkipType (OperandF (NoOfParameters+2)) ; ParamConstant := FALSE ELSE Proc := ProcSym ; ParamConstant := TRUE ; AllocateProc := GetSymName (Proc) = MakeKey('ALLOCATE') ; DeallocateProc := GetSymName (Proc) = MakeKey('DEALLOCATE') END ; IF IsFunc THEN IF GetSType (Proc) = NulSym THEN MetaErrors1 ('procedure {%1a} cannot be used as a function', 'procedure {%1Da} does not have a return type', Proc) END ELSE (* is being called as a procedure *) IF GetSType (Proc) # NulSym THEN (* however it was declared as a procedure function *) IF NOT IsReturnOptionalAny (Proc) THEN MetaErrors1 ('function {%1a} is being called but its return value is ignored', 'function {%1Da} return a type {%1ta:of {%1ta}}', Proc) END ; IsFunc := TRUE ; ForcedFunc := TRUE END END ; IF AllocateProc OR DeallocateProc THEN Param1 := OperandT (NoOfParameters+1) (* Remember this before manipulating. *) END ; ManipulateParameters (IsForC) ; CheckParameterOrdinals ; PopT(NoOfParameters) ; IF IsFunc THEN GenQuad (ParamOp, 0, Proc, ProcSym) (* Space for return value *) END ; IF (NoOfParameters+1=NoOfParamAny(Proc)) AND UsesOptArgAny (Proc) THEN GenQuad (OptParamOp, NoOfParamAny (Proc), Proc, Proc) END ; i := NoOfParameters ; pi := 1 ; (* stack index referencing stacked parameter, i *) WHILE i>0 DO paramtok := OperandTtok (pi) ; IF (AllocateProc OR DeallocateProc) AND (i = 1) AND (Param1 # NulSym) THEN ParamType := GetItemPointedTo (Param1) ; IF ParamType = NulSym THEN GenQuadO (paramtok, ParamOp, i, Proc, OperandT (pi), TRUE) ELSE IF AllocateProc THEN trash := MakeTemporary (paramtok, RightValue) ; PutVar (trash, ParamType) ; PutVarHeap (trash, TRUE) ELSE Assert (DeallocateProc) ; trash := Nil END ; GenQuadOTrash (paramtok, ParamOp, i, Proc, OperandT (pi), TRUE, trash) END ELSE GenQuadO (paramtok, ParamOp, i, Proc, OperandT (pi), TRUE) END ; IF NOT IsConst (OperandT (pi)) THEN ParamConstant := FALSE END ; DEC (i) ; INC (pi) END ; GenQuadO (proctok, CallOp, NulSym, NulSym, ProcSym, TRUE) ; PopN (NoOfParameters+1) ; (* Destroy arguments and procedure call *) IF IsFunc THEN (* ReturnVar has the type of the procedure. *) resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (proctok, proctok, paramtok) ; IF ConstExpr AND (NOT IsProcedureBuiltinAvailable (Proc)) THEN MetaError1('{%1d} {%1ad} cannot be used in a constant expression', Proc) ; ParamConstant := FALSE END ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, AreConstant (ParamConstant AND ConstExpr)) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, GetSType (Proc)) ; GenQuadO (resulttok, FunctValueOp, ReturnVar, NulSym, Proc, TRUE) ; IF NOT ForcedFunc THEN PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType (Proc), resulttok) END END END BuildRealFuncProcCall ; (* CheckProcedureParameters - Checks the parameters which are being passed to procedure ProcSym. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +----------------+ +----------------+ | NoOfParam | | NoOfParam | |----------------| |----------------| | Param 1 | | Param 1 | |----------------| |----------------| | Param 2 | | Param 2 | |----------------| |----------------| . . . . . . . . . . . . |----------------| |----------------| | Param # | | Param # | |----------------| |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | | ProcSym | Type | |----------------| |----------------| *) PROCEDURE CheckProcedureParameters (IsForC: BOOLEAN) ; VAR proctok, paramtok : CARDINAL ; n1, n2 : Name ; ParamCheckId, Dim, Actual, FormalI, ParamTotal, pi, Proc, ProcSym, i : CARDINAL ; s : String ; BEGIN PopT(ParamTotal) ; PushT(ParamTotal) ; (* Restore stack to origional state *) ProcSym := OperandT(ParamTotal+1+1) ; proctok := OperandTtok(ParamTotal+1+1) ; IF IsVar(ProcSym) AND IsProcType(GetDType(ProcSym)) THEN (* Procedure Variable ? *) Proc := SkipType(OperandF(ParamTotal+1+1)) ELSE Proc := SkipConst(ProcSym) END ; IF NOT (IsProcedure(Proc) OR IsProcType(Proc)) THEN IF IsUnknown(Proc) THEN MetaError1('{%1Ua} is not recognised as a procedure, check declaration or import', Proc) ELSE MetaErrors1('{%1a} is not recognised as a procedure, check declaration or import', '{%1Ua} is not recognised as a procedure, check declaration or import', Proc) END END ; IF CompilerDebugging THEN n1 := GetSymName(Proc) ; printf1(' %a ( ', n1) END ; IF DebugTokPos THEN s := InitString ('procedure') ; WarnStringAt (s, proctok) END ; i := 1 ; pi := ParamTotal+1 ; (* stack index referencing stacked parameter, i *) WHILE i<=ParamTotal DO IF i <= NoOfParamAny (Proc) THEN FormalI := GetParam(Proc, i) ; IF CompilerDebugging THEN n1 := GetSymName(FormalI) ; n2 := GetSymName(GetSType(FormalI)) ; printf2('%a: %a', n1, n2) END ; Actual := OperandT(pi) ; Dim := OperandD(pi) ; paramtok := OperandTtok(pi) ; IF DebugTokPos THEN s := InitString ('actual') ; WarnStringAt (s, paramtok) END ; ParamCheckId := InitTypesParameterCheck (paramtok, Proc, i, FormalI, Actual, 0) ; BuildRange (ParamCheckId) ; (* Store the ParamCheckId on the quad stack so that any dependant checks can be cancelled if the type check above detects an error. *) PutRangeDep (pi, ParamCheckId) ; IF IsConst(Actual) THEN IF IsVarParamAny (Proc, i) THEN FailParameter (paramtok, 'trying to pass a constant to a VAR parameter', Actual, Proc, i) ELSIF IsConstString (Actual) THEN IF (NOT IsConstStringKnown (Actual)) THEN (* We dont check this yet, it is checked in M2GenGCC.mod:CodeParam after the string has been created. *) ELSIF IsArray(GetDType(FormalI)) AND (GetSType(GetDType(FormalI))=Char) THEN (* Allow string literals to be passed to ARRAY [0..n] OF CHAR. *) ELSIF (GetStringLength(paramtok, Actual) = 1) (* If = 1 then it maybe treated as a char. *) THEN CheckParameter (paramtok, Actual, Dim, FormalI, Proc, i, NIL, ParamCheckId) ELSIF NOT IsUnboundedParamAny (Proc, i) THEN IF IsForC AND (GetSType(FormalI)=Address) THEN FailParameter (paramtok, 'a string constant can either be passed to an ADDRESS parameter or an ARRAY OF CHAR', Actual, Proc, i) ELSE FailParameter (paramtok, 'cannot pass a string constant to a non unbounded array parameter', Actual, Proc, i) END END END ELSE CheckParameter (paramtok, Actual, Dim, FormalI, Proc, i, NIL, ParamCheckId) END ELSE IF IsForC AND UsesVarArgs(Proc) THEN (* these are varargs, therefore we don't check them *) i := ParamTotal ELSE MetaErrorT2 (proctok, 'too many parameters, {%2n} passed to {%1a} ', Proc, i) END END ; INC(i) ; DEC(pi) ; IF CompilerDebugging THEN IF i<=ParamTotal THEN printf0 ('; ') ELSE printf0 (' ) ; \n') END END END END CheckProcedureParameters ; (* CheckProcTypeAndProcedure - checks the ProcType with the call. *) PROCEDURE CheckProcTypeAndProcedure (tokno: CARDINAL; ProcType: CARDINAL; call: CARDINAL; ParamCheckId: CARDINAL) ; VAR n1, n2 : Name ; i, n, t : CARDINAL ; CheckedProcedure: CARDINAL ; e : Error ; BEGIN n := NoOfParamAny (ProcType) ; IF IsVar(call) OR IsTemporary(call) OR IsParameter(call) THEN CheckedProcedure := GetDType(call) ELSE CheckedProcedure := call END ; IF n # NoOfParamAny (CheckedProcedure) THEN e := NewError(GetDeclaredMod(ProcType)) ; n1 := GetSymName(call) ; n2 := GetSymName(ProcType) ; ErrorFormat2(e, 'procedure (%a) is a parameter being passed as variable (%a) but they are declared with different number of parameters', n1, n2) ; e := ChainError(GetDeclaredMod(call), e) ; t := NoOfParamAny (CheckedProcedure) ; IF n<2 THEN ErrorFormat3(e, 'procedure (%a) is being called incorrectly with (%d) parameter, declared with (%d)', n1, n, t) ELSE ErrorFormat3(e, 'procedure (%a) is being called incorrectly with (%d) parameters, declared with (%d)', n1, n, t) END ELSE i := 1 ; WHILE i<=n DO IF IsVarParamAny (ProcType, i) # IsVarParamAny (CheckedProcedure, i) THEN MetaError3 ('parameter {%3n} in {%1dD} causes a mismatch it was declared as a {%2d}', ProcType, GetNth (ProcType, i), i) ; MetaError3 ('parameter {%3n} in {%1dD} causes a mismatch it was declared as a {%2d}', call, GetNth (call, i), i) END ; BuildRange (InitTypesParameterCheck (tokno, CheckedProcedure, i, GetParam (CheckedProcedure, i), GetParam (ProcType, i), ParamCheckId)) ; INC(i) END END END CheckProcTypeAndProcedure ; (* IsReallyPointer - returns TRUE is sym is a pointer, address or a type declared as a pointer or address. *) PROCEDURE IsReallyPointer (Sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF IsVar(Sym) THEN Sym := GetSType(Sym) END ; Sym := SkipType(Sym) ; RETURN( IsPointer(Sym) OR (Sym=Address) ) END IsReallyPointer ; (* LegalUnboundedParam - returns TRUE if the parameter, Actual, can legitimately be passed to ProcSym, i, the, Formal, parameter. *) PROCEDURE LegalUnboundedParam (tokpos: CARDINAL; ProcSym, i, ActualType, Actual, Dimension, Formal: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR FormalType: CARDINAL ; n, m : CARDINAL ; BEGIN ActualType := SkipType(ActualType) ; FormalType := GetDType(Formal) ; FormalType := GetSType(FormalType) ; (* type of the unbounded ARRAY *) IF IsArray(ActualType) THEN m := GetDimension(Formal) ; n := 0 ; WHILE IsArray(ActualType) DO INC(n) ; ActualType := GetDType(ActualType) ; IF (m=n) AND (ActualType=FormalType) THEN RETURN( TRUE ) END END ; IF n=m THEN (* now we fall though and test ActualType against FormalType *) ELSE IF IsGenericSystemType(FormalType) THEN RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE FailParameter(tokpos, 'attempting to pass an array with the incorrect number dimenisons to an unbounded formal parameter of different dimensions', Actual, ProcSym, i) ; RETURN( FALSE ) END END ELSIF IsUnbounded(ActualType) THEN IF (Dimension=0) AND (GetDimension(Formal)=GetDimension(Actual)) THEN (* now we fall though and test ActualType against FormalType *) ActualType := GetSType(ActualType) ELSE IF IsGenericSystemType(FormalType) THEN RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE IF GetDimension(Actual)-Dimension = GetDimension(Formal) THEN ActualType := GetSType(ActualType) ELSE FailParameter(tokpos, 'attempting to pass an unbounded array with the incorrect number dimenisons to an unbounded formal parameter of different dimensions', Actual, ProcSym, i) ; RETURN( FALSE ) END END END END ; IF IsGenericSystemType (FormalType) OR IsGenericSystemType (ActualType) OR IsAssignmentCompatible (FormalType, ActualType) THEN (* we think it is legal, but we ask post pass 3 to check as not all types are known at this point *) RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE FailParameter(tokpos, 'identifier with an incompatible type is being passed to this procedure', Actual, ProcSym, i) ; RETURN( FALSE ) END END LegalUnboundedParam ; (* CheckParameter - checks that types ActualType and FormalType are compatible for parameter passing. ProcSym is the procedure and i is the parameter number. We obey the following rules: (1) we allow WORD, BYTE, LOC to be compitable with any like sized type. (2) we allow ADDRESS to be compatible with any pointer type. (3) we relax INTEGER and CARDINAL checking for Temporary variables. Note that type sizes are checked during the code generation pass. *) PROCEDURE CheckParameter (tokpos: CARDINAL; Actual, Dimension, Formal, ProcSym: CARDINAL; i: CARDINAL; TypeList: List; ParamCheckId: CARDINAL) ; VAR NewList : BOOLEAN ; ActualType, FormalType: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsConstString(Actual) AND (NOT IsConstStringKnown (Actual)) THEN (* Cannot check if the string content is not yet known. *) RETURN END ; FormalType := GetDType(Formal) ; IF IsConstString(Actual) AND (GetStringLength(tokpos, Actual) = 1) (* if = 1 then it maybe treated as a char *) THEN ActualType := Char ELSIF Actual=Boolean THEN ActualType := Actual ELSE ActualType := GetDType(Actual) END ; IF TypeList=NIL THEN NewList := TRUE ; InitList(TypeList) ELSE NewList := FALSE END ; IF IsItemInList(TypeList, ActualType) THEN (* no need to check *) RETURN END ; IncludeItemIntoList(TypeList, ActualType) ; IF IsProcType(FormalType) THEN IF (NOT IsProcedure(Actual)) AND ((ActualType=NulSym) OR (NOT IsProcType(SkipType(ActualType)))) THEN FailParameter(tokpos, 'expecting a procedure or procedure variable as a parameter', Actual, ProcSym, i) ; RETURN END ; IF IsProcedure(Actual) AND IsProcedureNested(Actual) THEN MetaError2 ('cannot pass a nested procedure {%1Ea} seen in the {%2N} parameter as the outer scope will be unknown at runtime', Actual, i) END ; (* we can check the return type of both proc types *) IF (ActualType#NulSym) AND IsProcType(ActualType) THEN IF ((GetSType(ActualType)#NulSym) AND (GetSType(FormalType)=NulSym)) THEN FailParameter(tokpos, 'the item being passed is a function whereas the formal procedure parameter is a procedure', Actual, ProcSym, i) ; RETURN ELSIF ((GetSType(ActualType)=NulSym) AND (GetSType(FormalType)#NulSym)) THEN FailParameter(tokpos, 'the item being passed is a procedure whereas the formal procedure parameter is a function', Actual, ProcSym, i) ; RETURN ELSIF AssignmentRequiresWarning(GetSType(ActualType), GetSType(FormalType)) THEN WarnParameter(tokpos, 'the return result of the procedure variable parameter may not be compatible on other targets with the return result of the item being passed', Actual, ProcSym, i) ; RETURN ELSIF IsGenericSystemType (GetSType(FormalType)) OR IsGenericSystemType (GetSType(ActualType)) OR IsAssignmentCompatible(GetSType(ActualType), GetSType(FormalType)) THEN (* pass *) ELSE FailParameter(tokpos, 'the return result of the procedure variable parameter is not compatible with the return result of the item being passed', Actual, ProcSym, i) ; RETURN END END ; (* now to check each parameter of the proc type *) CheckProcTypeAndProcedure (tokpos, FormalType, Actual, ParamCheckId) ELSIF (ActualType#FormalType) AND (ActualType#NulSym) THEN IF IsUnknown(FormalType) THEN FailParameter(tokpos, 'procedure parameter type is undeclared', Actual, ProcSym, i) ; RETURN END ; IF IsUnbounded(ActualType) AND (NOT IsUnboundedParamAny (ProcSym, i)) THEN FailParameter(tokpos, 'attempting to pass an unbounded array to a NON unbounded parameter', Actual, ProcSym, i) ; RETURN ELSIF IsUnboundedParamAny (ProcSym, i) THEN IF NOT LegalUnboundedParam(tokpos, ProcSym, i, ActualType, Actual, Dimension, Formal) THEN RETURN END ELSIF ActualType#FormalType THEN IF AssignmentRequiresWarning(FormalType, ActualType) THEN WarnParameter (tokpos, 'identifier being passed to this procedure may contain a possibly incompatible type when compiling for a different target', Actual, ProcSym, i) ELSIF IsGenericSystemType (FormalType) OR IsGenericSystemType (ActualType) OR IsAssignmentCompatible (ActualType, FormalType) THEN (* so far we know it is legal, but not all types have been resolved and so this is checked later on in another pass. *) ELSE FailParameter (tokpos, 'identifier with an incompatible type is being passed to this procedure', Actual, ProcSym, i) END END END ; IF NewList THEN KillList(TypeList) END END CheckParameter ; (* DescribeType - returns a String describing a symbol, Sym, name and its type. *) PROCEDURE DescribeType (Sym: CARDINAL) : String ; VAR s, s1, s2: String ; Low, High, Subrange, Subscript, Type : CARDINAL ; BEGIN s := NIL ; IF IsConstString(Sym) THEN (* If = 1 then it maybe treated as a char. *) IF IsConstStringKnown (Sym) AND (GetStringLength (GetDeclaredMod (Sym), Sym) = 1) THEN s := InitString('(constant string) or {%kCHAR}') ELSE s := InitString('(constant string)') END ELSIF IsConst(Sym) THEN s := InitString('(constant)') ELSIF IsUnknown(Sym) THEN s := InitString('(unknown)') ELSE Type := GetSType(Sym) ; IF Type=NulSym THEN s := InitString('(unknown)') ELSIF IsUnbounded(Type) THEN s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(GetSType(Type))))) ; s := Sprintf1(Mark(InitString('{%%kARRAY} {%%kOF} %s')), s1) ELSIF IsArray(Type) THEN s := InitString('{%kARRAY} [') ; Subscript := GetArraySubscript(Type) ; IF Subscript#NulSym THEN Assert(IsSubscript(Subscript)) ; Subrange := GetSType(Subscript) ; IF NOT IsSubrange(Subrange) THEN MetaError3 ('error in definition of array {%1Ead} in the {%2N} subscript which has no subrange, instead type given is {%3a}', Sym, Subscript, Subrange) END ; Assert(IsSubrange(Subrange)) ; GetSubrange(Subrange, High, Low) ; s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Low)))) ; s2 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(High)))) ; s := ConCat(s, Mark(Sprintf2(Mark(InitString('%s..%s')), s1, s2))) END ; s1 := Mark(DescribeType(Type)) ; s := ConCat(ConCat(s, Mark(InitString('] OF '))), s1) ELSE IF IsUnknown(Type) THEN s1 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Type)))) ; s := Sprintf1(Mark(InitString('%s (currently unknown, check declaration or import)')), s1) ELSE s := InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Type))) END END END ; RETURN( s ) END DescribeType ; (* FailParameter - generates an error message indicating that a parameter declaration has failed. The parameters are: CurrentState - string describing the current failing state. Actual - actual parameter. ParameterNo - parameter number that has failed. ProcedureSym - procedure symbol where parameter has failed. If any parameter is Nul then it is ignored. *) PROCEDURE FailParameter (tokpos : CARDINAL; CurrentState : ARRAY OF CHAR; Actual : CARDINAL; ProcedureSym : CARDINAL; ParameterNo : CARDINAL) ; VAR FormalParam: CARDINAL ; Msg : String ; BEGIN Msg := InitString ('parameter mismatch between the {%2N} parameter of procedure {%1Ead}, ') ; Msg := ConCat (Msg, Mark (InitString (CurrentState))) ; MetaErrorStringT2 (tokpos, Msg, ProcedureSym, ParameterNo) ; IF NoOfParamAny (ProcedureSym) >= ParameterNo THEN FormalParam := GetNthParamAny (ProcedureSym, ParameterNo) ; IF IsUnboundedParamAny (ProcedureSym, ParameterNo) THEN MetaErrorT2 (GetVarDeclFullTok (FormalParam), 'formal parameter {%1ad} has an open array type {%2tad}', FormalParam, GetSType (GetSType (FormalParam))) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (GetVarDeclFullTok (FormalParam), 'formal parameter {%1ad} has type {%1tad}', FormalParam) END ELSE MetaErrorT1 (GetDeclaredMod (ProcedureSym), 'procedure declaration', ProcedureSym) END ; IF GetLType (Actual) = NulSym THEN MetaError1 ('actual parameter being passed is {%1Eda} {%1ad}', Actual) ELSE IF IsVar (Actual) THEN MetaErrorT1 (GetVarDeclFullTok (Actual), 'actual parameter variable being passed is {%1Eda} {%1ad} of an incompatible type {%1ts}', Actual) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (tokpos, 'actual parameter being passed is {%1Eda} {%1ad} of an incompatible type {%1ts}', Actual) END END END FailParameter ; (* WarnParameter - generates a warning message indicating that a parameter use might cause problems on another target. CurrentState - string describing the current failing state. Actual - actual parameter. ParameterNo - parameter number that has failed. ProcedureSym - procedure symbol where parameter has failed. If any parameter is Nul then it is ignored. *) PROCEDURE WarnParameter (tokpos : CARDINAL; CurrentState : ARRAY OF CHAR; Actual : CARDINAL; ProcedureSym : CARDINAL; ParameterNo : CARDINAL) ; VAR FormalParam: CARDINAL ; Msg : String ; BEGIN Msg := InitString ('{%W}parameter mismatch between the {%2N} parameter of procedure {%1ad}, ') ; Msg := ConCat (Msg, Mark (InitString (CurrentState))) ; MetaErrorStringT2 (tokpos, Msg, ProcedureSym, ParameterNo) ; IF NoOfParamAny (ProcedureSym) >= ParameterNo THEN FormalParam := GetNthParamAny (ProcedureSym, ParameterNo) ; IF IsUnboundedParamAny (ProcedureSym, ParameterNo) THEN MetaErrorT2 (GetVarDeclFullTok (FormalParam), '{%W}formal parameter {%1ad} has an open array type {%2tad}', FormalParam, GetSType (GetSType (FormalParam))) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (GetVarDeclFullTok (FormalParam), '{%W}formal parameter {%1ad} has type {%1tad}', FormalParam) END ELSE MetaErrorT1 (GetDeclaredMod (ProcedureSym), '{%W}procedure declaration', ProcedureSym) END ; IF GetLType (Actual) = NulSym THEN MetaError1 ('actual parameter being passed is {%1Wda} {%1ad}', Actual) ELSE IF IsVar (Actual) THEN MetaErrorT1 (GetVarDeclFullTok (Actual), 'actual parameter variable being passed is {%1Wda} {%1ad} of type {%1ts}', Actual) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (tokpos, 'actual parameter being passed is {%1Wda} {%1ad} of type {%1ts}', Actual) END END END WarnParameter ; (* ExpectVariable - checks to see whether, sym, is declared as a variable. If not then it generates an error message. *) (* PROCEDURE ExpectVariable (a: ARRAY OF CHAR; sym: CARDINAL) ; VAR e : Error ; s1, s2, s3: String ; BEGIN IF NOT IsVar(sym) THEN e := NewError(GetTokenNo()) ; IF IsUnknown(sym) THEN s1 := ConCat (InitString (a), Mark (InitString ('but was given an undeclared symbol {%E1a}'))) ; ErrorString(e, Sprintf2(Mark(InitString('%s but was given an undeclared symbol %s')), s1, s2)) ELSE s1 := Mark(InitString(a)) ; s2 := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(sym)))) ; s3 := Mark(DescribeType(sym)) ; ErrorString(e, Sprintf3(Mark(InitString('%s but was given %s: %s')), s1, s2, s3)) END END END ExpectVariable ; *) (* doIndrX - perform des = *exp with a conversion if necessary. *) PROCEDURE doIndrX (tok: CARDINAL; des, exp: CARDINAL) ; VAR t: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF GetDType(des)=GetDType(exp) THEN GenQuadOtok (tok, IndrXOp, des, GetSType (des), exp, TRUE, tok, tok, tok) ELSE t := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ; PutVar (t, GetSType (exp)) ; GenQuadOtok (tok, IndrXOp, t, GetSType (exp), exp, TRUE, tok, tok, tok) ; GenQuadOtok (tok, BecomesOp, des, NulSym, doVal (GetSType(des), t), TRUE, tok, UnknownTokenNo, tok) END END doIndrX ; (* MakeRightValue - returns a temporary which will have the RightValue of symbol, Sym. If Sym is a right value and has type, type, then no quadruples are generated and Sym is returned. Otherwise a new temporary is created and an IndrX quadruple is generated. *) PROCEDURE MakeRightValue (tok: CARDINAL; Sym: CARDINAL; type: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR t: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF GetMode (Sym) = RightValue THEN IF GetSType(Sym) = type THEN RETURN Sym (* already a RightValue with desired type *) ELSE (* type change or mode change, type changes are a pain, but I've left them here as it is perhaps easier to remove them later. *) t := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ; PutVar (t, type) ; GenQuadOtok (tok, BecomesOp, t, NulSym, doVal (type, Sym), TRUE, tok, tok, tok) ; RETURN t END ELSE t := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ; PutVar (t, type) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (tok, Sym) ; doIndrX (tok, t, Sym) ; RETURN t END END MakeRightValue ; (* MakeLeftValue - returns a temporary coresponding to the LeftValue of symbol, Sym. No quadruple is generated if Sym is already a LeftValue and has the same type. *) PROCEDURE MakeLeftValue (tok: CARDINAL; Sym: CARDINAL; with: ModeOfAddr; type: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR t: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF GetMode (Sym) = LeftValue THEN IF GetSType (Sym) = type THEN RETURN Sym ELSE (* type change or mode change, type changes are a pain, but I've left them here as it is perhaps easier to remove them later *) t := MakeTemporary (tok, with) ; PutVar (t, type) ; GenQuadOtok (tok, BecomesOp, t, NulSym, Sym, TRUE, tok, UnknownTokenNo, tok) ; RETURN t END ELSE t := MakeTemporary (tok, with) ; PutVar (t, type) ; GenQuadOtok (tok, AddrOp, t, NulSym, Sym, TRUE, tok, UnknownTokenNo, tok) ; RETURN t END END MakeLeftValue ; (* ManipulatePseudoCallParameters - manipulates the parameters to a pseudo function or procedure. It dereferences all LeftValue parameters and Boolean parameters. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> exactly the same +----------------+ | NoOfParameters | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | |----------------| *) PROCEDURE ManipulatePseudoCallParameters ; VAR NoOfParameters, ProcSym, Proc, i, pi : CARDINAL ; f : BoolFrame ; BEGIN PopT(NoOfParameters) ; PushT(NoOfParameters) ; (* restored to original state *) (* Ptr points to the ProcSym *) ProcSym := OperandT(NoOfParameters+1+1) ; IF IsVar(ProcSym) THEN InternalError ('expecting a pseudo procedure or a type') ELSE Proc := ProcSym END ; i := 1 ; pi := NoOfParameters+1 ; WHILE i<=NoOfParameters DO IF (GetMode(OperandT(pi))=LeftValue) AND (Proc#Adr) AND (Proc#Size) AND (Proc#TSize) AND (Proc#High) AND (* procedures which have first parameter as a VAR param *) (((Proc#Inc) AND (Proc#Incl) AND (Proc#Dec) AND (Proc#Excl) AND (Proc#New) AND (Proc#Dispose)) OR (i>1)) THEN (* must dereference LeftValue *) f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pi) ; f^.TrueExit := MakeRightValue (GetTokenNo(), OperandT(pi), GetSType(OperandT(pi))) END ; INC(i) ; DEC(pi) END END ManipulatePseudoCallParameters ; (* ManipulateParameters - manipulates the procedure parameters in preparation for a procedure call. Prepares Boolean, Unbounded and VAR parameters. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> exactly the same +----------------+ | NoOfParameters | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | |----------------| *) PROCEDURE ManipulateParameters (IsForC: BOOLEAN) ; VAR tokpos, np : CARDINAL ; s : String ; ArraySym, UnboundedType, ParamType, NoOfParameters, i, pi, ProcSym, rw, Proc, t : CARDINAL ; f : BoolFrame ; BEGIN PopT(NoOfParameters) ; ProcSym := OperandT(NoOfParameters+1) ; tokpos := OperandTtok(NoOfParameters+1) ; IF IsVar(ProcSym) THEN (* Procedure Variable ? *) Proc := SkipType(OperandF(NoOfParameters+1)) ELSE Proc := SkipConst(ProcSym) END ; IF IsForC AND UsesVarArgs(Proc) THEN IF NoOfParameters < NoOfParamAny (Proc) THEN s := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Proc)))) ; np := NoOfParamAny (Proc) ; ErrorStringAt2(Sprintf3(Mark(InitString('attempting to pass (%d) parameters to procedure (%s) which was declared with varargs but contains at least (%d) parameters')), NoOfParameters, s, np), tokpos, GetDeclaredMod(ProcSym)) END ELSIF UsesOptArgAny (Proc) THEN IF NOT ((NoOfParameters=NoOfParamAny (Proc)) OR (NoOfParameters+1=NoOfParamAny (Proc))) THEN s := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Proc)))) ; np := NoOfParamAny (Proc) ; ErrorStringAt2(Sprintf3(Mark(InitString('attempting to pass (%d) parameters to procedure (%s) which was declared with an optarg with a maximum of (%d) parameters')), NoOfParameters, s, np), tokpos, GetDeclaredMod(ProcSym)) END ELSIF NoOfParameters#NoOfParamAny (Proc) THEN s := Mark(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Proc)))) ; np := NoOfParamAny (Proc) ; ErrorStringAt2(Sprintf3(Mark(InitString('attempting to pass (%d) parameters to procedure (%s) which was declared with (%d) parameters')), NoOfParameters, s, np), tokpos, GetDeclaredMod(ProcSym)) END ; i := 1 ; pi := NoOfParameters ; WHILE i<=NoOfParameters DO f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pi) ; rw := OperandMergeRW(pi) ; Assert(IsLegal(rw)) ; IF i>NoOfParamAny (Proc) THEN IF IsForC AND UsesVarArgs(Proc) THEN IF (GetSType(OperandT(pi))#NulSym) AND IsArray(GetDType(OperandT(pi))) THEN f^.TrueExit := MakeLeftValue(OperandTok(pi), OperandT(pi), RightValue, Address) ; MarkAsReadWrite(rw) ELSIF IsConstString (OperandT (pi)) THEN f^.TrueExit := MakeLeftValue (OperandTok (pi), DeferMakeConstStringCnul (OperandTok (pi), OperandT (pi)), RightValue, Address) ; MarkAsReadWrite(rw) ELSIF (GetSType(OperandT(pi))#NulSym) AND IsUnbounded(GetSType(OperandT(pi))) THEN MarkAsReadWrite(rw) ; (* pass the address field of an unbounded variable *) PushTFtok (Adr, Address, OperandTok (pi)) ; PushTFAD (f^.TrueExit, f^.FalseExit, f^.Unbounded, f^.Dimension) ; PushT(1) ; BuildAdrFunction ; PopT(f^.TrueExit) ELSIF GetMode(OperandT(pi))=LeftValue THEN MarkAsReadWrite(rw) ; (* must dereference LeftValue (even if we are passing variable as a vararg) *) t := MakeTemporary (OperandTok (pi), RightValue) ; PutVar(t, GetSType (OperandT (pi))) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (tokpos, OperandT (pi)) ; doIndrX (OperandTok(pi), t, OperandT (pi)) ; f^.TrueExit := t END ELSE MetaErrorT2 (tokpos, 'attempting to pass too many parameters to procedure {%1a}, the {%2N} parameter does not exist', Proc, i) END ELSIF IsForC AND IsUnboundedParamAny (Proc, i) AND (GetSType(OperandT(pi))#NulSym) AND IsArray(GetDType(OperandT(pi))) THEN f^.TrueExit := MakeLeftValue(OperandTok(pi), OperandT(pi), RightValue, Address) ; MarkAsReadWrite(rw) ELSIF IsForC AND IsUnboundedParamAny (Proc, i) AND (GetSType(OperandT(pi))#NulSym) AND IsUnbounded(GetDType(OperandT(pi))) THEN MarkAsReadWrite(rw) ; (* pass the address field of an unbounded variable *) PushTFtok (Adr, Address, OperandTok (pi)) ; PushTFAD (f^.TrueExit, f^.FalseExit, f^.Unbounded, f^.Dimension) ; PushT(1) ; BuildAdrFunction ; PopT(f^.TrueExit) ELSIF IsForC AND IsConstString(OperandT(pi)) AND (IsUnboundedParamAny (Proc, i) OR (GetDType(GetParam(Proc, i))=Address)) THEN f^.TrueExit := MakeLeftValue (OperandTok (pi), DeferMakeConstStringCnul (OperandTok (pi), OperandT (pi)), RightValue, Address) ; MarkAsReadWrite (rw) ELSIF IsUnboundedParamAny (Proc, i) THEN (* always pass constant strings with a nul terminator, but leave the HIGH as before. *) IF IsConstString (OperandT(pi)) THEN (* this is a Modula-2 string which must be nul terminated. *) f^.TrueExit := DeferMakeConstStringM2nul (OperandTok (pi), OperandT (pi)) END ; t := MakeTemporary (OperandTok (pi), RightValue) ; UnboundedType := GetSType(GetParam(Proc, i)) ; PutVar(t, UnboundedType) ; ParamType := GetSType(UnboundedType) ; IF OperandD(pi)=0 THEN ArraySym := OperandT(pi) ELSE ArraySym := OperandA(pi) END ; IF IsVarParamAny (Proc, i) THEN MarkArrayWritten (OperandT (pi)) ; MarkArrayWritten (OperandA (pi)) ; MarkAsReadWrite(rw) ; AssignUnboundedVar (OperandTtok (pi), OperandT (pi), ArraySym, t, ParamType, OperandD (pi)) ELSE MarkAsRead(rw) ; AssignUnboundedNonVar (OperandTtok (pi), OperandT (pi), ArraySym, t, ParamType, OperandD (pi)) END ; f^.TrueExit := t ELSIF IsVarParamAny (Proc, i) THEN (* must reference by address, but we contain the type of the referenced entity *) MarkArrayWritten(OperandT(pi)) ; MarkArrayWritten(OperandA(pi)) ; MarkAsReadWrite(rw) ; f^.TrueExit := MakeLeftValue(OperandTok(pi), OperandT(pi), LeftValue, GetSType(GetParam(Proc, i))) ELSIF (NOT IsVarParamAny (Proc, i)) AND (GetMode(OperandT(pi))=LeftValue) THEN (* must dereference LeftValue *) t := MakeTemporary (OperandTok (pi), RightValue) ; PutVar(t, GetSType(OperandT(pi))) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (tokpos, OperandT (pi)) ; doIndrX (OperandTok(pi), t, OperandT(pi)) ; f^.TrueExit := t ; MarkAsRead(rw) ELSE MarkAsRead(rw) END ; INC(i) ; DEC(pi) END ; PushT(NoOfParameters) END ManipulateParameters ; (* CheckParameterOrdinals - check that ordinal values are within type range. *) PROCEDURE