(* M2GCCDeclare.def declares Modula-2 types to GCC. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) DEFINITION MODULE M2GCCDeclare ; (* Title : M2GCCDeclare Author : Gaius Mulley System : UNIX (gm2) Date : Sat Jul 17 10:28:43 1999 Description: declares Modula-2 types to GCC, only declares a type once all subcomponents are known. *) FROM SYSTEM IMPORT WORD ; FROM gcctypes IMPORT tree ; FROM M2BasicBlock IMPORT BasicBlock ; TYPE WalkAction = PROCEDURE (WORD) ; IsAction = PROCEDURE (WORD) : BOOLEAN ; (* FoldConstants - a wrapper for ResolveConstantExpressions. *) PROCEDURE FoldConstants (bb: BasicBlock) ; (* StartDeclareScope - declares types, variables associated with this scope. *) PROCEDURE StartDeclareScope (scope: CARDINAL) ; (* EndDeclareScope - *) PROCEDURE EndDeclareScope ; (* DeclareParameters - *) PROCEDURE DeclareParameters (sym: CARDINAL) ; (* DeclareConstant - if, sym, is a constant then declare it. The constant must be solvable at this point. *) PROCEDURE DeclareConstant (tokenno: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) ; (* DeclareConstructor - if, sym, is a constructor then declare it. The constructor must be solvable at this point. *) PROCEDURE DeclareConstructor (tokenno: CARDINAL; quad: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) ; (* TryDeclareConstant - try and declare a constant. If, sym, is a constant try and declare it, if we cannot then enter it into the to do list. *) PROCEDURE TryDeclareConstant (tokenno: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) ; (* TryDeclareType - try and declare a type. If sym is a type try and declare it, if we cannot then enter it into the to do list. *) PROCEDURE TryDeclareType (tokenno: CARDINAL; type: CARDINAL) ; (* TryDeclareConstructor - try and declare a constructor. If, sym, is a constructor try and declare it, if we cannot then enter it into the to do list. *) PROCEDURE TryDeclareConstructor (tokenno: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) ; (* DeclareLocalVariables - lists the Local variables for procedure together with their offset. *) PROCEDURE DeclareLocalVariables (procedure: CARDINAL) ; (* DeclareLocalVariable - declare a local variable var. *) PROCEDURE DeclareLocalVariable (var: CARDINAL) ; (* DeclareProcedure - declares procedure, sym, or all procedures inside module sym. *) PROCEDURE DeclareProcedure (sym: WORD) ; (* DeclareModuleVariables - declares Module variables for a module which inside a procedure. *) PROCEDURE DeclareModuleVariables (sym: CARDINAL) ; (* IsProcedureGccNested - returns TRUE if procedure, sym, will be considered as nested by GCC. This will occur if either its outer defining scope is a procedure or is a module which is inside a procedure. *) PROCEDURE IsProcedureGccNested (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* PoisonSymbols - poisons all gcc symbols from procedure, sym. A debugging aid. *) PROCEDURE PoisonSymbols (sym: CARDINAL) ; (* PromoteToString - declare, sym, and then promote it to a string. Note that if sym is a single character we do *not* record it as a string but as a char however we always return a string constant. *) PROCEDURE PromoteToString (tokenno: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) : tree ; (* PromoteToCString - declare, sym, and then promote it to a string. Note that if sym is a single character we do *not* record it as a string but as a char however we always return a string constant. *) PROCEDURE PromoteToCString (tokenno: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL) : tree ; (* CompletelyResolved - returns TRUE if a symbol has been completely resolved and is not partially declared (such as a record, array or procedure type). *) PROCEDURE CompletelyResolved (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; (* ConstantKnownAndUsed - *) PROCEDURE ConstantKnownAndUsed (sym: CARDINAL; t: tree) ; (* PutToBeSolvedByQuads - places, sym, in this list. *) PROCEDURE PutToBeSolvedByQuads (sym: CARDINAL) ; (* MarkExported - tell GCC to mark all exported procedures in module sym. *) PROCEDURE MarkExported (sym: CARDINAL) ; (* GetTypeMin - returns a symbol corresponding to MIN(type) *) PROCEDURE GetTypeMin (type: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; (* GetTypeMax - returns a symbol corresponding to MAX(type) *) PROCEDURE GetTypeMax (type: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; (* PrintSym - prints limited information about a symbol. *) PROCEDURE PrintSym (sym: CARDINAL) ; (* IncludeDumpSymbol - include sym into the watch list and all syms dependants. *) PROCEDURE IncludeDumpSymbol (sym: CARDINAL) ; (* DumpFilteredResolver - dumps the gimple or tree representation of all watched symbols. *) PROCEDURE DumpFilteredResolver ; (* DumpFilteredDefinitive - dumps the gimple or tree representation of all watched symbols. *) PROCEDURE DumpFilteredDefinitive ; (* InitDeclarations - initializes default types and the source filename. *) PROCEDURE InitDeclarations ; END M2GCCDeclare.