(* M2ALU.mod gcc implementation of the M2ALU module. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE M2ALU ; (* Title : M2ALU.mod Author : Gaius Mulley System : UNIX (gm2) Date : Mon Jul 10 12:04:50 2000 Description: gcc implementation of the M2ALU module, this module provides an interface between some of the Modula-2 front end optimization routines and tree construction required so that efficient trees can be passed to gcc's backend. M2ALU allows constant expressions to be calculated. *) FROM ASCII IMPORT nul ; FROM SYSTEM IMPORT WORD, ADDRESS ; FROM NameKey IMPORT KeyToCharStar, MakeKey, CharKey ; FROM M2Error IMPORT InternalError, FlushErrors ; FROM M2Debug IMPORT Assert ; FROM Storage IMPORT ALLOCATE ; FROM StringConvert IMPORT ostoi, bstoi, stoi, hstoi ; FROM M2GCCDeclare IMPORT GetTypeMin, GetTypeMax, CompletelyResolved, DeclareConstant ; FROM M2GenGCC IMPORT PrepareCopyString, StringToChar ; FROM M2Bitset IMPORT Bitset ; FROM SymbolConversion IMPORT Mod2Gcc, GccKnowsAbout ; FROM M2Printf IMPORT printf0, printf2 ; FROM M2Base IMPORT MixTypes, GetBaseTypeMinMax, Char, IsRealType, IsComplexType, ZType ; FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String, InitString, Mark, ConCat, Slice, InitStringCharStar, KillString, InitStringChar, string ; FROM M2LexBuf IMPORT TokenToLineNo, FindFileNameFromToken, TokenToLocation ; FROM M2MetaError IMPORT MetaError0, MetaError1, MetaError2, MetaErrorStringT0, MetaErrorT0, MetaErrorT1, MetaErrorT2, MetaErrorT3 ; FROM SymbolTable IMPORT NulSym, IsEnumeration, IsSubrange, IsValueSolved, PushValue, ForeachFieldEnumerationDo, MakeTemporary, PutVar, PopValue, GetType, MakeConstLit, GetArraySubscript, IsSet, SkipType, IsRecord, IsArray, IsConst, IsConstructor, IsConstString, SkipTypeAndSubrange, GetDeclaredMod, GetSubrange, GetSymName, GetNth, GetString, GetStringLength, ModeOfAddr ; IMPORT DynamicStrings ; FROM gcctypes IMPORT location_t, tree ; FROM m2linemap IMPORT UnknownLocation ; FROM m2expr IMPORT BuildAdd, BuildSub, BuildMult, BuildDivTrunc, BuildModTrunc, BuildDivFloor, BuildModFloor, BuildLSL, BuildLSR, BuildLogicalOr, BuildLogicalAnd, BuildSymmetricDifference, GetWordOne, GetCardinalZero, TreeOverflow, RemoveOverflow, GetCstInteger ; FROM m2decl IMPORT GetBitsPerBitset, BuildIntegerConstant, BuildConstLiteralNumber ; FROM m2misc IMPORT DebugTree ; FROM m2type IMPORT RealToTree, Constructor, GetIntegerType, GetLongRealType, BuildStartSetConstructor, BuildSetConstructorElement, BuildEndSetConstructor, BuildRecordConstructorElement, BuildEndRecordConstructor, BuildStartRecordConstructor, BuildNumberOfArrayElements, BuildCharConstant, BuildCharConstantChar, BuildArrayConstructorElement, BuildStartArrayConstructor, BuildEndArrayConstructor, GetM2CharType ; FROM m2convert IMPORT ConvertConstantAndCheck, ToWord, ToInteger, ToCardinal, ToBitset ; FROM m2block IMPORT RememberConstant ; FROM m2expr IMPORT GetPointerZero, GetIntegerZero, GetIntegerOne, CompareTrees, FoldAndStrip, AreRealOrComplexConstantsEqual, AreConstantsEqual ; TYPE cellType = (none, integer, real, complex, set, constructor, array, record) ; CONST Debugging = FALSE ; DebugGarbage = TRUE ; TYPE listOfRange = POINTER TO rList ; rList = RECORD low, high: CARDINAL ; (* symbol table *) next : listOfRange ; END ; listOfFields = POINTER TO fList ; fList = RECORD field : CARDINAL ; (* symbol table *) next : listOfFields ; END ; listOfElements = POINTER TO eList ; eList = RECORD element : CARDINAL ; (* symbol table *) by : CARDINAL ; (* symbol table *) next : listOfElements ; END ; PtrToValue = POINTER TO cell ; cell = RECORD location : location_t ; areAllConstants, solved : BOOLEAN ; constructorType: CARDINAL ; next : PtrToValue ; numberValue : tree ; CASE type: cellType OF none, integer, real, complex : | set : setValue : listOfRange | constructor, record : fieldValues: listOfFields | array : arrayValues: listOfElements END END ; DoSetProcedure = PROCEDURE (CARDINAL, listOfRange, listOfRange) : listOfRange ; VAR ElementFreeList : listOfElements ; FieldFreeList : listOfFields ; RangeFreeList : listOfRange ; FreeList, TopOfStack : PtrToValue ; EnumerationValue: tree ; EnumerationField: CARDINAL ; CurrentTokenNo : CARDINAL ; (* WatchedValue : PtrToValue ; *) (* New - allocate a PtrToValue. Firstly check the FreeList, if empty call upon New. *) PROCEDURE New () : PtrToValue ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN IF FreeList=NIL THEN NEW (v) ELSE v := FreeList ; FreeList := FreeList^.next END ; WITH v^ DO numberValue := NIL END ; RETURN InitRecord (v) END New ; (* InitRecord - initialize the non variant fields of, v. Return v. *) PROCEDURE InitRecord (v: PtrToValue) : PtrToValue ; BEGIN WITH v^ DO location := UnknownLocation () ; areAllConstants := FALSE ; solved := FALSE ; constructorType := NulSym ; numberValue := NIL END ; RETURN v END InitRecord ; (* NewRange - assigns, v, to a new area of memory. *) PROCEDURE NewRange (VAR v: listOfRange) ; BEGIN IF RangeFreeList=NIL THEN NEW(v) ; IF v=NIL THEN InternalError ('out of memory error') END ELSE v := RangeFreeList ; RangeFreeList := RangeFreeList^.next END END NewRange ; (* DisposeRange - adds the list, v, to the free list. *) PROCEDURE DisposeRange (VAR v: listOfRange) ; VAR r: listOfRange ; BEGIN IF v#NIL THEN r := v ; WHILE (r#NIL) AND (r^.next#NIL) DO r := r^.next END ; IF r#NIL THEN r^.next := RangeFreeList END ; RangeFreeList := v ; v := NIL END END DisposeRange ; (* IsOnFieldFreeList - returns TRUE if, r, is on the FieldFreeList. *) PROCEDURE IsOnFieldFreeList (r: listOfFields) : BOOLEAN ; VAR s: listOfFields ; BEGIN s := FieldFreeList ; WHILE s#NIL DO IF s=r THEN RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE s := s^.next END END ; RETURN( FALSE ) END IsOnFieldFreeList ; (* IsOnElementFreeList - returns TRUE if, r, is on the ElementFreeList. *) PROCEDURE IsOnElementFreeList (r: listOfElements) : BOOLEAN ; VAR s: listOfElements ; BEGIN s := ElementFreeList ; WHILE s#NIL DO IF s=r THEN RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE s := s^.next END END ; RETURN( FALSE ) END IsOnElementFreeList ; (* DisposeFields - adds the list, v, to the free list. *) PROCEDURE DisposeFields (VAR v: listOfFields) ; VAR r: listOfFields ; BEGIN IF v#NIL THEN r := v ; WHILE r^.next#NIL DO Assert(NOT IsOnFieldFreeList(r)) ; r := r^.next END ; r^.next := FieldFreeList ; FieldFreeList := v ; v := NIL END END DisposeFields ; (* NewField - adds the list, v, to the free list. *) PROCEDURE NewField (VAR v: listOfFields) ; BEGIN IF FieldFreeList=NIL THEN NEW(v) ; IF v=NIL THEN InternalError ('out of memory error') END ELSE v := FieldFreeList ; FieldFreeList := FieldFreeList^.next END END NewField ; (* NewElement - returns a new element record. *) PROCEDURE NewElement (VAR e: listOfElements) ; BEGIN IF ElementFreeList=NIL THEN NEW(e) ; IF e=NIL THEN InternalError ('out of memory error') END ELSE e := ElementFreeList ; ElementFreeList := ElementFreeList^.next END END NewElement ; (* DisposeElements - returns the list, e, to the free list. *) PROCEDURE DisposeElements (VAR e: listOfElements) ; VAR r: listOfElements ; BEGIN IF e#NIL THEN r := e ; WHILE r^.next#NIL DO Assert(NOT IsOnElementFreeList(r)) ; r := r^.next END ; r^.next := ElementFreeList ; ElementFreeList := e ; e := NIL END END DisposeElements ; (* CheckNotAlreadyOnFreeList - checks to see whether, v, is already on the free list and aborts if this is the case. *) PROCEDURE CheckNotAlreadyOnFreeList (v: PtrToValue) ; VAR l: PtrToValue ; BEGIN IF DebugGarbage THEN l := FreeList ; WHILE l#NIL DO IF l=v THEN InternalError ('value is already on the free list') END ; l := l^.next END END END CheckNotAlreadyOnFreeList ; (* CheckNotOnStack - checks to see whether, v, is already on the stack and aborts if this is the case. *) PROCEDURE CheckNotOnStack (v: PtrToValue) ; VAR l: PtrToValue ; BEGIN IF DebugGarbage THEN l := TopOfStack ; WHILE l#NIL DO IF l=v THEN InternalError ('value is already on the stack') END ; l := l^.next END END END CheckNotOnStack ; (* Dispose - place, v, onto the FreeList. *) PROCEDURE Dispose (v: PtrToValue) ; BEGIN CheckNotAlreadyOnFreeList(v) ; CheckNotOnStack(v) ; CASE v^.type OF set : DisposeRange(v^.setValue) | constructor, record : DisposeFields(v^.fieldValues) | array : DisposeElements(v^.arrayValues) ELSE END ; v^.next := FreeList ; FreeList := v END Dispose ; (* AddRange - returns a ListOfRange which is prepended to the front of the current list. *) PROCEDURE AddRange (head: listOfRange; l, h: CARDINAL) : listOfRange ; VAR r: listOfRange ; BEGIN NewRange(r) ; WITH r^ DO low := l ; high := h ; next := head END ; RETURN( r ) END AddRange ; (* DupRange - duplicates and returns the list, t. *) PROCEDURE DupRange (r: listOfRange) : listOfRange ; VAR s: listOfRange ; BEGIN s := NIL ; WHILE r#NIL DO s := AddRange(s, r^.low, r^.high) ; r := r^.next END ; RETURN( s ) END DupRange ; (* InitValue - initializes and returns a memory cell. *) PROCEDURE InitValue () : PtrToValue ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := New() ; IF v=NIL THEN InternalError ('out of memory error') ELSE WITH v^ DO location := UnknownLocation () ; type := none ; areAllConstants := TRUE ; solved := FALSE ; next := NIL ; constructorType := NulSym END ; RETURN( v ) END END InitValue ; (* IsValueTypeNone - returns TRUE if the value on the top stack has no value. *) PROCEDURE IsValueTypeNone () : BOOLEAN ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=none THEN Push(v) ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE Push(v) ; RETURN( FALSE ) END END END IsValueTypeNone ; (* IsValueTypeInteger - returns TRUE if the value on the top stack is an integer. *) PROCEDURE IsValueTypeInteger () : BOOLEAN ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=integer THEN Push(v) ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE Push(v) ; RETURN( FALSE ) END END END IsValueTypeInteger ; (* IsValueTypeReal - returns TRUE if the value on the top stack is a real. *) PROCEDURE IsValueTypeReal () : BOOLEAN ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=real THEN Push(v) ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE Push(v) ; RETURN( FALSE ) END END END IsValueTypeReal ; (* IsValueTypeComplex - returns TRUE if the value on the top stack is a complex. *) PROCEDURE IsValueTypeComplex () : BOOLEAN ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=complex THEN Push(v) ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE Push(v) ; RETURN( FALSE ) END END END IsValueTypeComplex ; (* IsValueTypeSet - returns TRUE if the value on the top stack is a set. *) PROCEDURE IsValueTypeSet () : BOOLEAN ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=set THEN Push(v) ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE Push(v) ; RETURN( FALSE ) END END END IsValueTypeSet ; (* IsValueTypeConstructor - returns TRUE if the value on the top stack is a constructor. *) PROCEDURE IsValueTypeConstructor () : BOOLEAN ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=constructor THEN Push(v) ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE Push(v) ; RETURN( FALSE ) END END END IsValueTypeConstructor ; (* IsValueTypeArray - returns TRUE if the value on the top stack is an array. *) PROCEDURE IsValueTypeArray () : BOOLEAN ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=array THEN Push(v) ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE Push(v) ; RETURN( FALSE ) END END END IsValueTypeArray ; (* IsValueTypeRecord - returns TRUE if the value on the top stack is a record. *) PROCEDURE IsValueTypeRecord () : BOOLEAN ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=record THEN Push(v) ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE Push(v) ; RETURN( FALSE ) END END END IsValueTypeRecord ; (* GetSetValueType - returns the set type on top of the ALU stack. *) PROCEDURE GetSetValueType () : CARDINAL ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; Push(v) ; WITH v^ DO IF type=set THEN RETURN( constructorType ) ELSE InternalError ('expecting set type') END END END GetSetValueType ; (* PushIntegerTree - pushes a gcc tree value onto the ALU stack. *) PROCEDURE PushIntegerTree (t: tree) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := InitValue() ; WITH v^ DO type := integer ; numberValue := t ; areAllConstants := TRUE ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(v) END PushIntegerTree ; (* PopIntegerTree - pops a gcc tree value from the ALU stack. *) PROCEDURE PopIntegerTree () : tree ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; t: tree ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=integer THEN t := numberValue ELSE InternalError ('expecting type of constant to be a whole number') END END ; Dispose(v) ; RETURN( t ) END PopIntegerTree ; (* PushRealTree - pushes a gcc tree value onto the ALU stack. *) PROCEDURE PushRealTree (t: tree) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := New() ; WITH v^ DO type := real ; numberValue := t ; areAllConstants := TRUE ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(v) END PushRealTree ; (* PopRealTree - pops a gcc tree value from the ALU stack. *) PROCEDURE PopRealTree () : tree ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; t: tree ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=real THEN t := numberValue ELSE InternalError ('expecting type of constant to be a real number') END END ; Dispose(v) ; RETURN( t ) END PopRealTree ; (* PushComplexTree - pushes a gcc tree value onto the ALU stack. *) PROCEDURE PushComplexTree (t: tree) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := New() ; WITH v^ DO type := complex ; numberValue := t ; areAllConstants := TRUE ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(v) END PushComplexTree ; (* PopComplexTree - pops a gcc tree value from the ALU stack. *) PROCEDURE PopComplexTree () : tree ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; t: tree ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=complex THEN t := numberValue ELSE InternalError ('expecting type of constant to be a complex number') END END ; Dispose(v) ; RETURN( t ) END PopComplexTree ; (* PushSetTree - pushes a gcc tree onto the ALU stack. The tree, t, is expected to contain a word value. It is converted into a set type (sym). Bit 0 maps onto MIN(sym). *) PROCEDURE PushSetTree (tokenno: CARDINAL; t: tree; sym: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; c, i: INTEGER ; r: listOfRange ; l: location_t ; BEGIN l := TokenToLocation(tokenno) ; r := NIL ; i := 0 ; WHILE (i0 THEN DEC (length) ; ch := DynamicStrings.char (a, length) ; location := TokenToLocation (tokenno) ; CASE ch OF 'H': (* hexadecimal *) b := DynamicStrings.Slice (a, 0, -1) ; PushIntegerTree (BuildConstLiteralNumber (location, DynamicStrings.string (b), 16, issueError)) | 'A': (* binary *) b := DynamicStrings.Slice (a, 0, -1) ; PushIntegerTree (BuildConstLiteralNumber (location, DynamicStrings.string (b), 2, issueError)) | 'C', (* --fixme-- question: should we type this as a char rather than an int? *) 'B': (* octal *) b := DynamicStrings.Slice (a, 0, -1) ; PushIntegerTree (BuildConstLiteralNumber (location, DynamicStrings.string (b), 8, issueError)) ELSE IF IsReal (a) THEN PushRealTree (RealToTree (KeyToCharStar (s))) ELSE PushIntegerTree (BuildConstLiteralNumber (location, KeyToCharStar (s), 10, issueError)) END END ELSE InternalError ('expecting constant literal') END ; a := DynamicStrings.KillString (a) ; b := DynamicStrings.KillString (b) END PushString ; (* IsSolvedGCC - returns TRUE if the value, sym, is solved. If TRUE then it also ensures this symbol is entered into the double book keeping table for GM2 <-> GCC. *) PROCEDURE IsSolvedGCC (sym: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF IsValueSolved(sym) THEN IF NOT GccKnowsAbout(sym) THEN DeclareConstant(GetDeclaredMod(sym), sym) END ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END IsSolvedGCC ; (* CoerseLongRealToCard - performs a coersion between a REAL to a CARDINAL *) PROCEDURE CoerseLongRealToCard ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=real THEN numberValue := ConvertConstantAndCheck(location, GetIntegerType(), numberValue) ; type := integer ; areAllConstants := TRUE ; solved := TRUE ELSE InternalError ('expecting a REAL number') END END ; Push(v) END CoerseLongRealToCard ; (* ConvertRealToInt - converts a REAL into an INTEGER *) PROCEDURE ConvertRealToInt ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=real THEN numberValue := ConvertConstantAndCheck(location, GetIntegerType(), numberValue) ; type := integer ; areAllConstants := TRUE ; solved := TRUE ELSE InternalError ('expecting a REAL number') END END ; Push(v) END ConvertRealToInt ; (* ConvertIntToReal - converts a INTEGER into a LONGREAL *) PROCEDURE ConvertIntToReal ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=integer THEN numberValue := ConvertConstantAndCheck(location, GetLongRealType(), numberValue) ; type := real ; areAllConstants := TRUE ; solved := TRUE ELSE InternalError ('expecting an INTEGER number') END END ; Push(v) END ConvertIntToReal ; (* ConvertToInt - converts the value into an INTEGER. This should be used if we are computing the number of elements in a char set to avoid an overflow. *) PROCEDURE ConvertToInt ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO IF type=integer THEN numberValue := ConvertConstantAndCheck(location, GetIntegerType(), numberValue) ; solved := TRUE ; areAllConstants := TRUE ELSE InternalError ('expecting an INTEGER number') END END ; Push(v) END ConvertToInt ; (* ConvertToType - converts the top of stack to type, t. *) PROCEDURE ConvertToType (t: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; IF t#NulSym THEN WITH v^ DO IF type=integer THEN numberValue := ConvertConstantAndCheck(location, Mod2Gcc(t), numberValue) ; solved := TRUE ; areAllConstants := TRUE ELSE InternalError ('expecting an INTEGER number') END END END ; Push(v) END ConvertToType ; (* IsSolved - returns true if the memory cell indicated by v has a known value. *) PROCEDURE IsSolved (v: PtrToValue) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF v=NIL THEN InternalError ('uninitialized value') ELSE RETURN( v^.solved ) END END IsSolved ; (* IsValueConst - returns true if the memory cell indicated by v is only defined by constants. For example no variables are used in the constructor. *) PROCEDURE IsValueConst (v: PtrToValue) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF v=NIL THEN InternalError ('uninitialized value') ELSE RETURN( v^.areAllConstants ) END END IsValueConst ; (* EitherReal - returns TRUE if either, Op1, or, Op2, are Real. *) PROCEDURE EitherReal (Op1, Op2: PtrToValue) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (Op1^.type=real) OR (Op2^.type=real) ) END EitherReal ; (* EitherComplex - returns TRUE if either, Op1, or, Op2, are Real. *) PROCEDURE EitherComplex (Op1, Op2: PtrToValue) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( (Op1^.type=complex) OR (Op2^.type=complex) ) END EitherComplex ; (* Add - adds the top two elements on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | Op2 | | Op2 + Op1 | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE Addn ; VAR Temp, Op1, Op2: PtrToValue ; BEGIN Op1 := Pop() ; Op2 := Pop() ; IF EitherReal(Op1, Op2) THEN RealAdd(Op1, Op2) ELSIF EitherComplex(Op1, Op2) THEN ComplexAdd(Op1, Op2) ELSE Temp := New() ; (* as it is a temp *) WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; type := integer ; numberValue := BuildAdd(location, Op1^.numberValue, Op2^.numberValue, FALSE) ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) END ; Dispose(Op1) ; Dispose(Op2) END Addn ; (* RealAdd - adds two numbers. One of which is a Real. *) PROCEDURE RealAdd (Op1, Op2: PtrToValue) ; VAR Temp: PtrToValue ; BEGIN IF Op1^.type=integer THEN Push(Op1) ; ConvertIntToReal ; Op1 := Pop() END ; IF Op2^.type=integer THEN Push(Op2) ; ConvertIntToReal ; Op2 := Pop() END ; Temp := New() ; WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; numberValue := BuildAdd(location, Op1^.numberValue, Op2^.numberValue, FALSE) ; type := real ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) END RealAdd ; (* ComplexAdd - adds two complex numbers. *) PROCEDURE ComplexAdd (Op1, Op2: PtrToValue) ; VAR Temp: PtrToValue ; BEGIN IF (Op1^.type=complex) AND (Op2^.type=complex) THEN Temp := New() ; WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; numberValue := BuildAdd(location, Op1^.numberValue, Op2^.numberValue, FALSE) ; type := complex ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) ELSE InternalError ('expecting both operands to be of type COMPLEX') END END ComplexAdd ; (* Sub - subtracts the top two elements on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | Op2 | | Op2 - Op1 | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE Sub ; VAR Temp, Op1, Op2: PtrToValue ; BEGIN Op1 := Pop() ; Op2 := Pop() ; IF EitherReal(Op1, Op2) THEN RealSub(Op1, Op2) ELSIF EitherComplex(Op1, Op2) THEN ComplexSub(Op1, Op2) ELSE Temp := New() ; (* as it is a temp *) WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; type := integer ; numberValue := BuildSub(location, Op2^.numberValue, Op1^.numberValue, TRUE) ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) END ; Dispose(Op1) ; Dispose(Op2) END Sub ; (* RealSub - subtracts two numbers. One of which is a Real. *) PROCEDURE RealSub (Op1, Op2: PtrToValue) ; VAR Temp: PtrToValue ; BEGIN IF Op1^.type=integer THEN Push(Op1) ; ConvertIntToReal ; Op1 := Pop() END ; IF Op2^.type=integer THEN Push(Op2) ; ConvertIntToReal ; Op2 := Pop() END ; Temp := New() ; WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; numberValue := BuildSub(location, Op2^.numberValue, Op1^.numberValue, FALSE) ; type := real ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) END RealSub ; (* ComplexSub - subtracts two complex numbers. *) PROCEDURE ComplexSub (Op1, Op2: PtrToValue) ; VAR Temp: PtrToValue ; BEGIN IF (Op1^.type=complex) AND (Op2^.type=complex) THEN Temp := New() ; WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; numberValue := BuildSub(location, Op2^.numberValue, Op1^.numberValue, FALSE) ; type := complex ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) ELSE InternalError ('expecting both operands to be of type COMPLEX') END END ComplexSub ; (* Mult - multiplies the top two elements on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | Op2 | | Op2 * Op1 | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE Multn ; VAR Temp, Op1, Op2: PtrToValue ; BEGIN Op1 := Pop() ; Op2 := Pop() ; IF EitherReal(Op1, Op2) THEN RealMult(Op1, Op2) ELSIF EitherComplex(Op1, Op2) THEN ComplexMult(Op1, Op2) ELSE Temp := New() ; (* as it is a temp *) WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; type := integer ; numberValue := BuildMult(location, Op2^.numberValue, Op1^.numberValue, FALSE) ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) END ; Dispose(Op1) ; Dispose(Op2) END Multn ; (* RealMult - multiplies two numbers. One of which is a Real. *) PROCEDURE RealMult (Op1, Op2: PtrToValue) ; VAR Temp: PtrToValue ; BEGIN IF Op1^.type=integer THEN Push(Op1) ; ConvertIntToReal ; Op1 := Pop() END ; IF Op2^.type=integer THEN Push(Op2) ; ConvertIntToReal ; Op2 := Pop() END ; Temp := New() ; (* as it is a temp *) WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; numberValue := BuildMult(location, Op2^.numberValue, Op1^.numberValue, FALSE) ; type := real ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) END RealMult ; (* ComplexMult - multiplies two complex numbers. *) PROCEDURE ComplexMult (Op1, Op2: PtrToValue) ; VAR Temp: PtrToValue ; BEGIN IF (Op1^.type=complex) AND (Op2^.type=complex) THEN Temp := New() ; WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; numberValue := BuildMult(location, Op2^.numberValue, Op1^.numberValue, FALSE) ; type := complex ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) ELSE InternalError ('expecting both operands to be of type COMPLEX') END END ComplexMult ; (* DivTrunc - divides the top two elements on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | <- Ptr |------------| +--------------+ | Op2 | | Op2 DIV Op1 | |------------| |--------------| *) PROCEDURE DivTrunc ; VAR Temp, Op1, Op2: PtrToValue ; BEGIN Op1 := Pop() ; Op2 := Pop() ; IF EitherReal(Op1, Op2) THEN RealDiv(Op1, Op2) ELSIF EitherComplex(Op1, Op2) THEN ComplexDiv(Op1, Op2) ELSE Temp := New() ; (* as it is a temp *) WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; type := integer ; numberValue := BuildDivTrunc(location, Op2^.numberValue, Op1^.numberValue, FALSE) ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) END ; Dispose(Op1) ; Dispose(Op2) END DivTrunc ; (* DivFloor - divides the top two elements on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | <- Ptr |------------| +--------------+ | Op2 | | Op2 DIV Op1 | |------------| |--------------| *) PROCEDURE DivFloor ; VAR Temp, Op1, Op2: PtrToValue ; BEGIN Op1 := Pop() ; Op2 := Pop() ; IF EitherReal(Op1, Op2) THEN RealDiv(Op1, Op2) ELSIF EitherComplex(Op1, Op2) THEN ComplexDiv(Op1, Op2) ELSE Temp := New() ; (* as it is a temp *) WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; type := integer ; numberValue := BuildDivFloor(location, Op2^.numberValue, Op1^.numberValue, FALSE) ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) END ; Dispose(Op1) ; Dispose(Op2) END DivFloor ; (* RealDiv - divides two numbers. One of which is a Real. *) PROCEDURE RealDiv (Op1, Op2: PtrToValue) ; VAR Temp: PtrToValue ; BEGIN IF Op1^.type=integer THEN Push(Op1) ; ConvertIntToReal ; Op1 := Pop() END ; IF Op2^.type=integer THEN Push(Op2) ; ConvertIntToReal ; Op2 := Pop() END ; Temp := New() ; (* as it is a temp *) WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; numberValue := BuildDivTrunc(location, Op2^.numberValue, Op1^.numberValue, FALSE) ; type := real ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) END RealDiv ; (* ComplexDiv - divides two complex numbers. *) PROCEDURE ComplexDiv (Op1, Op2: PtrToValue) ; VAR Temp: PtrToValue ; BEGIN IF (Op1^.type=complex) AND (Op2^.type=complex) THEN Temp := New() ; WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; numberValue := BuildDivTrunc(location, Op2^.numberValue, Op1^.numberValue, FALSE) ; type := complex ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) ELSE InternalError ('expecting both operands to be of type COMPLEX') END END ComplexDiv ; (* ModFloor - modulus of the top two elements on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | <- Ptr |------------| +--------------+ | Op2 | | Op2 MOD Op1 | |------------| |--------------| *) PROCEDURE ModFloor ; VAR Temp, Op1, Op2: PtrToValue ; BEGIN Op1 := Pop() ; Op2 := Pop() ; IF EitherReal(Op1, Op2) THEN MetaError0 ('cannot perform {%EkMOD} on REAL types') ELSIF EitherComplex(Op1, Op2) THEN MetaError0 ('cannot perform {%EkMOD} on COMPLEX types') ELSE Temp := New() ; (* as it is a temp *) WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; type := integer ; numberValue := BuildModFloor(location, Op2^.numberValue, Op1^.numberValue, FALSE) ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) END ; Dispose(Op1) ; Dispose(Op2) END ModFloor ; (* ModTrunc - modulus of the top two elements on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | <- Ptr |------------| +--------------+ | Op2 | | Op2 MOD Op1 | |------------| |--------------| *) PROCEDURE ModTrunc ; VAR Temp, Op1, Op2: PtrToValue ; BEGIN Op1 := Pop() ; Op2 := Pop() ; IF EitherReal(Op1, Op2) THEN MetaError0 ('cannot perform {%EkMOD} on REAL types') ELSIF EitherComplex(Op1, Op2) THEN MetaError0 ('cannot perform {%EkMOD} on COMPLEX types') ELSE Temp := New() ; (* as it is a temp *) WITH Temp^ DO location := Op1^.location ; type := integer ; numberValue := BuildModTrunc(location, Op2^.numberValue, Op1^.numberValue, FALSE) ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(Temp) END ; Dispose(Op1) ; Dispose(Op2) END ModTrunc ; (* AreSetsEqual - returns TRUE if sets, op1, and, op2, contain the same members. *) PROCEDURE AreSetsEqual (tokenno: CARDINAL; op1, op2: PtrToValue) : BOOLEAN ; VAR low1, low2, high1, high2: CARDINAL ; i : CARDINAL ; BEGIN i := 1 ; Eval(tokenno, op1) ; Eval(tokenno, op2) ; IF NOT (op1^.solved AND op2^.solved) THEN InternalError ('can only compare set values when they are known') END ; LOOP IF GetRange(op1, i, low1, high1) THEN IF GetRange(op2, i, low2, high2) THEN PushValue(low1) ; PushValue(low2) ; IF NotEqu(tokenno) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END ; PushValue(high1) ; PushValue(high2) ; IF NotEqu(tokenno) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END ; INC(i) ELSE (* op2 is out of ranges, but op1 still has >= 1 range left *) RETURN( FALSE ) END ELSE IF GetRange(op2, i, low2, high2) THEN (* op1 is out of ranges, but op2 still has >= 1 range left *) RETURN( FALSE ) ELSE (* both out of ranges and they were the same *) RETURN( TRUE ) END END END END AreSetsEqual ; (* Equ - returns true if the top two elements on the stack are identical. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | |------------| | Op2 | |------------| Empty RETURN( Op2 = Op1 ) *) PROCEDURE Equ (tokenno: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR Op1, Op2: PtrToValue ; result : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN Op1 := Pop() ; Op2 := Pop() ; IF (Op1^.type=set) AND (Op2^.type=set) THEN result := AreSetsEqual(tokenno, Op1, Op2) ELSIF (Op1^.type=set) OR (Op2^.type=set) THEN MetaErrorT0 (tokenno, 'cannot perform a comparison between a number and a set') ; result := FALSE ELSE IF Op1^.type#Op2^.type THEN MetaErrorT0 (tokenno, 'cannot perform a comparison between a different type constants') ; result := FALSE ELSIF (Op1^.type=complex) OR (Op1^.type=real) THEN result := AreRealOrComplexConstantsEqual(Op1^.numberValue, Op2^.numberValue) ELSE result := AreConstantsEqual(Op1^.numberValue, Op2^.numberValue) END END ; Dispose(Op1) ; Dispose(Op2) ; RETURN( result ) END Equ ; (* NotEqu - returns true if the top two elements on the stack are not identical. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | |------------| | Op2 | |------------| Empty RETURN( Op2 # Op1 ) *) PROCEDURE NotEqu (tokenno: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN RETURN( NOT Equ(tokenno) ) END NotEqu ; (* Less - returns true if Op2 < Op1 The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | |------------| | Op2 | |------------| Empty RETURN( Op2 < Op1 ) *) PROCEDURE Less (tokenno: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR v1, v2: PtrToValue ; result: BOOLEAN ; res : INTEGER ; BEGIN v1 := Pop () ; v2 := Pop () ; IF (v1^.type = set) AND (v2^.type = set) THEN result := NOT IsSuperset (tokenno, v2, v1) ELSIF (v1^.type = set) OR (v2^.type = set) THEN MetaErrorT0 (tokenno, 'cannot perform a comparison between a number and a set') ; result := FALSE ELSE res := CompareTrees (v2^.numberValue, v1^.numberValue) ; IF res = -1 THEN result := TRUE ELSE result := FALSE END ; (* result := (CompareTrees(v2^.numberValue, v1^.numberValue)=-1) *) END ; Dispose (v1) ; Dispose (v2) ; RETURN result END Less ; (* Gre - returns true if Op2 > Op1 The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | |------------| | Op2 | |------------| Empty RETURN( Op2 > Op1 ) *) PROCEDURE Gre (tokenno: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR v1, v2: PtrToValue ; result: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN v1 := Pop() ; v2 := Pop() ; IF (v1^.type=set) AND (v2^.type=set) THEN result := NOT IsSubset(tokenno, v2, v1) ELSIF (v1^.type=set) OR (v2^.type=set) THEN MetaErrorT0 (tokenno, 'cannot perform a comparison between a number and a set') ; FlushErrors ; result := FALSE ELSE result := (CompareTrees(v2^.numberValue, v1^.numberValue)=1) END ; Dispose(v1) ; Dispose(v2) ; RETURN( result ) END Gre ; (* IsSubset - returns TRUE if the set as defined by, s1, is a subset of set, s2. *) PROCEDURE IsSubset (tokenno: CARDINAL; s1, s2: PtrToValue) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN Push(s1) ; Push(s2) ; SetAnd(tokenno) ; Push(s1) ; RETURN( Equ(tokenno) ) END IsSubset ; (* LessEqu - returns true if Op2 +------------+ | Op1 | |------------| | Op2 | |------------| Empty RETURN( Op2 <= Op1 ) *) PROCEDURE LessEqu (tokenno: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR v1, v2: PtrToValue ; result: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN v1 := Pop() ; v2 := Pop() ; IF (v1^.type=set) AND (v2^.type=set) THEN result := IsSubset(tokenno, v2, v1) ELSIF (v1^.type=set) OR (v2^.type=set) THEN MetaErrorT0 (tokenno, 'cannot perform a comparison between a number and a set') ; FlushErrors ; result := FALSE ELSE result := (CompareTrees(v2^.numberValue, v1^.numberValue)<=0) END ; Dispose(v1) ; Dispose(v2) ; RETURN( result ) END LessEqu ; (* IsSuperset - returns TRUE if the set as defined by, s1, is a superset of set, s2. *) PROCEDURE IsSuperset (tokenno: CARDINAL; s1, s2: PtrToValue) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN PushFrom(s1) ; PushFrom(s2) ; SetAnd(tokenno) ; PushFrom(s2) ; RETURN( Equ(tokenno) ) END IsSuperset ; (* GreEqu - returns true if Op2 >= Op1 are not identical. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | |------------| | Op2 | |------------| Empty RETURN( Op2 >= Op1 ) *) PROCEDURE GreEqu (tokenno: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR v1, v2: PtrToValue ; result: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN v1 := Pop() ; v2 := Pop() ; IF (v1^.type=set) AND (v2^.type=set) THEN result := IsSuperset(tokenno, v2, v1) ELSIF (v1^.type=set) OR (v2^.type=set) THEN MetaErrorT0 (tokenno, 'cannot perform a comparison between a number and a set') ; FlushErrors ; result := FALSE ELSE result := (CompareTrees(v2^.numberValue, v1^.numberValue)>=0) END ; Dispose(v1) ; Dispose(v2) ; RETURN( result ) END GreEqu ; (* IsNulSet - returns TRUE if the top element is the nul set constant, {}. *) PROCEDURE IsNulSet () : BOOLEAN ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; r: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO r := (type=set) AND (setValue=NIL) END ; Push(v) ; RETURN( r ) END IsNulSet ; (* IsGenericNulSet - returns TRUE if the top element is the generic nul set constant, {}. *) PROCEDURE IsGenericNulSet () : BOOLEAN ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; r: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO r := (type=set) AND (setValue=NIL) AND (constructorType=NulSym) END ; Push(v) ; RETURN( r ) END IsGenericNulSet ; (* PushNulSet - pushes an empty set {} onto the ALU stack. The subrange type used to construct the set is defined by, constructorType. If this is NulSym then the set is generic and compatible with all sets. The Stack: Entry Exit <- Ptr +------------+ | {} | Ptr -> |------------| *) PROCEDURE PushNulSet (settype: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := InitValue() ; WITH v^ DO type := set ; constructorType := settype ; areAllConstants := TRUE ; solved := CompletelyResolved(settype) ; setValue := NIL ; next := NIL ; END ; Push(v) END PushNulSet ; (* PushEmptyConstructor - pushes an empty constructor {} onto the ALU stack. This is expected to be filled in by subsequent calls to AddElements, AddRange or AddField. The Stack: Entry Exit <- Ptr +------------+ | {} | Ptr -> |------------| *) PROCEDURE PushEmptyConstructor (constype: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := InitValue() ; WITH v^ DO type := constructor ; constructorType := constype ; areAllConstants := TRUE ; solved := CompletelyResolved(constype) ; fieldValues := NIL ; next := NIL ; END ; Push(v) END PushEmptyConstructor ; (* PushEmptyArray - pushes an empty array {} onto the ALU stack. This is expected to be filled in by subsequent calls to AddElements. The Stack: Entry Exit <- Ptr +------------+ | {} | Ptr -> |------------| *) PROCEDURE PushEmptyArray (arraytype: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := InitValue() ; WITH v^ DO type := array ; constructorType := arraytype ; areAllConstants := TRUE ; solved := CompletelyResolved(arraytype) ; arrayValues := NIL ; next := NIL ; END ; Push(v) END PushEmptyArray ; (* PushEmptyRecord - pushes an empty record {} onto the ALU stack. This is expected to be filled in by subsequent calls to AddField. The Stack: Entry Exit <- Ptr +------------+ | {} | Ptr -> |------------| *) PROCEDURE PushEmptyRecord (recordtype: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := InitValue() ; WITH v^ DO type := record ; constructorType := recordtype ; areAllConstants := TRUE ; solved := CompletelyResolved(recordtype) ; arrayValues := NIL ; next := NIL ; END ; Push(v) END PushEmptyRecord ; (* AddElements - adds the elements, el BY, n, to the array constant. Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | Array | | Array | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE AddElements (tokenno: CARDINAL; el, n: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; e: listOfElements ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; v := CoerseTo(tokenno, array, v) ; IF v^.type=array THEN NewElement(e) ; WITH e^ DO element := el ; by := n ; next := NIL END ; AddElementToEnd(v, e) ; WITH v^ DO solved := solved AND IsSolvedGCC(el) AND IsSolvedGCC(n) END ELSE InternalError ('expecting array type') END ; Push(v) END AddElements ; (* AddElement - PROCEDURE AddElement (v: listOfElements; e, b: CARDINAL) : listOfElements ; VAR el: listOfElements ; BEGIN NEW(el) ; IF el=NIL THEN InternalError ('out of memory') END ; (* held in reverse order here *) WITH el^ DO element := e ; by := b ; next := v^.next END ; v^.next := el ; RETURN( v ) END AddElement ; *) (* cellTypeString - returns a string corresponding to, s. *) PROCEDURE cellTypeString (s: cellType) : String ; BEGIN CASE s OF none : RETURN( InitString('none') ) | integer : RETURN( InitString('integer') ) | real : RETURN( InitString('real') ) | complex : RETURN( InitString('complex') ) | set : RETURN( InitString('set') ) | constructor: RETURN( InitString('constructor') ) | array : RETURN( InitString('array') ) | record : RETURN( InitString('record') ) ELSE InternalError ('unexpected value of s') END ; RETURN( NIL ) END cellTypeString ; (* ToSetValue - converts a list of fields into a list of ranges. In effect it turns a generic constructor into a set type. *) PROCEDURE ToSetValue (f: listOfFields) : listOfRange ; VAR g : listOfFields ; r, s: listOfRange ; BEGIN g := f ; r := NIL ; WHILE f#NIL DO NewRange(s) ; WITH s^ DO low := f^.field ; high := low ; next := r END ; IF r=NIL THEN r := s END ; f := f^.next END ; DisposeFields(g) ; RETURN( r ) END ToSetValue ; (* ToArrayValue - converts a list of fields into an array initialiser. In effect it turns a generic constructor into an array type. *) PROCEDURE ToArrayValue (tok: CARDINAL; f: listOfFields) : listOfElements ; VAR g : listOfFields ; r, s: listOfElements ; BEGIN g := f ; r := NIL ; WHILE f#NIL DO NewElement(s) ; WITH s^ DO element := f^.field ; by := MakeConstLit (tok, MakeKey('1'), ZType) ; next := r END ; IF r=NIL THEN r := s END ; f := f^.next END ; DisposeFields(g) ; RETURN( r ) END ToArrayValue ; (* ChangeToConstructor - change the top of stack value to a constructor, type. (Constructor, Set, Array or Record). *) PROCEDURE ChangeToConstructor (tokenno: CARDINAL; constype: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN IF IsValueTypeConstructor() OR IsValueTypeSet() OR IsValueTypeArray() OR IsValueTypeRecord() THEN RETURN ELSIF IsValueTypeNone() THEN v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO type := constructor ; constructorType := constype ; solved := CompletelyResolved(constype) ; fieldValues := NIL ; next := NIL ; END ; IF IsSet(SkipType(constype)) THEN v := CoerseTo(tokenno, set, v) ELSIF IsRecord(SkipType(constype)) THEN v := CoerseTo(tokenno, record, v) ELSIF IsArray(SkipType(constype)) THEN v := CoerseTo(tokenno, array, v) END ; Push(v) ELSE InternalError('cannot change constant to a constructor type') END END ChangeToConstructor ; (* CoerseTo - attempts to coerses a cellType, v, into, type, t. Normally this will be a generic constructors converting into set or array. *) PROCEDURE CoerseTo (tokenno: CARDINAL; t: cellType; v: PtrToValue) : PtrToValue ; VAR s1, s2, s3: DynamicStrings.String ; BEGIN WITH v^ DO IF t=type THEN RETURN( v ) ELSIF (type=constructor) AND (t=set) THEN type := set ; setValue := ToSetValue(fieldValues) ; RETURN( v ) ELSIF (type=constructor) AND (t=array) THEN type := array ; arrayValues := ToArrayValue (tokenno, fieldValues) ; RETURN( v ) ELSIF (type=constructor) AND (t=record) THEN (* nothing to do other than change tag *) type := record ; RETURN( v ) ELSE s1 := cellTypeString (t) ; s2 := cellTypeString (type) ; s3 := ConCat(InitString('cannot mix construction of a '), Mark(ConCat(Mark(s1), Mark(ConCat(InitString(' with a '), (Mark(s2))))))) ; MetaErrorStringT0 (tokenno, s3) ; RETURN( v ) END END END CoerseTo ; (* SetNegate - negates the top set on the stack. Ptr -> <- Ptr +-----------+ +------------+ | Set | | Set | |-----------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE SetNegate (tokenno: CARDINAL) ; VAR min, max : CARDINAL ; r, s: listOfRange ; v : PtrToValue ; i : CARDINAL ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; Eval(tokenno, v) ; IF v^.constructorType=NulSym THEN MetaError0 ('cannot negate a generic set, set should be prefixed by a simple type') END ; r := NIL ; min := GetTypeMin(GetType(v^.constructorType)) ; max := GetTypeMax(GetType(v^.constructorType)) ; i := min ; s := v^.setValue ; IF Debugging THEN printf0('attempting to negate set\n') ; DisplayElements(s) END ; WHILE s#NIL DO PushValue(s^.low) ; PushValue(min) ; IF Gre(tokenno) THEN PushValue(i) ; PushValue(max) ; IF LessEqu(tokenno) THEN r := AddRange(r, i, DupConst(tokenno, s^.low, -1)) END END ; PushValue(s^.high) ; PushValue(max) ; IF Less(tokenno) THEN i := DupConst(tokenno, s^.high, 1) ; s := s^.next ELSE s := NIL END END ; IF Debugging THEN printf0('negated set so far\n') ; DisplayElements(r) END ; DisposeRange(v^.setValue) ; PushValue(i) ; PushValue(max) ; IF LessEqu(tokenno) THEN r := AddRange(r, i, max) END ; IF Debugging THEN printf0('final negated set value\n') ; DisplayElements(r) END ; WITH v^ DO solved := FALSE ; setValue := r ; END ; Eval(tokenno, v) ; Push(v) END SetNegate ; (* AddBitRange - adds the range op1..op2 to the underlying set. Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | Set | | Set | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE AddBitRange (tokenno: CARDINAL; op1, op2: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; v := CoerseTo(tokenno, set, v) ; IF v^.type=set THEN WITH v^ DO setValue := AddRange(setValue, op1, op2) ; solved := solved AND IsSolvedGCC(op1) AND IsSolvedGCC(op2) ; areAllConstants := areAllConstants AND IsConst(op1) AND IsConst(op2) END END ; Push(v) END AddBitRange ; (* AddBit - adds the bit op1 to the underlying set. INCL(Set, op1) Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | Set | | Set | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE AddBit (tokenno: CARDINAL; op1: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN AddBitRange(tokenno, op1, op1) END AddBit ; (* AddElementToEnd - appends, e, to the end of list, v. *) PROCEDURE AddElementToEnd (v: PtrToValue; e: listOfElements) ; VAR a: listOfElements ; BEGIN IF v^.arrayValues=NIL THEN v^.arrayValues := e ELSE a := v^.arrayValues ; WHILE a^.next#NIL DO a := a^.next END ; a^.next := e END END AddElementToEnd ; (* AddFieldToEnd - appends, f, to the end of list, v. *) PROCEDURE AddFieldToEnd (v: PtrToValue; f: listOfFields) ; VAR a: listOfFields ; BEGIN IF v^.fieldValues=NIL THEN v^.fieldValues := f ELSE a := v^.fieldValues ; WHILE a^.next#NIL DO a := a^.next END ; a^.next := f END END AddFieldToEnd ; (* AddField - adds the field op1 to the underlying constructor. Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | const | | const | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE AddField (tokenno: CARDINAL; op1: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; f: listOfFields ; e: listOfElements ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; CASE v^.type OF set : Push(v) ; AddBit(tokenno, op1) ; RETURN | array : WITH v^ DO solved := solved AND IsSolvedGCC(op1) ; areAllConstants := areAllConstants AND IsConst(op1) END ; NewElement(e) ; WITH e^ DO element := op1 ; by := MakeConstLit (tokenno, MakeKey('1'), ZType) ; next := NIL END ; AddElementToEnd(v, e) | constructor, record : WITH v^ DO solved := solved AND IsSolvedGCC(op1) ; areAllConstants := areAllConstants AND IsConst(op1) END ; NewField(f) ; WITH f^ DO field := op1 ; next := NIL END ; AddFieldToEnd(v, f) ELSE InternalError ('not expecting this constant type') END ; Push(v) END AddField ; (* ElementsSolved - returns TRUE if all ranges in the set have been solved. *) PROCEDURE ElementsSolved (tokenno: CARDINAL; r: listOfRange) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN WHILE r#NIL DO WITH r^ DO IF NOT IsConst (low) THEN MetaErrorT1 (tokenno, 'a constant set can only contain constant set elements, {%1Ead} is not a constant', low) END ; IF (high # low) AND (NOT IsConst (high)) THEN MetaErrorT1 (tokenno, 'a constant set can only contain constant set elements, {%1Ead} is not a constant', high) END ; IF NOT (IsSolvedGCC(low) AND IsSolvedGCC(high)) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END END ; r := r^.next END ; RETURN( TRUE ) END ElementsSolved ; (* ArrayElementsSolved - returns TRUE if all ranges in the set have been solved. *) PROCEDURE ArrayElementsSolved (e: listOfElements) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN WHILE e#NIL DO WITH e^ DO IF NOT (IsSolvedGCC(element) AND IsSolvedGCC(by)) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END END ; e := e^.next END ; RETURN( TRUE ) END ArrayElementsSolved ; (* EvalFieldValues - returns TRUE if all fields in the record have been solved. *) PROCEDURE EvalFieldValues (e: listOfFields) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN WHILE e#NIL DO WITH e^ DO IF IsConst(field) THEN IF NOT IsSolvedGCC(field) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END ELSE (* RETURN( FALSE ) *) END END ; e := e^.next END ; RETURN( TRUE ) END EvalFieldValues ; (* Swap - swaps the contents of, i, and, j. *) PROCEDURE Swap (i, j: listOfRange) ; VAR t: CARDINAL ; BEGIN t := i^.low ; i^.low := j^.low ; j^.low := t ; t := i^.high ; i^.high := j^.high ; j^.high := t END Swap ; (* DisplayElements - *) PROCEDURE DisplayElements (i: listOfRange) ; BEGIN WHILE i#NIL DO PushValue(i^.low) ; PrintValue ; Reduce ; PushValue(i^.high) ; PrintValue ; Reduce ; i := i^.next END END DisplayElements ; (* SortElements - sorts the list as defined by, h, into ascending range order. The low element is the sort key. *) PROCEDURE SortElements (tokenno: CARDINAL; h: listOfRange) ; VAR i, j, k: listOfRange ; BEGIN i := h ; WHILE i#NIL DO j := i ; k := i^.next ; WHILE k#NIL DO PushValue(k^.low) ; ConvertToInt ; PushValue(j^.low) ; ConvertToInt ; IF Less(tokenno) THEN j := k ; END ; k := k^.next END ; Swap(i, j) ; i := i^.next END END SortElements ; (* CombineElements - given a sorted list determine whether there is any overlap in the low..high bounds. If overlap exists then remove it. *) PROCEDURE CombineElements (tokenno: CARDINAL; r: listOfRange) ; VAR t, j: listOfRange ; BEGIN WHILE r#NIL DO j := r^.next ; WHILE j#NIL DO PushValue(r^.high) ; ConvertToInt ; PushCard(1) ; Addn ; PushValue(j^.low) ; ConvertToInt ; IF GreEqu(tokenno) THEN r^.high := j^.high ; t := j^.next ; r^.next := j^.next ; j^.next := NIL ; DisposeRange(j) ; j := t ELSE j := NIL END END ; r := r^.next END END CombineElements ; (* EvalSetValues - returns TRUE if all elements in this set have been resolved. *) PROCEDURE EvalSetValues (tokenno: CARDINAL; r: listOfRange) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF ElementsSolved (tokenno, r) THEN SortElements(tokenno, r) ; CombineElements(tokenno, r) ; RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE RETURN( FALSE ) END END EvalSetValues ; (* Eval - attempts to solve a constructor type. *) PROCEDURE Eval (tokenno: CARDINAL; v: PtrToValue) ; BEGIN CheckNotAlreadyOnFreeList(v) ; WITH v^ DO IF NOT solved THEN IF IsSet(SkipType(constructorType)) THEN v := CoerseTo(tokenno, set, v) ELSIF IsRecord(SkipType(constructorType)) THEN v := CoerseTo(tokenno, record, v) ELSIF IsArray(SkipType(constructorType)) THEN v := CoerseTo(tokenno, array, v) END ; areAllConstants := DefinedByConstants(v) ; CASE type OF set : Assert((constructorType=NulSym) OR IsSet(SkipType(constructorType))) ; solved := CompletelyResolved(constructorType) AND EvalSetValues(tokenno, setValue) | array : Assert((constructorType=NulSym) OR IsArray(SkipType(constructorType))) ; solved := CompletelyResolved(constructorType) AND ArrayElementsSolved(arrayValues) | record: Assert((constructorType=NulSym) OR IsRecord(SkipType(constructorType))) ; solved := CompletelyResolved(constructorType) AND EvalFieldValues(fieldValues) ELSE (* do nothing *) END END END END Eval ; (* WalkSetValueDependants - *) PROCEDURE WalkSetValueDependants (r: listOfRange; p: WalkAction) ; BEGIN WHILE r#NIL DO WITH r^ DO p(low) ; p(high) END ; r := r^.next END END WalkSetValueDependants ; (* IsSetValueDependants - *) PROCEDURE IsSetValueDependants (r: listOfRange; q: IsAction) : BOOLEAN ; VAR result: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN result := TRUE ; WHILE r#NIL DO WITH r^ DO IF NOT q(low) THEN result := FALSE END ; IF NOT q(high) THEN result := FALSE END END ; r := r^.next END ; RETURN( result ) END IsSetValueDependants ; (* WalkFieldValueDependants - *) PROCEDURE WalkFieldValueDependants (f: listOfFields; p: WalkAction) ; BEGIN WHILE f#NIL DO WITH f^ DO p(field) END ; f := f^.next END END WalkFieldValueDependants ; (* IsFieldValueDependants - *) PROCEDURE IsFieldValueDependants (f: listOfFields; q: IsAction) : BOOLEAN ; VAR result: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN result := TRUE ; WHILE f#NIL DO WITH f^ DO IF NOT q(field) THEN result := FALSE END END ; f := f^.next END ; RETURN( result ) END IsFieldValueDependants ; (* WalkArrayValueDependants - *) PROCEDURE WalkArrayValueDependants (a: listOfElements; p: WalkAction) ; BEGIN WHILE a#NIL DO WITH a^ DO p(element) ; p(by) END ; a := a^.next END END WalkArrayValueDependants ; (* IsArrayValueDependants - *) PROCEDURE IsArrayValueDependants (a: listOfElements; q: IsAction) : BOOLEAN ; VAR result: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN result := TRUE ; WHILE a#NIL DO WITH a^ DO IF NOT q(element) THEN result := FALSE END ; IF NOT q(by) THEN result := FALSE END END ; a := a^.next END ; RETURN( result ) END IsArrayValueDependants ; (* IsConstructorDependants - return TRUE if all q(dependants) of, sym, return TRUE. *) PROCEDURE IsConstructorDependants (sym: CARDINAL; q: IsAction) : BOOLEAN ; VAR v : PtrToValue ; typeResult, result : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN PushValue(sym) ; IF IsValueTypeNone() THEN v := Pop() ; result := FALSE ELSE v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO typeResult := q(constructorType) ; CASE type OF none : result := FALSE | set : result := IsSetValueDependants(setValue, q) | constructor, record : result := IsFieldValueDependants(fieldValues, q) | array : result := IsArrayValueDependants(arrayValues, q) ELSE InternalError ('not expecting this type') END ; result := result AND typeResult END END ; RETURN( result ) END IsConstructorDependants ; (* WalkConstructorDependants - walk the constructor, sym, calling p for each dependant. *) PROCEDURE WalkConstructorDependants (sym: CARDINAL; p: WalkAction) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN PushValue(sym) ; IF IsValueTypeNone() THEN v := Pop() ELSE v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO p(constructorType) ; CASE type OF none : | set : WalkSetValueDependants(setValue, p) | constructor, record : WalkFieldValueDependants(fieldValues, p) | array : WalkArrayValueDependants(arrayValues, p) ELSE InternalError ('not expecting this type') END END END END WalkConstructorDependants ; (* PutConstructorSolved - records that this constructor is solved. *) PROCEDURE