CheckParameterOrdinals ; VAR tokno : CARDINAL ; Proc, ProcSym : CARDINAL ; Actual, FormalI : CARDINAL ; ParamTotal, pi, i : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (ParamTotal) ; PushT (ParamTotal) ; (* Restore stack to origional state *) ProcSym := OperandT (ParamTotal+1+1) ; IF IsVar(ProcSym) AND IsProcType(GetDType(ProcSym)) THEN (* Indirect procedure call. *) Proc := SkipType(OperandF(ParamTotal+1+1)) ELSE Proc := SkipConst(ProcSym) END ; i := 1 ; pi := ParamTotal+1 ; (* stack index referencing stacked parameter, i *) WHILE i<=ParamTotal DO IF i<=NoOfParamAny (Proc) THEN FormalI := GetParam (Proc, i) ; Actual := OperandT (pi) ; tokno := OperandTok (pi) ; IF IsOrdinalType (GetLType (FormalI)) THEN IF NOT IsSet (GetDType (FormalI)) THEN (* Tell the code generator to test the runtime values of the assignment so ensure we catch overflow and underflow. *) BuildRange (InitParameterRangeCheck (tokno, Proc, i, FormalI, Actual, OperandRangeDep (pi))) END END END ; INC (i) ; DEC (pi) END END CheckParameterOrdinals ; (* IsSameUnbounded - returns TRUE if unbounded types, t1, and, t2, are compatible. *) PROCEDURE IsSameUnbounded (t1, t2: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN Assert(IsUnbounded(t1)) ; Assert(IsUnbounded(t2)) ; RETURN( GetDType(t1)=GetDType(t2) ) END IsSameUnbounded ; (* AssignUnboundedVar - assigns an Unbounded symbol fields, ArrayAddress and ArrayHigh, from an array symbol. UnboundedSym is not a VAR parameter and therefore this procedure can complete both of the fields. Sym can be a Variable with type Unbounded. Sym can be a Variable with type Array. Sym can be a String Constant. ParamType is the TYPE of the parameter *) PROCEDURE AssignUnboundedVar (tok: CARDINAL; Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType: CARDINAL; dim: CARDINAL) ; VAR Type: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsConst(Sym) THEN MetaErrorT1 (tok, '{%1ad} cannot be passed to a VAR formal parameter', Sym) ELSIF IsVar(Sym) THEN Type := GetDType(Sym) ; IF Type = NulSym THEN MetaErrorT1 (tok, '{%1ad} has no type and cannot be passed to a VAR formal parameter', Sym) ELSIF IsUnbounded(Type) THEN IF Type = GetSType (UnboundedSym) THEN (* Copy Unbounded Symbol ie. UnboundedSym := Sym *) PushT (UnboundedSym) ; PushT (Sym) ; BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (tok, FALSE, TRUE) ELSIF IsSameUnbounded (Type, GetSType (UnboundedSym)) OR IsGenericSystemType (ParamType) THEN UnboundedVarLinkToArray (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, dim) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (tok, '{%1ad} cannot be passed to a VAR formal parameter', Sym) END ELSIF IsArray (Type) OR IsGenericSystemType (ParamType) THEN UnboundedVarLinkToArray (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, dim) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (tok, '{%1ad} cannot be passed to a VAR formal parameter', Sym) END ELSE MetaErrorT1 (tok, '{%1ad} cannot be passed to a VAR formal parameter', Sym) END END AssignUnboundedVar ; (* AssignUnboundedNonVar - assigns an Unbounded symbol fields, The difference between this procedure and AssignUnboundedVar is that this procedure cannot set the Unbounded.Address since the data from Sym will be copied because parameter is NOT a VAR parameter. UnboundedSym is not a VAR parameter and therefore this procedure can only complete the HIGH field and not the ADDRESS field. Sym can be a Variable with type Unbounded. Sym can be a Variable with type Array. Sym can be a String Constant. ParamType is the TYPE of the paramater *) PROCEDURE AssignUnboundedNonVar (tok: CARDINAL; Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType: CARDINAL; dim: CARDINAL) ; VAR Type: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsConst (Sym) (* was IsConstString(Sym) *) THEN UnboundedNonVarLinkToArray (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, dim) ELSIF IsVar (Sym) THEN Type := GetDType (Sym) ; IF Type = NulSym THEN MetaErrorT1 (tok, '{%1ad} has no type and cannot be passed to a non VAR formal parameter', Sym) ELSIF IsUnbounded (Type) THEN UnboundedNonVarLinkToArray (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, dim) ELSIF IsArray (Type) OR IsGenericSystemType (ParamType) THEN UnboundedNonVarLinkToArray (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, dim) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (tok, 'illegal type parameter {%1Ead} expecting array or dynamic array', Sym) END ELSE MetaErrorT1 (tok, 'illegal parameter {%1Ead} which cannot be passed as {%kVAR} {%kARRAY} {%kOF} {%1tsad}', Sym) END END AssignUnboundedNonVar ; (* GenHigh - generates a HighOp but it checks if op3 is a L value and if so it dereferences it. This is inefficient, however it is clean and we let the gcc backend detect these as common subexpressions. It will also detect that a R value -> L value -> R value via indirection and eleminate these. *) PROCEDURE GenHigh (tok: CARDINAL; op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL) ; VAR sym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF (GetMode(op3)=LeftValue) AND IsUnbounded(GetSType(op3)) THEN sym := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ; PutVar (sym, GetSType (op3)) ; doIndrX (tok, sym, op3) ; GenQuadO (tok, HighOp, op1, op2, sym, TRUE) ELSE GenQuadO (tok, HighOp, op1, op2, op3, TRUE) END END GenHigh ; (* AssignHighField - *) PROCEDURE AssignHighField (tok: CARDINAL; Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType: CARDINAL; actuali, formali: CARDINAL) ; VAR ReturnVar, ArrayType, Field : CARDINAL ; BEGIN (* Unbounded.ArrayHigh := HIGH(ArraySym) *) PushTFtok (UnboundedSym, GetSType (UnboundedSym), tok) ; Field := GetUnboundedHighOffset (GetSType (UnboundedSym), formali) ; PushTFtok (Field, GetSType (Field), tok) ; PushT (1) ; BuildDesignatorRecord (tok) ; IF IsGenericSystemType (ParamType) THEN IF IsConstString (Sym) THEN PushTtok (DeferMakeLengthConst (tok, Sym), tok) ELSE ArrayType := GetSType (Sym) ; IF IsUnbounded (ArrayType) THEN (* * SIZE(parameter) DIV TSIZE(ParamType) * however in this case parameter * is an unbounded symbol and therefore we must use * (HIGH(parameter)+1)*SIZE(unbounded type) DIV TSIZE(ParamType) * * we call upon the function SIZE(ArraySym) * remember SIZE doubles as * (HIGH(a)+1) * SIZE(ArrayType) for unbounded symbols *) PushTFtok (calculateMultipicand (tok, ArraySym, ArrayType, actuali-1), Cardinal, tok) ; PushT (DivideTok) ; (* Divide by *) PushTFtok (TSize, Cardinal, tok) ; (* TSIZE(ParamType) *) PushTtok (ParamType, tok) ; PushT (1) ; (* 1 parameter for TSIZE() *) BuildFunctionCall (FALSE) ; BuildBinaryOp ELSE (* SIZE(parameter) DIV TSIZE(ParamType) *) PushTFtok (TSize, Cardinal, tok) ; (* TSIZE(ArrayType) *) PushTtok (ArrayType, tok) ; PushT (1) ; (* 1 parameter for TSIZE() *) BuildFunctionCall (TRUE) ; PushT (DivideTok) ; (* Divide by *) PushTFtok (TSize, Cardinal, tok) ; (* TSIZE(ParamType) *) PushTtok (ParamType, tok) ; PushT (1) ; (* 1 parameter for TSIZE() *) BuildFunctionCall (TRUE) ; BuildBinaryOp END ; (* now convert from no of elements into HIGH by subtracting 1 *) PushT (MinusTok) ; (* -1 *) PushTtok (MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey('1'), Cardinal), tok) ; BuildBinaryOp END ELSE ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Cardinal) ; IF (actuali # formali) AND (ArraySym # NulSym) AND IsUnbounded (GetSType (ArraySym)) THEN GenHigh (tok, ReturnVar, actuali, ArraySym) ELSE GenHigh (tok, ReturnVar, formali, Sym) END ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType(ReturnVar), tok) END ; BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (tok, FALSE, TRUE) END AssignHighField ; (* AssignHighFields - *) PROCEDURE AssignHighFields (tok: CARDINAL; Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType: CARDINAL; dim: CARDINAL) ; VAR type : CARDINAL ; actuali, formali, actualn, formaln: CARDINAL ; BEGIN type := GetDType (Sym) ; actualn := 1 ; IF (type # NulSym) AND (IsUnbounded (type) OR IsArray (type)) THEN actualn := GetDimension (type) END ; actuali := dim + 1 ; formali := 1 ; formaln := GetDimension (GetDType (UnboundedSym)) ; WHILE (actuali < actualn) AND (formali < formaln) DO AssignHighField (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, NulSym, actuali, formali) ; INC (actuali) ; INC (formali) END ; AssignHighField (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, actuali, formali) END AssignHighFields ; (* UnboundedNonVarLinkToArray - links an array, ArraySym, to an unbounded array, UnboundedSym. The parameter is a NON VAR variety. *) PROCEDURE UnboundedNonVarLinkToArray (tok: CARDINAL; Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType: CARDINAL; dim: CARDINAL) ; VAR Field, AddressField: CARDINAL ; BEGIN (* Unbounded.ArrayAddress := to be assigned at runtime. *) PushTFtok (UnboundedSym, GetSType (UnboundedSym), tok) ; Field := GetUnboundedAddressOffset(GetSType(UnboundedSym)) ; PushTFtok (Field, GetSType(Field), tok) ; PushT (1) ; BuildDesignatorRecord (tok) ; PopT (AddressField) ; (* caller saves non var unbounded array contents. *) GenQuadO (tok, UnboundedOp, AddressField, NulSym, Sym, FALSE) ; AssignHighFields (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, dim) END UnboundedNonVarLinkToArray ; (* UnboundedVarLinkToArray - links an array, ArraySym, to an unbounded array, UnboundedSym. The parameter is a VAR variety. *) PROCEDURE UnboundedVarLinkToArray (tok: CARDINAL; Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType: CARDINAL; dim: CARDINAL) ; VAR SymType, Field : CARDINAL ; BEGIN SymType := GetSType (Sym) ; (* Unbounded.ArrayAddress := ADR(Sym) *) PushTFtok (UnboundedSym, GetSType (UnboundedSym), tok) ; Field := GetUnboundedAddressOffset (GetSType (UnboundedSym)) ; PushTFtok (Field, GetSType (Field), tok) ; PushT (1) ; BuildDesignatorRecord (tok) ; PushTFtok (Adr, Address, tok) ; (* ADR (Sym). *) IF IsUnbounded (SymType) AND (dim = 0) THEN PushTFADtok (Sym, SymType, UnboundedSym, dim, tok) ELSE PushTFADtok (Sym, SymType, ArraySym, dim, tok) END ; PushT (1) ; (* 1 parameter for ADR(). *) BuildFunctionCall (FALSE) ; BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (tok, FALSE, TRUE) ; AssignHighFields (tok, Sym, ArraySym, UnboundedSym, ParamType, dim) END UnboundedVarLinkToArray ; (* BuildPseudoProcedureCall - builds a pseudo procedure call. This procedure does not directly alter the stack, but by calling routines the stack will change in the following way when this procedure returns. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildPseudoProcedureCall (tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR NoOfParam, ProcSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ; PushT (NoOfParam) ; (* Compile time stack restored to entry state *) IF ProcSym = New THEN BuildNewProcedure (tokno) ELSIF ProcSym = Dispose THEN BuildDisposeProcedure (tokno) ELSIF ProcSym = Inc THEN BuildIncProcedure (tokno) ELSIF ProcSym = Dec THEN BuildDecProcedure (tokno) ELSIF ProcSym = Incl THEN BuildInclProcedure (tokno) ELSIF ProcSym = Excl THEN BuildExclProcedure (tokno) ELSIF ProcSym = Throw THEN BuildThrowProcedure (tokno) ELSE InternalError ('pseudo procedure not implemented yet') END END BuildPseudoProcedureCall ; (* GetItemPointedTo - returns the symbol type that is being pointed to by Sym. *) PROCEDURE GetItemPointedTo (Sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsPointer (Sym) THEN RETURN GetSType (Sym) ELSIF IsVar (Sym) OR IsType (Sym) THEN RETURN GetItemPointedTo (GetSType (Sym)) ELSE RETURN NulSym END END GetItemPointedTo ; (* BuildThrowProcedure - builds the pseudo procedure call M2RTS.Throw. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildThrowProcedure (functok: CARDINAL) ; VAR op : CARDINAL ; NoOfParam: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN op := OperandT (NoOfParam) ; GenQuadO (functok, ThrowOp, NulSym, NulSym, op, FALSE) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the pseudo procedure %{1Ea} takes one INTEGER parameter', Throw) END ; PopN (NoOfParam+1) END BuildThrowProcedure ; (* BuildReThrow - creates a ThrowOp _ _ NulSym, indicating that the exception needs to be rethrown. The stack is unaltered. *) PROCEDURE BuildReThrow (tokenno: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN GenQuadO (tokenno, ThrowOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym, FALSE) END BuildReThrow ; (* BuildNewProcedure - builds the pseudo procedure call NEW. This procedure is traditionally a "macro" for NEW(x, ...) --> ALLOCATE(x, TSIZE(x^, ...)) One method of implementation is to emulate a "macro" processor by pushing the relevant input tokens back onto the input stack. However this causes two problems: (i) Unnecessary code is produced for x^ (ii) SIZE must be imported from SYSTEM Therefore we chose an alternative method of implementation; generate quadruples for ALLOCATE(x, TSIZE(x^, ...)) this, although slightly more efficient, is more complex and circumvents problems (i) and (ii). The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildNewProcedure (functok: CARDINAL) ; VAR NoOfParam, SizeSym, PtrSym, ProcSym : CARDINAL ; paramtok, combinedtok: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(NoOfParam) ; IF NoOfParam>=1 THEN ProcSym := RequestSym (functok, MakeKey('ALLOCATE')) ; IF (ProcSym#NulSym) AND IsProcedure(ProcSym) THEN PtrSym := OperandT (NoOfParam) ; paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ; IF IsReallyPointer(PtrSym) THEN combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ; (* Build macro: ALLOCATE( PtrSym, SIZE(PtrSym^) ) *) PushTFtok (TSize, Cardinal, paramtok) ;(* Procedure *) (* x^ *) PushTtok (GetItemPointedTo (PtrSym), paramtok) ; PushT (1) ; (* One parameter *) BuildFunctionCall (FALSE) ; PopT (SizeSym) ; PushTtok (ProcSym, combinedtok) ; (* ALLOCATE *) PushTtok (PtrSym, paramtok) ; (* x *) PushTtok (SizeSym, paramtok) ; (* TSIZE(x^) *) PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *) BuildProcedureCall (combinedtok) ELSE MetaErrorT0 (paramtok, 'parameter to {%EkNEW} must be a pointer') END ELSE MetaErrorT0 (functok, '{%E}ALLOCATE procedure not found for NEW substitution') END ELSE MetaErrorT0 (functok, 'the pseudo procedure {%EkNEW} has one or more parameters') END ; PopN (NoOfParam+1) END BuildNewProcedure ; (* BuildDisposeProcedure - builds the pseudo procedure call DISPOSE. This procedure is traditionally a "macro" for DISPOSE(x) --> DEALLOCATE(x, TSIZE(x^)) One method of implementation is to emulate a "macro" processor by pushing the relevant input tokens back onto the input stack. However this causes two problems: (i) Unnecessary code is produced for x^ (ii) TSIZE must be imported from SYSTEM Therefore we chose an alternative method of implementation; generate quadruples for DEALLOCATE(x, TSIZE(x^)) this, although slightly more efficient, is more complex and circumvents problems (i) and (ii). The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildDisposeProcedure (functok: CARDINAL) ; VAR NoOfParam, SizeSym, PtrSym, ProcSym : CARDINAL ; combinedtok, paramtok : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; IF NoOfParam>=1 THEN ProcSym := RequestSym (functok, MakeKey ('DEALLOCATE')) ; IF (ProcSym # NulSym) AND IsProcedure (ProcSym) THEN PtrSym := OperandT (NoOfParam) ; paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ; IF IsReallyPointer (PtrSym) THEN combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ; (* Build macro: DEALLOCATE( PtrSym, TSIZE(PtrSym^) ) *) PushTFtok (TSize, Cardinal, paramtok) ;(* Procedure *) (* x^ *) PushTtok (GetItemPointedTo(PtrSym), paramtok) ; PushT (1) ; (* One parameter *) BuildFunctionCall (FALSE) ; PopT (SizeSym) ; PushTtok (ProcSym, combinedtok) ; (* DEALLOCATE *) PushTtok (PtrSym, paramtok) ; (* x *) PushTtok (SizeSym, paramtok) ; (* TSIZE(x^) *) PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *) BuildProcedureCall (combinedtok) ELSE MetaErrorT0 (paramtok, 'argument to {%EkDISPOSE} must be a pointer') END ELSE MetaErrorT0 (functok, '{%E}DEALLOCATE procedure not found for DISPOSE substitution') END ELSE MetaErrorT0 (functok, 'the pseudo procedure {%EkDISPOSE} has one or more parameters') END ; PopN (NoOfParam+1) END BuildDisposeProcedure ; (* CheckRangeIncDec - performs des := des <tok> expr with range checking (if enabled). Stack Entry Exit +------------+ empty | des + expr | |------------| *) PROCEDURE CheckRangeIncDec (tokenpos: CARDINAL; des, expr: CARDINAL; tok: Name) ; VAR dtype, etype: CARDINAL ; BEGIN dtype := GetDType(des) ; etype := GetDType(expr) ; IF (etype = NulSym) AND IsPointer (GetTypeMode (des)) THEN expr := ConvertToAddress (tokenpos, expr) ; etype := Address END ; IF WholeValueChecking AND (NOT MustNotCheckBounds) THEN IF tok=PlusTok THEN BuildRange (InitIncRangeCheck (des, expr)) ELSE BuildRange (InitDecRangeCheck (des, expr)) END END ; IF IsExpressionCompatible (dtype, etype) THEN (* the easy case simulate a straightforward macro *) PushTFtok (des, dtype, tokenpos) ; PushT (tok) ; PushTFtok (expr, etype, tokenpos) ; doBuildBinaryOp (FALSE, TRUE) ELSE IF (IsOrdinalType (dtype) OR (dtype = Address) OR IsPointer (dtype)) AND (IsOrdinalType (etype) OR (etype = Address) OR IsPointer (etype)) THEN PushTFtok (des, dtype, tokenpos) ; PushT (tok) ; PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, tokenpos) ; PushTtok (dtype, tokenpos) ; PushTtok (expr, tokenpos) ; PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *) BuildConvertFunction (Convert, FALSE) ; doBuildBinaryOp (FALSE, TRUE) ELSE IF tok=PlusTok THEN MetaError0 ('cannot perform {%EkINC} using non ordinal types') ELSE MetaError0 ('cannot perform {%EkDEC} using non ordinal types') END ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (tokenpos, MakeKey ('0'), NulSym), NulSym, tokenpos) END END END CheckRangeIncDec ; (* BuildIncProcedure - builds the pseudo procedure call INC. INC is a procedure which increments a variable. It takes one or two parameters: INC(a, b) or INC(a) a := a+b or a := a+1 The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildIncProcedure (proctok: CARDINAL) ; VAR NoOfParam, dtype, OperandSym, VarSym, TempSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; IF (NoOfParam = 1) OR (NoOfParam = 2) THEN VarSym := OperandT (NoOfParam) ; (* Bottom/first parameter. *) IF IsVar (VarSym) THEN dtype := GetDType (VarSym) ; IF NoOfParam = 2 THEN OperandSym := DereferenceLValue (proctok, OperandT (1)) ELSE PushOne (proctok, dtype, 'the {%EkINC} will cause an overflow {%1ad}') ; PopT (OperandSym) END ; PushTtok (VarSym, proctok) ; TempSym := DereferenceLValue (proctok, VarSym) ; CheckRangeIncDec (proctok, TempSym, OperandSym, PlusTok) ; (* TempSym + OperandSym. *) BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (proctok, FALSE, TRUE) (* VarSym := TempSym + OperandSym. *) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (proctok, 'base procedure {%EkINC} expects a variable as a parameter but was given {%1Ed}', VarSym) END ELSE MetaErrorT0 (proctok, 'the base procedure {%EkINC} expects 1 or 2 parameters') END ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) END BuildIncProcedure ; (* BuildDecProcedure - builds the pseudo procedure call DEC. DEC is a procedure which decrements a variable. It takes one or two parameters: DEC(a, b) or DEC(a) a := a-b or a := a-1 The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildDecProcedure (proctok: CARDINAL) ; VAR NoOfParam, dtype, OperandSym, VarSym, TempSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; IF (NoOfParam = 1) OR (NoOfParam = 2) THEN VarSym := OperandT (NoOfParam) ; (* Bottom/first parameter. *) IF IsVar (VarSym) THEN dtype := GetDType (VarSym) ; IF NoOfParam = 2 THEN OperandSym := DereferenceLValue (proctok, OperandT (1)) ELSE PushOne (proctok, dtype, 'the {%EkDEC} will cause an overflow {%1ad}') ; PopT (OperandSym) END ; PushTtok (VarSym, proctok) ; TempSym := DereferenceLValue (OperandTok (NoOfParam), VarSym) ; CheckRangeIncDec (proctok, TempSym, OperandSym, MinusTok) ; (* TempSym - OperandSym. *) BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (proctok, FALSE, TRUE) (* VarSym := TempSym - OperandSym. *) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (proctok, 'base procedure {%EkDEC} expects a variable as a parameter but was given {%1Ed}', VarSym) END ELSE MetaErrorT0 (proctok, 'the base procedure {%EkDEC} expects 1 or 2 parameters') END ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) END BuildDecProcedure ; (* DereferenceLValue - checks to see whether, operand, is declare as an LValue and if so it dereferences it. *) PROCEDURE DereferenceLValue (tok: CARDINAL; operand: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR sym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF GetMode (operand) = LeftValue THEN (* dereference the pointer *) sym := MakeTemporary (tok, AreConstant(IsConst(operand))) ; PutVar(sym, GetSType (operand)) ; PushTtok (sym, tok) ; PushTtok (operand, tok) ; BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (tok, FALSE, TRUE) ; RETURN sym ELSE RETURN operand END END DereferenceLValue ; (* BuildInclProcedure - builds the pseudo procedure call INCL. INCL is a procedure which adds bit b into a BITSET a. It takes two parameters: INCL(a, b) a := a + {b} The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildInclProcedure (proctok: CARDINAL) ; VAR optok : CARDINAL ; NoOfParam, DerefSym, OperandSym, VarSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; IF NoOfParam = 2 THEN VarSym := OperandT (2) ; MarkArrayWritten (OperandA (2)) ; OperandSym := OperandT (1) ; optok := OperandTok (1) ; IF IsVar (VarSym) THEN IF IsSet (GetDType (VarSym)) THEN DerefSym := DereferenceLValue (optok, OperandSym) ; BuildRange (InitInclCheck (VarSym, DerefSym)) ; GenQuadO (proctok, InclOp, VarSym, NulSym, DerefSym, FALSE) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (proctok, 'the first parameter to {%EkINCL} must be a set variable but is {%1Ed}', VarSym) END ELSE MetaErrorT1 (proctok, 'base procedure {%EkINCL} expects a variable as a parameter but is {%1Ed}', VarSym) END ELSE MetaErrorT0 (proctok, 'the base procedure {%EkINCL} expects 1 or 2 parameters') END ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) END BuildInclProcedure ; (* BuildExclProcedure - builds the pseudo procedure call EXCL. INCL is a procedure which removes bit b from SET a. It takes two parameters: EXCL(a, b) a := a - {b} The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildExclProcedure (proctok: CARDINAL) ; VAR optok : CARDINAL ; NoOfParam, DerefSym, OperandSym, VarSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; IF NoOfParam=2 THEN VarSym := OperandT (2) ; MarkArrayWritten (OperandA(2)) ; OperandSym := OperandT (1) ; optok := OperandTok (1) ; IF IsVar (VarSym) THEN IF IsSet (GetDType (VarSym)) THEN DerefSym := DereferenceLValue (optok, OperandSym) ; BuildRange (InitExclCheck (VarSym, DerefSym)) ; GenQuadO (proctok, ExclOp, VarSym, NulSym, DerefSym, FALSE) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (proctok, 'the first parameter to {%EkEXCL} must be a set variable but is {%1Ed}', VarSym) END ELSE MetaErrorT1 (proctok, 'base procedure {%EkEXCL} expects a variable as a parameter but is {%1Ed}', VarSym) END ELSE MetaErrorT0 (proctok, 'the base procedure {%EkEXCL} expects 1 or 2 parameters') END ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) END BuildExclProcedure ; (* CheckBuildFunction - checks to see whether ProcSym is a function and if so it adds a TempSym value which will hold the return value once the function finishes. This procedure also generates an error message if the user is calling a function and ignoring the return result. The additional TempSym is not created if ProcSym is a procedure and the stack is unaltered. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | ProcSym | Type | +----------------+ |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | | TempSym | Type | |----------------| |----------------| *) PROCEDURE CheckBuildFunction () : BOOLEAN ; VAR tokpos, TempSym, ProcSym, Type: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTFtok(ProcSym, Type, tokpos) ; IF IsVar(ProcSym) AND IsProcType(Type) THEN IF GetSType(Type)#NulSym THEN TempSym := MakeTemporary (tokpos, RightValue) ; PutVar(TempSym, GetSType(Type)) ; PushTFtok(TempSym, GetSType(Type), tokpos) ; PushTFtok(ProcSym, Type, tokpos) ; IF NOT IsReturnOptionalAny (Type) THEN MetaErrorT1 (tokpos, 'function {%1Ea} is called but its return value is ignored', ProcSym) END ; RETURN TRUE END ELSIF IsProcedure(ProcSym) AND (Type#NulSym) THEN TempSym := MakeTemporary (tokpos, RightValue) ; PutVar(TempSym, Type) ; PushTFtok(TempSym, Type, tokpos) ; PushTFtok(ProcSym, Type, tokpos) ; IF NOT IsReturnOptionalAny (ProcSym) THEN MetaErrorT1 (tokpos, 'function {%1Ea} is called but its return value is ignored', ProcSym) END ; RETURN TRUE END ; PushTFtok (ProcSym, Type, tokpos) ; RETURN FALSE END CheckBuildFunction ; (* BuildFunctionCall - builds a function call. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildFunctionCall (ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR paramtok, combinedtok, functok, NoOfParam, ProcSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ; ProcSym := SkipConst (ProcSym) ; PushT (NoOfParam) ; (* Compile time stack restored to entry state. *) IF IsUnknown (ProcSym) THEN paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, paramtok) ; MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'procedure function {%1Ea} is undefined', ProcSym) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 2) ; (* Fake return value to continue compiling. *) PushT (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), NulSym)) ELSIF IsAModula2Type (ProcSym) THEN ManipulatePseudoCallParameters ; BuildTypeCoercion (ConstExpr) ELSIF IsPseudoSystemFunction (ProcSym) OR IsPseudoBaseFunction (ProcSym) THEN ManipulatePseudoCallParameters ; BuildPseudoFunctionCall (ConstExpr) ELSE BuildRealFunctionCall (functok, ConstExpr) END END BuildFunctionCall ; (* BuildConstFunctionCall - builds a function call and checks that this function can be called inside a ConstExpression. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildConstFunctionCall ; VAR functok, combinedtok, paramtok, ConstExpression, NoOfParam, ProcSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN DisplayStack ; PopT(NoOfParam) ; ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF CompilerDebugging THEN printf2 ('procsym = %d token = %d\n', ProcSym, functok) ; (* ErrorStringAt (InitString ('constant function'), functok). *) END ; PushT (NoOfParam) ; IF (ProcSym # Convert) AND (IsPseudoBaseFunction (ProcSym) OR IsPseudoSystemFunctionConstExpression (ProcSym) OR (IsProcedure (ProcSym) AND IsProcedureBuiltin (ProcSym))) THEN BuildFunctionCall (TRUE) ELSE IF IsAModula2Type (ProcSym) THEN (* Type conversion. *) IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN ConstExpression := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ; paramtok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 2) ; (* Build macro: CONVERT( ProcSym, ConstExpression ). *) PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, functok) ; PushTtok (ProcSym, functok) ; PushTtok (ConstExpression, paramtok) ; PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters. *) BuildConvertFunction (Convert, TRUE) ELSE MetaErrorT0 (functok, '{%E}a constant type conversion can only have one argument') END ELSE (* Error issue message and fake return stack. *) IF Iso THEN MetaErrorT0 (functok, 'the only functions permissible in a constant expression are: {%kCAP}, {%kCHR}, {%kCMPLX}, {%kFLOAT}, {%kHIGH}, {%kIM}, {%kLENGTH}, {%kMAX}, {%kMIN}, {%kODD}, {%kORD}, {%kRE}, {%kSIZE}, {%kTSIZE}, {%kTRUNC}, {%kVAL} and gcc builtins') ELSE MetaErrorT0 (functok, 'the only functions permissible in a constant expression are: {%kCAP}, {%kCHR}, {%kFLOAT}, {%kHIGH}, {%kMAX}, {%kMIN}, {%kODD}, {%kORD}, {%kSIZE}, {%kTSIZE}, {%kTRUNC}, {%kVAL} and gcc builtins') END ; IF NoOfParam > 0 THEN paramtok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ELSE combinedtok := functok END ; PopN (NoOfParam+2) ; PushT (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey('0'), NulSym)) (* Fake return value to continue compiling. *) END END END BuildConstFunctionCall ; (* BuildTypeCoercion - builds the type coersion. Modula-2 allows types to be coersed with no runtime penility. It insists that the TSIZE(t1)=TSIZE(t2) where t2 variable := t2(variable of type t1). The ReturnVar on the stack is of type t2. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| Quadruples: CoerceOp ReturnVar Type Param1 A type coercion will only be legal if the different types have exactly the same size. Since we can only decide this after M2Eval has processed the symbol table then we create a quadruple explaining the coercion taking place, the code generator can test this assertion and report an error if the type sizes differ. *) PROCEDURE BuildTypeCoercion (ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR resulttok, proctok, exptok : CARDINAL ; r, exp, NoOfParam, ReturnVar, ProcSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(NoOfParam) ; ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam+1) ; proctok := OperandTok (NoOfParam+1) ; IF NOT IsAModula2Type (ProcSym) THEN MetaError1 ('coersion expecting a type, seen {%1Ea} which is {%1Ed}', ProcSym) END ; IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN PopTrwtok (exp, r, exptok) ; MarkAsRead (r) ; resulttok := MakeVirtual2Tok (proctok, exptok) ; PopN (1) ; (* Pop procedure. *) IF ConstExprError (ProcSym, exp, exptok, ConstExpr) THEN ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, ProcSym) ; (* Set ReturnVar's TYPE. *) ELSIF IsConst (exp) OR IsVar (exp) THEN ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, AreConstant (IsConst (exp))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, ProcSym) ; (* Set ReturnVar's TYPE. *) GenQuad (CoerceOp, ReturnVar, ProcSym, exp) ELSE MetaError2 ('trying to coerse {%1EMRad} which is not a variable or constant into {%2ad}', exp, ProcSym) ; MetaError2 ('trying to coerse {%1ECad} which is not a variable or constant into {%2ad}', exp, ProcSym) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, RightValue) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, ProcSym) (* Set ReturnVar's TYPE. *) END ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, ProcSym, resulttok) ELSE MetaError0 ('{%E}only one parameter expected in a TYPE coersion') END END BuildTypeCoercion ; (* BuildRealFunctionCall - builds a function call. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildRealFunctionCall (tokno: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR NoOfParam, ProcSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(NoOfParam) ; PushT(NoOfParam) ; ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam+2) ; ProcSym := SkipConst (ProcSym) ; IF IsVar(ProcSym) THEN (* Procedure Variable therefore get its type to see if it is a FOR "C" call. *) ProcSym := SkipType (OperandF (NoOfParam+2)) END ; IF IsDefImp (GetScope (ProcSym)) AND IsDefinitionForC (GetScope (ProcSym)) THEN BuildRealFuncProcCall (tokno, TRUE, TRUE, ConstExpr) ELSE BuildRealFuncProcCall (tokno, TRUE, FALSE, ConstExpr) END END BuildRealFunctionCall ; (* BuildPseudoFunctionCall - builds the pseudo function The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildPseudoFunctionCall (ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR NoOfParam, ProcSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam+1) ; ProcSym := SkipConst (ProcSym) ; PushT (NoOfParam) ; (* Compile time stack restored to entry state. *) IF ProcSym = High THEN BuildHighFunction ELSIF ProcSym = LengthS THEN BuildLengthFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF ProcSym = Adr THEN BuildAdrFunction ELSIF ProcSym = Size THEN BuildSizeFunction ELSIF ProcSym = TSize THEN BuildTSizeFunction ELSIF ProcSym = TBitSize THEN BuildTBitSizeFunction ELSIF ProcSym = Convert THEN BuildConvertFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF ProcSym = Odd THEN BuildOddFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF ProcSym = Abs THEN BuildAbsFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF ProcSym = Cap THEN BuildCapFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF ProcSym = Val THEN BuildValFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF ProcSym = Chr THEN BuildChrFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF IsOrd (ProcSym) THEN BuildOrdFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF IsInt (ProcSym) THEN BuildIntFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF IsTrunc (ProcSym) THEN BuildTruncFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF IsFloat (ProcSym) THEN BuildFloatFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF ProcSym = Min THEN BuildMinFunction ELSIF ProcSym = Max THEN BuildMaxFunction ELSIF ProcSym = AddAdr THEN BuildAddAdrFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF ProcSym = SubAdr THEN BuildSubAdrFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF ProcSym = DifAdr THEN BuildDifAdrFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF ProcSym = Cast THEN BuildCastFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF ProcSym = Shift THEN BuildShiftFunction ELSIF ProcSym = Rotate THEN BuildRotateFunction ELSIF ProcSym = MakeAdr THEN BuildMakeAdrFunction ELSIF ProcSym = Re THEN BuildReFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF ProcSym = Im THEN BuildImFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSIF ProcSym = Cmplx THEN BuildCmplxFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSE InternalError ('pseudo function not implemented yet') END END BuildPseudoFunctionCall ; (* BuildAddAdrFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call ADDADR. PROCEDURE ADDADR (addr: ADDRESS; offset: CARDINAL): ADDRESS ; Which returns address given by (addr + offset), [ the standard says that it _may_ "raise an exception if this address is not valid." currently we do not generate any exception code ] The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildAddAdrFunction (ProcSym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR combinedtok, functok, vartok, optok : CARDINAL ; opa, ReturnVar, NoOfParam, OperandSym, VarSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam=2 THEN VarSym := OperandT (2) ; vartok := OperandTok (2) ; OperandSym := OperandT (1) ; optok := OperandTok (1) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, optok) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF ConstExprError (ProcSym, VarSym, vartok, ConstExpr) OR ConstExprError (ProcSym, OperandSym, optok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Fake return result. *) PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey('0'), Address), Address, combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar (VarSym) THEN IF IsReallyPointer (VarSym) OR (GetSType (VarSym) = Address) THEN ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, RightValue) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Address) ; opa := ConvertToAddress (optok, DereferenceLValue (optok, OperandSym)) ; GenQuadOtok (combinedtok, AddOp, ReturnVar, VarSym, opa, TRUE, combinedtok, combinedtok, combinedtok) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Address, combinedtok) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the first parameter to ADDADR {%1Ea} must be a variable of type ADDRESS or a {%EkPOINTER}, rather than a {%1Etsd}', VarSym) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey('0'), Address), Address, combinedtok) END ELSE MetaErrorT0 (functok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure ADDADR expects a variable of type ADDRESS or POINTER as its first parameter') ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey('0'), Address), Address, combinedtok) END ELSE MetaErrorT0 (functok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure {%EkADDADR} expects 2 parameters') ; PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey('0'), Address), Address, functok) END END BuildAddAdrFunction ; (* BuildSubAdrFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call ADDADR. PROCEDURE SUBADR (addr: ADDRESS; offset: CARDINAL): ADDRESS ; Which returns address given by (addr - offset), [ the standard says that it _may_ "raise an exception if this address is not valid." currently we do not generate any exception code ] The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildSubAdrFunction (ProcSym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR functok, combinedtok, optok, vartok : CARDINAL ; ReturnVar, NoOfParam, OperandSym, opa, VarSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam = 2 THEN optok := OperandTok (1) ; OperandSym := OperandT (1) ; VarSym := OperandT (2) ; vartok := OperandTok (2) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, optok) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF ConstExprError (ProcSym, VarSym, vartok, ConstExpr) OR ConstExprError (ProcSym, OperandSym, optok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Fake return result. *) PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey('0'), Address), Address, combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar (VarSym) THEN IF IsReallyPointer (VarSym) OR (GetSType (VarSym) = Address) THEN ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, RightValue) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Address) ; opa := ConvertToAddress (optok, DereferenceLValue (optok, OperandSym)) ; GenQuadOtok (combinedtok, SubOp, ReturnVar, VarSym, opa, TRUE, combinedtok, combinedtok, combinedtok) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Address, combinedtok) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the first parameter to {%EkSUBADR} {%1Ea} must be a variable of type ADDRESS or a {%EkPOINTER}, rather than a {%1Etsd}', VarSym) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (vartok, MakeKey('0'), Address), Address, vartok) END ELSE combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, optok) ; MetaErrorT0 (combinedtok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure {%EkSUBADR} expects a variable of type ADDRESS or POINTER as its first parameter') ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), Address), Address, combinedtok) END ELSE MetaErrorT0 (functok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure {%EkSUBADR} expects 2 parameters') ; PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey('0'), Address), Address, functok) END END BuildSubAdrFunction ; (* BuildDifAdrFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call DIFADR. PROCEDURE DIFADR (addr1, addr2: ADDRESS): INTEGER ; Which returns address given by (addr1 - addr2), [ the standard says that it _may_ "raise an exception if this address is invalid or address space is non-contiguous." currently we do not generate any exception code ] The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildDifAdrFunction (ProcSym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR functok, optok, vartok, combinedtok: CARDINAL ; TempVar, NoOfParam, OperandSym, opa, VarSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam >= 1 THEN OperandSym := OperandT (1) ; optok := OperandTok (1) ELSE optok := functok END ; IF NoOfParam = 2 THEN VarSym := OperandT (2) ; vartok := OperandTok (2) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, optok) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF ConstExprError (ProcSym, VarSym, vartok, ConstExpr) OR ConstExprError (ProcSym, OperandSym, optok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Fake return result. *) PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey('0'), Integer), Integer, combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar (VarSym) THEN IF IsReallyPointer (VarSym) OR (GetSType (VarSym) = Address) THEN IF IsReallyPointer (OperandSym) OR (GetSType (OperandSym) = Address) THEN TempVar := MakeTemporary (vartok, RightValue) ; PutVar (TempVar, Address) ; opa := ConvertToAddress (optok, DereferenceLValue (optok, OperandSym)) ; GenQuadOtok (combinedtok, SubOp, TempVar, VarSym, opa, TRUE, combinedtok, combinedtok, combinedtok) ; (* Build macro: CONVERT( INTEGER, TempVar ) *) PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, functok) ; PushTtok (Integer, functok) ; PushTtok (TempVar, vartok) ; PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *) BuildConvertFunction (Convert, ConstExpr) ELSE MetaError1 ('the second parameter to {%EkDIFADR} {%1Ea} must be a variable of type ADDRESS or a {%EkPOINTER}, rather than a {%1Etsd}', OperandSym) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), Integer), Integer, combinedtok) END ELSE MetaErrorT1 (vartok, 'the first parameter to {%EkDIFADR} {%1Ea} must be a variable of type ADDRESS or a {%EkPOINTER}, rather than a {%1Etsd}', VarSym) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), Integer), Integer, combinedtok) END ELSE MetaError0 ('{%E}SYSTEM procedure {%EkDIFADR} expects a variable of type ADDRESS or POINTER as its first parameter') ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey('0'), Integer), Integer, combinedtok) END ELSE combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, optok) ; MetaErrorT0 (combinedtok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure {%EkDIFADR} expects 2 parameters') ; PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey('0'), Integer), Integer, combinedtok) END END BuildDifAdrFunction ; (* BuildHighFunction - checks the stack in preparation for generating quadruples which perform HIGH. This procedure does not alter the stack but determines whether, a, in HIGH(a) is an ArraySym or UnboundedSym. Both cases are different and appropriate quadruple generating routines are called. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildHighFunction ; VAR functok, combinedtok, paramtok : CARDINAL ; ProcSym, Type, NoOfParam, Param : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam+1) ; functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ; BuildSizeCheckEnd (ProcSym) ; (* quadruple generation now on *) IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN Param := OperandT (1) ; paramtok := OperandTok (1) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (paramtok, functok, paramtok) ; Type := GetDType (Param) ; (* Restore stack to original form *) PushT (NoOfParam) ; IF (NOT IsVar(Param)) AND (NOT IsConstString(Param)) AND (NOT IsConst(Param)) THEN (* we cannot test for IsConst(Param) AND (GetSType(Param)=Char) as the type might not be assigned yet *) MetaError1 ('base procedure {%EkHIGH} expects a variable or string constant as its parameter {%1d:rather than {%1d}} {%1asa}', Param) ELSIF IsUnbounded(Type) THEN BuildHighFromUnbounded (combinedtok) ELSE BuildConstHighFromSym (combinedtok) END ELSE MetaError0 ('base procedure {%EkHIGH} requires one parameter') ; PopN (2) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal), Cardinal, functok) END END BuildHighFunction ; (* BuildConstHighFromSym - builds the pseudo function HIGH from an Sym. Sym is a constant or an array which has constant bounds and therefore it can be calculated at compile time. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildConstHighFromSym (tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR NoOfParam, ReturnVar: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (tok, ImmediateValue) ; PutConst (ReturnVar, Cardinal) ; GenHigh (tok, ReturnVar, 1, OperandT (1)) ; PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; PushTtok (ReturnVar, tok) END BuildConstHighFromSym ; (* BuildHighFromUnbounded - builds the pseudo function HIGH from an UnboundedSym. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildHighFromUnbounded (tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR Dim, NoOfParam, ReturnVar: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; Assert (NoOfParam=1) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Cardinal) ; Dim := OperandD (1) ; INC (Dim) ; IF Dim > 1 THEN GenHigh (tok, ReturnVar, Dim, OperandA(1)) ELSE GenHigh (tok, ReturnVar, Dim, OperandT(1)) END ; PopN (2) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType(ReturnVar), tok) END BuildHighFromUnbounded ; (* GetQualidentImport - returns the symbol as if it were qualified from, module.n. This is used to reference runtime support procedures and an error is generated if the symbol cannot be obtained. *) PROCEDURE GetQualidentImport (tokno: CARDINAL; n: Name; module: Name) : CARDINAL ; VAR ModSym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN ModSym := MakeDefinitionSource (tokno, module) ; IF ModSym=NulSym THEN MetaErrorNT2 (tokno, 'module %a cannot be found and is needed to import %a', module, n) ; FlushErrors ; RETURN NulSym END ; Assert(IsDefImp(ModSym)) ; IF (GetExported (tokno, ModSym, n)=NulSym) OR IsUnknown (GetExported (tokno, ModSym, n)) THEN MetaErrorN2 ('module %a does not export procedure %a which is a necessary component of the runtime system, hint check the path and library/language variant', module, n) ; FlushErrors ; RETURN NulSym END ; RETURN GetExported (tokno, MakeDefinitionSource (tokno, module), n) END GetQualidentImport ; (* ConstExprError - return TRUE if a constant expression is being built and Var is a variable. *) PROCEDURE ConstExprError (Func, Var: CARDINAL; optok: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF ConstExpr AND IsVar (Var) THEN MetaErrorT2 (optok, 'the procedure function {%1Ea} is being called from within a constant expression and therefore the parameter {%2a} must be a constant, seen a {%2da}', Func, Var) ; RETURN TRUE ELSE RETURN FALSE END END ConstExprError ; (* DeferMakeLengthConst - creates a constant which contains the length of string, sym. *) PROCEDURE DeferMakeLengthConst (tok: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR const: CARDINAL ; BEGIN const := MakeTemporary (tok, ImmediateValue) ; PutVar (const, ZType) ; GenQuadO (tok, StringLengthOp, const, 0, sym, FALSE) ; RETURN const END DeferMakeLengthConst ; (* BuildLengthFunction - builds the inline standard function LENGTH. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildLengthFunction (Function: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR combinedtok, paramtok, functok : CARDINAL ; ProcSym, Type, NoOfParam, Param, ReturnVar : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; Param := OperandT (1) ; paramtok := OperandTok (1) ; functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ; (* Restore stack to origional form. *) PushT (NoOfParam) ; Type := GetSType (Param) ; (* Get the type from the symbol, not the stack. *) IF NoOfParam # 1 THEN MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'base procedure {%1EkLENGTH} expects 1 parameter, seen {%1n} parameters', NoOfParam) END ; IF NoOfParam >= 1 THEN combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, paramtok) ; IF IsConst (Param) AND (GetSType (Param) = Char) THEN PopT (NoOfParam) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('1'), Cardinal) ; PushTtok (ReturnVar, combinedtok) ELSIF IsConstString (Param) THEN PopT (NoOfParam) ; ReturnVar := DeferMakeLengthConst (combinedtok, OperandT (1)) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; PushTtok (ReturnVar, combinedtok) ELSE ProcSym := GetQualidentImport (functok, MakeKey ('Length'), MakeKey ('M2RTS')) ; IF (ProcSym # NulSym) AND IsProcedure (ProcSym) THEN PopT (NoOfParam) ; IF IsConst (Param) THEN (* This can be folded in M2GenGCC. *) ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, ImmediateValue) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Cardinal) ; GenQuad (StandardFunctionOp, ReturnVar, ProcSym, Param) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; PushTtok (ReturnVar, combinedtok) ELSIF ConstExprError (Function, Param, paramtok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Fake a result as we have detected and reported an error. *) PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('1'), Cardinal) ; PushTtok (ReturnVar, combinedtok) ELSE (* We must resolve this at runtime or in the GCC optimizer. *) PopTF (Param, Type); PopN (NoOfParam) ; PushTtok (ProcSym, functok) ; PushTFtok (Param, Type, paramtok) ; PushT (NoOfParam) ; BuildRealFunctionCall (functok, FALSE) END ELSE PopT (NoOfParam) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; PushTtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal), combinedtok) ; MetaErrorT0 (functok, 'no procedure Length found for substitution to the standard function {%1EkLENGTH} which is required to calculate non constant string lengths') END END ELSE (* NoOfParam is _very_ wrong, we flush all outstanding errors *) FlushErrors END END BuildLengthFunction ; (* BuildOddFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call ODD. This procedure is actually a "macro" for ORD(x) --> VAL(BOOLEAN, x MOD 2) However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack because the compiler is currently building a function call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack. Hence we manipulate the stack and call BuildConvertFunction. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildOddFunction (ProcSym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR combinedtok, optok, functok : CARDINAL ; NoOfParam, Res, Var : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam=1 THEN Var := OperandT (1) ; optok := OperandTok (1) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, optok) ; IF ConstExprError (ProcSym, Var, optok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Nothing to do. *) PushTtok (False, combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar(Var) OR IsConst(Var) THEN PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; (* Build macro: VAL(BOOLEAN, (x MOD 2)) *) (* compute (x MOD 2) *) PushTFtok (Var, GetSType (Var), optok) ; PushT (ModTok) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (optok, MakeKey ('2'), ZType), ZType, optok) ; BuildBinaryOp ; PopT (Res) ; (* compute IF ...=0 *) PushTtok (Res, optok) ; PushT (EqualTok) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (optok, MakeKey ('0'), ZType), ZType, optok) ; BuildRelOp (combinedtok) ; BuildThenIf ; Res := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, RightValue) ; PutVar (Res, Boolean) ; PushTtok (Res, combinedtok) ; PushTtok (False, combinedtok) ; BuildAssignment (combinedtok) ; BuildElse ; PushTtok (Res, combinedtok) ; PushTtok (True, combinedtok) ; BuildAssignment (combinedtok) ; BuildEndIf ; PushTtok (Res, combinedtok) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (optok, 'the parameter to {%1EkODD} must be a variable or constant, seen {%1ad}', Var) ; PushTtok (False, combinedtok) END ELSE MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the pseudo procedure {%E1kODD} only has one parameter, seen {%1n} parameters', NoOfParam) ; PushTtok (False, functok) END END BuildOddFunction ; (* BuildAbsFunction - builds a call to the standard function ABS. We cannot implement it as a macro or inline an IF THEN statement as the IF THEN ELSE requires we write the value to the same variable (or constant) twice. The macro implementation will fail as the compiler maybe building a function call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack. The only method to implement this is to pass it to the gcc backend. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildAbsFunction (ProcSym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR vartok, functok, combinedtok: CARDINAL ; NoOfParam, Res, Var : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN Var := OperandT (1) ; vartok := OperandTok (1) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, vartok) ; IF ConstExprError (ProcSym, Var, vartok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Create fake result. *) Res := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ; PutVar (Res, GetSType (Var)) ; PushTFtok (Res, GetSType (Var), combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar(Var) OR IsConst(Var) THEN Res := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ; PutVar (Res, GetSType (Var)) ; GenQuadO (combinedtok, StandardFunctionOp, Res, ProcSym, Var, FALSE) ; PushTFtok (Res, GetSType (Var), combinedtok) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (vartok, 'the parameter to {%AkABS} must be a variable or constant, seen {%1ad}', Var) END ELSE MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the pseudo procedure {%AkABS} only has one parameter, seen {%1n} parameters', NoOfParam) END END BuildAbsFunction ; (* BuildCapFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call CAP. We generate a the following quad: StandardFunctionOp ReturnVal Cap Param1 The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam = 1 | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| +-------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVal | |----------------| |-------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCapFunction (ProcSym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR optok, functok, combinedtok: CARDINAL ; NoOfParam, Res, Var : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN Var := OperandT (1) ; optok := OperandTok (1) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF ConstExprError (ProcSym, Var, optok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Create fake result. *) combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, optok) ; Res := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ; PutVar (Res, Char) ; PushTFtok (Res, Char, combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar (Var) OR IsConst (Var) THEN combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, optok) ; Res := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ; PutVar (Res, Char) ; GenQuadO (combinedtok, StandardFunctionOp, Res, ProcSym, Var, FALSE) ; PushTFtok (Res, Char, combinedtok) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (optok, 'the parameter to {%AkCAP} must be a variable or constant, seen {%1ad}', Var) END ELSE MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the pseudo procedure {%AkCAP} only has one parameter, seen {%1n} parameters', NoOfParam) END END BuildCapFunction ; (* BuildChrFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call CHR. This procedure is actually a "macro" for CHR(x) --> CONVERT(CHAR, x) However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack because the compiler is currently building a function call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack. Hence we manipulate the stack and call BuildConvertFunction. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildChrFunction (ProcSym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR functok, combinedtok, optok : CARDINAL ; ReturnVar, NoOfParam, Var : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN Var := OperandT (1) ; optok := OperandTok (1) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF ConstExprError (ProcSym, Var, optok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Generate fake result. *) combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, optok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Char) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Char, combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar (Var) OR IsConst (Var) THEN (* Build macro: CONVERT( CHAR, Var ) *) PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, functok) ; PushTtok (Char, functok) ; PushTtok (Var, optok) ; PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *) BuildConvertFunction (Convert, ConstExpr) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (optok, 'the parameter to {%AkCHR} must be a variable or constant, seen {%1ad}', Var) END ELSE MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the pseudo procedure {%AkCHR} only has one parameter, seen {%1n} parameters', NoOfParam) END END BuildChrFunction ; (* BuildOrdFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call ORD. This procedure is actually a "macro" for ORD(x) --> CONVERT(GetSType(sym), x) However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack because the compiler is currently building a function call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack. Hence we manipulate the stack and call BuildConvertFunction. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildOrdFunction (Sym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR combinedtok, functok, optok : CARDINAL ; ReturnVar, NoOfParam, Type, Var : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN Var := OperandT (1) ; optok := OperandTok (1) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF ConstExprError (Sym, Var, optok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Generate fake result. *) combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, optok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Cardinal) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Cardinal, combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar (Var) OR IsConst (Var) THEN Type := GetSType (Sym) ; (* Build macro: CONVERT( CARDINAL, Var ) *) PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, functok) ; PushTtok (Type, optok) ; PushTtok (Var, optok) ; PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *) BuildConvertFunction (Convert, ConstExpr) ELSE MetaErrorT2 (optok, 'the parameter to {%1Aa} must be a variable or constant, seen {%2ad}', Sym, Var) END ELSE MetaErrorT2 (functok, 'the pseudo procedure {%1Aa} only has one parameter, seen {%2n} parameters', Sym, NoOfParam) END END BuildOrdFunction ; (* BuildIntFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call INT. This procedure is actually a "macro" for INT(x) --> CONVERT(INTEGER, x) However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack because the compiler is currently building a function call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack. Hence we manipulate the stack and call BuildConvertFunction. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildIntFunction (Sym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR combinedtok, functok, optok : CARDINAL ; ReturnVar, NoOfParam, Type, Var : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN Var := OperandT (1) ; optok := OperandTok (1) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF ConstExprError (Sym, Var, optok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Generate fake result. *) combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, optok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Integer) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Integer, combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar (Var) OR IsConst (Var) THEN Type := GetSType (Sym) ; (* return type of function *) (* Build macro: CONVERT( CARDINAL, Var ). *) PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, functok) ; PushTtok (Type, functok) ; PushTtok (Var, optok) ; PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *) BuildConvertFunction (Convert, ConstExpr) ELSE combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, optok, optok) ; MetaErrorT2 (optok, 'the parameter to {%1Ea} must be a variable or constant, seen {%2ad}', Sym, Var) ; PushTtok (combinedtok, MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), ZType)) END ELSE MetaErrorT2 (functok, 'the pseudo procedure {%1Ea} only has one parameter, seen {%2n} parameters', Sym, NoOfParam) ; PushTtok (functok, MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('0'), ZType)) END END BuildIntFunction ; (* BuildMakeAdrFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call MAKEADR. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildMakeAdrFunction ; VAR functok, starttok, endtok, resulttok : CARDINAL ; AreConst : BOOLEAN ; i, pi, NoOfParameters: CARDINAL ; ReturnVar : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParameters) ; functok := OperandTok (NoOfParameters + 1) ; IF NoOfParameters>0 THEN starttok := OperandTok (NoOfParameters + 1) ; (* ADR token. *) endtok := OperandTok (1) ; (* last parameter. *) GenQuad (ParamOp, 0, MakeAdr, MakeAdr) ; i := NoOfParameters ; (* stack index referencing stacked parameter, i *) pi := 1 ; WHILE i > 0 DO GenQuadO (OperandTok (pi), ParamOp, i, MakeAdr, OperandT (pi), TRUE) ; DEC (i) ; INC (pi) END ; AreConst := TRUE ; i := 1 ; WHILE i <= NoOfParameters DO IF IsVar (OperandT (i)) THEN AreConst := FALSE ; ELSIF NOT IsConst (OperandT (i)) THEN MetaError1 ('problem in the {%1EN} argument for {%kMAKEADR}, all arguments to {%kMAKEADR} must be either variables or constants', i) END ; INC (i) END ; (* ReturnVar - will have the type of the procedure *) resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (starttok, starttok, endtok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, AreConstant(AreConst)) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, GetSType(MakeAdr)) ; GenQuadO (resulttok, FunctValueOp, ReturnVar, NulSym, MakeAdr, TRUE) ; PopN (NoOfParameters+1) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType (MakeAdr), resulttok) ELSE MetaError1 ('the pseudo procedure {%EkMAKEADR} requires at least one parameter, seen {%1n}', NoOfParameters) ; PopN (1) ; PushTFtok (Nil, GetSType (MakeAdr), functok) END END BuildMakeAdrFunction ; (* BuildShiftFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call SHIFT. PROCEDURE SHIFT (val: <any type>; num: INTEGER): <any type> ; "Returns a bit sequence obtained from val by shifting up or down (left or right) by the absolute value of num, introducing zeros as necessary. The direction is down if the sign of num is negative, otherwise the direction is up." The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildShiftFunction ; VAR combinedtok, paramtok, functok, vartok, exptok : CARDINAL ; r, procSym, returnVar, NoOfParam, derefExp, Exp, varSet : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; paramtok := OperandTok (1) ; functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam=2 THEN PopTrwtok (Exp, r, exptok) ; MarkAsRead (r) ; PopTtok (varSet, vartok) ; PopT (procSym) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, exptok) ; IF (GetSType (varSet) # NulSym) AND IsSet (GetDType (varSet)) THEN derefExp := DereferenceLValue (exptok, Exp) ; BuildRange (InitShiftCheck (varSet, derefExp)) ; returnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, RightValue) ; PutVar (returnVar, GetSType (varSet)) ; GenQuadO (combinedtok, LogicalShiftOp, returnVar, varSet, derefExp, TRUE) ; PushTFtok (returnVar, GetSType (varSet), combinedtok) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (vartok, 'SYSTEM procedure {%1EkSHIFT} expects a constant or variable which has a type of SET as its first parameter, seen {%1ad}', varSet) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal), Cardinal, combinedtok) END ELSE combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ; MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the pseudo procedure {%kSHIFT} requires at least two parameters, seen {%1En}', NoOfParam) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal), Cardinal, combinedtok) END END BuildShiftFunction ; (* BuildRotateFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call ROTATE. PROCEDURE ROTATE (val: <any type>; num: INTEGER): <any type> ; "Returns a bit sequence obtained from val by rotating up or down (left or right) by the absolute value of num. The direction is down if the sign of num is negative, otherwise the direction is up." The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildRotateFunction ; VAR combinedtok, functok, vartok, exptok : CARDINAL ; r, procSym, returnVar, NoOfParam, derefExp, Exp, varSet : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam = 2 THEN PopTrwtok (Exp, r, exptok) ; MarkAsRead (r) ; PopTtok (varSet, vartok) ; PopT (procSym) ; IF (GetSType (varSet) # NulSym) AND IsSet (GetDType (varSet)) THEN combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, exptok) ; derefExp := DereferenceLValue (exptok, Exp) ; BuildRange (InitRotateCheck (varSet, derefExp)) ; returnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, RightValue) ; PutVar (returnVar, GetSType (varSet)) ; GenQuadO (combinedtok, LogicalRotateOp, returnVar, varSet, derefExp, TRUE) ; PushTFtok (returnVar, GetSType (varSet), combinedtok) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (vartok, 'SYSTEM procedure {%EkROTATE} expects a constant or variable which has a type of SET as its first parameter, seen {%1ad}', varSet) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey('0'), Cardinal), Cardinal, functok) END ELSE MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'SYSTEM procedure {%EkROTATE} expects 2 parameters and was given {%1n} parameters', NoOfParam) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal), Cardinal, functok) END END BuildRotateFunction ; (* BuildValFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call VAL. This procedure is actually a "macro" for VAL(Type, x) --> CONVERT(Type, x) However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack because the compiler is currently building a function call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack. Hence we manipulate the stack and call BuildConvertFunction. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildValFunction (ProcSym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR combinedtok, functok : CARDINAL ; ReturnVar, NoOfParam, Exp, Type : CARDINAL ; tok, r, typetok, exptok : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam = 2 THEN PopTrwtok (Exp, r, exptok) ; MarkAsRead (r) ; PopTtok (Type, typetok) ; PopTtok (ProcSym, tok) ; IF IsUnknown (Type) THEN (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *) MetaErrorT1 (typetok, 'undeclared type found in builtin procedure function {%AkVAL} {%1ad}', Type) (* non recoverable error. *) ELSIF ConstExprError (ProcSym, Exp, exptok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Generate fake result. *) combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, exptok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Exp))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Type) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Type, combinedtok) ELSIF (IsSet (Type) OR IsEnumeration (Type) OR IsSubrange (Type) OR IsType (Type) OR IsPointer (Type) OR IsProcType (Type)) AND (IsVar (Exp) OR IsConst (Exp) OR IsProcedure (Exp)) THEN (* Build macro: CONVERT( Type, Var ) *) PushTFtok (Convert, NulSym, tok) ; PushTtok (Type, typetok) ; PushTtok (Exp, exptok) ; PushT (2) ; (* Two parameters *) BuildConvertFunction (Convert, ConstExpr) ELSE (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *) MetaErrorT0 (functok, 'the builtin procedure {%AkVAL} has the following formal parameter declaration {%kVAL} (type, expression)') (* non recoverable error. *) END ELSE (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *) MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the builtin procedure {%AkVAL} expects 2 parameters, a type and an expression, but was given {%1n} parameters', NoOfParam) (* non recoverable error. *) END END BuildValFunction ; (* BuildCastFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call CAST. This procedure is actually a "macro" for CAST(Type, x) --> Type(x) However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack because the compiler is currently building a function call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack. Hence we manipulate the stack and call BuildConvertFunction. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCastFunction (ProcSym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR combinedtok, exptok, typetok, functok : CARDINAL ; ReturnVar, NoOfParam, Exp, Type : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam = 2 THEN Type := OperandT (2) ; typetok := OperandTok (2) ; Exp := OperandT (1) ; exptok := OperandTok (1) ; IF IsUnknown (Type) THEN (* we cannot recover if we dont have a type. *) MetaErrorT1 (typetok, 'undeclared type {%1Aad} found in {%kCAST}', Type) (* non recoverable error. *) ELSIF ConstExprError (ProcSym, Exp, exptok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Generate fake result. *) combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, exptok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Exp))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Type) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Type, combinedtok) ELSIF IsSet (Type) OR IsEnumeration (Type) OR IsSubrange (Type) OR IsType (Type) OR IsPointer (Type) OR IsArray (Type) OR IsProcType (Type) THEN IF IsConst (Exp) THEN PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* Build macro: Type( Var ) *) PushTFtok (Type, NulSym, typetok) ; PushTtok (Exp, exptok) ; PushT (1) ; (* one parameter *) BuildTypeCoercion (ConstExpr) ELSIF IsVar (Exp) OR IsProcedure (Exp) THEN PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, exptok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, RightValue) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Type) ; GenQuadO (combinedtok, CastOp, ReturnVar, Type, Exp, FALSE) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Type, combinedtok) ELSE (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *) MetaErrorT0 (functok, 'the second parameter to the builtin procedure {%AkCAST} must either be a variable, constant or a procedure. The formal parameters to cast are {%kCAST} (type, variable or constant or procedure)') (* non recoverable error. *) END ELSE (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *) MetaErrorT0 (functok, 'the builtin procedure {%AkCAST} has the following formal parameter declaration {%kCAST} (type, expression)') (* non recoverable error. *) END ELSE (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *) MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the builtin procedure {%AkCAST} `expects 2 parameters, a type and an expression, but was given {%1n} parameters', NoOfParam) (* non recoverable error. *) END END BuildCastFunction ; (* BuildConvertFunction - builds the pseudo function CONVERT. CONVERT( Type, Variable ) ; The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +---------------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | Param1 | |----------------| |---------------------| Quadruples: ConvertOp ReturnVar Param1 Param2 Converts variable Param2 into a variable Param1 with a type Param1. *) PROCEDURE BuildConvertFunction (ProcSym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR combinedtok, functok, typetok, exptok : CARDINAL ; t, r, Exp, Type, NoOfParam, ReturnVar : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam = 2 THEN PopTrwtok (Exp, r, exptok) ; MarkAsRead (r) ; PopTtok (Type, typetok) ; PopT (ProcSym) ; IF IsUnknown (Type) THEN (* we cannot recover if we dont have a type. *) MetaErrorT1 (typetok, 'undeclared type {%1Aad} found in {%kCONVERT}', Type) (* non recoverable error. *) ELSIF IsUnknown (Exp) THEN (* we cannot recover if we dont have a type. *) MetaErrorT1 (typetok, 'unknown {%1Ad} {%1ad} found in {%kCONVERT}', Exp) (* non recoverable error. *) ELSIF ConstExprError (ProcSym, Exp, exptok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Generate fake result. *) combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, exptok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Exp))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Type) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Type, combinedtok) ELSIF (IsSet (Type) OR IsEnumeration (Type) OR IsSubrange (Type) OR IsType (Type) OR IsPointer (Type) OR IsProcType (Type) OR IsRecord (Type)) AND (IsVar (Exp) OR IsConst (Exp) OR IsProcedure (Exp)) THEN (* firstly dereference Var *) IF GetMode (Exp) = LeftValue THEN t := MakeTemporary (exptok, RightValue) ; PutVar (t, GetSType (Exp)) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (exptok, Exp) ; doIndrX (exptok, t, Exp) ; Exp := t END ; combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, exptok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Exp))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Type) ; GenQuadO (combinedtok, ConvertOp, ReturnVar, Type, Exp, TRUE) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Type, combinedtok) ELSE (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *) MetaErrorT0 (functok, 'the builtin procedure {%AkCONVERT} has the following formal parameter declaration {%kCONVERT} (type, expression)') (* non recoverable error. *) END ELSE (* not sensible to try and recover when we dont know the return type. *) MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the builtin procedure {%AkCONVERT} expects 2 parameters, a type and an expression, but was given {%1n} parameters', NoOfParam) (* non recoverable error. *) END END BuildConvertFunction ; (* CheckBaseTypeValue - checks to see whether the value, min, really exists. *) PROCEDURE CheckBaseTypeValue (tok: CARDINAL; type: CARDINAL; min: CARDINAL; func: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF (type = Real) OR (type = LongReal) OR (type = ShortReal) THEN PushValue (min) ; IF NOT IsValueAndTreeKnown () THEN MetaErrorT2 (tok, '{%1Ead} ({%2ad}) cannot be calculated at compile time for the target architecture', func, type) ; RETURN MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('1.0'), RType) END END ; RETURN min END CheckBaseTypeValue ; (* GetTypeMin - returns the minimium value of type and generate an error if this is unavailable. *) PROCEDURE GetTypeMin (tok: CARDINAL; func, type: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR min: CARDINAL ; BEGIN min := GetTypeMinLower (tok, func, type) ; IF min = NulSym THEN MetaErrorT1 (tok, 'unable to obtain the {%AkMIN} value for type {%1ad}', type) END ; RETURN min END GetTypeMin ; (* GetTypeMinLower - obtain the maximum value for type. *) PROCEDURE GetTypeMinLower (tok: CARDINAL; func, type: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR min, max: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsSubrange (type) THEN min := MakeTemporary (tok, ImmediateValue) ; PutVar (min, type) ; GenQuad (SubrangeLowOp, min, NulSym, type) ; RETURN min ELSIF IsSet (SkipType (type)) THEN RETURN GetTypeMin (tok, func, GetSType (SkipType (type))) ELSIF IsBaseType (type) OR IsEnumeration (type) THEN GetBaseTypeMinMax (type, min, max) ; min := CheckBaseTypeValue (tok, type, min, func) ; RETURN min ELSIF IsSystemType (type) THEN GetSystemTypeMinMax (type, min, max) ; RETURN min ELSIF GetSType (type) = NulSym THEN RETURN NulSym ELSE RETURN GetTypeMin (tok, func, GetSType (type)) END END GetTypeMinLower ; (* GetTypeMax - returns the maximum value of type and generate an error if this is unavailable. *) PROCEDURE GetTypeMax (tok: CARDINAL; func, type: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR max: CARDINAL ; BEGIN max := GetTypeMaxLower (tok, func, type) ; IF max = NulSym THEN MetaErrorT1 (tok, 'unable to obtain the {%AkMAX} value for type {%1ad}', type) END ; RETURN max END GetTypeMax ; (* GetTypeMaxLower - obtain the maximum value for type. *) PROCEDURE GetTypeMaxLower (tok: CARDINAL; func, type: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR min, max: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsSubrange (type) THEN max := MakeTemporary (tok, ImmediateValue) ; PutVar (max, type) ; GenQuad (SubrangeHighOp, max, NulSym, type) ; RETURN max ELSIF IsSet (SkipType (type)) THEN RETURN GetTypeMax (tok, func, GetSType (SkipType (type))) ELSIF IsBaseType (type) OR IsEnumeration (type) THEN GetBaseTypeMinMax (type, min, max) ; min := CheckBaseTypeValue (tok, type, min, func) ; RETURN max ELSIF IsSystemType (type) THEN GetSystemTypeMinMax (type, min, max) ; RETURN max ELSIF GetSType (type) = NulSym THEN RETURN NulSym ELSE RETURN GetTypeMax (tok, func, GetSType (type)) END END GetTypeMaxLower ; (* BuildMinFunction - builds the pseudo function call Min. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam=1 | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildMinFunction ; VAR combinedtok, functok, vartok : CARDINAL ; func, min, NoOfParam, Var : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; func := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN Var := OperandT (1) ; vartok := OperandTok (1) ; PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *) combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, vartok) ; IF IsAModula2Type (Var) THEN min := GetTypeMin (vartok, func, Var) ; PushTFtok (min, GetSType (min), combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar (Var) THEN min := GetTypeMin (vartok, func, GetSType (Var)) ; PushTFtok (min, GetSType (Var), combinedtok) ELSE (* we dont know the type therefore cannot fake a return. *) MetaErrorT1 (vartok, 'parameter to {%AkMIN} must be a type or a variable, seen {%1ad}', Var) (* non recoverable error. *) END ELSE (* we dont know the type therefore cannot fake a return. *) MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the pseudo builtin procedure function {%AkMIN} only has one parameter, seen {%1n}', NoOfParam) (* non recoverable error. *) END END BuildMinFunction ; (* BuildMaxFunction - builds the pseudo function call Max. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam=1 | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildMaxFunction ; VAR combinedtok, functok, vartok : CARDINAL ; func, max, NoOfParam, Var : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; func := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN Var := OperandT (1) ; vartok := OperandTok (1) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *) combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, vartok) ; IF IsAModula2Type (Var) THEN max := GetTypeMax (vartok, func, Var) ; PushTFtok (max, GetSType (max), combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar(Var) THEN max := GetTypeMax (vartok, func, GetSType (Var)) ; PushTFtok (max, GetSType (Var), combinedtok) ELSE (* we dont know the type therefore cannot fake a return. *) MetaErrorT1 (vartok, 'parameter to {%AkMAX} must be a type or a variable, seen {%1ad}', Var) (* non recoverable error. *) ; END ELSE (* we dont know the type therefore cannot fake a return. *) MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the pseudo builtin procedure function {%AkMAX} only has one parameter, seen {%1n}', NoOfParam) (* non recoverable error. *) END END BuildMaxFunction ; (* BuildTruncFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call TRUNC. This procedure is actually a "macro" for TRUNC(x) --> CONVERT(INTEGER, x) However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack because the compiler is currently building a function call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack. Hence we manipulate the stack and call BuildConvertFunction. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildTruncFunction (Sym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR combinedtok, vartok, functok : CARDINAL ; NoOfParam : CARDINAL ; ReturnVar, ProcSym, Type, Var : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; Assert (IsTrunc (OperandT (NoOfParam+1))) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN ProcSym := RequestSym (functok, MakeKey ('CONVERT')) ; IF (ProcSym # NulSym) AND IsProcedure (ProcSym) THEN Var := OperandT (1) ; vartok := OperandTtok (1) ; Type := GetSType (Sym) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *) IF ConstExprError (Sym, Var, vartok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Generate fake result. *) combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, vartok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Type) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Type, combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar (Var) OR IsConst (Var) THEN IF IsRealType (GetSType (Var)) THEN (* build macro: CONVERT( INTEGER, Var ). *) PushTFtok (ProcSym, NulSym, functok) ; PushTtok (Type, functok) ; PushTtok (Var, vartok) ; PushT (2) ; (* two parameters *) BuildConvertFunction (Convert, ConstExpr) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'argument to {%1Ead} must be a float point type', Sym) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey('0'), Type), Type, functok) END ELSE MetaErrorT2 (vartok, 'argument to {%1Ead} must be a variable or constant, seen {%2ad}', Sym, Var) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey('0'), Type), Type, functok) END ELSE InternalError ('CONVERT procedure not found for TRUNC substitution') END ELSE (* we dont know the type therefore cannot fake a return. *) MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the pseudo builtin procedure function {%AkTRUNC} only has one parameter, seen {%1n}', NoOfParam) (* non recoverable error. *) END END BuildTruncFunction ; (* BuildFloatFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call FLOAT. This procedure is actually a "macro" for FLOAT(x) --> CONVERT(REAL, x) However we cannot push tokens back onto the input stack because the compiler is currently building a function call and expecting a ReturnVar on the stack. Hence we manipulate the stack and call BuildConvertFunction. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildFloatFunction (Sym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR combinedtok, vartok, functok : CARDINAL ; NoOfParam : CARDINAL ; ReturnVar, Type, Var, ProcSym : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; Type := GetSType (Sym) ; IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN ProcSym := RequestSym (functok, MakeKey ('CONVERT')) ; IF (ProcSym # NulSym) AND IsProcedure (ProcSym) THEN Var := OperandT (1) ; vartok := OperandTtok (1) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function. *) IF ConstExprError (Sym, Var, vartok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Generate fake result. *) combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, vartok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Type) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Type, combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar (Var) OR IsConst (Var) THEN (* build macro: CONVERT (REAL, Var). *) PushTFtok (ProcSym, NulSym, functok) ; PushTtok (Type, functok) ; PushTtok (Var, vartok) ; PushT(2) ; (* two parameters. *) BuildConvertFunction (ProcSym, ConstExpr) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (vartok, 'argument to {%1Ead} must be a variable or constant', ProcSym) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey('0.0'), Type), Type, functok) END ELSE InternalError ('CONVERT procedure not found for FLOAT substitution') END ELSE PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function. *) MetaErrorT1 (functok, 'the builtin procedure function {%1Ead} only has one parameter', Sym) ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey('0.0'), Type), Type, functok) END END BuildFloatFunction ; (* BuildReFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call RE. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildReFunction (Sym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR func, combinedtok, vartok, functok : CARDINAL ; NoOfParam : CARDINAL ; ReturnVar, Type, Var : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; func := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam=1 THEN Var := OperandT (1) ; vartok := OperandTok (1) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, vartok) ; Type := ComplexToScalar (GetDType (Var)) ; PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *) IF ConstExprError (Sym, Var, vartok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Generate fake result. *) combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, vartok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Type) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Type, combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar(Var) OR IsConst(Var) THEN ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Type) ; GenQuadO (combinedtok, StandardFunctionOp, ReturnVar, Re, Var, FALSE) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Type, combinedtok) ELSE PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('1.0'), RType), RType, combinedtok) ; MetaErrorT2 (vartok, 'the parameter to the builtin procedure function {%1Ead} must be a constant or a variable, seen {%2ad}', func, Var) END ELSE PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *) PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('1.0'), RType), RType, functok) ; MetaErrorT2 (functok, 'the builtin procedure function {%1Ead} only has one parameter, seen {%2n}', func, NoOfParam) END END BuildReFunction ; (* BuildImFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call IM. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildImFunction (Sym: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR func, combinedtok, vartok, functok : CARDINAL ; NoOfParam : CARDINAL ; ReturnVar, Type, Var : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; func := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam=1 THEN Var := OperandT (1) ; vartok := OperandTok (1) ; Type := ComplexToScalar (GetDType (Var)) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, vartok) ; PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *) IF ConstExprError (Sym, Var, vartok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Generate fake result. *) combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, vartok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Type) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, Type, combinedtok) ELSIF IsVar(Var) OR IsConst(Var) THEN ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (Var))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, ComplexToScalar (GetDType (Var))) ; GenQuadO (combinedtok, StandardFunctionOp, ReturnVar, Im, Var, FALSE) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType (ReturnVar), combinedtok) ELSE PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('1.0'), RType), RType, combinedtok) ; MetaErrorT2 (vartok, 'the parameter to the builtin procedure function {%1Ead} must be a constant or a variable, seen {%2ad}', func, Var) END ELSE PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *) PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('1.0'), RType), RType, functok) ; MetaErrorT2 (functok, 'the builtin procedure function {%1Ead} only has one parameter, seen {%2n}', func, NoOfParam) END END BuildImFunction ; (* BuildCmplxFunction - builds the pseudo procedure call CMPLX. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | |----------------| | ProcSym | Type | Empty |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildCmplxFunction (func: CARDINAL; ConstExpr: BOOLEAN) ; VAR failure : BOOLEAN ; functok, rtok, ltok, combinedtok: CARDINAL ; NoOfParam : CARDINAL ; type, ReturnVar, l, r : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam = 2 THEN l := OperandT (2) ; ltok := OperandTtok (2) ; r := OperandT (1) ; rtok := OperandTtok (1) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (functok, rtok) ; PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* Destroy arguments to this function. *) type := GetCmplxReturnType (GetDType (l), GetDType (r)) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedtok, AreConstant (IsConst (l) AND IsConst (r))) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, type) ; failure := FALSE ; IF ConstExprError (func, l, ltok, ConstExpr) THEN (* ConstExprError has generated an error message we will fall through and check the right operand. *) failure := TRUE END ; IF ConstExprError (func, r, rtok, ConstExpr) THEN (* Right operand is in error as a variable. *) failure := TRUE END ; IF failure THEN (* Generate a fake result if either operand was a variable (and we are in a const expression). *) PushTFtok (ReturnVar, type, combinedtok) ELSIF (IsVar (l) OR IsConst (l)) AND (IsVar (r) OR IsConst (r)) THEN CheckExpressionCompatible (combinedtok, GetSType(l), GetSType(r)) ; GenQuadO (combinedtok, StandardFunctionOp, ReturnVar, Cmplx, Make2Tuple (l, r), TRUE) ; PushTFtok (ReturnVar, type, combinedtok) ELSE IF IsVar (l) OR IsConst (l) THEN MetaErrorT2 (functok, 'the builtin procedure {%1Ead} requires two parameters, both must be variables or constants but the second parameter is {%2d}', func, r) ELSE MetaErrorT2 (functok, 'the builtin procedure {%1Ead} requires two parameters, both must be variables or constants but the first parameter is {%2d}', func, l) END ; PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (combinedtok, MakeKey ('1.0'), CType), CType, combinedtok) END ELSE MetaErrorT2 (functok, 'the builtin procedure {%1Ead} requires two parameters, seen {%2n}', func, NoOfParam) ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; (* destroy arguments to this function *) PushTFtok (MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('1.0'), CType), CType, functok) END END BuildCmplxFunction ; (* BuildAdrFunction - builds the pseudo function ADR The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildAdrFunction ; VAR endtok, combinedTok, procTok, t, UnboundedSym, Dim, Field, noOfParameters, procSym, returnVar, Type, rw : CARDINAL ; BEGIN DisplayStack ; PopT (noOfParameters) ; procSym := OperandT (noOfParameters + 1) ; procTok := OperandTok (noOfParameters + 1) ; (* token of procedure ADR. *) endtok := OperandTok (1) ; (* last parameter. *) combinedTok := MakeVirtualTok (procTok, procTok, endtok) ; IF noOfParameters # 1 THEN MetaErrorNT0 (combinedTok, 'SYSTEM procedure ADR expects 1 parameter') ; PopN (noOfParameters + 1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *) PushTF (Nil, Address) ELSIF IsConstString (OperandT (1)) THEN returnVar := MakeLeftValue (combinedTok, OperandT (1), RightValue, GetSType (procSym)) ; PopN (noOfParameters + 1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *) PushTFtok (returnVar, GetSType (returnVar), combinedTok) ELSIF (NOT IsVar(OperandT(1))) AND (NOT IsProcedure(OperandT(1))) THEN MetaErrorNT0 (combinedTok, 'SYSTEM procedure ADR expects a variable, procedure or a constant string as its parameter') ; PopN (noOfParameters + 1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *) PushTFtok (Nil, Address, combinedTok) ELSIF IsProcedure (OperandT (1)) THEN returnVar := MakeLeftValue (combinedTok, OperandT (1), RightValue, GetSType (procSym)) ; PopN (noOfParameters + 1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *) PushTFtok (returnVar, GetSType (returnVar), combinedTok) ELSE Type := GetSType (OperandT (1)) ; Dim := OperandD (1) ; MarkArrayWritten (OperandT (1)) ; MarkArrayWritten (OperandA (1)) ; (* if the operand is an unbounded which has not been indexed then we will lookup its address from the unbounded record. Otherwise we obtain the address of the operand. *) IF IsUnbounded (Type) AND (Dim = 0) THEN (* we will reference the address field of the unbounded structure *) UnboundedSym := OperandT (1) ; rw := OperandRW (1) ; PushTFrw (UnboundedSym, GetSType (UnboundedSym), rw) ; Field := GetUnboundedAddressOffset (GetSType (UnboundedSym)) ; PushTF (Field, GetSType (Field)) ; PushT (1) ; BuildDesignatorRecord (combinedTok) ; PopTrw (returnVar, rw) ; IF GetMode (returnVar) = LeftValue THEN t := MakeTemporary (combinedTok, RightValue) ; PutVar (t, GetSType (procSym)) ; doIndrX (combinedTok, t, returnVar) ; returnVar := t ELSE (* we need to cast returnVar into ADDRESS *) t := MakeTemporary (combinedTok, RightValue) ; PutVar (t, GetSType (procSym)) ; GenQuadO (combinedTok, ConvertOp, t, GetSType (procSym), returnVar, FALSE) ; returnVar := t END ELSE returnVar := MakeTemporary (combinedTok, RightValue) ; PutVar (returnVar, GetSType (procSym)) ; IF GetMode (OperandT (1)) = LeftValue THEN PutVar (returnVar, GetSType (procSym)) ; GenQuadO (combinedTok, ConvertOp, returnVar, GetSType (procSym), OperandT (1), FALSE) ELSE GenQuadO (combinedTok, AddrOp, returnVar, NulSym, OperandT (1), FALSE) END ; PutWriteQuad (OperandT (1), GetMode (OperandT (1)), NextQuad-1) ; rw := OperandMergeRW (1) ; Assert (IsLegal (rw)) END ; PopN (noOfParameters + 1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *) PushTFrwtok (returnVar, GetSType (returnVar), rw, combinedTok) END END BuildAdrFunction ; (* BuildSizeFunction - builds the pseudo function SIZE The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildSizeFunction ; VAR resulttok, paramtok, functok : CARDINAL ; dim : CARDINAL ; Type, NoOfParam, ProcSym, ReturnVar : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam + 1) ; IF NoOfParam # 1 THEN MetaErrorT1 (functok, '{%E} SYSTEM procedure function {%kSIZE} requires