(* M2Lex.mod provides a non tokenised lexical analyser. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE M2Lex ; FROM FIO IMPORT File, OpenToRead, ReadChar, Close, IsNoError ; FROM StrIO IMPORT ReadString, WriteString, WriteLn ; FROM StdIO IMPORT Write ; FROM NumberIO IMPORT WriteCard ; FROM ASCII IMPORT nul, lf, cr, EOL ; FROM StrLib IMPORT StrCopy, StrEqual, StrLen ; CONST LineBuf = 1 ; Wrap = LineBuf+1 ; eof = 032C ; MaxStack= 10 ; VAR f: File ; Opened : BOOLEAN ; CurrentChar : CHAR ; NextChar : CHAR ; FileName : ARRAY [0..MaxLine] OF CHAR ; Lines : ARRAY [0..LineBuf] OF ARRAY [0..255] OF CHAR ; (* Need two lines since the delimiter of the CurrentSymbol *) (* maybe on the next line. *) HighNext : CARDINAL ; (* Length of the NextChar line. *) CurLine : CARDINAL ; (* Line number of the Current Char Line. *) NextLine : CARDINAL ; (* Line number of the Next Char Line. *) IndexCur : CARDINAL ; (* Index to the Lines array for Current Ln *) IndexNext : CARDINAL ; (* Index to the Lines array for NextChar Ln *) CurSym : CARDINAL ; (* Character start of the CurrentSymbol *) CurSymLine : CARDINAL ; (* Line number of the CurrentSymbol *) CurCharIndex : CARDINAL ; (* Character number of CurChar. *) NextCharIndex : CARDINAL ; (* Character number of NextChar. *) Eof : BOOLEAN ; (* End of source file. *) InQuotes : BOOLEAN ; (* If we are in quotes. *) QuoteChar : CHAR ; (* Quote character expected. *) Stack : ARRAY [0..MaxStack] OF ARRAY [0..255] OF CHAR ; StackPtr : CARDINAL ; (* IsSym - returns the result of the comparison between CurrentSymbol and Name. *) PROCEDURE IsSym (Name: ARRAY OF CHAR) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( StrEqual(CurrentSymbol, Name) ) END IsSym ; (* SymIs - if Name is equal to the CurrentSymbol the next Symbol is read and true is returned, otherwise false is returned. *) PROCEDURE SymIs (Name: ARRAY OF CHAR) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF StrEqual(CurrentSymbol, Name) THEN GetSymbol ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END SymIs ; (* WriteError - displays the source line and points to the symbol in error. The message, a, is displayed. *) PROCEDURE WriteError (a: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; VAR i: CARDINAL ; BEGIN WriteString(FileName) ; Write(':') ; WriteCard(CurSymLine, 0) ; Write(':') ; WriteString(a) ; WriteLn ; WriteString( Lines[IndexCur] ) ; WriteLn ; i := CurSym ; WHILE i>0 DO Write(' ') ; DEC(i) END ; i := StrLen(CurrentSymbol) ; WHILE i>0 DO Write('^') ; DEC(i) END ; WriteLn ; WriteString(a) ; WriteLn ; END WriteError ; (* OpenSource - Attempts to open the source file, a. The success of the operation is returned. *) PROCEDURE OpenSource (a: ARRAY OF CHAR) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN f := OpenToRead(a) ; IF IsNoError(f) THEN StrCopy(a, FileName) ; Opened := TRUE ; Init ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE Opened := FALSE ; Eof := TRUE ; RETURN( FALSE ) END END OpenSource ; (* CloseSource - Closes the current open file. *) PROCEDURE CloseSource ; BEGIN IF Opened=TRUE THEN Opened := FALSE ; Close( f ) END END CloseSource ; (* GetSymbol - gets the next Symbol into CurrentSymbol. *) PROCEDURE GetSymbol ; BEGIN StrCopy( CurrentSymbol, LastSymbol ) ; IF StackPtr>0 THEN DEC(StackPtr) ; StrCopy( Stack[StackPtr], CurrentSymbol ) ELSE ReadSymbol( CurrentSymbol ) END END GetSymbol ; (* PutSymbol - pushes a symbol, Name, back onto the input. GetSymbol will set CurrentSymbol to, Name. *) PROCEDURE PutSymbol (Name: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; BEGIN IF StackPtr=MaxStack THEN WriteError('Maximum push back symbol exceeded - Increase CONST MaxStack') ELSE StrCopy(Name, Stack[StackPtr]) ; INC(StackPtr) END END PutSymbol ; PROCEDURE ReadSymbol (VAR a: ARRAY OF