PutConstructorSolved (sym: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN PushValue(sym) ; v := Pop() ; v^.solved := TRUE ; Push(v) ; PopValue(sym) END PutConstructorSolved ; (* EvaluateValue - attempts to evaluate the symbol, sym, value. *) PROCEDURE EvaluateValue (sym: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN PushValue(sym) ; v := Pop() ; Eval(GetDeclaredMod(sym), v) ; Push(v) ; PopValue(sym) END EvaluateValue ; (* TryEvaluateValue - attempts to evaluate the symbol, sym, value. *) PROCEDURE TryEvaluateValue (sym: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN PushValue(sym) ; v := Pop() ; WITH v^ DO CASE type OF set, array, record: IF v^.constructorType=NulSym THEN (* must wait *) RETURN ELSE Eval(GetDeclaredMod(sym), v) END ELSE (* nothing to do *) END ; IF solved THEN Push(v) ; PopValue(sym) END END END TryEvaluateValue ; (* DefinedByConstants - returns TRUE if the value, v, is defined by constants. It assigns, v^.areAllConstants, with the result. *) PROCEDURE DefinedByConstants (v: PtrToValue) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN WITH v^ DO CASE type OF none, integer, real, complex : areAllConstants := TRUE | set : areAllConstants := rangeConstant(setValue) | constructor, record : areAllConstants := fieldsConstant(fieldValues) | array : areAllConstants := arrayConstant(arrayValues) ELSE InternalError ('unexpected type') END ; RETURN( areAllConstants ) END END DefinedByConstants ; (* rangeConstant - returns TRUE if all the range entities are constant. *) PROCEDURE rangeConstant (r: listOfRange) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN WHILE r#NIL DO IF (NOT IsConst(r^.low)) OR (NOT IsConst(r^.high)) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END ; r := r^.next ; END ; RETURN( TRUE ) END rangeConstant ; (* fieldsConstant - returns TRUE if all the field entities are constant. *) PROCEDURE fieldsConstant (f: listOfFields) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN WHILE f#NIL DO IF NOT IsConst(f^.field) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END ; f := f^.next END ; RETURN( TRUE ) END fieldsConstant ; (* arrayConstant - returns TRUE if the, element, and, by, components of an array constructor are constant. *) PROCEDURE arrayConstant (e: listOfElements) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN WHILE e#NIL DO IF (NOT IsConst(e^.element)) AND (NOT IsConst(e^.by)) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END ; e := e^.next END ; RETURN( TRUE ) END arrayConstant ; (* FindValueEnum - *) PROCEDURE FindValueEnum (field: WORD) ; BEGIN PushValue(field) ; PushIntegerTree(EnumerationValue) ; IF Equ(CurrentTokenNo) THEN EnumerationField := field END END FindValueEnum ; (* Val - returns a GCC symbol enumeration or a GCC constant which has, value, and which is of type, type. *) PROCEDURE Val (tokenno: CARDINAL; type: CARDINAL; value: tree) : CARDINAL ; VAR sym: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF IsEnumeration(type) THEN EnumerationField := NulSym ; EnumerationValue := value ; CurrentTokenNo := tokenno ; ForeachFieldEnumerationDo(type, FindValueEnum) ; IF EnumerationField=NulSym THEN InternalError ('enumeration value exceeds range') END ; RETURN( EnumerationField ) ELSE sym := MakeTemporary(tokenno, ImmediateValue) ; PutVar(sym, type) ; CheckOverflow(tokenno, value) ; PushIntegerTree(value) ; PopValue(sym) ; RETURN( sym ) END END Val ; (* DupConst - duplicates and returns a constant, sym, but adds, offset to its value. *) PROCEDURE DupConst (tokenno: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL; offset: INTEGER) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PushValue(sym) ; PushInt(offset) ; Addn ; RETURN( Val(tokenno, GetType(sym), PopIntegerTree()) ) END DupConst ; (* DupConstAndAdd - duplicates and returns a constant, sym, but adds the symbol, extra. *) PROCEDURE DupConstAndAdd (tokenno: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL; extra: tree) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PushValue(sym) ; PushIntegerTree(extra) ; Addn ; RETURN( Val(tokenno, GetType(sym), PopIntegerTree()) ) END DupConstAndAdd ; (* DupConstAndAddMod - duplicates and returns a constant, sym, but adds the symbol, extra, and ensures that the result in within limits: min..max using modulo arithmetic. *) PROCEDURE DupConstAndAddMod (tokenno: CARDINAL; sym: CARDINAL; extra: tree; l, h: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN (* result := (((sym-l) + extra) MOD (h-l)) + l) *) PushValue(sym) ; PushValue(l) ; Sub ; PushIntegerTree(extra) ; Addn ; PushValue(h) ; PushValue(l) ; Sub ; ModTrunc ; PushValue(l) ; Addn ; RETURN( Val(tokenno, GetType(sym), PopIntegerTree()) ) END DupConstAndAddMod ; (* Remove - removes, v, from list, h. *) PROCEDURE Remove (VAR h: listOfRange; v: listOfRange) ; VAR i: listOfRange ; BEGIN IF h=v THEN h := h^.next ELSE i := h ; WHILE (i#NIL) AND (i^.next#v) DO i := i^.next END ; IF i=NIL THEN InternalError ('expecting v to be on the list') ELSE i := v^.next END END ; v^.next := NIL ; DisposeRange(v) END Remove ; (* RemoveBit - remove bit, op1, from range, v, on list, h. *) PROCEDURE RemoveBit (tokenno: CARDINAL; VAR h: listOfRange; v: listOfRange; op1: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN WITH v^ DO PushValue(low) ; PushValue(high) ; IF Equ(tokenno) THEN (* single bit in this range *) PushValue(low) ; PushValue(op1) ; IF Equ(tokenno) THEN (* remove entry *) Remove(h, v) ; RETURN END ELSE (* is op1 equal to low? *) PushValue(op1) ; PushValue(low) ; IF Equ(tokenno) THEN low := DupConst(tokenno, low, 1) ELSE PushValue(op1) ; PushValue(high) ; IF Equ(tokenno) THEN high := DupConst(tokenno, high, -1) ELSE high := DupConst(tokenno, op1, -1) ; h := AddRange(h, DupConst(tokenno, op1, 1), high) ; SortElements(tokenno, h) END END END END END RemoveBit ; (* PerformSubBit - *) PROCEDURE PerformSubBit (tokenno: CARDINAL; VAR h: listOfRange; op1: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: listOfRange ; BEGIN v := h ; WHILE v#NIL DO WITH v^ DO PushValue(low) ; PushValue(op1) ; IF LessEqu(tokenno) THEN PushValue(op1) ; PushValue(high) ; IF LessEqu(tokenno) THEN RemoveBit(tokenno, h, v, op1) ; RETURN END END END ; v := v^.next END END PerformSubBit ; (* SubBit - removes a bit op1 from the underlying set. EXCL(Set, Op1) Ptr -> <- Ptr +------------+ +------------+ | Set | | Set | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE SubBit (tokenno: CARDINAL; op1: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; IF v^.type=set THEN Eval(tokenno, v) ; WITH v^ DO IF solved THEN IF IsSolvedGCC(op1) THEN PerformSubBit(tokenno, setValue, op1) ; solved := FALSE ELSE InternalError ('can only subtract a bit from a set when the bit value is known') END ELSE InternalError ('can only subtract a bit from a set when the set value is known') END END ; Eval(tokenno, v) ELSE InternalError ('expecting set type constant') END ; Push(v) END SubBit ; (* PerformSetIn - returns TRUE if op1 is in set. *) PROCEDURE PerformSetIn (tokenno: CARDINAL; op1: CARDINAL; h: listOfRange) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN WHILE h#NIL DO WITH h^ DO PushValue(op1) ; ConvertToInt ; PushValue(low) ; ConvertToInt ; IF GreEqu(tokenno) THEN PushValue(op1) ; PushValue(high) ; IF LessEqu(tokenno) THEN RETURN( TRUE ) END ELSE (* op1 is smaller than this and all subsequent ranges *) RETURN( FALSE ) END END ; h := h^.next END ; RETURN( FALSE ) END PerformSetIn ; (* SetIn - returns true if Op2 IN Op1 The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Set | |------------| Empty RETURN( Op1 IN Set ) *) PROCEDURE SetIn (tokenno: CARDINAL; Op1: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR Set : PtrToValue ; result: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN Set := Pop() ; IF Set^.type#set THEN InternalError ('expecting ALU operand to be a set') END ; Eval(tokenno, Set) ; IF IsSolvedGCC(Op1) AND Set^.solved THEN result := PerformSetIn(tokenno, Op1, Set^.setValue) ELSE InternalError ('one or more operands have not been resolved') END ; Dispose(Set) ; RETURN( result ) END SetIn ; (* SetOp - perform the function doOp on the top two elements of the stack. *) PROCEDURE SetOp (tokenno: CARDINAL; doOp: DoSetProcedure) ; VAR Result, Set1, Set2: PtrToValue ; BEGIN Set1 := Pop() ; Set2 := Pop() ; Eval(tokenno, Set1) ; Eval(tokenno, Set2) ; IF NOT (Set1^.solved AND Set2^.solved) THEN InternalError ('one or more operands have not been resolved') END ; IF Set1^.type#set THEN InternalError ('expecting type of constant to be a set') END ; IF Set2^.type#set THEN InternalError ('expecting type of constant to be a set') END ; Result := New() ; WITH Result^ DO type := set ; setValue := doOp(tokenno, Set1^.setValue, Set2^.setValue) ; constructorType := MixTypes(Set1^.constructorType, Set2^.constructorType, tokenno) ; solved := FALSE END ; (* Set1 and Set2 have given their range lists to the Result *) Set1^.setValue := NIL ; Set2^.setValue := NIL ; Eval(tokenno, Result) ; Push(Result) ; Dispose(Set1) ; Dispose(Set2) END SetOp ; (* PerformOr - performs a logical OR between the two ranges. The ranges, r1, r2, are destroyed. *) PROCEDURE PerformOr (tokenno: CARDINAL; r1, r2: listOfRange) : listOfRange ; VAR i: listOfRange ; BEGIN i := r1 ; WHILE (i#NIL) AND (i^.next#NIL) DO i := i^.next END ; IF i=NIL THEN r1 := r2 ELSE i^.next := r2 END ; SortElements(tokenno, r1) ; CombineElements(tokenno, r1) ; RETURN( r1 ) END PerformOr ; (* SetOr - performs an inclusive OR of the top two elements on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Set1 | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | Set2 | | Set1 + Set2| |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE SetOr (tokenno: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN SetOp(tokenno, PerformOr) END SetOr ; (* Min - returns the symbol which has the least value. *) PROCEDURE Min (tokenno: CARDINAL; a, b: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PushValue(a) ; ConvertToInt ; PushValue(b) ; ConvertToInt ; IF Less(tokenno) THEN RETURN( a ) ELSE RETURN( b ) END END Min ; (* Max - returns the symbol which has the greatest value. *) PROCEDURE Max (tokenno: CARDINAL; a, b: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN PushValue(a) ; ConvertToInt ; PushValue(b) ; ConvertToInt ; IF Gre(tokenno) THEN RETURN( a ) ELSE RETURN( b ) END END Max ; (* IsRangeIntersection - returns TRUE if ranges, r1, and, r2, intersect. *) PROCEDURE