one parameter, seen {%1n}', NoOfParam) ; resulttok := functok ; ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (resulttok, MakeKey('0'), Cardinal) ELSIF IsAModula2Type (OperandT (1)) THEN paramtok := OperandTok (1) ; resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ; BuildSizeCheckEnd (ProcSym) ; (* Quadruple generation now on. *) ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ; GenQuadO (resulttok, SizeOp, ReturnVar, NulSym, OperandT(1), TRUE) ELSIF IsVar (OperandT (1)) THEN BuildSizeCheckEnd (ProcSym) ; (* Quadruple generation now on. *) Type := GetSType (OperandT (1)) ; paramtok := OperandTok (1) ; resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ; IF IsUnbounded (Type) THEN (* Eg. SIZE(a) ; where a is unbounded dereference HIGH and multiply by the TYPE. *) dim := OperandD (1) ; IF dim = 0 THEN ReturnVar := calculateMultipicand (resulttok, OperandT (1), Type, dim) ELSE ReturnVar := calculateMultipicand (resulttok, OperandA (1), Type, dim) END ELSE ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ; IF Type = NulSym THEN MetaErrorT1 (resulttok, 'cannot get the type and size of {%1Ead}', OperandT (1)) END ; GenQuadO (resulttok, SizeOp, ReturnVar, NulSym, Type, TRUE) END ELSE resulttok := functok ; MetaErrorT1 (resulttok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure {%kSIZE} expects a variable as its parameter, seen {%1Ed}', OperandT (1)) ; ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (resulttok, MakeKey('0'), Cardinal) END ; PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* Destroy the arguments and function. *) PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType(ProcSym), resulttok) END BuildSizeFunction ; (* BuildTSizeFunction - builds the pseudo function TSIZE The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildTSizeFunction ; VAR resulttok, paramtok, functok : CARDINAL ; NoOfParam: CARDINAL ; ProcSym, Record, ReturnVar: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam) ; BuildSizeCheckEnd (ProcSym) ; (* quadruple generation now on *) IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ; resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ; IF IsAModula2Type (OperandT (1)) THEN ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Cardinal) ; GenQuadO (resulttok, SizeOp, ReturnVar, NulSym, OperandT (1), FALSE) ELSIF IsVar (OperandT (1)) THEN ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Cardinal) ; GenQuadO (resulttok, SizeOp, ReturnVar, NulSym, GetSType (OperandT (1)), FALSE) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (resulttok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure function {%kTSIZE} expects a variable as its first parameter, seen {%1Ed}', OperandT (1)) ; ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (resulttok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal) END ELSIF NoOfParam = 0 THEN resulttok := functok ; MetaErrorT0 (resulttok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure function {%kTSIZE} expects either one or two parameters, seen none') ; ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (resulttok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal) ELSE Record := OperandT (NoOfParam) ; paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ; resulttok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam) ; IF IsRecord (Record) THEN paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ; resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ; PutVar (ReturnVar, Cardinal) ; GenQuadO (resulttok, SizeOp, ReturnVar, NulSym, Record, FALSE) ELSE resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ; MetaErrorT1 (resulttok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure function {%kTSIZE} expects the first parameter to be a record type, seen {%1d}', Record) ; ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (resulttok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal) END END ; PopN (NoOfParam+1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *) PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType (ProcSym), resulttok) END BuildTSizeFunction ; (* BuildTBitSizeFunction - builds the pseudo function TBITSIZE The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +----------------+ | NoOfParam | |----------------| | Param 1 | |----------------| | Param 2 | |----------------| . . . . . . |----------------| | Param # | <- Ptr |----------------| +------------+ | ProcSym | Type | | ReturnVar | |----------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildTBitSizeFunction ; VAR resulttok, paramtok, functok : CARDINAL ; NoOfParam: CARDINAL ; ProcSym, Record, ReturnVar: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (NoOfParam) ; ProcSym := OperandT (NoOfParam + 1) ; functok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam) ; BuildSizeCheckEnd (ProcSym) ; (* quadruple generation now on *) IF NoOfParam = 1 THEN paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ; resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ; IF IsAModula2Type (OperandT (1)) THEN ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ; GenQuadO (resulttok, StandardFunctionOp, ReturnVar, ProcSym, OperandT (1), FALSE) ELSIF IsVar (OperandT (1)) THEN ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ; GenQuadO (resulttok, StandardFunctionOp, ReturnVar, ProcSym, OperandT(1), FALSE) ELSE MetaErrorT1 (resulttok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure function {%kTBITSIZE} expects a variable as its first parameter, seen {%1d}', OperandT (1)) ; ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (resulttok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal) END ELSIF NoOfParam = 0 THEN resulttok := functok ; MetaErrorT0 (functok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure function {%kTBITSIZE} expects either one or two parameters, seen none') ; ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (functok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal) ELSE Record := OperandT (NoOfParam) ; paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ; resulttok := OperandTtok (NoOfParam) ; IF IsRecord (Record) THEN paramtok := OperandTtok (1) ; resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ; ReturnVar := MakeTemporary (resulttok, ImmediateValue) ; GenQuad(StandardFunctionOp, ReturnVar, ProcSym, OperandT(1)) ; ELSE resulttok := MakeVirtualTok (functok, functok, paramtok) ; MetaErrorT1 (resulttok, '{%E}SYSTEM procedure function {%kTBITSIZE} expects the first parameter to be a record type, seen {%1d}', Record) ; ReturnVar := MakeConstLit (resulttok, MakeKey ('0'), Cardinal) END END ; PopN (NoOfParam + 1) ; (* destroy the arguments and function *) PushTFtok (ReturnVar, GetSType (ProcSym), resulttok) END BuildTBitSizeFunction ; (* ExpectingParameterType - *) PROCEDURE ExpectingParameterType (BlockSym, Type: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF NOT IsAModula2Type (Type) THEN IF (Type = NulSym) OR IsPartialUnbounded (Type) OR IsUnknown (Type) THEN MetaError1 ('the type used in the formal parameter declaration in {%1Md} {%1a} is unknown', BlockSym) ELSE MetaError2 ('the type {%1Ead} used in the formal parameter declaration in {%2Md} {%2a} was not declared as a type', Type, BlockSym) END END END ExpectingParameterType ; (* ExpectingVariableType - *) PROCEDURE ExpectingVariableType (BlockSym, Type: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF NOT IsAModula2Type(Type) THEN IF Type=NulSym THEN MetaError1 ('the type used during the variable declaration section in procedure {%1EMad} is unknown', BlockSym) ; MetaError1 ('the type used during the variable declaration section in procedure {%1Ead} is unknown', BlockSym) ELSIF IsPartialUnbounded(Type) OR IsUnknown(Type) THEN MetaError2 ('the type {%1EMad} used during variable declaration section in procedure {%2ad} is unknown', Type, BlockSym) ; MetaError2 ('the type {%1Ead} used during variable declaration section in procedure {%2Mad} is unknown', Type, BlockSym) ELSE MetaError2 ('the {%1d} {%1Ea} is not a type and therefore cannot be used to declare a variable in {%2d} {%2a}', Type, BlockSym) END END END ExpectingVariableType ; (* CheckVariablesAndParameterTypesInBlock - checks to make sure that block, BlockSym, has parameters types and variable types which are legal. *) PROCEDURE CheckVariablesAndParameterTypesInBlock (BlockSym: CARDINAL) ; VAR i, n, ParamNo: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsProcedure(BlockSym) THEN ParamNo := NoOfParamAny (BlockSym) ELSE ParamNo := 0 END ; i := 1 ; REPEAT n := GetNth(BlockSym, i) ; IF (n#NulSym) AND (NOT IsTemporary(n)) AND (IsProcedure(BlockSym) OR ((IsDefImp(BlockSym) AND (GetMainModule()=BlockSym)) OR IsModule(BlockSym))) THEN IF i<=ParamNo THEN (* n is a parameter *) ExpectingParameterType(BlockSym, GetSType(n)) ELSE (* n is a local variable *) ExpectingVariableType(BlockSym, GetSType(n)) END END ; INC(i) UNTIL n=NulSym ; END CheckVariablesAndParameterTypesInBlock ; (* BuildProcedureStart - Builds start of the procedure. Generates a quadruple which indicated the start of this procedure declarations scope. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +-----------+ | ProcSym | | ProcSym | |------------| |-----------| | Name | | Name | |------------| |-----------| Quadruples: q ProcedureScopeOp Line# Scope ProcSym *) PROCEDURE BuildProcedureStart ; VAR ProcSym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(ProcSym) ; Assert(IsProcedure(ProcSym)) ; PutProcedureScopeQuad(ProcSym, NextQuad) ; GenQuad(ProcedureScopeOp, GetPreviousTokenLineNo(), GetScope(ProcSym), ProcSym) ; PushT(ProcSym) END BuildProcedureStart ; (* BuildProcedureBegin - determines the start of the BEGIN END block of the procedure. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +-----------+ | ProcSym | | ProcSym | |------------| |-----------| | Name | | Name | |------------| |-----------| Quadruples: q NewLocalVarOp TokenNo(BEGIN) _ ProcSym *) PROCEDURE BuildProcedureBegin ; VAR ProcSym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(ProcSym) ; Assert(IsProcedure(ProcSym)) ; PutProcedureStartQuad(ProcSym, NextQuad) ; PutProcedureBegin(ProcSym, GetTokenNo()) ; GenQuad(NewLocalVarOp, GetTokenNo(), GetScope(ProcSym), ProcSym) ; CurrentProc := ProcSym ; PushWord(ReturnStack, 0) ; PushT(ProcSym) ; CheckVariablesAt(ProcSym) ; CheckNeedPriorityBegin(GetTokenNo(), ProcSym, GetCurrentModule()) ; PushWord(TryStack, NextQuad) ; PushWord(CatchStack, 0) ; IF HasExceptionBlock(ProcSym) THEN GenQuad(TryOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0) END END BuildProcedureBegin ; (* BuildProcedureEnd - Builds end of the procedure. Destroys space for the local variables. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +-----------+ | ProcSym | | ProcSym | |------------| |-----------| | Name | | Name | |------------| |-----------| Quadruples: q KillLocalVarOp TokenNo(END) _ ProcSym *) PROCEDURE BuildProcedureEnd ; VAR tok : CARDINAL ; ProcSym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok(ProcSym, tok) ; IF HasExceptionBlock(ProcSym) THEN BuildRTExceptLeave(tok, TRUE) ; GenQuad(CatchEndOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym) END ; IF GetSType(ProcSym)#NulSym THEN BuildError(InitNoReturnRangeCheck()) END ; BackPatch(PopWord(ReturnStack), NextQuad) ; CheckNeedPriorityEnd(tok, ProcSym, GetCurrentModule()) ; CurrentProc := NulSym ; PutProcedureEnd(ProcSym, GetTokenNo()-1) ; (* --fixme-- *) GenQuad(KillLocalVarOp, GetTokenNo()-1, NulSym, ProcSym) ; PutProcedureEndQuad(ProcSym, NextQuad) ; GenQuad(ReturnOp, NulSym, NulSym, ProcSym) ; CheckFunctionReturn(ProcSym) ; CheckVariablesInBlock(ProcSym) ; (* Call PutProcedureEndQuad so that any runtime procedure will be seen as defined even if it not seen during pass 2 (which will also call PutProcedureEndQuad). *) PutProcedureParametersDefined (ProcSym, ProperProcedure) ; PutProcedureDefined (ProcSym, ProperProcedure) ; RemoveTop (CatchStack) ; RemoveTop (TryStack) ; PushT(ProcSym) END BuildProcedureEnd ; (* IsNeverAltered - returns TRUE if variable, sym, is never altered between quadruples: Start..End *) PROCEDURE IsNeverAltered (sym: CARDINAL; Start, End: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR WriteStart, WriteEnd: CARDINAL ; BEGIN GetWriteLimitQuads (sym, GetMode (sym), Start, End, WriteStart, WriteEnd) ; RETURN( (WriteStart = 0) AND (WriteEnd = 0) ) END IsNeverAltered ; (* IsConditionVariable - returns TRUE if the condition at quadruple, q, is variable. *) PROCEDURE IsConditionVariable (q: CARDINAL; Start, End: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR op : QuadOperator ; op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ; LeftFixed, RightFixed : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN GetQuad (q, op, op1, op2, op3) ; IF op = GotoOp THEN RETURN( FALSE ) ELSE LeftFixed := IsConst(op1) ; RightFixed := IsConst(op2) ; IF NOT LeftFixed THEN LeftFixed := IsNeverAltered(op1, Start, End) END ; IF NOT RightFixed THEN RightFixed := IsNeverAltered(op2, Start, End) END ; RETURN( NOT (LeftFixed AND RightFixed) ) END END IsConditionVariable ; (* IsInfiniteLoop - returns TRUE if an infinite loop is found. Given a backwards jump at, End, it returns a BOOLEAN which depends on whether a jump is found to jump beyond, End. If a conditonal jump is found to pass over, End, the condition is tested for global variables, procedure variables and constants. constant - ignored variables - tested to see whether they are altered inside the loop global variable - the procedure tests to see whether it is altered as above but will also test to see whether this loop calls a procedure in which case it believes the loop NOT to be infinite (as this procedure call might alter the global variable) Note that this procedure can easily be fooled by the user altering variables with pointers. *) PROCEDURE IsInfiniteLoop (End: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR SeenCall, IsGlobal : BOOLEAN ; Current, Start : CARDINAL ; op : QuadOperator ; op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ; BEGIN SeenCall := FALSE ; IsGlobal := FALSE ; GetQuad(End, op, op1, op2, Start) ; Current := Start ; WHILE Current#End DO GetQuad(Current, op, op1, op2, op3) ; (* remember that this function is only called once we have optimized the redundant gotos and conditionals *) IF IsConditional(Current) AND (NOT IsGlobal) THEN IsGlobal := (IsVar(op1) AND (NOT IsProcedure(GetVarScope(op1)))) OR (IsVar(op2) AND (NOT IsProcedure(GetVarScope(op2)))) END ; IF op=CallOp THEN SeenCall := TRUE END ; IF (op=GotoOp) OR (IsConditional(Current) AND IsConditionVariable(Current, Start, End)) THEN IF (op3>End) OR (op3<Start) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) (* may jump out of this loop, good *) END END ; Current := GetNextQuad(Current) END ; GetQuad(End, op, op1, op2, op3) ; IF IsConditional(End) THEN IF IsConditionVariable(End, Start, End) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) ELSE IF NOT IsGlobal THEN IsGlobal := (IsVar(op1) AND (NOT IsProcedure(GetVarScope(op1)))) OR (IsVar(op2) AND (NOT IsProcedure(GetVarScope(op2)))) END END END ; (* we have found a likely infinite loop if no conditional uses a global and no procedure call was seen *) RETURN( NOT (IsGlobal AND SeenCall) ) END IsInfiniteLoop ; (* LoopAnalysis - checks whether an infinite loop exists. *) PROCEDURE LoopAnalysis (Scope: CARDINAL; Current, End: CARDINAL) ; VAR op : QuadOperator ; op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF Pedantic THEN WHILE (Current<=End) AND (Current#0) DO GetQuad(Current, op, op1, op2, op3) ; IF (op=GotoOp) OR IsConditional(Current) THEN IF op3<=Current THEN (* found a loop - ie a branch which goes back in quadruple numbers *) IF IsInfiniteLoop(Current) THEN MetaErrorT1 (QuadToTokenNo(op3), 'it is very likely (although not absolutely certain) that the top of an infinite loop exists here in {%1Wad}', Scope) ; MetaErrorT1 (QuadToTokenNo(Current), 'and the bottom of the infinite loop is ends here in {%1Wad} or alternatively a component of this loop is never executed', Scope) ; (* WarnStringAt(InitString('it is very likely (although not absolutely certain) that the top of an infinite loop is here'), QuadToTokenNo(op3)) ; WarnStringAt(InitString('and the bottom of the infinite loop is ends here or alternatively a component of this loop is never executed'), QuadToTokenNo(Current)) *) END END END ; Current := GetNextQuad(Current) END END END LoopAnalysis ; (* CheckVariablesInBlock - given a block, BlockSym, check whether all variables are used. *) PROCEDURE CheckVariablesInBlock (BlockSym: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN CheckVariablesAndParameterTypesInBlock (BlockSym) END CheckVariablesInBlock ; (* CheckFunctionReturn - checks to see that a RETURN statement was present in a function. *) PROCEDURE CheckFunctionReturn (ProcSym: CARDINAL) ; VAR Op : QuadOperator ; Op1, Op2, Op3, Scope, Start, End : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF GetSType(ProcSym)#NulSym THEN (* yes it is a function *) GetProcedureQuads(ProcSym, Scope, Start, End) ; GetQuad(Start, Op, Op1, Op2, Op3) ; IF Start=0 THEN InternalError ('incorrect start quad') END ; WHILE (Start#End) AND (Op#ReturnValueOp) AND (Op#InlineOp) DO Start := GetNextQuad(Start) ; GetQuad(Start, Op, Op1, Op2, Op3) END ; IF (Op#ReturnValueOp) AND (Op#InlineOp) THEN (* an InlineOp can always be used to emulate a RETURN *) MetaError1 ('procedure function {%1Ea} does not RETURN a value', ProcSym) END END END CheckFunctionReturn ; (* CheckReturnType - checks to see that the return type from currentProc is assignment compatible with actualType. *) PROCEDURE CheckReturnType (tokno: CARDINAL; currentProc, actualVal, actualType: CARDINAL) ; VAR procType: CARDINAL ; s1, s2 : String ; n1, n2 : Name ; BEGIN procType := GetSType (currentProc) ; IF procType = NulSym THEN MetaError1 ('attempting to RETURN a value from procedure {%1Ea} which was not a declared as a procedure function', currentProc) ELSIF AssignmentRequiresWarning (actualType, GetSType (currentProc)) THEN MetaError2 ('attempting to RETURN a value {%1Wa} with an incompatible type {%1Wtsa} from a procedure function {%1a} which returns {%1tsa}', actualVal, currentProc) ELSIF NOT IsAssignmentCompatible (actualType, procType) THEN n1 := GetSymName(actualType) ; n2 := GetSymName(procType) ; WriteFormat2('attempting to RETURN a value with an incompatible type (%a) from a function which returns (%a)', n1, n2) ELSIF IsProcedure(actualVal) AND (NOT IsAssignmentCompatible(actualVal, procType)) THEN (* MetaWarnings2('attempting to RETURN a value with an incompatible type {%1ad} from function {%2a} which returns {%2ta}', actualVal, currentProc) --fixme-- introduce MetaWarning, MetaWarning2, MetaWarning3 into M2MetaError *) s1 := InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(actualVal))) ; s2 := InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(procType))) ; ErrorString(NewWarning(GetTokenNo()), Sprintf2(Mark(InitString('attempting to RETURN a value with a (possibly on other targets) incompatible type (%s) from a function which returns (%s)')), s1, s2)) ELSIF IsProcedure(actualVal) AND (NOT IsAssignmentCompatible(actualVal, GetSType(CurrentProc))) THEN n1 := GetSymName(actualVal) ; n2 := GetSymName(GetSType(currentProc)) ; WriteFormat2('attempting to RETURN a value with an incompatible type (%a) from a function which returns (%a)', n1, n2) ELSE (* this checks the types are compatible, not the data contents. *) BuildRange (InitTypesAssignmentCheck (tokno, currentProc, actualVal)) END END CheckReturnType ; (* BuildReturn - Builds the Return part of the procedure. tokreturn is the location of the RETURN keyword. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | e1 | Empty |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildReturn (tokreturn: CARDINAL) ; VAR tokcombined, tokexpr : CARDINAL ; e2, t2, e1, t1, t, f, Des : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsBoolean (1) THEN PopBooltok (t, f, tokexpr) ; (* Des will be a boolean type *) Des := MakeTemporary (tokexpr, RightValue) ; PutVar (Des, Boolean) ; PushTFtok (Des, Boolean, tokexpr) ; PushBooltok (t, f, tokexpr) ; BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (tokreturn, FALSE, TRUE) ; PushTFtok (Des, Boolean, tokexpr) END ; PopTFtok (e1, t1, tokexpr) ; tokcombined := MakeVirtualTok (tokreturn, tokreturn, tokexpr) ; IF e1 # NulSym THEN (* this will check that the type returned is compatible with the formal return type of the procedure. *) CheckReturnType (tokcombined, CurrentProc, e1, t1) ; (* dereference LeftValue if necessary *) IF GetMode (e1) = LeftValue THEN t2 := GetSType (CurrentProc) ; e2 := MakeTemporary (tokexpr, RightValue) ; PutVar(e2, t2) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (tokexpr, e1) ; doIndrX (tokexpr, e2, e1) ; (* here we check the data contents to ensure no overflow. *) BuildRange (InitReturnRangeCheck (tokcombined, CurrentProc, e2)) ; GenQuadOtok (tokcombined, ReturnValueOp, e2, NulSym, CurrentProc, FALSE, tokcombined, UnknownTokenNo, GetDeclaredMod (CurrentProc)) ELSE (* here we check the data contents to ensure no overflow. *) BuildRange (InitReturnRangeCheck (tokcombined, CurrentProc, e1)) ; GenQuadOtok (tokcombined, ReturnValueOp, e1, NulSym, CurrentProc, FALSE, tokcombined, UnknownTokenNo, GetDeclaredMod (CurrentProc)) END END ; GenQuadO (tokcombined, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, PopWord (ReturnStack), FALSE) ; PushWord (ReturnStack, NextQuad-1) END BuildReturn ; (* IsReadOnly - a helper procedure function to detect constants. *) PROCEDURE IsReadOnly (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN IsConst (sym) OR (IsVar (sym) AND IsVarConst (sym)) END IsReadOnly ; (* BuildDesignatorRecord - Builds the record referencing. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +--------------+ | n | |--------------| | fld1 | type1 | |--------------| . . . . . . |--------------| | fldn | typen | <- Ptr |--------------| +-------------+ | Sym | Type | | S | type1| |--------------| |-------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildDesignatorRecord (dottok: CARDINAL) ; VAR RecordTok, FieldTok, combinedtok: CARDINAL ; n, rw, Field, FieldType, RecordSym, Res : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(n) ; RecordSym := OperandT (n+1) ; (* RecordType could be found by: SkipType (OperandF (n+1)). *) RecordTok := OperandTok (n+1) ; rw := OperandMergeRW (n+1) ; Assert (IsLegal (rw)) ; Field := OperandT (n) ; FieldType := SkipType (OperandF (n)) ; FieldTok := OperandTok (n) ; combinedtok := MakeVirtualTok (dottok, RecordTok, FieldTok) ; IF n>1 THEN InternalError ('not expecting to see n>1') END ; IF IsUnused (Field) THEN MetaErrors1 ('record field {%1Dad} was declared as unused by a pragma', 'record field {%1ad} is being used after being declared as unused by a pragma', Field) END ; Res := MakeComponentRef (MakeComponentRecord (combinedtok, RightValue, RecordSym), Field) ; PutVarConst (Res, IsReadOnly (RecordSym)) ; GenQuadO (combinedtok, RecordFieldOp, Res, RecordSym, Field, FALSE) ; PopN (n+1) ; PushTFrwtok (Res, FieldType, rw, combinedtok) END BuildDesignatorRecord ; (* BuildDesignatorError - removes the designator from the stack and replaces it with an error symbol. *) PROCEDURE BuildDesignatorError (message: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; VAR combinedTok, arrayTok, exprTok : CARDINAL ; e, d, error, Sym, Type : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok (e, exprTok) ; PopTFDtok (Sym, Type, d, arrayTok) ; combinedTok := MakeVirtualTok (arrayTok, arrayTok, exprTok) ; error := MakeError (combinedTok, MakeKey (message)) ; PushTFDtok (error, Type, d, arrayTok) END BuildDesignatorError ; (* BuildDesignatorPointerError - removes the designator from the stack and replaces it with an error symbol. *) PROCEDURE BuildDesignatorPointerError (type, rw: CARDINAL; tokpos: CARDINAL; message: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; VAR error: CARDINAL ; BEGIN error := MakeError (tokpos, MakeKey (message)) ; IF GetSType (type) # NulSym THEN type := GetSType (type) END ; PushTFrwtok (error, type, rw, tokpos) END BuildDesignatorPointerError ; (* BuildDesignatorArray - Builds the array referencing. The purpose of this procedure is to work out whether the DesignatorArray is a static or dynamic array and to call the appropriate BuildRoutine. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +--------------+ | e | <- Ptr |--------------| +------------+ | Sym | Type | | S | T | |--------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildDesignatorArray ; VAR combinedTok, arrayTok, exprTok : CARDINAL ; e, type, dim, result, Sym, Type : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsConst (OperandT (2)) THEN type := GetDType (OperandT (2)) ; IF type = NulSym THEN InternalError ('constant type should have been resolved') ELSIF IsArray (type) THEN PopTtok (e, exprTok) ; PopTFDtok (Sym, Type, dim, arrayTok) ; result := MakeTemporary (exprTok, RightValue) ; PutVar (result, Type) ; PushTFtok (result, GetSType (result), exprTok) ; PushTtok (Sym, arrayTok) ; combinedTok := MakeVirtualTok (arrayTok, arrayTok, exprTok) ; PutVarConst (result, TRUE) ; BuildAssignConstant (combinedTok) ; PushTFDtok (result, GetDType (result), dim, arrayTok) ; PushTtok (e, exprTok) END END ; IF (NOT IsVar (OperandT (2))) AND (NOT IsTemporary (OperandT (2))) THEN MetaErrorT1 (OperandTtok (2), 'can only access arrays using variables or formal parameters not {%1Ead}', OperandT (2)) ; BuildDesignatorError ('bad array access') END ; Sym := OperandT (2) ; Type := GetDType (Sym) ; arrayTok := OperandTtok (2) ; IF Type = NulSym THEN IF (arrayTok = UnknownTokenNo) OR (arrayTok = BuiltinTokenNo) THEN arrayTok := GetTokenNo () END ; MetaErrorT0 (arrayTok, "type of array is undefined") ; BuildDesignatorError ('bad array access') ELSIF IsUnbounded (Type) THEN BuildDynamicArray ELSIF IsArray (Type) THEN BuildStaticArray ELSE MetaErrorT1 (arrayTok, 'can only index static or dynamic arrays, {%1Ead} is not an array but a {%tad}', Sym) ; BuildDesignatorError ('bad array access') END END BuildDesignatorArray ; (* BuildStaticArray - Builds the array referencing for static arrays. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +--------------+ | e | <- Ptr |--------------| +------------+ | Sym | Type | | S | T | |--------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildStaticArray ; VAR combinedTok, indexTok, arrayTok : CARDINAL ; rw, Dim, Array, Index, BackEndType, Type, Adr : CARDINAL ; BEGIN Index := OperandT (1) ; indexTok := OperandTtok (1) ; Array := OperandT (2) ; arrayTok := OperandTtok (2) ; Type := SkipType (OperandF (2)) ; rw := OperandMergeRW (2) ; Assert (IsLegal (rw)) ; Dim := OperandD (2) ; INC (Dim) ; IF GetMode (Index)=LeftValue THEN Index := MakeRightValue (indexTok, Index, GetSType (Index)) END ; BuildRange (InitStaticArraySubscriptRangeCheck (GetArraySubscript (Type), Index, Dim)) ; (* now make Adr point to the address of the indexed element *) combinedTok := MakeVirtualTok (arrayTok, arrayTok, indexTok) ; Adr := MakeTemporary (combinedTok, LeftValue) ; IF IsVar (Array) THEN (* BuildDesignatorArray may have detected des is a constant. *) PutVarConst (Adr, IsVarConst (Array)) END ; PutVarArrayRef (Adr, TRUE) ; (* From now on it must reference the array element by its lvalue - so we create the type of the referenced entity *) BackEndType := MakePointer (combinedTok, NulName) ; PutPointer (BackEndType, GetDType (Type)) ; (* PutVar(Adr, BackEndType) ; *) PutLeftValueFrontBackType (Adr, GetDType (Type), BackEndType) ; GenQuadO (combinedTok, ArrayOp, Adr, Index, Array, TRUE) ; PopN (2) ; (* remove all parameters to this procedure *) PushTFDrwtok (Adr, GetSType (Adr), Dim, rw, combinedTok) END BuildStaticArray ; (* calculateMultipicand - generates quadruples which calculate the multiplicand for the array at dimension, dim. *) PROCEDURE calculateMultipicand (tok: CARDINAL; arraySym, arrayType: CARDINAL; dim: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR ti, tj, tk, tl: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF dim = GetDimension (arrayType) THEN (* ti has no type since constant *) ti := MakeTemporary (tok, ImmediateValue) ; PutVar (ti, Cardinal) ; GenQuadO (tok, ElementSizeOp, ti, arrayType, 1, TRUE) ELSE INC(dim) ; tk := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ; PutVar (tk, Cardinal) ; GenHigh (tok, tk, dim, arraySym) ; tl := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ; PutVar (tl, Cardinal) ; GenQuadOtok (tok, AddOp, tl, tk, MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey ('1'), Cardinal), TRUE, tok, tok, tok) ; tj := calculateMultipicand (tok, arraySym, arrayType, dim) ; ti := MakeTemporary (tok, RightValue) ; PutVar (ti, Cardinal) ; GenQuadO (tok, MultOp, ti, tj, tl, TRUE) END ; RETURN ti END calculateMultipicand ; (* ConvertToAddress - convert sym to an address. *) PROCEDURE ConvertToAddress (tokpos: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR adr: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF GetSType (sym) = Address THEN RETURN sym ELSE PushTF (RequestSym (tokpos, MakeKey ('CONVERT')), NulSym) ; PushT (Address) ; PushTtok (sym, tokpos) ; PushT(2) ; (* Two parameters *) BuildConvertFunction (Convert, FALSE) ; PopT (adr) ; RETURN adr END END ConvertToAddress ; (* BuildDynamicArray - Builds the array referencing for dynamic arrays. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +-----------------------+ | Index | <- Ptr |-----------------------| +---------------------------+ | ArraySym | Type | Dim | | S | T | ArraySym | Dim+1 | |-----------------------| |---------------------------| if Dim=1 then S := base of ArraySym + TSIZE(Type)*Index else S := S + TSIZE(Type)*Index fi *) PROCEDURE BuildDynamicArray ; VAR combinedTok, arrayTok, indexTok : CARDINAL ; Sym, idx, Type, Adr, ArraySym, BackEndType, UnboundedType, PtrToBase, Base, Dim, rw, ti, tj, tk, tka : CARDINAL ; BEGIN DisplayStack ; Sym := OperandT (2) ; Type := SkipType (OperandF (2)) ; arrayTok := OperandTok (2) ; indexTok := OperandTok (1) ; combinedTok := MakeVirtualTok (arrayTok, arrayTok, indexTok) ; Dim := OperandD (2) ; rw := OperandMergeRW (2) ; Assert (IsLegal (rw)) ; INC (Dim) ; IF Dim = 1 THEN (* Base has type address since BuildDesignatorRecord references by address. Build a record for retrieving the address of dynamic array. BuildDesignatorRecord will generate the required quadruples, therefore build sets up the stack for BuildDesignatorRecord which will generate the quads to access the record. *) ArraySym := Sym ; UnboundedType := GetUnboundedRecordType (GetSType (Sym)) ; PushTFrwtok (Sym, UnboundedType, rw, arrayTok) ; PushTF (GetUnboundedAddressOffset (GetSType (Sym)), GetSType (GetUnboundedAddressOffset (GetSType (Sym)))) ; PushT (1) ; (* One record field to dereference *) BuildDesignatorRecord (combinedTok) ; PopT (PtrToBase) ; DisplayStack ; (* Now actually copy Unbounded.ArrayAddress into base *) IF GetMode(PtrToBase) = LeftValue THEN Base := MakeTemporary (arrayTok, RightValue) ; PutVar (Base, Address) ; (* has type ADDRESS *) CheckPointerThroughNil (arrayTok, PtrToBase) ; GenQuad (IndrXOp, Base, Address, PtrToBase) (* Base = *PtrToBase *) ELSE Assert (GetMode (PtrToBase) # ImmediateValue) ; Base := PtrToBase END ELSE (* Base already calculated previously and pushed to stack *) UnboundedType := SkipType (OperandF (2)) ; Base := Sym ; ArraySym := OperandA (2) END ; Assert (GetSType (Sym) = Type) ; ti := calculateMultipicand (indexTok, Sym, Type, Dim) ; idx := OperandT (1) ; IF IsConst (idx) AND IsConst (ti) THEN (* tj has no type since constant *) tj := MakeTemporary (indexTok, ImmediateValue) ; tk := MakeTemporary (indexTok, ImmediateValue) ; PutVar (tj, Cardinal) ; PutVar (tk, Cardinal) ELSE (* tj has Cardinal type since we have multiplied array indices *) tj := MakeTemporary (indexTok, RightValue) ; IF GetSType (idx) # Cardinal THEN PushTF (RequestSym (indexTok, MakeKey ('CONVERT')), NulSym) ; PushT (Cardinal) ; PushTtok (idx, indexTok) ; PushT(2) ; (* Two parameters *) BuildConvertFunction (Convert, FALSE) ; PopT (idx) END ; PutVar (tj, Cardinal) ; tk := MakeTemporary (indexTok, RightValue) ; PutVar (tk, Cardinal) END ; BuildRange (InitDynamicArraySubscriptRangeCheck (ArraySym, idx, Dim)) ; PushTtok (tj, indexTok) ; PushTtok (idx, indexTok) ; BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (indexTok, FALSE, TRUE) ; GenQuad (MultOp, tk, ti, tj) ; Adr := MakeTemporary (combinedTok, LeftValue) ; PutVarArrayRef (Adr, TRUE) ; (* Ok must reference by address - but we contain the type of the referenced entity *) BackEndType := MakePointer (combinedTok, NulName) ; PutPointer (BackEndType, GetSType (Type)) ; (* Create a temporary pointer for addition. *) tka := ConvertToAddress (combinedTok, tk) ; IF Dim = GetDimension (Type) THEN PutLeftValueFrontBackType (Adr, GetSType(Type), BackEndType) ; GenQuadOtok (combinedTok, AddOp, Adr, Base, tka, FALSE, combinedTok, combinedTok, combinedTok) ; PopN (2) ; PushTFADrwtok (Adr, GetSType(Adr), ArraySym, Dim, rw, combinedTok) ELSE (* more to index *) PutLeftValueFrontBackType (Adr, Type, BackEndType) ; GenQuadOtok (combinedTok, AddOp, Adr, Base, tka, FALSE, combinedTok, combinedTok, combinedTok) ; PopN (2) ; PushTFADrwtok (Adr, GetSType(Adr), ArraySym, Dim, rw, combinedTok) END END BuildDynamicArray ; (* DebugLocation - *) PROCEDURE DebugLocation (tok: CARDINAL; message: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; BEGIN IF DebugTokPos THEN WarnStringAt (InitString (message), tok) END END DebugLocation ; (* BuildDesignatorPointer - Builds a pointer reference. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +--------------+ +--------------+ | Sym1 | Type1| | Sym2 | Type2| |--------------| |--------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildDesignatorPointer (ptrtok: CARDINAL) ; VAR combinedtok, destok : CARDINAL ; rw, Sym1, Type1, Sym2, Type2: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTFrwtok (Sym1, Type1, rw, destok) ; DebugLocation (destok, "des ptr expression") ; Type1 := SkipType (Type1) ; IF Type1 = NulSym THEN MetaErrorT1 (ptrtok, '{%1ad} has no type and therefore cannot be dereferenced by ^', Sym1) ELSIF IsUnknown (Sym1) THEN MetaError1 ('{%1EMad} is undefined and therefore {%1ad}^ cannot be resolved', Sym1) ELSE combinedtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (destok, ptrtok) ; IF IsPointer (Type1) THEN Type2 := GetSType (Type1) ; Sym2 := MakeTemporary (ptrtok, LeftValue) ; (* Ok must reference by address - but we contain the type of the referenced entity *) MarkAsRead (rw) ; PutVarPointerCheck (Sym1, TRUE) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (ptrtok, Sym1) ; IF GetMode (Sym1) = LeftValue THEN rw := NulSym ; PutLeftValueFrontBackType (Sym2, Type2, Type1) ; GenQuadO (ptrtok, IndrXOp, Sym2, Type1, Sym1, FALSE) (* Sym2 := *Sym1. *) ELSE PutLeftValueFrontBackType (Sym2, Type2, NulSym) ; GenQuadO (ptrtok, BecomesOp, Sym2, NulSym, Sym1, FALSE) (* Sym2 := Sym1. *) END ; (* We should check this for Sym2 later on (pointer via NIL). *) PutVarPointerCheck (Sym2, TRUE) ; PushTFrwtok (Sym2, Type2, rw, combinedtok) ; DebugLocation (combinedtok, "pointer expression") ELSIF IsHiddenType (Type1) AND (GetModuleScope (Type1) # GetCurrentModuleScope ()) THEN MetaErrorT1 (ptrtok, '{%1Ead} is declared with an opaque type from a different module and cannot be dereferenced', Sym1) ; MarkAsRead (rw) ; BuildDesignatorPointerError (Type1, rw, combinedtok, 'bad opaque pointer dereference') ELSE MetaError2 ('{%1Ead} is not a pointer type but a {%2d}', Sym1, Type1) ; MarkAsRead (rw) ; BuildDesignatorPointerError (Type1, rw, combinedtok, 'bad pointer dereference') END END END BuildDesignatorPointer ; (* StartBuildWith - performs the with statement. The Stack: Entry Exit +------------+ | Sym | Type | Empty |------------| *) PROCEDURE StartBuildWith (withTok: CARDINAL) ; VAR tok : CARDINAL ; Sym, Type, Ref : CARDINAL ; BEGIN DebugLocation (withtok, "with") ; BuildStmtNoteTok (withTok) ; DisplayStack ; PopTFtok (Sym, Type, tok) ; DebugLocation (tok, "expression") ; Type := SkipType (Type) ; IF Type = NulSym THEN MetaErrorT1 (tok, '{%1Aa} {%1d} has a no type, the {%kWITH} statement requires a variable or parameter of a {%kRECORD} type', Sym) ELSE Ref := MakeTemporary (tok, LeftValue) ; PutVar (Ref, Type) ; IF GetMode (Sym) = LeftValue THEN (* Copy LeftValue. *) GenQuadO (tok, BecomesOp, Ref, NulSym, Sym, TRUE) ELSE (* Calculate the address of Sym. *) GenQuadO (tok, AddrOp, Ref, NulSym, Sym, TRUE) END ; PushWith (Sym, Type, Ref, tok) ; DebugLocation (tok, "with ref") ; IF NOT IsRecord(Type) THEN MetaErrorT1 (tok, 'the {%kWITH} statement requires that {%1Ea} {%1d} be of a {%kRECORD} {%1tsa:type rather than {%1tsa}}', Sym) END ; StartScope (Type) END ; DisplayStack ; END StartBuildWith ; (* EndBuildWith - terminates the innermost with scope. *) PROCEDURE EndBuildWith ; BEGIN DisplayStack ; EndScope ; PopWith ; DisplayStack ; END EndBuildWith ; (* PushWith - pushes sym and type onto the with stack. It checks for previous declaration of this record type. *) PROCEDURE PushWith (Sym, Type, Ref, Tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR i, n: CARDINAL ; f : WithFrame ; BEGIN IF Pedantic THEN n := NoOfItemsInStackAddress(WithStack) ; i := 1 ; (* Top of the stack. *) WHILE i <= n DO (* Search for other declarations of the with using Type. *) f := PeepAddress(WithStack, i) ; IF f^.RecordSym=Type THEN MetaErrorT1 (Tok, 'cannot have nested {%kWITH} statements referencing the same {%kRECORD} {%1Ead}', Sym) ; MetaErrorT1 (f^.RecordTokPos, 'cannot have nested {%kWITH} statements referencing the same {%kRECORD} {%1Ead}', f^.RecordSym) END ; INC (i) END END ; NEW (f) ; WITH f^ DO RecordSym := Sym ; RecordType := Type ; RecordRef := Ref ; rw := Sym ; RecordTokPos := Tok END ; PushAddress (WithStack, f) END PushWith ; PROCEDURE PopWith ; VAR f: WithFrame ; BEGIN f := PopAddress (WithStack) ; DISPOSE (f) END PopWith ; (* CheckWithReference - performs the with statement. The Stack: Entry Exit +------------+ +------------+ | Sym | Type | | Sym | Type | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE CheckWithReference ; VAR f : WithFrame ; tokpos, i, n, rw, Sym, Type: CARDINAL ; BEGIN n := NoOfItemsInStackAddress(WithStack) ; IF (n>0) AND (NOT SuppressWith) THEN PopTFrwtok (Sym, Type, rw, tokpos) ; Assert (tokpos # UnknownTokenNo) ; (* inner WITH always has precidence *) i := 1 ; (* top of stack *) WHILE i<=n DO (* WriteString('Checking for a with') ; *) f := PeepAddress (WithStack, i) ; WITH f^ DO IF IsRecordField (Sym) AND (GetRecord (GetParent (Sym)) = RecordType) THEN IF IsUnused (Sym) THEN MetaError1('record field {%1Dad} was declared as unused by a pragma', Sym) END ; (* Fake a RecordSym.op *) PushTFrwtok (RecordRef, RecordType, rw, RecordTokPos) ; PushTFtok (Sym, Type, tokpos) ; BuildAccessWithField ; PopTFrw (Sym, Type, rw) ; i := n+1 (* Finish loop. *) ELSE INC (i) END END END ; PushTFrwtok (Sym, Type, rw, tokpos) END END CheckWithReference ; (* BuildAccessWithField - similar to BuildDesignatorRecord except it does not perform the address operation. The address will have been computed at the beginning of the WITH statement. It also stops the GenQuad procedure from examining the with stack. The Stack Entry Ptr -> +--------------+ | Field | Type1| <- Ptr |-------|------| +-------------+ | Adr | Type2| | Sym | Type1| |--------------| |-------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildAccessWithField ; VAR rectok, fieldtok : CARDINAL ; OldSuppressWith : BOOLEAN ; rw, Field, FieldType, Record, RecordType, Ref : CARDINAL ; BEGIN OldSuppressWith := SuppressWith ; SuppressWith := TRUE ; (* now the WITH cannot look at the stack of outstanding WITH records. *) PopTFtok (Field, FieldType, fieldtok) ; PopTFrwtok (Record, RecordType, rw, rectok) ; Ref := MakeComponentRef (MakeComponentRecord (fieldtok, RightValue, Record), Field) ; PutVarConst (Ref, IsReadOnly (Record)) ; GenQuadO (fieldtok, RecordFieldOp, Ref, Record, Field, TRUE) ; PushTFrwtok (Ref, FieldType, rw, fieldtok) ; SuppressWith := OldSuppressWith END BuildAccessWithField ; (* BuildNulExpression - Builds a nul expression on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit <- Ptr Empty +------------+ | NulSym | |------------| tokpos is the position of the RETURN token. *) PROCEDURE BuildNulExpression (tokpos: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN PushTtok (NulSym, tokpos) END BuildNulExpression ; (* BuildTypeForConstructor - pushes the type implied by the current constructor. If no constructor is currently being built then it Pushes a Bitset type. *) PROCEDURE BuildTypeForConstructor (tokpos: CARDINAL) ; VAR c: ConstructorFrame ; BEGIN IF NoOfItemsInStackAddress(ConstructorStack)=0 THEN PushTtok (Bitset, tokpos) ELSE c := PeepAddress(ConstructorStack, 1) ; WITH c^ DO IF IsArray (type) OR IsSet (type) THEN PushTtok (GetSType (type), tokpos) ELSIF IsRecord (type) THEN PushTtok (GetSType (GetNth (type, index)), tokpos) ELSE MetaError1 ('{%1ad} is not a set, record or array type which is expected when constructing an aggregate entity', type) END END END END BuildTypeForConstructor ; (* BuildSetStart - Pushes a Bitset type on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr Empty +--------------+ | Bitset | |--------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildSetStart (tokpos: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN PushTtok (Bitset, tokpos) END BuildSetStart ; (* BuildSetEnd - pops the set value and type from the stack and pushes the value,type pair. Entry Exit Ptr -> +--------------+ | Set Value | <- Ptr |--------------| +--------------+ | Set Type | | Value | Type | |--------------| |--------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildSetEnd ; VAR valuepos, typepos, combined, value, type : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok (value, valuepos) ; PopTtok (type, typepos) ; combined := MakeVirtual2Tok (typepos, valuepos) ; PushTFtok (value, type, combined) ; Assert (IsSet (type)) END BuildSetEnd ; (* BuildEmptySet - Builds an empty set on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit <- Ptr +-------------+ Ptr -> | Value | +-----------+ |-------------| | SetType | | SetType | |-----------| |-------------| tokpos points to the opening '{'. *) PROCEDURE BuildEmptySet (tokpos: CARDINAL) ; VAR n : Name ; typepos, Type : CARDINAL ; NulSet : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok (Type, typepos) ; (* type of set we are building *) IF (Type = NulSym) AND Pim THEN (* allowed generic {} in PIM Modula-2 *) typepos := tokpos ELSIF IsUnknown (Type) THEN n := GetSymName (Type) ; WriteFormat1 ('set type %a is undefined', n) ; Type := Bitset ELSIF NOT IsSet (SkipType (Type)) THEN n := GetSymName (Type) ; WriteFormat1('expecting a set type %a', n) ; Type := Bitset ELSE Type := SkipType (Type) ; Assert (Type # NulSym) END ; NulSet := MakeTemporary (typepos, ImmediateValue) ; PutVar (NulSet, Type) ; PutConstSet (NulSet) ; IF CompilerDebugging THEN n := GetSymName (Type) ; printf1 ('set type = %a\n', n) END ; PushNulSet (Type) ; (* onto the ALU stack *) PopValue (NulSet) ; (* ALU -> symbol table *) (* and now construct the M2Quads stack as defined by the comments above *) PushTtok (Type, typepos) ; PushTtok (NulSet, typepos) ; IF CompilerDebugging THEN n := GetSymName (Type) ; printf2 ('Type = %a (%d) built empty set\n', n, Type) ; DisplayStack (* Debugging info *) END END BuildEmptySet ; (* BuildInclRange - includes a set range with a set. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | El2 | |------------| | El1 | <- Ptr |------------| +-------------------+ | Set Value | | Value + {El1..El2}| |------------| |-------------------| No quadruples produced as the range info is contained within the set value. *) PROCEDURE BuildInclRange ; VAR n : Name ; el1, el2, value : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(el2) ; PopT(el1) ; PopT(value) ; IF NOT IsConstSet(value) THEN n := GetSymName(el1) ; WriteFormat1('can only add bit ranges to a constant set, %a is not a constant set', n) END ; IF IsConst(el1) AND IsConst(el2) THEN PushValue(value) ; (* onto ALU stack *) AddBitRange(GetTokenNo(), el1, el2) ; PopValue(value) (* ALU -> symboltable *) ELSE IF NOT IsConst(el1) THEN n := GetSymName(el1) ; WriteFormat1('must use constants as ranges when defining a set constant, problem with the low value %a', n) END ; IF NOT IsConst(el2) THEN n := GetSymName(el2) ; WriteFormat1('must use constants as ranges when defining a set constant, problem with the high value %a', n) END END ; PushT(value) END BuildInclRange ; (* BuildInclBit - includes a bit into the set. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Element | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | Value | | Value | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildInclBit ; VAR tok : CARDINAL ; el, value, t: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(el) ; PopT(value) ; tok := GetTokenNo () ; IF IsConst(el) THEN PushValue(value) ; (* onto ALU stack *) AddBit(tok, el) ; PopValue(value) (* ALU -> symboltable *) ELSE IF GetMode(el)=LeftValue THEN t := MakeTemporary(tok, RightValue) ; PutVar(t, GetSType(el)) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (tok, el) ; doIndrX(tok, t, el) ; el := t END ; IF IsConst(value) THEN (* move constant into a variable to achieve the include *) t := MakeTemporary(tok, RightValue) ; PutVar(t, GetSType(value)) ; GenQuad(BecomesOp, t, NulSym, value) ; value := t END ; GenQuad(InclOp, value, NulSym, el) END ; PushT(value) END BuildInclBit ; (* PushConstructor - *) PROCEDURE PushConstructor (sym: CARDINAL) ; VAR c: ConstructorFrame ; BEGIN NEW(c) ; WITH c^ DO type := SkipType(sym) ; index := 1 END ; PushAddress(ConstructorStack, c) END PushConstructor ; (* PopConstructor - removes the top constructor from the top of stack. *) PROCEDURE PopConstructor ; VAR c: ConstructorFrame ; BEGIN c := PopAddress (ConstructorStack) ; DISPOSE(c) END PopConstructor ; (* NextConstructorField - increments the top of constructor stacks index by one. *) PROCEDURE NextConstructorField ; VAR c: ConstructorFrame ; BEGIN c := PeepAddress(ConstructorStack, 1) ; INC(c^.index) END NextConstructorField ; (* SilentBuildConstructor - places NulSym into the constructor fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE SilentBuildConstructor ; BEGIN PutConstructorIntoFifoQueue (NulSym) END SilentBuildConstructor ; (* BuildConstructor - builds a constructor. Stack Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Type | <- Ptr |------------+ *) PROCEDURE BuildConstructor (tokcbrpos: CARDINAL) ; VAR tok : CARDINAL ; constValue, type : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok (type, tok) ; constValue := MakeTemporary (tok, ImmediateValue) ; PutVar (constValue, type) ; PutConstructor (constValue) ; PushValue (constValue) ; IF type = NulSym THEN MetaErrorT0 (tokcbrpos, '{%E}constructor requires a type before the opening %{') ELSE ChangeToConstructor (tok, type) ; PutConstructorFrom (constValue, type) ; PopValue (constValue) ; PutConstructorIntoFifoQueue (constValue) END ; PushConstructor (type) END BuildConstructor ; (* SilentBuildConstructorStart - removes an entry from the constructor fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE SilentBuildConstructorStart ; VAR constValue: CARDINAL ; BEGIN GetConstructorFromFifoQueue (constValue) END SilentBuildConstructorStart ; (* BuildConstructorStart - builds a constructor. Stack Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +----------------+ | Type | | ConstructorSym | |------------+ |----------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildConstructorStart (cbratokpos: CARDINAL) ; VAR typepos, constValue, type : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok (type, typepos) ; (* we ignore the type as we already have the constructor symbol from pass C *) GetConstructorFromFifoQueue (constValue) ; IF type # GetSType (constValue) THEN MetaErrorT3 (cbratokpos, '{%E}the constructor type is {%1ad} and this is different from the constant {%2ad} which has a type {%2tad}', type, constValue, constValue) END ; PushTtok (constValue, cbratokpos) ; PushConstructor (type) END BuildConstructorStart ; (* BuildConstructorEnd - removes the current constructor frame from the constructor stack (it does not effect the quad stack) Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | const | | const | |------------| |------------| startpos is the start of the constructor, either the typename or '{' cbratokpos is the '}'. *) PROCEDURE BuildConstructorEnd (startpos, cbratokpos: CARDINAL) ; VAR value, valtok: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF DebugTokPos THEN WarnStringAt (InitString ('startpos'), startpos) ; WarnStringAt (InitString ('cbratokpos'), cbratokpos) END ; PopTtok (value, valtok) ; IF DebugTokPos THEN WarnStringAt (InitString ('value valtok'), valtok) END ; valtok := MakeVirtual2Tok (startpos, cbratokpos) ; PutDeclared (valtok, value) ; PushTtok (value, valtok) ; (* Use valtok as we now know it was a constructor. *) PopConstructor ; IF DebugTokPos THEN WarnStringAt (InitString ('aggregate constant'), valtok) END END BuildConstructorEnd ; (* AddFieldTo - adds field, e, to, value. *) PROCEDURE AddFieldTo (value, e: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsSet(GetDType(value)) THEN PutConstSet(value) ; PushT(value) ; PushT(e) ; BuildInclBit ; PopT(value) ELSE PushValue(value) ; AddField(GetTokenNo(), e) ; PopValue(value) END ; RETURN( value ) END AddFieldTo ; (* BuildComponentValue - builds a component value. Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | const | | const | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildComponentValue ; VAR const, e1, e2 : CARDINAL ; nuldotdot, nulby : Name ; BEGIN PopT(nulby) ; IF nulby=NulTok THEN PopT(nuldotdot) ; IF nuldotdot=NulTok THEN PopT(e1) ; PopT(const) ; PushT(AddFieldTo(const, e1)) ELSE PopT(e2) ; PopT(e1) ; PopT(const) ; PushValue(const) ; AddBitRange(GetTokenNo(), e1, e2) ; PopValue(const) ; PushT(const) END ELSE PopT(e1) ; PopT(nuldotdot) ; IF nuldotdot=NulTok THEN PopT(e2) ; PopT(const) ; PushValue(const) ; AddElements(GetTokenNo(), e2, e1) ; PopValue(const) ; PushT(const) ELSE PopT(e2) ; PopT(e1) ; PopT(const) ; WriteFormat0('the constant must be either an array constructor or a set constructor') ; PushT(const) END END END BuildComponentValue ; (* RecordOp - Records the operator passed on the stack. This is called when a boolean operator is found in an expression. It is called just after the lhs has been built and pushed to the quad stack and prior to the rhs build. It checks to see if AND OR or equality tests are required. It will short circuit AND and OR expressions. It also converts a lhs to a boolean variable if an xor comparison is about to be performed. Checks for AND operator or OR operator if either of these operators are found then BackPatching takes place. The Expected Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> <- Ptr +-------------+ +-------------+ | OperatorTok | | OperatorTok | |-------------| |-------------| | t | f | | t | f | |-------------| |-------------| If OperatorTok=AndTok Then BackPatch(f, NextQuad) Elsif OperatorTok=OrTok Then BackPatch(t, NextQuad) End *) PROCEDURE RecordOp ; VAR Op : Name ; tokno: CARDINAL ; t, f : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok(Op, tokno) ; IF (Op=AndTok) OR (Op=AmbersandTok) THEN CheckBooleanId ; PopBool(t, f) ; BackPatch(t, NextQuad) ; PushBool(0, f) ELSIF Op=OrTok THEN CheckBooleanId ; PopBool(t, f) ; BackPatch(f, NextQuad) ; PushBool(t, 0) ELSIF IsBoolean (1) AND ((Op = EqualTok) OR (Op = LessGreaterTok) OR (Op = HashTok) OR (Op = InTok)) THEN ConvertBooleanToVariable (tokno, 1) END ; PushTtok(Op, tokno) END RecordOp ; (* CheckLogicalOperator - returns a logical operator if the operands imply a logical operation should be performed. *) PROCEDURE CheckLogicalOperator (Tok: Name; left, lefttype: CARDINAL) : Name ; BEGIN IF (Tok=PlusTok) OR (Tok=TimesTok) OR (Tok=DivideTok) OR (Tok=MinusTok) THEN (* --fixme-- when we add complex arithmetic, we must check constructor is not a complex constant. *) IF ((lefttype#NulSym) AND IsSet(SkipType(lefttype))) OR IsConstSet(left) OR IsConstructor(left) THEN IF Tok=PlusTok THEN RETURN( LogicalOrTok ) ELSIF Tok=DivideTok THEN RETURN( LogicalXorTok ) ELSIF Tok=TimesTok THEN RETURN( LogicalAndTok ) ELSIF Tok=MinusTok THEN RETURN( LogicalDifferenceTok ) END END END ; RETURN( Tok ) END CheckLogicalOperator ; (* doCheckGenericNulSet - checks to see whether e1 is a generic nul set and if so it alters it to the nul set of t2. *) (* PROCEDURE doCheckGenericNulSet (e1: CARDINAL; VAR t1: CARDINAL; t2: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsConstSet (e1) THEN IF NOT IsSet (t2) THEN MetaError2 ('incompatibility between a set constant {%1Ea} of type {%1tsa} and an object of type {%2sa}', e1, t2) END ; PushValue (e1) ; IF IsGenericNulSet () THEN PopValue (e1) ; PushNulSet (t2) ; t1 := t2 END ; PopValue (e1) END END doCheckGenericNulSet ; *) (* CheckGenericNulSet - if e1 or e2 is the generic nul set then alter it to the nul set of the other operands type. *) (* PROCEDURE CheckGenericNulSet (e1, e2: CARDINAL; VAR t1, t2: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF t1#t2 THEN doCheckGenericNulSet(e1, t1, t2) ; doCheckGenericNulSet(e2, t2, t1) END END CheckGenericNulSet ; *) (* CheckDivModRem - initiates calls to check the divisor for DIV, MOD, REM expressions. *) PROCEDURE CheckDivModRem (TokPos: CARDINAL; tok: Name; d, e: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF tok=DivTok THEN BuildRange (InitWholeZeroDivisionCheck (TokPos, d, e)) ELSIF tok=ModTok THEN BuildRange (InitWholeZeroDivisionCheck (TokPos, d, e)) ELSIF tok=RemTok THEN BuildRange (InitWholeZeroRemainderCheck (TokPos, d, e)) END END CheckDivModRem ; (* doConvert - convert, sym, to a new symbol with, type. Return the new symbol. *) PROCEDURE doConvert (type: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF GetSType(sym)#type THEN PushTF(Convert, NulSym) ; PushT(type) ; PushT(sym) ; PushT(2) ; (* Two parameters *) BuildConvertFunction (Convert, FALSE) ; PopT(sym) END ; RETURN( sym ) END doConvert ; (* BuildBinaryOp - Builds a binary operation from the quad stack. Be aware that this procedure will check for the overloading of the bitset operators + - \ *. So do NOT call this procedure if you are building a reference to an array which has a bitset type or the address arithmetic will be wrongly coersed into logical ORs. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Sym1 | |------------| | Operator | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | Sym2 | | Temporary | |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q Operator Temporary Sym1 Sym2 OR Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | T1 | F1 | |------------| | OrTok | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | T2 | F2 | | T1+T2| F1 | |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced *) PROCEDURE BuildBinaryOp ; BEGIN doBuildBinaryOp (TRUE, TRUE) END BuildBinaryOp ; (* doBuildBinaryOp - build the binary op, with or without type checking. *) PROCEDURE doBuildBinaryOp (checkTypes, checkOverflow: BOOLEAN) ; VAR s : String ; NewOp, Operator : Name ; OperatorPos, OldPos, leftrw, rightrw, t1, f1, t2, f2, lefttype, righttype, left, right, leftpos, rightpos : CARDINAL ; value : CARDINAL ; BEGIN Operator := OperandT (2) ; IF Operator = OrTok THEN CheckBooleanId ; PopBooltok (t1, f1, rightpos) ; PopTtok (Operator, OperatorPos) ; PopBooltok (t2, f2, leftpos) ; Assert (f2=0) ; OperatorPos := MakeVirtualTok (OperatorPos, leftpos, rightpos) ; PushBooltok (Merge (t1, t2), f1, OperatorPos) ELSIF (Operator = AndTok) OR (Operator = AmbersandTok) THEN CheckBooleanId ; PopBooltok (t1, f1, rightpos) ; PopTtok (Operator, OperatorPos) ; PopBooltok (t2, f2, leftpos) ; Assert (t2=0) ; OperatorPos := MakeVirtualTok (OperatorPos, leftpos, rightpos) ; PushBooltok (t1, Merge (f1, f2), OperatorPos) ELSE PopTFrwtok (right, righttype, rightrw, rightpos) ; PopTtok (Operator, OperatorPos) ; PopTFrwtok (left, lefttype, leftrw, leftpos) ; MarkAsRead (rightrw) ; MarkAsRead (leftrw) ; NewOp := CheckLogicalOperator (Operator, (* right, righttype, *) left, lefttype) ; IF NewOp = Operator THEN (* BinaryOps and UnaryOps only work with immediate and offset addressing. This is fine for calculating array and record offsets but we need to get the real values to perform normal arithmetic. Not address arithmetic. However the set operators will dereference LValues (to optimize large set arithemetic) *) IF GetMode (right) = LeftValue THEN value := MakeTemporary (rightpos, RightValue) ; PutVar (value, righttype) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (rightpos, right) ; doIndrX (rightpos, value, right) ; right := value END ; IF GetMode (left) = LeftValue THEN value := MakeTemporary (leftpos, RightValue) ; PutVar (value, lefttype) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (leftpos, left) ; doIndrX (leftpos, value, left) ; left := value END ELSE (* CheckForGenericNulSet(e1, e2, t1, t2) *) END ; OldPos := OperatorPos ; OperatorPos := MakeVirtualTok (OperatorPos, leftpos, rightpos) ; IF (Operator = PlusTok) AND IsConstString(left) AND IsConstString(right) THEN value := MakeConstString (OperatorPos, NulName) ; PutConstStringKnown (OperatorPos, value, NulName, FALSE, FALSE) ; GenQuadOtok (OperatorPos, MakeOp (PlusTok), value, left, right, FALSE, OperatorPos, leftpos, rightpos) ELSE IF checkTypes THEN BuildRange (InitTypesExpressionCheck (OperatorPos, left, right, FALSE, FALSE)) END ; value := MakeTemporaryFromExpressions (OperatorPos, right, left, AreConstant (IsConst (left) AND IsConst (right))) ; CheckDivModRem (OperatorPos, NewOp, value, right) ; IF DebugTokPos THEN s := InitStringCharStar (KeyToCharStar (GetTokenName (Operator))) ; WarnStringAt (s, OldPos) ; s := InitString ('left') ; WarnStringAt (s, leftpos) ; s := InitString ('right') ; WarnStringAt (s, rightpos) ; s := InitString ('caret') ; WarnStringAt (s, OldPos) ; s := InitString ('combined') ; WarnStringAt (s, OperatorPos) ; (* MetaErrorT1 (GetDeclaredMod (t), 'in binary with a {%1a}', t) *) END ; GenQuadOtok (OperatorPos, MakeOp (NewOp), value, left, right, checkOverflow, OperatorPos, leftpos, rightpos) END ; PushTFtok (value, GetSType (value), OperatorPos) END END doBuildBinaryOp ; (* BuildUnaryOp - Builds a unary operation from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | Sym | |------------| +------------+ | Operator | | Temporary | <- Ptr |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q Operator Temporary _ Sym *) PROCEDURE BuildUnaryOp ; VAR sympos, tokpos : CARDINAL ; Tok : Name ; type, Sym, SymT, r, t: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTrwtok (Sym, r, sympos) ; PopTtok (Tok, tokpos) ; IF Tok=MinusTok THEN MarkAsRead(r) ; type := NegateType (GetSType (Sym) (* , sympos *) ) ; tokpos := MakeVirtualTok (tokpos, tokpos, sympos) ; t := MakeTemporary (tokpos, AreConstant(IsConst(Sym))) ; PutVar(t, type) ; (* variables must have a type and REAL/LONGREAL constants must be typed *) IF NOT IsConst(Sym) THEN IF (type#NulSym) AND IsSet(SkipType(type)) THEN (* do not dereference set variables *) ELSIF GetMode(Sym)=LeftValue THEN (* dereference symbols which are not sets and which are variables *) SymT := MakeTemporary (sympos, RightValue) ; PutVar (SymT, GetSType (Sym)) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (sympos, Sym) ; doIndrX (sympos, SymT, Sym) ; Sym := SymT END END ; GenQuadO (tokpos, NegateOp, t, NulSym, Sym, TRUE) ; PushTtok (t, tokpos) ELSIF Tok=PlusTok THEN tokpos := MakeVirtualTok (tokpos, tokpos, sympos) ; PushTrwtok (Sym, r, tokpos) ELSE MetaErrorNT1 (tokpos, 'expecting an unary operator, seen {%Ek%a}', Tok) END END BuildUnaryOp ; (* AreConstant - returns immediate addressing mode if b is true else offset mode is returned. b determines whether the operands are all constant - in which case we can use a constant temporary variable. *) PROCEDURE AreConstant (b: BOOLEAN) : ModeOfAddr ; BEGIN IF b THEN RETURN ImmediateValue ELSE RETURN RightValue END END AreConstant ; (* ConvertBooleanToVariable - converts a BoolStack(i) from a Boolean True|False exit pair into a variable containing the value TRUE or FALSE. The parameter i is relative to the top of the stack. *) PROCEDURE ConvertBooleanToVariable (tok: CARDINAL; i: CARDINAL) ; VAR Des: CARDINAL ; f : BoolFrame ; BEGIN Assert (IsBoolean (i)) ; (* We need to convert the boolean top of stack into a variable or constant boolean. *) Des := MakeTemporary (tok, AreConstant (IsInConstExpression ())) ; PutVar (Des, Boolean) ; PutVarConditional (Des, TRUE) ; PushTtok (Des, tok) ; (* we have just increased the stack so we must use i+1 *) f := PeepAddress (BoolStack, i+1) ; PushBool (f^.TrueExit, f^.FalseExit) ; BuildAssignmentWithoutBounds (tok, FALSE, TRUE) ; (* Restored stack after the BuildAssign... above. *) f := PeepAddress (BoolStack, i) ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := Des ; (* Alter Stack(i) to contain the variable. *) FalseExit := Boolean ; BooleanOp := FALSE ; (* No longer a Boolean True|False pair. *) Unbounded := NulSym ; Dimension := 0 ; ReadWrite := NulSym ; tokenno := tok ; Annotation := KillString (Annotation) ; Annotation := InitString ('%1s(%1d)|%2s(%2d)||boolean var|type') ; RangeDep := 0 END END ConvertBooleanToVariable ; (* BuildBooleanVariable - tests to see whether top of stack is a boolean conditional and if so it converts it