(* Lists.mod provides an unordered list manipulation package. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley <gaius.mulley@southwales.ac.uk>. This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE Lists ; FROM Storage IMPORT ALLOCATE, DEALLOCATE ; CONST MaxNoOfElements = 5 ; TYPE List = POINTER TO list ; list = RECORD NoOfElements: CARDINAL ; Elements : ARRAY [1..MaxNoOfElements] OF WORD ; Next : List ; END ; (* InitList - creates a new list, l. *) PROCEDURE InitList (VAR l: List) ; BEGIN NEW (l) ; WITH l^ DO NoOfElements := 0 ; Next := NIL END END InitList ; (* KillList - deletes the complete list, l. *) PROCEDURE KillList (VAR l: List) ; BEGIN IF l#NIL THEN IF l^.Next#NIL THEN KillList(l^.Next) END ; DISPOSE(l) END END KillList ; (* PutItemIntoList - places a WORD, c, into list, l. *) PROCEDURE PutItemIntoList (l: List; c: WORD) ; BEGIN WITH l^ DO IF NoOfElements<MaxNoOfElements THEN INC(NoOfElements) ; Elements[NoOfElements] := c ELSIF Next#NIL THEN PutItemIntoList(Next, c) ELSE InitList(Next) ; PutItemIntoList(Next, c) END END END PutItemIntoList ; (* GetItemFromList - retrieves the nth WORD from list, l. (recursive solution). *) (* PROCEDURE GetItemFromList (l: List; n: CARDINAL) : WORD ; BEGIN IF n>NoOfItemsInList(l) THEN RETURN( 0 ) ELSE WITH l^ DO IF n<=NoOfElements THEN RETURN( Elements[n] ) ELSE RETURN( GetItemFromList( Next, n-NoOfElements ) ) END END END END GetItemFromList ; *) (* iterative solution *) PROCEDURE GetItemFromList (l: List; n: CARDINAL) : WORD ; BEGIN WHILE l#NIL DO WITH l^ DO IF n<=NoOfElements THEN RETURN( Elements[n] ) ELSE DEC(n, NoOfElements) END END ; l := l^.Next END ; RETURN( 0 ) END GetItemFromList ; (* GetIndexOfList - returns the index for WORD, c, in list, l. If more than one WORD, c, exists the index for the first is returned. *) PROCEDURE GetIndexOfList (l: List; c: WORD) : CARDINAL ; VAR i: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF l=NIL THEN RETURN( 0 ) ELSE WITH l^ DO i := 1 ; WHILE i<=NoOfElements DO IF Elements[i]=c THEN RETURN( i ) ELSE INC(i) END END ; RETURN( NoOfElements+GetIndexOfList(Next, c) ) END END END GetIndexOfList ; (* NoOfItemsInList - returns the number of items in list, l. *) (* PROCEDURE NoOfItemsInList (l: List) : CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF l=NIL THEN RETURN( 0 ) ELSE WITH l^ DO RETURN( NoOfElements+NoOfItemsInList(Next) ) END END END NoOfItemsInList ; *) (* NoOfItemsInList - returns the number of items in list, l. (iterative algorithm of the above). *) PROCEDURE NoOfItemsInList (l: List) : CARDINAL ; VAR t: CARDINAL ; BEGIN IF l=NIL THEN RETURN( 0 ) ELSE t := 0 ; REPEAT WITH l^ DO INC(t, NoOfElements) END ; l := l^.Next UNTIL l=NIL; RETURN( t ) END END NoOfItemsInList ; (* IncludeItemIntoList - adds a WORD, c, into a list providing the value does not already exist. *) PROCEDURE IncludeItemIntoList (l: List; c: WORD) ; BEGIN IF NOT IsItemInList(l, c) THEN PutItemIntoList(l, c) END END IncludeItemIntoList ; (* RemoveItem - remove an element at index, i, from the list data type. *) PROCEDURE RemoveItem (p, l: List; i: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN WITH l^ DO DEC(NoOfElements) ; WHILE i<=NoOfElements DO Elements[i] := Elements[i+1] ; INC(i) END ; IF (NoOfElements=0) AND (p#NIL) THEN p^.Next := l^.Next ; DISPOSE(l) END END END RemoveItem ; (* RemoveItemFromList - removes a WORD, c, from a list. It assumes that this value only appears once. *) PROCEDURE RemoveItemFromList (l: List; c: WORD) ; VAR p : List ; i : CARDINAL ; Found: BOOLEAN ; BEGIN IF l#NIL THEN Found := FALSE ; p := NIL ; REPEAT WITH l^ DO i := 1 ; WHILE (i<=NoOfElements) AND (Elements[i]#c) DO INC(i) END ; END ; IF (i<=l^.NoOfElements) AND (l^.Elements[i]=c) THEN Found := TRUE ELSE p := l ; l := l^.Next END UNTIL (l=NIL) OR Found ; IF Found THEN RemoveItem(p, l, i) END END END RemoveItemFromList ; (* IsItemInList - returns true if a WORD, c, was found in list, l. *) PROCEDURE IsItemInList (l: List; c: WORD) : BOOLEAN ; VAR i: CARDINAL ; BEGIN REPEAT WITH l^ DO i := 1 ; WHILE (i<=NoOfElements) DO IF Elements[i]=c THEN RETURN( TRUE ) ELSE INC(i) END END END ; l := l^.Next UNTIL l=NIL ; RETURN( FALSE ) END IsItemInList ; (* ForeachItemInListDo - calls procedure, P, foreach item in list, l. *) PROCEDURE ForeachItemInListDo (l: List; P: PerformOperation) ; VAR i, n: CARDINAL ; BEGIN n := NoOfItemsInList(l) ; i := 1 ; WHILE i<=n DO P(GetItemFromList(l, i)) ; INC(i) END END ForeachItemInListDo ; (* DuplicateList - returns a duplicate list derived from, l. *) PROCEDURE DuplicateList (l: List) : List ; VAR m : List ; n, i: CARDINAL ; BEGIN InitList(m) ; n := NoOfItemsInList(l) ; i := 1 ; WHILE i<=n DO PutItemIntoList(m, GetItemFromList(l, i)) ; INC(i) END ; RETURN( m ) END DuplicateList ; END Lists.