IsRangeIntersection (tokenno: CARDINAL; r1, r2: listOfRange) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF (r1=NIL) OR (r2=NIL) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) ELSE (* easier to prove NOT outside limits *) PushValue(r1^.low) ; ConvertToInt ; PushValue(r2^.high) ; ConvertToInt ; IF Gre(tokenno) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) ELSE PushValue(r1^.high) ; ConvertToInt ; PushValue(r2^.low) ; ConvertToInt ; IF Less(tokenno) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) ELSE RETURN( TRUE ) END END END END IsRangeIntersection ; (* IsRangeLess - returns TRUE if r1^.low is < r2^.low *) PROCEDURE IsRangeLess (tokenno: CARDINAL; r1, r2: listOfRange) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF (r1=NIL) OR (r2=NIL) THEN InternalError ('not expecting NIL ranges') END ; PushValue(r1^.high) ; ConvertToInt ; PushValue(r2^.low) ; ConvertToInt ; RETURN( Less(tokenno) ) END IsRangeLess ; (* MinTree - returns the tree symbol which has the least value. *) PROCEDURE MinTree (tokenno: CARDINAL; a, b: tree) : tree ; BEGIN PushIntegerTree(a) ; ConvertToInt ; PushIntegerTree(b) ; ConvertToInt ; IF Less(tokenno) THEN RETURN( a ) ELSE RETURN( b ) END END MinTree ; (* MaxTree - returns the symbol which has the greatest value. *) PROCEDURE MaxTree (tokenno: CARDINAL; a, b: tree) : tree ; BEGIN PushIntegerTree(a) ; ConvertToInt ; PushIntegerTree(b) ; ConvertToInt ; IF Gre(tokenno) THEN RETURN( a ) ELSE RETURN( b ) END END MaxTree ; (* IsIntersectionTree - returns TRUE if ranges, a..b, and, c..d, intersect. *) PROCEDURE IsIntersectionTree (tokenno: CARDINAL; a, b, c, d: tree) : BOOLEAN ; BEGIN (* easier to prove NOT outside limits *) PushIntegerTree(a) ; ConvertToInt ; PushIntegerTree(d) ; ConvertToInt ; IF Gre(tokenno) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) ELSE PushIntegerTree(b) ; ConvertToInt ; PushIntegerTree(c) ; ConvertToInt ; IF Less(tokenno) THEN RETURN( FALSE ) ELSE RETURN( TRUE ) END END END IsIntersectionTree ; (* SubTree - returns the tree value containing (a-b) *) PROCEDURE SubTree (a, b: tree) : tree ; BEGIN PushIntegerTree(a) ; PushIntegerTree(b) ; Sub ; RETURN( PopIntegerTree() ) END SubTree ; (* PerformAnd - performs a logical AND between the two ranges. The ranges, r1, r2, are unaltered. *) PROCEDURE PerformAnd (tokenno: CARDINAL; r1, r2: listOfRange) : listOfRange ; VAR r: listOfRange ; BEGIN r := NIL ; WHILE (r1#NIL) AND (r2#NIL) DO IF IsRangeIntersection(tokenno, r1, r2) THEN r := AddRange(r, Max(tokenno, r1^.low, r2^.low), Min(tokenno, r1^.high, r2^.high)) ; IF r^.high=r1^.high THEN r1 := r1^.next ELSE r2 := r2^.next END ELSIF IsRangeLess(tokenno, r1, r2) THEN (* move r1 onto the next range *) r1 := r1^.next ELSE (* move r2 onto the next range *) r2 := r2^.next END END ; RETURN( r ) END PerformAnd ; (* SetAnd - performs a set AND the top two elements on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | Op2 | | Op2 * Op1 | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE SetAnd (tokenno: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN SetOp(tokenno, PerformAnd) END SetAnd ; (* SetDifference - performs a set difference of the top two elements on the stack. For each member in the set if member in Op2 and not member in Op1 The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | <- Ptr |------------| +-------------------+ | Op2 | | Op2 and (not Op1) | |------------| |-------------------| *) PROCEDURE SetDifference (tokenno: CARDINAL) ; VAR Set1, Set2: PtrToValue ; BEGIN Set1 := Pop() ; Set2 := Pop() ; Eval(tokenno, Set1) ; Eval(tokenno, Set2) ; IF NOT (Set1^.solved AND Set2^.solved) THEN InternalError ('one or more operands have not been resolved') END ; IF Set1^.setValue=NIL THEN (* null set, return Set2 *) Push(Set1) ; ELSE Push(Set1) ; SetNegate(tokenno) ; Push(Set2) ; SetAnd(tokenno) END END SetDifference ; (* SetSymmetricDifference - performs a set difference of the top two elements on the stack. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | <- Ptr |------------| +-------------+ | Op2 | | Op2 xor Op1 | |------------| |-------------| *) PROCEDURE SetSymmetricDifference (tokenno: CARDINAL) ; VAR Set1, Set2: PtrToValue ; BEGIN Set1 := Pop() ; Set2 := Pop() ; Eval(tokenno, Set1) ; Eval(tokenno, Set2) ; IF NOT (Set1^.solved AND Set2^.solved) THEN InternalError ('one or more operands have not been resolved') END ; IF Set1^.setValue=NIL THEN Dispose(Set1) ; Push(Set2) ELSIF Set2^.setValue=NIL THEN Dispose(Set2) ; Push(Set1) ELSE (* Set1 or Set2 and (not (Set1 and Set2)) *) PushFrom(Set1) ; PushFrom(Set2) ; SetAnd(tokenno) ; SetNegate(tokenno) ; Push(Set1) ; Push(Set2) ; SetOr(tokenno) ; SetAnd(tokenno) END END SetSymmetricDifference ; (* SetShift - if op1 is positive then result := op2 << op1 else result := op2 >> op1 fi The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | Op2 | | result | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE SetShift (tokenno: CARDINAL) ; VAR res, Shift, Set : PtrToValue ; n : CARDINAL ; r1, r2 : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF NOT IsValueTypeInteger() THEN InternalError ('expecting integer type') END ; Shift := Pop() ; IF NOT IsValueTypeSet() THEN InternalError ('expecting set type') END ; Set := Pop() ; Eval(tokenno, Set) ; IF NOT Set^.solved THEN InternalError ('set has not been resolved') END ; IF Set^.setValue=NIL THEN Push(Set) ELSE res := New() ; res^ := Set^ ; WITH res^ DO setValue := NIL ; n := 1 ; WHILE GetRange(Set, n, r1, r2) DO setValue := AddRange(setValue, DupConstAndAdd(tokenno, r1, Shift), DupConstAndAdd(tokenno, r2, Shift)) ; INC(n) END ; Push(res) ; IF constructorType#NulSym THEN PushNulSet(constructorType) ; SetNegate(tokenno) ; SetAnd(tokenno) END END ; Dispose(Set) END END SetShift ; (* SetRotate - if op1 is positive then result := ROTATERIGHT(op2, op1) else result := ROTATELEFT(op2, op1) fi The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ | Op2 | | result | |------------| |------------| *) PROCEDURE SetRotate (tokenno: CARDINAL) ; VAR res, Rotate, Set : PtrToValue ; n : CARDINAL ; l, h, type, r1, r2 : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF NOT IsValueTypeInteger() THEN InternalError ('expecting integer type') END ; Rotate := Pop() ; IF NOT IsValueTypeSet() THEN InternalError ('expecting set type') END ; Set := Pop() ; Eval(tokenno, Set) ; IF NOT Set^.solved THEN InternalError ('set has not been resolved') END ; IF Set^.setValue=NIL THEN Push(Set) ELSE type := Set^.constructorType ; IF type=NulSym THEN MetaErrorT0 (tokenno, 'cannot perform a ROTATE on a generic set') ; Push(Set) ; RETURN END ; l := GetTypeMin(type) ; h := GetTypeMax(type) ; res := New() ; res^ := Set^ ; WITH res^ DO setValue := NIL ; n := 1 ; WHILE GetRange(Set, n, r1, r2) DO setValue := AddRange(setValue, DupConstAndAddMod(tokenno, r1, Rotate, l, h), DupConstAndAddMod(tokenno, r2, Rotate, l, h)) ; INC(n) END END ; Push(res) ; Dispose(Set) END END SetRotate ; (* GetValue - returns and pops the value from the top of stack. *) PROCEDURE GetValue (tokenno: CARDINAL) : PtrToValue ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; Eval(tokenno, v) ; RETURN( v ) END GetValue ; (* GetRange - returns TRUE if range number, n, exists in the value, v. A non empty set is defined by having 1..N ranges *) PROCEDURE GetRange (v: PtrToValue; n: CARDINAL; VAR low, high: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ; VAR l: listOfRange ; BEGIN WITH v^ DO IF type#set THEN InternalError ('expecting set constant') END ; l := setValue ; WHILE n>1 DO IF l=NIL THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END ; l := l^.next ; DEC(n) END ; IF l=NIL THEN RETURN( FALSE ) END ; low := l^.low ; high := l^.high END ; RETURN( TRUE ) END GetRange ; (* BuildStructBitset - v is the PtrToValue. low and high are the limits of the subrange. *) PROCEDURE BuildStructBitset (tokenno: CARDINAL; v: PtrToValue; low, high: tree) : tree ; VAR BitsInSet : tree ; bpw : CARDINAL ; cons : Constructor ; BEGIN PushIntegerTree(low) ; ConvertToInt ; low := PopIntegerTree() ; PushIntegerTree(high) ; ConvertToInt ; high := PopIntegerTree() ; bpw := GetBitsPerBitset() ; PushIntegerTree(high) ; PushIntegerTree(low) ; Sub ; PushCard(1) ; Addn ; BitsInSet := PopIntegerTree() ; cons := BuildStartSetConstructor(Mod2Gcc(v^.constructorType)) ; PushIntegerTree(BitsInSet) ; PushCard(0) ; WHILE Gre(tokenno) DO PushIntegerTree(BitsInSet) ; PushCard(bpw-1) ; IF GreEqu(tokenno) THEN PushIntegerTree(low) ; PushCard(bpw-1) ; Addn ; BuildSetConstructorElement(cons, BuildBitset(tokenno, v, low, PopIntegerTree())) ; PushIntegerTree(low) ; PushCard(bpw) ; Addn ; low := PopIntegerTree() ; PushIntegerTree(BitsInSet) ; PushCard(bpw) ; Sub ; BitsInSet := PopIntegerTree() ELSE (* printf2('range is %a..%a\n', GetSymName(low), GetSymName(high)) ; *) BuildSetConstructorElement(cons, BuildBitset(tokenno, v, low, high)) ; PushCard(0) ; BitsInSet := PopIntegerTree() END ; PushIntegerTree(BitsInSet) ; PushCard(0) END ; RETURN( BuildEndSetConstructor(cons) ) END BuildStructBitset ; (* ConstructLargeOrSmallSet - generates a constant representing the set value of the symbol, sym. We manufacture the constant by using a initialization structure of cardinals. { (cardinal), (cardinal) etc } *) PROCEDURE ConstructLargeOrSmallSet (tokenno: CARDINAL; v: PtrToValue; low, high: CARDINAL) : tree ; BEGIN PushValue(high) ; ConvertToInt ; PushValue(low) ; ConvertToInt ; Sub ; PushCard(GetBitsPerBitset()) ; IF Less(tokenno) THEN (* small set *) RETURN( BuildBitset(tokenno, v, Mod2Gcc(low), Mod2Gcc(high)) ) ELSE (* large set *) RETURN( BuildStructBitset(tokenno, v, Mod2Gcc(low), Mod2Gcc(high)) ) END END ConstructLargeOrSmallSet ; (* ConstructSetConstant - builds a struct of integers which represents the set const as defined by, v. *) PROCEDURE ConstructSetConstant (tokenno: CARDINAL; v: PtrToValue) : tree ; VAR n1, n2 : Name ; gccsym : tree ; baseType, high, low: CARDINAL ; BEGIN WITH v^ DO IF constructorType=NulSym THEN InternalError ('set type must be known in order to generate a constant') ELSE baseType := SkipType(GetType(constructorType)) ; IF Debugging THEN n1 := GetSymName(constructorType) ; n2 := GetSymName(baseType) ; printf2('ConstructSetConstant of type %a and baseType %a\n', n1, n2) END ; IF IsSubrange(baseType) THEN GetSubrange(baseType, high, low) ; gccsym := ConstructLargeOrSmallSet(tokenno, v, low, high) ELSE gccsym := ConstructLargeOrSmallSet(tokenno, v, GetTypeMin(baseType), GetTypeMax(baseType)) END ; RETURN( gccsym ) END END END ConstructSetConstant ; (* ConvertConstToType - returns a Tree containing an initialiser, init, ready to be assigned to a record or array constructor. *) PROCEDURE ConvertConstToType (tokenno: CARDINAL; field: CARDINAL; init: CARDINAL) : tree ; VAR initT, nBytes: tree ; BEGIN IF IsConstString(init) AND IsArray(SkipType(GetType(field))) AND (SkipTypeAndSubrange(GetType(GetType(field)))=Char) THEN IF NOT PrepareCopyString (tokenno, nBytes, initT, init, GetType (field)) THEN MetaErrorT2 (tokenno, 'string constant {%1Ea} is too large to be assigned to the {%2d} {%2a}', init, field) END ; RETURN initT ELSE RETURN( ConvertConstantAndCheck(TokenToLocation(tokenno), Mod2Gcc(GetType(field)), Mod2Gcc(init)) ) END END ConvertConstToType ; (* ConstructRecordConstant - builds a struct initializer, as defined by, v. *) PROCEDURE ConstructRecordConstant (tokenno: CARDINAL; v: PtrToValue) : tree ; VAR n1, n2 : Name ; i, Field, baseType : CARDINAL ; cons : Constructor ; BEGIN WITH v^ DO IF constructorType=NulSym THEN InternalError ('record type must be known in order to generate a constant') ELSE baseType := SkipType(constructorType) ; IF Debugging THEN n1 := GetSymName(constructorType) ; n2 := GetSymName(baseType) ; printf2('ConstructRecordConstant of type %a and baseType %a\n', n1, n2) END ; cons := BuildStartRecordConstructor(Mod2Gcc(baseType)) ; i := 1 ; REPEAT Field := GetNth(baseType, i) ; IF Field#NulSym THEN IF GccKnowsAbout(GetType(Field)) THEN BuildRecordConstructorElement(cons, ConvertConstToType(tokenno, Field, GetConstructorField(v, i))) ELSE MetaErrorT0 (tokenno, 'trying to construct a compound literal and using a record field which does not exist') END END ; INC(i) UNTIL Field=NulSym ; RETURN( BuildEndRecordConstructor(cons) ) END END END ConstructRecordConstant ; (* GetConstructorField - returns a symbol containing the constructor field, i. *) PROCEDURE GetConstructorField (v: PtrToValue; i: CARDINAL) : CARDINAL ; VAR j: CARDINAL ; f: listOfFields ; BEGIN WITH v^ DO IF type#record THEN InternalError ('constructor type must be a record in order to push a field') ELSE IF constructorType=NulSym THEN InternalError ('constructor type must be a record in order to push a field') ELSE j := 1 ; f := fieldValues ; WHILE (j arrayIndex THEN key := GetString (element) ; DEC (arrayIndex, offset) ; value := BuildCharConstantChar (location, CharKey (key, arrayIndex)) ; RETURN TRUE END ELSIF IsConst (element) AND (SkipType (GetType (element)) = Char) AND IsValueSolved (element) THEN INC (totalLength) ; IF totalLength > arrayIndex THEN PushValue (element) ; value := ConvertConstantAndCheck (location, GetM2CharType (), PopIntegerTree ()) ; RETURN TRUE END ELSE INC (totalLength) ; IF totalLength > arrayIndex THEN MetaErrorT3 (tokenno, 'expecting {%kCHAR} datatype and not {%1Ea} a {%1tad} in the {%2N} component of the {%3a} {%3d}', element, arrayIndex, consType) ; value := GetCardinalZero (location) ; RETURN FALSE END END ; INC (elementIndex) UNTIL element = NulSym ; value := GetCardinalZero (location) ; MetaErrorT2 (tokenno, 'unable to obtain a {%kCHAR} at the {%1EN} position in {%2ad}', arrayIndex, consType) ; RETURN FALSE END CheckGetCharFromString ; (* InitialiseArrayOfCharWith - *) PROCEDURE InitialiseArrayOfCharWith (tokenno: CARDINAL; cons: ADDRESS; constDecl: PtrToValue; el, high, low, consType, arrayType: CARDINAL) : tree ; VAR location : location_t ; arrayIndex: CARDINAL ; (* arrayIndex is the char position index of the final string. *) indice, value : tree ; BEGIN location := TokenToLocation (tokenno) ; arrayIndex := 0 ; WHILE el#NulSym DO PushValue (low) ; ConvertToInt ; PushInt (arrayIndex) ; Addn ; indice := PopIntegerTree () ; IF NOT CheckGetCharFromString (location, tokenno, constDecl, consType, arrayIndex, value) THEN (* MetaErrorT2 (tokenno, 'unable to obtain a {%kCHAR} at the {%1EN} position in {%2ad}', arrayIndex, consType) ; *) END ; value := ConvertConstantAndCheck (location, Mod2Gcc (arrayType), value) ; BuildArrayConstructorElement (cons, value, indice) ; PushValue (low) ; ConvertToInt ; PushInt (arrayIndex) ; Addn ; PushValue (high) ; ConvertToInt ; IF GreEqu (tokenno) THEN RETURN BuildEndArrayConstructor (cons) END ; INC (arrayIndex) END ; RETURN BuildEndArrayConstructor (cons) END InitialiseArrayOfCharWith ; (* ConstructArrayConstant - builds a struct initializer, as defined by, v. *) PROCEDURE ConstructArrayConstant (tokenno: CARDINAL; v: PtrToValue) : tree ; VAR n1, n2 : Name ; el1, el2, baseType, arrayType, high, low : CARDINAL ; cons : ADDRESS ; BEGIN WITH v^ DO IF constructorType=NulSym THEN InternalError ('array type must be known in order to generate a constant') ELSE baseType := SkipType(constructorType) ; IF Debugging THEN n1 := GetSymName(constructorType) ; n2 := GetSymName(baseType) ; printf2 ('ConstructArrayConstant of type %a and baseType %a\n', n1, n2) END ; cons := BuildStartArrayConstructor(Mod2Gcc(baseType)) ; GetArrayLimits(baseType, low, high) ; arrayType := GetType(baseType) ; el1 := GetConstructorElement(tokenno, v, 1) ; el2 := GetConstructorElement(tokenno, v, 2) ; IF (el2 = NulSym) AND IsString(baseType) AND IsString(el1) THEN (* constructorType is ARRAY [low..high] OF CHAR and using a string to initialise it *) RETURN InitialiseArrayOfCharWithString (tokenno, cons, el1, baseType, arrayType) ELSIF SkipType(arrayType)=Char THEN RETURN InitialiseArrayOfCharWith (tokenno, cons, v, el1, high, low, baseType, arrayType) ELSE RETURN InitialiseArrayWith (tokenno, cons, v, el1, high, low, arrayType) END END END END ConstructArrayConstant ; (* BuildRange - returns a integer sized constant which represents the value {e1..e2}. *) PROCEDURE BuildRange (tokenno: CARDINAL; e1, e2: tree) : tree ; VAR c, i, t : tree ; location: location_t ; BEGIN location := TokenToLocation(tokenno) ; PushIntegerTree(e1) ; PushIntegerTree(e2) ; IF Gre(tokenno) THEN c := e1 ; e1 := e2 ; e2 := c END ; t := tree(NIL) ; PushIntegerTree(e1) ; i := PopIntegerTree() ; REPEAT IF t=tree(NIL) THEN t := BuildLSL(location, GetWordOne(location), ToWord(location, i), FALSE) ELSE t := BuildLogicalOr(location, t, BuildLSL(location, GetWordOne(location), ToWord(location, i), FALSE), FALSE) END ; PushIntegerTree(i) ; PushIntegerTree(GetIntegerOne(location)) ; Addn ; i := PopIntegerTree() ; PushIntegerTree(i) ; PushIntegerTree(e2) ; UNTIL Gre(tokenno) ; RETURN( t ) END BuildRange ; (* BuildBitset - given a set, v, construct the bitmask for its constant value which lie in the range low..high. *) PROCEDURE BuildBitset (tokenno: CARDINAL; v: PtrToValue; low, high: tree) : tree ; VAR tl, th, t : tree ; n : CARDINAL ; r1, r2 : CARDINAL ; location: location_t ; BEGIN location := TokenToLocation(tokenno) ; low := ToInteger(location, low) ; high := ToInteger(location, high) ; n := 1 ; t := GetCardinalZero(location) ; WHILE GetRange(v, n, r1, r2) DO PushValue(r1) ; tl := ToInteger(location, PopIntegerTree()) ; PushValue(r2) ; th := ToInteger(location, PopIntegerTree()) ; IF IsIntersectionTree(tokenno, tl, th, low, high) THEN tl := ToCardinal(location, SubTree(MaxTree(tokenno, tl, low), low)) ; th := ToCardinal(location, SubTree(MinTree(tokenno, th, high), low)) ; t := BuildLogicalOr(location, t, BuildRange(tokenno, tl, th), FALSE) END ; INC(n) END ; RETURN( ToBitset(location, t) ) END BuildBitset ; (* IsValueAndTreeKnown - returns TRUE if the value is known and the gcc tree is defined. The Stack: Entry Exit Ptr -> +------------+ | Op1 | <- Ptr |------------| +------------+ *) PROCEDURE IsValueAndTreeKnown () : BOOLEAN ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := Pop() ; IF v#NIL THEN WITH v^ DO IF solved THEN CASE type OF integer, real, complex: IF numberValue=NIL THEN Dispose(v) ; RETURN( FALSE ) END ELSE END ELSE Dispose(v) ; RETURN( FALSE ) END END ; Dispose(v) END ; RETURN( TRUE ) END IsValueAndTreeKnown ; (* CheckOverflow - tests to see whether the tree, t, has caused an overflow error and if so it generates an error message. *) PROCEDURE CheckOverflow (tokenno: CARDINAL; t: tree) ; BEGIN IF TreeOverflow (t) THEN MetaErrorT0 (tokenno, 'constant overflow error') ; FlushErrors END END CheckOverflow ; (* CheckOrResetOverflow - tests to see whether the tree, t, has caused an overflow error and if so it generates an error message. *) PROCEDURE CheckOrResetOverflow (tokenno: CARDINAL; t: tree; check: BOOLEAN) ; BEGIN IF check THEN CheckOverflow (tokenno, t) ELSE t := RemoveOverflow (t) END END CheckOrResetOverflow ; (* PushGCCArrayTree - pushes a gcc tree value onto the ALU stack. *) PROCEDURE PushGCCArrayTree (gcc: tree; t: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := New() ; WITH v^ DO constructorType := t ; type := array ; numberValue := gcc ; arrayValues := NIL ; areAllConstants := TRUE ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(v) END PushGCCArrayTree ; (* PushGCCSetTree - pushes a gcc tree value onto the ALU stack. *) PROCEDURE PushGCCSetTree (gcc: tree; t: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := New() ; WITH v^ DO constructorType := t ; type := set ; numberValue := gcc ; setValue := NIL ; areAllConstants := TRUE ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(v) END PushGCCSetTree ; (* PushGCCRecordTree - pushes a gcc tree value onto the ALU stack. *) PROCEDURE PushGCCRecordTree (gcc: tree; t: CARDINAL) ; VAR v: PtrToValue ; BEGIN v := New() ; WITH v^ DO constructorType := t ; type := record ; numberValue := gcc ; fieldValues := NIL ; areAllConstants := TRUE ; solved := TRUE END ; Push(v) END PushGCCRecordTree ; (* PushTypeOfTree - pushes tree, gcc, to the stack and records the front end type. *) PROCEDURE PushTypeOfTree (sym: CARDINAL; gcc: tree) ; VAR t: CARDINAL ; BEGIN t := SkipType(GetType(sym)) ; IF t=NulSym THEN PushIntegerTree(gcc) ELSIF IsComplexType(t) THEN PushComplexTree(gcc) ELSIF IsArray(t) THEN PushGCCArrayTree(gcc, t) ELSIF IsSet(t) THEN PushGCCSetTree(gcc, t) ELSIF IsRecord(t) THEN PushGCCRecordTree(gcc, t) ELSIF IsRealType(t) THEN PushRealTree(gcc) ELSE PushIntegerTree(gcc) END END PushTypeOfTree ; (* Init - initialises the stack and the free list. *) PROCEDURE Init ; BEGIN FreeList := NIL ; TopOfStack := NIL ; RangeFreeList := NIL ; FieldFreeList := NIL ; ElementFreeList := NIL END Init ; BEGIN Init END M2ALU. (* * Local variables: * compile-command: "gm2 -c -g -I.:../gm2-libs:../gm2-libs-ch:../gm2-libiberty/ M2ALU.mod" * End: *)