(* M2AsmUtil.mod provides utilities relating symbols in the SymbolTable. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>. This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE M2AsmUtil ; FROM SFIO IMPORT WriteS ; FROM FIO IMPORT StdOut ; FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String, string, ConCat, KillString, InitString, Mark, InitStringCharStar, ConCatChar, EqualArray ; FROM StdIO IMPORT Write ; FROM StrIO IMPORT WriteString ; FROM NameKey IMPORT WriteKey, GetKey, MakeKey, makekey, KeyToCharStar, NulName ; FROM M2Options IMPORT WholeProgram ; FROM M2Printf IMPORT printf1 ; FROM SymbolTable IMPORT NulSym, GetSymName, GetLibName, GetScope, GetBaseModule, IsInnerModule, IsVar, IsProcedure, IsModule, IsDefImp, IsExportQualified, IsExportUnQualified, IsExported, IsPublic, IsExtern, IsMonoName, IsDefinitionForC ; FROM M2Error IMPORT InternalError ; FROM m2configure IMPORT UseUnderscoreForC ; CONST Debugging = FALSE ; (* StringToKey - returns a Name, from a string and destroys the string. *) PROCEDURE StringToKey (s: String) : Name ; VAR k: Name ; BEGIN k := makekey (string (s)) ; s := KillString (s) ; RETURN k END StringToKey ; (* GetFullScopeAsmName - returns the fully qualified name for the symbol. This will take the format [DefImpModule|Module]_{InnerModule}_{Procedure}_SymbolName *) PROCEDURE GetFullScopeAsmName (sym: CARDINAL) : Name ; VAR leader: String ; scope : CARDINAL ; BEGIN scope := GetScope (sym) ; IF UseUnderscoreForC THEN leader := InitString ('_') ELSE leader := InitString ('') END ; IF IsProcedure (sym) AND IsMonoName (sym) THEN RETURN StringToKey (ConCat (leader, InitStringCharStar (KeyToCharStar (GetSymName (sym))))) ELSE RETURN StringToKey (ConCat (GetFullScopePrefix (leader, scope, sym), InitStringCharStar (KeyToCharStar (GetSymName (sym))))) END END GetFullScopeAsmName ; (* GetFullSymName - returns the NameKey for the symbol name (which also may contain the module name). *) PROCEDURE GetFullSymName (sym: CARDINAL) : Name ; VAR libname, fullsymname, module : String ; scope : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsProcedure (sym) AND IsMonoName (sym) THEN RETURN GetSymName (sym) ELSE scope := GetScope (sym) ; module := GetModulePrefix (InitString (''), sym, scope) ; fullsymname := ConCat (module, InitStringCharStar (KeyToCharStar (GetSymName (sym)))) ; IF (IsVar (sym) OR IsProcedure (sym)) AND IsExportQualified (sym) THEN WHILE NOT IsDefImp (scope) DO scope := GetScope (scope) END ; IF GetLibName (scope) # NulName THEN IF Debugging THEN printf1 ("before sym = %s , ", fullsymname) END ; libname := InitStringCharStar (KeyToCharStar (GetLibName (scope))) ; IF NOT EqualArray (libname, '') THEN IF Debugging THEN printf1 ("libname = %s , ", libname) END ; fullsymname := ConCat (ConCatChar (libname, '_'), fullsymname) ; END ; IF Debugging THEN printf1 ("after sym = %s\n", fullsymname) END END END ; RETURN StringToKey (fullsymname) END END GetFullSymName ; (* SymNeedsModulePrefix - return TRUE if symbol mod is required to have a prefix. *) PROCEDURE SymNeedsModulePrefix (sym, mod: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF IsDefImp (mod) THEN IF IsExportUnQualified (sym) THEN RETURN FALSE ELSE (* We need to force the prefix if whole program is used otherwise local symbols from multipl modules might conflict. *) RETURN WholeProgram OR IsExportQualified (sym) END ELSIF IsModule (mod) THEN RETURN WholeProgram END ; RETURN FALSE END SymNeedsModulePrefix ; (* GetModulePrefix - returns a String containing the module prefix for module, ModSym, providing symbol, Sym, is exported. Name is marked if it is appended onto the new string. *) PROCEDURE GetModulePrefix (Name: String; Sym, ModSym: CARDINAL) : String ; BEGIN IF (ModSym#NulSym) AND (ModSym#GetBaseModule()) THEN IF IsInnerModule(Sym) OR IsInnerModule(ModSym) THEN RETURN( ConCat(ConCatChar(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(ModSym))), '_'), GetModulePrefix(Name, ModSym, GetScope(ModSym))) ) ELSIF SymNeedsModulePrefix (Sym, ModSym) THEN RETURN( ConCatChar(ConCat(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(ModSym))), Mark(Name)), '_') ) END END ; RETURN( Name ) END GetModulePrefix ; (* GetFullScopePrefix - returns a String containing the full scope prefix for symbol, Sym. It honours IsExportQualified. Name is marked if it is appended onto the new string. *) PROCEDURE GetFullScopePrefix (Name: String; Scope, Sym: CARDINAL) : String ; BEGIN IF Sym#NulSym THEN IF IsInnerModule(Scope) THEN RETURN( ConCat(ConCatChar(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Scope))), '_'), GetFullScopePrefix(Name, GetScope(Scope), Sym)) ) ELSIF IsDefImp(Scope) AND IsExportQualified(Sym) THEN RETURN( ConCatChar(ConCat(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Scope))), Mark(Name)), '_') ) ELSIF IsProcedure(Scope) THEN RETURN( ConCatChar(ConCat(InitStringCharStar(KeyToCharStar(GetSymName(Scope))), Mark(Name)), '_') ) END END ; RETURN( Name ) END GetFullScopePrefix ; END M2AsmUtil.