CHAR) ; VAR high, i : CARDINAL ; ok : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN high := HIGH(a) ; IF NOT Eof THEN IF InQuotes THEN i := 0 ; IF CurrentChar=QuoteChar THEN InQuotes := FALSE ; a[i] := QuoteChar ; INC(i) ; AdvanceChar ELSE (* Fill in string or character *) i := 0 ; REPEAT a[i] := CurrentChar ; INC(i) ; AdvanceChar UNTIL (CurrentChar=QuoteChar) OR Eof OR (i>high) ; END ELSE (* Get rid of all excess spaces *) REPEAT IF CurrentChar=' ' THEN WHILE (CurrentChar=' ') AND (NOT Eof) DO AdvanceChar END ; ok := FALSE ELSIF (CurrentChar='(') AND (NextChar='*') THEN ConsumeComments ; ok := FALSE ELSE ok := TRUE END UNTIL ok ; i := 0 ; CurSym := CurCharIndex ; CurSymLine := CurLine ; IF (CurrentChar='"') OR (CurrentChar="'") THEN InQuotes := TRUE ; QuoteChar := CurrentChar ; a[i] := CurrentChar ; AdvanceChar ; INC(i) ELSIF DoubleDelimiter() THEN a[i] := CurrentChar ; AdvanceChar ; INC(i) ; a[i] := CurrentChar ; AdvanceChar ; INC(i) ELSIF Delimiter() THEN a[i] := CurrentChar ; AdvanceChar ; INC(i) ELSE REPEAT a[i] := CurrentChar ; AdvanceChar ; INC(i) UNTIL Delimiter() OR (i>high) OR (CurrentChar=' ') OR Eof END END ELSE (* eof *) i := 0 ; a[i] := eof ; INC(i) END ; IF i<=HIGH(a) THEN a[i] := nul END END ReadSymbol ; (* ConsumeComments - consumes Modula-2 comments. *) PROCEDURE ConsumeComments ; VAR Level: CARDINAL ; BEGIN Level := 0 ; REPEAT IF (CurrentChar='(') AND (NextChar='*') THEN INC(Level) ELSIF (CurrentChar='*') AND (NextChar=')') THEN DEC(Level) END ; AdvanceChar ; UNTIL (Level=0) OR Eof ; AdvanceChar END ConsumeComments; (* Delimiter returns true if and only if CurrentChar is a delimiter *) PROCEDURE Delimiter() : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF (CurrentChar='-') OR (CurrentChar='+') OR (CurrentChar='*') OR (CurrentChar='\') OR (CurrentChar='|') OR (CurrentChar='(') OR (CurrentChar=')') OR (CurrentChar='"') OR (CurrentChar="'") OR (CurrentChar='{') THEN RETURN( TRUE ) ELSIF (CurrentChar='}') OR (CurrentChar='[') OR (CurrentChar=']') OR (CurrentChar='#') OR (CurrentChar='=') OR (CurrentChar='<') THEN RETURN( TRUE ) ELSIF (CurrentChar='>') OR (CurrentChar='.') OR (CurrentChar=';') OR (CurrentChar=':') OR (CurrentChar='^') OR (CurrentChar=',') THEN RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END Delimiter ; PROCEDURE DoubleDelimiter () : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN ( ((CurrentChar='>') AND (NextChar='=')) OR ((CurrentChar='<') AND (NextChar='=')) OR ((CurrentChar='<') AND (NextChar='>')) OR ((CurrentChar=':') AND (NextChar='=')) OR ((CurrentChar='.') AND (NextChar='.')) ) END DoubleDelimiter ; PROCEDURE AdvanceChar ; BEGIN IF NOT Eof THEN CurrentChar := NextChar ; CurCharIndex := NextCharIndex ; IndexCur := IndexNext ; CurLine := NextLine ; IF CurrentChar=eof THEN Eof := TRUE ELSIF NextCharIndex=HighNext THEN IndexNext := (IndexCur+1) MOD Wrap ; HighNext := 0 ; REPEAT NextChar := ReadChar(f) ; IF NOT IsNoError(f) THEN NextChar := eof ; Lines[IndexNext][HighNext] := NextChar ; INC( HighNext ) END ; WHILE (NextChar#eof) AND (NextChar#lf) AND (NextChar#cr) AND (HighNext0 ; IF HighNext>=MaxLine THEN WriteError('Line too long') ; HALT END ; Lines[IndexNext][HighNext] := ' ' ; (* Space for delimiter *) Lines[IndexNext][HighNext+1] := nul ; NextCharIndex := 0 ; NextChar := Lines[IndexNext][NextCharIndex] ELSE INC(NextCharIndex) ; NextChar := Lines[IndexNext][NextCharIndex] END END END AdvanceChar ; PROCEDURE Init ; BEGIN StackPtr := 0 ; InQuotes := FALSE ; Eof := FALSE ; IndexCur := 1 ; IndexNext := 0 ; CurCharIndex := 0 ; Lines[IndexCur][0] := nul ; HighNext := 0 ; NextCharIndex := 0 ; CurLine := 1 ; NextLine := 1 ; CurrentChar := ' ' ; NextChar := ' ' ; StrCopy("", CurrentSymbol) ; StrCopy("", LastSymbol) ; IndexCur := IndexNext END Init ; BEGIN Init END M2Lex.