into a boolean variable. *) PROCEDURE BuildBooleanVariable ; BEGIN IF IsBoolean (1) THEN ConvertBooleanToVariable (OperandTtok (1), 1) END END BuildBooleanVariable ; (* DumpQuadSummary - *) PROCEDURE DumpQuadSummary (quad: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN IF quad # 0 THEN f := GetQF (quad) ; printf2 ("%d op3 = %d\n", quad, f^.Operand3) END END DumpQuadSummary ; (* BuildRelOpFromBoolean - builds a relational operator sequence of quadruples instead of using a temporary boolean variable. This function can only be used when we perform the following translation: (a=b) # (c=d) alternatively (a=b) = (c=d) ^ ^ it only allows # = to be used as >= <= > < all assume a particular value for TRUE and FALSE. (In which case the user should specify ORD) before q if r1 op1 op2 t2 q+1 Goto f2 ... q+n if r2 op3 op4 t1 q+n+1 Goto f1 after (in case of =) q if r1 op1 op2 q+2 q+1 Goto q+4 q+2 if r2 op3 op4 t q+3 Goto f q+4 if r2 op3 op4 f q+5 Goto t after (in case of #) q if r1 op1 op2 q+2 q+1 Goto q+n+2 q+2 ... ... ... q+n if r2 op3 op4 f q+n+1 Goto t q+n+2 if r2 op3 op4 t q+n+3 Goto f The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | t1 | f1 | |------------| | Operator | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | t2 | f2 | | t | f | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildRelOpFromBoolean (tokpos: CARDINAL) ; VAR Tok, t1, f1, t2, f2: CARDINAL ; f : QuadFrame ; BEGIN Assert (IsBoolean (1) AND IsBoolean (3)) ; IF OperandT (2) = EqualTok THEN (* Are the two boolean expressions the same? *) PopBool (t1, f1) ; PopT (Tok) ; PopBool (t2, f2) ; (* Give the false exit a second chance. *) BackPatch (t2, t1) ; (* q if _ _ q+2 *) BackPatch (f2, NextQuad) ; (* q+1 if _ _ q+4 *) Assert (NextQuad = f1+1) ; f := GetQF (t1) ; WITH f^ DO GenQuadO (tokpos, Operator, Operand1, Operand2, 0, FALSE) END ; GenQuadO (tokpos, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0, FALSE) ; PushBooltok (Merge (NextQuad-1, t1), Merge (NextQuad-2, f1), tokpos) ELSIF (OperandT (2) = HashTok) OR (OperandT (2) = LessGreaterTok) THEN IF CompilerDebugging THEN printf0 ("BuildRelOpFromBoolean (NotEqualTok)\n") ; DisplayStack END ; (* Are the two boolean expressions different? *) PopBool (t1, f1) ; PopT (Tok) ; PopBool (t2, f2) ; IF CompilerDebugging THEN printf2 ("t1 = %d, f1 = %d\n", t1, f1) ; printf2 ("t2 = %d, f2 = %d\n", t2, f2) ; DumpQuadSummary (t1) ; DumpQuadSummary (f1) ; DumpQuadSummary (t2) ; DumpQuadSummary (f2) ; END ; (* Give the false exit a second chance. *) BackPatch (t2, t1) ; (* q if _ _ q+2 *) BackPatch (f2, NextQuad) ; (* q+1 if _ _ q+4 *) Assert (NextQuad = f1+1) ; f := GetQF (t1) ; WITH f^ DO GenQuadO (tokpos, Operator, Operand1, Operand2, 0, FALSE) END ; GenQuadO (tokpos, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0, FALSE) ; PushBooltok (Merge (NextQuad-2, f1), Merge (NextQuad-1, t1), tokpos) ELSE MetaError0 ('only allowed to use the relation operators {%Ek=} {%Ek#} rather than {%Ek<} or {%Ek>} on {%EkBOOLEAN} expressions as these do not imply an ordinal value for {%kTRUE} or {%kFALSE}') END END BuildRelOpFromBoolean ; (* CheckVariableOrConstantOrProcedure - checks to make sure sym is a variable, constant or procedure. *) PROCEDURE CheckVariableOrConstantOrProcedure (tokpos: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) ; VAR type: CARDINAL ; BEGIN type := GetSType (sym) ; IF IsUnknown (sym) THEN MetaErrorT1 (tokpos, '{%1EUad} has not been declared', sym) ; UnknownReported (sym) ELSIF IsPseudoSystemFunction (sym) OR IsPseudoBaseFunction (sym) THEN MetaErrorT1 (tokpos, '{%1Ead} expected a variable, procedure, constant or expression, not an intrinsic procedure function', sym) ELSIF (NOT IsConst(sym)) AND (NOT IsVar(sym)) AND (NOT IsProcedure(sym)) AND (NOT IsTemporary(sym)) AND (NOT MustNotCheckBounds) THEN MetaErrorsT1 (tokpos, '{%1Ead} expected a variable, procedure, constant or expression', 'and it was declared as a {%1Dd}', sym) ; ELSIF (type#NulSym) AND IsArray(type) THEN MetaErrorsT1 (tokpos, '{%1EU} not expecting an array variable as an operand for either comparison or binary operation', 'it was declared as a {%1Dd}', sym) ELSIF IsConstString (sym) AND IsConstStringKnown (sym) AND (GetStringLength (tokpos, sym) > 1) THEN MetaErrorT1 (tokpos, '{%1EU} not expecting a string constant as an operand for either comparison or binary operation', sym) END END CheckVariableOrConstantOrProcedure ; (* BuildRelOp - Builds a relative operation from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------+ | e1 | |------------| <- Ptr | Operator | |------------| +------------+ | e2 | | t | f | |------------| |------------| Quadruples Produced q IFOperator e2 e1 TrueExit ; e2 e1 since q+1 GotoOp FalseExit ; relation > etc ; requires order. *) PROCEDURE BuildRelOp (optokpos: CARDINAL) ; VAR combinedTok, rightpos, leftpos : CARDINAL ; Op : Name ; t, rightType, leftType, right, left : CARDINAL ; s : String ; BEGIN IF CompilerDebugging THEN DisplayStack (* Debugging info *) END ; IF IsInConstExpression () AND IsBoolean (1) AND IsBoolean (3) THEN (* we allow # and = to be used with Boolean expressions. we do not allow > < >= <= though. We only examine this case if we are in a const expression as there will be no dereferencing of operands. *) BuildRelOpFromBoolean (optokpos) ELSE IF IsBoolean (1) THEN ConvertBooleanToVariable (OperandTtok (1), 1) END ; IF IsBoolean (3) THEN ConvertBooleanToVariable (OperandTtok (3), 3) END ; PopTFtok (right, rightType, rightpos) ; PopT (Op) ; PopTFtok (left, leftType, leftpos) ; CheckVariableOrConstantOrProcedure (rightpos, right) ; CheckVariableOrConstantOrProcedure (leftpos, left) ; combinedTok := MakeVirtualTok (optokpos, leftpos, rightpos) ; IF (left#NulSym) AND (right#NulSym) THEN (* BuildRange will check the expression later on once gcc knows about all data types. *) BuildRange (InitTypesExpressionCheck (combinedTok, left, right, TRUE, Op = InTok)) END ; (* Must dereference LeftValue operands. *) IF GetMode(right) = LeftValue THEN t := MakeTemporary (rightpos, RightValue) ; PutVar(t, GetSType(right)) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (rightpos, right) ; doIndrX (rightpos, t, right) ; right := t END ; IF GetMode(left) = LeftValue THEN t := MakeTemporary (leftpos, RightValue) ; PutVar (t, GetSType (left)) ; CheckPointerThroughNil (leftpos, left) ; doIndrX (leftpos, t, left) ; left := t END ; IF DebugTokPos THEN s := InitStringCharStar (KeyToCharStar (GetTokenName (Op))) ; WarnStringAt (s, optokpos) ; s := InitString ('left') ; WarnStringAt (s, leftpos) ; s := InitString ('right') ; WarnStringAt (s, rightpos) ; s := InitString ('caret') ; WarnStringAt (s, optokpos) ; s := InitString ('combined') ; WarnStringAt (s, combinedTok) END ; GenQuadOtok (combinedTok, MakeOp (Op), left, right, 0, FALSE, leftpos, rightpos, UnknownTokenNo) ; (* True Exit *) GenQuadO (combinedTok, GotoOp, NulSym, NulSym, 0, FALSE) ; (* False Exit *) PushBooltok (NextQuad-2, NextQuad-1, combinedTok) END END BuildRelOp ; (* BuildNot - Builds a NOT operation from the quad stack. The Stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | t | f | | f | t | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildNot (notTokPos: CARDINAL) ; VAR combinedTok, exprTokPos : CARDINAL ; t, f : CARDINAL ; BEGIN CheckBooleanId ; PopBooltok (t, f, exprTokPos) ; combinedTok := MakeVirtualTok (notTokPos, notTokPos, exprTokPos) ; PushBooltok (f, t, combinedTok) END BuildNot ; (* MakeOp - returns the equalent quadruple operator to a token, t. *) PROCEDURE MakeOp (t: Name) : QuadOperator ; BEGIN IF t=ArithPlusTok THEN RETURN ArithAddOp ELSIF t=PlusTok THEN RETURN( AddOp ) ELSIF t=MinusTok THEN RETURN( SubOp ) ELSIF t=DivTok THEN RETURN( DivM2Op ) ELSIF t=DivideTok THEN RETURN( DivTruncOp ) ELSIF t=RemTok THEN RETURN( ModTruncOp ) ELSIF t=ModTok THEN RETURN( ModM2Op ) ELSIF t=TimesTok THEN RETURN( MultOp ) ELSIF t=HashTok THEN RETURN( IfNotEquOp ) ELSIF t=LessGreaterTok THEN RETURN( IfNotEquOp ) ELSIF t=GreaterEqualTok THEN RETURN( IfGreEquOp ) ELSIF t=LessEqualTok THEN RETURN( IfLessEquOp ) ELSIF t=EqualTok THEN RETURN( IfEquOp ) ELSIF t=LessTok THEN RETURN( IfLessOp ) ELSIF t=GreaterTok THEN RETURN( IfGreOp ) ELSIF t=InTok THEN RETURN( IfInOp ) ELSIF t=LogicalOrTok THEN RETURN( LogicalOrOp ) ELSIF t=LogicalAndTok THEN RETURN( LogicalAndOp ) ELSIF t=LogicalXorTok THEN RETURN( LogicalXorOp ) ELSIF t=LogicalDifferenceTok THEN RETURN( LogicalDiffOp ) ELSE InternalError('binary operation not implemented yet') END END MakeOp ; (* GenQuadO - generate a quadruple with Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3, overflow. *) PROCEDURE GenQuadO (TokPos: CARDINAL; Operation: QuadOperator; Op1, Op2, Op3: CARDINAL; overflow: BOOLEAN) ; BEGIN GenQuadOTrash (TokPos, Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3, overflow, NulSym) END GenQuadO ; (* GenQuadOTrash - generate a quadruple with Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3, overflow. *) PROCEDURE GenQuadOTrash (TokPos: CARDINAL; Operation: QuadOperator; Op1, Op2, Op3: CARDINAL; overflow: BOOLEAN; trash: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN (* WriteString('Potential Quad: ') ; *) IF QuadrupleGeneration THEN IF NextQuad # Head THEN f := GetQF (NextQuad-1) ; f^.Next := NextQuad END ; PutQuadO (NextQuad, Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3, overflow) ; f := GetQF (NextQuad) ; WITH f^ DO Trash := trash ; Next := 0 ; LineNo := GetLineNo () ; IF TokPos = UnknownTokenNo THEN TokenNo := GetTokenNo () ELSE TokenNo := TokPos END ; IF GetDebugTraceQuad () THEN printf0('generating: ') ; DisplayQuad (NextQuad) ; (* MetaErrorT1 (TokenNo, '{%1On}', NextQuad) *) END END ; CheckBreak (NextQuad) ; NewQuad (NextQuad) END END GenQuadOTrash ; (* GetQuadTrash - return the symbol associated with the trashed operand. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadTrash (quad: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF (quad) ; LastQuadNo := quad ; RETURN f^.Trash END GetQuadTrash ; (* GenQuad - Generate a quadruple with Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3. *) PROCEDURE GenQuad (Operation: QuadOperator; Op1, Op2, Op3: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN GenQuadO (UnknownTokenNo, Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3, TRUE) END GenQuad ; (* GenQuadOtok - generate a quadruple with Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3, overflow. *) PROCEDURE GenQuadOtok (TokPos: CARDINAL; Operation: QuadOperator; Op1, Op2, Op3: CARDINAL; overflow: BOOLEAN; Op1Pos, Op2Pos, Op3Pos: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN GenQuadOTypetok (TokPos, Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3, overflow, TRUE, Op1Pos, Op2Pos, Op3Pos) END GenQuadOtok ; (* GenQuadOTypetok - assigns the fields of the quadruple with the parameters. *) PROCEDURE GenQuadOTypetok (TokPos: CARDINAL; Operation: QuadOperator; Op1, Op2, Op3: CARDINAL; overflow, typecheck: BOOLEAN; Op1Pos, Op2Pos, Op3Pos: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN (* WriteString('Potential Quad: ') ; *) IF QuadrupleGeneration THEN IF NextQuad # Head THEN f := GetQF (NextQuad-1) ; f^.Next := NextQuad END ; PutQuadOType (NextQuad, Operation, Op1, Op2, Op3, overflow, typecheck) ; f := GetQF (NextQuad) ; WITH f^ DO Next := 0 ; LineNo := GetLineNo () ; IF TokPos = UnknownTokenNo THEN TokenNo := GetTokenNo () ELSE TokenNo := TokPos END ; op1pos := Op1Pos ; op2pos := Op2Pos ; op3pos := Op3Pos ; IF GetDebugTraceQuad () THEN printf0('generating: ') ; DisplayQuad (NextQuad) ; (* MetaErrorT1 (TokenNo, '{%1On}', NextQuad) *) END END ; CheckBreak (NextQuad) ; NewQuad (NextQuad) END END GenQuadOTypetok ; (* DumpUntil - dump all quadruples until we seen the ending quadruple with procsym in the third operand. Return the quad number containing the match. *) PROCEDURE DumpUntil (ending: QuadOperator; procsym: CARDINAL; quad: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR op : QuadOperator ; op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ; f : QuadFrame ; BEGIN fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), '\n...\n\n'); REPEAT GetQuad (quad, op, op1, op2, op3) ; DisplayQuad (quad) ; f := GetQF (quad) ; quad := f^.Next UNTIL (op = ending) AND (op3 = procsym) ; RETURN quad END DumpUntil ; (* GetCtorInit - return the init procedure for the module. *) PROCEDURE GetCtorInit (sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR ctor, init, fini, dep: CARDINAL ; BEGIN GetModuleCtors (sym, ctor, init, fini, dep) ; RETURN init END GetCtorInit ; (* GetCtorFini - return the fini procedure for the module. *) PROCEDURE GetCtorFini (sym: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR ctor, init, fini, dep: CARDINAL ; BEGIN GetModuleCtors (sym, ctor, init, fini, dep) ; RETURN fini END GetCtorFini ; (* DumpQuadrupleFilter - *) PROCEDURE DumpQuadrupleFilter ; VAR f : QuadFrame ; i : CARDINAL ; op : QuadOperator ; op1, op2, op3: CARDINAL ; BEGIN i := Head ; WHILE i # 0 DO GetQuad (i, op, op1, op2, op3) ; IF (op = ProcedureScopeOp) AND IsDumpRequired (op3, TRUE) THEN i := DumpUntil (KillLocalVarOp, op3, i) ELSIF (op = InitStartOp) AND IsDumpRequired (GetCtorInit (op3), TRUE) THEN i := DumpUntil (InitEndOp, op3, i) ELSIF (op = FinallyStartOp) AND IsDumpRequired (GetCtorFini (op3), TRUE) THEN i := DumpUntil (FinallyEndOp, op3, i) ELSE f := GetQF (i) ; i := f^.Next END END END DumpQuadrupleFilter ; (* DumpQuadrupleAll - dump all quadruples. *) PROCEDURE DumpQuadrupleAll ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; i: CARDINAL ; BEGIN i := Head ; WHILE i # 0 DO DisplayQuad (i) ; f := GetQF (i) ; i := f^.Next END END DumpQuadrupleAll ; (* DumpQuadruples - dump all quadruples providing the -fq, -fdump-lang-quad, -fdump-lang-quad= or -fdump-lang-all were issued to the command line. *) PROCEDURE DumpQuadruples (title: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; BEGIN IF GetDumpQuad () THEN CreateDumpQuad (title) ; IF GetM2DumpFilter () = NIL THEN DumpQuadrupleAll ELSE DumpQuadrupleFilter END ; CloseDumpQuad END END DumpQuadruples ; (* DisplayQuadRange - displays all quads in list range, start..end. *) PROCEDURE DisplayQuadRange (scope: CARDINAL; start, end: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN fprintf1 (GetDumpFile (), 'Quadruples for scope: %d\n', scope) ; WHILE (start <= end) AND (start # 0) DO DisplayQuad (start) ; f := GetQF (start) ; start := f^.Next END END DisplayQuadRange ; (* BackPatch - Makes each of the quadruples on the list pointed to by QuadNo take quadruple Value as a target. *) PROCEDURE BackPatch (QuadNo, Value: CARDINAL) ; VAR i: CARDINAL ; f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN IF QuadrupleGeneration THEN WHILE QuadNo#0 DO f := GetQF (QuadNo) ; WITH f^ DO i := Operand3 ; (* Next Link along the BackPatch *) ManipulateReference (QuadNo, Value) (* Filling in the BackPatch. *) END ; QuadNo := i END END END BackPatch ; (* Merge - joins two quad lists, QuadList2 to the end of QuadList1. A QuadList of value zero is a nul list. *) PROCEDURE Merge (QuadList1, QuadList2: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR i, j: CARDINAL ; f : QuadFrame ; BEGIN IF QuadList1=0 THEN RETURN( QuadList2 ) ELSIF QuadList2=0 THEN RETURN( QuadList1 ) ELSE i := QuadList1 ; REPEAT j := i ; f := GetQF(i) ; i := f^.Operand3 UNTIL i=0 ; ManipulateReference(j, QuadList2) ; RETURN( QuadList1 ) END END Merge ; (* Annotate - annotate the top of stack. *) PROCEDURE Annotate (a: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN IF DebugStackOn AND CompilerDebugging AND (NoOfItemsInStackAddress(BoolStack)>0) THEN f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, 1) ; (* top of stack *) WITH f^ DO IF Annotation#NIL THEN Annotation := KillString(Annotation) END ; Annotation := InitString(a) END END END Annotate ; (* OperandAnno - returns the annotation string associated with the position, n, on the stack. *) PROCEDURE OperandAnno (n: CARDINAL) : String ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PeepAddress (BoolStack, n) ; RETURN f^.Annotation END OperandAnno ; (* DisplayStack - displays the compile time symbol stack. *) PROCEDURE DisplayStack ; BEGIN IF DebugStackOn AND CompilerDebugging THEN DebugStack (NoOfItemsInStackAddress (BoolStack), OperandTno, OperandFno, OperandA, OperandD, OperandRW, OperandTok, OperandAnno) END END DisplayStack ; (* ds - tiny procedure name, useful for calling from the gdb shell. *) (* PROCEDURE ds ; BEGIN DisplayStack END ds ; *) (* DisplayQuad - displays a quadruple, QuadNo. *) PROCEDURE DisplayQuad (QuadNo: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN DSdbEnter ; fprintf1 (GetDumpFile (), '%4d ', QuadNo) ; WriteQuad(QuadNo) ; fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), '\n') ; DSdbExit END DisplayQuad ; (* DisplayProcedureAttributes - *) PROCEDURE DisplayProcedureAttributes (proc: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN IF IsCtor (proc) THEN fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), " (ctor)") END ; IF IsPublic (proc) THEN fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), " (public)") END ; IF IsExtern (proc) THEN fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), " (extern)") END ; IF IsMonoName (proc) THEN fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), " (mononame)") END END DisplayProcedureAttributes ; (* WriteQuad - Writes out the Quad BufferQuad. *) PROCEDURE WriteQuad (BufferQuad: CARDINAL) ; VAR n1, n2: Name ; f : QuadFrame ; n : Name ; l : CARDINAL ; BEGIN f := GetQF(BufferQuad) ; WITH f^ DO WriteOperator(Operator) ; fprintf1 (GetDumpFile (), ' [%d]', NoOfTimesReferenced) ; IF ConstExpr THEN fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), ' const ') ELSE fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), ' ') END ; CASE Operator OF LastForIteratorOp: WriteOperand(Operand1) ; fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), ' ') ; WriteOperand(Operand2) ; fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), ' ') ; WriteOperand(Operand3) | HighOp : WriteOperand(Operand1) ; fprintf1 (GetDumpFile (), ' %4d ', Operand2) ; WriteOperand(Operand3) | InitAddressOp, SavePriorityOp, RestorePriorityOp, SubrangeLowOp, SubrangeHighOp, BecomesOp, InclOp, ExclOp, UnboundedOp, ReturnValueOp, FunctValueOp, NegateOp, AddrOp, StringConvertCnulOp, StringConvertM2nulOp, StringLengthOp : WriteOperand(Operand1) ; fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), ' ') ; WriteOperand(Operand3) | ElementSizeOp, IfInOp, IfNotInOp, IfNotEquOp, IfEquOp, IfLessOp, IfGreOp, IfLessEquOp, IfGreEquOp : WriteOperand(Operand1) ; fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), ' ') ; WriteOperand(Operand2) ; fprintf1 (GetDumpFile (), ' %4d', Operand3) | InlineOp, RetryOp, TryOp, GotoOp : fprintf1 (GetDumpFile (), '%4d', Operand3) | StatementNoteOp : l := TokenToLineNo(Operand3, 0) ; n := GetTokenName (Operand3) ; fprintf4 (GetDumpFile (), '%a:%d:%a (tokenno %d)', Operand1, l, n, Operand3) | LineNumberOp : fprintf2 (GetDumpFile (), '%a:%d', Operand1, Operand3) | EndFileOp : n1 := GetSymName(Operand3) ; fprintf1 (GetDumpFile (), '%a', n1) | ThrowOp, ReturnOp, CallOp, KillLocalVarOp : WriteOperand(Operand3) | ProcedureScopeOp : n1 := GetSymName(Operand2) ; n2 := GetSymName(Operand3) ; fprintf4 (GetDumpFile (), ' %4d %a %a(%d)', Operand1, n1, n2, Operand3) ; DisplayProcedureAttributes (Operand3) | NewLocalVarOp, FinallyStartOp, FinallyEndOp, InitEndOp, InitStartOp : n1 := GetSymName(Operand2) ; n2 := GetSymName(Operand3) ; fprintf3 (GetDumpFile (), ' %4d %a %a', Operand1, n1, n2) | ModuleScopeOp, StartModFileOp : n1 := GetSymName(Operand3) ; fprintf4 (GetDumpFile (), '%a:%d %a(%d)', Operand2, Operand1, n1, Operand3) | StartDefFileOp : n1 := GetSymName(Operand3) ; fprintf2 (GetDumpFile (), ' %4d %a', Operand1, n1) | OptParamOp, ParamOp : fprintf1 (GetDumpFile (), '%4d ', Operand1) ; WriteOperand(Operand2) ; fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), ' ') ; WriteOperand(Operand3) | SizeOp, RecordFieldOp, IndrXOp, XIndrOp, ArrayOp, LogicalShiftOp, LogicalRotateOp, LogicalOrOp, LogicalAndOp, LogicalXorOp, LogicalDiffOp, ArithAddOp, CoerceOp, ConvertOp, CastOp, AddOp, SubOp, MultOp, DivM2Op, ModM2Op, ModFloorOp, DivCeilOp, ModCeilOp, DivFloorOp, ModTruncOp, DivTruncOp : WriteOperand(Operand1) ; fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), ' ') ; WriteOperand(Operand2) ; fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), ' ') ; WriteOperand(Operand3) | DummyOp, CodeOnOp, CodeOffOp, ProfileOnOp, ProfileOffOp, OptimizeOnOp, OptimizeOffOp : | BuiltinConstOp : WriteOperand(Operand1) ; fprintf1 (GetDumpFile (), ' %a', Operand3) | BuiltinTypeInfoOp : WriteOperand(Operand1) ; fprintf1 (GetDumpFile (), ' %a', Operand2) ; fprintf1 (GetDumpFile (), ' %a', Operand3) | StandardFunctionOp: WriteOperand(Operand1) ; fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), ' ') ; WriteOperand(Operand2) ; fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), ' ') ; WriteOperand(Operand3) | CatchBeginOp, CatchEndOp : | RangeCheckOp, ErrorOp : WriteRangeCheck (Operand3) | SaveExceptionOp, RestoreExceptionOp: WriteOperand(Operand1) ; fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), ' ') ; WriteOperand(Operand3) ELSE InternalError ('quadruple not recognised') END END END WriteQuad ; (* WriteOperator - writes the name of the quadruple operator. *) PROCEDURE WriteOperator (Operator: QuadOperator) ; BEGIN CASE Operator OF ArithAddOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Arith + ') | InitAddressOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'InitAddress ') | LastForIteratorOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'LastForIterator ') | LogicalOrOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Or ') | LogicalAndOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'And ') | LogicalXorOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Xor ') | LogicalDiffOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Ldiff ') | LogicalShiftOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Shift ') | LogicalRotateOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Rotate ') | BecomesOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Becomes ') | IndrXOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'IndrX ') | XIndrOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'XIndr ') | ArrayOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Array ') | ElementSizeOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'ElementSize ') | RecordFieldOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'RecordField ') | AddrOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Addr ') | SizeOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Size ') | IfInOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'If IN ') | IfNotInOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'If NOT IN ') | IfNotEquOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'If <> ') | IfEquOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'If = ') | IfLessEquOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'If <= ') | IfGreEquOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'If >= ') | IfGreOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'If > ') | IfLessOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'If < ') | GotoOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Goto ') | DummyOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Dummy ') | ModuleScopeOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'ModuleScopeOp ') | StartDefFileOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'StartDefFile ') | StartModFileOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'StartModFile ') | EndFileOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'EndFileOp ') | InitStartOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'InitStart ') | InitEndOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'InitEnd ') | FinallyStartOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'FinallyStart ') | FinallyEndOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'FinallyEnd ') | RetryOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Retry ') | TryOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Try ') | ThrowOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Throw ') | CatchBeginOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'CatchBegin ') | CatchEndOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'CatchEnd ') | AddOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), '+ ') | SubOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), '- ') | DivM2Op : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'DIV M2 ') | ModM2Op : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'MOD M2 ') | DivCeilOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'DIV ceil ') | ModCeilOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'MOD ceil ') | DivFloorOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'DIV floor ') | ModFloorOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'MOD floor ') | DivTruncOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'DIV trunc ') | ModTruncOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'MOD trunc ') | MultOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), '* ') | NegateOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Negate ') | InclOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Incl ') | ExclOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Excl ') | ReturnOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Return ') | ReturnValueOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'ReturnValue ') | FunctValueOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'FunctValue ') | CallOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Call ') | ParamOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Param ') | OptParamOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'OptParam ') | NewLocalVarOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'NewLocalVar ') | KillLocalVarOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'KillLocalVar ') | ProcedureScopeOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'ProcedureScope ') | UnboundedOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Unbounded ') | CoerceOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Coerce ') | ConvertOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Convert ') | CastOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Cast ') | HighOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'High ') | CodeOnOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'CodeOn ') | CodeOffOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'CodeOff ') | ProfileOnOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'ProfileOn ') | ProfileOffOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'ProfileOff ') | OptimizeOnOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'OptimizeOn ') | OptimizeOffOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'OptimizeOff ') | InlineOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Inline ') | StatementNoteOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'StatementNote ') | LineNumberOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'LineNumber ') | BuiltinConstOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'BuiltinConst ') | BuiltinTypeInfoOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'BuiltinTypeInfo ') | StandardFunctionOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'StandardFunction ') | SavePriorityOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'SavePriority ') | RestorePriorityOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'RestorePriority ') | RangeCheckOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'RangeCheck ') | ErrorOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'Error ') | SaveExceptionOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'SaveException ') | RestoreExceptionOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'RestoreException ') | StringConvertCnulOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'StringConvertCnul ') | StringConvertM2nulOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'StringConvertM2nul') | StringLengthOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'StringLength ') | SubrangeHighOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'SubrangeHigh ') | SubrangeLowOp : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'SubrangeLow ') ELSE InternalError ('operator not expected') END END WriteOperator ; (* WriteOperand - displays the operands name, symbol id and mode of addressing. *) PROCEDURE WriteOperand (Sym: CARDINAL) ; VAR n: Name ; BEGIN IF Sym = NulSym THEN fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), '<nulsym>') ELSE n := GetSymName (Sym) ; fprintf1 (GetDumpFile (), '%a', n) ; IF IsVar (Sym) OR IsConst (Sym) THEN fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), '[') ; WriteMode (GetMode (Sym)) ; fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), ']') END ; fprintf1 (GetDumpFile (), '(%d)', Sym) END END WriteOperand ; PROCEDURE WriteMode (Mode: ModeOfAddr) ; BEGIN CASE Mode OF ImmediateValue: fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'i') | NoValue : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'n') | RightValue : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'r') | LeftValue : fprintf0 (GetDumpFile (), 'l') ELSE InternalError ('unrecognised mode') END END WriteMode ; (* GetQuadOp - returns the operator for quad. *) PROCEDURE GetQuadOp (quad: CARDINAL) : QuadOperator ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF (quad) ; RETURN f^.Operator END GetQuadOp ; (* GetM2OperatorDesc - returns the Modula-2 string associated with the quad operator (if possible). It returns NIL if no there is not an obvious match in Modula-2. It is assummed that the string will be used during construction of error messages and therefore keywords are wrapped with a format specifier. *) PROCEDURE GetM2OperatorDesc (op: QuadOperator) : String ; BEGIN CASE op OF NegateOp : RETURN InitString ('-') | AddOp : RETURN InitString ('+') | SubOp : RETURN InitString ('-') | MultOp : RETURN InitString ('*') | DivM2Op, DivCeilOp, DivFloorOp, DivTruncOp : RETURN InitString ('{%kDIV}') | ModM2Op, ModCeilOp, ModFloorOp : RETURN InitString ('{%kMOD}') | ModTruncOp : RETURN InitString ('{%kREM}') | LogicalOrOp : RETURN InitString ('{%kOR}') | LogicalAndOp: RETURN InitString ('{%kAND}') | InclOp : RETURN InitString ('{%kINCL}') | ExclOp : RETURN InitString ('{%kEXCL}') | IfEquOp : RETURN InitString ('=') | IfLessEquOp : RETURN InitString ('<=') | IfGreEquOp : RETURN InitString ('>=') | IfGreOp : RETURN InitString ('>') | IfLessOp : RETURN InitString ('<') | IfNotEquOp : RETURN InitString ('#') | IfInOp : RETURN InitString ('IN') | IfNotInOp : RETURN InitString ('NOT IN') ELSE RETURN NIL END END GetM2OperatorDesc ; (* PushExit - pushes the exit value onto the EXIT stack. *) PROCEDURE PushExit (Exit: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN PushWord(ExitStack, Exit) END PushExit ; (* PopExit - pops the exit value from the EXIT stack. *) PROCEDURE PopExit() : WORD ; BEGIN RETURN( PopWord(ExitStack) ) END PopExit ; (* PushFor - pushes the exit value onto the FOR stack. *) PROCEDURE PushFor (Exit: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN PushWord(ForStack, Exit) END PushFor ; (* PopFor - pops the exit value from the FOR stack. *) PROCEDURE PopFor() : WORD ; BEGIN RETURN( PopWord(ForStack) ) END PopFor ; (* OperandTno - returns the ident operand stored in the true position on the boolean stack. This is exactly the same as OperandT but it has no IsBoolean checking. *) PROCEDURE OperandTno (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN Assert(pos>0) ; f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pos) ; RETURN( f^.TrueExit ) END OperandTno ; (* OperandFno - returns the ident operand stored in the false position on the boolean stack. This is exactly the same as OperandF but it has no IsBoolean checking. *) PROCEDURE OperandFno (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN Assert(pos>0) ; f := PeepAddress (BoolStack, pos) ; RETURN f^.FalseExit END OperandFno ; (* OperandTtok - returns the token associated with the position, pos on the boolean stack. *) PROCEDURE OperandTtok (pos: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN Assert (pos > 0) ; f := PeepAddress (BoolStack, pos) ; RETURN f^.tokenno END OperandTtok ; (* PopBooltok - Pops a True and a False exit quad number from the True/False stack. *) PROCEDURE PopBooltok (VAR True, False: CARDINAL; VAR tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PopAddress (BoolStack) ; WITH f^ DO True := TrueExit ; False := FalseExit ; tokno := tokenno ; Assert (BooleanOp) END ; DISPOSE (f) END PopBooltok ; (* PushBooltok - Push a True and a False exit quad numbers onto the True/False stack. *) PROCEDURE PushBooltok (True, False: CARDINAL; tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN Assert (True<=NextQuad) ; Assert (False<=NextQuad) ; f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; FalseExit := False ; BooleanOp := TRUE ; tokenno := tokno ; Annotation := NIL ; RangeDep := 0 END ; PushAddress (BoolStack, f) ; Annotate ('<q%1d>|<q%2d>||true quad|false quad') END PushBooltok ; (* PopBool - Pops a True and a False exit quad number from the True/False stack. *) PROCEDURE PopBool (VAR True, False: CARDINAL) ; VAR tokno: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopBooltok (True, False, tokno) END PopBool ; (* PushBool - Push a True and a False exit quad numbers onto the True/False stack. *) PROCEDURE PushBool (True, False: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN PushBooltok (True, False, UnknownTokenNo) END PushBool ; (* IsBoolean - returns true is the Stack position pos contains a Boolean Exit. False is returned if an Ident is stored. *) PROCEDURE IsBoolean (pos: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN Assert(pos>0) ; f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pos) ; RETURN( f^.BooleanOp ) END IsBoolean ; (* OperandD - returns possible array dimension associated with the ident operand stored on the boolean stack. *) PROCEDURE OperandD (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN Assert(pos>0) ; Assert(NOT IsBoolean (pos)) ; f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pos) ; RETURN( f^.Dimension ) END OperandD ; (* OperandA - returns possible array symbol associated with the ident operand stored on the boolean stack. *) PROCEDURE OperandA (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN Assert(pos>0) ; Assert(NOT IsBoolean (pos)) ; f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pos) ; RETURN( f^.Unbounded ) END OperandA ; (* OperandT - returns the ident operand stored in the true position on the boolean stack. *) PROCEDURE OperandT (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ; BEGIN Assert(NOT IsBoolean (pos)) ; RETURN( OperandTno(pos) ) END OperandT ; (* OperandF - returns the ident operand stored in the false position on the boolean stack. *) PROCEDURE OperandF (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ; BEGIN Assert(NOT IsBoolean (pos)) ; RETURN( OperandFno(pos) ) END OperandF ; (* OperandRW - returns the rw operand stored on the boolean stack. *) PROCEDURE OperandRW (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN Assert(pos>0) ; Assert(NOT IsBoolean (pos)) ; f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pos) ; RETURN( f^.ReadWrite ) END OperandRW ; (* OperandMergeRW - returns the rw operand if not NulSym else it returns True. *) PROCEDURE OperandMergeRW (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ; BEGIN IF OperandRW (pos) = NulSym THEN RETURN OperandT (pos) ELSE RETURN OperandRW (pos) END END OperandMergeRW ; (* OperandTok - returns the token associated with pos, on the stack. *) PROCEDURE OperandTok (pos: CARDINAL) : WORD ; BEGIN Assert (NOT IsBoolean (pos)) ; RETURN OperandTtok (pos) END OperandTok ; (* OperandRangeDep - return the range dependant associated with the quad stack. *) PROCEDURE OperandRangeDep (pos: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN Assert (NOT IsBoolean (pos)) ; f := PeepAddress (BoolStack, pos) ; RETURN f^.RangeDep END OperandRangeDep ; (* PutRangeDep - assigns the quad stack pos RangeDep to dep. *) PROCEDURE PutRangeDep (pos: CARDINAL; dep: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN Assert (NOT IsBoolean (pos)) ; f := PeepAddress (BoolStack, pos) ; f^.RangeDep := dep END PutRangeDep ; (* BuildCodeOn - generates a quadruple declaring that code should be emmitted from henceforth. The Stack is unnaffected. *) PROCEDURE BuildCodeOn ; BEGIN GenQuad(CodeOnOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym) END BuildCodeOn ; (* BuildCodeOff - generates a quadruple declaring that code should not be emmitted from henceforth. The Stack is unnaffected. *) PROCEDURE BuildCodeOff ; BEGIN GenQuad(CodeOffOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym) END BuildCodeOff ; (* BuildProfileOn - generates a quadruple declaring that profile timings should be emmitted from henceforth. The Stack is unnaffected. *) PROCEDURE BuildProfileOn ; BEGIN GenQuad(ProfileOnOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym) END BuildProfileOn ; (* BuildProfileOn - generates a quadruple declaring that profile timings should be emmitted from henceforth. The Stack is unnaffected. *) PROCEDURE BuildProfileOff ; BEGIN GenQuad(ProfileOffOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym) END BuildProfileOff ; (* BuildOptimizeOn - generates a quadruple declaring that optimization should occur from henceforth. The Stack is unnaffected. *) PROCEDURE BuildOptimizeOn ; BEGIN GenQuad(OptimizeOnOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym) END BuildOptimizeOn ; (* BuildOptimizeOff - generates a quadruple declaring that optimization should not occur from henceforth. The Stack is unnaffected. *) PROCEDURE BuildOptimizeOff ; BEGIN GenQuad (OptimizeOffOp, NulSym, NulSym, NulSym) END BuildOptimizeOff ; (* BuildAsm - builds an Inline pseudo quadruple operator. The inline interface, Sym, is stored as the operand to the operator InlineOp. The stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +--------------+ | Sym | Empty |--------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildAsm (tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR Sym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT (Sym) ; GenQuadO (tok, InlineOp, NulSym, NulSym, Sym, FALSE) END BuildAsm ; (* BuildLineNo - builds a LineNumberOp pseudo quadruple operator. This quadruple indicates which source line has been processed, these quadruples are only generated if we are producing runtime debugging information. The stack is not affected, read or altered in any way. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr *) PROCEDURE BuildLineNo ; VAR filename: Name ; f : QuadFrame ; BEGIN IF (NextQuad#Head) AND (GenerateLineDebug OR GenerateDebugging) AND FALSE THEN filename := makekey (string (GetFileName ())) ; f := GetQF (NextQuad-1) ; IF NOT ((f^.Operator = LineNumberOp) AND (f^.Operand1 = WORD (filename))) THEN GenQuad (LineNumberOp, WORD (filename), NulSym, WORD (GetLineNo ())) END END END BuildLineNo ; (* UseLineNote - uses the line note and returns it to the free list. *) PROCEDURE UseLineNote (l: LineNote) ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN WITH l^ DO f := GetQF (NextQuad-1) ; IF (f^.Operator = LineNumberOp) AND (f^.Operand1 = WORD (File)) THEN (* do nothing *) ELSE IF FALSE THEN GenQuad (LineNumberOp, WORD (File), NulSym, WORD (Line)) END END ; Next := FreeLineList END ; FreeLineList := l END UseLineNote ; (* PopLineNo - pops a line note from the line stack. *) PROCEDURE PopLineNo () : LineNote ; VAR l: LineNote ; BEGIN l := PopAddress(LineStack) ; IF l=NIL THEN InternalError ('no line note available') END ; RETURN( l ) END PopLineNo ; (* InitLineNote - creates a line note and initializes it to contain, file, line. *) PROCEDURE InitLineNote (file: Name; line: CARDINAL) : LineNote ; VAR l: LineNote ; BEGIN IF FreeLineList=NIL THEN NEW(l) ELSE l := FreeLineList ; FreeLineList := FreeLineList^.Next END ; WITH l^ DO File := file ; Line := line END ; RETURN( l ) END InitLineNote ; (* PushLineNote - *) PROCEDURE PushLineNote (l: LineNote) ; BEGIN PushAddress(LineStack, l) END PushLineNote ; (* PushLineNo - pushes the current file and line number to the stack. *) PROCEDURE PushLineNo ; BEGIN PushLineNote(InitLineNote(makekey(string(GetFileName())), GetLineNo())) END PushLineNo ; (* BuildStmtNote - builds a StatementNoteOp pseudo quadruple operator. This quadruple indicates which source line has been processed and it represents the start of a statement sequence. It differs from LineNumberOp in that multiple successive LineNumberOps will be removed and the final one is attached to the next real GCC tree. Whereas a StatementNoteOp is always left alone. Depending upon the debugging level it will issue a nop instruction to ensure that the gdb single step will step into this line. Practically it allows pedalogical debugging to occur when there is syntax sugar such as: END (* step *) END (* step *) END ; (* step *) a := 1 ; (* step *) REPEAT (* step *) i := 1 (* step *) The stack is not affected, read or altered in any way. Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> <- Ptr *) PROCEDURE BuildStmtNote (offset: INTEGER) ; VAR tokenno: INTEGER ; BEGIN IF NextQuad#Head THEN tokenno := offset ; INC (tokenno, GetTokenNo ()) ; BuildStmtNoteTok (VAL(CARDINAL, tokenno)) END END BuildStmtNote ; (* BuildStmtNoteTok - adds a nop (with an assigned tokenno location) to the code. *) PROCEDURE BuildStmtNoteTok (tokenno: CARDINAL) ; VAR filename: Name ; f : QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF (NextQuad-1) ; (* no need to have multiple notes at the same position. *) IF (f^.Operator # StatementNoteOp) OR (f^.Operand3 # tokenno) THEN filename := makekey (string (GetFileName ())) ; GenQuad (StatementNoteOp, WORD (filename), NulSym, tokenno) END END BuildStmtNoteTok ; (* AddRecordToList - adds the record held on the top of stack to the list of records and varient fields. *) PROCEDURE AddRecordToList ; VAR r: CARDINAL ; n: CARDINAL ; BEGIN r := OperandT(1) ; Assert(IsRecord(r) OR IsFieldVarient(r)) ; (* r might be a field varient if the declaration consists of nested varients. However ISO TSIZE can only utilise record types, we store a varient field anyway as the next pass would not know whether to ignore a varient field. *) PutItemIntoList (VarientFields, r) ; IF DebugVarients THEN n := NoOfItemsInList(VarientFields) ; IF IsRecord(r) THEN printf2('in list: record %d is %d\n', n, r) ELSE printf2('in list: varient field %d is %d\n', n, r) END END END AddRecordToList ; (* AddVarientToList - adds varient held on the top of stack to the list. *) PROCEDURE AddVarientToList ; VAR v, n: CARDINAL ; BEGIN v := OperandT(1) ; Assert(IsVarient(v)) ; PutItemIntoList(VarientFields, v) ; IF DebugVarients THEN n := NoOfItemsInList(VarientFields) ; printf2('in list: varient %d is %d\n', n, v) END END AddVarientToList ; (* AddVarientFieldToList - adds varient field, f, to the list of all varient fields created. *) PROCEDURE AddVarientFieldToList (f: CARDINAL) ; VAR n: CARDINAL ; BEGIN Assert(IsFieldVarient(f)) ; PutItemIntoList(VarientFields, f) ; IF DebugVarients THEN n := NoOfItemsInList(VarientFields) ; printf2('in list: varient field %d is %d\n', n, f) END END AddVarientFieldToList ; (* GetRecordOrField - *) PROCEDURE GetRecordOrField () : CARDINAL ; VAR f: CARDINAL ; BEGIN INC(VarientFieldNo) ; f := GetItemFromList(VarientFields, VarientFieldNo) ; IF DebugVarients THEN IF IsRecord(f) THEN printf2('out list: record %d is %d\n', VarientFieldNo, f) ELSE printf2('out list: varient field %d is %d\n', VarientFieldNo, f) END END ; RETURN( f ) END GetRecordOrField ; (* BeginVarient - begin a varient record. *) PROCEDURE BeginVarient ; VAR r, v: CARDINAL ; BEGIN r := GetRecordOrField() ; Assert(IsRecord(r) OR IsFieldVarient(r)) ; v := GetRecordOrField() ; Assert(IsVarient(v)) ; BuildRange(InitCaseBounds(PushCase(r, v, NulSym))) END BeginVarient ; (* EndVarient - end a varient record. *) PROCEDURE EndVarient ; BEGIN PopCase END EndVarient ; (* ElseVarient - associate an ELSE clause with a varient record. *) PROCEDURE ElseVarient ; VAR f: CARDINAL ; BEGIN f := GetRecordOrField() ; Assert(IsFieldVarient(f)) ; ElseCase(f) END ElseVarient ; (* BeginVarientList - begin an ident list containing ranges belonging to a varient list. *) PROCEDURE BeginVarientList ; VAR f: CARDINAL ; BEGIN f := GetRecordOrField() ; Assert(IsFieldVarient(f)) ; BeginCaseList(f) END BeginVarientList ; (* EndVarientList - end a range list for a varient field. *) PROCEDURE EndVarientList ; BEGIN EndCaseList END EndVarientList ; (* AddVarientRange - creates a range from the top two contant expressions on the stack which are recorded with the current varient field. The stack is unaltered. *) PROCEDURE AddVarientRange ; VAR r1, r2: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(r2) ; PopT(r1) ; AddRange(r1, r2, GetTokenNo()) END AddVarientRange ; (* AddVarientEquality - adds the contant expression on the top of the stack to the current varient field being recorded. The stack is unaltered. *) PROCEDURE AddVarientEquality ; VAR r1: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopT(r1) ; AddRange(r1, NulSym, GetTokenNo()) END AddVarientEquality ; (* BuildAsmElement - the stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------------+ | expr | tokpos | |------------------| | str | |------------------| | name | |------------------| +------------------+ | CurrentInterface | | CurrentInterface | |------------------| |------------------| | CurrentAsm | | CurrentAsm | |------------------| |------------------| | n | | n | |------------------| |------------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildAsmElement (input, output: BOOLEAN) ; CONST DebugAsmTokPos = FALSE ; VAR s : String ; n, str, expr, tokpos, CurrentInterface, CurrentAsm, name : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok (expr, tokpos) ; PopT (str) ; PopT (name) ; PopT (CurrentInterface) ; PopT (CurrentAsm) ; Assert (IsGnuAsm (CurrentAsm) OR IsGnuAsmVolatile (CurrentAsm)) ; PopT (n) ; INC (n) ; IF CurrentInterface = NulSym THEN CurrentInterface := MakeRegInterface () END ; IF input THEN PutRegInterface (tokpos, CurrentInterface, n, name, str, expr, NextQuad, 0) ; IF DebugAsmTokPos THEN s := InitString ('input expression') ; WarnStringAt (s, tokpos) END END ; IF output THEN PutRegInterface (tokpos, CurrentInterface, n, name, str, expr, 0, NextQuad) ; IF DebugAsmTokPos THEN s := InitString ('output expression') ; WarnStringAt (s, tokpos) END END ; PushT (n) ; PushT (CurrentAsm) ; PushT (CurrentInterface) END BuildAsmElement ; (* BuildAsmTrash - the stack is expected to contain: Entry Exit ===== ==== Ptr -> +------------------+ | expr | tokpos | |------------------| +------------------+ | CurrentInterface | | CurrentInterface | |------------------| |------------------| | CurrentAsm | | CurrentAsm | |------------------| |------------------| | n | | n | |------------------| |------------------| *) PROCEDURE BuildAsmTrash ; VAR n, expr, tokpos, CurrentInterface, CurrentAsm : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PopTtok (expr, tokpos) ; PopT (CurrentInterface) ; PopT (CurrentAsm) ; Assert (IsGnuAsm (CurrentAsm) OR IsGnuAsmVolatile (CurrentAsm)) ; PopT (n) ; INC (n) ; IF CurrentInterface = NulSym THEN CurrentInterface := MakeRegInterface () END ; PutRegInterface (tokpos, CurrentInterface, n, NulName, NulSym, expr, 0, NextQuad) ; PushT (n) ; PushT (CurrentAsm) ; PushT (CurrentInterface) END BuildAsmTrash ; (* IncOperandD - increment the dimension number associated with symbol at, pos, on the boolean stack. *) (* PROCEDURE IncOperandD (pos: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PeepAddress(BoolStack, pos) ; INC(f^.Dimension) END IncOperandD ; *) (* PushTFA - Push True, False, Array, numbers onto the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PushTFA (True, False, Array: WORD) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; FalseExit := False ; Unbounded := Array END ; PushAddress(BoolStack, f) END PushTFA ; (* PushTFAD - Push True, False, Array, Dim, numbers onto the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PushTFAD (True, False, Array, Dim: WORD) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; FalseExit := False ; Unbounded := Array ; Dimension := Dim END ; PushAddress(BoolStack, f) END PushTFAD ; (* PushTFADtok - Push True, False, Array, Dim, numbers onto the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PushTFADtok (True, False, Array, Dim: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; FalseExit := False ; Unbounded := Array ; Dimension := Dim ; tokenno := tokno END ; PushAddress (BoolStack, f) END PushTFADtok ; (* PushTFADrwtok - Push True, False, Array, Dim, rw, numbers onto the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PushTFADrwtok (True, False, Array, Dim, rw: WORD; Tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; FalseExit := False ; Unbounded := Array ; Dimension := Dim ; ReadWrite := rw ; tokenno := Tok END ; PushAddress (BoolStack, f) END PushTFADrwtok ; (* PopTFrwtok - Pop a True and False number from the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PopTFrwtok (VAR True, False, rw: WORD; VAR tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ; WITH f^ DO True := TrueExit ; False := FalseExit ; Assert(NOT BooleanOp) ; rw := ReadWrite ; tokno := tokenno END ; DISPOSE(f) END PopTFrwtok ; (* PushTFrwtok - Push an item onto the stack in the T (true) position, it is assummed to be a token and its token location is recorded. *) PROCEDURE PushTFrwtok (True, False, rw: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; FalseExit := False ; ReadWrite := rw ; tokenno := tokno END ; PushAddress(BoolStack, f) END PushTFrwtok ; (* PushTFDtok - Push True, False, Dim, numbers onto the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PushTFDtok (True, False, Dim: WORD; Tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; FalseExit := False ; Dimension := Dim ; tokenno := Tok END ; PushAddress (BoolStack, f) END PushTFDtok ; (* PopTFDtok - Pop a True, False, Dim number from the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PopTFDtok (VAR True, False, Dim: WORD; VAR Tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ; WITH f^ DO True := TrueExit ; False := FalseExit ; Dim := Dimension ; Tok := tokenno ; Assert(NOT BooleanOp) END ; DISPOSE(f) END PopTFDtok ; (* PushTFDrwtok - Push True, False, Dim, numbers onto the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PushTFDrwtok (True, False, Dim, rw: WORD; Tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; FalseExit := False ; Dimension := Dim ; ReadWrite := rw ; tokenno := Tok END ; PushAddress (BoolStack, f) END PushTFDrwtok ; (* PushTFrw - Push a True and False numbers onto the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. It also pushes the higher level symbol which is associated with the True symbol. Eg record variable or array variable. *) PROCEDURE PushTFrw (True, False: WORD; rw: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; FalseExit := False ; ReadWrite := rw END ; PushAddress(BoolStack, f) END PushTFrw ; (* PopTFrw - Pop a True and False number from the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PopTFrw (VAR True, False, rw: WORD) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ; WITH f^ DO True := TrueExit ; False := FalseExit ; Assert(NOT BooleanOp) ; rw := ReadWrite END ; DISPOSE(f) END PopTFrw ; (* PushTF - Push a True and False numbers onto the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PushTF (True, False: WORD) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; FalseExit := False END ; PushAddress(BoolStack, f) END PushTF ; (* PopTF - Pop a True and False number from the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PopTF (VAR True, False: WORD) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ; WITH f^ DO True := TrueExit ; False := FalseExit ; Assert(NOT BooleanOp) END ; DISPOSE(f) END PopTF ; (* DupFrame - duplicate the top of stack and push the new frame. *) PROCEDURE DupFrame ; VAR f, newf: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PopAddress (BoolStack) ; PushAddress (BoolStack, f) ; newf := newBoolFrame () ; newf^ := f^ ; PushAddress (BoolStack, newf) END DupFrame ; (* newBoolFrame - creates a new BoolFrame with all fields initialised to their defaults. *) PROCEDURE newBoolFrame () : BoolFrame ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN NEW (f) ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := 0 ; FalseExit := 0 ; Unbounded := NulSym ; BooleanOp := FALSE ; Dimension := 0 ; ReadWrite := NulSym ; name := NulSym ; Annotation := NIL ; tokenno := UnknownTokenNo END ; RETURN f END newBoolFrame ; (* PushTtok - Push an item onto the stack in the T (true) position, it is assummed to be a token and its token location is recorded. *) PROCEDURE PushTtok (True: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN (* PrintTokenNo (tokno) ; *) f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; tokenno := tokno END ; PushAddress (BoolStack, f) END PushTtok ; (* PushT - Push an item onto the stack in the T (true) position. *) PROCEDURE PushT (True: WORD) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True END ; PushAddress (BoolStack, f) END PushT ; (* PopT - Pops the T value from the stack. *) PROCEDURE PopT (VAR True: WORD) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PopAddress (BoolStack) ; WITH f^ DO True := TrueExit ; Assert(NOT BooleanOp) END ; DISPOSE(f) END PopT ; (* PopTtok - Pops the T value from the stack and token position. *) PROCEDURE PopTtok (VAR True: WORD; VAR tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ; WITH f^ DO True := TrueExit ; tok := tokenno ; Assert(NOT BooleanOp) END ; DISPOSE(f) END PopTtok ; (* PushTrw - Push an item onto the True/False stack. The False value will be zero. *) (* PROCEDURE PushTrw (True: WORD; rw: WORD) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; ReadWrite := rw END ; PushAddress(BoolStack, f) END PushTrw ; *) (* PushTrwtok - Push an item onto the True/False stack. The False value will be zero. *) PROCEDURE PushTrwtok (True: WORD; rw: WORD; tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; ReadWrite := rw ; tokenno := tok END ; PushAddress(BoolStack, f) END PushTrwtok ; (* PopTrw - Pop a True field and rw symbol from the stack. *) PROCEDURE PopTrw (VAR True, rw: WORD) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ; WITH f^ DO True := TrueExit ; Assert(NOT BooleanOp) ; rw := ReadWrite END ; DISPOSE(f) END PopTrw ; (* PopTrwtok - Pop a True field and rw symbol from the stack. *) PROCEDURE PopTrwtok (VAR True, rw: WORD; VAR tok: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ; WITH f^ DO True := TrueExit ; Assert(NOT BooleanOp) ; rw := ReadWrite ; tok := tokenno END ; DISPOSE(f) END PopTrwtok ; (* PushTFn - Push a True and False numbers onto the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PushTFn (True, False, n: WORD) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; FalseExit := False ; name := n END ; PushAddress(BoolStack, f) END PushTFn ; (* PushTFntok - Push a True and False numbers onto the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PushTFntok (True, False, n: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; FalseExit := False ; name := n ; tokenno := tokno END ; PushAddress (BoolStack, f) END PushTFntok ; (* PopTFn - Pop a True and False number from the True/False stack. True and False are assumed to contain Symbols or Ident etc. *) PROCEDURE PopTFn (VAR True, False, n: WORD) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ; WITH f^ DO True := TrueExit ; False := FalseExit ; n := name ; Assert(NOT BooleanOp) END ; DISPOSE(f) END PopTFn ; (* PopNothing - pops the top element on the boolean stack. *) PROCEDURE PopNothing ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ; DISPOSE(f) END PopNothing ; (* PopN - pops multiple elements from the BoolStack. *) PROCEDURE PopN (n: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN WHILE n>0 DO PopNothing ; DEC(n) END END PopN ; (* PushTFtok - Push an item onto the stack in the T (true) position, it is assummed to be a token and its token location is recorded. *) PROCEDURE PushTFtok (True, False: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; FalseExit := False ; tokenno := tokno END ; PushAddress(BoolStack, f) END PushTFtok ; (* PopTFtok - Pop T/F/tok from the stack. *) PROCEDURE PopTFtok (VAR True, False: WORD; VAR tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := PopAddress(BoolStack) ; WITH f^ DO True := TrueExit ; False := FalseExit ; tokno := tokenno END END PopTFtok ; (* PushTFAtok - Push T/F/A/tok to the stack. *) PROCEDURE PushTFAtok (True, False, Array: WORD; tokno: CARDINAL) ; VAR f: BoolFrame ; BEGIN f := newBoolFrame () ; WITH f^ DO TrueExit := True ; FalseExit := False ; Unbounded := Array ; tokenno := tokno END ; PushAddress(BoolStack, f) END PushTFAtok ; (* Top - returns the no of items held in the stack. *) PROCEDURE Top () : CARDINAL ; BEGIN RETURN( NoOfItemsInStackAddress(BoolStack) ) END Top ; (* PushAutoOn - push the auto flag and then set it to TRUE. Any call to ident in the parser will result in the token being pushed. *) PROCEDURE PushAutoOn ; BEGIN PushWord(AutoStack, IsAutoOn) ; IsAutoOn := TRUE END PushAutoOn ; (* PushAutoOff - push the auto flag and then set it to FALSE. *) PROCEDURE PushAutoOff ; BEGIN PushWord(AutoStack, IsAutoOn) ; IsAutoOn := FALSE END PushAutoOff ; (* IsAutoPushOn - returns the value of the current Auto ident push flag. *) PROCEDURE IsAutoPushOn () : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( IsAutoOn ) END IsAutoPushOn ; (* PopAuto - restores the previous value of the Auto flag. *) PROCEDURE PopAuto ; BEGIN IsAutoOn := PopWord(AutoStack) END PopAuto ; (* PushInConstExpression - push the InConstExpression flag and then set it to TRUE. *) PROCEDURE PushInConstExpression ; BEGIN PushWord(ConstExprStack, InConstExpression) ; InConstExpression := TRUE END PushInConstExpression ; (* PopInConstExpression - restores the previous value of the InConstExpression. *) PROCEDURE PopInConstExpression ; BEGIN InConstExpression := PopWord(ConstExprStack) END PopInConstExpression ; (* IsInConstExpression - returns the value of the InConstExpression. *) PROCEDURE IsInConstExpression () : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( InConstExpression ) END IsInConstExpression ; (* PushInConstParameters - push the InConstParameters flag and then set it to TRUE. *) PROCEDURE PushInConstParameters ; BEGIN PushWord (ConstParamStack, InConstParameters) ; InConstParameters := TRUE END PushInConstParameters ; (* PopInConstParameters - restores the previous value of the InConstParameters. *) PROCEDURE PopInConstParameters ; BEGIN InConstParameters := PopWord(ConstParamStack) END PopInConstParameters ; (* IsInConstParameters - returns the value of the InConstParameters. *) PROCEDURE IsInConstParameters () : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( InConstParameters ) END IsInConstParameters ; (* MustCheckOverflow - returns TRUE if the quadruple should test for overflow. *) PROCEDURE MustCheckOverflow (q: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR f: QuadFrame ; BEGIN f := GetQF(q) ; RETURN( f^.CheckOverflow ) END MustCheckOverflow ; (* StressStack - *) (* PROCEDURE StressStack ; CONST Maxtries = 1000 ; VAR n, i, j: CARDINAL ; BEGIN PushT(1) ; PopT(i) ; Assert(i=1) ; FOR n := 1 TO Maxtries DO FOR i := n TO 1 BY -1 DO PushT(i) END ; FOR i := n TO 1 BY -1 DO Assert(OperandT(i)=i) END ; FOR i := 1 TO n DO Assert(OperandT(i)=i) END ; FOR i := 1 TO n BY 10 DO Assert(OperandT(i)=i) END ; IF (n>1) AND (n MOD 2 = 0) THEN FOR i := 1 TO n DIV 2 DO PopT(j) ; Assert(j=i) END ; FOR i := n DIV 2 TO 1 BY -1 DO PushT(i) END END ; FOR i := 1 TO n DO PopT(j) ; Assert(j=i) END END END StressStack ; *) (* Init - initialize the M2Quads module, all the stacks, all the lists and the quads list. *) PROCEDURE Init ; BEGIN LogicalOrTok := MakeKey('_LOR') ; LogicalAndTok := MakeKey('_LAND') ; LogicalXorTok := MakeKey('_LXOR') ; LogicalDifferenceTok := MakeKey('_LDIFF') ; ArithPlusTok := MakeKey ('_ARITH_+') ; QuadArray := InitIndexTuned (1, 1024*1024 DIV 16, 16) ; FreeList := 1 ; NewQuad(NextQuad) ; Assert(NextQuad=1) ; BoolStack := InitStackAddress() ; ExitStack := InitStackWord() ; RepeatStack := InitStackWord() ; WhileStack := InitStackWord() ; ForStack := InitStackWord() ; WithStack := InitStackAddress() ; ReturnStack := InitStackWord() ; LineStack := InitStackAddress() ; PriorityStack := InitStackWord() ; TryStack := InitStackWord() ; CatchStack := InitStackWord() ; ExceptStack := InitStackWord() ; ConstructorStack := InitStackAddress() ; ConstParamStack := InitStackWord () ; ConstExprStack := InitStackWord () ; (* StressStack ; *) SuppressWith := FALSE ; Head := 1 ; LastQuadNo := 0 ; MustNotCheckBounds := FALSE ; InitQuad := 0 ; GrowInitialization := 0 ; ForInfo := InitIndex (1) ; QuadrupleGeneration := TRUE ; BuildingHigh := FALSE ; BuildingSize := FALSE ; AutoStack := InitStackWord() ; IsAutoOn := TRUE ; InConstExpression := FALSE ; InConstParameters := FALSE ; FreeLineList := NIL ; InitList(VarientFields) ; VarientFieldNo := 0 ; NoOfQuads := 0 ; END Init ; BEGIN Init END M2Quads.